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Back to the chalkboard: Lessons in

scaffolding using SOLO taxonomy from
school teachers for university educators
Eva A. Sprecher

This paper has been developed from a practical oral presentation given by the author as a bursary winner
at the second annual DART-P Conference which took place at the University of Cardiff in June 2019.
Objectives: The aim of this paper is to share practical strategies for teaching techniques,
that are common to the school classroom, adapted to the context of university education.
Specifically, this paper will examine how lecture-based teaching can be differentiated for
university students at different stages in their learning journeys in the same lecture hall.
Background: There is a truism in educational circles that the older the individuals who teachers hope to
educate, the less the availability of evidence-based pedagogical research to guide their teaching practice. It
is widely accepted that despite the similarity in age between university students in the same cohort there
are often stark differences in learner profiles. However, there is precious little training or research to inform
university lecturers on how to differentiate their teaching to suit the level of a wide range of students.
Methods: Four strategies for scaffolding and differentiation, originating from school-based pedagogy
but adapted for the lecture theatre environment, will be presented with examples and modelling. Each
strategy will be linked to the Structure of Observed Learning Outcome (Biggs & Collins, 1982) model.
Conclusions: This paper will provide practical strategies for university lecturers and educators to test in their
own practice to assist in ensuring that no student is left behind in their teaching.

T HAS BEEN well documented that the posed by more homogenous groups (David,
expansion in demand for higher educa- 2008).
tion has been associated with increasing As educators, lecturers, in much the same
levels of diversity in the backgrounds of manner as schoolteachers, have a responsi-
students accessing higher education (Arum bility to address the inequalities and diversity
et al. 2007; Finnegan, Merrill & Thunborg, of learning needs of their students and this
2014; Jury et al., 2017). This diversification is where a consideration of differentiation
of students accessing higher education is becomes essential. Differentiation requires
accompanied with profound benefits for educators to be able to consistently and reli-
society and higher education institutions. For ably identify differences in students learning
example, higher levels of diversity in higher outcomes and, on this basis, to target scaf-
education cohorts appears to have a positive folding strategies in such a way as to address
impact on the openness of students to new these differences in learning outcomes. One
ideas and can be argued to foster cognitive framework which can provide a structure to
development (Gurin et al., 2002; Harper both these critical components of differen-
& Yeung, 2013). However, there are also tiation is Structure of Learning Outcomes
associated challenges for university educa- (SOLO) Taxonomy (Biggs & Collins, 1981).
tors in the increasing diversity of students in
their lecture halls. For example, providing SOLO taxonomy
engaging and accessible educational experi- Frameworks such as SOLO taxonomy are
ences for diverse groups of students can pose vitally important for educations when consid-
challenges for educators that exceed those ering work quality. While quantity of work,

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Eva A. Sprecher

for example, the number of studies a student example, the word ‘discuss’ could be used
has included in an essay, is straightforward to refer to a relatively simple piece of work
to measure, quality can be a highly illusive that describes in simplistic terms a concept
concept. SOLO taxonomy (Biggs & Collins, or it may refer to a multi-faceted explora-
1981) is a criterion-based framework which tion of a concept (Stanny, 2016). Thank-
allows discrimination between learning of fully, SOLO taxonomy is able to address
differing levels of maturity and complexity. many of the downfalls of Bloom’s Taxonomy
SOLO taxonomy provides an alternative and provides a more flexible and consistent
framework to the more commonly utilised framework for both scaffolding towards and
Bloom’s Taxonomy (Bloom, 1956). While assessment of learning outcomes.
Bloom’s Taxonomy is often useful when SOLO taxonomy is structured as a five-
generating cues or questions for pupils to level framework with each level representing
respond to of varying levels of difficulty, a more mature level of learning outcome
there are several limitations when it comes than the previous. The five levels are named:
to its use for differentiation and consistent Pre-structural, uni-structural, multi-struc-
evaluation of learning outcomes. Firstly, tural, relational and extended abstract.
Bloom’s Taxonomy relies upon ‘cue words’ A comprehensive diagram is presented in
which are organised in a hierarchy which Figure 1 which may be helpful to the reader
remains consistent regardless of learning for reference as this section describes the
task. This makes Bloom’s Taxonomy rather SOLO model in more detail.
inflexible as a system for assessment, as what SOLO taxonomy is used to consider the
a high-level learning outcome consists of is responses that students provide to cues from
pre-determined, rather than a product of educators. The model is understood in terms
particular learning material provided. Sec- of student use of three types of component:
ondly, Bloom’s Taxonomy has several ‘cue irrelevant concepts, relevant concepts explic-
words’ which are ambiguous in the level itly taught, and relevant concepts not explic-
or complexity of work they describe. For itly taught. As demonstrated in Figure 1, as

Figure 1: Diagram demonstrating the five levels of learning maturity as conceptualised in the
SOLO taxonomy Framework with key. Developed from Biggs and Collins (1982).

