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The Impact of Cutting Classes on the Academic Performance of Senior

High School Students of Matin-ao National High School

This Research Paper is Submitted to the Faculty of

Matin-ao National High School

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in the subject

Practical Research 1


MARCH 2023


Education is a critical aspect of an individual's life, and it plays a significant
role in shaping one's future. It is a process of acquiring knowledge, skills, values, and
attitudes through various forms of learning such as schooling, training, or self-study.
The United Nations (2019) defined education as a fundamental human right and
emphasized education’s role in promoting sustainable development, poverty
reduction, gender equality, and social inclusion. It also promotes cognitive and
social-emotional development, improving health outcomes, and reducing disparities
and inequalities as recognized by the American Psychological Association (2019).
Senior high school education is a critical stage in a student’s life, as it
prepares them for higher education and their future career. However, students face
many challenges as they studied which affect their academic performance and some
of which include cutting classes or absenteeism. Cutting classes is a common
problem that affects the academic performance of students. It is a prevalent problem
among high school students which is a behavior that involves skipping or missing
classes without a valid reason. According to a study conducted by Wong and
colleagues (2021), cutting classes is a significant problem among secondary
students in Hong Kong. It is reported that 41.7% of students were cutting classes at
least once class in a month and most students who cut classes did so to engage in
leisure activities or to cope with academic stress.
The effects of cutting classes on the academic performance of students have
been studied extensively, and the results show that it has a negative impact on
student’s academic achievement. According to a study by Alfaro and others (2012)
found that students who miss classes are more likely to perform poorly on exams
and have lower overall grades. Another study by Li and colleagues (2020) found that
absenteeism has a negative impact on students’ learning and academic motivation.
Many studies stated that there are various factors that contribute to cutting
classes, such as personal issues, family problems, peer pressure, and academic
difficulties. In the study of Ahmad and Shukri (2021), they found that factors such as
academic stress, family problems, peer influence, and boredom were common
reasons for truancy among high school students in Malaysia and Indonesia. Also, in
a review of multiple studies conducted by Haimes and colleagues (2021), it was
found that mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and trauma were
associated with high school absenteeism, which can include cutting classes. With all
those claimed factors that affect students’ academic achievements, thus,
understanding the causes and effects of cutting classes is crucial to developing
effective interventions to address the problem.
With that, the researcher would like to conduct a study entitled “The Impact of
Cutting Classes on the Academic Performance of Senior High School Students of
Matin-ao National High School”. This study aims to investigate the impacts brought
by cutting classes on the student’s class performance and academic achievements.
The findings of this study will provide insights into the causes and effects of cutting
classes and will contribute to the development of effective interventions to improve
academic performance among senior high school students of Matin-ao National High


The research aims to explore the impacts of cutting classes on the academic
performance of students. The problem statement of the study can be formulated as
 How cutting classes affects academic performance and how it can lead to
long-term consequences in the educational journey of senior high school
students of Matin-ao National High School?

Research Questions:
1. What is the prevalence of cutting classes among senior high school
2. How does cutting classes affect the academic performance of high
school students?
3. What are the long-term consequences of cutting classes on the
educational journey of high school students?

The research objectives of the study entitled “The impacts of Cutting Classes
on the Academic Performance of Senior High School Students of Matin-ao National
High School”
are as follows:
1. To investigate the prevalence of cutting classes among senior high
school students.
2. To determine the relationship between cutting classes and the
academic performance of senior high school students.
3. To know the long-term consequences of cutting classes on the
educational journey of high school students.

This study aimed to identify “The Impacts of Cutting Classes on the
Academic Performance of Senior High School Students of Matin-ao National High
School”. The researcher of this study will use the structured survey to select senior
high school students of Matin-ao National High School. The conceptual framework of
the study is based on the input-process-output model. The input includes the
demographic profile of the students and the reason for cutting classes. The process
involves the frequency of cutting classes and the number of subjects missed. The
output is the academic performance of the students, which will be measured through
their grades.
The figure below illustrates the paradigm of the study.


