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EBS 올림포스 독해의기본2(2023)

1. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? [11-1] As you know, many sports injuries are treated with ice
As you know, many sports injuries are treated with ice packs. The initial impact of the ice is to reduce the
packs. The initial impact of the ice is to reduce the inflammation and the resultant swelling by shrinking
inflammation and the resultant swelling by shrinking the blood vessels and, so, slowing down the rush of
the blood vessels and, so, slowing down the rush of blood to the area. However, the body also has an
blood to the area. However, the body also has an opposite reaction to the cold, namely to send extra
opposite reaction to the cold, namely to send extra blood to the chilled area to warm it up. (You may have
blood to the chilled area to warm it up. (You may have noticed this phenomenon yourself when you've had
noticed this phenomenon yourself when you've had very cold hands. As soon as you came inside or
very cold hands. As soon as you came inside or otherwise warmed your hands, they seemed to glow.)
otherwise warmed your hands, they seemed to glow.) Fortunately, however, the body sends this warming
Fortunately, however, the body sends this warming blood to the area gradually without causing reswelling.
blood to the area gradually without causing reswelling. Thus, the sports physician has given his patient the
Thus, the sports physician has given his patient the best of all worlds; reduced swelling and inflammation
best of all worlds; reduced swelling and inflammation but increased flow of curative blood.
but increased flow of curative blood.
① 많은 운동의 부상은 얼음 팩으로 치료된다.

① 얼음팩의 초기 효과와 반대 작용 ② 얼음은 혈관을 확장하여 그 부위로 피가 몰려드는 것을 지연시

② 얼음팩을 했을 때 , 손이 발갛게 되는 이유
③ 신체는 냉기에 대한 정반대 반응을 보인다.
③ 혈관을 축소하고 그렇게 해서 그 부위로 피가 몰려드는 것
④ 신체는 냉각된 부위를 따뜻하게 하려고 추가적인 혈액을 보낸
④ 스포츠 의사가 환자들에게 충고하고 좋은 것을 주는 것 다.

⑤ 혈관을 축소하고 그렇게 해서 그 부위로 피가 몰려드는 것 ⑤ 얼음을 갖다대면 붓기와 염증은 완화하지만 치료성 혈액의 흐
름은 늘린다.

2. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [11-1] 4. 다음 글의 성격으로 가장 적절한 것은? [11-1]

As you know, many sports injuries are treated with ice
As you know, many sports injuries are treated with ice
packs. The initial impact of the ice is to reduce the
packs. The initial impact of the ice is to reduce the
inflammation and the resultant swelling by shrinking
inflammation and the resultant swelling by shrinking
the blood vessels and, so, slowing down the rush of
the blood vessels and, so, slowing down the rush of
blood to the area. However, the body also has an
blood to the area. However, the body also has an
opposite reaction to the cold, namely to send extra
opposite reaction to the cold, namely to send extra
blood to the chilled area to warm it up. (You may have
blood to the chilled area to warm it up. (You may have
noticed this phenomenon yourself when you've had
noticed this phenomenon yourself when you've had
very cold hands. As soon as you came inside or
very cold hands. As soon as you came inside or
otherwise warmed your hands, they seemed to glow.)
otherwise warmed your hands, they seemed to glow.)
Fortunately, however, the body sends this warming
Fortunately, however, the body sends this warming
blood to the area gradually without causing reswelling.
blood to the area gradually without causing reswelling.
Thus, the sports physician has given his patient the
Thus, the sports physician has given his patient the
best of all worlds; reduced swelling and inflammation
best of all worlds; reduced swelling and inflammation
but increased flow of curative blood.
but increased flow of curative blood.

① Ice packs induce the blood vessel to contract and

① critical ② apologetic
thereby suppress the inflammation.
③ persuasive ④ descriptive
② In the shrunken blood vessels by ice packs, the blood
flow rate decreases. ⑤ informative
③ When any part gets chilled by ice packs, the body
raises the overall internal temperature.

④ The warming blood is sent to the chilled area little by

little without causing reswelling.

⑤ The sports physician can offer a way to increase the

flow of curative blood using ice packs.

3. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [11-1]

KUESB -1- 영어
EBS 올림포스 독해의기본2(2023)

5. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? [11-1] The development of quality and creative musical ideas
As you know, many sports injuries are treated with ice takes time. Schools are set up such that teachers must
packs. The initial impact of the ice is to reduce the work on a strict and limited time schedule, ① with few
inflammation and the resultant swelling by shrinking precious moments allowing in a week for music
the blood vessels and, so, slowing down the rush of instruction, along with the additional burden of having
blood to the area. However, the body also has an to produce excellent concerts for public performance.
opposite reaction to the cold, namely to send extra Unfortunately, this hectic approach to teaching ② may
blood to the chilled area to warm it up. (You may have be least conduce for creative thinking. Researchers
noticed this phenomenon yourself when you've had have provided evidence that ③ when giving shorter
very cold hands. As soon as you came inside or time to work on a creative task, subjects produced
otherwise warmed your hands, they seemed to glow.) lower scores on fluency, flexibility, and originality tests.
Fortunately, however, the body sends this warming Additionally, researchers found that students produced
blood to the area gradually without causing reswelling. their most original ideas later in creative tasks rather
Thus, the sports physician has given his patient the than earlier. My own experience of teaching
best of all worlds; reduced swelling and inflammation composition to children provides anecdotal evidence to
but increased flow of curative blood. support the notion that they need a significant amount
of undisturbed time ④ when composed. I often ⑤ have
① The herbal treatment of sport injuries had a difficult time convinced students to take a break,
even after hours of working on a music composition
② The reactions when injuries get chilled
③ The method for measuring blood pressure
① with few precious moments allowed
④ The oldest oriental therapy-using ice packs
② may be least conducive
⑤ The blood circulation both warm and curative blood
③ when given shorter time
④ when they are composed
6. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [11-1] ⑤ have had a difficult time convincing students
As you know, many sports injuries are treated with ice
packs. The initial impact of the ice is to reduce the
inflammation and the resultant swelling by shrinking 8. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은? [11-2]
the blood vessels and, so, slowing down the rush of The development of quality and creative musical ideas
blood to the area. However, the body also has an takes time. Schools are set up such that teachers must
opposite reaction to the cold, namely to send extra work on a strict and limited time schedule, with few
blood to the chilled area to warm it up. (You may have precious moments allowed in a week for music
noticed this phenomenon yourself when you've had instruction, along with the additional burden of having
very cold hands. As soon as you came inside or to produce excellent concerts for public performance.
otherwise warmed your hands, they seemed to glow.) Unfortunately, this hectic approach to teaching may be
Fortunately, however, the body sends this warming least conducive for creative thinking. Researchers have
blood to the area gradually without causing reswelling. provided evidence that when given shorter time to
Thus, the sports physician has given his patient the work on a creative task, subjects produced lower
best of all worlds; reduced swelling and inflammation scores on fluency, flexibility, and originality tests.
but increased flow of curative blood. Additionally, researchers found that students produced
their most original ideas later in creative tasks rather
① 많은 운동 부상은 얼음 팩으로 치료된다. than earlier. My own experience of teaching
composition to children provides anecdotal evidence to
② 얼음의 첫 영향은 혈관을 수축시킴으로써 염증을 줄이고, 그 결
과로 붓기를 유발하는 것이다. support the notion that they need a significant amount
of undisturbed time when composing. I often have had
③ 차가워진 부위를 따뜻하게 하기 위해 그 부위로 신체는 추가 혈
a difficult time convincing students to take a break,
액을 보낸다.
even after hours of working on a music composition
④ 손이 차가울 때 실내로 들어가거나 손을 따뜻하게 하면 손이 발 project.
갛게 되는 것 같았다.

⑤ 스포츠 의사가 환자에게 준 얼음 팩은 염증을 줄이고 치료성 혈

액의 흐름은 늘렸다.

7. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분을 어법상 잘못 고친 것은? [11-2]

KUESB -2- 영어
EBS 올림포스 독해의기본2(2023)

① 학교 음악 선생님들은 잡무로 인해 수업 준비가 힘들다.

② 짧은 시간에도 천재적인 작곡가는 창의적 사고가 가능하다. 11. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? [12-1]
③ 학생들이 작곡을 할 때는 충분한 의사소통의 시간이 필요하다. Strive to make your presentations as personal as
possible and avoid speaking in a space larger than
④ 음악 작곡 프로젝트에 참여하는 학생은 휴식이 필요하다.
necessary. Smaller rooms create a more intimate
⑤ 좋은 음악적 아이디어를 얻기 위해 충분한 시간이 요구된다. atmosphere, which will heighten the energy and
emotion of an audience. Speaking in a smaller space
will also allow you to make eye contact with your
9. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? [11-3] audience, an important personal touch. If 25 people

If you want to be successful, I highly recommend are expected to attend your presentation, find a space

learning to be happy first. It is possible to become with a maximum capacity of 30 instead of 100. A

successful without first learning to be happy, but I crowded room will seem more impressive than an

strongly recommend against it, because if you are empty hall and people will be more inclined to

unhappy before you are successful, you are likely to be remember a full house rather than an auditorium of

even more unhappy after. For example, based on my empty seats.

own experience becoming financially successful and

that of other wealthy people I know, I have found ① difficulty of deciding proper space for a presentation
wealth to be a personality multiplier. If you are cruel ② necessity of having a calm atmosphere during a
and unkind, then being wealthy will make you even presentation
more cruel and unkind, because you don’t even have ③ advantages of reserving a small space when giving a
survival-related reasons to be nice to anyone anymore. presentation
If, instead, you are kind and generous, then being
④ importance of having an eye contact with the audience
wealthy will make you more so, because wealth
provides more opportunities for doing so. ⑤ useful skills for communicating with the audience

① the process of personality development by economic

success 12. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [12-1]
② ways of being successful by using more opportunities Strive to make your presentations as personal as

③ a personality change formed by financial success possible and avoid speaking in a space larger than
necessary. Smaller rooms create a more intimate
④ why you should become happy before success
atmosphere, which will heighten the energy and
⑤ various requirements so as to be wealthy emotion of an audience. Speaking in a smaller space
will also allow you to make eye contact with your
audience, an important personal touch. If 25 people
10. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은? [12-1] are expected to attend your presentation, find a space
with a maximum capacity of 30 instead of 100. A
Strive to make your presentations as personal as
crowded room will seem more impressive than an
possible and avoid speaking in a space larger than
empty hall and people will be more inclined to
necessary. Smaller rooms create a more intimate
remember a full house rather than an auditorium of
atmosphere, which will heighten the energy and
empty seats.
emotion of an audience. Speaking in a smaller space
will also allow you to make eye contact with your
① 필요 이상으로 큰 장소에서 발표하는 것을 피해라.
audience, an important personal touch. If 25 people
are expected to attend your presentation, find a space ② 25명 참석 예정이면 최대 30명 정도의 수용능력을 가진 공간
with a maximum capacity of 30 instead of 100. A 을 찾아라.
crowded room will seem more impressive than an ③ 작은 공간은 더 친근한 분위기를 만든다.
empty hall and people will be more inclined to
④ 사람이 많은 공간은 그렇지 않은 공간보다 더 인상적인 것처럼
remember a full house rather than an auditorium of 보인다.
empty seats.
⑤ 청중들과의 눈 맞춤은 작은 공간에서만 해야 한다.

① 발표할 때, 가능한 작은 공간을 선정하는 것이 좋다.

② 청중들의 안전이 발표 장소 선정에서 가장 중요하다.
③ 최적의 발표 장소는 최대 수용인원이 30명인 곳이다.
④ 발표자의 태도가 청중의 에너지와 감성에 영향을 끼친다.
⑤ 발표할 때, 청중 사이의 적절한 공간은 꼭 필요한 조건이다.

KUESB -3- 영어
EBS 올림포스 독해의기본2(2023)

13. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은? [12-2] Those in the field of children’s sports need
Those in the field of children’s sports need something something to guide their efforts, a guiding philosophy
to guide their efforts, a guiding philosophy so to speak. so to speak. Otherwise ① they are like sailors of long
Otherwise they are like sailors of long ago who ago who sometimes sailed about aimlessly and without
sometimes sailed about aimlessly and without confidence of ② their course when away from land. At
confidence of their course when away from land. At times, individuals involved in children’s sports need to
times, individuals involved in children’s sports need to be able to “check the course” by referring to a
be able to “check the course” by referring to a compass in ③ their own minds so as to know if they
compass in their own minds so as to know if they are are moving in the proper direction. In order to do this,
moving in the proper direction. In order to do this, ④ they must have a “magnetic north” composed of a
they must have a “magnetic north” composed of a purpose and of clearly defined worthwhile objectives. If
purpose and of clearly defined worthwhile objectives. If they have their worthy objectives in mind as they
they have their worthy objectives in mind as they make decisions about their programs, ⑤ they will not
make decisions about their programs, they will not be be sailing blind.
sailing blind.
① 아이들을 가르치기 위하여 철학을 전공한다.

① Athletes should possess the necessary gear to excel in ② 나침판이 없는 선원들처럼 목적 없이 항해한다.
their endeavors. ③ 적절한 방향으로 이동하는지 확인하기 위하여 나침판을 산다.
② People in the field of children's sports should set their ④ 나침판을 만들 때는 목적과 목표로 가지고 있어야 한다.
objectives when they teach children.
⑤ 프로그램을 결정할 때 가치 있는 목적을 가지고 있어야 한다.
③ People involved in children's sports have to guide them
to develop their sports skills with proper steps.

