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We assess our characteristics by comparing ourselves to other people, such as our peers,people in
your family and other people in the community.

2.Your self esteem rises when you achieve something difficult or you receive compliments from other
people. It falls when you get judged or discriminated by other people.

3.Intelligence, Pleasing physical characteristics, feeling likeable and loveable, moral integrity, skills

4.Self esteem grows when people take on new challenges and master new skills. People with positive
experiences feel a sense of accomplishment and pride. They feel like they are making a difference and
have value.

5.I’m able to adapt to random surroundings

I’m friendly.
I have great hair.
I’m smart.
I’m loved by my family.

6.The different ways in which people are actively involved in their community and society are known as
civic engagement. People can become actively involved by joining local groups and volunteering in the

7. While I don’t want to join most community groups, there’s still one group I want to join and it is a
community that helps the elderly. It’s just something that makes me think that I’m responsible for
something. It makes me feel proud of myself.

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