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ชื่อ-สกุล:_________________________ วันที่สอบ:_______ เวลาที่สอบ:________

1. ข้อสอบมีทงั้ หมด 50 ข้อ 15 หน้า(ไม่รวมหน้าปก) 50 คะแนน
Part1: Grammar 20 ข้อ(ข้อ 1-20) ข้อละ 1 คะแนน
Part2: Idiom and Vocabulary 15 ข้อ(ข้อ 21-35) ข้อละ 1 คะแนน
Part3: Reading Comprehension 15 ข้อ(ข้อ 35-50) ข้อละ 1 คะแนน
2. เวลาสอบทัง้ หมด 90 นาที
3. กรอกคาตอบลงบนกระดาษคาตอบบนเว็บไซต์ให้ชดั เจน
4. ในกรณีท่เี ป็ น ข้อเติมคา ต้องเลือกตอบให้ ครบทัง้ หกหลัก โดยในหลักที่ไม่มีค่าให้กดเลือกเลข 0 ให้
5. หากหมดเวลาสอบ จะไม่สามารถกดคาตอบลงบนเว็บไซต์และระบบจะ
6. ห้ามใช้เครื่องคานวณในการทาข้อสอบ

ลงชื่อผูเ้ ข้าสอบ________________________
EXAM1 1 / 11
ข้ อ สอบ > แนวข้ อ สอบเข้ า ม.4 ภาษาอั ง กฤษ

ENGLISH แนวข้ อสอบเข้ า ม.4 ภาษาอังกฤษ ชุ ด ที่ 2 01

PART 1: Grammar (Item 1-20)
Choose the correct answer. (1-10)
1. You are a taxi driver, you _________ know all the area of Bangkok city.
1) can 2) have 3) should 4) will

2. If you don’t study hard, you _________ attend the university of your dream.
1) can’t 2) don’t have to 3) mustn’t 4) needn’t

3. James was called to the teacher’s office. I’m sure the teacher _________ known about the
cheating he _________ in the exam.
1) must have --- had done 2) might have --- did
3) could have --- had done 4) should have --- did

4. The house ______ I grew up is relatively close to Chatuchak park.

1) that 2) which 3) where 4) whom

5. It is believed that the pyramids _________ by the orders of the pharaohs.

1) were built 2) had been built 3) was built 4) have been built

6. After that big argument within the company, the staff didn’t want to _______ the company
anymore. Most of them wanted to quit.
1) be parting 2) part with 3) be a part with 4) be a part of

7. The thief who broke into the bank __________ the security guard on his way out.
1) had injured 2) is injured 3) were injured 4) was injured

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EXAM1 2 / 11 ข้ อ สอบ > แนวข้ อ สอบเข้ า ม.4 ภาษาอั ง กฤษ

01 แนวข้ อสอบเข้ า ม.4 ภาษาอังกฤษ ชุ ด ที่ 2 ENGLISH

8. The new order from the prime minister will begin ____________ higher taxes for the rich.
1) enforced 2) enforcing 3) to be enforced 4) enforce

9. I will have my new novel ___________ by next week

1) to advertise 2) advertised 3) advertise 4) advertising

10. The United States is the land of freedom. ___________, there are still serious crimes.
1) Despite 2) Even though 3) However 4) Moreover

Read the following statements and choose the underlined part that is grammatically wrong.
(Item 11-20)
11. We’ve (1) got too (2) much (3) foods on the table, but we don’t have enough time to eat (4) it.

12. Cristiano Ronaldo (1) regrets that FIFA (2) had to postpone the UEFA championship of 2020
(3) because the COVID-19 pandemic. The sporting authority (4) has just rescheduled the
event for next year.

13. The whole world was fascinated by “Imagine”, one of (1) John Lennon’s (2) greatest (3) song
he (4) produced before he passed away.

14. Joe Biden is (1) the oldest US president that has ever (2) been elected to the office. He was
78 years old on his inauguration day, 8 years (3) more older than Donald Trump when he (4)
was sworn in.

15. Climate change is (1) caused by human activities such as fossil fuel burning and
deforestation, which (2) increases the (3) heat-trapping greenhouse gas levels in (4) Earth’s

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EXAM1 3 / 11
ข้ อ สอบ > แนวข้ อ สอบเข้ า ม.4 ภาษาอั ง กฤษ

ENGLISH แนวข้ อสอบเข้ า ม.4 ภาษาอังกฤษ ชุ ด ที่ 2 01

16. If any tennis (1) player want to (2) perform well in a competition, they should learn (3) to
respect their opponents and (4) follow all the rules.