④ It's important for coaches in youth sports to provide a 16. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? [12-2]
preview of the courses to the children beforehand.
Those in the field of children’s sports need something
⑤ Those involved in youth sports should develop their to guide their efforts, a guiding philosophy so to speak.
own personal sports philosophy centered on the
Otherwise they are like sailors of long ago who
principles of fair play.
sometimes sailed about ① aimless and without
confidence of their course when away from land. At
times, individuals ② involving in children’s sports need
14. 다음 글의 주장으로 가장 적절한 것은? [12-2] to be able to “check the course” by referring to a
Those in the field of children’s sports need something compass in their own minds so as to know if they are
to guide their efforts, a guiding philosophy so to speak. moving in the proper direction. In order to do this,
Otherwise they are like sailors of long ago who they must have a “magnetic north” composed of a
sometimes sailed about aimlessly and without purpose and of clearly ③ definition worthwhile
confidence of their course when away from land. At objectives. If they have their worthy objectives in mind
times, individuals involved in children’s sports need to as they make decisions about their programs, they will
be able to “check the course” by referring to a not be sailing ④ blind. If they do not, they will have no
compass in their own minds so as to know if they are basis for knowing whether or not they are doing the
moving in the proper direction. In order to do this, right thing and ⑤ to make wise decisions.
they must have a “magnetic north” composed of a
purpose and of clearly defined worthwhile objectives. If ① A guiding philosophy which children sports players
they have their worthy objectives in mind as they should have.
make decisions about their programs, they will not be ② The importance of worthy objectives in mind when
sailing blind. making decisions.

③ The reason of the difficulty of sailors sailing without a

① 아동 교육 발전을 위해 철학에 대한 연구가 필요하다. compass.
② 스포츠 교육에서 아동의 노력에 대한 보상이 중요하다. ④ The attitude of individuals involved in children’s sports.
③ 스포츠 지도자는 프로그램에 대한 자신감을 가져야 한다. ⑤ The effect of confidence on children sports players.
④ 교육프로그램의 방향은 가치 있는 목표설정에서 시작한다.
⑤ 아동 스포츠 교육 종사자는 가치 있는 목표를 지녀야 한다.

15. 다음 글의 Those in the field of children's sports에

대한 내용과 일치하는 것은? [12-2]

KUESB -4- 영어
EBS 올림포스 독해의기본2(2023)

17. 다음 글을 읽고, those in the field of children에 가장 Artists will often physically turn their artwork upside
적절하지 않은 사람은? [12-2] down to view it in a new way and (A) [impose /
Those in the field of children’s sports need something expose] areas where the work could be improved.
to guide their efforts, a guiding philosophy so to speak. Doing so allows them to see flaws and other easy-to-
Otherwise they are like sailors of long ago who overlook details they couldn’t see after looking at the
sometimes sailed about aimlessly and without artwork right-side up for so long. The same goes for
confidence of their course when away from land. At your everyday lives, (B) [including / excluding]
times, individuals involved in children’s sports need to your problems, ideas, and work. You see them “right-
be able to “check the course” by referring to a side up” for so long that you can’t see them in any
compass in their own minds so as to know if they are other way. By flipping your perspective upside down,
moving in the proper direction. In order to do this, you expose yourself to a new way of viewing the same
they must have a “magnetic north” composed of a old stuff. If you can (C) [psychologically /
purpose and of clearly defined worthwhile objectives. If physically] change your perspective — by sitting on
they have their worthy objectives in mind as they your head, or flipping something you’re looking at
make decisions about their programs, they will not be upside down — you’ll notice things you never did
sailing blind. before as a result of the altered perspective.

① 오랜 시간 심사숙고하여 관점을 바꿀 수 있다.

① A woman who knows well about having specific goals
② 관점을 뒤집어 봄으로써 보지 못했던 부분을 볼 수 있다.
② A old lady who has her own philosophy that students
never give up ③ 자신의 결점을 솔직히 인정하는 것이 사고에 도움이 된다.
③ A man who trains his students hard without caring ④ 예술 활동을 할 때에는 자신을 드러내는 것이 효과적이다.
about his own aim
⑤ 예술 작품을 감상할 때에는 수용적인 태도를 가지는 것이 바람
④ A young man who doesn't have much experience, but 직하다.
clear objectives

⑤ A coach that has steady goal in his mind

20. 다음 글 [A], [B]에서 밑줄 친 부분 (a)~(h) 중 문맥상 낱
말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것만을 짝지은 것은? [13-1]
[A] Many of us rely (a) primarily on the media for
18. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? [12-2]
information on topics of current interest as,
Those in the field of children’s sports need something
understandably, we do not have time to conduct our
to guide their efforts, a guiding philosophy so to speak.
own, more thorough literature reviews and
Otherwise they are like sailors of long ago who investigations. For business and political news as well
sometimes sailed about aimlessly and without
as for human-interest stories, newspaper, radio, and
confidence of their course when away from land. At
television media do a good job of keeping us (b) up-to-
times, individuals involved in children’s sports need to date. But, these topics are relatively straightforward to
be able to “check the course” by referring to a
cover as they involve familiar people , terms, and
compass in their own minds so as to know if they are
places. Stories involving complex science are harder to
moving in the proper direction. In order to do this, do. Journalists covering these stories often do not have
they must have a “magnetic north” composed of a
a scientific background and, even with a scientific
purpose and of clearly defined worthwhile objectives. If
background, it is difficult to (c) summarize and simplify
they have their worthy objectives in mind as they scientific issues for viewers or readers. Finally,
make decisions about their programs, they will not be
journalists work on tight deadlines, often having less
sailing blind.
than a day to research and write a story. Tight
deadlines also make it tempting to rely on activists
① Benefits of Playing Sports with Children who are (d) reluctant to provide information and
② A Key to Success: Be Cautious All the Time colourful quotations.
[B] The color spectrum of daylight is comprised of red,
③ Having Difficulty Setting Meaningful Objectives?
orange, yellow, blue, green, indigo, and violet. But
④ Living without Confidence Is Another Name of Sailing water acts as a filter on the color spectrum of light.
without a Compass
Consequently the color composition of light changes
⑤ A Guiding Principle: What Coaches for Children's Sports (e) progressivelywith the depth. Just two inches
Need beneath the surface, all the infrared rays of the color
spectrum are absorbed and scattered

19. 다음 글의 주장으로 가장 적절한 것은? [12-3]

KUESB -5- 영어
EBS 올림포스 독해의기본2(2023)

by the water. Within twenty to thirty feet, all the reds television media do a good job of keeping us informed.
have been filtered out. Orange is the next color to go. But, these topics are relatively straightforward to cover
Then yellow (f)vanishes and then, one by one, the as they involve familiar people , terms, and places.

other colors disappear until from about one hundred Stories involving complex science are harder to do.
feet only indigo and violet (g) evaporate. This creates Journalists covering these stories often do not have a
the blue-green cast characteristic of most waters. Blue scientific background and, even with a scientific

and green are simply the only two colors that exist in background, it is difficult to condense and simplify
(h) shallow water depths, so everything appears to be scientific issues for viewers or readers. Finally,
blue-green. journalists work on tight deadlines, often having less
than a day to research and write a story. Tight
deadlines also make it tempting to rely on activists
① (c), (f) ② (d), (h)
who are eager to provide information and colourful
③ (a), (b), (e) ④ (d), (e), (g)
⑤ (e), (f), (h)
① The Temptation of Colourful Quotations for Journalist
② The Difficulty of Summarizing Article Easily

21. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? [13-1] ③ The Challenge of Covering Scientific Articles
Many of us rely exclusively on the media for ④ The Side Effect of Tight Deadline in Writing a Scientific
information on topics of current interest as, Story
understandably, we do not have time to conduct our ⑤ The Shortage of Time in Thorough Investigation for
own, more thorough literature reviews and Scientific Expertise
investigations. For business and political news as well
as for human-interest stories, newspaper, radio, and
television media do a good job of keeping us informed. 23. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? [13-1]
But, these topics are relatively straightforward to cover Many of us rely exclusively on the media for
as they involve familiar people , terms, and places. information on topics of current interest as,
Stories involving complex science are harder to do. understandably, we do not have time to conduct our
Journalists covering these stories often do not have a own, more thorough literature reviews and
scientific background and, even with a scientific investigations. For business and political news as well
background, it is difficult to condense and simplify as for human-interest stories, newspaper, radio, and
scientific issues for viewers or readers. Finally, television media do a good job of keeping us informed.
journalists work on tight deadlines, often having less But, these topics are relatively straightforward to cover
than a day to research and write a story. Tight as they involve familiar people , terms, and places.
deadlines also make it tempting to rely on activists Stories involving complex science are harder to do.
who are eager to provide information and colourful Journalists covering these stories often do not have a
quotations. scientific background and, even with a scientific
background, it is difficult to condense and simplify
① tight deadlines force authors to complete their work scientific issues for viewers or readers. Finally,
rapidly journalists work on tight deadlines, often having less

② writing scientific stories is hard because of their than a day to research and write a story. Tight
complex nature deadlines also make it tempting to rely on activists
who are eager to provide information and colourful
③ the mass media shows a considerable interest in
scientific subjects quotations.

④ reporters try to carry out their tasks employing

scientific approaches

⑤ creating articles related to human subjects may appear

awkward regarding privacy

22. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? [13-1]

Many of us rely exclusively on the media for
information on topics of current interest as,
understandably, we do not have time to conduct our
own, more thorough literature reviews and
investigations. For business and political news as well
as for human-interest stories, newspaper, radio, and

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① the strict deadlines compel writers to expedite their story. Tight deadlines also make it tempting to rely on
work activists who are ⑤ reluctant to provide information
and colourful quotations.
② journalists strive to complete their work using scientific
① The Heavily-overworking Journalists
③ writing scientific stories is hard because of their ② The Impact of Media on the Public
complex nature
③ The Importance of Deadlines in Media
④ the mass media is deeply involved and interested in
scientific issues ④ The Difficulty in Writing Scientific Articles
⑤ making human-related journals looks uncomfortable in ⑤ The Journalists Mastering a Scientific Background
terms of privacy

26. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? [13-1]

24. 다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은? [13-1] Many of us rely exclusively on the media for

Many of us rely exclusively on the media for information on topics of current interest as,
information on topics of current interest as, understandably, we do not have time to conduct our

understandably, we do not have time to conduct our own, more thorough literature reviews and

own, more thorough literature reviews and investigations. For business and political news as well
investigations. For business and political news as well as for human-interest stories, newspaper, radio, and

as for human-interest stories, newspaper, radio, and television media do a good job of keeping us informed.

television media do a good job of keeping us informed. But, these topics are relatively straightforward to cover
But, these topics are relatively straightforward to cover as they involve familiar people , terms, and places.

as they involve familiar people , terms, and places. Stories involving complex science are harder to do.

Stories involving complex science are harder to do. Journalists covering these stories often do not have a
Journalists covering these stories often do not have a scientific background and, even with a scientific

scientific background and, even with a scientific background, it is difficult to condense and simplify

background, it is difficult to condense and simplify scientific issues for viewers or readers. Finally,
scientific issues for viewers or readers. Finally, journalists work on tight deadlines, often having less

journalists work on tight deadlines, often having less than a day to research and write a story. Tight

than a day to research and write a story. Tight deadlines also make it tempting to rely on activists
deadlines also make it tempting to rely on activists who are eager to provide information and colourful

who are eager to provide information and colourful quotations.

① How to Make Outstanding Headlines
① to inform ② to instruct ② Why We Depend on the Mass Media
③ to complain ④ to persuade ③ People's Desire Reflected on Good News
⑤ to recommned ④ Media Message Targeting Specific Groups
⑤ Is Being Totally Dependent on the Media Right?

25. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? [13-1]

Many of us rely exclusively on the media for
information on topics of current interest as,
understandably, we do not have time to conduct our
own, more thorough literature reviews and
investigations. For business and political news as well
as for human-interest stories, newspaper, radio, and
television media do a good job of keeping us ①
informed. But, these topics are relatively
straightforward to cover as they involve ② familiar
people, terms, and places. Stories involving complex
science are ③ harder to do. Journalists covering these
stories often do not have a scientific background and,
even with a scientific background, it is difficult to
condense and ④ simplify scientific issues for viewers or
readers. Finally, journalists work on tight deadlines,
often having less than a day to research and write a

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27. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? [13-2] The color spectrum of daylight is comprised of red,
The color spectrum of daylight is comprised of red, orange, yellow, blue, green, indigo, and violet. But
orange, yellow, blue, green, indigo, and violet. But water acts as a filter on the color spectrum of light.
water acts as a filter on the color spectrum of light. Consequently the color composition of light changes
Consequently the color composition of light changes progressively with the depth. Just two inches beneath
progressively with the depth. Just two inches beneath the surface, all the infrared rays of the color spectrum
the surface, all the infrared rays of the color spectrum are absorbed and scattered by the water. Within
are absorbed and scattered by the water. Within twenty to thirty feet, all the reds have been filtered
twenty to thirty feet, all the reds have been filtered out. Orange is the next color to go. Then yellow
out. Orange is the next color to go. Then yellow vanishes and then, one by one, the other colors
vanishes and then, one by one, the other colors disappear until from about one hundred feet only
disappear until from about one hundred feet only indigo and violet remain. This creates the blue-green
indigo and violet remain. This creates the blue-green cast characteristic of most waters. Blue and green are
cast characteristic of most waters. Blue and green are simply the only two colors that exist in deeper water
simply the only two colors that exist in deeper water depths, so everything appears to be blue-green.
depths, so everything appears to be blue-green.
① 일광의 색 스펙트럼은 7색으로 이루어져 있다.

