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Autumn 1968

Researc h Publication
of the
Astrol ogicalAssociation
collaboration with
in collaboration with
S o m e Basic
Some B a s i c Astrological Concepts
A s t r o l o g i c a lConcepts CORRE L

It is hoped
ft -ls hopcd that
that this
thla astrological
astrological bulletln
reeearch bulletin
research will prove
wlll prove Editor: Flenlag Lee
Ed.ltor: Fleming Ilec
to be of of interest
lntcrcst to
to some
sono of
of those who have
tboso who have not prevlouely-
not previously
studled traditional
trad,ltlonal astrology aud who, if
astrolog;r and 1f they aie to
they are to approach
appioach President
PrcsldeDt of Astrological Assoclatlon:
the Aetrologlcal
of the Association: John
John Addey
aatrology at at all, prefe! to
all, would prefer to do so viavla the nethodg-of
the methods nodera
of modern
sclonco. For 8or the
tbo benefit
bcneftt of guch readers
of such reaclerg it hae been
tt has tbought
been thought President
Ple61alent of
of the
tbe Board
Board. of Dlrectore,
of Directors, International
deglrable to to summarise
aunnariee some
Bone of the basic
of the conoeptg of
baelc concepts of astrology.
aatrology. Society
Soctety for Astrological Researcb:
fo:r Aetrologlcal Research: Julienne Sturo
Jullenne Sturm
lrVblle there
While tbcre are areas of
large areas
ar6_Iarge of disagreement lnvestlgatoie,
anong investigators,
tllsagreenent among
the following
f_ollowl,ng statements
statononta would
would meet
neet with
wlth very general approval.
very general appioval.'
number of
A nu:nber of commonly
cornnonly accepted
accepted but
but more controveretal
nore controversial polnta have
points b,ave
been omitted.
l. The
1. poeltlone and
|[be positions lnterrelatlonehlp a
and interrelationships of
of the
the bodies the
of the
bodllee of EDITORIAL
solar system
eyetem correlate
correlate wlth or
with have aa causal
or have effoot on
caugal effect oD
terrestllal events,
ev€nta, including
lnclucllng human
hunan temperament actlvlty.
tenperan€nt and activity. It seems
It s€em6 approprlate, if
s€en6 appropriate,
approprlate, 1f unorlglnal, to
1f unoriginal,
unorlglnal, to begln
to begin Cgrrelatlon
begln Correlation's
exletence wltb
exletence wltb statement of
with a statcnent
statcnent of its purpo6c.-
of ite
ite DurDo6c.- SrilTfffItrf
purpose. Briefly, it is8 t oto
2. The different
2. dlfforent bodies
boiltee ofof the
the solar
eolar system
eyeten vary aa to
vary as thelr
to their provlcle a medtluu
provide medtluu
medium forfor the
for the exchange
the cxchaage of
cxchaage of l_nfornatlon about
of information
l_nfornatlon about
lnclivltlual characteristics; for
characterlgtlce; .for example Jupltei is
exanple Jupiter tradltlonally
1l traditionally astrological
astrologlcal research. There
negearch. Tb,ere will
wiLl be enpbasls on
be emphasis facta,
on facts,
related to grortb and expansion,
to growth erpanalon, Saturn
Saturn to
to consolidation
iongolldatlon and statistics,
statlstloe, and we1L-supported
aad, well-supported hypothesee.
hypotheses. Material
Matertal will wlil be
restrlctlon. drawn
clrawn from paet and present,
fnon past preeent, and anal-will
wtIl usually preeentcd
usually be presented in ln
sunnary form,
fo:ro, so that
tbat Correlation
Correlatlo4 will
wtll become
beconb a a cumulative
3. The
3. lhe significance
algnlflcance of
of the
the individual
lndlvlttugl bodies
bodloa is nodlfled
1g modified by
by their
their digest
dlgest'of of all
all significant ffiElchwhich has
atgDLtlcai.T-ii6E bas been dtone in
been done tn
posltlons in
positions the ecllptlc--
ln lhe ecliptic-- tbe the 16O"
360 ofof the collptlc
the ecliptic being dlvlcled,
belng- divided, gclenttflc
scientific aatrologSr.
accordlng to to different
cllfferent theories,
theorlea, lnto various
into varloue sectors,
acctora, thethe noet
fanlllar of
of which
ulhlch are
are the
tbe twelve slgns of
twelve signs of the zod.le.n.-
tbc zodine- Obviously pubJ.lcatlon nourished
Obvloue1y a publication nourlshed. on astrological
astloLoglcal research wl1l
reeealch will
shortlJr languish
languleb unless
unlese somebody
eonebocly isle doing asirologloal
ttolng astrological research
4. The significance
4. tlgniflcalxoe or
on characteristics
cbaracterletlcs of
of the
thc individual
lnd,lvldual bodies
bodleg and
atrd. unless
uDl.oss those
thoee who areare doing
dolng such work take
auoh work tb,e trouble
take the troubLc toto
of the
the solar
solar system
syeten are
ale further
further nodifled
modified thelr angular
by their anr(ular place their
place results, appropriately
tbelr reeuJ.ta, approprlately addressed,
ad.clressed., into
into thethe hands
haaits of
relatlonebLps to to oae
one anotber.
another. All angular-relatlon
All angular eElpe
relationships are, in
are, {n postmcn.. Reports,
postmen. suggestions,
euggeetione, collections
collectlons 6f data,
of d,ata, cuttings
riasp€cts'r-but lcports, gumarlee
the larger sense,
the larger 6en6e, known ae "aspects",
known as la the
but in nore restricted
the more isetrl6ted from
from periodicals, summaries or aourcea of earller
or sources of earlier r6eearch:
s€nae the
tbe term
tern aspect
aspect isle taken
taken to ref€r to
to refer to certain epeclflc
cortaln specific almost
a1nost anything gent to
aqythtng sent to the
the editor ghort of
edltor short perlehable
of perishable
anelSp ofoI arc, eepeclally^thoe e
gr-o, especiallyothose (peaeurod from
(weasured tron thethe conjunction,
c6nJunctton, vegetables
vegetablea or or livestock
llveetock might
nlght prove nost ueeiul.
