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(RST 2010년 고3 3월 모의고사 5회차)

DATE : 0722/0723
이름: ______________

✪ Words and Phrase : 다음 단어의 뜻을 쓰시오. (번호당 2점) => /10

1. perception 뜻 : 인식, 인지
4. overestimate 뜻 : 과대평가하다

2. resemblance 뜻 : 유사성, 닮음
뜻 : 비관적인
5. pessimistic
3. overcome 뜻 : 극복하다, 이겨내다 반의어 = optimistic

✪ 지문 변형문제 (번호당 5점) => / 15

We conducted research to find whether people explain what happened to them positively or
negatively. (가) The findings showed that the mother’s level of optimism and the child’s level
were very ⓐsimilar. (나) This was ⓑtrue of both sons and daughters. We were surprised at
the result that neither the children’s speaking style nor the mother’s style bore any
resemblance to the ⓒfather’s style. (다) This tells us that young children listen to what their
ⓓsecondary caretaker (usually the mother) says. If the child has an optimistic mother, this is
great. (라) On the other hand, it can be a ⓔdisaster for the child if the child has a
pessimistic mother. (마)

1. 지문속 (가)~(마) 중에서 아래 보기 문장이 맥락상 들어가기 알맞은 곳은?

We gave questionnaires to one hundred children and their parents.
① (가) ② (나) ③ (다) ④ (라) ⑤ (마)

2. 다음중 위 지문과의 내용과 일치하지 않는 보기를 모두 고르기 (복수 정답 가능)

① The research was conducted to find if people explain what happened in a certain way.
② The result showed mothers affect their children a lot regarding traits.
③ That there is no relationship between fathers` style and their kids` one was surprising.
④ According to the passage, it is a mother that mainly takes care of her children.
⑤ It`s reasonable to think a kid`s optimism or pessimism resembles his or her dad`s a lot.

3. ⓐ~ⓔ 중 맥락상/내용상 어휘사용이 옳지 않은 보기는? secondary -> primary

① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
✪ RST => 빈칸/선택 : / 15 (칸당 1점) & WHY : / 10 (번호당 5점) => 총 : /25
1. [Having / Have] extremely vivid (생생한) memories of past emotional experiences and only weak
memories of past everyday events (1)[means / mean] (생략된 것?that) we maintain (유지하다) a biased
perception (편향된 인식) of the past.
과거의 정서적 경험을 매우 생생히 기억하는 것과 과거의 일상적인 사건을 희미하게 기억하는 것은 우리가 과거
에 대한 편향된 인식을 유지한다는 것을 의미한다.

2. A summer vacation will [be recalled / recall] for its highlights, and the [more / less] exciting parts
will fade away (희미해지다) with time, eventually [to be forgotten / to forget] forever.
여름휴가는 가장 흥미로운 부분이 기억되고, 덜 흥미로운 부분은 시간이 지나면서 희미해지다가 결국 영원히 잊
힐 것이다.

3. As a result, when we estimate (추정하다) [what / how] our next summer vacation will make us
(2)[to feel / feel], we estimate the positive.
그 결과, 우리의 다음 여름휴가가 우리로 하여금 어떤 느낌이 들게 하는지를 추정할 때, 우리는 긍정적인 면을
WHY? (1) 주어(Having ~ events): 동명사 having -> 단수 취급
WHY? (2) 5형식 사역동사 make -> (능동 시) 목적격 보어: 동사원형

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