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Present Simple


Afirmativ: Subiect + Verb - I go to school every day.

Subiect (He, she, it) + Verb(s/es) pentru persoana a III-a singular. - She
goes to school every day.

Negativ: do not/don't + Verb I don't go to school every day.

does not/doesn't + Verb la persoana a III-a singular.

He doesn't go to school every day.

She doesn't play any games.

Interogativ: Do + Subiect + Verb - Do you play with me?

Does + he/she/it + Verb pentru persoana a III-a singular.

Does she sleep? Does he speak? Does it eat?

Reguli de formare

Pentru prezentul simplu la persoana a treia singular (he, she and ca

regulă generala), lă, trebuie adăugat -s la forma de bază a verbului.
Sunt, totuși, câteva excepții. Dacă verbul se termină în:

-ss, -ch, -sh, -x, -z sau -o → se adaugă "es"






-y precedat de o consoană → "y"-ul dispare și se adaugă "ies"





Prezentul simplu poate descrie:

-actiuni obisnuite sau rutine:

I usually get up at 7:30.

I play games every day.

-adevăruri general-valabile, legi ale naturii:

The sun rises in the east. (rasare)

-opinii, preferințe:

I think India is beautiful.

Jim prefers maths. - Jim preferă matematica.

-actiuni sau situatii care sunt in general sau de obicei adevarate:

We like ice cream.

Liz plays in the school basketball team.

-comentarii sportive, demonstrații, exclamații:

The goal-keeper misses the ball and one more goal is scored. - Portarul
nu prinde mingea și se marchează încă un gol.

I now mix the butter with the cocoa. - Acum amestec untul cu cacao.

Here comes out teacher! - Iată că vine profesorul nostru!

Present simple este folosit adesea împreună cu adverbe ca:

always, every day/week/month/year, usually, all the time, often,

seldom, rarely, (n)ever, on Fridays (Monday, Tuesday), at night, in the
morning/evening, sometimes.

întotdeauna/mereu, în fiecare zi/săptămână/lună/an, adesea/de obicei,

tot timpul, adesea, rar, rar, vreodată (n)niciodată, vineri (luni, marți),
noaptea, dimineața / seara, uneori.

Wood always floats on water.

He goes to the gim every day.

She usually studies hard for her exams.

He sometimes goes shopping.

I often play pool with my friends.

She never goes to school by bus.

In the evening we play Monopoly.

Ex 1. Pune verbele din paranteze la prezentul simplu.

1. My mother is… (to be) a singer.

2. Exam starts… (to start) at nine tomorrow.

3. How do… you feel?

4. What time does… the show start?

5. My nephew never visits… (to visit) me.

6. Where do… you live?

7. Jim does not pay… … (not+ to pay) attention when he is tired.

8. She works… (to work) in a bank.

9. Are… you single or …do you have someone?

10. My father …does not bother/ doesn't bother … (not+ to bother) to

bring me food in bed.

11. I do not/ don't… like cheeseburgers. (negativ)

12. Am… I crazy because I believe in unicorns?

13. My mother seems… (to seem) very upset because of me.

14. William plaies… (to play) soccer every evening.

15. Harry …doesn't like … (not+ to like) to gossip.

16. He .watches... (watch) TV every night.

17. She ..studies... (study) every day.

This - acesta, aceasta (apropiere singular)

These- acestia, acestea (apropiere plural)

That- acela, aceea (departare singular)

Those- aceia, acelea (departare plural)

Seasons and weather. Anotimpuri și vreme

Summer- vara

Spring- primavara

Winter- iarna

Autumn- toamna

Sky- cer

Cloud- nor

Rainbow- curcubeu

It is hot- este cald

It is cold- este rece

It is sunny- este insorit

It is cloudy- este noros

It is humid- este umed

It is raining- ploua

It is snowing- ninge

It is windy- este vant

How is the weather today?

How is the weather?

Good/bad weather.

What is the temperature

It is 24 degrees?

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