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FIELD STUDY 2 Course Description and Course Learning Outcomes: This course is a
continuation of Field Study 1 that adheres to the philosophy which will be formulated by the
students on the premise of participation and teaching assistantship. It is school based and allows
a pre-service student to observe demonstrated knowledge of learning environments that
motivate 21st century learners to work productively, assume responsibility for their own
learning, participate, and assist in limited actual teaching learning activities that relate to
learning assessment, understanding the role of assessment data as feedback in teaching and
learning practices and programs (5.5.1), selection, development and use of a variety of teaching
and learning resources including ICT (4.5.1) in preparation of the bulletin boards and
instructional materials. Further, exhibits skill in planning classroom routines concerning
learners’ safety and security (2.1). in the classroom; A portfolio which will contain sample
lesson of learning plans and demonstration teaching of at least one subject content using
differentiated teaching to suit the learners’ gender, needs, strengths, interests and experiences
(3.1.1) will be required; an action research shall be encouraged to start in this course to seek
advice concerning strategies that build relationship with parents/guardians and the wider
community (6.2.1) which will be concluded and critiqued during the internship.


EPISODE 2-Observation on the demonstrated knowledge of learning environments that

motivate 21st century learners to work productively, assume responsibility for their own

Education Theory: The school environment refers to the academic environment where teaching
and learning take place. It includes the physical location, physical facilities, psychological
climate, and community context. According to spencer and Blades(2005), the impact of physical
environment on the behavior and attitudes of teachers has a mediating effect on the student
achievement. Scheider(2003, cited in Spencer and Blades, 2005) also concluded that poor school
conditions make it difficult to deliver lessons. Hence, it is important for teachers to learn and
find ways to build a learning environment that can best accommodate diverse learners and to
transform the school environment to achieve educational goals and objectives. According to
Weinstein and David (1987, cited in Spencer and Blades, 2005), the schoolenvironment should
serve the following:
 To foster personal identity;
 To encourage the development of competence;
 To provide opportunities for growth
 To provide interaction and privacy

Since the school serves as the second home of students, it is important to keep it safe,
secured, and conducive for learning. The school should own sites adequate for their own
buildings, for physical education, athletics, military training and recreation , and for vocational
education where this course is required in the curriculum. Further, its size, , nature, location, and
accessibility must adequately serve the purpose of the school.It should be free from noise, ,
unpleasant odors, and dust, and should be sufficiently far from cockpits, dancing halls, bowling
alleys, movie houses, markets, garbage dumps, funeral parlors, cemeteries, heavy traffics,
highway, jails, railroad yards, and manufacturing and industrial establishments.(Section 30.7 of
DepEd Order No. 88,series of 2010).

Moreover, the learning environment shall be in accordance with DepEd’s vision that it
shall be learner-centered and adopts the mission to protect and promote and promote the right of
every Filipino to quality, equitable, cultured-based, and complete basic education where:
 Students learn in a child-friendly, gender-sensitive, safe, and motivating environment.
 Teachers facilitate learning and constantly norture every learner
 Administrators and staff, as stewards of the institution, ensure an enabling and
supportive learning environment for effective learning to happen
 Family, community, and other stakeholders are actively engaged and share
responsibility for developing life-long learners.

The school which serves as the foundation of developing good moral values to children
shall promote the the following DepEd Core Values of being maka-Dios, maka-tao,
makakalikasan, and makabansa.