Brovo most useful.
or 0O-)) at intervals of
at lnter"vals of JO"
30 and 4!". .
and 45
Unfoltunately, to
to many
nan;r readers
readers the rrery term
th6 very tern "scientific
5. From
5. Fron the polnt of
the point of view
vlew ofof any locat!.on on
any location Eartb at
on Earth at a given
clven astrology" will have
astrolog;rrr wllL. have aa mongreJ,
mongrel antl
and uawholeeone
unwholesome rlng. Solence
ring. Science
monent, the pohts
tb,e points at
at which
rhloh the
the great
Broat circles
clrclcs about the Earth
about the Earth '16 the
is enemy, the materialistic
tbe. onctly, the naterlallstlc dictator
dlctator which drove
which droie astrology
cut one another and the
cut on€ another and. the borlzonhorizon Cre
are accorileit apcclal
accorded special pronlnoncc,
prominence, from the universities
fron the unl.vereltles and srhlch spnnet see tb€
and which cannot see the tteptbe
depths of the
of tbc
an{ regard
r-egarq is had to
ig-lgd the relationships
to-the relatlonshlps of
of the planete-toto these
th€ planets thcac water for
vater for neaaurlng
measuring thethe refl.ectlone
reflections on on the
the surface.
surface. To sucheuch
points. Traditionally,
TratlltlonalJ-y, tbat
that part
part of-tbe
of the sky oi the
a(y on tho eastern
caetorn readers the practice of astrology
roaalGre tb,c -praotloe of astrology Ls best deslgnated
is best designated an art
horizon and that part
part on the upper nerld.ian-
the upper meridian have been coneld.ored.
considered and
.3+ its planetary and cosmic
horLzon anat that lt6 subject-matter
subJect-natter is
1s a planetary cognlc symbolism
nost important.
lmportaat. which correlates
whlch correlatoo with, rather than causes, happenings
wltb, rather thaa causce, happcnlige on Earth.
6. The
6. condltlon
fhe condition of the
of the solar
solar system lnteraally
eyeten internally and as partpart ofof There
There isis no disputing
dlsputlng that
that such
euch a view
vlew may perfectly
nqy be perfectly valid.
tbe surrounding cosmos
cosnos at at any mbnont of
aqy moment of time
tlne is ti held
held to
to' On
9t the other hand,
!n".other,ha-lo-< l, there
thorc is nothlng incompatible
really nothing
la real.Iy lnconpatlbll between
correlate with whatever has its
wlth whatever hgp lte. orlglns origins in
in time
tlnc at
at that moment,
that oomont, that vl€w and the
tb,at view the application
appllcatlon of
of scientific
ecleatlflc alxcl statistical
and itatlsttcat
lncluill.g hunan
human blrths.
births. The future-developn
The future cnt
development of
of the
the thing
tbing methods to-the
nethod.s to the slgdy_of.astrolo gLoal
study of astrological phenoncna.
phenomena. By ite nature,
By its naturc,
born or or begun is ts judged
.lud.getl by the
the subsequent
aubaequent movements
iovenenta of
of the
the astrology
astrology lends ltself, itself to to ectentlflc
scientific lnveetlgatlon-.
investigation. On On its
botllee of of the
the solar
eolar syeten
system in
ln relatldu
relation to
to tbelr
their poaltlone
positions in
ln the
the oauaal or eynbollc slde lt tlealg wlth
causal or symbolic side it deals with precls5ly
precisely neasurable
indlvltLual birth
blrtb Symbolic measures
lreaau-ros based
baeoct oi
on numerical
nunerlcaL data.
dats. AsAe for tbe conplex terreetrlal
for the complex terrestrial phenoneni
phenomena rlth whlch it
with which lt
relatloneblps inherent
lnherent in ln the
the birth
blrth chart
chart are
are also used
also ueed for
for has
bae to dea1, it
to deal, lt is 1g at
at no tllaadvaatage than
greater disadvantage
no-greator psychology,
tban psychology,
Judgenent of of the
tho future.
futurg. meteorology,
neteorology, or anthropology.
or antbropology.
And certainly
certalnly even the noet devoted
the most devoted traditionalist
t:radltlonallst woulal not
would not
9orre]gtl.on is publlehecl quarterly
le published guarterly by the
the Astrological Assoclatlon
Association doqy that
deny aetrologJr needs
tbat astrology neecle further
further investigation,
lnvesttgatlon. tbat our
and that our
1D collaboration
coJ.laboratloD with
nlth the
the International
Internatloaal Society for Astrologlcal.
Soclety for Astrological understanding
undcratandlng of the whole fteld
of the whole field b,as anple ioon'for
has ample room for lnprovo-
Research. Edlltorlal
Eeeearch. Editorial office:
offlce: Lll. Amersham
111 Roai, Beaconsfield,
AmerahamRoad, Beaconsfteitl, ment.
Bucklnghanehlre ,
Buckinghamshire, Englantl.
England. Subscription
- is
le by
by membership
n6nberebip in tLe
1n the
Astrologlcal AeeoclatLon
Association or XSAR.
or ISAR.
1 2
or factors
factore was correct,
tag cotfect' he
ho woulcl find varlatlonF-l!
would flntl the genetl'-
variations in lhc geneti-
cally identical sets
caffi-iaentical eets ofoi armadillo quatlruplete which
armadlllo quadruplets tbeoretloally
whlch theoretically
Astrologers admit that
that they
they dodo Irot
not knoc
know ltit aLl.
all. Scientists
sclentlgts are
are ought
ought not
not to cxlst.
to exist.
not ualfomly.
not uniformly eo so motlest.
modest. TheyThey can be casually
can be casuaLly dogmatic
dognatlo in in their
refusal to
refusal to bother
bother disproving,
dLeprovlng, or or even
even thinking
thinklnig about,
ab6ut, things
thlngs He
Ee did
dLal find
flnil such
eucb varlatlons antl rrlth
variations and Eleanor Shorr
with Eleanor hs8-rcported
sbolr has reported
whlch they
which they intuitively
lntulttvely feel are
feel are nonsense
noasense in la the
tbe first
flrst placi.
place. the
{he results
resultg of of this phaee of
tb16 phase of his
hle work'in Proceedlnts of
work'ln Froceediiqgs of.tFgthe
ng! scientists,
But 1lke most
like people, usually
noat people, usually do clo not
not have
bave the
the National
niifonaf Academy of,
Aoadsnv of Solenceg. Stuttylng 16
Sciences. Studying eoFs-of-atnaiffllo
16 sets of armadillo
99fegt!ste, quadruplets weight, blo-
fu organ welght'
slightest lalea that
idea that aetrologSr
astrology exlstg.
exists. They
They are are certainly
certalnl.y not
not ;ffifcreno6g he found wide differences in bio-
that almost
awar6 that
aware almost everyone
everyone whowho hashas looked
lookect into
iato thethe subject
eubleit has
b,as chemical
d'nentoit featurea, number of
and aa atmber
features, and other attribues.
of otber attribues. It appcara
It appears
come to
come the coacluslon
to the conclusion that r1t
that "it workgr.
works". So So it it isla ignorance,
lgnoiance, that
that Williams'
fllL1lanst hypothesis
hypotbcsla haB been
has been borne out.
botDe out.
not trepidation
not trepldatlon or malice,
or naIlce, that
that is le astrology's
astrologyre enemy,
coenJ. and under uiAer
the clrcumgtances
tbe circumstances the burclen is
tbe burden te on astrolo[y
on astrology to proir6 that
to prove Two na,'lor implications
lftro major lnpLlcatlone of
of Williams'
Wllllanar flndinge
findings are suggestea by
are suggested
tnat ittt poaslble
is worth;r of
le worthy of consideration
coneLaleratloa by reasonable
reasonable and afr intelligently
fntirfffgently Graham Chedd in New
Cianan-CbeOd-la New Soleatlet: that it
Fl'ret, that
Scientist: First, lt is stl}l
le still possible
sceptical men.
