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Our investigation with students of the JBCN International School, proved to be an

insightful experience. On 18th Jan, 2024, they enthusiastically shared their thoughts on
waste management. During the interview, the students expressed their thoughts on how
their school educates students about the importance of waste reduction and proper waste
disposal. This included initiatives and programs within their school aimed at promoting
waste reduction and recycling, such as recycling drives, composting initiatives, and
educational campaigns to raise awareness about responsible waste management.

When asked about their thoughts on waste management, they provided valuable insights.
They emphasized the importance of effective waste management as it is crucial for
environmental sustainability, preventing pollution, and conserving resources by
minimizing the impact of waste on ecosystems and human health.

During our interview, we had the opportunity to delve into their approach towards waste
management and recycling at home. They contributed to waste management at home by
practicing simple habits such as separating recyclables from general waste, using
reusable containers, and reducing single-use items. Additionally, they were involved in
composting organic waste and participating in family discussions on responsible
consumption and commitment to sustainable waste practices.

Among the many important topics we discussed, they shared their insightful opinions on
the significance of waste management. Their inspiring responses left us feeling grateful
for the opportunity to have this interview.

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