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karty pracy gramatyczne


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Materiał jest przeznaczony tylko i wyłącznie dla Ciebie i

Twoich uczniów. Sprzedaż, modyfikowanie i udostępnianie
osobom trzecim, publikowanie w social mediach lub innych
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W tym zestawie znajdziesz 26 stron z zadaniami do ćwiczenia gramatyki

na poziomie od A1 do B1 oraz klucz odpowiedzi. Są to karty pracy łączące
pisanie, kreatywność i mówienie. Karty są też printer-friendly.
W zestawie jest też tło - karty można wtedy wykorzystać jako plansze do
speakingu - uczniowie nie piszą a tylko ustnie ćwiczą wybraną gramatykę.
Gorąco polecam
a) I / hungry. a) at home Tom is. ______________________
b) We / tired. b) small My is cat. _______________________
c) My friends / at school. c) We holidays on aren’t. _________________
d) My dad / in the garage. d) big It isn’t. ___________________________
e) A dog / in the park. e) from is Italy She. _____________________
f) They / happy. f) A fast is bus. _________________________
g) You / fast. g) A t-shirt is dirty. ______________________

a) Jestem nauczycielem. _________________________________________________

b) Ona jest w sklepie. ____________________________________________________
c) Oni są moimi przyjaciółmi. _____________________________________________
d) Kuba jest szczęśliwy. __________________________________________________
e) Książka jest na stole. __________________________________________________
f) Jestem z Polski. _______________________________________________________
g) Czy ty jesteś w Hiszpanii? ______________________________________________
h) Ola i Tom nie są w pokoju. ______________________________________________
a) Are you hungry? Yes,______________
I am My mum My dad
b) Is your mum young? No,_____________
strong. is short. is tall.
c) Are you tired? Yes, ______________
d) Is Kuba from China? No,______________ My friend I am from I am
e) Is Ola at work? Yes,______________ is smart. the UK. Italian.
f) Is the dog wet? No,______________
g) Is a flower beautiful? Yes,______________ My grandma My aunt My uncle
h) Are cats cute? No,______________ is 70. is young. is old.
a) I / a hamster. a) have I a new got computer. ______________
b) We / a new book. b) got She garden a has beautiful.___________
c) My friends / new games. c) three got They have children. ____________
d) My dad / a new bike. d) have Cats legs got four. _________________
e) A dog / a sausage. e) has a tail A dog got long. ________________
f) They / a sandwich. f) haven’t They cousins got._________________
g) You / an apple. g) Ola got brother hasn’t a. _________________

a) Mam nowy samochód. _________________________________________________________

b) Ona ma małe dziecko. _________________________________________________________
c) Oni mają trzy koty i psa. _______________________________________________________
d) Nie mamy biletów na koncert. __________________________________________________
e) Ona ma długie, kręcone włosy. _________________________________________________
f) Ona ma dwóch braci. __________________________________________________________
g) Czy kot ma zielone oczy. _______________________________________________________
h) Oni nie mają czasu. ___________________________________________________________
a) Has she got a favorite book? Yes,___________ My mum My dad
I have got
b) Have they got the tickets? No,______________ has got has got
a parrot.
c) Have you got any questions? Yes, __________ blonde hair. blue eyes.

d) Has he got a car? No,______________________ My friend

I have got
I have got
has got a a blue
e) Have they got plans? Yes,__________________ a brother.
sister. school bag.
f) Has she got a pet dog? No,__________________
My grandma My aunt My uncle
g) Have you got any siblings? Yes,______________
has grey has got a has got
h) Have they got many friends? No,_____________ hair. son. a house.
a) I / ride a bike. a) the play guitar She can. _________________
b) We / write a book. b) very He can fast run. ___________________
c) My friends / play games. c) can We on rest Sundays. _______________
d) My dad / drive a car. d) can cookies I bake. ____________________
e) A dog / eat a sausage. e) planes fly A can pilot. __________________
f) They / make a sandwich. f) learn A can student. ____________________
g) You / sing a song. g) can’t coffee Mice drink. _________________

