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Title: Preparation of an ester

Aim: To prepare an ester from an alcohol and a carboxylic acid ORR

Apparatus: Beakers, measuring cylinders, Bunsen Burners, Tripod Stands, Wire Gauzes,
boiling tubes.

Reagents: Ethanol, ethanoic acid, conc sulphuric acid and ice-water


a. Measure 10ml of ethanol using a measuring cylinder and place the ethanol in a
boiling tube.
b. Measure 10ml of ethanoic acid using the same measuring cylinder and place
the ethanoic acid in the boiling tube.
c. Add approx. 1 ml of conc sulphuric acid with the aid of a dropper.
d. Heat the boiling tube in a water bath for no more than ten minutes.
e. Remove the boiling tube after ten minutes have passed and pour the contents
of the tube into a beaker containing ice-water.
f. Cover the beaker with a watchglass and make observations

Discussion questions:

a. Write an equation for the reaction of ethanol with ethanoic acid.

b. Why is meant by the term “reflux conditions”?
c. What is the purpose of the conc H2SO4 used in the experiment?
d. What kind of mixture was produced at the end of the experiment? Account for
the appearance of the mixture.

Title: Preparation of soap (Saponification) ORR

Aim: To prepare a soap using vegetable oil

Apparatus: A 250ml beaker, a filter paper, a filter funnel, a tripod stand, a Bunsen burner, a
glass rod, a test-tube and a wire gauze.

Reagents: Vegetable oil, sodium hydroxide (conc), brine


a. Measure 10ml of vegetable oil and place the oil in a 250ml beaker.
b. Measure 30ml of sodium hydroxide and add the sodium hydroxide to the
c. Apply heat to the mixture with the aid of a Bunsen burner.
d. Stir the mixture frequently using a glass rod. If the mixture “spits”, cover the
beaker with a watchglass.
e. When distinct layers can no longer be seen, discontinue heating and add brine
to the mixture.
f. Filter the resulting suspension.
g. Test for suds by placing a small amount of the precipitate in a test-tube, adding
warm water to the test-tube and shaking the test-tube gently

Discussion questions:

a. What is saponification?
b. What is the role of the sodium hydroxide solution?
c. Why was brine added to the reaction vessel?
d. Explain why soaps are effective as cleaning agents?


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