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In terms of psychology, the meaning of strict parents is parents who place high
standards and like to demand children. Parents who adhere to this parenting style can be
authoritative or authoritarian. They also do not allow children to voice opinions or question
decisions that their parents have made. That way, strict parents mean adopting a strict
parenting style.
When parents pair high standards with warm and responsive support for their children,
they are parents in authority.Despite setting high standards, authoritative parents value
independent thinking.They allow children to challenge their rules or provide
feedback.Authoritative parenting usually produces the best results for children.Unfortunately,
most strict parents lack authority.Most assertive parents are cold, unresponsive, and
unsupportive of their children.Their rules are often too strict and arbitrary.These parents do
not allow their children to voice opinions or question parental decisions. They control parents
who practice an authoritarian parenting style, which produces worse outcomes than an
authoritarian style.When people talk about strict parenting, they are generally referring to the
authoritarian type. Some of the negative effects that can be experienced by children raised by
strict parents are: Feeling afraid or too shy around other people. Associating obedience and
success with love. Easily adaptable, but also suffers from depression and anxiety disorders.

Assertive parents view academic success as a priority and judge the effectiveness of
their parenting by the performance of their children in school.Such a strict parenting style can
lead to high academic achievement in some cultures as well as in many Asian
countries.However, despite academic success in some cultures, this parenting style also does
a lot of damage to children. Therefore, parents who apply the principle of stritch parents
really interfere with development in their growth and development process and these children
lack self-development due to limited rules from their parents. Therefore, parents must reduce
the system of restraints on children so that children can dare to voice their opinions and the
development process will have a good impact in the future.

Strict Parents: Pengertian, Ciri-ciri, & Dampak Anak Strict Parents (

11 Ciri Strict Parents dan Dampak Buruknya bagi Anak, Bisa Bikin Si Kecil Tidak Bahagia, Lho
Moms! | Orami

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