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P-Block as levis acid .

Tendency to Behawe
Metalloids - Ge, As , Sb, Te Se
of lower 0'S T
pair effect - stability Bf3 and BCle accept lone paiy from NH3
down the group
Down the group - metallic chatadec T Tetrahedra
AlCl3 - Forms dimer
Non-metallic character l
Banana Bond (3 centre
4e- Bond )
Covalent Bond- B/w non-metals
Do not Behave ab lewis acid.
Tonic Bond - B/w metal and non metal
Oxide Metal - Basic I Hydrolysis of tvihalides
Non metal acidic or neutral Bf3 - > partial -4 [B(OH4)J + HF + BFg
First member of each "smal size
In +5 oxdo state, High I.E
complete + [B(0H)] + 3HX
Absence of d- orbital
N and P form BI3
- max coualerce of 4..

Form PTT-PT Bonds.

- octahedal
® Rxn with air 02
B2Da (acidio)
B - non-mera orthoboric acid ( HaB03)
- Al203
Al Boyax ( Na2B407• 10 H20) crystalline Boron-X Ga203
Kernite ( NQ2 B4,O : 4H20) Amorphous Boron In2 03
Bauxite (Al203 .2H20) (Basic)
In passive (con-readive)-
Cryolite ( NasAlFc)
@ Rxn with N2

3 Atomic size - B< Ga< Al< IN < TI and Aluminium.
only amouphous Boron
poor shieldim
© T.E B> TL Ga > AI> In
of d and f (3) Rxn with acid and Base.
B > Al < Ga< In < TL
© oxidation stade t3 and +1, T oxidising acids
Sum of Frist 3 I.€ BaYon- High- covalent Forms H3 BOg
compound ( cONC HN03/ H2s04)
Al - less Alt3
Al Acid / Base Releases H21
i Physical property
oxidising acids Al203 (passive)
Al, Ga, In, Th - soft metals - Lou M•P

Boran - Hard - Black solid - High M.-P 14) Rxn with halogen
E+X2 (except
strong crystalline lattice

20 Faces
Ga - exist as liq. i0 summec

Hot only Al > Al203 ( passive)

down the group.
® Density
16 Borax
@ Chemical Readivity -
White crystalline solid
Na.[B4Os (OH)4T:8H20

In trivalent state
lewis acid
NQ2 B4 07-10 H20
pohaues as
central dome = 6 5 B-0-B linkamge

2B- SP3
to stable
8 HaD of aystallieation
e-deficient qcoepts lone pars
9) RX w Hd te▇ N 0H + H B03 RXD lthNH ▇
) Heatin B2 H6 + NH3 B2.H6-2N3 BH2(NH3)l
N 2 By 07 Na B0 t B203 BH4-
Sodium Bo c anhyctnide (Boozine) ByN H6
metaborate — (liqud)
Jnorgonic BEnzehe
moye eactive tha ▇
Co (B0 ) BoY x Bead (głassy) – Do0-polar
B|ue olo Bunsen Bumex B- Sp N-sp – Bomcs pol
loop of platinur uwYe. stud he:

c) H Heat Na2By07 Ban Bod

A Ac H2 By 07 ( Teta Boxic acid). -4 termino| H and 2 Bo on io ne plane.
ater▇ B03 Bo ▇ add) - Bridging H– aboe and| Be
T Temp — B2 O3 ( Boric anhyd e) - 4teoDirml B-H Bods e 2cente 20r.
ortho Boric acid
- 2 Bridzin BH Bonds e 3ene 2 ".
M + B2H6 - t BH4J Tehohedha)
- White cystalline solid (soapy touch)
Used as mild antiseptic
tCB41 Tehabyhridoboates or
Cold water - sp ringly luble. Nat BH4- Byobychrides
Hot cter - Highly oluble.pdue
Prep afov 0 B ax woith HC| and H20
0 BCl H H20
(cevamics, os8, ent)
si - NM - found in form of silic ard silioces
Dibo are t hH20
i - Metaloid -existonly in tces
- layered shucture - B03 units e joined SN - M - cuYs as cssiterite (S02)
n By Hychrogen Bond. Pb - m - OchTs as Galena ( Ps)
on eaciomwtt wte ▇ (o)4J+H+
wak monobasic acid ,
t er)
relemeool- cool, grophile, Diamnd.
nt a pr tonic acid but a leuois acid,
ombine - metal rbonate, hychocrbon, C
Heating: ( 370 k and abie).
1a isołopes - c „ 14

H B03 - HB02 H20 l B203

c-(16J ns ▇ ▇
Metboxic acidBoYic oxide
diboYane (B2 H6)
or anhychnide Oxid" state - +4 and +2
lourless, Highly toxic
aum of He 4Ie- nerle caor.
On X oithar foms B203 - ca hes rbon also shos – oxq stote.