① reasons light is composed of seven colors ② 물은 빛의 색 스펙트럼에서 필터이며 빛의 색 구성은 물의 깊이

에 따라 변한다.
② differences in the composition of light spectrum in
water and air ③ 물 표면으로부터 2인치 아래에서는 자외선이 물에 의해서 방출
되고 산란한다.
③ the speed at which the color composition of light
changes in water ④ 물 표면으로부터 20-30피트 깊이 이내에서 모든 빨간색이 걸
러져 없어진다.
④ the different color filtration of light according to the
depth of water ⑤ 빨간색, 주황색, 노란색 순서로 사라지고 100피트 정도부터는
남색과 보라색만 남는다.
⑤ why the amount of light absorbed in water differs
depending on the water temperature

30. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? [13-2]

The color spectrum of daylight is comprised of red,
28. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? [13-2] orange, yellow, blue, green, indigo, and violet. But
The color spectrum of daylight is comprised of red, water acts as a filter on the color spectrum of light.
orange, yellow, blue, green, indigo, and violet. But Consequently the color composition of light changes
water acts as a ① filter on the color spectrum of light. progressively with the depth. Just two inches beneath
Consequently the color composition of light changes the surface, all the infrared rays of the color spectrum
progressively with the depth. Just two inches beneath are absorbed and scattered by the water. Within
the surface, all the infrared rays of the color spectrum twenty to thirty feet, all the reds have been filtered
are absorbed and ② scattered by the water. Within out. Orange is the next color to go. Then yellow
twenty to thirty feet, all the reds have been filtered vanishes and then, one by one, the other colors
out. Orange is the next color to go. Then yellow ③ disappear until from about one hundred feet only
banishes and then, one by one, the other colors indigo and violet remain. This creates the blue-green
disappear until from about one hundred feet only cast characteristic of most waters. Blue and green are
indigo and violet ④ remain. This creates the blue- simply the only two colors that exist in deeper water
green cast characteristic of most waters. Blue and depths, so everything appears to be blue-green.
green are simply the only two colors that ⑤ exist in
deeper water depths, so everything appears to be ① The Particular Order in Vanishing Colors with Region
② The Role of Water as a Filter on the Color Spectrum of
① Water Role as a Filter
③ Why Should We Distinguish Colors Thoroughly?
② Blue-green Characteristic of Daylight
④ Water Color Changing Depending on Depth
③ Blue-green Characteristic of Water
⑤ How Can We Comprise of Daylight Spectrum?
④ The Color Spectrum Mystery in the Universe
⑤ The Color Change of Daylight in the Water

29. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [13-2]

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31. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [13-2]

The color spectrum of daylight is comprised of red, 33. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [13-3]
orange, yellow, blue, green, indigo, and violet. But A drastic increase in the use of fossil fuels since the
water acts as a filter on the color spectrum of light. industrial revolution greatly increased the rate at which
Consequently the color composition of light changes humans were and still are adding to the entropy of the
progressively with the depth. Just two inches beneath planet in the form of pollutants. Because Earth is a
the surface, all the infrared rays of the color spectrum closed system, these pollutants have always been
are absorbed and scattered by the water. Within present on the planet. The reason for negative impact
twenty to thirty feet, all the reds have been filtered of pollutants on the environment is not because they
out. Orange is the next color to go. Then yellow exist, but because they have dispersed throughout the
vanishes and then, one by one, the other colors world’s ecosystem in a very disordered manner. Carbon
disappear until from about one hundred feet only and sulphur have no impact on the environment when
indigo and violet remain. This creates the blue-green they are locked up in the highly ordered form of coal.
cast characteristic of most waters. Blue and green are They become pollutants only when the coal is burned
simply the only two colors that exist in deeper water and the combustion products are released into the
depths, so everything appears to be blue-green. atmosphere.So, can solar energy be used to
counterbalance increases in entropy caused by the use
① The sunlight spectrum consists of all of the colors of of fossil fuels? Yes, as long as the rate of increase in
the rainbow. entropy due to fossil fuels is less than the rate of
② The depth of the water affects the colors of light that decrease in entropy from solar radiation, the net
are noticeable underwater. entropy on the planet will not increase.
③ Red is the first color to be absorbed in water.
① 화석 연료의 급격한 증가는 지구에 엔트로피를 증가 시켰다.
④ Red, orange, and yellow appear underwater in the
same order as they appear in the color spectrum. ② 지구는 개방된 시스템이기때문에 오염 물질을 지구밖으로 배출
⑤ Indigo and violet remain in the depth of 100 feet.
③ 오염물질은 매우 무질서한 방법으로 생태계 모든 곳에 있다.
④ 탄소와 유황은 질서있는 형태인 석탄으로 갇혀있을 때는 환경
32. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은? [13-3] 에 영향을 주지 않는다.

A drastic increase in the use of fossil fuels since the ⑤ 태양 에너지를 충분히 이용하면 지구의 순 엔트로피가 증가하
지 않을 수도 있다.
industrial revolution greatly increased the rate at which
humans were and still are adding to the entropy of the
planet in the form of pollutants. Because Earth is a
closed system, these pollutants have always been 34. 다음 글에서 답을 찾을 수 없는 것은? [13-3]
present on the planet. The reason for negative impact A drastic increase in the use of fossil fuels since the
of pollutants on the environment is not because they industrial revolution greatly increased the rate at which
exist, but because they have dispersed throughout the humans were and still are adding to the entropy of the
world’s ecosystem in a very disordered manner. Carbon planet in the form of pollutants. Because Earth is a
and sulphur have no impact on the environment when closed system, these pollutants have always been
they are locked up in the highly ordered form of coal. present on the planet. The reason for negative impact
They become pollutants only when the coal is burned of pollutants on the environment is not because they
and the combustion products are released into the exist, but because they have dispersed throughout the
atmosphere.So, can solar energy be used to world’s ecosystem in a very disordered manner. Carbon
counterbalance increases in entropy caused by the use and sulphur have no impact on the environment when
of fossil fuels? Yes, as long as the rate of increase in they are locked up in the highly ordered form of coal.
entropy due to fossil fuels is less than the rate of They become pollutants only when the coal is burned
decrease in entropy from solar radiation, the net and the combustion products are released into the
entropy on the planet will not increase. atmosphere. So, can solar energy be used to
counterbalance increases in entropy caused by the use
① 오염물질은 산업혁명 이후에 발견되었다. of fossil fuels? Yes, as long as the rate of increase in

② 화석연료 사용으로 인한 오염물질은 항상 지구에 존재해왔다.

③ 화석연료를 석탄으로 가공할 때만 오염물질이 발생한다.
④ 탄소와 황은 질서 있게 흩어지므로 무해하다.
⑤ 태양에너지는 화석연료 사용에 의해 야기된 문제점을 해결할
수 없다.

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entropy due to fossil fuels is less than the rate of may come to your aid — but without knowing exactly
decrease in entropy from solar radiation, the net what to do. Their success is due instead to what they
entropy on the planet will not increase. do know: that something ④ has happened to you,
which makes them anxious. If they express that
anxiety in a way that attracts other people—people
① How come have the pollutants existed on the planet all
the time? with an understanding of emergencies— to the scene,
or ⑤ allows you to get out of a hole in the ice, it is
② When did the use of fossil fuels start to increase
rapidly? great.

③ What is the safe form of carbon and sulphur? ① The Reason the Human Being Needs an Aid from Dogs

④ In what ways does solar radiation decrease the entropy ② Various Feelings the Dogs Have toward Humans
on the planet?
③ The Caring and Considerate Genes the Dogs Have
⑤ What is the reason for negative impact of pollutants on
④ Training Make the Dogs Heroes for Human
the earth?
⑤ The Agitation the Dogs Feel Makes Them Rescuers for

35. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? [13-3]

A drastic increase in the use of fossil fuels since the 37. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [14-1]
industrial revolution greatly increased the rate at which The following elements—proximity to the owner, and
humans were and still are adding to the entropy of the attention-getting behavior—are by now familiar to us
planet in the form of pollutants. Because Earth is a as characteristic of dogs, and go into their being such
closed system, these pollutants have always been fine companions for humans. And they are also
present on the planet. The reason for negative impact essential for the survival of the person whose life was
of pollutants on the environment is not because they at risk. So are such dogs truly heroes? They are.
exist, but because they have dispersed throughout the But did they know what they were doing? There is no
world’s ecosystem in a very disordered manner. Carbon evidence that they did. And they don’t know they’re
and sulphur have no impact on the environment when acting heroically. Dogs certainly have the potential,
they are locked up in the highly ordered form of coal. with training, to be rescuers.Even the untrained dog
They become pollutants only when the coal is burned may come to your aid — but without knowing exactly
and the combustion products are released into the what to do. Their success is due instead to what they
atmosphere.So, can solar energy be used to do know: that something has happened to you, which
counterbalance increases in entropy caused by the use makes them anxious. If they express that anxiety in a
of fossil fuels? Yes, as long as the rate of increase in way that attracts other people—people with an
entropy due to fossil fuels is less than the rate of understanding of emergencies— to the scene, or allows
decrease in entropy from solar radiation, the net you to get out of a hole in the ice, it is great.
entropy on the planet will not increase.

① We know well about the dogs' traits, which makes dogs

① solar energy spoiled and polluted by the use of coal human's partners.

② the economical value of coal as a means of fossil fuels ② The attributes of dogs make dogs help the needy.
③ fossil fuels causing harm to the environment ③ Whether the dogs are trained doesn't matter when they
help the people who are in trouble.
④ the positive influence of pollutants on the environment
④ The dogs are aware of what happens to their owners.
⑤ the disordered structure of the molecule of coal
⑤ The dogs try to help their owners intentionally.

36. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? [14-1]

The following elements—proximity to the owner, and
attention-getting behavior—are by now familiar to us
as characteristic of dogs, and ① go into their being
such fine companions for humans. And they are also
essential for the survival of the person whose life was
at risk. So are such dogs truly heroes? They are.
But did they know what they were doing? There is no
evidence that they ② do. And they don’t know they’re
acting heroically. Dogs certainly have the potential,
with training, to be rescuers.Even the ③ untrained dog

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38. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [14-1] (d) completely necessary: most basic and necessary

The following elements—proximity to the owner, and (e) to see something happen, especially an accident

attention-getting behavior—are by now familiar to us or crime

as characteristic of dogs, and go into their being such (f) someone's or something's ability to develop,

fine companions for humans. And they are also achieve or succeed

essential for the survival of the person whose life was (g) lack of power to change or improve a situation

at risk. So are such dogs truly heroes? They are. (h) showing, feeling or causing regret or satisfaction

But did they know what they were doing? There is no

evidence that they did. And they don’t know they’re
① (a), (h) ② (b), (h)
acting heroically. Dogs certainly have the potential, ③ (d), (f) ④ (c), (d), (e)
with training, to be rescuers.Even the untrained dog
⑤ (d), (g), (h)
may come to your aid — but without knowing exactly
what to do. Their success is due instead to what they
do know: that something has happened to you, which
40. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? [14-1]
makes them anxious. If they express that anxiety in a
way that attracts other people—people with an The following elements—proximity to the owner, and
understanding of emergencies— to the scene, or allows attention-getting behavior—are by now familiar to us
you to get out of a hole in the ice, it is great. as characteristic of dogs, and go into their being such
fine companions for humans. And they are also
① 개는 주인과 가깝게 지낼 수 있는 좋은 동반자이다. essential for the survival of the person whose life was
at risk. So are such dogs truly heroes? They are. But
② 개는 삶이 위험에 처한 사람들의 생존에 핵심적이다.
did they know what they were doing? There is no
③ 개는 자신들이 영웅적으로 행동한다는것을 알지 못한다. evidence that they did. And they don’t know they’re
④ 개는 훈련을 받지 않아도 구조활동시 무엇을 해야 할지 안다. acting heroically. Dogs certainly have the potential,
with training, to be rescuers.Even the untrained
⑤ 주인에게 긴급한 일이 일어나면 개들은 불안해한다.

39. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 (a)~(h)의 사전적 의미로 가장 적절한

것으로만 짝지어진 것은? [14-1]
The following elements—(a) proximity to the owner,
and attention-getting behavior—are by now familiar to
us as characteristic of dogs, and go into their being
such fine (b) companions for humans. If they express
that anxiety in a way that attracts other people-people
with an understanding of emergencies- to the
(c) scene, or allows you to get out of a hole in the ice,
it is great. And they are also (d) essential for the
survival of the person whose life was at risk. So are
such dogs truly heroes? They are. But did they know
what they were doing? There is no (e) evidence that
they did. And they don’t know they’re acting heroically.
Dogs certainly have the (f) potential, with training, to
be rescuers. Even the untrained dog may come to your
(g) aid — but without knowing exactly what to do.
Their success is due instead to what they do know:
that something has happened to you, which makes
them (h) anxious. If they express that anxiety in a way
that attracts other people—people with an
understanding of emergencies— to the scene, or allows
you to get out of a hole in the ice, it is great.

(a) the state of being near in space or time

(b) an organization that sells goods or services in
order to make money
(c) a view that you can see in a picture or from the
place where you are

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dog may come to your aid — but without knowing may come to your aid — but without knowing exactly
exactly what to do. Their success is due instead to what to do. Their success is due instead to what they
what they do know: that something has happened to do know: that something has happened to you, which

you, which makes them anxious. If they express that makes them anxious. If they express that anxiety in a
anxiety in a way that attracts other people—people way that attracts other people—people with an
with an understanding of emergencies— to the scene, understanding of emergencies— to the scene, or allows

or allows you to get out of a hole in the ice, it is great. you to get out of a hole in the ice, it is great.

① 개는 전문적인 기관에서 훈련을 받아야만 구조견이 될 수 있다.

① What Do Dogs See When They Look at People
② 위험에 처한 사람들을 구조한 개는 자신이 영웅적으로 행동한
② Dogs Taking Actions That Help Humans in Need 것을 명확히 인지한다.