96 Psychology Teaching Review Vol. 25 No. 2, 2019

Back to the chalkboard: Lessons in scaffolding using SOLO taxonomy

learning becomes more mature, learners are framework for ease of comprehension.
able to respond to teachers’ cues with out- However, as highlighted by the discussion
comes that include more relevant, and more of lecture hall inequality this is unlikely and
numerous concepts. At the highest levels of it will be more often the case that students
the taxonomy students are also able to include will vary in their stages of learning maturity
information that is not only relevant but that and scaffolding techniques will be targeted
has not been explicitly covered or linked to as sub-groups of pupils.
the topic by the educator. Another charac-
teristic that discriminates mature learning is Dilemma 1: Problem solving
the learner’s use of relating operations. At A lecturer is delivering a research skills
the higher levels of maturity of learning out- module to a group of first year undergradu-
come students are able to link more concepts ates in psychology. The lecture focuses on
together in more diverse ways, whether this the concepts of demand characteristics
be by comparison, contrasting or another and ecological validity. The lecturer wants
relating operation. Finally, students at the to assess student’s understanding of these
highest levels of learning maturity are able concepts by examining their next labora-
to demonstrate a tolerance of ambiguity in tory reports. Upon examining these reports,
their work. Often less mature work demon- the lecturer notices that most students have
strates premature closure of arguments, for included a definition of demand character-
example providing only one explanation for istics and a definition of ecological validity,
a finding as opposed to considering multiple but they have failed to use these concepts
possibilities. to inform their experimental designs. The
lecturer hopes to address this problem
Use of SOLO taxonomy for scaffolding before students complete their next labora-
This section of this paper will explore four tory report.
common dilemmas faced by university
educators of psychology. For each dilemma Identify current student level
the following format will be utilised: Students who are presenting only the defini-
Description of example vignette, identi- tions of demand characteristics and ecological
fication and justification of current level validity but failing to use these to inform their
of SOLO taxonomy at which students are experimental designs, are likely currently at
performing, identification of target SOLO the multi-structural level of understanding.
taxonomy stage for learning outcomes, They are able to respond to the assignment
and an example scaffolding technique by providing several relevant pieces of infor-
for supporting students to make this step. mation, the two definitions, but they do not
All scaffolding techniques discussed in make links between these concepts and the
this section are based on common class- design aspects of their study.
room strategies used in secondary schools
by teachers but adapted for the univer- Identify target student level
sity lecture setting. It is hoped that these The lecturer’s target level for these students
examples will bring SOLO taxonomy to is most likely the relational level of under-
life for the reader and may inspire further standing. The lecturer wishes for students
thinking regarding the practical strategies to respond to the given assignment with
educators in university lecture hall settings several relevant points of information, the
can employ to scaffold learning for diverse definitions for demand characteristics and
pupil cohorts. It is worth noting that these ecological validity, and wishes them to make
examples have been simplified to suggest links between these relevant elements and
that cohorts of students will have a shared other aspects of the experiment such as the
starting point on the SOLO taxonomy experimental design or methodology.

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Eva A. Sprecher

Possible scaffolding strategy would have the added benefit of allowing the
A possible scaffolding strategy for the lecturer to monitor development in student’s
lecturer to utilise is known as transparent understanding of the marking criteria over
marking. Students at any level of educa- the course of the lecture. A further variation
tion can struggle to identify what examiners could be to complete the same activity with
look for to identify high quality assignments. students in small groups or pairs to encourage
One strategy which can increase alignment collaboration and deeper discussions about
between student and educator expectations the meaning of different aspects of the
is sharing the stages of the marking process marking framework.
and being explicit in the criteria fulfilled in
assignments. A practical method for using Dilemma 2: Integrating new knowledge
this idea in a lecture hall setting is by utili- A lecturer is delivering a course to second
sation of a virtual learning environment. year undergraduates in psychology which
A lecturer may share various fictional exam- covers debates in the language acquisition
ples of student work with a student cohort of infants. The lecturer is confident that
and ask students to mark this work using a all students completing the course are able
provided framework, for example a simplified to describe the debate between nativist
version of SOLO taxonomy (see Figure 2). The and social constructivist ideas of language
lecturer will then share the grades they would acquisition in infants. The course is to be
give to each fictional example and justify these assessed on a critical essay concerning this
with reference to the marking criteria. Vari- language acquisition debate but the lecturer
ations on such a strategy could involve the is concerned that students will only include
use of lecture-friendly voting software to allow studies explicitly covered in lectures and fail
students to share in real-time their gradings to make links to other studies beyond this
for each example and how these change over small number.
time during the lecturer’s explanation. This