On X ltwaler forms H ▇ valent Reclius - c<si<Ge Sn▇
Preprocio: (Red ) B2H6+LF+AIF3 13 G1
dueto d and f por steild.
BF + UAIHy —
I:E - C si Gte > sn Pb 13 14
- laboratory : ( xd")
NaBHy + I B2H6+ Nal+ H2 0 E'N - c si = Ge = Sn = Pb 13<G1

Industcia : ( Red ) 0 themical p perty.

BF3 Na — B2H6 NaF carbon – covolarce of
other - more tho ovalene.
ceaage of B2H6 Hthlew ▇ Ba ▇ : (SIF) (GeC ), (Sn(o)J
B2H6 + B B3 LB
® M•P and B•P - G14 >77 G113 Burning
Hydrocarbon in
@ Hydrolysis of tethracblorides coke
limited supply
Impure of air
ECl4 + H20 -, E(OH)4+ HC) forms of
except- CCl4
graphite of Heading
Tetraheda fullerene coal in abeence
(D Rxn with Oxygen
cathon- sp3
Dioxide I Diamond
Mo (+2) M02 (t4) crystalline lattice
co - neutral C02
Bond length - 154 pm
sio - exist at Hight Si02 Acidic
Geo - aadic Hardest substance .
Ge02 . hord tools .
used for sharpenin
Sp0 2, Amphuteric P602

layered shuctune held by

# Sn, Pb, zn, Al - Amphoteric
# NO, CO, N20 ,H20 - Neutral
Blu layer -340 pm
each layer- planar hexagural.
c-c Bond
H2 1
steam - > Sn02+ Carbon - sp-
Pb + H20 Pbo ( passive) Bonds

yonderwaa! - teak
Soft and Slippery
Dry lubricant
wed at High Temp
electric arc
Graphite Heated o

SiX4 presence of Inest 992.

pure forn of
couebon beo2 His
present without dangling Borda
cage like moleaue.
(SCLA) Cro - Soccerball - Buckminister
All covalent except ShF4 and PbF4 (ionio) • 90 6 member ning
do not exist - PbI Bond does not member Ting
Bucky Ball .
provide eneray 60 vertex occupied by carbon
to make Pbt4 of S member ring.
6 member ring flused s

§ membet ring only fused with 6 membet

- C-C single Bund is strong carbon - Sp2

cantenadion o strength of single Bond . Aromatic chacader due to
and C-c
catenaction power t don the group.
1a8-3pm 143.5pm
- Pb does not shous cod enaution
Bond energy don the group. (15) carbon monoxide
Due to Bond and carbon reacts with limtted supply of oxygen
is preparred by dehydration
Pure Go
shous Allotropre Porms. -

Formic qcid with conc.Hesoq.

Crystalline I Diamond Commeruially , by passing steam from
473- 1273k cot H2
( Stean)
If ant is used 10 place of steam, covalent, 3D petwork solid.
D2 + N2 1273 K - tetrahedral with four oxygen

producer 993.
eight membered ring with atternate
used as Industrial Fuel. si-o Band.
-Colourless ,odourless , watey insoluble, on- readive booz of High Si-o Borl enera
powerful reducing agent. Si02 +
Fe2 03 + co - Fe + C02 H20
+ CO - , Zo + 002
(8) Silicones
R.si0 group containing shuctre
pais it reads with metals
to lone R-alky or
statting mateuial Rn Sicl (4-D)
and forms metal cortonyl . $70 k
cHed + Si (CH3) 2 SiCl2
Forms Cotboxy haernoglobin thich is 200 ou powder
times mote stable than oxyhaemoglobin.
(leads to death - Reduces oxygen constent condensation
(CH3), Si(DH)2
from Blood )-
(® carbon Dioxide
carbon reads with excess of oxygen
02 CD2+ H20.
I adding (CH3); Sicl wader yepellin
(excess) Block the ends