17. While mitigation is all about (1) reducing the (2) severe of global warming, (3) adaptation is
all about (4) managing the risks of climate change impacts.

18. When he was serving as a minister, he (1) had been (2) sat in a number of (3) committees that
controlled the local governments and (4) dictated the policies.

19. Many of the film (1) crew (2) were tested positive for Covid-19 yesterday. The director
(3) decide to cancel the rest of the filming because he thought it would be more (4) dignified
to do so than to be condemned.

20. Plastic waste is (1) currently one of (2) the most biggest environmental (3) issues. This is
because plastics are strong and durable. It can take (4) around 400 years before plastic
wastes decompose.

PART 2: Idiom and Vocabulary (Item 21-35)

Choose the best meaning of these proverbs. (Item 21-25)
21. Be out of order
1) No improvements 2) Not able to make a purchase
3) No longer function 4) To have no food orders

22. Don't count your chickens before they are hatched.

1) You shouldn’t keep all of your possessions in one place as they can be lost.
2) You shouldn’t make plans that depend on something until you know it’s final and certain.
3) You shouldn’t take your life for granted as you have only one life.
4) You shouldn’t do everything at once because it’s not good to be multitasking.

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EXAM1 4 / 11 ข้ อ สอบ > แนวข้ อ สอบเข้ า ม.4 ภาษาอั ง กฤษ

01 แนวข้ อสอบเข้ า ม.4 ภาษาอังกฤษ ชุ ด ที่ 2 ENGLISH

23. To take something with a pinch of salt

1) To be friendly and compliment every person you see
2) To be an easy-going person who goes with the flow
3) To not completely believe something that you are told
4) To do business with considerations and care

24. He recently quit school out of the blue.

1) He quit school because of stress.
2) He quit school as a surprise to everyone.
3) He quit school because of many problems.
4) He was forced to quit school.

25. Having proven innocent, she was let off the hook by the police.
1) The woman was released by the police.
2) The woman was taken into prison.
3) The woman was guilty of a crime.
4) The woman was proven to have broken the law.

Choose the best synonyms of the underlined words. (Item 26-30)

26. David Beckham is one of the richest football players. He lives a luxurious lifestyle.
1) tasteless 2) fancy 3) abundant 4) beautiful

27. After a long debate in the company, the manager finally took sides with the employees.
1) separated 2) supported 3) took away 4) took place

28. The accommodations near Chaophraya river are very expensive

1) hotels 2) vehicles 3) restaurants 4) transportation

Name: Contact:
EXAM1 5 / 11
ข้ อ สอบ > แนวข้ อ สอบเข้ า ม.4 ภาษาอั ง กฤษ

ENGLISH แนวข้ อสอบเข้ า ม.4 ภาษาอังกฤษ ชุ ด ที่ 2 01

29. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a great deal of chaos around the world.
1) misery 2) demise 3) outbreak 4) genocide

30. The staff at the airport announces that the flight will be delayed.
1) demonstrate 2) declare 3) audience 4) support

Choose the best word(s) to complete each sentence. (Item 31-35)

31. As a kid who loved magic, I was ____ to watch every Harry Potter movie.
1) hesitant 2) frightened 3) thrilled 4) annoyed

32. It’s Christmas and holiday season. The color red and green are ______.
1) on trend 2) off the map 3) out of energy 4) on the rocks

33. Air pollution is a ______ problem that countries around the world are struggling to find the
1) acute, emergency 2) secret, reason
3) wonderful, answer 4) challenging, solution

34. Local authorities are struggling to fight _____ flooding in the ______ site of Ayutthaya, the
former capital of Siam
1) unhealthy, popular 2) severe, historical
3) dangerous, modern 4) dangerous, unspecified

35. The ______ of resources in some poor countries has led to the _____ between the rich and the
1) sufficiency, steady 2) scarcity, imbalance
3) prevalence, sturdy 4) authority, balance

Name: Contact:
EXAM1 6 / 11 ข้ อ สอบ > แนวข้ อ สอบเข้ า ม.4 ภาษาอั ง กฤษ

01 แนวข้ อสอบเข้ า ม.4 ภาษาอังกฤษ ชุ ด ที่ 2 ENGLISH

PART 3: Reading Comprehension (Item 36-50)

Read the following passages and conversations and answer the questions.
Passage 1 (Item 36-41)
Jamie Oliver’s Fried Rice Recipe Brutally Mocked by Uncle Roger