③ The Evolution of Dogs: From Wild To Domesticated ③ 개는 주인에게 뭔가 불안한 일이 일어났음을 인지하기 때문에
주인을 위험에서 구할 수 있다.
④ The History of a Dog’s Unusual Bond With Its Owner
④ 불안감을 느끼지 않는 개는 인간의 좋은 동반자로 존재할 수 있
⑤ Animal Right Vs. Animal Welfare in Dog Rescue 다.
⑤ 개는 위험에 대한 인지력이 전혀 없다.

41. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? [14-1] 43. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것을 모두 고르시오. [14-
The following elements—proximity to the owner, and 2]
attention-getting behavior—are by now familiar to us Stephen Colbert, political satirist and host of The
as characteristic of dogs, and go into their being such Colbert Report, commented during an interview on the
fine companions for humans. And they are also importance of laughter in tense times. “You can’t laugh
essential for the survival of the person whose life was and be afraid at the same time,” he said. And he’d be
at risk. So are such dogs truly heroes? They are. But right. Laughing actually releases endorphins. They are
did they know what they were doing? There is no released to mask the pain we’re causing to ourselves
evidence that they did. And they don’t know they’re as our organs are being convulsed. We like laughing
acting heroically. Dogs certainly have the potential, for the same reason runners like running — it feels
with training, to be rescuers.Even the untrained dog good. But we’ve all had the experience of laughing so
may come to your aid — but without knowing exactly much we want it to stop because it starts to hurt. Like
what to do. Their success is due instead to what they the runner, the hurt actually began earlier, but thanks
do know: that something has happened to you, which to the endorphins, we didn’t feel it until later. It is the
makes them anxious. If they express that anxiety in a high we get from endorphins, which continues after the
way that attracts other people—people with an laughing has ceased, that makes it hard to be, as
understanding of emergencies— to the scene, or allows Colbert says, afraid at the same time.
you to get out of a hole in the ice, it is great.

① Laughter and endorphins can't cooperate each other.

① How We Get Closer to Dogs
② In tense times laughter can be a good icebreaking.
② Dogs Are Good Lifelong Partners
③ Runner's pain disappears as time goes on because of
③ How Dogs Get Attention from the Owners the feeling of the satisfaction.

④ How Dogs Become Rescuers: Showing Anxiety ④ It is impossible to do the two laughing and worrying
⑤ The Key Behavior to Handle Emergencies: Remaining
Calm ⑤ Too much laughing can make us feel pain.

42. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은? [14-1]

The following elements—proximity to the owner, and
attention-getting behavior—are by now familiar to us
as characteristic of dogs, and go into their being such
fine companions for humans. And they are also
essential for the survival of the person whose life was
at risk. So are such dogs truly heroes? They are. But
did they know what they were doing? There is no
evidence that they did. And they don’t know they’re
acting heroically. Dogs certainly have the potential,
with training, to be rescuers.Even the untrained dog

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44. 다음 단어의 영영 풀이가 본문의 내용과 다르게 쓰인것은? for the same reason runners like running — it feels
[14-2] good. But we’ve all had the experience of laughing so
Stephen Colbert, political satirist and host of The much we want it to stop because it starts to hurt. Like
Colbert Report, ① commented during an interview on the runner, the hurt actually began earlier, but thanks
the importance of laughter in tense times. “You can’t to the endorphins, we didn’t feel it until later. It is the
laugh and be afraid at the same time,” he said. And high we get from endorphins, which continues after the
he’d be ② right. Laughing actually ③ releases laughing has ceased, that makes it hard to be, as
endorphins. They are released to ④ mask the pain Colbert says, afraid at the same time.
we’re causing to ourselves as our organs are being ① an extraordinary effect of laughter in masking our pain
convulsed. We like laughing for the same ④ reason
② difficulties with maintaining good feelings after running
runners like running — it feels good.
③ persuasive ways to keep our organs from being
① a written note intended as an explanation, or criticism
of a passage in a book or other writing; annotation ④ an effect of a chemical to make us feel good, released
while laughing
② in accordance with fact, reason, or truth; correct
⑤ necessities to stimulate endorphins to be released as
③ to set free from confinement, restraint, or bondage
much as possible
④ a covering worn on the face to conceal one's identity
⑤ the basis or motive for an action, decision, or
conviction 47. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [14-3]
Reminding is very useful for planning and for
understanding the plans of others. When someone tells

45. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [14-2] you a story, however, he is talking not only about
plans, but often about beliefs. When what is to be
Stephen Colbert, political satirist and host of The
understood in a story is about beliefs, the kind of
Colbert Report, commented during an interview on the
guidance we need changes. We do not need to know
importance of laughter in tense times. “You can’t laugh
what will happen next. When we hear these kinds of
and be afraid at the same time,” he said. And he’d be
stories, all we are trying to do is understand them. If
right. Laughing actually releases endorphins. They are
we are passively viewing a movie, for example,
released to mask the pain we’re causing to ourselves
understanding the movie means being able to follow
as our organs are being convulsed. We like laughing
what is going on by relating what we are seeing to
for the same reason runners like running — it feels
what we know, learning something from the movie in a
good. But we’ve all had the experience of laughing so
very weak sense of learning.
much we want it to stop because it starts to hurt. Like
In a conversation, understanding means being able to
the runner, the hurt actually began earlier, but thanks
respond to a story. In both of these cases, then,
to the endorphins, we didn’t feel it until later. It is the
understanding means attempting to extract indexes
high we get from endorphins, which continues after the
such that old stories can be related to new ones. For
laughing has ceased, that makes it hard to be, as
movies, the intent is recognition. For conversation, the
Colbert says, afraid at the same time.
intent is to be able to respond.

① 웃는 동시에 두려워할 수 없다.

② 실제로 웃음은 엔돌핀을 분비한다.
③ 엔돌핀은 장기가 경련을 일으킬 때 생기는 고통을 감추기 위해
서 분비된다.

④ 웃음을 좋아하는 것은 기분이 좋아지기 때문이다.

⑤ 통증이 일찍 시작되면 엔돌핀도 완화하는 효과가 없다.

46. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? [14-2]

Stephen Colbert, political satirist and host of The
Colbert Report, commented during an interview on the
importance of laughter in tense times. “You can’t laugh
and be afraid at the same time,” he said. And he’d be
right. Laughing actually releases endorphins. They are
released to mask the pain we’re causing to ourselves
as our organs are being convulsed. We like laughing

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① 상기하는 것은 계획에 있어, 그리고 다른 사람들의 계획을 이해 very weak sense of learning.
하는데 아주 유용하다. In a conversation, understanding means being able to
respond to a story. In both of these cases, then,
② 누군가 한 이야기를 말할 때 계획에 대한 것 뿐만 아니라 신념
에 대해서도 말하고 있는 것이다. understanding means attempting to extract indexes
such that old stories can be related to new ones. For
③ 우리는 다음에 무엇이 발생할 것이지를 알아야 한다.
movies, the intent is recognition. For conversation, the
④ 대화를 이해하는 것은 이야기에 반응하는 것이 가능한 것을 의 intent is to be able to respond.

⑤ 이해한다는 것은 옛 이야기들이 새로운 이야기들에 연결될 수 When stories are about ideas rather than plans, the
있도록 하는 것을 의미한다. problem for the hearer is to respond to those ideas,
(d) ideas are much harder to grasp than
plans. Upon finishing a mystery novel. (e) ,
48. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? [14-3] we may all agree on the plans a murderer was
following, (f) such agreement is more
Reminding is very useful for planning and for
difficult to come by when attempt to discuss the key
understanding the plans of others. When someone tells
ideas in a novel about people and their
you a story, however, he is talking not only about
plans, but often about beliefs. When what is to be
understood in a story is about beliefs, the kind of
① (a), (c) ② (c), (e)
guidance we need changes. We do not need to know
what will happen next. When we hear these kinds of ③ (a), (d) ④ (d), (f)
stories, all we are trying to do is understand them. If ⑤ (e), (f)
we are passively viewing a movie, for example,
understanding the movie means being able to follow
what is going on by relating what we are seeing to
50. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 running on a treadmill이 의미하는
what we know, learning something from the movie in a
바로 가장 적절한 것은? [15-1]
very weak sense of learning. In a conversation,
Most prodigies don’t make a transition from a child
understanding means being able to respond to a story.
who learns rapidly and effortlessly in an established
In both of these cases, then, understanding means
domain to an adult who ultimately remakes a domain.
attempting to extract indexes such that old stories can
They apply their extraordinary abilities in ordinary
be related to new ones. For movies, the intent is
ways, mastering their jobs without questioning
recognition. For conversation, the intent is to be able
defaults and without making waves. In every domain
to respond.
they enter, they play it safe by following the
conventional paths to success. They become doctors
① Three Tips for Actively Watching a Movie
who heal their patients without fighting to fix the
② Useful Ways to Understand the Plans of Others: broken systems that prevent many patients from
affording health care in the first place. They become
③ How to Relate What We Are Seeing to What We Knew lawyers who defend clients for violating outdated laws
④ Trial and Errors in Extracting Indexes from Old Stories without trying to transform the laws themselves. They
become teachers who plan engaging algebra lessons
⑤ Ways to Understand Stories: Recognition and Response
without questioning whether algebra is what

49. 다음 글의 내용과 그 요약글의 내용중 빈 칸 (a)~(f)에 들

어갈 수 있는 표현이 같은 것만으로 짝지은 것은? [14-3]
Reminding is very useful for planning, (a) for
understanding the plans of others. When someone tells
you a story, (b) , he is talking not only about
plans, but often about beliefs. When what is to be
understood in a story is about beliefs, the kind of
guidance we need changes. We do not need to know
what will happen next. When we hear these kinds of
stories, all we are trying to do is understand them. If
we are passively viewing a movie, (c) ,
understanding the movie means being able to follow
what is going on by relating what we are seeing to
what we know, learning something from the movie in a

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their students need to learn. Although we rely on them lawyers who defend clients for violating outdated laws
to keep the world running smoothly, they keep without trying to transform the laws themselves. They
usrunning on a treadmill. become teachers who plan engaging algebra lessons
without questioning whether algebra is what their
students need to learn. Although we rely on them to
① becoming not change - makers but conformists
keep the world running smoothly, they keep us running
② reforming the rules of an established domain
on a treadmill. Most gifted children grow to be adults
③ engaging in a lot of skills to master our jobs who perform their jobs successfully in existing ways,
without attempting to reform the established systems.
④ trying to be a creative expert in our own areas
⑤ focusing on the effective systems rather than rules ① follows suits to live up to the expectations.
② adapts to the rapid change of society with
extraordinary talents.

51. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? [15-1] ③ picks up new information in a rapid speed and with less
Most prodigies don’t make a transition from a child
who learns rapidly and effortlessly in an established ④ attempts to make an alteration of the society in a new
domain to an adult who ultimately remakes a domain. direction.
They apply their extraordinary abilities in ordinary ⑤ creates a range of professions to meet people's needs.
ways, mastering their jobs without questioning
defaults and without making waves. In every domain
they enter, they play it safe by following the 53. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [15-1]
conventional paths to success. They become doctors Most prodigies don’t make a transition from a child
who heal their patients without fighting to fix the who learns rapidly and effortlessly in an established
broken systems that prevent many patients from domain to an adult who ultimately remakes a domain.
affording health care in the first place. They become They apply their extraordinary abilities in ordinary
lawyers who defend clients for violating outdated laws ways, mastering their jobs without questioning
without trying to transform the laws themselves. They defaults and without making waves. In every domain
become teachers who plan engaging algebra lessons they enter, they play it safe by following the
without questioning whether algebra is what their conventional paths to success. They become doctors
students need to learn. Although we rely on them to who heal their patients without fighting to fix the
keep the world running smoothly, they keep us running broken systems that prevent many patients from
on a treadmill. Most gifted children grow to be adults affording health care in the first place. They become
who perform their jobs successfully in existing ways, lawyers who defend clients for violating outdated laws
without attempting to reform the established systems. without trying to transform the laws themselves. They
become teachers who plan engaging algebra lessons
① How Most Gifted Children Grow. without questioning whether algebra is what their

② What Makes Successful Prodigies? students need to learn. Although we rely on them to
keep the world running smoothly, they keep us running
③ Why Prodigies Support the Conventional Paths
on a treadmill. Most gifted children grow to be adults
④ Your Future Depends on Prodigies' Point of View who perform their jobs successfully in existing ways,

⑤ Building a Future : Innovative Leadership Training without attempting to reform the established systems.

52. 다음 밑줄 친 (A)가 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은? [15-

Most prodigies don’t make a transition from a child
who learns rapidly and effortlessly in an established
domain to an adult who ultimately (A)remakes a
domain. They apply their extraordinary abilities in
ordinary ways, mastering their jobs without
questioning defaults and without making waves. In
every domain they enter, they play it safe by following
the conventional paths to success. They become
doctors who heal their patients without fighting to fix
the broken systems that prevent many patients from
affording health care in the first place. They become

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① 대부분의 영재들은 빠르게 학습하는 아이로부터 어떤 영역을 easily understand people’s true feelings and respond in
궁극적으로 개혁하는 성인으로 변화하지 않는다. a way that makes people feel really good, so they want
to please you in return — which is another way of
② 대부분의 영재들은 비범한 능력을 평범한 방식으로 사용한다.
saying, you’ll have some serious charisma.
③ 대부분의 영재들은 기존의 길을 따름으로써 위험을 무릅쓰지
않는다. ① Possessing knowledge about someone's nonverbal cues
provides valuable insights.
④ 대부분의 영재들은 뒤 떨어진 법 그 자체를 바꾸기 위해 노력한
다. ② The human body serves as a valuable indicator of
genuine emotions and sentiments.
⑤ 사람들은 세상이 순조롭게 갈 수 있도록 대부분의 영재들에게
의존한다. ③ People usually don't hide their true feelings, because
they realize their body's signals are happening.