Laboratory, (CH3)3 SiOH

caCO3 + HC Ca02t H2 + + CH3 CH3
Commercially ,
Cq0 + C02 .
Cac03 and asbestos.
oolaunrless and odourless 9a3. Fedspare, zeolites, mica and cement
wet. Two man-made

H2 C03 BaSic unit

C02. + H20 -)

Buffer system, si
maintain pH of

Blood b/u 7.26 to 20 zeolites

Feud si atoms replaced by Al in 3D S102 .
known as Alumiposilicate
Used on photosynthesis for production
- Acquies negative chaxge.
of glucose. cation like Nat, kt and cate
Balance it.
i'sonous ; C02 - non poisonous zeolites.
effect - eg Felds pot and

C02 T in atmosphere used as cantolyst - cradking and isomer latio
( Temp T of atmospher)
directty alcohol
u zeolites used in removing hardness
26 - sP • lineay
of H20 .
Dipole=0 - 007)-polae yash PaJ

I Silicon Dioxide (Si02)

Crystalline Form of Silica
Nihogen Family catenation is weaker in nitrogen .
0 N - NM Found as NaN03 (chile salt peler) 0 RXD ftbHychrogen ▇ ▇
- NM KN03 (Indian sa t peler) NH3 PH3AsH3 SbH3 BiH3
SbAS -—lMetalioid Found as apetitfte stability

lei– Found as
CA (P04) CaX2
Ag (Pay) CF2 - Flur patite.
Reducing nature
Sulphide. Rxn with oxygen E203
0 -C 16jns ▇ exhya stable Acdic nature E20s > E203
Aomic Rödius - down the goup. N203*—
0 Ie- f down the gr up G14 G15 . P2 03 }Addic acidic chanacter
6 E:N - N>P>As > Sb = Bi AS03
- Amphatenc dof the gvoup
Sb 0
0 Physical property— Bi2 03 - B sic
N – diatomic - g9s
P, As, S ,Bi - Poly omic - Solid Bxo woith halogen EX3i.- except
6 B P - N P AS Sh> Bi - cvalent:EX5 >EX3

0 m.P - N P As sb> Bi ther tiha/ides NX - Wnstuble

Allohopy - Except Nitroen all shous. Ye also stable. ecept NF (stable)

and. also co aet.
0 Chemicl property *
exæpt - Bifa (ionic)
oxid state - 1 +3 +5
show -3 oxid state.
becYedses RxXn h melal
dec ses
inereases do n the group C 3I2 Ca P2 Na3 As2zn Sb2
down the roup down the qvoup. only BiFs Cala rlci Sodiu Zinc
Bi X is Fo med . Antionide.
Nitride Phosphide Rysenide
*N - - , +|,+2 ,+3, +4 ;+5 .— 6 pinitrgen
+1 to+4 – shows
- -3, + , +3,+9, +5 Prepe ation
disproporticnte in a) come ia| - liquification and Proctional
AlI shows ac so|"
distillation of air
disproportionate in +, +2,+4 hen reads
acd /Base so/ lig Na+ lig 02 N2 02
with oxygen distilled obtaine.
+| and + in ox0acds (T7:2k) ( 90K)
0 ova J e ny : N - max covalency is 4. (NH4) N02
No vacrt d-orbital. ) /aboyadoyy - NH4 + NaN02
other - expand theiy covalency. NH4N02 _ N2 + Nąc| + H20
Vacot d-orbital. ADonium + HN03 + NO
O Anamalous property of Nitrogen Remo ing by possing throuph
small size Vacart d-orbital absert. H2Soy and k2 r203
High EN (NHy) 2 0, N2 + Cr203 + 420

High Ie Ammonium (gveen).
-d or
Foms pT-pT Bomds / others pd-dT Dlchomate
N=N / oters p-P Na N3 1— Na + N2 PuYe N2
edk Ba + Nz s obtnined.
Sb-S Ba(Na)
(lone patt epulsio)Bi - metalic Bond .—
= >
Proper'es! Aot C| — ag(Nts)Jc
co/ou less ,odourless, tasteless, non-toxic white ppt colouYless

Two stable isotopes N4 s - lig- NHs is used as Retrigeran.