As an author of so many cookbooks and owner of a restaurant chain ‘Jamie Oliver Restaurant
Group’, the world-famous chef, Jamie Oliver, was expected to make an excellent egg fried
rice. However, the UK-based Malaysian comedian and internet’s favorite, Nigel Ng, or more
commonly known as ‘Uncle Roger’, dismissed the British celebrity chef’s recipe as ‘all wrong’ in his
hilarious YouTube video that has gone viral, reaching over a million views after only 8 days of
Uncle Roger reacted to Jamie’s classic Asian egg fried rice recipe by pointing out all
the things that went wrong in Jamie’s video. Instead of using a wok for making fried rice, which is
typically used by Asians, Jamie was criticized for using a frying pan.
“Ai ya! Jamie, where is your wok? You have 25 cookbooks, but you can’t afford one wok?
Uncle Roger send you one wok for free, Jamie, no problem,” said Uncle Roger.
Jamie also used olive oil, which is not suitable for most Asian dishes but is nearly always used
in Western dishes, leading to Ng hilariously calling the British chef “Jamie Olive Oil” in several of
his following videos. “Olive oil is like white-people oil,” added Uncle Roger.
Ng became even more upset as he saw that Jamie was using pre-cooked rice instead of
making his own rice using a rice cooker and he lost it when he saw Jamie adding chili jam to
his cooking pan. “This is disgusting! Who puts jam in rice? What are you going to put in there next?
Peanut butter? (…) The rice looks so wet. Look at this, you can see your reflection,” joked Ng.
While the British chef seemed so satisfied with his final product, Uncle Roger couldn’t come
to terms with it. Ng slammed Jamie in such a humorous way that many of the viewers have ended
up ‘falling off the chair’ laughing

Name: Contact:
EXAM1 7 / 11
ข้ อ สอบ > แนวข้ อ สอบเข้ า ม.4 ภาษาอั ง กฤษ

ENGLISH แนวข้ อสอบเข้ า ม.4 ภาษาอังกฤษ ชุ ด ที่ 2 01

36. Who is ‘Uncle Roger’?
1) A UK-based comedian who doesn’t know how to make proper egg fried rice
2) A Malaysian YouTuber who has become famous for his reaction video clips
3) ‘Uncle Roger’ is a pseudonym of Nigel Ng, a British chef who wrote many cookbooks.
4) An Asian celebrity who complimented Jamie Oliver for his superb cooking skills

37. According to the article, which statement is NOT true about Jamie Oliver?
1) He was very proud of his egg fried rice recipe.
2) His name was mocked by Nigel Ng.
3) He made Uncle Roger satisfied with his cooking
4) He is a British celebrity and an owner of a famous restaurant chain.

38. According to Uncle Roger, what was ‘wrong’ about Jamie Oliver’s egg fried rice recipe?
1) He did not use a rice cooker for cooking rice.
2) Jamie put peanut butter onto his rice.
3) Jamie used a wok instead of a frying pan.
4) Jamie did not use olive oil for cooking.

39. What does it mean when Uncle Roger said “Olive oil is like white people oil.”?
1) Olive oil can be found mostly on white people’s skin.
2) White people produce only olive oil, which is not known in Asia.
3) White people tend to use olive oil in almost every kind of dishes.
4) Uncle Roger doesn’t know how to cook using olive oil.

40. Which phrase can best replace ‘come to terms with it’?
1) follow the rules 2) find fault with it
3) accept and deal with it 4) be willing to do it

Name: Contact:
EXAM1 8 / 11 ข้ อ สอบ > แนวข้ อ สอบเข้ า ม.4 ภาษาอั ง กฤษ

01 แนวข้ อสอบเข้ า ม.4 ภาษาอังกฤษ ชุ ด ที่ 2 ENGLISH

41. Which phrase can replace the phrase in bold in the last sentence?
1) break into pieces 2) hanging their heads
3) rolling on the floor 4) shaking like a leaf

Passage 2 (Item 42-45)

“Today we will be going over how to join a Zoom meeting. In this video, you will discover the
options for joining meetings based on your requirements. We’ve got a couple options but we’ll go
through the first one via email invitation.
Once you receive an email invitation for a zoom meeting, you can quickly view the ‘Join’ link
from the invitation. Click on the link, and you will be prompted to
either ‘Download’ or ‘Launch Zoom’. If you see a message ‘waiting for the host to start this
meeting’, that means the host has not started the meeting on their side yet, and you can go
through ‘Test Computer Audio’ while you’re waiting. There you can select your input levels
and virtual backgrounds.
The second option is to directly join zoom meetings from the zoom application. You can
view all your upcoming meetings under the meetings tab and quickly select ‘Join’. If you have any
questions on joining a meeting, please feel free to contact us. Have an idea or some feedback?
We’d love to hear it! Click here!’”