 Profile of the  Questionnaire  The impacts of

respondents  Survey cutting classes
-Age  Statistical on the
-Gender Treatment of students’
-Grade Level Data academic
-GPA (Grade performance.
Point Average)
 Reasons for
cutting classes

Null Hypothesis (H0): There is no significant relationship between cutting classes and
the academic performance of high school students.
Alternative Hypothesis (H1): There is a significant relationship between cutting
classes and the academic performance of high school students.


Students that cut their classes are getting out of hand, and most teachers are
encountering students that cut their classes every school year. In this research, the
researcher would like to investigate the student’s reasons for such behavior and their
academic performances. The researcher aims to find ways how to address the said
problem, encourage students not to waste their opportunity to study, and deliver this
information to the teachers and parents so they can solve or prevent these students
from cutting classes.
This study is significant for the following:
Students. This research is vital to the students. It will provide information regarding
the consequences of cutting classes. It will also help the students attend their
classes regularly since this research will provide them with information about the
benefits that they can acquire from attending school.
Parents. This study will also be beneficial for parents so they will know how their
children behave in school. Likewise, this would give them the opportunity to help and
guide their children in dealing with problems that may affect their behavior at school.
Teachers and Principals. The results of the study can be used to develop
strategies and programs that will reduce the incidents of cutting classes among
students. They could help each other by suggesting plans in helping the students to
go to school early and attend class regularly.
Future Researcher. This study will be of great help to future researchers as this
research can be their reference in conducting another study that relates to cutting
classes and academic performance.
Finally, this study provides valuable insights into the impacts of cutting lasses
on students’ academic performance. Thus, the study can have great contributions to
the existing literature on the factors that affect students’ academic performance,
specifically the role of class attendance.
The scope and limitations of this study refer to the boundaries and restrictions
of the research. The following are some possible scopes and limitations of the study:

 The study will focus on senior high students (Grades 11 and 12) of Matin-ao
National High School who have a record of cutting classes.
 The study will use a quantitative research design to analyze the data gathered
from the participants.
 The study will gather data on the number of classes cut by the participants,
their academic performance in terms of their Grade Point Average (GPA),
their demographic profile, and reasons for cutting classes.
 The study will gather data using a survey questionnaire and attendance
records from the advisers.
 The study will use statistical analysis to determine the correlation between
cutting classes and the academic performance of the participants.

 The study will not include senior high school students who do not cut classes.
 The study will only focus on the academic performance of the participants and
will not cover other aspects of their life such as mental health, family
background, and personal interests.
 The study’s findings may only be applicable to senior high school students of
Matin-ao National High School and may not be generalizable to other schools
or settings.

For the researcher's understanding, the following terms are defined as used in
this study:
Absenteeism – refers to the practice of missing school without a valid reason.
Absenteeism can be caused by a variety of factors, including illness, family issues,
or truancy (Ehrlich & Gwynne, 2020).
Academic Performance – refers to the level of achievement a student attains in
their academic studies. This can be measured in various ways, including grades, test
scores, and graduation rates. Good academic performance is crucial for future
success in higher education and employment (Huang et al., 2020).
Academic Stress – refers to the physical, emotional, and mental strain experienced
by students due to academic demands, expectations, and performance. Academic
stress can lead to negative outcomes, such as poor academic performance, physical
and mental health problems, and substance abuse (Wong et al., 2019).
Boredom – refers to the feeling of being disinterested, unmotivated, or unengaged
in an activity or situation. Boredom can have negative consequences on academic
performance and behavior, as it can lead to disengagement and a lack of motivation
(Obradović et al., 2019).
Cutting Classes – refers to the practice of deliberately skipping classes or failing to
attend school without a valid reason. Cutting classes is a form of absenteeism that
can have negative consequences on academic performance (Barbaro & Nicholson,
Peer Influence – refers to the impact that peers can have on an individual’s
attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs. Peer influence can be both positive and negative,
and can impact various aspects of a student’s life, including academic performance
and behavior (Wang & Eccles, 2013).
Senior High School Students – refers to students in the final two years of high
school education. These students are typically between the ages of 16 and 18 and
are preparing to enter higher education or the workforce (Davies et al., 2021).
Truancy – refers to the unauthorized absence of a student from school. In other
words, it is when a student skips school without permission. Truancy is a significant
problem in many schools and can have negative consequences for both students
and school (Kearney, 2020).

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