Figure 2: Simplified diagram demonstrating levels of SOLO taxonomy in sharable format for
students including key word descriptors or prompts.

98 Psychology Teaching Review Vol. 25 No. 2, 2019

Back to the chalkboard: Lessons in scaffolding using SOLO taxonomy

Identify current student level this paper and a one-sentence explanation of

Students are likely currently at the relational how this study links to the language acquisi-
level of understanding or at the transitional tion debate students will be explicitly demon-
point between the relational and extended strating and developing the skills required
abstract levels of understanding. They are to improve the quality of their work, making
able to respond to an assignment cue with links between new relevant information and
multiple relevant pieces of information, in the learning cue provided.
this case research studies covered in lectures,
and make links from these studies to the rele- Dilemma 3: Making value judgements
vant debates around language acquisition. A lecturer is teaching a module to final year
However, they are unable to integrate new undergraduates in psychology which examines
pieces of relevant information from studies evidence regarding localisation of brain func-
not explicitly covered in the lecture material. tioning. Students are expected to write a crit-
It could be argued that students are in the ical essay examining the strength of evidence
transitional point between these two levels supporting a localised model of brain func-
as they are able to use multiple explanations tioning. Upon marking student’s essays, the
to explain the presented studies, the two lecturer notices that many students are able to
different theories of language acquisition. describe studies that evidence localisation of
brain functioning. However, students do not
Identify target student level appear to be making links to other modules
The target level for these students is the where they have been learning about how to
extended abstract level of understanding. critically evaluate research evidence and, thus,
The lecturer wishes for students to be they have not identified the strengths and
able to make links between both explic- weaknesses of the studies they have included.
itly presented and non-explicitly presented
research studies and the language acquisi- Identify current student level
tion debate. It is also expected for students Students are likely currently at the multi-struc-
to make links or comparisons between study tural level of understanding. They demon-
evidence and use more than one explana- strate an ability to describe studies that are
tion in their critical essays, for example using related the localised model of brain func-
both the nativism and social constructivist tioning but they do not make links between
theory explanations of study findings. these studies and what they have learnt about
the quality of the presented research evidence.
Possible scaffolding strategy
A scaffolding strategy which may aid the Identify target student level
lecturer from this vignette is the construc- The target level for these students is, at a
tion of a collaborative platform for students minimum, the relational level of under-
to practice and model for each other the standing, with possibly some students
integration of new information required for obtaining the extended abstract level.
students to reach the extended abstract level The lecturer wishes for students to make
of learning outcome. An online platform such connections between pieces of evidence, for
as Padlet or a forum constructed in a university example making comparisons between the
specific virtual learning environment could quality of different studies which relate to
be used. For a small number of credits or as the localised model of brain functioning.
a homework between lectures students could It may also be that students will need to
be required to submit a small post about a achieve the extended abstract level if they
paper that has not been explicitly covered in bring in relevant information from different
lectures but is related to the language acquisi- university modules that have not been specif-
tion debate. By providing a full reference for ically alluded to by the lecturer.

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Possible scaffolding strategy Dilemma 4: Providing causal