④ If we realize other's feelings and respond with natural

gestures to please them, they want to please us in
54. 다음 글에서 밑줄 친 부분 'on a treadmill'이 의미하는 바
로 가장 적절한 것은? [15-1]
⑤ The combination of self-assurance and authentic
Most prodigies don’t make a transition from a child
gestures is linked, as unease and anxiety can lead
who learns rapidly and effortlessly in an established individuals to exhibit abrupt motions.
domain to an adult who ultimately remakes a domain.
They apply their extraordinary abilities in ordinary
ways, mastering their jobs without questioning 56. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? [15-2]
defaults and without making waves. In every domain
As with all aspects of body language, developing your
they enter, they play it safe by following the gestural ability starts with learning how to accurately
conventional paths to success. They become doctors
read other people’s signals. Confidence and natural
who heal their patients without fighting to fix the
gestures go hand in hand because insecurity and
broken systems that prevent many patients from nervousness can lead to jerky movements. One of the
affording health care in the first place. They become
best ways to quiet your own anxiety is to learn as
lawyers who defend clients for violating outdated laws
much as possible about whatever situation you’re
without trying to transform the laws themselves. They about to enter. When you know how to read people’s
become teachers who plan engaging algebra lessons
body language, you have a great source of inside
without questioning whether algebra is what their
information constantly available to you. The body is a
students need to learn. Although we rely on them to much better indicator of true emotions and feelings,
keep the world running smoothly, they keep us running
simply because most people don’t try to mask their
on a treadmill.
body’s revealing signals — they don’t even realize
those signals are happening. This allows you to more
① for escaping from the routine easily understand people’s true feelings and respond in
② with an effort to help others in need a way that makes people feel really good, so they want
to please you in return — which is another way of
③ on a machine that we use for exercise
saying, you’ll have some serious charisma.
④ under the protection of prodigies
⑤ in a world with no reformation

55. 다음 글을 읽고 알 수 있는 사실이 아닌 것은? [15-2]

As with all aspects of body language, developing your
gestural ability starts with learning how to accurately
read other people’s signals. Confidence and natural
gestures go hand in hand because insecurity and
nervousness can lead to jerky movements. One of the
best ways to quiet your own anxiety is to learn as
much as possible about whatever situation you’re
about to enter. When you know how to read people’s
body language, you have a great source of inside
information constantly available to you. The body is a
much better indicator of true emotions and feelings,
simply because most people don’t try to mask their
body’s revealing signals — they don’t even realize
those signals are happening. This allows you to more

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① It is important to be nervous and insecure in order to those signals are happening. This allows you to more
grow up. easily understand people’s true feelings and respond in
a way that makes people feel really good, so they want
② Body languages have a lot of positive effect.
to please you in return — which is another way of
③ Body languages appear when we are nervous. saying, you’ll have some serious charisma.
④ We can have charisma by reading other's body
① 자신감과 자연스러운 몸짓은 관련이 있다.

⑤ To be calm, we need to control our body languages. ② 불안과 초조는 급격한 움직임으로 이어질수 있다.
③ 몸짓언어를 읽는 방법을 알면 이용가능한 내부 정보의 엄청난
원천을 갖게 된다.

57. 다음 글을 가장 잘 이해한 사람은? [15-2] ④ 다른 사람의 몸짓언어를 이해하는 힘은 카리스마를 줄 수 있다.

As with all aspects of body language, developing your ⑤ 다른 사람들로 하여금 당신이 하는 것과 다르게 하게 하기 때문
gestural ability starts with learning how to accurately 에 자연스러운 몸짓으로 반응할 수 있다.

read other people’s signals. Confidence and natural

gestures go hand in hand because insecurity and
nervousness can lead to jerky movements. One of the
59. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? [15-2]
best ways to quiet your own anxiety is to learn as As with all aspects of body language, developing your
much as possible about whatever situation you’re gestural ability starts with learning how to accurately
about to enter. When you know how to read people’s read other people’s signals. Confidence and natural
body language, you have a great source of inside gestures go hand in hand because insecurity and
information constantly available to you. The body is a nervousness can lead to jerky movements. One of the
much better indicator of true emotions and feelings, best ways to quiet your own anxiety is to learn as
simply because most people don’t try to mask their much as possible about whatever situation you’re
body’s revealing signals — they don’t even realize about to enter. When you know how to read people’s
those signals are happening. This allows you to more body language, you have a great source of inside
easily understand people’s true feelings and respond in information constantly available to you. The body is a
a way that makes people feel really good, so they want much better indicator of true emotions and feelings,
to please you in return — which is another way of simply because most people don’t try to mask their
saying, you’ll have some serious charisma. body’s revealing signals — they don’t even realize
those signals are happening. This allows you to more

① 창수 ; 카리스마를 가지려면 자신감을 가지고 자신만의 고유한 easily understand people’s true feelings and respond in
몸짓과 언어표현이 필요해. a way that makes people feel really good, so they want
to please you in return — which is another way of
② 보라 ; 몸짓 언어 숙달은 카리스마를 갖는데 필수적이지만 언
어적 표현의 숙달이 더 중요해. saying, you’ll have some serious charisma.

③ 인수 ; 다른 사람들의 감정과 몸짓을 이해하려면 카리스마를

가져야 해. ① ways to accurately read others' gestures

④ 아름 ; 자연스런 몸짓은 카리스마가 부족하다는 증거이므로 강 ② power of mastering others' body language
력하고 힘센 몸짓을 보여야 해. ③ effect of charisma on others' body language
⑤ 경수 ; 진정한 카리스마를 갖기 위해서는 다른 사람의 몸짓 언 ④ strategies for gaining inside information of others
어를 이해하는 능력이 있어야 해.
⑤ importance of understanding people's true feelings

58. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [15-2]

As with all aspects of body language, developing your
gestural ability starts with learning how to accurately
read other people’s signals. Confidence and natural
gestures go hand in hand because insecurity and
nervousness can lead to jerky movements. One of the
best ways to quiet your own anxiety is to learn as
much as possible about whatever situation you’re
about to enter. When you know how to read people’s
body language, you have a great source of inside
information constantly available to you. The body is a
much better indicator of true emotions and feelings,
simply because most people don’t try to mask their
body’s revealing signals — they don’t even realize

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60. 다음 body language에 관한 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은? ⑤ Good Reputation : The Reason Patients Get Better
As with all aspects of body language, developing your
62. 다음 글의 내용과 가장 일치하는 속담은? [15-3]
gestural ability starts with learning how to accurately
read other people’s signals. Confidence and natural My father was a pharmacist and, in Egypt in those
gestures go hand in hand because insecurity and days, many people used to go to the pharmacist for
nervousness can lead to jerky movements. One of the every illness, just like going to the doctor. My father
best ways to quiet your own anxiety is to learn as was like a medicine man; he had a good reputation. He
much as possible about whatever situation you’re always carried a little box in his pocket containing a
about to enter. When you know how to read people’s few vitamin tablets and when people came to see him
body language, you have a great source of inside seeking his help, he used to put his hand into his
information constantly available to you. The body is a pocket, take out the little box and say, ‘These are very
much better indicator of true emotions and feelings, special tablets and cost £1 each,’ which was equivalent
simply because most people don’t try to mask their to £30 or more each in today’s money, but he only sold
body’s revealing signals — they don’t even realize one or two at a time. The fascinating thing was that all
those signals are happening. This allows you to more of these people recovered very quickly. I asked my
easily understand people’s true feelings and respond in father why he was lying to people and he replied, ‘If
a way that makes people feel really good, so they want people think that this is the best and most expensive
to please you in return — which is another way of medicine, they will recover all by themselves.’
saying, you’ll have some serious charisma.
① Be just before you be generous.
① 몸짓의 능력을 개발하는 것은 다른 사람의 신호를 부정확하게 ② Miracles happen only to those who believe in them.
읽는 방법을 배우는 것이다.
③ Match made in heaven.
② 불안과 초조는 급격한 움직임으로 이끌 수 있기 때문에 자신감
과 자연스러운 몸짓은 관련이 없다. ④ To teach a fish how to swim.

③ 몸짓 언어를 읽는 방법을 알게 되면, 일시적으로 이용할 수 있 ⑤ We forget our faults easily when they are known to
는 내부 정보의 원천을 잃게 된다. ourselves alone.

④ 신체는 진짜 감정을 보여주는 지표이기 때문에 사람들은 신호

를 보여주는 신체를 가리려고 노력한다.

⑤ 몸짓 언어를 읽는 것은 사람들의 진짜 기분을 더 쉽게 이해하게 63. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [15-3]

해주고, 사람들이 기분 좋아지게 만드는 방식으로 반응하게 해 My father was a pharmacist and, in Egypt in those
준다. days, many people used to go to the pharmacist for
every illness, just like going to the doctor. My father
was like a medicine man; he had a good reputation. He
61. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? [15-3] always carried a little box in his pocket containing a

My father was a pharmacist and, in Egypt in those few vitamin tablets and when people came to see him

days, many people used to go to the pharmacist for seeking his help, he used to put his hand into his

every illness, just like going to the doctor. My father pocket, take out the little box and say, ‘These are very

was like a medicine man; he had a good reputation. He special tablets and cost £1 each,’ which was equivalent

always carried a little box in his pocket containing a to £30 or more each in today’s money, but he only sold

few vitamin tablets and when people came to see him one or two at a time. The fascinating thing was that all

seeking his help, he used to put his hand into his of these people recovered very quickly. I asked my

pocket, take out the little box and say, ‘These are very father why he was lying to people and he replied, ‘If

special tablets and cost £1 each,’ which was equivalent people think that this is the best and most expensive

to £30 or more each in today’s money, but he only sold medicine, they will recover all by themselves.’

one or two at a time. The fascinating thing was that all

of these people recovered very quickly. I asked my
father why he was lying to people and he replied, ‘If
people think that this is the best and most expensive
medicine, they will recover all by themselves.’

① Egypt Pharmacist Serving Patients as a Doctor

② Placebo : The More They Believe In, the Better They

③ How to Sell Effective Tablets

④ The Way the Pharmacist Gets Rich

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① 글쓴이의 아버지는 약사였다. ② a financial report

② 글쓴이의 아버지는 치료사 같았으며 좋은 평판을 얻었다. ③ a logical writing

③ 글쓴이의 아버지는 주머니에 항상 비타민이 든 상자를 지니고 ④ a critique

다녔다. ⑤ an appreciation letter
④ 글쓴이의 아버지는 특별한 알약을 각각 1파운드에 팔았으며 한
번에 한알 내지는 두 알 정도만 팔았다.
66. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은? [15-3]
⑤ 글쓴이가 아버지에게 거짓말 한 이유를 묻자 아버지는 좋은 약
을 비싸게 팔아 많은 수익을 내기 위해서라고 답했다. My father was a pharmacist and, in Egypt in those
days, many people used to go to the pharmacist for
every illness, just like going to the doctor. My father
64. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [15-3] was like a medicine man; he had a good reputation. He
always carried a little box in his pocket containing a
My father was a pharmacist and, in Egypt in those
few vitamin tablets and when people came to see him
days, many people used to go to the pharmacist for
seeking his help, he used to put his hand into his
every illness, just like going to the doctor. My father
pocket, take out the little box and say, ‘These are very
was like a medicine man; he had a good reputation. He
special tablets and cost £1 each,’ which was equivalent
always carried a little box in his pocket containing a
to £30 or more each in today’s money, but he only sold
few vitamin tablets and when people came to see him
one or two at a time. The fascinating thing was that all
seeking his help, he used to put his hand into his
of these people recovered very quickly. I asked my
pocket, take out the little box and say, ‘These are very
father why he was lying to people and he replied, ‘If
special tablets and cost £1 each,’ which was equivalent
people think that this is the best and most expensive
to £30 or more each in today’s money, but he only sold
medicine, they will recover all by themselves.’
one or two at a time. The fascinating thing was that all
of these people recovered very quickly. I asked my
① Blood is thicker than water.
father why he was lying to people and he replied, ‘If
people think that this is the best and most expensive ② A disease known, is half cured.
medicine, they will recover all by themselves.’ ③ Beliefs are mightier than reality.
④ A good neighbor is better than a brother far off.
① 글쓴이의 아버지는 약사였다.
⑤ Don't live in a town where there are no doctors.
② 글쓴이의 아버지는 치료사 같았으며, 좋은 평판을 얻었다.
③ 글쓴이의 아버지는 주머니에 항상 비타민이 든 상자를 지니고
67. 다음 글에서 문맥상 어색한 부분이 들어 있는 문장을 고르시
④ 글쓴이의 아버지는 특별한 알약을 각각 1파운드에 팔았으며, 오. [11-수능ANALYSIS]
한 번에 한 알 내지는 두 알 정도만 팔았다.
A map is a common example of a model. It is an
⑤ 글쓴이가 아버지에게 거짓말을 한 이유를 묻자, 아버지는 좋은
abstract, simplified representation of the salient
약을 비싸게 팔아 많은 수익을 내기 위해서라고 답했다.
features of a territory; it is not the territory.
① Similarly, a model is not only the phenomenon it
represents but also a simplified representation of the
65. Choose the type of the writing below. [15-3] data gathered in relation to its attributes. ② The map
My father was a pharmacist and, in Egypt in those shows explicitly how various locations are related to
days, many people used to go to the pharmacist for each other, and it gives an overall perspective. ③ It
every illness, just like going to the doctor. My father can therefore be quite useful as a means of describing
was like a medicine man; he had a good reputation. He and helping one know how to navigate the territory, as
always carried a little box in his pocket containing a well as a means of communicating to others how to do
few vitamin tablets and when people came to see him so. ④ It does not, however, provide reasons why the
seeking his help, he used to put his hand into his locations are related to each other the way they are. ⑤
pocket, take out the little box and say, ‘These are very Nor can it fully capture all the unique details that
special tablets and cost £1 each,’ which was equivalent characterize any particular location.
to £30 or more each in today’s money, but he only sold
one or two at a time. The fascinating thing was that all
of these people recovered very quickly. I asked my
father why he was lying to people and he replied, ‘If
people think that this is the best and most expensive
medicine, they will recover all by themselves.’