Dcn. io be
to bc completely ignorant about how
conpletelyfl6-ffiF-a'5-out eore of
bow some the nost
ol the fundsmeatal
most fundamental
inariciiriiiroi- (els. intelligence,
(e.g. lntelllgenoe, epeed, fertility, strsletb)
speed, fertlltty' strength)
are nldeDtLcal twins", altbough they
twlnanr although tbct
It one of
It.lsis one of-QorrelglLo+re goals to
Correlation's goals to help
heJ.p in
Ln this proccee--
thla process--
-sluple, to
to are inherited.
lnberlted. Second,
Scoonil, thatthat "identical
nake more
make tsore and
aDd. more
nore thinking
thlaklng people
people aware
aware of undoubtedly
uadoubtedlly have identical
itleatloal genes, can
genes, longer be
eau no longer assungd to
bc assumed to
- of, that
that simple,
revolutionary fact: it
fact: lt works.
worke. have
bave identical
liteatloal tnh€fltaroo.
It should
shoultl be qulokly
be quickly added
atldect that D:r. Wtlllangr
tbat Dr. dlgcoverleB
Williams' discoveries havc
not (as
(ae far
far as we ve know)
know) caused
cauged himbln to enbark on
to embark study of
oa a study of-hle
The. idea armadillos'
arradiUog t blrthitays
birthdays aail and blrthnlnutes.
birthminutes. He boll€veg--Errcly
Eo believes--purely
The orlglnated. at
of Correlation originated at the
the Astrological
Aetrol-oglcal Asso-
ciation l'n !ond.on.
in London. At the same
At the Bam€timetlme the
the International
laternatlonal Society
soclety in
ln theory--that
thcory-ghat the
the- non-genetic
asa-genetla factors
factors in lnherltalrae
lD inheritance may be
for Astrological
for Aetrologl.cal_Reeeancb, wlth headquarters
Research, with beadquarters in gene-controlling
sene-controll{nB agencies preaent in
agencle- present tllfferent
ln different typos of
types ce1le
of cells
1n the
the university
unlverslt! oellra
town O.lg4r.9h1o,
of Oxford, plannlng to
Ohio, were planning produce a somewhat
to produce in
In amounts
amountg that depend on
tbat-iteBead on the falrl'Jr random ray
tbe fairly way a cell's
similar publlcatlon
publication for for thelr
their nenbershli.
membership. (Readers may"
na" be
Ue contents
contentg are are distributed
tlletrlbutgd at illvleloa.
at division.
interested to knov that
to know that the preeld.ent of
the president o? ISAR
fsiin and thethe editor
of have ascendants
of Correlation ascendante at at 2722 Gemini
Gentui and ancl 26 Gemini It must
It nuBt also
aleo be added
aclttectthat Williams' findings
that lvlUtanBr flndlnga do not, not, ofof course,
Ceninf provo the truth astro-
of astro-
rospectlveLy.) learning of
respectively.) Learning one another's
of one anothe:srs intentions,
lntentlone, the
tbs two even geaetlc default,
evea by genetic default, in
1n any
aoy way
Yay prove tbe truth of
two logical theories. But genetlce andaai astrology are
astrolog;r are
groups decided
groups cl*ideil to cooperate
to cooperate in 1n the productlon of
the production of Correlation
Corielatlon loglcal theorleE. But since
eince both
both genetics
to custribute
and to distribute r-t it guarterry
quarterly !o to both
both thelr
their nenb6?fiiffiow
memberships. Now concerned
couoeraed in ln a broad
broad sense
aonae of of the
the word with lnherltancer
with inheritance, the
lnport of of Williams'
ltlUtane I work
sorl for all researcb
for all lnto human
research into ln<tlvfulu-
hurlaa individu-
9oTTehtlgnre. succese depends
success depende-ultinately
ultimately on on the
tbe hundreds
individuals who nake up those
make up those nenbershlpa;
memberships; it lt is
ls their
their ideas
ttteas ality
altty is
ls obvious.
ancl work
and which must
work which muet compose its substance.
compoae 1ta eubstanbe.
At the
tbe very
very least
leaat astrologers
ast:rologers p:reparlng to
preparing to fend otf that
fenil off that
a6e-bluated spear, 'rli9hat about
aBearr "What born at
twlne born
about twins alnoet the
at almost sa[e
the same
tLue who
rbo turn
tura outout to
to be different?"
dlfferent?fl nay someday
may bave a con-
eonedqy have con-
An A r m a d i l l o iin
A n Armadillo n the Ointment:
t h e Ointment: venient counterweapon to
venlent oountorroapoa to atltl
add to their preeent
to th€ll present araenal: ilWhat
arsenal: "What
G e n e s and
Genes ( ( U
a n d "Unknown n k n o w nFactors>)
nakee you
you think
tbeyrre born
tblnk twins
born at
twlne should
almoat the
at almost
thoulat bebe soeo alike
eane time?"
the same tfua?n
ercept the
allke except fact thet
the fact that

For yeals orthodox
naqy years orthodox science
eclence hashas recognized
recognlzed. only
only two
two factors
in the fornatlon
lD the formation of of aa llvlng
living creaturers
creature's Ind.ivlduatity:
individuality: genes gouroga r
Sources: Proceedings of the National Academy
and envlroament.
antl environment. Now, in
Now, ln what
what nay be a
may be a naJor
major blow to tra-
blow t; tr;: of Sciences (Vol. 60, p.910) 1968.
ditional genetlcs, Roger Williams
genetics, Wiltiams- ofof the University
the Uiiverslt.y of Texas
of iJ*",
n'a8 suggested
has suggesterl and
aad. seemingly
seenlngly demonstrated
demonstratetl that gene-s are
that genes arc probably
probably (VoL, 39,
Solentlgt (Vol.
trcr Scientist
New 613) 5
19, No. 61r) Sept. 1968.
