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Honarable Director Sir, Respected Hod,s Faculty Members and my dear students .

Good Afternoon everyone!

I welcome you all.. to this Short and Sweet internal house celebration of yesterdays
Success. India is now on the moon and the success belongs to all humanity,and even
our Prime Minister Narendra Modi said Chandrayaan-3 landed successfully on the
lunar surface. Addressing the ISRO scientists virtually from Johannesburg, he said India
made a resolve "on the Earth and fulfilled it on the Moon". "This is a moment to cherish
forever," and India has reached the South Pole of the moon, where no country had
ventured so far.

So with all this words It's my pleasure to extend a cheerful welcome to all of you on for
this short celebration as we all are extremely happy and delighted and it is indeed an
honor to see such a success by our great ISRO Indian scientists.
Now without any delay, I would request

first and formost most respected honorable director sir to the address all of us with his
words of appreciation and motivation for our future scientist students.

Thank you so much sir/ma'am for such an informative and insp,

Our students are very excited for the process and I believe that all of them have come
today with the hope of their selection in Lenskart and also to learn from your
workshops . I wish all of you guys a great good luck and hope that all of you come up
with the flying colors by the end of this drive.
Thank you..... one and all .

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