① an essay

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68. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? [11-수능 70. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [11-수능
A map is a common example of a model. It is an A map is a common example of a model. It is an
abstract, simplified representation of the salient abstract, simplified representation of the salient
features of a territory; it is not the territory. Similarly, features of a territory; it is not the territory. Similarly,
a model is not the phenomenon it represents but only a model is not the phenomenon it represents but only
a simplified representation of the data gathered in a simplified representation of the data gathered in
relation to its attributes. The map shows explicitly how relation to its attributes. The map shows explicitly how
various locations are related to each other, and it gives various locations are related to each other, and it gives
an overall perspective. It can therefore be quite useful an overall perspective. It can therefore be quite useful
as a means of describing and helping one know how to as a means of describing and helping one know how to
navigate the territory, as well as a means of navigate the territory, as well as a means of
communicating to others how to do so. It does not, communicating to others how to do so. It does not,
however, provide reasons why the locations are related however, provide reasons why the locations are related
to each other the way they are. Nor can it fully capture to each other the way they are. Nor can it fully capture
all the unique details that characterize any particular all the unique details that characterize any particular
location. location.

① A Brief History of a Map ① 지도는 모형의 일반적인 예시이다.

② A Map Is a Double-Edged Sword ② 지도는 한 영역에 두드러진 특성을 구체적이고 단순화하여 표
③ A Map: The Greatest Economic Asset
③ 지도는 다양한 장소들이 서로 어떻게 연관되어 있는지 명백하
④ Why Do Not People Know About a Map? 게 보여준다.
⑤ Pros & Cons of Usefulness of a Map ④ 지도는 다른 사람에게 길을 찾는 방법을 알려주는 수단으로 유

⑤ 지도는 특정한 지역을 특징 짓는 세부 사항을 전부 완벽하게 포

69. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [11-수능 착하지 못한다.
A map is a common example of a model. It is an
abstract, simplified representation of the salient 71. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은? [11-수능ANALYSIS]
features of a territory; it is not the territory. Similarly,
A map is a common example of a model. It is an
a model is not the phenomenon it represents but only
abstract, simplified representation of the salient
a simplified representation of the data gathered in features of a territory; it is not the territory. Similarly,
relation to its attributes. The map shows explicitly how
a model is not the phenomenon it represents but only
various locations are related to each other, and it gives
a simplified representation of the data gathered in
an overall perspective. It can therefore be quite useful relation to its attributes. The map shows explicitly how
as a means of describing and helping one know how to
various locations are related to each other, and it gives
navigate the territory, as well as a means of
an overall perspective. It can therefore be quite useful
communicating to others how to do so. It does not, as a means of describing and helping one know how to
however, provide reasons why the locations are related
navigate the territory, as well as a means of
to each other the way they are. Nor can it fully capture
communicating to others how to do so. It does not,
all the unique details that characterize any particular however, provide reasons why the locations are related
to each other the way they are. Nor can it fully capture
all the unique details that characterize any particular
① A map is far from specific or elaborate representation. location.
② A map emphasizes some prominent geographical
features, rather than territory itself. ① 지도는 일반적인 모형이라 볼 수 없다.
③ A map provides a comprehensive view of how the ② 지도는 한 영역에 대한 두드러진 특성을 추상적이고 단순화 하
locations are interconnected. 여 표상한 것이다.
④ A map is a medium which enables us to help others ③ 모든 모형은 그것이 나타내는 현상의 속성에 관해 수집된 자료
locate how to get to somewhere. 를 복잡하게 재구성한 것이다.
⑤ A map catches the outstanding details of any specific ④ 지도는 다양한 장소들이 어떻게 서로 연관되어 있는지 부분적
venue thoroughly. 인 관점을 제시해 준다.

⑤ 지도는 특정한 지역을 특징짓는 독특한 세부 사항을 완벽하게


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72. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? [12-수능 74. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [12-수능
One important way in which sport differs from other One important way in which sport differs from other
common entertainment forms is that sport is common entertainment forms is that sport is
spontaneous. A play has a script and a concert has a spontaneous. A play has a script and a concert has a
program, but the action that entertains us in sport is program, but the action that entertains us in sport is
spontaneous and uncontrolled by those who participate spontaneous and uncontrolled by those who participate
in the event. When we go to a comedic movie, we in the event. When we go to a comedic movie, we
expect to laugh, and when we go to a horror movie, expect to laugh, and when we go to a horror movie,
we expect nail-biting entertainment. But the emotions we expect nail-biting entertainment. But the emotions
we may feel when watching a sporting event are hard we may feel when watching a sporting event are hard
to determine. If it is a close contest and our team to determine. If it is a close contest and our team
wins, we may feel excitement and joy. But if it is a wins, we may feel excitement and joy. But if it is a
boring event and our team loses, the entertainment boring event and our team loses, the entertainment
benefit we receive is quite different. Because of its benefit we receive is quite different. Because of its
spontaneous nature, sport producers face a host of spontaneous nature, sport producers face a host of
challenges that are different than those faced by most challenges that are different than those faced by most
entertainment providers. entertainment providers.

① Movies; Dramas without a Script ① Sports are different from the usual forms of
② Unplanned Schedules of Sports Events entertainment.

③ The Unrehearsed Result of a Sport Event ② Unlike plays and concerts, sports are controlled by the
person who participates in the games.
④ Spontaneous Handling of Sport Events of Sport
Producers ③ When we watch sports games, it is difficult to predict
the feelings we can have.
⑤ The Unique Character of Sports; the Advance
Arrangement ④ Because of spontaneous nature of sports, we can
experience different entertainment benefit depending on
the individual.

⑤ Sports producers face problems that most

73. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? [12-수능 entertainment providers do not face.
One important way in which sport differs from other
common entertainment forms is that sport is 75. 다음 글 [A], [B]에서 밑줄 친 부분 (a)~(h) 중 틀린 것끼
spontaneous. A play has a script and a concert has a 리만 짝지어진 것은? [12-수능ANALYSIS]
program, but the action that entertains us in sport is
[A] One important way in which sport differs from
spontaneous and uncontrolled by those who participate
other common entertainment forms is (a) what sport is
in the event. When we go to a comedic movie, we
spontaneous. A play has a script and a concert has a
expect to laugh, and when we go to a horror movie,
program, but the action that (b) entertains us in sport
we expect nail-biting entertainment. But the emotions
is spontaneous and uncontrolled by those who
we may feel when watching a sporting event are hard
participate in the event. When we go to a comedic
to determine. If it is a close contest and our team
movie, we expect to laugh, and when we go to a
wins, we may feel excitement and joy. But if it is a
horror movie, we expect nail-biting entertainment. But
boring event and our team loses, the entertainment
the emotions we may feel when watching a sporting
benefit we receive is quite different. Because of its
event (c) are hard to determine. If it is a close contest
spontaneous nature, sport producers face a host of
and our team wins, we may feel excitement and joy.
challenges that are different than those faced by most
But if it is a boring event and our team loses, the
entertainment providers.
entertainment benefit we receive is quite different.
Because of its spontaneous nature, sport producers
① The Similarity between Sports and General
face a host of challenges that are different than those
(d) faced by most entertainment providers.
② The Entertaining Properties of Sports [B] Those in the field of children’s sports need
③ Sports : Rule-controlled Events something to (e) guide their efforts, a guiding
philosophy so to speak. Otherwise they are like sailors
④ The Random Nature of Sports
of long ago who sometimes (f) sailed about
⑤ Challenges Faced by Most Entertainment Providers

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EBS 올림포스 독해의기본2(2023)

aimlessly and without confidence of their course when not suggest a clear-cut left-right dominance in all
away from land. At times, individuals (g)involving in cases, however. For example, not all left-handers are
children’s sports need to be able to “check the course” right brain dominant. About half of them have

by referring to a compass in their own minds so as to dominant left hemispheres just as most right-handers
know if they are moving in the proper direction. In do. Left-handers account for about ten percent of the
order to do this, they must have a “magnetic north” population, and they seem to vary in brain dominance

(h) composing of a purpose and of clearly defined more than do right-handers.

worthwhile objectives. If they have their worthy ① 뇌는 한쪽 반구가 다른 반구보다 더 많은 것을 담당한다.
objectives in mind as they make decisions about their
② 90% 사람들에게 좌반구가 더 우세하다.
programs, they will not be sailing blind.
③ 우세한 반구가 전기 자극에 더 활발히 반응한다.
① (a), (c), (g) ② (a), (g), (h) ④ 모든 경우에 있어 좌-우 우세 성향을 시사한다.
③ (b), (f), (g) ④ (d), (g), (h) ⑤ 왼손잡이들이 항상 우뇌가 우세한것은 아니다.
⑤ (c), (d), (h)

78. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [13-수능

76. 다음 글의 뇌의 좌, 우 반구 우세에 관한 다음 글의 내용과
Recent research on brain function seems to indicate
일치하지 않는 것은? [13-수능ANALYSIS]
that most people have one dominant hemisphere, that
Recent research on brain function seems to indicate
is, one side that seems more “in charge” than the
that most people have one dominant hemisphere, that
other. For perhaps ninety percent of people, this is the
is, one side that seems more “in charge” than the
left hemisphere. Brain wave studies seem to indicate
other. For perhaps ninety percent of people, this is the
that the dominant hemisphere is somewhat more
left hemisphere. Brain wave studies seem to indicate
electrically active than the recessive one, and that the
that the dominant hemisphere is somewhat more
individual somehow relies on that particular
electrically active than the recessive one, and that the
hemisphere more than on the other. The evidence does
individual somehow relies on that particular
not suggest a clear-cut left-right dominance in all
hemisphere more than on the other. The evidence does
cases, however. For example, not all left-handers are
not suggest a clear-cut left-right dominance in all
right brain dominant. About half of them have
cases, however. For example, not all left-handers are
dominant left hemispheres just as most right-handers
right brain dominant. About half of them have
do. Left-handers account for about ten percent of the
dominant left hemispheres just as most right-handers
population, and they seem to vary in brain dominance
do. Left-handers account for about ten percent of the
more than do right-handers.
population, and they seem to vary in brain dominance
more than do right-handers.
① 두뇌 기능에 관한 최근 연구는 대부분의 사람들이 우세한 한쪽
반구를 가지고 있다는 것을 보여주는 것 같다.
① 대부분의 사람들은 한쪽의 뇌 반구가 우세하다.
② 90%의 사람들에게 있어서, 우세한 반구는 좌반구이다.
② 약 90%의 사람들은 좌 뇌 반구의 뇌가 우세하다.
③ 뇌파 연구는 우세한 반구가 열성의 반구보다 전기 자극에 다소
③ 우세한 뇌 반구가 전기적으로 더 활동적이다. 더 활발히 반응하는 것을 나타내는 것으로 보인다.

④ 오른손잡이의 약 절반은 좌 뇌 반구가 우세하다. ④ 연구의 증거는 명백한 좌-우 반구 우세 성향을 시사한다.
⑤ 왼손잡이는 뇌 우세에 있어 오른손잡이보다 더 다양한 모습을 ⑤ 왼손잡이는 인구의 약 10%를 차지하고 있다.

77. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [13-수능

Recent research on brain function seems to indicate
that most people have one dominant hemisphere, that
is, one side that seems more “in charge” than the
other. For perhaps ninety percent of people, this is the
left hemisphere. Brain wave studies seem to indicate
that the dominant hemisphere is somewhat more
electrically active than the recessive one, and that the
individual somehow relies on that particular
hemisphere more than on the other. The evidence does

KUESB - 22 - 영어
EBS 올림포스 독해의기본2(2023)

79. 다음 중 문맥상 올바르지 않게 사용된 어휘를 고르시오. country in the seventies.I had only begun to learn how
[13-수능ANALYSIS] to speak American English. My class took place in a
Recent research on brain function seems to indicate large, windowless lecture hall, and on the first day, I’d
that most people have one dominant hemisphere, that just started to explain my goals for the class when one
is, one side that seems more “(a) responsible for” than of the students yelled at me, “Watch out!” I’d never
the other. For perhaps ninety percent of people, this is heard the phrase before and therefore had no idea
the left hemisphere. Brain wave studies seem to what the student meant. Instantly, my brain searched
indicate that the dominant hemisphere is somewhat for some kind of definition. “Watch” meant “look.”
more electrically (b) inactive than the recessive one, “Out” could mean “outside.” Did the student want me
and that the individual somehow relies on that to look outside? I couldn’t, though, because there were
particular hemisphere more than on (c) others. The no windows in the room. Of course, all of this
evidence does not suggest a clear-cut left-right happened in a fraction of a second — after which a
dominance in all cases, however. For example, (d) all part of the ceiling fell on my head and I was suddenly
left-handers are right brain dominant. About half of lying on the floor bleeding and waiting for paramedics
them have dominant left hemispheres just as most (e) to arrive.
left-right-handers do. Left-handers account for about ① passionate → disappointed
ten percent of the population, and they seem to vary
② sympathetic → worried
in brain dominance more than do right-handers.
③ puzzled → thunderstruck
① (a), (b) ② (a), (c) ④ confused → relaxed
③ (a), (c), (d) ④ (b), (d), (e) ⑤ nervous → suspicious
⑤ (b), (c), (d), (e)

82. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? [14-수능

80. 다음 글을 읽고 어법상 틀린 문장의 개수를 모두 고르시오.
I had an unforgettable experience with learning an
American phrase when I began teaching at Thomas
① I had an unforgettable experience with learning an
Jefferson College not long after I arrived in this
American phrase when I began teaching at Thomas
country in the seventies.I had only begun to learn how
Jefferson College not long after I arrived in this
to speak American English. My class took place in a
country in the seventies. ② I had only begun to learn
large, windowless lecture hall, and on the first day, I’d
how to speak American English. ③ My class was taken
just started to explain my goals for the class when one
place in a large, windowless lecture hall, and on the
of the students yelled at me, “Watch out!” I’d never
first day, I’d just started to explain my goals for the
heard the phrase before and therefore had no idea
class when one of the students yelled at me, “Watch
what the student meant. Instantly, my brain searched
out!” ④ I’d never heard the phrase before and
for some kind of definition. “Watch” meant “look.”
therefore did not know that the student meant.
“Out” could mean “outside.” Did the student want me
Instantly, my brain searched for some kind of
to look outside? I couldn’t, though, because there were
definition. “Watch” meant “look.” “Out” could mean
no windows in the room. Of course, all of this
“outside.” ⑤ Did the student want me to look outside?
happened in a fraction of a second — after which a
I couldn’t, though, because there were no windows in
part of the ceiling fell on my head and I was suddenly
the room. ⑥ Of course, all of this happened in a
lying on the floor bleeding and waiting for paramedics
fraction of a second — after which a part of the ceiling
to arrive.
fell on my head and I was suddenly lying on the floor
waited for paramedics to arrive.
① Negative Consequences of the Lack of Communication

① 2개 ② 3개 ② The Touching Experiences in Thomas Jefferson College

③ 4개 ④ 5개 ③ Understanding the Phrase through an Direct Experience

⑤ 6개 ④ The Impressive Effects of Having No Windows in the


⑤ The Importance of Relationships between Teachers and

81. 다음 글을 읽고 화자의 심경 변화로 가장 적절한 것은?
I had an unforgettable experience with learning an
American phrase when I began teaching at Thomas
Jefferson College not long after I arrived in this

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83. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [14-수능 I had an unforgettable experience with learning an
ANALYSIS] American phrase when I began teaching at Thomas
I had an unforgettable experience with learning an Jefferson College not long after I arrived in this
American phrase when I began teaching at Thomas country in the seventies.I had only begun to learn how
Jefferson College not long after I arrived in this to speak American English. My class took place in a
country in the seventies.I had only begun to learn how large, windowless lecture hall, and on the first day, I’d
to speak American English. My class took place in a just started to explain my goals for the class when one
large, windowless lecture hall, and on the first day, I’d of the students yelled at me, “Watch out!” I’d never
just started to explain my goals for the class when one heard the phrase before and therefore had no idea
of the students yelled at me, “Watch out!” I’d never what the student meant. Instantly, my brain searched
heard the phrase before and therefore had no idea for some kind of definition. “Watch” meant “look.”
what the student meant. Instantly, my brain searched “Out” could mean “outside.” Did the student want me
for some kind of definition. “Watch” meant “look.” to look outside? I couldn’t, though, because there were
“Out” could mean “outside.” Did the student want me no windows in the room. Of course, all of this
to look outside? I couldn’t, though, because there were happened in a fraction of a second — after which a
no windows in the room. Of course, all of this part of the ceiling fell on my head and I was suddenly
happened in a fraction of a second — after which a lying on the floor bleeding and waiting for paramedics
part of the ceiling fell on my head and I was suddenly to arrive.
lying on the floor bleeding and waiting for paramedics
① excited ② puzzled
to arrive.
③ relieved ④ confident
① I had a memorable experience in America. ⑤ indifferent
② None of the windows were in my classroom.
③ Most of the students didn't know what was going to
happen. 86. 다음 글에서 밑줄 친 부분이 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것
은? [14-수능ANALYSIS]
④ I was hurt by something that fell from the ceiling.
I had an unforgettable experience with learning an
⑤ I did not escape injury despite a student's warning.
American phrase when I began teaching at Thomas
Jefferson College not long after I arrived in this
country in the seventies.I had only begun to learn how
84. 다음 글을 읽고, 빈칸에 들어갈 말의 영영풀이로 알맞은 것 to speak American English. My class took place in a
을 고르시오. [14-수능ANALYSIS] large, windowless lecture hall, and on the first day, I’d
I had an unforgettable experience with learning an just started to explain my goals for the class when one
American phrase when I began teaching at Thomas of the students yelled at me, “Watch out!” I’d never
Jefferson College not long after I arrived in this heard the phrase before and therefore had no idea
country in the seventies.I had only begun to learn how what the student meant. Instantly, my brain searched
to speak American English. My class took place in a for some kind of definition. “Watch” meant “look.”
large, windowless lecture hall, and on the first day, I’d “Out” could mean “outside.” Did the student want me
just started to explain my goals for the class when one to look outside? I couldn’t, though, because there were
of the students yelled at me, “ ” I’d never heard no windows in the room. Of course, all of this
the phrase before and therefore had no idea what the happened in a fraction of a second — after which a
student meant. Of course, all of this happened in a part of the ceiling fell on my head and I was suddenly
fraction of a second — after which a part of the ceiling lying on the floor bleeding and waiting for paramedics
fell on my head and I was suddenly lying on the floor to arrive.
bleeding and waiting for paramedics to arrive.

① to remove something from the person.

② to hand something to a lot of people.
③ used to warn somebody about something dangerous.
④ to attack or criticize somebody severely.
⑤ to continue to wear something

85. 밑줄 친 부분에 드러난 I의 심경으로 가장 적절한 것은?


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① to let the student know the existence of something are not exact but rather match the infants’ actions in
outside intensity, affect, and tempo. Infants’ early perceptual
capacities allow them to recognize these imitative
② to attract the professor's attention to the window
behaviors as mirroring their own. From the beginning
③ to make students evacuate the lecture hall of life, infants are aware of the matching quality of
④ to warn him about something dangerous their behavior and that of others. Infants may more

⑤ to explain meanings of phrases easily recognize the external effect of their behavior
when the actions of others mirror the behavior the
infants produce. Some theorists propose that in
mirroring infant behavior, which exposes infants to
87. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? [15-수능
external perceptual manifestations of what they are
internally experiencing, parents facilitate infants’ early
Parents are generally infants’ most frequent and understanding of their own experience.
consistent social partners and as such their behaviors
are those that most profoundly affect infants, ① Infants' self-knowledge can be promoted by parents'
reflection of infants' behaviors.
emerging sense of self-efficacy. The responses that are
most effective in facilitating infants’ early self- ② Infants can acknowledge the external effect of their
behavior by playing with peers.
knowledge are socially contingent and reflect the
infants’ own behavior. In naturally occurring ③ Infants' perceptual development can be influenced by
interactions with young infants, parental responses are their parents' self-efficacy.
primarily imitations of infants’ actions. These imitations ④ Mutual interaction between parents and their children
are not exact but rather match the infants’ actions in foster their relationship.
intensity, affect, and tempo. Infants’ early perceptual ⑤ Parents' attitudes toward infants have to be constantly
capacities allow them to recognize these imitative harmless.
behaviors as mirroring their own. From the beginning
of life, infants are aware of the matching quality of
their behavior and that of others. Infants may more 89. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은? [15-수능
easily recognize the external effect of their behavior ANALYSIS]
when the actions of others mirror the behavior the Parents are generally infants’ most frequent and
infants produce. Some theorists propose that in consistent social partners and as such their behaviors
mirroring infant behavior, which exposes infants to are those that most profoundly affect infants,
external perceptual manifestations of what they are emerging sense of self-efficacy. The responses that are
internally experiencing, parents facilitate infants’ early most effective in facilitating infants’ early self-
understanding of their own experience. knowledge are socially contingent and reflect the
infants’ own behavior. In naturally occurring
① Parents, Stop Limiting Infants' Behavior interactions with young infants, parental responses are
primarily imitations of infants’ actions. These imitations
② Road to Self-understanding: Obey Your Parents
are not exact but rather match the infants’ actions in
③ How Sense of Self-efficacy Tightens the Bond between intensity, affect, and tempo. Infants’ early perceptual
capacities allow them to recognize these imitative
④ How Imitative Actions by Parents Can Facilitate Infants' behaviors as mirroring their own. From the beginning
Early Self-knowledge
of life, infants are aware of the matching quality of
⑤ What Theorists Say about Young Infants' Attempt to their behavior and that of others. Infants may more
Minor Parental Behaviors easily recognize the external effect of their behavior
when the actions of others mirror the behavior the
infants produce. Some theorists propose
88. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은? [15-수능
Parents are generally infants’ most frequent and
consistent social partners and as such their behaviors
are those that most profoundly affect infants,
emerging sense of self-efficacy. The responses that are
most effective in facilitating infants’ early self-
knowledge are socially contingent and reflect the
infants’ own behavior. In naturally occurring
interactions with young infants, parental responses are
primarily imitations of infants’ actions. These imitations

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that in mirroring infant behavior, which exposes infants

to external perceptual manifestations of what they are
internally experiencing, parents facilitate infants’ early
understanding of their own experience.

① Infants can have more self-efficacy by following their

parents' behaviors

② Parental imitation of their infants' behaviors affects the

infants' early self-knowledge.

③ Parents should respond more precisely to the infants'

behaviors to promote the infants' perceptual capacities.

④ When imitating the infants' behaviors, it is important to

catch their emotion.

⑤ Discipline is one of the key factors of raising children.

KUESB - 26 - 영어
(정답지) EBS 올림포스 독해의기본2(2023)

1번- ⑤ [응용] 이 글은 주제가 맨 마지막 부분에 있다. the 21 번 - ② [응용] 미디어를 통한 현재 관심 주제에 대한 정보
sports physician has given his patient the best of all 획득과 미디어의 한계에 관한 글로, 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은
worlds; reduced swelling and inflammation but increased ② '과학적인 이야기를 쓰는 것은 그들의 복잡한 특성 때문에 어렵
flow of curative blood을 보면 알 수 있듯이 주제로 적절한 것은 다'이다.
22 번 - ③ The Challenge of Covering Scientific Articles
2번- ③ '전반적인 내부 온도를 올린다' -> '차가워진 부분에
23 번 - ③ [응용] 미디어를 통한 현재 관심 주제에 대한 정보
추가 혈액을 보내 따뜻하게 한다'. / / / contract 수축하다, 계약
획득과 미디어의 한계에 관한 글로, 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은
서, 병에 걸리다, suppress 억제하다
③ '과학 이야기를 쓰는 것은 복잡하기 때문에 어렵다'이다.
3번- ② by shrinking the blood vessels 혈관을 축소함으로
24 번 - ③ [응용] 글의 내용은 과학 기사 작성이 어렵다고 말

하는 것이다. Journalists covering these stories often do not
4번- ⑤ 상처부위에 아이스팩을 사용했을 때 나타나는 현상을 have a scientific background and, even with a scientific
설명한 글이므로 5번이 적절하다. background, it is difficult to condense and simplify
scientific issues for viewers or readers. Finally, journalists
5번- ② 이 글은 '많은 운동의 부상을 치료하는 얼음 팩이 붓
work on tight deadlines, often having less than a day to
기와 염증을 완화시키지만, 치료성 혈액의 흐름을 늘린다'는 내용
research and write a story 을 보면 이 글은 불평하는 것이라고
이므로, ② '부상 부위가 냉각될 때의 반응'이 이 글의 주제로 가장
할 수 있다. 따라서 ③이 적절하다.

6번- ② '혈관을 축소함으로 피가 그 부위로 몰려드는 것을 지

25 번 - ④ 기자들이 과학을 포함한 기사 작성시 배경지식이 부
족하면, 과학적 문제들을 시청자나 독자들을 위해 요약하거나 단
연시켜, 붓기를 줄이는 것'이 얼음이 주는 첫번째 영향이므로, ②
순화 시키기가 어렵고, 빡빡한 마감 시한 때문에 탐구할 시간 없이
은 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는다.
기사를 쓰기도 한다는 내용의 글이므로, 글의 제목으로는 ④가 적
7번- ④ [DC] ④ when composing; when (they are 생략) 절하다.
26 번 - ⑤ ㅡ미디어에 전적으로 의존하는 것이 옳은가? ( 많은
8번- ⑤ [DC] 첫문장인 "The development of quality and 사람들이 정보를 미디어에 전적으로 의존하지만 기자들이 과학을
creative musical ideas takes time'ㅇ' 요지이다. 포함한 기사 작성시 배경지식이 부족하면, 과학적 문제들을 시청
9번- ④ If you want to be successful, I highly 자나 독자들을 위해 요약하거나 단순화 시키기가 어렵고, 빡빡한
recommend learning to be happy first. 마감 시한 때문에 탐구할 시간 없이 기사를 쓰기도 한다는 글이다)
[감수Note] 정답 5번은 Being Totally Dependent on the
10 번 - ① 프레젠테이션을 개인적으로 만들고, 필요 이상으로
Media Is Right을 의문문으로 전환한 것이며, 주어는 Being
큰 공간을 피하라는 내용이므로 1번이 적절하다.
Totally Dependent on the Media이다.
11 번 - ③ 이 글은 발표를 위한 공간이 넓을 때보다 작을 때 청
중의 에너지와 감성을 증대시킬 수 있도록 분위기가 더 친밀해질
27 번 - ④ ④ 물의 깊이에 따른 빛의 다른 색 여과

수 있고, 청중과 중요한 개인적인 접촉인 eye contact를 가능하게 28 번 - ⑤ 물속에서 햇빛의 색깔변화
해준다는 내용이므로, 이 글의 주제로 '프레젠테이션을 할 때 작은 29 번 - ③ '물에 의해서 <흡수>되고 산란함'
공간을 예약하는 이점(advantages of reserving a small space
30 번 - ④ '깊이에 따라 변하는 물 색깔'
when giving a presentation)'의 ③이 가장 적절하다.
31 번 - ④ '물 속에서 색상이 하나씩 <사라져 간다>'고 하였으
12 번 - ⑤ Speaking in a smaller space will also allow
므로, ④는 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는다.
you to make eye contact with your audience

13 번 - ② [응용] 어린이 스포츠 분야에서의 지침과 목표 설정

32 번 - ② these pollutants have always been present on
the planet
의 중요성에 관한 내용으로, 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은 ② '어
린이 스포츠 분야의 사람들은 어린이들을 가르칠 때 목표를 정해 33 번 - ② Because Earth is a closed system, these
야 한다.'이다. pollutants have always been present on the planet.