5 Sept.
not tbe only
not the only factors
factore involved
lnvolved in ln animal
anJmal inheritance.
In earller
In earlier reeearcb Williams
research l[1].11ann found
found. that
tbat laboratory
laboratory animals
whicb' had
which hacl. been inbred
lnbretl for
for so
eo many genoratious
many generations that
thai they
the.v should
bad virtually
have had vlrtually ldeltlcal
identical genle-actuaffyAnonlir.iih
genes actually demonstrated
Increased S
Increased Activity
o l a r Activity
"enorooug" variations
"enormous" varlatioag in features such
in features as voluntary
such aa voluntary consumption
of alcoholr
of alcohol, cholce
choice of of food.e,
foods, and
and tendency
tendency to to exercise.
exercise. Since
blg animals
his an{naIs theoretically
thooretlcalLy had identical During
Dur.lag approximately
approxlnatcly the
the next
aerrt six raoutbs the
elx months will be going
Sur 1111
tb€ Sun golng
ralentrcal heredity and environ-
nentr Williams
ment, wl111ans-posturated
postulated an 'unk'.own factor"
an "unknown factorr to explain the
tb expr"rri-lne through
through the pcak of
tbe peak of its
lta 11 ysa! cycle
U year oycle ofof sunspot actlvlty.
euaapot activity.
creatures t differences.
creatures' d.ifferences. Sunspots
Suagpotg accompany
aoconpaqy increased
Laoreased solar
eola! radiation,
raall,atioat most of whlcb
nost of which is la
not in
ln visible wavelengths but
vfulb1c-reiclcagtba but in
ln the ultravlolet
tbe ultraviolet part of
part of, the
certaln that
To be certain that hishrs-laboratory
laboratory subjects
eubJeots had
had. truly
tnrly identical
rdentlcar. spectrum.
genetic ma.k€-upa, the
Benetic make-ups, the investigator
lnvestlgat-or began
beian using
using a a population
poiuiaifon of
nlne-bead.ed armadillos,
nine-banded arnad.llroe, anlnale which
animals invariably bear
whlch-invarraSly identical
6;;;-iien[rc"r Oa 9
On 9 July
Jtrly 1968 the
thc blggeat flare
aola! flare
biggest solar seen ln 5
seea in yeara erupted
I years crupted
quadruplets formed
quadruplets fo::ned from
froi thethe fourfold
fourfoltl budding
buddlns of a single
of-a sinsie--- from
fron thethc Sun
Sua and
aad, was fo11oreA by'
ra! followed bY 3 V weeks
reeke of trleh solar
of high turbu-
aolar turbu-
rerrlrlzed egg. If lence.
leace. Earth -ir:E[-riar;
Eartb crocrlcaocd r1ld
wild fluotustl-oat
fluctuations ln-lta
in its etic
fertilized egg. w1111an8' hypothesis
rf Williams' t5rpothesis of an unknown
of-an unlorowi factor
factor atld-tcleviel on rcc-pf,rmr
reception, aatl
fi;'id ; ri[6iFc#'fid'6
field, interference with radio and television
3 4
lult^l PHASI
16,056 (19001919)
Ar 1,514stlllotls, $ YUrs

itlsptays of aurora, aI1 typlcal effects of naJor solar flaree.

Dur{ng the nost actlve pe1lod of the Sunts 11 year cycle the
Earth ls an average of LTL"C warner than at the leaet actlve
periotl. llhe atnoephere of Vonuo ls even noro profountlly aff,ectedt
anA Uarsr polar cape nelt nore qulckly as eurmor aBproaches wtrcn
eolar actlil.ty la at a maxl.mrn. Bhe elze of Juplterrs Great Real
Spot lacreasea wlth aolar activtty.
llhc coDalltloa of the SUD 66ena llke]y to prove a sl8rli:floallt
aetrologloal or cogmoblologloal faolor rblcb has beea largely
negleotett by trattitlon. Gauquelln (@t
Suiner 1968) rnaroatcg that iatrologffi cbllal
to paleDt decreaEe for ohlldbea born ctullag perlods of hlgh
solar activlty.
solar actl-wl-tv. Elecwhcre ln thc present
nasklnc effeot t of eolar
the naaklng aoler trrbul6ace
oregent lesuc of, Correlat
tulbuloace oD
oD BtatletloEiEiE6iifig- I
the l[oorlrs rslationeblp
to ralnlall
le Dsntloned.
claBalc Garraaanhlta tracca carthouakes to ilark spots on thr
sua (|IhelgE-o][oF:-ca1
(rhe-TeE6lldi[-ca1 Fc-bnary 1968).
Fcbnrary 195S).
3hc Saaglclt
.a.ttenpte have
Attonpto ha
been @ coononic aDd atock excaange
cyclee, as well as to polltlcal cvents. Perhaps of greatest
lnteregt to astrologcrs Ls rcoent work denoastratlng a cloar
coanectloa betweea codlgur.atlon! of planeta around tbe Sun data were plottecl 1n tcmg of
1a solar aottvlty. Future lgguee of ID €yory cagc, wbe! prcclpltatton
and fluctuatlons tbe Moonre Bhages (tbet le the lfoonre geocentrlcally aagular
Oqrrelellsa w111 glve aD lmportant place to reportlng reeearch
relatLoasblp to tni gun durtuu eacn- 29.5V ilay eynodical nonth)
li-f,E'filF6rd. a olear pattern emergcd: heavy raLu occu.rred noet frequently
about f,our daya aftcr FulI ltroon and reaohed a seoondary peats
about four dqye alter New Moon. l[lnlua of heavy rafur ocoulred
folIow-lng the FbEt Quarter and tbe T,ast Quatter. 1[be greateet
amqunts of^raln fell, ln otber worder whea thg ![oor ras eltber
The Moon and Ra infall 45e or 225' (Lrr" by'Bhortost-rout€ roeasure) lroo tbe Sua.

In 1962 D.A. Bratlley antl M.A. IlVoodbury of New Xork For ths southera benlaphere (atatlettcg fron Australlat IIew
Zealand, Argontlaa, andl South Africa)t the correlatlon le
Unlvelelty andl Glcnn W. BrLer of tbe ltlaesachugetts preclpltatlon
of Teohaology, announceal the dllecovery ol reveregdr aail the tlnea qf b.eavlest occut lehon
Instltute Thc revergal geeme
a renarkablo oorclatlon between tbe phases of thc thc l[oon Ls L15" Apd ,15" fnon the Sul.
l[oon and r.alnfall tn the Uultsd Statsa. E.E. A<Iderley due to the fact that global clrculatlon of, tho atmoephere la
th€ southera h€nlsphorc ls a Dlrror lnage of the patterD nolth
and E.G. Bowen of the Radlopbyelos Dlvleton of tho
Conmonyealtb Solentlflc ancl Intlustrla1 Regcarch of the oguator.