One strategy which could allow these explanations
students to reach these higher quality A lecturer is running a research methods
learning outcomes is known as constructing module for second year undergraduates
a shared toolkit. The lecturer could label in psychology. Students are to be assessed
several key readings from the module, for on this module with the use of a labora-
example, text A, text B and so forth. Using tory report in the style of a scientific paper
a online platform, such as Socrative or about a computer-based experiment on deci-
Mentimeter, students in the lecture hall can sion making students conducted in small
be invited to rank these texts in terms of groups. Many of the groups have findings
the quality of evidence. From this exercise from their decision-making experiment that
the lecturer could call on students, or make contradicts the hypotheses they stated while
further use of online feedback platforms, to planning their study. In previous laboratory
construct a criterion sheet, listing character- reports, it has been noted by markers that
istics which students may look for in a high- in previous laboratory report assignments
quality research paper and in a low-quality where students’ results have not supported
research paper. This criterion sheet could their hypotheses that students simply state
then be shared with students and used as a that this is due to having a ‘small sample
tool to guide the evaluation of new papers, size’ making their results invalid rather than
modelling and making explicit the process consideration of any alternative explana-
by which researchers examine new research tions. The lecturer for this module wishes to
work. ensure that students learn to be able to eval-
uate, compare and consider several alternate
explanations of unexpected findings as this is
a skill pertinent to careers in research work.

Figure 3: Example partially constructed template for guiding students in writing discussion
sections on the basis of hypotheses and results of their research studies.

100 Psychology Teaching Review Vol. 25 No. 2, 2019

Back to the chalkboard: Lessons in scaffolding using SOLO taxonomy

Identify current student level Figure 2, with students to allow them to self-
Students in this vignette are likely currently monitor and understand educator expecta-
in the relational level of understanding. tions. Secondly, not all tasks set for students
They are able to make a connection between will be of a form that allows the demonstra-
evidence which fails to support their tion of the higher levels of SOLO taxonomy.
proposed hypotheses and the small sample For example, it is not possible to demon-
sizes of their experiments. However, they are strate advanced abstract levels of learning
unable to consider multiple explanations of on multiple choice quizzes. It is, therefore,
the same finding – therefore showing prema- important to consider carefully the wording
ture closure of their arguments and a lack of and format of assignments which educators
ability to hold ambiguity. plan to assess using this framework. Finally,
while SOLO taxonomy can be hugely benefi-
Identify target student level cial in planning scaffolding strategies which
The target level for these students is the can address instances of inequality in the
extended abstract level of understanding. At lecture hall, this is not the only factor which
this level, students would be able to provide determines student’s learning outcomes.
several possible explanations for their findings Educators ought still to consider the role
failing to support their hypotheses based on a of time allocated for tasks, emotional invest-
range of factors, for example: methodological ment of students, motivational factors and
limitations and theoretical explanations. other situational influences on student work.

Possible scaffolding strategy Conclusions

A common characteristic of extended abstract In conclusion, it is apparent that as higher
work is the ability to hold several conflicting educational settings open their doors to
explanations without premature closure of increasingly diverse groups of students that
one’s argument. Therefore, this skill could the inequalities that have always been present
be modelled by the lecturer using a guided in lecture halls are growing. This increases
example strategy. The lecturer could develop the pressure on university lecturers to explic-
a template for the discussion section of an itly consider how to differentiate for students
example laboratory report. This could be in at different stages in their learning jour-
the form of a flow chart and link different neys to allow all students to reach their full
areas of discussion to key terms covered in potential. In this way, university educators
lectures as shown in Figure 3. To engage may benefit from the scaffolding techniques
students more deeply in this exercise the which are commonplace in the secondary
lecturer could leave the template partially school classroom. SOLO taxonomy provides a
constructed and ask students to work in small useful framework for considering the level of
groups to add to and develop this, making student learning outcomes and for planning
links to their own laboratory reports. scaffolding strategies. Four scaffolding tech-
niques that may be applied from the lecture
Limitations and notes regarding use of hall if modified from their original classroom
SOLO taxonomy setting form are: transparent marking, shared
It is worthwhile highlighting, at this point, toolkits, collaborative platforms and guided
several areas which educators may wish to examples. University educators ought to be
consider in when applying SOLO taxonomy to encouraged and supported to cater for the
their practice. Firstly, while SOLO taxonomy wide range of students in their lecture halls
allows consistent understanding of maturity and the use of consistent framework such
of learning from an educator’s perspective it as SOLO taxonomy can aid in the develop-
is advantageous to share a version of SOLO ment of innovative and targeted scaffolding
taxonomy, perhaps in the form shown in strategies.

Psychology Teaching Review Vol. 25 No. 2, 2019 101

Eva A. Sprecher

Author Correspondence: AFNCCF, Kantor Centre

Eva A Sprecher, BA PGCE QTS MSc MBPsS of Excellence, 4-8 Rodney Street, London,
(PhD Candidate), Winner of DART-P Bursary N1 9JH,
University College London and Anna Freud Email:
National Centre for Children and Families

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