a) Dziadek potrafi naprawić rower. ________________________________________________

b) Ola potrafi malować obrazy. ____________________________________________________
c) Koty potrafią wspinać się po drzewach. __________________________________________
d) Czy ty potrafisz gotować? ______________________________________________________
e) Moi rodzice potrafią mówić po angielsku. ________________________________________
f) Twój brat potrafi grać w piłkę. __________________________________________________
g) Słoń nie potrafi czytać. ________________________________________________________
h) Czy ty potrafisz pływać? ___________________________________________________________
a) Can you play chess? Yes,________________ My dad
I can draw I can’t
b) Can he fix the computer? No,____________ can walk
pictures. dive.
c) Can she drive a car? Yes, _______________ 10 km.

d) Can you bake a cake? No,_______________ A dog can Cats can A bear
e) Can he ride a bike? Yes,_________________ sleep 10 chase can eat
hours. mice. honey.
f) Can we visit the museum today? No,______
My mum can I can drink Children
g) Can they play the piano? Yes,____________
play board a lot of can’t drink
h) Can she speak French? No,______________ games. water. alcohol.
a) I /have/ a new bag. a) at home Tom is. ______________________
b) We /be/ friends. b) small My is cat. _______________________
c) My friends /can/ dance. c) three got They have children. ____________
d) My dad /have/ a new bike. d) have Cats legs got four. _________________
e) A dog /can/ eat a sausage. e) from is Italy She. _____________________
f) They /be/ in the cinema. f) learn A can student. ____________________
g) You /can/ cut an apple. g) can’t coffee Mice drink. _________________

a) Mamy spotkanie o godzinie 10 rano. ________________________________________________

b) On jest odważny. _________________________________________________________________
c) Ona potrafi piec pyszne ciasta. ____________________________________________________
d) Oni są moimi sąsiadami. __________________________________________________________
e) On jest lekarzem. _________________________________________________________________
f) Czy on potrafi pływać? ____________________________________________________________
g) Czy ty masz długie włosy? _________________________________________________________
h) Ludzie potrafią pomagać. __________________________________________________________
a) Are you sleepy? Yes,____________________ I have got
My dog My grandpa
b) Is your mum slim? No,__________________ a pink
is old. is 70.
c) Are you thirsty? Yes, ___________________ bedroom.
d) Has he got a teddy? No,_________________ My dad I can drink Children
has got a lot of can’t drink
e) Have they got a guitar? Yes,_____________
green eyes. water. alcohol.
f) Can we visit grandparents today? No,______
My mum My aunt My mum can
g) Can they play the flute? Yes,____________
has got play board
h) Can she speak English? No,______________ is young.
blonde hair. games.

a) She plays chess on Fridays. a) house My tidy Saturdays parents the on.
b) My dad cooks dinner every day. b) bakes My summer in grandma cookies .
c) My friends eat healthy food. c) in you a bike Do winter ride?
d) Kuba watches TV in the evening. d) doesn’t car uncle My drive a car.
e) Children read books at school. e) Ola in swim the Does sea?

a) I live/lives in a small town.

b) She work/works as a teacher.
c) They play/plays soccer every weekend.
d) He usually wake/wakes up at 6 AM.
e) We eat/eats dinner at 7 PM.
f) The sun rise/rises in the east.
g) Cats often chase/chases mice.
h) Maria speak/speaks Spanish fluently.
i) It rain/rains a lot in the spring.
a) Ona odwiedza swoich dziadków w każdą niedzielę. ___________________________________
b) Oni uczą się francuskiego w szkole. ________________________________________________
c) On pracuje w szpitalu. ____________________________________________________________
d) Zazwyczaj idziemy na spacer wieczorem. ___________________________________________
e) Autobus przyjeżdża o godzinie 8 rano. ______________________________________________
f)Mój brat gra na gitarze.____________________________________________________________

a) What time does the supermarket open?

b) Where do you usually spend your weekends? a) Cats __________ a lot during the day.

