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A Detailed Lesson Plan in English for Grade 4

I. Objectives:
At the end of the 60-minutes discussion, the pupils should be able to attain 80% of
1. Define the differences between common noun and proper noun.
2. Give example of common noun and proper noun.
3. Observe strictly how nouns are classified as common or proper.
II. Subject Matter:
1. Topic: Common and Proper nouns
2. Reference: BOOK – Better English for Global Communication 4
Author –
Pages – 14- 17
3. Materials: Cartolina

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Prayer

As we start our class, I would like to ask Heart

to lead the prayer. In the name of the Father, the son, the holy
spirit, Amen.

Thank you Lord that you’re our friend,

you delight in all we do, Especially when you
hear our prayers and we give thanks to you.
It’s amazing that you are there every
second of the day, everywhere, all the time,
beside each of us. Amen.

In the name of the father, the son, the holy

spirit, Amen.

B. Greetings Good Morning, teacher.

Good Morning, Class.
C. Classroom Management

Before you take your seat, Kindly pick up all

the trash under your chair.
Thank you, teacher.
You may take your seat now.
Fine, teacher.
How is everyone, today?
That’s great!
None, teacher.
Who is absent today, Ms. Edanio?

Wow! Very good! It’s nice to know that

everyone is here.

D. Review of the lesson

Before proceeding to our topic today, I want

to know if all of you still remember what we
discussed yesterday.

What is our topic yesterday all about, Guen? It’s all about noun, teacher.

Very good, Guen.

What is noun again, Marjorie? Noun is a name of a person, place, thing,

animal and ideas or events.
Very good, Marjorie!

E. Motivation

Class, are you ready for our topic today? Yes, teacher.

Okay, I will group you into three.

Group 1 will fall in line here.
Group 2 at the middle
Group 3 will fall in line there.

Since you are with your groupmates now, Let

us start to play “ PANTS”
P – laces
A – nimals
N – ame of a person
T – hings
S – core

All you have to do is think of a place, animals,

name of a person and things that will start
with the letter that I will say.

The groups that get the same answer per

category will only get 5 points each per
category. The group that has no similar
answer to the other group will get 10 points.
So per round, you will get 40 points. The
group with the highest total score will be the

Are we clear?
Okay, Let’s start now. Yes, teacher.

What did you feel during the activity, Heart?

The activity that we did just now is related to It’s so fun teacher.
our new topic for today. Our lesson today is
all about Common and Proper noun.

F. Discussion Proper

Each name fits to the given meaning of a


Today, we are going to learn how to classified

noun as common noun or proper noun.

Any idea about Common noun, Andrea?

Very good, Andrea.

It’s like noun, it also name people, places,
Common nouns name people, places, things, things, animals and events.
events and ideas that are not specific.

Examples: flower, girl, church, school, fish

Since these nouns do not name anything
specific, they do not need to start with a
capital letter unless they begin a sentence.

Do you now understand what a common

noun is?

Give me another example of common noun,


Very good, Reymart.

Give me another example of common noun, Yes, teacher.


Very good, Monica. Shoes, teacher.

Okay, Let’s proceed to proper noun.

Any idea about proper noun, Fiona?

Mountain, teacher.

Very good , Fiona.

Proper nouns name specific people, places,

things, events and ideas.
It is also like a noun teacher. It names people,
Examples: Rose, Lhea, San Roque Parish places, things and animals.
Church, Technological College of San Felipe,

What can you notice about these names,


Very good, Rhea!

Since these nouns are specific names, they

always begin with a capital letter. Sometimes,
they contain two or more important words.
They all begin in capital letter, teacher.
Note that important words are capitalized
and also noticed that even though these are
word pairs, each pair is considered to be only
one noun.

Do you now understand what a proper noun


Give me another example of proper noun,


Very good, Katrina.

Give me another example of proper noun, Yes, teacher.


Is Jamaica correct, Sedric? Katrina, teacher

How did you know that Jamaica is correct,


Impressive, Sedric! and also very good to you Jergens, teacher.

Yes, teacher.
Let’s give Sedric and Jamaica an Ang galling
Because Jergens is a name of a lotion teacher.
So now, I will show you some nouns and all
you have to do is to tell me if these nouns are
proper or common noun.

Are you all ready?

Clap! Clap! Clap!
Is this a common noun or proper noun,
1) friend

Very good, Bernard.

Yes, teacher.
Is this a common noun or proper noun,
2) Mario
Common noun, teacher.
Very good, Jeanlee.

Is this a common noun or proper noun,

3) volcano
Proper noun, teacher.
Very good, Jernie.

Is this a common noun or proper noun,

4) Mt. Pinatubo Common noun, teacher.

Very good, Christine.

Is this a common noun or proper noun,

5) province Proper noun, teacher.
Very good, Clarissa!

Is this a common noun or proper noun,

6) Zambales
Common noun, teacher.
Very good, Rona!

Is this a common noun or proper noun,

7) sea Proper noun, teacher.

Very good, Stephanie!

Is this a common noun or proper noun,

8) West Philippine Sea Common noun, teacher.

Very good, Damaris!

Is this a common noun or proper noun, Mary

9) country Proper noun, teacher.

Very good, Mary Grace!

Is this a common noun or proper noun,

10) Philippines Common noun, teacher.

Very good, Guen!

Wow! You all figured these out that fast!
Good job everyone!
Proper noun, teacher.
How about dirt, Is it a common noun or a
proper noun, Mylene.

Very good, Mylene!

What is the proper noun of dirt, Reymart?

That’s okay, Reymart. You’re still very good common noun, teacher.
because you tried to answer.

So class, Just remember that every proper

noun has a corresponding common noun, but
not every common noun has a corresponding I don’t know, teacher.
proper noun. For example, dirt is a common
noun but there is no specific kind of dirt, so it
has no proper noun.

Can anyone give me an example of common

noun that has no proper noun?

Very good, Dian!

Another example is hand and space. They

have no proper noun.

Do you now understand Common noun and

Proper nouns?
Ear, teacher.
Are there any questions about Common and
Proper nouns?

G. Generalization
So now, Let us see if you really understand
our lesson.
Yes, teacher.
What are Common nouns, Heart?

None, teacher.
Very good, Heart!

What are Proper nouns, Marjorie?

Very good, Marjorie! Common nouns are names of people, places,

things, animals and events that are not
Is Samsung a common noun or a proper specific.
noun, Rhea?

Very good, Rhea!

They are specific name of people, places,
Okay, Very good class! Give yourselves a things, animals and events.
Mekus clap!

Proper noun, teacher.

Clap! Clap! Clap!

IV. Evaluation
Bring one whole sheet of paper and answer the exercises that is on the board.

Exercise A
Directions: For each common noun, write a proper noun. Number 1 is given as an example.

1. hero Andres Bonifacio

2. teacher _____________
3. month _____________
4. book _____________
5. holiday _____________

Exercise B
Directions: For each proper noun, write a common noun. Number 1 is given as an example.
1. Zambales province____
2. Pasig River ___________
3. Manila Hotel ___________
4. Pacific Ocean ___________
5. Mount Mayon ___________

V. Assignment
Directions: Write “common” or proper” next to each noun.

1. California
2. class
3. park
4. toy
5. McDonald’s

Prepared by: Lhea May M. Mangubat


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