Orgaalzatlon ln Australla arrlvcd. lnd.ependently at lnvolves the llooDrs
slmlLar rosulto tor tbe southem honlsphorc. The A furth,er llnLlng of the Moon to ralnfall
to 1ts orn nodeg--those polnts on tbe ecllptlc at
were unable to aalvaDcs a
of thc phcnomenon.
T relatloneblp
whtch the lloon croeaee from south to north ].atltude and back
agaln d.urrng oacb nodlcal or dracoaltlc nontb ot 27.2L days,
In the Jul-v 1968 lesue of Anerican Aetrolony Gartb Thc ohanocc of hearry raln lnc:rease narkedJly when the Mooa
quafiFlffii6Fffiitlng ) reaobcs onc ol lta nodee ancl paeeee thlough the p1?n6 of the
Aiien, who- bas spcclai (The paeeage
on thls eubJeot, dllscuesed the Mooa-pr€olpltatlon Eartbra orblt around the Sun, 1.e. thc eollptlc.
of tho llooa aoroaa tbe eallptlo has beoD shosn to have at leagt
relationehlD, arld lt lc fron bLe artlcle that llogt notltflee or enhancce golar
oDc other effect: lt aigntflcaatly
of tho lnfornatlon ln thls suonary le taken. at 6uch tlnes.)
oorpuacular radlatlon novlng earthiar{
1[he ilata of tb.e etud;r of thc relatlousblp of the Moon to ratnf,a1l
Thc tro perlodlo luaar lnfluencea oa weathel whloh have beea
were taken fron U.B. Weatb.of, Burcau prcolpltatLon etatlstlcc dcaorlbcil opcrato ln a contlnuously varylng rolatlonsh:Lp slnce
coverlag tbe 5O-year perlod 1900-1949. Dur.lag that ttoa 15t14
kept dally reoords of prcclpltatloa. tbc aynodloal montb (the tlne betw6e! Now Mooas)
statlons laata 29.5V dayr, and the nocllcal uonth laeta only 2f.21- ilays
bcoaula thc lunar nodee are ln perpetual retrograde notlon.
Varloug rnethod.s were ueed for tbe constnrctlon of, grapha of, thur thc rllccta 1111 aonetlees work togetbor aod at other
ralnfall. quantity: rlatea of reoorlil ralnfal,l f,or the eatlre tlnc! tctral to oouateract ono another. Of, tbe twor the notllca1
half-centuly, d,atos of, uexloun rafurf,all to! cach nonth, raln tendg to lncrease whon the Moon ts at
aad total <l.aLIy preolpltatlon apDoars stroDgcstt
as mcasuloal by lOO U.S. Weatber otlc of Lta nodca ao lattcr wbat tbe phase of tbe Moon. On thc
B{rr€au offlceg la every z4-hour perlofl tot 61 ycars.
other bendr a phase of the Moon favourable to raln teade to thls nethocl attenpts to test the Baetc AstroLogloal
have a tlecieaeid effectivenega Lf, the l[oon le el.nultaueoualy EypotbeslE vhlch
HypotheslE vbl.cb postulates slnply that slnllar people are bolnbolll
f,al from elther of ltg nodcs atrd thereforc at an extreme of at slnLlar tlncs. llhe exerclse grew out of John M.-Adtdeyts
latltude rith respect to the eo1"lptlo. worlr. on astrologlcal trtns (1.e.-pereoue related by tlne-of
bilth rather than by parentage) eunnarlsed la hls Lrticle tn
the Astrologlcal
Astrolonlcal JouraaL
JouraaL of Wlntee 1966-7
1966-?, , l[r.
li[r. Aildey !s artl
Adde_yrs artlcle
I/uar phaBe aloae caa accolrat for about 2A6 ot varLatlong-1a
total dall-v DreclDltatlon.' When the nod'1ca1 antl phase effectg giveffitr
glves the beat generalf lntroduotlon to thlg eubJect.
ffioneldirea ln conbluatlon they accouat for almoet 67i ot
fluctuatlong ln U.S. ralnf,all. [be materla]. for tb.o -Theprosent proJect has been coLlected fron
Who Waa Who 1951:60.
1951-50. llhe bturth
blrth d.atee and page
Dar(s referenoes
referencos we!€
(Thc ibaconltlc or nodloal effoet 1e vallil unlforzly throughout recor{'€d
rocord€Ct allat
a[d. coplod
copl.oal onto lndivfuLual
tnctlvidual sllps.
sllpe, wirlch were eorted.
wtrlch eorted
it1 parts of thc 18.61 year ertreme-tleollnatloa.cyolq dqrlas Lnto d.ate order. In thle vay the astrolollcat were fouail
whicL the luagl aodca obnplete one retroglade olrcult of thc ancl Ilatea[. A control group of palrs hae been Lletect at the sane
ecltptio. Alsot tbe ihaconltlo effcct 1s realer in-yearc-of tlnc 1n a npnne!. Thege nay be called. the rnon-M.ngr.
hlgb-sunepot acttwttyr when gun-caused tulbuLence statletloal1y
nag&g lurar factors.) The next-step 1s to evaluate tbe dogree of einilarLty in oeob
palr, uslng-nunber
-aD-d facte RlTeu ln Who Waa
B{vep.11 Who guch ae.dates
ae d.ates- of namlage
$hore ls o!€ aors ray la rblch the lfoon bae been ghowr to bave death, 6r onrrarEiFrElS?Ted professlon, and ao on.
an lnfluenoe on rsather. llbo Earthrs atlooaphere 6eena to bo Lie-ts
IJJ.s-ts of
-pal:rs bave beea pres6ntett
presentecl to'.Aitrologlcai
to Astrologlcal Associaiio
noet seDaitLve to rmeettllng rben the Moon ia nl<Iway betseen ginllarltles.
meobers for the scoring of sinllarltles. AII-sucb soorlng
soorlnn Le
apogee anct perlgee, elther oo!01n9 or golug' lnpJylag that the done bllntl, pal.ra of astrologlcal tw.ins and non-twlus betic
rate-of-chanso of tbo UooDrS dlstance fron Eartb ls morc signi- uatllfferentiated and ltetetl 1n a randomlsed order.
flcaat (as f;r as raln 1g coaceraed) than actual. Alstanoe lteelf.