c) What do you always do in the morning? b) Maria __________ three languages fluently.

d) Where do you usually go on vacation? c) It _______ in autumn in Poland.

e) How often do you exercise? d) My parents _______ a small bakery in the town.
f) What kind of music do you like? e) He doesn't _______ broccoli.

a) I eat every morning. f) The Earth orbits the .

b) She at the local library. g) Dogs often bark at .

c) They visit their at the weekends. h) Maria goes to the twice a week.

d) He in his free time.

i) It in winter.

e) We in the car. j) My brother Spanish fluently.

a) She is reading a book at the moment. a) are The the pool children in swimming.
b) They are playing football in the park. b) in the The baby is bed sleeping.
c) I am watching a movie on TV. c) a shower right He taking now is.
d) He is cooking dinner for his family. d) is blackboard writing The the teacher on.
e) We are studying for our final exams. e) house They are a next door new building.

a) It is/am raining heavily outside.

b) She is/are practicing the piano for her show.
c) I am/is talking to my friend on the phone.
d) We is/are attending a conference this weekend.
e) The workers is/are repairing the road.
f) They is/are having a picnic in the park.
g) The cat are/is chasing a mouse at the moment.
h) I am/is writing a report for my boss.
i) She is/are painting a beautiful landscape.
a) Czekamy teraz na autobus. ________________________________________________________
b) Oni teraz piknikują w parku. _______________________________________________________
c) Piszę teraz raport dla mojego szefa. ________________________________________________
d) Oglądam teraz film w telewizji. _____________________________________________________
e) Dzieci pływają w basenie. _________________________________________________________
f) Rozmawiam z przyjacielem przez telefon. ___________________________________________

a) What are you studying at the moment?

b) Where are you going for lunch? a) He is ________ on a new project at his office.
c) Where are you going this weekend? b) She is ________ for her final exams.

d) What are you wearing today? c) They are ________ their anniversary.

e) What are you cooking for dinner? d) The chef is ______ a special dish for the guests.

f) What are you doing right now? e) They are _______ about their travel plans

a) The are playing in the park. f) My sister is in Europe.

b) She is in the choir tonight. g) The dog is on the sofa.

c) They are at the party. h) I am doing a this evening.

d) The kids are dinner in the kitchen.

i) She is in her room.

e) He is in the living room now. j) I am my neighbour.

a) I visited Paris last summer. a) movie watched last a We great night.

b) She studied hard for the final exam. b) morning visited museum in the the They.
c) They travelled to Japan two years ago. c) yesterday I hot morning drank coffee.
d) He played football with his friends yesterday.
d) night took He shower last a.
e) We ate a delicious dinner yesterday.
e) made Children test mistake on the a.

a) He ______ (listen) to his favorite songs all day.

b) We ______ (go) hiking in the mountains last weekend.

c) She ______ (work) late at the office yesterday.

d) I ______ (not/visit) my grandparents last month.
e) They ______ (play) board games on Saturday evening.
f) He ______ (dance) at the party until midnight.
g) She ______ (read) a fascinating book last week.
h) He ______ (write) an e-mail 2 hours ago.
i) They ______ (not/come) 15 minutes ago.
a) Ona upiekła pyszny tort na swoje urodziny. __________________________________________
b) Kot złapał mysz w kuchni. _________________________________________________________
c) Wczoraj padał deszcz. ____________________________________________________________
d) Spotkałem starego przyjaciela w parku wczoraj.______________________________________
e) Dzieci pływały w basenie w zeszłe wakacje. _________________________________________
f) Czy zadzwoniłeś do babci wczoraj?______ ___________________________________________

a) What did you do last weekend?

b) When did you arrive at the party? a) They _______ a house a hundred years ago.
c) What did you eat for dinner yesterday? b) A student _______ the answer to the question.
d) Why did you cancel the event? c) They _______ plane tickets to Spain.
e) How did you get to the airport? d) The boss _______ a difficult task to the workers.

f) What did you buy for a present for your mum? e) They _______ their old car last summer.

