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Neck of Radius Ulnar notch of Radius

-Articulates with round head of the ulna;

Slight depression at the mediodistal end of
the bone

Styloid Process of Radius

Projects distally from its lateral margin

Bicipital Tuberosity (Radial

-attachment of the biceps brachii tendon.

-The ulna is one of the two long bones in the
forearm; In anatomical position, the ulna is
located at the side of the forearm closest to
the body

Interosseous Border
-For the attachment of the interosseous
membrane connecting the radius and the

There are 8 carpal bones made up of 2 rows.
A. Proximal row from lateral to medial –
scaphoid, lunate, triquetral, pisiform

B. Distal row from lateral to medial –

trapezium, trapezoid, capitate and hamate
Short -Almost same length and width (e.g
- There are 5 metacarpal bones.
carpal wrist bones and tarsal ankle bones)
- The first metacarpal bone of the thumb is the
shortest and most mobile Irregular - hindi nag fall sa long and short
- There are three phalanges for each finger but bones / Vertebra, calcaneus
only two for the thumb. Sesamoid - Shape like sesame seed (Patella
and pisiform)
Flat -Scapula and sternum serves to protect
/ Palpetion

2parts of IV Disc
-Annulus Fibrosus 50-60 percent made of
-Nucleus Pulposus 50-80 percent water to
lubricate 10-20 percent collagen

Atlanto -Occipital - Cervical flexion

Atlanto- Cervical Extension
Bones of the Lower Limbs
-The thigh has one bone (Femur – thigh bone) Types of Ribs
- The leg has two bones (Tibia and Fibula)
True ribs 1-7
False ribs 8-10
The foot Floating ribs -11-12
Tarsus – ankle
Metatarsals – sole
Phalanges – toes
Innominate Bone
The hip bone, innominate bone or coxal
bone is a large, flattened, irregularly shaped
bone, constricted in the center and
expanded above and below. (Pelvic Cavity)

Arcuate Line
The arcuate line of the ilium is a smooth
rounded border on the internal surface of
the ilium. It is immediately inferior to the iliac
fossa and Iliacus muscle.


Bone Structures:

Diaphysis -Gitna
Epiphysis -Dulo ng buto
Metaphysis -Between Epi and Dia
Periosteum -Outermost
Medullary Cavity -Hallowed part
Articular Cartilage -Cartilage
Pubic Crest Gluteal Tuberosity
Medial to the pubic tubercle is the pubic crest, The lateral ridge of the linea aspera is very rough,
which extends from this process to the medial and runs almost vertically upward to the base of
end of the bone. the greater trochanter. It is termed the gluteal
tuberosity, and gives attachment to part of the
Gluteus maximus.

Pecten (Pectineal Line)

The pecten pubis or pectineal line of the Linea Aspera
pubis is a ridge on the superior ramus of the The linea aspera (L. rough line) is a ridge of
pubic bone. roughened surface on the posterior aspect of the
femur, to which are attached muscles and
intermuscular septum.

Iliopectineal line
is the border of the iliopubic eminence. It can
be defined as a compound structure of the
arcuate line (from the ilium) and pectineal
line (from the pubis).
Supracondylar Ridges

Obturator Crest
The anterior border of superior pubic ramus
presents a sharp margin, the obturator crest,
which forms part of the circumference of the
obturator foramen superiorly and affords Condyles and Intercondylar
attachment to the obturator membrane. Fossa
Epicondyles and Adductor Patella
The patella, also known as the knee cap or
Tubercle kneepan, is a thick, circular-triangular bone
which articulates with the femur and covers and
protects the anterior articular surface of the
knee join

Patellar and Popliteal Surface

The 7 bones of the tarsus make up the skeleton
of the posterior half of the foot. 1. Proximal rows
= Talus and Calcaneus 2. Distal rows (Medial to
Lateral) = medial cuneiform, intermediate
cuneiform, lateral cuneiform and the cuboid 3.
Medial side = Navicular bone

Large medial bone of the leg.

Try Catching Naughty Cute Chicks
C=Cuniforms 3

Tall Centers Never Take Shots From Corners

T = Talus
C = Calcaneus
N = Navicular
T = Third Cuneiform
S = Second Cuneiform
F = First Cuneiform
Fibula C = Cuboid
Slender lateral bone of the leg which takes no
part in the articulation at the knee joint but
below it forms the lateral malleolus of the ankle
The metatarsus or metatarsal bones are a group
of five long bones in the foot located between
the tarsal bones of the hind- and mid-foot and
the phalanges of the toes. Lacking individual
names, the metatarsal bones are numbered from
the medial side (side of big toe): the first, second,
third, fourth, and fifth metatarsal. The
metatarsals are analogous to the metacarpal
bones of the hand.

The phalanges of the foot are the bones in the
toes. They correspond, in number and general
arrangement, with those of the hand; there are
two in the big toe, and three in each of the other
toes. They differ from them, however, in their
size, the bodies being much reduced in length,
and, especially in the first row, laterally

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