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Reflective Essay

Science is a systemized bodies of knowledge in which those knowledges are

based on either experiments, observations or even theoretical foundations that
produced credible knowledge. Technology is the application of science and the
one responsible of creation of different machines, gadgets or processes that
would make an individual’s life easy or comfortable and the society is a group of
individuals that performs social interactions. I learned that in science, technology
and our society cannot work if one of them are missing or not properly working.
In terms of innovation, science paves the way for technology, with the help of
science people get to understand and fix any problems our society offers and with
the capability of our technology we can make ideas or solutions in reality. Ever
since in the beginning these three things (Science, Technology, Society) cooperate
or work together in order to make our lives easy and efficient, from basic
infrastructures to effective medicines all of these were all possible because of
science technology and society.

Science, Technology and society is important specially in understanding

certain situations, we sometimes believe that all things happening in our
environment are explainable by science. While all things that we create thru
technology are helpful in either to further understand things or even
revolutionized tools or objects. The society (us) has the duty to make our future
pleasant and problem free. Each branch or concept are correlated to one another
but even though they have different ideas or concept and task they still follow the
main objective in which to solve problems. The society should attempt to change
the world specially we have the tools like, knowledge in science and resources for
technology, each individual should strive to make their surroundings better, Lastly
we individuals strive to have a good life or even a fruitful one but failed to see the
simple answer science can explain certain things we need to understand and
technology cam make things that would make life easy, its not just about working
hard but also attaining certain knowledge that would led us to a wonderful life.

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