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Biology – Unit 3 Test Study Guide


1. List the word and the chemical formula of Photosynthesis.

2. Describe the process of photosynthesis, including the following information:

• Type of cells that perform the process. (think of photosynthetic (chloroplast) organisms)
• Does it need or produce energy?
• Reactants:
• Products:

3. List the word and the chemical formula of cellular respiration.

4. Describe the process of cellular respiration, including the following information:

• Type of cells that perform the process.

• Does it need or produce energy?
• Reactants:
• Products:

5. In the presence of sunlight, which gas is mainly released by plants? Are plants capable of producing
carbon dioxide in the presence of light energy as well?

6. In the absence of sunlight, which gas is mainly released by plants? Why?

7. In the presence of light, which gas is mainly released by animals? Absence of light? Why?

8. Copy the formula for lactic acid fermentation. Identify reactants and products.

Reactant Products

Glucose 2 Lactic Acids + 2 ATP

9. Copy the formula for alcoholic fermentation. Identify reactants and products.

Reactant Products

Glucose 2 Alcohol (Ethanol)+ 2 Carbon Dioxide + 2 ATP

10. What is the difference between aerobic and anaerobic respiration?

11. Describe the ATP/ADP cycle. (Draw and color the diagram)

12. Describe interphase, including what happens during G1, S, and G2.

13. What does PMAT stand for? Describe each of the phases of mitosis and include a quick diagram of

14. What is the result of mitosis? Include the following information:

• How many cells are at the end?

• Type of cell (somatic or germ)
• Are the daughter cells genetically Identical or different?
• How many cell divisions?
• Does it end with haploid or diploid cells?

15. What is the result of meiosis? Include the following information:

• How many cells are at the end?

• type of cell (somatic or germ)
• Are the daughter cells genetically Identical or different?
• How many cell divisions?
• Does it end with haploid or diploid cells?

16. Describe each of the phases of meiosis and include a quick diagram of each.

17. What is crossing over? Which phase does it occur? Does it happen during mitosis or meiosis? Draw a
colorful diagram to represent crossing over.

18. Cancer is also referred to as uncontrolled mitosis; why?

19. Describe the difference between sexual and asexual reproduction

• How many parents are part of it?

• Does it produce genetically identical or genetically different organisms?

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