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Dear Selection Committee,

I am Azhar Shah, an aspiring student seeking the opportunity to apply for the Stipendium
Hungaricum scholarship, with Medicine as my primary degree choice and Business
Administration and Management as my secondary preference. I am writing this letter to express
my genuine passion for learning and to outline my reasons for pursuing higher education in

The decision to apply to this program stems from my profound interest in the field of Medicine
and Business Administration. I am drawn to Hungary's renowned educational institutions, and I
believe that the rigorous curriculum and innovative approach will provide me with the knowledge
and skills needed to excel in my chosen field.

Hungary, with its rich history and commitment to academic excellence, presents a unique and
diverse learning environment .

I anticipate gaining a comprehensive understanding of my chosen field, honing my analytical

and critical thinking skills, and developing a strong foundation for a successful career. The
program's emphasis on practical experience and research aligns with my goal of becoming a
well-rounded professional capable of addressing complex challenges in Medicine or Business

My background, shaped by rigorous academic training at Govt Higher Secondary School Jati
and active participation in sports activities, reflects my commitment to personal and academic
development. These experiences have instilled in me discipline, resilience, and effective
teamwork—qualities that I believe make me a suitable candidate for this scholarship.

Completing this program will not only equip me with the necessary skills and knowledge but will
also contribute to addressing global, national, and local development challenges. Whether in the
medical field or business sector, my goal is to make a positive impact on society by addressing
healthcare disparities or contributing to efficient and ethical business practices.

Post-graduation, I plan to apply my new skills and qualifications in a meaningful way. Whether
working in a hospital, contributing to medical research, or leading in a business setting, I am
committed to making a positive difference. I am aware of the challenges that studying in a
foreign country entails, such as language barriers and cultural adjustments. However, I am
prepared to face these challenges head-on by actively engaging with local communities, seeking
language immersion opportunities, and maintaining a proactive mindset.

In conclusion, I am excited about the prospect of studying in Hungary and believe that the
Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship will not only help me achieve my academic and
professional goals but will also contribute to my personal growth.

Thank you for considering my application.


Azhar Shah

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