Tbe vallclLty of, the Baslc Aetrologlcal l{ypothosls would. be
No causal cxplaaatlon for the l[oon-rahfall rela-t-1oaahlp. has supported by a eJ.gnlflcantly hlgher gcore frorn the aetrologlcal
f,een Jitauftinea. Gravltatlonal effeote of tbe uoon o! thc ffi.n6. As blrtb datee-are given ln Who trras Wh,o, but not blrth,
itnoephere, oorreapordhg to tlatal effects on the oceaDa' baYc glly 9 very srnal1 pr6portloa 6?TEiG6-E?iled
flm,os, wlll - - a;aroioglcal
11hc sbatp statlatical peaks 9! ra1nfallt ffiIiE'
ffi.ns will- strictly
sirioiiy- aeaeri'e ithe
deaerve nl'.re ; tir-i; ri;i;-s
nane rtwl,ntr
Uicn iarseiy dlecoirated.- ;;;; of
in the senge
lnsteaa 6f rorudett topa, euggcet, accordlng to Garth Allent an 4av1ng been born close-together LD tlme on tb.e eane d.ay--that
ratber thei ; grdittaitonal necEaalgn. An electrlcal ls w"ltbin the nornal 1ln1f, for twine. ft w.llL Ue in{eiestfng
iii"ot-rfeni bJ-related t6 fluctuatlons l.!-tbe guanlrlf of nuolel to Bee how far this ls an funportant or egeeatlal factor. But
avaffaUfe-tn tbe ateospbcre for the foruatlon of ralaclnopet even lf those boru og l|e saroe day do not ghow a eignlfloant
especLall.v lf tbe nuclel ghoulcl prove to be, ae one tbeory ilegree of over-alL sinlla:rlty certain features of t6elr llvee
;#;;;a"."toae of atnosphcrlo ga-ea. concentratlons of nuclel gaX. show a consletently hlgher score tban others a!d. the6e
G"drriei'ent parts of tf,e rorld unttergo quantltatlve vaverlng factore.nay pr_oyo to be those which are lese lnfiuencett by-tbe
G i[ep with irrnan perlodlotty' but eYea-though thc quaatlty of exact
exact tlne of blrth
blrth tban
tha.n bv
by the more general,
nenana]- e'lnvl
elowLyw aho-L{--
changlng raindrop iuclel oa!-be neaeu3ea tholr exact uature 1e astrologlcal sltuatloa prevalllng durlng a given twLnty-i5ur
uaoertat!. hour perloal.

In su@ary. a clcar correlatloa betreen the cyollc novemeatg of

fhe uoon Litt varlatloas la quantlty of ralnfall has beca D.A. JoDea,
iitatffenca. |Ibs oause of the pbcnorneaoa ts ope! to quogtloD' IO Eosack Roacl,
Upper llootlng,
london, S,W.7.
#trri.%+i3*t#5* 5x3l;"'3 : [i;3],'illi''"::''
2rO9 iI. Alwrnon Way' lPucson, Arlzoaa. BRITISH MENSA:
$eJ-c91S+$jt$ (ro. )06) 27 SopteDbett%2. An Astrolog ica I Analysis
(Edlgor's pots,.. Menea 1e an internatlonal Boct€ty for thoee witb
an. fQ greater than 98% of the populatlon in geneial. Quallfi_
catlon for nonbershlp le decldAd.-solely on t6e baels of a
candld.aterB score on-a stand.ard intelllgence Ieif.)
AstrologicaI Twins
(Loadoa) aro Experlouco haa shown that to be able to extract etatistlcally
Soveral meobers of thc Astrolorloal. Aesooiatlou slgnlflcant aatrological fron a group of peoplc
curreatly e4gagedl ful a proJect lnfornation
,rboge obJect le to ooupalc thc that group nuat be both lar6e and very d.ietinctive. Perhaps
llvce of, paile of, poople bortr oa the eaoe day vttb pal,ra rbo this Is becauae there are aetrologlcal (or other) factore ae yet
w€le lot boro oa thc saoe rlqy, ad to assegg the two groupt udrnorD to uB, but certald.y
for aLullar.ity. lf the eanple wo cboose doe6 Dot

? I
enconpasa a special
speolal talent
taleat or character.istl c
or characteristic tbe! any
then a[y coDooa
factore tend
tend toto be swamped
swanped. by the the fairly
falrly random profirslo!
ranclon profusion of
other factors.
other faotors. To consider
llo oonetder a a group
group basbd upon oicupatlon appears
based upon occupation Pluto
to be very hazardous
y" y:_y:rj{-_asz€
!q_!g_ygSf tD thts
.rq.ous ln
hazandous in !or.8 respect,
this respect,
respec!, althoieh D.A.
although D.A. Braal -' y
Bradley Many
aetrologere still
st1ll feel
feel doubtful
cloubtful of plutors true
of Pluto's slcalflcance
true significance
Th6 Llewellyn
Llewellyn Foindatloa
LIew6U.yn Foundation
Foinctatloa for i;n
for in
la a blrth-cbart.
birth-chart. Little
l,lttle about
about the planet has
the planet hae been publlehect,
been published,
Astrologlcal Research, Los
Roaoarcb, Los AngoIeB,
Loa Angelea, California, 1950)
Angeles, Callfornla,
Californla, I9',O) obtained
l95O) ob
obtalned and even this
thls information
lnfo:enatlon seemsgeens contradictory,
contrad.lctor y, based- theory
based on theory
slgnlflc?nt-re sutta
results (appareltly
(apparently wtth
with gone
some afficuiiy)
difficulty) fron-a a
from more
nore than
tban experience.
6i.p19 of-25O0 olerg;rne'. _ JudLl4g fron other wortr'ioiaUf y'that
sample of 2500 clergymen. Judging from other work, notably that
of John Acliley and
J9h! Addey Pcter Roberte
aott Peter Roberts ("The (nfne Basis
Basls^of Astrology,"'-parts
of AetiologSrrr Parts To
1!o help
holp us
ua all
a]l gain
galq a deeper practlcal
deeper practical under€tandlln g of
understanding of pluto,
9f sumrCr.-is and Autumn iir%Ai;
1964 64;d-,i.;rff
gf9 2,
1 and
lhunan 3r The
@, Astrological Journal, Summer 1964), readers
r6ad6rs are
are invited
lnvlted to
to send
eend their owa evidence
thelr own evldeace ofof its role to
lts role to'
human biological
ouEan blolog@ilght characteristics
cbaracterlstlo g might be
nlght be nore promlglns.
more promlslns.
promising, bu but
but me
ne at the atlilrees
at the address below.
below. InIn this ray aa detailed,
this way body
accurate body
detalled., accurate
perhaps of
perhaps less general
of Lese
of.l.ese general-lnte reet.
general lntereet.
interest. In practlce.-lt
practlce,-lt it may
In practice, nay be
nqy 66 au
-- an obgerrratlone, caa beb6
of knowledge,
of knowledge, drawn
d.rawn from
fron a large
large number of of observations, can
achievement to get a fairly
to get fa!.rJ.y uniform polulatlon'ai at all.
uniforo population aii". assembled put to good. use.
aeaelobled and,
ana[, one hopes,
hopcs, put to good use.