OBSERVE: Conduct a survey of the school environment. Provide a description of the following
Components Description
Bais City Pilot School is one of the
Location public schools in Bais City, Negros Oriental. It is located at
Western Nautical Highway, Bais City Negros Oriental
Classrooms: equipped with desks or tables, chairs, a
chalkboard or whiteboard, tv, and teaching materials.
School Library: stored with books, educational
resources, and computers.
Administrative Offices: It is where the office of the
principal is located
Playground: Their playground is wide enough for the
children to play on where it is surrounded with any types
of flowers and in between the playground is where the
mighty flag pole is standing.
Gymnasium: It is wide enough to cater any types of
programs the school will held. It is very spacious place
for the children to have a rest when weather is very hot
since it is an open space where air can freely come and
Cafeteria: Their canteen/cafeteria is not that big but
Physical Facilities
enough to cater the pupils and other visitors to come and
go whenever they feel to buy something.
Computer Lab: The room is not that big but enough to
give the children a quiet place because their computer lab
is separated with other classrooms. In there, of course
you can see computers for students to learn and practice
computer skills, research, and other technology-related
Music Room: Their music room is very spacious where
you can see instruments hang on the wall and is enough
to accommodate the children with enough space for them
to freely roam around with their instruments.
Restrooms: Every classroom contains an enough space
restroom to be used by the teacher and the pupils but
they also have a separate restroom outside the classroom
with two distinctions- girls and boys.
Psychological Climate The psychological climate of the school is very
welcoming and also the school strictly follows the rules
of No Bullying where you can really see that the school
have a friendly environment. There is safety and
security, inclusion and diversity and a positive
relationship with a supportive learning environment
given not only by the teachers but as well as with the
Describing the community context of the school it is
very evident that there is always a parental involvement.
They always value the safety and well-being of the
Community Context
pupils. There are also available community resources
such as libraries, restrooms, school office and computer
laboratory in the community context of the school.


1. Which component is the strength and weakness of the school? Explain your answer.
In the component the strength of the school is physical facilities because without these
facilities the learning process will not be possible to happen. Also I consider the psychological
and community context of the school as one of its strength because they really are particular on
following the rules and regulations of the school, they really value the parental involvement of
the children and that maybe resulted that the school have pupils who are very competitive and
eager to attend classes because also of how the psychological climate that is affecting their
motivation and it is very positive since the school can offer a very outstanding good quality of
education towards the learners.

The weakness of the school is the location, because it is not really a good location for an
elementary school should be placed. Because first, it is beside the highway and it is very
dangerous for the children to roam around without their guardians. And second, since it is beside
the high way of course distractions from different vehicles might occur that instead, the focus of
the students will be on the teacher alone but with the noise coming out from the vehicles passing
by, it will be a distraction for their learning and concentration.

2. How does the school maintain the safety and security of students?
Schools employ various measures to maintain the safety and security of students through
physical security measures like access control, surveillance systems and emergency procedures.
Then they also have emergency drills and school staffs to secure the well-being of the children.
They also consider technology integration in communicating with the parents or guardians of the
pupils or like disseminating information and awareness to the school staffs and parents. And to
top it all since the school is located beside the National Highway, there is really a collaboration
with the law enforcement to actively guard and guide the pupils towards their safety and security
outside the school.

3. What are the best practices of the school in keeping the learning environment conducive for
teaching and learning?

The best practices of the school in keeping the learning environment conducive for
teaching and learning for me are the following; First, you must have a clear learning objectives
where it is clearly defined and communicative learning objectives to both students and teachers
and ensure that lessons are aligned with these objectives to maintain focus and relevance.
Second, have an effective classroom management where you establish and communicate clear
expectations for behavior in the classroom and implement fair and consistent discipline policies
to maintain a respectful atmosphere. Third, focus on inclusive education in which the school
values diversity and accommodates students with different learning needs and provide resources
and support for students with special needs. The fourth one is, have a safe and clean
environment, this should matter because every school must maintain a safe and clean physical
environment that promotes well-being and regularly assess and address safety concerns within
the school premises. And for the last one, apply always the student-centered approach because
through this, the school can encourage the pupils towards critical thinking and active
participation in incorporating student interests and feedback into the learning process.
Apparently, there are lots of practices but these five for me is the best that I can think towards
inducive education of the students.