a) My parents in a small village. f) She her car last Saturday.

b) We to the beach last summer. g) I a mouse 20 minutes ago.

c) He hard for the exam. h) He last winter.

d) The kids 10 kilometers yesterday. i) They beautiful pictures yesterday.

e) He a gold medal last week. j) They a song at the concert.

a) I will travel to Paris next month. a) will Maria from year college graduate next.
b) She will start her new job on Monday. b) will tomorrow It not be sunny.
c) They will meet us at the airport. c) retire My years a will parents in few.
d) He will call you later. d) September new He job will start his in.
e) We will visit our grandparents this weekend.
e) go on year They Europe will a vacation to next.

a)) I ______ (zadzwonię) you as soon as I arrive.

b) They ______ (kupią) a new car next month.

c) The sun ______ (wzejdzie) in the east tomorrow.

d) They ______ (spotkają) you at the airport when you arrive.

e) She _____ (nauczy się) to play the guitar in the future.

f) I ______ (wyślę) you an email with the details later.

g) He _______ (zostanę) a doctor after studies.

h) We ______ (będziemy mieć) a party for her birthday on Friday.

i) He ______ (skończy) reading the book by the end of the week.
a) Kiedy skończysz pracę, zadzwonisz do mnie? _______________________________________
b) Oni zaczną nowy projekt wkrótce. _________________________________________________
c) Wezmę udział w konferencji w przyszłym roku. _____________________________________
d) Oni zbudują nowy dom. ___________________________________________________________
e) Będę pracować jutro rano. ________________________________________________________
f) Ona odwiedzi swoją rodzinę w przyszłym tygodniu. ___________________________________

a) What will you do tomorrow?

b) Where will you go next Saturday? a) I will _______ for a walk in the park tomorrow morning.
c) What will you cook for dinner tomorrow? b) We will _______ a surprise party for your birthday.
d) Why will you help people? c) She will _______ from college in two years.
e) What will you buy for your grandma’s birthday? d) They will _______ to France for their vacation.
f) Who will you meet at the concer? e) He will ______ a delicious dinner for his family.

a) I you with your homework. f) They a new house in the suburbs.

b) We on a road trip this summer. g) He his book next week.

c) I you at the airport tomorrow. h) He to speak Spanish next year.

d) He of the pets. i) We at that new restaurant tonight.

e) My team the match next season. j). They a film in the cinema tomorrow.

a) I have finished my homework. a) I have lived in this city _____ five years.

b) She has traveled to many countries. b) She has been a teacher _____ 2010.

c) They have never tasted sushi before. c) They have known each other _____ a long time.

d) He has lived in this city for 10 years. d) He has worked at the company _____ he graduated.
e) We have been friends _____ as long as I can remember.
e) We have just watched an amazing movie.

a) The team ______ (win) the championship.

b) She ______ (already/eat) lunch.

c) They ______ (visit) the Eiffel Tower.

d) I ______ (read) that book three times.

e) He ______ (never/meet) his favorite actor.

f) She ______ (read) all of Shakespeare's plays.

g) They ______ (recently/move) to a new house.

h) I ______ (visit) the Grand Canyon once in my life.

i) He ______ (lose) his keys again.
a) Właśnie skończyłem moją książkę. ________________________________________________
b) Mam ten telefon od zeszłego roku. _________________________________________________
c) Oni są małżeństwem od 20 lat. ____________________________________________________
d) Ona była w Nowym Jorku trzy razy. ________________________________________________
e) Oni niedawno podróżowali do Francji. ______________________________________________
f) Mieszkamy w tym domu od dziesięciu lat. ___________________________________________

a) Have you ever tried sushi?

b) How long have you known your best friend? a) We have just _________ our dinner.
c) Where have you travelled recently? b) He has _________ football for his entire life.
d) What have you done today? c) She has already _________ that book twice.
e) How many books have you read this year? d) I have _________ that movie so many times.

f) Have you ever been to the hospital? e) She has _________ Spanish for two years now.

a) I breakfast already. f) The dog another shoe.