14 번 - ⑤ Those in the field of children’s sports need 34 번 - ④ '그렇다면, 태양 에너지는 화석 연료의 사용으로 인
something to guide their efforts, a guiding philosophy so 한 엔트로피 증가의 균형을 맞추기 위해 사용될 수 있을까?'에 대
to speak. 한 답은 나와 있고, '태양 복사는 어떤 방식으로 지구의 엔트로피
를 감소시키는가? '라는 질문에 대한 답은 나와 있지 않다.
15 번 - ⑤ 1.전공하라는게 아니고 지도 철학이 필요하다. 2.지
도철학이 없으면 그렇게 된다. 35 번 - ③ 이 글은 '화석 연료인 석탄이 연소될 때 만들어진 탄
소와 황이, 환경에 미치는 영향'에 관한 내용이므로, 주제로는 ③
16 번 - ④ 아동 스포츠에 관련된 개인의 태도
이 가장 적절하다. (환경에 해를 끼치는 화석 연료)
17 번 - ③ 3. 그 스스로의 목표를 돌보지 않고 열심히 학생들
을 훈련시키는 남자
36 번 - ⑤ 개가 불안을 느끼고, 그 불안이 위험에 처한 인간을
구한다는 글의 내용임. 마지막 문장이 주제문 - If they express
18 번 - ⑤ ㅡ지도 원리: 아동 스포츠의 코치가 필요로하는 것 that anxiety in a way that attracts other people—people
(아동 스포츠 분야에 종사하는 사람들이 갖추어야 할 자세에 관한 with an understanding of emergencies— to the scene, or
글이다) allows you to get out of a hole in the ice, it is great.
19 번 - ② 관점을 뒤집어 봄으로써 오래된 것에서 새로운 것을
발견할 수 있다는 글이다.

20 번 - ② a- exclusively의 대용어 b- informed 의 대용어

c- condense 의 대용어 / d- eager로 수정 g- remain로 수정 h-
deeper 로 수정한다.

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37 번 - ⑤ 5. If they express that anxiety in a way that 59 번 - ② 이 글은 '타인의 몸짓 언어를 이해하면, 말로 드러나
attracts other people—people with an understanding of 는 것 이상으로 타인을 잘 이해할 수 있다'는 내용이므로, 글의 주
emergencies— to the scene, or allows you to get out of a 제로 가장 적절한 것은 ② '타인의 몸짓 언어를 이해하는 것의
hole in the ice, it is great. 개가 의지를 가지고 돕기보다는 간 힘'이다.
접으로 돕는다고 추론할수 있다.
60 번 - ⑤ '몸짓 언어를 통해 진짜 감정을 이해할 수 있다'고
38 번 - ④ but without knowing exactly what to do. 하였으므로, ⑤은 글의 내용과 일치한다.

39 번 - ③ 맞는 설명은 (a), (c), (d), (f) 이므로, 조건을 만족 61 번 - ② ② 위약 효과; 효능이 없는 약을 복용자가 효능이 있
시키는 답은 ③ 을 것이라는 믿음을 가지고 복용했을 때 병이 호전되는 효과.

40 번 - ② '도움이 필요한 인간을 돕는데 행동을 취하는 개' 62 번 - ② '기적을 믿는 이에게만 기적은 나타난다.'

41 번 - ④ 'that something has happened to you, which 63 번 - ⑤ ‘If people think that this is the best and most
makes them anxious.' (주인에게 무슨 일이 생기면 개들이 불안 expensive medicine, they will recover all by themselves.’
해지는 것이 비결이다'라는 내용에서 알 수 있다.
64 번 - ⑤ 사람들이 비타민을 가장 좋고 가장 값비싼 약이라고
42 번 - ③ 이 글은 '주인에게 일어난 것이 개들을 불안하게 만 생각해서 혼자서도 완전히 회복되게 하려는 의도이지, 좋은 약을
들면, 주인은 주의를 집중함으로써 위기에서 탈출할 수 있다'는 내 비싸게 팔아 많은 수익을 내기 위해서가 아니다.
용이므로, 요지로는 ③이 가장 적절하다.
65 번 - ① 수필 (an essay)
43 번 - ①, ③ ① 웃음과 엔돌핀은 상호 연관성이 있다. ③
66 번 - ③ 사람들이 비싼 약이라고 생각하면, 진위 여부에 무
runner의 고통은 endorphin과 관련이 있다.
관하게, 그렇게 믿고 빨리 나을 거라는 예시를 통해, '믿음이 더 효
44 번 - ④ ④mask : to cover with a decorative or 과가 좋다'라고 설명하는 것이 이 글의 요지이므로, 정답은 ③이
protective one 다.

45 번 - ⑤ the hurt actually began earlier, but thanks to 67 번 - ① Similarly, a model is not the phenomenon it
the endorphins, we didn’t feel it until later. represents but only a simplified representation of the data
gathered in relation to its attributes.
46 번 - ④ '웃음으로 인해 분비되는 엔돌핀의 긍정적인 효과
및 영향'에 관한 글이므로, 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은 ④ '웃는 68 번 - ② 지도의 장단점
동안 나오는, 우리의 기분을 좋게 만들어주는 화학 물질(엔돌핀)
69 번 - ⑤ 지도는 어떤 특정 장소의 눈에 띄는 세부사항을 철
의 영향'이다.
저히 포착한다 -> 완전히 포착하지는 않는다. / / /(맞는 내용) 1.
47 번 - ③ 우리는 다음에 무엇이 발생할 것이지를 알 필요가 지도는 구체적이거나 정교한 표현과는 거리가 멀다. 2. 지도는 영
없다. 토 자체보다는 몇 가지 두드러진 지리적 특징을 강조한다. 3. 지도
는 그 장소들이 어떻게 상호 연결되어 있는지를 포괄적으로 보여
48 번 - ⑤ 이야기를 이해하려는 두 가지 노력에 대한 글이므로
준다. 4. 지도는 우리가 다른 사람들이 어디론가 가는 방법을 찾도
제목으로는 -스토리를 이해하는 방법: 인식 과 반응-이 알맞다.
록 도와줄 수 있는 매체다.
49 번 - ②, ④ (a) and, (b) however, (c) for example, (d)
because, (e) for example, (f) because
70 번 - ② 구체적-> 추상적(abstract)

71 번 - ② ① 볼 수 없다 → 있다, ③ 복잡하게 재구성한 것이

50 번 - ① ① 변화를 만드는 사람이 아니라 순응주의자가 되는
다 → 단순화된 표상이다, ④ 부분적인 관점을 제시해 준다 → 전

체적 관점, ⑤ 완벽하게 포착한다 → 포착하지 못한다.
51 번 - ① 대부분의 영재는 확립되어 있는 체계를 개혁하려고
시도하지 않고 기존의 방식으로 자신의 직업을 성공적으로 수행하
72 번 - ③ 스포츠의 임의적인 속성을 나타내고 있으므로, ③
'스포츠 경기의 리허설 없는 결과'가 적절하다.
는 성인이 된다.

52 번 - ④ ***
73 번 - ④ 스포츠의 임의적인 속성

74 번 - ② 1. 스포츠는 일반적인 오락의 형태와 다른 측면이

53 번 - ④ without trying to transform the laws
있다 2. 연극이나 연주회와 달리 스포츠는 경기에 참여하는 사람
에 의해 제어된다 3. 스포츠 경기를 볼때 우리는 느낄수 있는 감정
54 번 - ⑤ 이 글에 따르면, '영재들이 확립된 영역에서 처음부 을 예상하기 어렵다 4.스포츠가 갖는 임의적 속성 때문에 우리는
터 해오던 방식에 의문을 갖지 않고 평범한 방식으로 종래의 길을 개인에 따라 다른 오락적 이익을 경험 할수 있다 5. 스포츠 제작자
따르면서 자신의 일을 완벽하게 수행하지만, 개혁에는 관심이 없 들은 대부분의 오락물 제공업자들은 직면하지 않는문제에 직면하
으므로', 밑줄 친 부분이 의미하는 바로는 ⑤ '개혁이 없는 세상에 다
서'가 가장 적절하다.
75 번 - ② a- that, g- involved, h- composed of 로 수정해
55 번 - ③ [응용] 대부분의 사람들은 그러한 신호가 일어나고 야 하므로, 틀린 것끼리만 짝지어진 것은 ②이다.
있다는 것을 깨닫지 못한다고 하였으므로, ③ '사람들은 보통 자신
의 몸의 신호가 일어나고 있다는 것을 깨닫기 때문에 자신의 진실
76 번 - ④ 대부분의 사람들이 우세한 한 쪽 반구를 가지고 있
고 왼손잡이 중 약 절반은 오른손잡이가 그런 것처럼 우세한 좌반
한 감정을 숨기지 않습니다.'는 알 수 없다.
구를 가지고 있다고 했다.
56 번 - ④ ④ 타인의 보디랭귀지(속마음)를 읽어냄으로써, 타
인에 대한 카리스마를 가질 수 있다.
77 번 - ④ The evidence does not suggest a clear-cut
left-right dominance in all cases, however.
57 번 - ⑤ ***

58 번 - ⑤ ***

KUESB -2- 영어
(정답지) EBS 올림포스 독해의기본2(2023)

78 번 - ④ 'The evidence does not suggest a clear-cut

left-right dominance in all cases, however.'(하지만 그 증거
는 모든 경우에 있어서 명백한 좌-우 우세 성향을 시사하자는 않는

79 번 - ⑤ (b) active, (c) the other, (d) not all, (e) right-

80 번 - ② 3번 : take place=happen이며, 사물주어로 능동

태를 취한다. 시제상 과거이므로 took place가 알맞다. 4번 : 관
계대명사 what과 that은 불완전한 문장을 수반하는 것은 동일하
다. 하지만 that은 선행사가 필요한 형태이며 what은 the thing
which의 조합으로 what자체에 선행사를 포함하고 있으므로 선행
사를 앞에 수반하지 않는다. 그러므로 이 문장은 앞에 선행사가 없
고 뒤에 불완전한 문장이므로 관계대명사 what이 알맞다. 6번:
화자인 I가 구급차를 기다리고 있는 상황이므로 I와 wait의 관계
는 능동이라는 것을 알 수 있다. 분사구문의 능동은 동사원형에
ing의 형태이므로 waited가 아니라 waiting이 정답이다.

81 번 - ③ 화자는 어느 학생의 watch out의 말을 듣고 그 말

의 의미를 몰라 당황해하고(puzzled) 곰곰히 그 뜻을 유추하다가
결국엔 그 뜻이 무엇인지 알게 된다. 바로 천장에 파편이 화자 머
리에 떨어지는 급작스럽게 놀란 (thunderstruck)경험을 겪게 된

82 번 - ③ 맨 처음 문장을 보면, 바로 뒤에 나올 이야기에 대한

주제어가 나오는 것을 알 수 있다. an unforgettable experience
with learning an American phrase가 바로 주제이다. 따라서
이 글은 화자가 외국어에 대한 학습을 잊지 못할 놀랍고도 직접적
인 경험으로 하게 되었다는 이야기므로 가장 알맞은 제목은 3번임
을 알 수 있다.

83 번 - ③ 본문을 보면 수업을 듣고 있던 학생들 중 한 명이 화

자에게 위험함을 알려주었다는 문장으로 대부분의 학생들은 그 위
험을 모르고 있었다라는 3번의 사실을 유추할 수는 없다.

84 번 - ③ 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 "watch out".

그것에 관한 가장 적절한 풀이는 3번임을 알 수 있다.

85 번 - ② 전에는 그 관용구를 들어본 적이 없어서 그 학생이

무슨 뜻으로 말했는지를 알지 못했다. * relieved(안심한),
confident(자신 있는), indifferent(무관심한)

86 번 - ④ '그에게 위험한 뭔가를 경고해주기 위해'

87 번 - ④ '부모에 의한 모방 행동이 어떻게 유아들의 초기 자

아 인식을 촉진시킬 수 있나'

88 번 - ① 이 글은 '유아의 행동에 대한 부모의 모방적인 행동

은 유아의 초기 자아 인식을 증진한다'는 내용으로, 이 글의 요지
로 ① '유아의 자아 인식은 부모의 영아 행동 반영에 의해 촉진될
수 있다.'가 가장 적절하다.

89 번 - ② 이 글은 '유아의 초기 인지 능력은, 부모가 유아의

행동을 모방하는 것이, 유아 자신의 행동을 반영하는 것으로 인식
하게 된다'는 내용이므로, 이 글의 요지로 '부모의 모방은 유아들
의 초기 자아 인식에 영향을 미친다'는 ②가 가장 적절하다.

KUESB -3- 영어

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