Thert - non Y8achive at 0ormtemp (N=N) 0 oxides of Nihogen
T – yeactivily 1
RX wHt metal

imic nihide
†l N20Nihous coloudless Gas Neuhal
RX with n0n - meta cvalent nihide. NH4 N03 N20+ H20 N N 0 Linea
N =N =0
RXn with Hychrogen Amonia ( prHaberis
pess) Neuhal
r 42 NO Nihsic colourless G10s
Rxn woith xygen▇ Oxide
AFerHizer N2 +02 — 2NO :N=ö odd
uses - monufcty e of NH3 NaN02 + Fes0y tH2s04
and alaium aroide
(caCN2) +3 Na03Blue Solid A dic Pla y 10
Used as yefrigevant.ta No + N20 N203
*N * *N

Ammonia (NH3); a

Brow 1asAcidic Anoula

Prep ation: L
4 N02
a) decay of thyea P6(No03) 73 No2 -
N2 CONH t H20 (N▇ ▇ +.
H20 +C0 O2
6) On Smal sale
4 N20 Colouyless Solid/lig Acidic Plana
NH4C + ca(O) NH40 + cacla H2C03 0

(NH4) S0y + Na NH40 + Na, 0 2N02 co N204

N N 0
met l et 0
(Ammonium sts) NH3 + H20 Sp sp2
e) On large ecole (Haber's process) +5 NO5 Colou les Solid Acidic Plana
= ö. N 0

N2 + H2 = NH3 H =–46 | k/mo|
2HN03 t Ps0 o
200 dhm

( Debydrating gen) 0 *0
70o k
catalyst - Tron oxide + K203 and Al203 Nihrić ac'd (HN03) H0 ==0

EaYlier - IYon + Mo (Proater)

le-ohatelier – High press he. H2N202 ( Hyponitvous) H0 – N=N -0Hl
HN02 ( nitrous) H0 – N =(
- Properties
colourless, punent odou -Prep r tion
Soli / lig sate – Hydtroceo Bond – High MPE BP a) Labo atoy ( Prepared tn glas9 etort)
Trigoal pyramidal . KN03 Na 504 + HN03

Highly soluble in watey -— NH 0 (geak)

Base NaN03
+ HS0y * —

- RXn wit acd forms salts.

RXn of wak Base itmetal sats Rrm
6) Large scale (ostwald's process)
NH3 + O2 / Rh Gauge No + H20
precipitate of metal Hychrowhite
ide and
S0ok,9 ba
Ao onium satts. zħ

e Br 0 ppt. (Diep port NO + HNo3 -— N02


lewis Bos – donaes lone pair – complex Rxn)

+2.— u (NH3)4J
comp und. Recyded.
① Blue p p Blue. Properties - Colouless liq id
+5 H P04 ortho-1c yOo H20 In gas stufe, H o-N 이 Plan
아H ' 아 》O
In geousso| ▇ shorg acid behawioY
-5 H B07 po-ic 0 1 8「 4
(H30t + N0 )
P /

OH 1
wnC AN0 - nymetal - N02t H20
Meal+n hae
PhosphoYoUs+ Bt2
excep - Au, Pt, Cx A|

5 (HP0), meta-ic acid Thio layer of


Cyclic ( oly'
(Heated iin meals oxide is Fo med.
Gealed tube)
(HPo)3 bil.HN0gy - P , cu ,Ag , g - NO meal
+ H20 titae.
아H O 애H
Fe,Z - N20 +H0 + metal nihvate
*아H Sn - NHg N0 + metal nihate.
Very Dil. - Mo, Mg - H2 + metal nitrae
+5 e, Z0, Sn - NH4N0 t meta
o hae.
In +3, oxoacd sho0s disprop D -3 C·HN03 + On-Mea▇
In + and +3 Behawes o as Reducig acids.
( strong oxid ising gent)
YashR Bro n Ring Testz
Test FOY Niticte ions (N0) +2

N03 Fe
+2 Fe t3 + N0 _Re B O Pz

104 Addiog cone H2s0y alang cm lex

t alls of the esttube.
S였 Bro on Rings Rmm b/ so| ard sulphuic
Phosphovous (3 Allatopes) Pa
a) hite
Tetahedal * P-

lesS stable and move eclive.

atches fie in ary and tomms white
fures of P0 0.

naseat ss suens,
Dissolve in boiling NaoH and foms sodium
bypophosphite (NaH,P)-disproportiondte
) Red
Heatiog of whitle phosphorous at 573k in
inert tmosphe .
f- p-
Iron grey lustre. P *P

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