b) He to the shop twice today. g) He his phone for the third time this month.

c) They that movie before. h) They for 10 years.

d) She her homework for the week. i) She all week.

e) We to many different countries. j) I him since we were children.

a) She was watching TV all evening yesterday. a) were the They at dancing party.

b) They were playing soccer in the park all Sunday. b) working I my yesterday computer all was on day.

c) He was studying for his exams late last night. c) park He in was a.m. jogging the yesterday at 7.
d) about They plans were lunch talking their during.
d) We were having dinner yesterday at 5:30.
e) I evening TV was watching yesterday.
e) She was singing beautifully on stage last night.

a) She ________ (study) for her exams all night.

b) While I ________ (cook), the phone rang.

c) He ________ (read) a book when the power went out.

d) We ________ (have) dinner at that restaurant last Friday.

e) They ________ (play) basketball at the park yesterday.

f) The kids ________ (play) in the garden all afternoon.

g) She ________ (dance) at the party all night long.

h) They ________ (walk) their dog in the park this morning.

i) I ________ (drive) to work yesterday morning.
a) Wczoraj o 5 mój brat ćwiczył na gitarze. ____________________________________________
b) Pies szczekał całą noc wczoraj. ___________________________________________________
c) On naprawiał swoje auto całe popołudnie. _________________________________________
d) Podróżowali po Europie w zeszłe lato. ______________________________________________
e) Moja siostra pływała 2 godziny w niedzielę. _________________________________________
f) Wczoraj byłam ubrana w nową sukienkę. ___________________________________________

a) What were you doing at 9 PM last night?

b) What were you wearing at the concert? a) My grandma was _______ cakes last evening.
c) Why were you shouting so loudly? b) People were ________ the players.
d) What were you playing on the last P.E lesson? c) She was _______ for the test all Sunday.

e) What were you eating last Sunday? d) I was _________ the mountains all weekend.

f) What were you buying all night? e) They were ________ many songs.

a) I my room all Saturday. f) She dinner when she saw a famous actor.

b) He on the beach all summer. g) He clothes when electricity went out.

c) They books all night. h) They all afternoon yesterday.

d) She e-mails last night at 7 p.m. i) She yesterday in the morning.

e) We in the park last Sunday. j) I when somebody stole my wallet.

a) She is working on a project right now. a) often We travel the during summer.

b) They are studying for their exams this week. b) my I am now breakfast eating right.

c) I usually go for a run in the morning. c) from They to work Friday Monday.

d) He is talking to his friend on the phone. d) playing tennis in the He is park.

e) The train arrives at 9 AM every day. e) books She her reads time in free.

a) They ________ (not/live) in a small town.

b) She ________ (work) in a bookstore.

c) He ______ (learn) a new language online these days.

d) They ______ (work) on a project together this month.

e) She ______ (not/sing) at the concert today.

f) We ______ (watch) a movie at the cinema tonight.

g) I ______ (not/work) in an office.

h) We usually ______ (go) to the gym on Mondays.

i) She ______ (speak) with a customer on the phone now.
a) Codziennie rano piję kawę. _______________________________________________________
b) Ona nie je mięsa. ________________________________________________________________
c) Jemy teraz obiad w jadalni. _______________________________________________________
d) Czy ty pijesz dzisiaj wodę? ________________________________________________________
e) Psy szczekają, gdy widzą obcych. __________________________________________________
f) Moi dziadkowie pracują teraz w ogródku. ____________________________________________

a) Do you love chocolate ice-cream?

b) What sport do you watch? a) The shop ________ at 9 PM every day.
c) What are you doing after the lesson? b) He ________ English to foreign students.
d) What are you doing now? c) He is ________ on the treadmill right now.
e) What do you do when you want to relax? d) We are ________ at the gym at the moment.
f) What do people usually do in autumn? e) They ________ board games every weekend.

a) I breakfast every day. f) The dog a sausage now.

b) He to the shop now. g) He often his phone.

c) They that movie tonight. h) You tomorrow. Congrats!

d) She her homework every day. i) She often .