4. How do teachers promote social development and cultural diversity of learners?

In promoting the social development and cultural diversity of learners, the school shall
incorporate diverse perspectives and cultures into the curriculum, using materials that reflect
students' cultural backgrounds. Make time to celebrate cultural events and holidays, fostering
awareness and appreciation through activities and discussions. They can also encourage group
activities and collaborative learning experiences to promote interaction and teamwork among
students from diverse backgrounds. And create an open and respectful dialogue about cultural
differences, discussing stereotypes, biases, and prejudices to promote understanding and

5. In what ways does the school promote a positive school-community relationship?

The school fosters a positive school-community relationship through open
communication, engaging community events, volunteer opportunities, collaborative projects,
partnerships with local businesses, parent education programs, advisory committees, celebrations
of achievements, community service projects, cultural and sporting events, accessible resources,
regular feedback mechanisms, active social media presence, community outreach programs, and
responsive problem-solving to address concerns constructively.

Conduct an interview with the teachers. Identify the strategies of the school that promote the
DepEd Core Values. Write your answer below.

The school is promoting the DepEd Core Values through a variety of tactics, such as curriculum
integration, character education programs, behavior modeling, rewarding exemplary behavior,
policy incorporation, parental involvement, ceremony planning, mission and vision alignment,
values education sessions, visual displays, fostering a values-driven school culture, student
leadership development, teacher professional development, and regular assessments for
continuous improvement.


Review the data you have gathered carefully. Answer the following questions:

1. What makes a good physical learning environment?

In order to create a conducive and effective space for teaching and learning, a good
physical learning environment should include elements like flexible and comfortable seating,
enough lighting and ventilation, well-organized and accessible resources, interactive display
spaces, technology integration, safety measures, engaging decor and color schemes, acoustic
considerations, collaborative spaces, classroom flexibility, inclusive facilities, natural elements,
well-maintained facilities, and community spaces.

2. How does the school environment impact students’ motivation and academic achievement?
A successful learning environment is created by a variety of factors that collectively
contribute to students' motivation and academic achievement, including physical comfort,
engaging learning spaces, positive teacher-student relationships, an inclusive atmosphere,
effective teaching practices, peer relationships, feedback, and recognition; parental involvement;
well-being and mental health support; clear expectations and goals; cultural relevance; a
challenging yet supportive environment; and opportunities for autonomy and choice.

3. Write your reflection by completing the statements:

I realized that:
After responding to each question, I've come to the general conclusion that developing
the ideal learning environment is a complex process. A comprehensive approach that
incorporates different components is necessary when addressing issues such as the development
of core values, methods for building a strong school-community relationship, qualities of a good
physical learning environment, or the influence of the school environment on academic
achievement and motivation. A supportive culture, strong connections, safety, inclusion, and
participation are all critical components of an educational institution's success. The
interdependence of these elements emphasizes the significance of thorough planning and
continuous initiatives to foster an atmosphere that optimizes learning results and general well-
being for students and the larger school community.

I believe it is essential to:

It is essential to have an effective and engaging educational experiences where it is
contingent upon a combination of key factors. A favorable physical learning environment, the
promotion of fundamental values, the development of healthy school-community partnerships,
and an awareness of how the school environment affects student motivation and academic
accomplishment are some of these variables. The understanding that education encompasses
more than just conventional teaching techniques and entails fostering inclusive, stimulating, and
encouraging learning environments that place equal emphasis on students' holistic growth and
well-being as well as their academic performance is essential to success. The core idea is the
interdependence of many educational components, highlighting the significance of a thorough
and deliberate approach to teaching and learning.

From now on, I am determined to:

I am determined to creating an effective learning environment that promotes fundamental
values, fosters community interactions, and creates a safe, inclusive, and supportive environment
for students, aiming to provide them with the quality education they deserve.

Source: Greg Tabios Pawilen,

Signature of the FS Student: _________________________________

Date Accomplished: ________________________________________

Name and signature of the Resource Teacher_____________________________________

Date signed: ____________________________

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