Wlth these
these difficulties
d.lfflculties in
Ln mind,
nlad, some
eone members
nenbere of of, British
Brltisb Mensa
Mensa I suggest that your renarke
you organise your the following
uncler the
remarks under following
who had formed
who.hacl forned..aa special
special_lnter est
interest group in
group ln astrology
aetnolog;z chose
cnoeJ the
tne I "ggg""t that you organlee
members of
menoers of their
thelr own society as a statistical
own^eoclety etatietl,oal populirtl0a for
population for a
research Ject.
project. Id.cally, to
Ideally, to investigate
lnve.tlgate intelligence
tntilitsence from
fron an aD THEORY (where you
|IEEORY(where mqy speculate).
you may epeculate).
astrological viewpoint
vlenpolnt aa random group of
iandon group 6f high
hlgb IQ Ie would
plsroraorer.D ut-partr.y
preferable, but partly from fron the
tbe difficulty
tlllflculty of obtaining
of obtalnlng such a 1. Rulership, exaltation,
exaltatLon, affinity
afflntty with
wlth other Slgne and
other Signs anil
sample, partly because
aanplo, partly becauae of of the
tbe suspected
euapected. existence
erlstence of of another
another _ l. Rulereblp,
gp€glar factor, partly because of
here, and partly of the potentlal
the potential interest
lnterest 2. Links
2. Ltnks with
wlth concepts
concepts in ln various qythologles,
varioue mythologies, religions,
(and sponsorship) of of Mensa
Mensa we so are
aro risking
rlakin8 the the effort
elfort of proJeat
of a project psyohologlca l
psychological and phllosophlca l
and. philosophical systems.
on the
tho sample rp.l.
sarlp].e rewe have--1400 cases.
bavc--I4oo ,. Links
3. with nuclear
llnks wlth pow€r, mass
nuclear power, orgrntsationa
naga organisations rparti-
cularly violent
vlolent ones),
ouee)., deaths,
d6aths, specific
speclflc parte of
parts the b6dy,
of the body,
The population is 1-s.llpttc{
limited by pl the chronologtca t" range
the chronological (about rgOO
range (about 1900 diseases,
cllseasee, and other pheuonena.
other phenomena.
to 1950) of
to-*y)g) oI the births of of the (aa-
poeeesdlon (as
tFg Plrlhg !h9 subjects e!d. the
subJecte and the possession 4. Function
4. Function in ln the pereonallty.
the personality.
yet) of only
yet) of, birth datoe
only blrth dates rlthout
without tlne8
times of
of blrth. Thle confines
birth. This conilnee (I9I4-f9r8),
a complete Fnalya1a to
conprele analysis to the
tbe following
folloving factors:
faotorg: _5e }4antfeatatto q-lnin Gemini
5. Manifestation _(1i]84-191r ), Cancer (1914-1938),
Geninl (1884-1913),
Leo (1919-1956) and
T,eo (1939-1956) aaa Virgo (1,957-I9?L),
vbso (1957-1971).
6. Further
6. Further analogies
analoglea based on new astropbyslca l_ evidence.
n6w astrophysical evld.ence.
Degree poeltlon
position theof
o{Sun (Sun-Earth
-t_boSu:r cycle--1 year)
(Sun-Earth cycle-L year) speculationa .
Degree posltloa (Sun-Earth-ilLrcury 7. Other
7. Other speculations.
Degree position M€rcury (Sun-Earth-Mercury
of cycle--13 years)
ciJG_f1 years)
Degree posltlon
position Venue (Sun-Earth-ve
Venus nus
(Sun-Earth-Venus cycle--8 .veaisl
cyl1ei-e years) FACT (where you
you should evldence drawn fron charts
drawn from charta
leerree FACT (where ahould. furnish
furnlgh evidence
Degree posltlon
position the of
thc Moon's
of north nod.e
Moonre north (ni,ae-nart[-" y"i"_
node (node-Earth cycle-- of public figures,
flguree, nations,
nations, events,
eveats, or people whose
or people whose
LB 2
18 1/7 yearg)
/3 years) 9f-pubLlc
Ufe-hlstolly you know well).
Aspect of
Aspeot of the
the sua to Mercury
Sun to (cycle--ll
Meroury (cycle--13 years)
Aepect of the
Aspect of the Sun to
to Venus (cycie--B
Venue (cycle--8 yiaia)
years) 8. Effect
8. Effect ofof major
naJor aspects (please specify
aapecta (please orb) wlth
speclfy orb) with Sun,
Moon, angles, and quicker
Moonr-ang1es, planeta.
quloker planets.
The resulting
resultlng frequency dletrtbutlons
frequenoy distributions must
muet be adjusted
ad..iusted. for
f,or 9. Effect,
Effect, if undoubted, of
lf und.oubted., of Eouse-posltlo n.
House-position. (State
(State thetne
average geagoaal blrtb
average seasonal varlatlons
birth variations within
rltbln tbe yeai,
the year, for tor over-all
over-arr . 9.
systern uged.)
system used.)
variations between y6a!s, and for
between years, for effects
effecte due to latitude.
aue-iJ i"iituae.- I9. Effect
Effect ofof progreeeione
progressions aadt
and tranalts.
transits. Supply (tetalle
Supply details
_ 10. progreseedl aspects queslloi, plus
of other
other progressed aapects for
for the
the time ln question,
tlne in plus
The poeltlons
degree positions of
of the
the other planets have
other planets bave also
aleo been an adequate
ad.equate summary
sunmary of the natal
of the ohart.
natal chart.
lncrud.ed for
included for interest
lnterest but will
but wtll be of of no statistical
etatistlcal value
value unless
unl.eae 11. Other
11. Othet rmnlfestatlon e.
a control grou-p
group can
can be introduced for
be lntroduced. for compalLsou.
comparison. A.0,suitable
conrror would
control wour.d be a random
rand.on sample
eanple ofof the
the British
Britlsh populatl0n.
population, The
llhe above list
}lst of
of suggestions
euggestLons may
nqy seem forroldable,
aeetn formidable, readerg
but readers
large enough
large enougb toto eliminate
eLlnlnate cllfierencee
differences of
of age and sex.
