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Lecture Notes in Ed 208 - Assessment in Learning 1


Lesson 1: Assessment Related Principles (Corpuz and Salandanan, 2003)

a. Assessment of Learning is an integral part of the teaching-learning process.
What the teacher do after he taught is determined by the assessment results that he get
after teaching. If the learning objective has been attained then the teacher will proceed to the
next competency. If not, the teacher will find out why it has not been attained then resort to a
corrective measure then assess once again. The process is integral part of teaching. The
formative evaluation must be done frequently so that the teacher would be able to make
adjustments to the lesson in accordance with the information gathered.
If the assessment or evaluation is built into the teaching learning process, learners’ likeness
to tests may be cured because it becomes common to them. Learners are made to understand
that the purpose of assessment is to check on learning.

b. Assessment tool should match with performance objective.

Assessment tools to us and test to formulate must be based on performance objective. If
the assessment tool is aligned with the performance objective then it can be claim that the
assessment tool to be valid.
c. The results of the assessment mush be fed back to the learners.
Assessment serves it purpose when we return corrected quizzes, test, seat works,
assignment and evaluated projects at the soonest possible time.
d. In assessing learning, teachers must consider learners, learning styles and multiple
intelligences and so must come up with a variety of ways of assessing learning.
MI helps to evaluate the brain processes of individuals. Identifying the types of MI can
help teachers to understand their students better.

Learning styles ( Silver, 2000,p.11)

1. Mastery style
2. Interpersonal style
3. Understanding style
4. Self-expressive style

Multiple Intelligences presented by Howard Gardner

1. Verbal-Linguistic (verbal intelligence) - well-developed verbal skills and sensitivity to the
sounds, meanings and rhythms of words.
2. Logical-Mathematical (Logical Intelligence) - ability to think conceptually and abstractly,
and capacity to discern logical or numerical patterns.
3. Spatial Intelligence - is an area of the theory of the MI that deal with the spatial judgement
and ability to visualize with the mind’s eye.
4. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence - ability to control one’s body movements and to handle
objects skillfully
5. Musical Intelligence - ability to produce and appreciate rhythm, pitch and sound.
6. Intrapersonal Intelligence - capacity to be self-aware and in tune with inner feelings,
values, beliefs and thinking
7. Interpersonal Intelligence- capacity to detect and respond appropriately to the moods,
motivations, and desires of others.
8. Naturalist intelligence - ability to recognize and categorize plants, animals and other
objects in nature.
9. Existential Intelligence - sensitivity and capacity to tackle deep questions about human
existence, such as the meaning of life, why do we die, and how did we get here

e. Emphasize on self-assessment.
If the learning is personal process, then the students is in the best position to measure
his/her own progress against the benchmark. Self-assessment provides students with an
opportunity to self-evaluate, or make judgments about their learning process and products
of learning.
f. Assessment of learning should never be used as punishment or a disciplinary measure.
Assessment are made to assist with learning, not a punishment. If the teacher use
assessment as punishment does not actually trick them into learning more instead its develop
fear to attend school.
g. Results of learning assessment must be communicated regularly and clearly to parents.
Communication to parents is vital especially when it talks about student’s performance.
Parents get ideas about how to support students from home. Parents who are involved also
tend to have a more positive view of teachers.

Choose one principle that you think the most important in the teaching-learning process
then explain why.

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