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**1) Why are you interested in becoming a mentor officer?


Hello Zeal and the rest of the Mentor leadership team. I am interested in becoming
a mentor officer because I have been a mentor member for a long time, as seen here I am a senior mentor member and as seen by my total staff
trainings and checkups, I have proven to be a comitted and ambitious member within
the mentor team. Before I resigned and before I got TRO, RO and HA 1 year ago, I
originally went for Mentor Officer, it has primarily been my favourite and most
desired team to grow within and advance in. I might not have A LOT of server
activity ingame as of recent, but I am extremely active on the forums, discord and

**2) What do you think is the most important part of being a mentor officer is? **

I think the most important part of being a mentor officer is to provide quality
checkups for the mentor members when they are on LOA. In general I would say its
important to be active, recruit people as quickly as possible when informed that
someone wants to join mentor in the #Recruitment-Referral.

**3) Why should you be chosen as the next mentor officer?**

Im keeping this short on purpose even though I feel like I would be able to write a
longer roman for this question but;
I should be chosen as the next mentor officer, because I am trusted as a current
RO, and has previous been both TRO, RO and Head Adiministrator which has reflected
months of hard and continious work where I have ambitiously worked on improving and
optimizing the server and affairs teams where changes and updates were needed.

**4) What makes you stand out above others?**

I am a very mature and trustworthy person, I am calm collected, unbiased and I

strive to help and assist where its
needed. I think I stand out when it comes to performing quality checkups and
quality staff trainings, I do always follow the PowerPoint slideshow during staff
trainings, however, I always add a bunch of extra information, which
is basically knowledge and experience that I have achieved for staffing on this
server for 1 year+ I have always admired, the mentor team and I think that I would
do great within the mentor leadership team.

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