.i6-rua-s5" are
aro not
not necessarily
neceeearlly expected
expeoted to
to submit oonprehenelv e report.
subnlt a comprehensive report.
The project has been enbarkcd upon
been- embarked upo! by hand,
hand, the
the degree posltlong
degreo positions Roger
R o g e r Elliot,
Elllot, D.F.Aatrol.S. t
for each
for lndlvlduar
each individual r-ecor&ed on
belng recorded
being oi aa ruled stati;"i"i-c"r.r ,card,
ruied stationery 29
29 Roland
Roland Gardens,
wlth allowance
with allowance for for aspecia
aspects between
between the positions.-;-""";:
the poJiiio"r:--Tb The sub- London, S.W.7.
L o a c l o n , S.W.7.
analyece (for
sequent analyses
sequent (for significant
elgnlfloant clusters
clustere round
rounal degrees
deereeg-and and.
harmonics) may be conducted_
conducted byby conputer.
computer. Standard
Stanclar.rit programs
are l-pfl-be
are available
avat'taDle forfor these
theae analyses.
It would be useful
rt would ugeful to to all
all investigators
lnvestlgators if gtand.ard procedure
if a standard proced.ure
were for this
drawn up for proJect and a
rhle project control group
a-conil"r obtained.
A;;-^"itiiiIa. Fl Projects
R e s e a r c h Projects
R A LLAA Research
rd'ealry the
the bir-
bintbhh lnforiation
information for for a sample could be fed
ss-pre coira-6e-i6a- ri""rgnt
into computer with
a computer the necessary
wttb the lans
neceeiiry-proprograms and the
the analyses
anifislg RALA
RALA isls dedicated
dcdlcatccl toto the
the study
etucly of astrology and to
of astrology to the
the advanoc-
obtalned dlrectly.
obtained directly. ment of . astrological
neat ^of, aetrologlcal endeavor through research,
eud.eavor - through reeelrch, docurnentat lon,
Artbur Mather,
Arthur lflathelr, and further educatlon.
aad. turtber education. Thellhe highest sclentlfie
hlghest scientific standards are
standarde are
1O Royal
Royal Terrace,
l[errace. t employed
oaployoal inln our
our research proJects,
rrsealch projects, we are
and we are setting deelgna
settlag designs
Thulso, Caithness,
Thurso, Caltbness, Scotland.
that may be
that nay be utlIlzecl.
utilized byby others similar studles.
in slnllar
others ln Therefore,
studies. Therefore,
the publlshed. results
the published reeulte will
w111 be useful sctentlsts
to scientists
u6efu1 to we1l" as
as well
We are
1Ve building a library
are bullcllng library of
of case historles
case histories that are based
that are based on
authenticatetl birth tlata.
birtb data.
Cunently are collecting
we are
we colleoting data for
data four proJects:
for four englneers,
projects: engineers,
aviation pilots,
aviation pilots, cases
caees ofof longevity,
longevity, and twins (both astrological
twlns (both astrological
and natal twins). We
natal twlns). Itlewould
would appreciate
appreclate birth
birth data in these
ctata in four
these four
fields, lf it
if is based on
it is on aa written
wrltten record. made
record made atat the tlne of
the time of
@r an if it is accompanied by a fairly full case history.

Hale Oliver,
Ruth Hale President,
Ollver, President,
P . 0 . Box
P.O. B o x 35301,
Los Angeles, Californla
An6e1ea, California 90035.

M i s c e l l a n e o u s Data
Miscellaneous Requested
D a t a Requested
the Records
Records Section
Sectioa ofof the
the Astrolorical
Aetrological Assoolatlon
Association (Lontlon) is
(London) ie
always interested
lnterested in
1n receiving
recelvlng accurate charts and
accurate charts historiog
and. case histories
of all kinds. We
all klntlg, Wehave
have recently
recently had regueets for
had requests for the followiag
the following
types of data antt,
of tlata and woultl
would be most grateful
be nost for any
grateful for any help. please
help. Please
send accurate
accurate charts
cbarts and if posslble case histories
lf possible historlea of:
(a) Diagnosed schlzophrenlcs.
Olagnosed. schizophrenics.
(b) Diagnosed
Dlagnoeed autistics.
(c) Sufferers
Sufferers fromfrom allergies
allergiee of all
of klncle, and
all kinds, ard in
particular a11ergles to
allergies peniclllla
to penicillin and other
ancl other
(d) Suicides,
Sulcldes, with date tlne of
date and time cteath if
of death avallable.
lf available.
(e) Families
Fanl1lea forfor as many geaerations
as lrany generations as as posslble.
possible. Any
detalls of
of apparently
apparently inherited physlcal or
lnherltecl physical psychb-
or psycho-
Logical- characteristics
characterlstlce in
ln the fanlly
the family would greatly
enhance the value of
the value clata.
of such data.
qhe Astrological
The Astrologlcal Association's
Associationrg Collection
Qollectlon of Mundane
of Muaclane Data is is
now beins
being finalleedt.
now belng tvou1danyone
Ileedt. Would
finalised. any@nape
anyffio possessing data or maps
that they
that they-think-nlght
think might be of of interest
rnterest wrlte immediately
write lnnedlatery to
to the
Records Officer?
Officer? DataData for
for towns,
towns, cities,
citles, important ,
organLzati.ons, etc.
organizations, etc. will
will be most welcome,
welcome; in addition to the
d.ata for
data for countrtes.
countries. AA clear
clear indication
lnd.ication of 6f the
tne source
source ofof
information would be much
would much appreciated.
Professor Luc
Professor T,uc De
De Marre
Marre-of Belglux0 is
of Belgium seeklng birth
ls seeking birth times
tines ofof
writere trorn
writers born in the Brltish
in the British rsres.
Isles. Ifff any
any readers
ieaders have or can
obtain clata
obtain data of wrlters
of such writers it wou1d. be dost
it would most helpful
nefpiuf- if ii they
could communicate
could conmunicate then
them toto the
the Recosd.s
Records offlcer.
Officer. Prof. De Marre
ls compiling
is complllng_as conplete a list
as complete list as posslble of
ae possible of all
atr writers
the worrat
the anar.has
world and bas already
already completed
conpleted thethe Europeai-End
European and American
C h a r l e s Harvey,
Charles D.F.Astrol.S.,
H g r v e y , D.F.Astrol.S.,
Records Offlcer,
!ecorcls Officer, Astrologlca1'Asso
Astrological ciation,
2 Little Bookhan Street,
Bookham Street,
Leatherhead, Surrey, England.
Surrey, Englanat.

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