e) We to Croatia every summer. j) I once a month.

a) They visited Rome last summer.

b) He was teaching a class last year.
c) He finished his book yesterday.
d) We watched a movie on Saturday.
e) She was studying for her physics exam

a) She ________ (cook) dinner when her friends ________ (arrive).

b) He ________ (drive) to work when he ________ (get) stuck in traffic.

c) They ________ (dance) at the party when the music suddenly ________ (stop).

d) I ________ (walk) my dog when I ________ (see) my neighbour.

e) She ________ (read) a book when her phone ________ (ring) with a text message.

f) We ________ (chat) with our friends when the restaurant ________ (close).

g) He ________ (practise) his guitar when his brother ________ (walk) in.

h) I ________ (learn) while my brother ________ (play) a computer game.

i) They ________ (play) football in the park when it ________ (start) raining.
a) Mieszkała w Paryżu, gdy się spotkaliśmy. ___________________________________________
b) Czytał swoją książkę, gdy zadzwonił telefon. ________________________________________
c) Przyjeżdżała na lotnisko, gdy do niej dzwoniłem. _____________________________________
d) Wspinałem się po górach kiedy złamałem nogę. _____________________________________
e) Jechałem do pracy kiedy miałem wypadek. _________________________________________
f) Spałem kiedy usłyszałem hałas. ___________________________________________________

a) Were you cooking dinner? Yes, _____

b) Did you play chess 2 hours ago? No, _____ a) I ______ a mistake on the last exam.
c) Was she playing tennis yesterday at 8? Yes, _____ b) I was ______ when I fell down.
d) Did your mum buy a new dress? No, _____ c) She was ______ a bike all Sunday.
e) Were your friends dancing at the party? Yes, _____ d) I ______ the car yesterday.
f) Did Tom feed the dog in the morning? No, _____ e) They were ______ the flowers yesterday at 9 p.m.

a) I a newspaper while my sister .

b) We when we saw a huge .

c) I a film when a started.

d) He to music while his brother games.

e) My friend while we a project.

f) I while my siblings .

a) She has visited Paris several times.

b) She visited Paris last summer.
c) We lived in a different city five years ago.
d) He has already seen that movie.
e) They have never eaten sushi before.

a) ____________ (she / ever / be) in India?

b) I ___________ (meet) him last Monday.

c) She ______________ (not wake up) yet.

d) They _______ (visit) Paris many times, but they _______ (go) there for the first time last summer.

e) He _______ (read) that book already, but he _______ (read) it again last week.

f) We _______ (watch) this movie before, but we _______ (watch) it again yesterday.
g) He _______ (meet) him several times, but she _______ (meet) him for the first time at the conference.

h) He _______ (lose) his keys recently buy he also _______ (lose) his wallet last month.
i) She _______ (drink) many cups of coffee in her life but she _______ (drink) the best coffee yesterday in a cafe.
a) Czy ty już spróbowałeś moje ciasto? ________________________________________________
b) Jak długo znasz swojego chłopaka? ________________________________________________
c) Pobrali się 20 lat temu. ___________________________________________________________
d) Oni pływali w oceanie w zeszłe wakacje. ____________________________________________
e) On właśnie wziął prysznic i ma mokre włosy. ________________________________________
f) My zrobiliśmy zakupy w zeszłą sobotę. _______________________________________________

a) What did you do last weekend?

b) When did you finish your last project? a) Look! Kate _______ her arm!
c) Where have you travelled recently? b) He ______ in this company 2 years ago.
d) Why have you not visited your grandparents lately? c) My aunt ________ in hospital since Sunday.
e) Who has read that book before? d) I _______ a test an hour ago.
f) Where did you first meet? e) Mike _______ me his notebook, I need to give it back.

a) I dinner already. f) My sister last weekend.

b) He to the cinema last Sunday. g) The baby (not) all night.

c) They that movie before. h) you ever ?

d) She just the race. i) She in her room yesterday evening.

e) We to many different countries. j) I my new neighbour yesterday.

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