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1: My Self Through the Years

Name: Riemarl J. Fabiosa

My Elementary Self My Elementary Self My Senior High School

After having examined your “self” in its different stages, fill out the table below:
Similarities in all stages of Possible reasons for the
Differences in my “self”
my “self” differences in me
across the three stages of
my life
Throughout my life, I have
always been passionate Possible reasons for the
The concep is the same, of
about differences in me
course it's just my own but
completing goals in a just The reasons why I have
what makes them deffirent
and these differences in me is to
from each other is that it's
fair manner because I see the best possible I can
about the things that i was
believe be and to see myself in a
and still fighting for or the
I'm pushing the boundaries different "me". I want to
things that i want to achieve
of explore more about my self
i want to see for myself how
what I'm truly capable of. because I know that the
far the limit is when it
best is yet to come so there
comes to myself and life.
is no time to stop and give
up. I believe that having
differences is already taking
a big risk because you
would not know whether it
will cause you good or bad
but is a good attempt
because you are learning to
find your true self. Change
is inevitable so strive to be
different because it is
something you do not owe
for others but for yourself

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