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Don Carlos Central Elementary School is one of the learning facilities here in
Bukidnon which I had learned a lot of things. I recently had the priceless chance to
participate in and observe in a real classroom setting during in my field study. This
practical experience allowed me to gather knowledge and ideas that have greatly aided
in my learning and personal growth. I saw how educators modified their lessons to take
into consideration the various interests, learning preferences, and skill levels of their
pupils. Differentiated education is also an important concept that I discovered
throughout in this field study which more effective learning outcomes resulted from this
strategy that improved student engagement and comprehension.
In addition, I saw how important classroom management strategies are to
maintaining a neat and comfortable learning environment. A conducive learning
environment was mostly ensured by the use of successful teaching techniques like
constant discipline, clear expectations, and positive reinforcement. This field study also
clarified other aspects of technology integration in the classroom. I gained knowledge
on how teachers improved student interaction and instruction by utilizing a variety of
technology tools. Incorporating technology into education not only promoted critical
thinking and creativity among pupils, but it also equipped them for the digital world they
will soon inherit. Also, I learned the value of cooperation and communication between
parents, instructors, and students. Collaboration and open networks of communication
created a network of supports that enhanced the educational process as a whole. I
discover also a lot of pupils' classroom behaviors that can vary based on many factors
such as age, individual personalities, cultural backgrounds, and the educational
environment. However, some common classroom habits found among pupil includes
active participation. Some kids are eager to join in classroom discussions, answer
questions, and take part in activities. They are often attentive and eager to participate in
the session. Some pupils, on the other hand, may demonstrate passive behavior, such
as being quiet and reserved. They may not readily offer responses or participate in
class discussions. Also, pupils may participate in activities that take their attention away
from the lesson, such as daydreaming, sketching, or fidgeting, on occasion. Also, it
includes disruptive behaviors such as talking out of turn, making noise, being
disrespectful, or demonstrating challenging behaviors that interfere with the learning
process. Some pupils may avoid participating in activities or refuse to complete tasks for
a variety of reasons, including a lack of interest, overwhelming feelings, or a fear of
failure. Students may engage in attention-seeking actions in order to get attention from
the teacher or their peers, which can be disruptive at times. Some pupils exhibit
exceptional collaborative abilities in group activities, working well with their colleagues,
sharing ideas, and contributing positively to the group's success. Some students may
participate in competitive behaviors in order to excel or exceed their classmates in
academic tasks or class activities. Based on their own reactions to the learning material
or classroom dynamics, pupils may exhibit a variety of emotions in the classroom, such
as frustration, excitement, boredom, or enthusiasm. Within the classroom, pupils
participate in social interactions, developing friendships, alliances, or social structures.
These contacts can occasionally have an impact on their behavior and performance.
Aside from that, it was quite difficult to take part in a field study included demo-
teaching sessions that required accurate and comprehensive presentation of all aspects
of teaching that, in my opinion, any teacher should have. This experience provided me
with important insights into several important components that result in interesting and
successful learning strategies that I think every educator should possess. Lesson
Planning is one of the most important components of the demo-teaching sessions that
emphasis an accurate and complete lesson planning. I discovered the need of
integrating lesson objectives, instructional tactics, and evaluation methods in order to
construct a unified and effective teaching plan. Understanding the necessity of specific
learning objectives and how they shape the framework of a session was a key gain from
the experience. Secondly, Classroom Management, it is another critical feature seen
throughout the demo teaching sessions was effective classroom management. The
capacity to keep a well-organized and disciplined learning environment is critical for
optimal learning. I learnt about many tactics for managing behavior, fostering a positive
classroom culture, and establishing clear expectations to foster a conducive learning
environment. The third one is Integrating technology into education, that was a recurring
theme during the demo sessions. I learned how to use various technological tools to
increase engagement, allow interactive learning experiences, and encourage student
participation. Using technology not only caught children's interest, but it also
encouraged creativity and critical thinking. Lastly, the importance of formative evaluation
and offering constructive feedback was highlighted in the field study. I learned how
important it is to use a variety of assessment approaches to monitor pupils'
understanding and progress. Giving pupils timely and relevant feedback aided their
growth and learning.
All in all, a key element of effective teaching is understanding and managing
various types of classroom behaviors, a welcoming and supportive learning
environment that accommodates pupils' diverse needs and behaviors that teachers
commonly use a variety of strategies. This field study has improved my understanding
of effective teaching methods, classroom management, technology integration, and the
value of collaboration in the educational field. I aim to apply this practical information
I've gained from it to my future work creating inclusive, engaging, and effective learning
environments. A comprehensive understanding of good teaching techniques was given
via the demonstration teaching sessions, which emphasized the value of lesson
planning, differentiated instruction, classroom management, technology integration,
assessment techniques, and the ongoing process of sensible development. These
revelations have improved my understanding of the challenges of teaching and given
me a set of ideas and methods that I plan to apply to my next study.
October 3 Day 1
October 4 Day 3

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