42. Which word has the same meaning as ‘launch’?

1) erupt 2) initiate
3) set on 4) log in

43. Which topic is NOT covered in this video?

1) Joining a meeting via the Zoom application
2) Configuring settings before joining a meeting
3) Scheduling a Zoom meeting and inviting others
4) Joining a Zoom meeting via email invitation

Name: Contact:
EXAM1 9 / 11
ข้ อ สอบ > แนวข้ อ สอบเข้ า ม.4 ภาษาอั ง กฤษ

ENGLISH แนวข้ อสอบเข้ า ม.4 ภาษาอังกฤษ ชุ ด ที่ 2 01

44. What can you do if you see the message ‘waiting for the host to start this meeting’?
1) Run the microphone test 2) Invite other participants
3) Click ‘Launch Zoom’ 4) Contact the support team

45. Which option is NOT a way to join a Zoom meeting?

1) Click on the email invitation link and follow the prompts on your screen
2) View the upcoming meetings on the application and click ‘Join’
3) Join a meeting directly from the Zoom application that you have downloaded
4) Start your own meeting by clicking on the link provided at the end of the clip

Passage 3 (Item 46-50)

Important Notice – Many provinces in Thailand are hit by the surge in COVID-19 cases after the
reopening of tourism. Below is the information that you should know if you want to plan your trip to
Thailand. (Last updated on September 19, 2021)
• Vaccinated travelers are allowed to enter Thailand without quarantine under the Phuket

Sandbox and the Samui Plus Sandbox programs.

• Those who are still unvaccinated and those vaccinated travelers who do not want to

participate in the above programs must undergo a 14-day quarantine at AQ (Alternative

Quarantine) facility at the traveler’s own expense.
• Foreign tourists are permitted to stay in Thailand for 45 days. If they wish to extend their

stay, they can apply for a visa extension (60 days validity) at any local immigration office in
• A valid COE (Certificate of Entry – an official letter issued by the Thai Embassy in any

country) is mandatory for everyone who wants to enter Thailand.

• A COVID travel insurance certificate is needed for all foreigners flying into Thailand. This

should be submitted to the Thai embassy when requesting for COE. The health insurance must
be COVID-19 covered and cover the whole duration of your stay in Thailand.

Name: Contact:
EXAM1 10 / 11 ข้ อ สอบ > แนวข้ อ สอบเข้ า ม.4 ภาษาอั ง กฤษ

01 แนวข้ อสอบเข้ า ม.4 ภาษาอังกฤษ ชุ ด ที่ 2 ENGLISH

• All travelers need to have the COVID-19 RT-PCR test taken and conducted within 72
hours prior to departing from the country where they stay prior to entering Thailand.
Please consult with your local Thai embassy for travel advice before booking your flight and
making any plans or reservations.

46. Which one can be the best title of the passage?

1) COVID-19 Health Complications 2) Pandemic Travel Insurance Plans
3) Up-to-date COVID Situation in Thailand 4) Thailand Travel Restrictions

47. According to the information given in the notice, which statement is NOT true?
1) All unvaccinated foreigners are not allowed into Thailand.
2) A COVID covered travel insurance should be sent to the Thai embassy in order to get a
certificate of entry into Thailand.
3) A certificate of entry can be requested from any Thai embassy around the world.
4) The Phuket Sandbox and the Samui Plus Sandbox programs allow some people to enter
Thailand without undergoing a quarantine.

48. To enter Thailand, ____________ is NOT required.

1) a certificate of entry into Thailand
2) a travel insurance with COVID-19 coverage (if you are a foreigner)
3) a visa extension certificate with 60 days validity
4) a COVID-19 RT-PCR test certificate

Name: Contact:
EXAM1 11 / 11
ข้ อ สอบ > แนวข้ อ สอบเข้ า ม.4 ภาษาอั ง กฤษ

ENGLISH แนวข้ อสอบเข้ า ม.4 ภาษาอังกฤษ ชุ ด ที่ 2 01

49. Only those who ____________________ can choose NOT to stay in hotel quarantine after entering
1) pay for their own travel expense and have a COVID covered travel insurance
2) have conducted the COVID-19 RT-PCR test within 72 hours prior to their departure
3) are Thai residents who do not need a visa to enter Thailand
4) have received the COE and have already been vaccinated

50. Ben is an Australian traveler who wants to stay in Thailand for the duration of 3 months. At the
moment, he has been in Thailand for about a month. He has to contact
______________________ to request for the extension of his stay.
1) the Thai embassy in his country
2) any alternative quarantine hotel in Thailand
3) a local immigrant office near where he stays
4) the country where he stayed before entering Thailand

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