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Camprkemdoe Laboratory iiunval in Biol

ru nalf of the cavity of the potato with 10-20% sugar solution, and mark the level o
solution in the cavity with the help of a pin, It functions as an
. Leave the osmometer undisturbed for about one hour and then mark the rise in the
sugar solution in the cavity with another pin.

Potato -Final level

-Initial level

Sugar solution Water Sugar solution

Fig. 3.1. Dermonstration of osmosis by potato osmometer.


The level of sugar solution in the potato cavity rises after some time due to the entry of,
into the sugar solution through selectively permeable membrane of the cells of potato osmosis.

The movement of water from the petridish occurs because of the difference in the concentra
of solvent (water) molecules in the two regions. i.e., in the sugar solution in the cavity and water ir
petridish. The cell membranes encdosing the cells of potato act as selectively permeable membran:
the movement of water.

of tissues at the be.
1 The cavity should be deep enough to keep only a thin layer
be flat so as to the keep the potato stable ein
2. The lower end of the potato should the
3. The sugar solution should be of sufficiently high osmotic concentration as compared to petrid
cell sap of potato cells.

Epidermal cels

Subsidiary cells
Ground cellis

Fig. 5.1.Stomata. A Stomata in the
B. Single
stoma; C. Stomata epidermis
in the
of aa dicot leaf
epidermis monocot leaf.
of a
(lower epidermis):
5. Count the
number of stomata and the number of
and lower epidermis of the
leaf appearing in the epidermal cells in the peels of both up
6. Similarly
prepare the slides of the peels of lily leafmicroscopic field.
number of epidermal cells in the and count the number of
stomata and
microscopic fheld.



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