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Assessing the strategic time management of CCDI Naga Gas students to achieve their

academic goals for Academic year 2023-2024

This chapter discussed the background of study , statement of the problem,scope of
delimition, significant of the study ,and framework.

Background of study

Time management is an art and a science. Everybody has to learn how to do it. Some people
have a good skill at it but not everybody. Time is a priceless source. Time is the single
resources that can’t be changed, can’t be taken back once it is used and is used completely at
the appreciation of the owner. No one can control the moving of time but everyone is able to
decide how to use it. Time management is self-management with an explicitly focus on time
in deciding what to do; on how much time to allocate to the activities; on how activities can
be done more efficiently and on when the time is right for particular activities .
Time management is a set of practices that work together to help you get more value out of your
time with the aim of improving the quality of your life. Students most often do not utilize their
time judiciously as expected to attain their goals(Florence duke 2015) also ,students to better
manage their curriculum and achieve learning objectives, time management behaviors or skills
are argued to improve the positive academic
output(AdhamAlyami,AbdulrahmanAbdulwahed,ETAL 2021).some students are working while
studying clearly requires a lot of effort and putting so much of one’s mental and physical energy
into this uneasy arrangement, and this usually leaves a feeling of fatigue, stress, on the
students who usually belong to families with low average income, where survival is a must
(Nashra S. Madel, Aldwin T. Miranda 2022).

Time is a process that continues uninterrupted beyond the control of individuals from the past to
the future success of events to come today. Time should not be wasted; it is an important
resource that must be used wisely. However, in today's society, in the fast pace of life,
individuals’ chance is steadily decreasing to use the concerned valuable resource in an effective
manner. In people's private and professional life, time management is an application process of
people’s own events to management functions such as planning, organizing and controlling in
order to achieve their goals effectively and efficiently( Albena GAYEF*,Birkan TAPAN** 2017)
the only thing, which can’t be changed by man, is time. One cannot get back time lost or gone
Nothing can be substituted for time. Time management is actually self management also, the
skills that people need to manage others are the same skills that are required to manage
themselves ( VENCES CYRIL 2015).Time management is very important and it may actually
affect individual's overallperformance and achievements. Students nowadays always
commented that they do not haveenough time to complete all the tasks assigned to them (S N A
M Razali , M S Rusiman1 2018).,The primary achievement of distance and regular students is
managing time effectively. Mismanagement disturbs the academic achievements of learners.
Time administration plays a significant role in improving learners’ performance and
accomplishments. It is a skill to manage time and every learner must familiar and command on
this skill for the sake of better results( Saghir Ahmad ,Ayesha Batoo 2019).Effective time
management plays a major role in the performance society, and not only psychological, but also
socio-cultural and pedagogical factors are involved in students' effective organization of
time(Clara Romero Pérez, Encarnación Sánchez Lissen 2022),the Results demonstrate that
noncognitive constructs such as personality and time management are important for educational
Achievement. Although time management is clearly not independent from the broad domains of
personality, there is a theoretically plausible model for the personality/time management
interactions: Students high on trait conscientiousness use more and better strategies for time
management and therefore achieve better grades (Carolyn MacCann, Gerard J Fogarty, ETAL
2012).Timely discharge of administrative tasks and responsibilities is of great concern to
administrators and managers in various sectors of the economy including the education
sector( Akinfolarin Akinwale Victor 2017).Proper time management is key to success in college.
You need to manage time effectively if you‟re going to be successful (Karim Babayi Nadinloyi,
Nader Hajloo, ETAL 2013).

Additionally,Time Management is a set of principles, practices, skill, tool and systems that work
together to help us to get more value out of our his/her time with the aim of improving the quality
of our life. The most appropriate word which suites Time Management is self-management
which helps us to keep stress to a maximum. Time is the scarcest resource and unless its
management decides the success or the failure of an activity. Effective Time Management
necessitates a sense of balance. Either extreme along the Time Management skill continuum
can be problematic. On one hand, perfect Time Management skill do not make one a perfect
student or employee. It is possible to excess time, such that one is so wrapped up in the
minutiae that meaningful tasks are not accomplished. On the other hand, poor Time
Management skill do not make one a stooge. Some brilliant peoples habitually are ‘a day late
and a dollar short’. The main reason for managing time is just provide structure to one’s life and
in turn, peace of mind. Managing time is just something one does for one’s own psyche, to
make one’s days easier. It is important for a student to have effective strategies to manage his
time to balance the conflicting demands of time for the study. Time Management skills are
valuable for doing revision for examinations. Sometimes it may seem that there is not enough
time to do everything that we need to. This can lead to a buildup of stress. When revising for
examinations or during our final year when we have to combine the pressures of intensive study
with finding time to apply for our task good management of our time can be particularly
important. Once we have identification ways in which we can improve the management of our
time, we can begin to adjust our routines and patterns of behaviour to reduce any time-related
stress in our lives. Keeping this in view the paper has been prepared on some of the
significance of Time Management and Academic Achievement of School Students
(Subramanian 2016)

The General Academic Strand (GAS) is one of the academic strands offered in the Philippines
under the K-12 program. It is designed for students who are undecided about their future
college or career path and want to explore a wide range of disciplines. Gas students often
struggle to effectively manage their time is know one of the strand are many subject in k-12 the
GAS program requires students to engage in a diverse range of subjects, which can lead to a
heavy workload. This can make it challenging for students to effectively prioritize and manage
their time., leading to difficulty in achieving their academic goals. This results in lower grades,
increased stress levels, and a lack of overall academic success. Various factors, such as
procrastination, poor organizational skills, and overcommitment to extracurricular activities,
contribute to the inadequate time management practices among gas students. Consequently,
there is a need to develop a strategic approach to help gas students optimize their time
utilization and establish efficient routines
that align with their academic goals,

Statement of the problem

this study aimed to identify the strategic time management of CCDI Naga gas student to
achieve their academic goals for this Academic year 2023-2024, specifically,to obtain all the
essential information and data the researcher seeks the answer the following questions:
1.What is the strategic time management of CCDI Naga Gas students to achieve their academic
goals? do CCDI Naga Gas students manage to achieve their academic goals despite of
numerous personal and school related task.
scope of delimition
This study mainly focused to identify strategic time management of gas students how to
achieve their academic goals.It aims to explore if how to manage their time management
strategies that can be employed by GAS students to effectively balance their coursework and
extracurricular activities

significant of study
This study have a significant implication the benefits of strategic time management to their

The benefits of this study for students they help them to better understand how to manage
their strategic time management for academics especially those who have difficulty managing
their time for academics because they will know of how to manage that they can achieve
academic goals for studying.

gas students
The benefits of this to gas students will not only help to fix their routine in doing tasks and
activities but also avoid stress and cramming every due date in advance and they will learn how
to manage it well especially the gas strand are more subjects.

It also has benefits for the teacher, they can suggest it to the students. Not only in the gas
strand, how can it be good to have strategic time management,all the students will be active and
all will be able to pass the activity they did from time to time.

future researchers
this study will help the future researchers to guide their study and get information about strategic
time management their academics.





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