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A short story is a work of short, narrative prose
that is usually centered around one single event. It
is limited in scope and has an exposition, rising
action, climax, falling action, and resolution.
Although a short story has much in common with a
novel, it is written more briefly.
Participants are required to make a short story on
a predetermined topic.
The short story can be fiction or non-fiction.
All participants can only submit one short story.
The short story must not contain elements of
racism or conflict with applicable norms.
The short story must be in English.
The short story has never been entered in any
competition or has never been published
The short story must be written or typed in Microsoft
Word with the following document format:
- Size : A4
- Margins : Normal
- Font : Times New Roman
- Font size : 12
- Space : 1,5
- Must be between 1500 to 3000 words

The title of the short story must appear at the top of

the first page and the page number (bottom of page:
right) on each page.
The format name of the short story must be
Participant’s Name_Competition’s Field_Institution
(Vaqih_Short Story Writing_STBA JIA Bekasi.)
Any plagiarized work will be disqualified along
with any other work submitted by the participants.
All participants will be considered anonymously by a
panel of readers and the judge.
All participants must attend the winner
announcement and also the closing ceremony on
6th February 2024
All participants are required to submit the short
story to (
All participants must be sent the short story in doc
or docx format
The format name of the short story must be
Participant’s Name_Competition’s Field_Institution
(Vaqih_Short Story Writing_STBA JIA Bekasi.)
The short story must be sent after the technical
meeting until February 9th, 2024 at 12.00 AM

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