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Unit 2 - Learning Activity (In Class)

PMAL105: Introduction to project management

Name: Balaji Palani

Section: AB
Group 6

Professor Name: Fadi Habib

Date: 18th January 2024

How effectively do you think Troi spent her day?
After reading the book, Troi spent her day effectively. Although she
engaged in a few activities that were junk things it can be considered short
breaks to some extent, she spent most of her time on the development of
her project along with her fellow members, managers, and coworkers.

Identify the key character to support your answer.

1)Troi knows her role is crucial for the company and demonstrates her
commitment by showing up earlier than everyone else.

2)Troi shows she has good leadership skills when she reallocates
resources when needed. This is shown when she decides to use some of
the time of her personnel to help her fellow manager Victoria get back on

3)Sometimes Troi finds herself in situations out of her control and must
experience delays or waits to talk to her co-workers, she uses her time
efficiently by catching up on some e-mails when she is waiting for the rest
of the members to get on the conference call or when she catches up on
her Slack profile while she waits to speak with Mary.

4)She possesses excellent problem-solving skills. She identifies and

quickly acts on any issues that come up on her project. Troi receives
feedback from her project team about the issue and immediately contacts
John to get more details about it for 30 min, showing she has customer
expectations in mind.

5) She shares her resolution with her team after having talked to Mary. She
forecasts possible situations because of this situation with her team and by
herself in the office. She also acknowledges the good work of her
coworkers. This happens when she takes a bit of her time to thank
Chandra for her analysis at the status report meeting. This way, Chandra
knows her work is being recognised and motivates her to keep it the good

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