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Kharkiv 2015



Military Translation: навчальний посібник для курсантів 3 курсу зі

спеціального (військового) перекладу / Упорядники Лисичкіна І.О., Лисичкіна
О.О. – Харків: Національна академія Національної гвардії України, 2015. – 273

Лисичкіна І.О., кандидат філологічних наук, доцент
Лисичкіна О.О., кандидат філологічних наук, доцент


Рекомендовано Вченою Радою Національної академії Національної гвардії


Протокол № ??? від ?????????? 2015 р.



Методична записка ………………………………………………………………..5

Вступ. Військовий переклад та його особливості …………………………….6


COMPONENTS …………………………………………………………….13
Unit 3. US NATIONAL GUARD……………………………………………….….19
Unit 6. RECRUITMENT AND TRAINING………………………………………..42
Unit 7. DAILY ROUTINE…………………………………………………………50
Unit 8. UNIFORMS AND INSIGNIA ……………………………………………..58
Unit 9. US ARMY…………………………………………………………………..67
Unit 10. US INFANTRY……………………………………………………………79
Unit 11. US INFANTRY WEAPONS………………………………………………85
Unit 12. US ARMOR………………………………………………………………..98
Unit 14. US SIGNAL CORPS. NATO ALPHABET…………………………..….104
Unit 16. MILITARY INTELLIGENCE…………………………………………....124
Unit 18. US NAVY AND US MARINE CORPS…………………………………133
Unit 19. US AIR FORCE………………………………………………………….138

MODULE 2. LAW-ENFORCEMENT……………………………………….… 141

Unit 4. NATIONAL GUARD OF UKRAINE …………………………….……....157
Unit 5. UN PEACEKEEPING……………………………………………………...162
Unit 8. OPERATIONS OTHER THAN WAR (OOTW) ……………………….....178


OF THEIR TRANSLATION………………………………………………183
Unit 2. PLANNING DOCUMENTS ………………………………………………189

Unit 4. ORDERS AND DIRECTIVES ……………………………………………196

CONDUCT ………………………………………………………………...238
Unit 12. ROUTINE PK CORRESPONDENCE…………………………...……….251
Unit 13. BRIEFING. MINUTES……………………………………………….......255




Unit 1. TRANSLATION VS. INTERPRETING …………………………………..5
ORAL DISCOURSE …………………………………………….………….16
Unit 6. INTERPRETER'S NOTE-TAKING …………………………………..….34
INTERPRETATION ……………………………………………………..…56



Систематизований матеріал сприяє розвитку професійної компетенції
курсатів, тренуванню перекладацьких навичкок та вмінь (зорово-письмовий
переклад, зорово-усний переклад, абзацно-фразовий переклад, послідовний
переклад. Крім того, посібник знайомить курсантів з організацією, озброєнням,
принципами бойового застосування збройних сил США та Великобританії,
діяльності військових правоохоронних органів, зокрема Національної гвардії
України, основами миротворчої діяльності, основами перекладу військової
ділової документації і військових наукових і технічних текстів. У посібнику
надається лексичний мінімум військової термінології за видами збройних сил і
родів військ, службово-бойової діяльності сил правопорядку, розглядаються
граматичні та лексичні особливості військових текстів.
При укладанні першого модуля посібника укладачі використовували
матеріали з навчального посібника Гапонової В.М., Яремчука І.А.,
Блощинського І.Г. Використання автентичних матеріалів миротворчої
діяльності ООН, документів гуманітарного права розширюють і поглиблюють
знання курсантів з означених сфер діяльності.
У ході занять рекомендується така послідовність роботи:
1) під час підготовки до заняття курсант повинен вивчити репродуктивну
термінологію, а потім виконати всі підготовчі вправи, а також ті з основних
вправ, які вимагають самостійної підготовки; 2) аудиторну роботу
рекомендується починати з підготовчих вправ, після чого опрацьовується
основний текст заняття; 3) наступним етапом є виконання основних вправ.
Особливу увагу доцільно приділяти як засвоєнню спеціальної
термінології, так і розвитку усного професійного мовлення курсантів, чому
сприяють завдання на підготовку доповідей, презентацій, промов за модулями,
які вивчаються.
Для перевірки якості підготовки завдань на самостіну підготовку іноді
корисно змінювати схему побудови заняття, наприклад, починати заняття з
фронтального опитування термінології (використовуючи ПК), термінологічного
диктанту або з бесіди за тематикою основного тексту. Вивчення кожного
модуля має завершуватися письмовими контрольними роботами та доповідями
курсантів за пройденою тематикою.




Переклад як один із видів мовної діяльності представляє собою процес
адекватної і повноцінної передачі думок, висловлених на одній мові, засобами
іншої мови. Адекватний і повноцінний переклад обумовлює правильну, точну і
повну передачу особливостей і змісту оригіналу і його мовної форми з
урахуванням усіх особливостей структури, стилю, лексики і граматики, в
поєднанні з бездоганною правильністю мови перекладу.
Військовий переклад є одним із видів спеціального перекладу з яскраво
вираженою військовою комунікативною функцією. Відмінною рисою
військового перекладу є велика термінологічність і гранично точне, чітке
викладення матеріалу при відносній відсутності образно-емоційних виразних
Практична діяльність військового перекладача-референта вимагає
спеціальної підготовки, навичок і вмінь. Тому вимоги, що висуваються до
військового перекладача, є жорсткими. Вони включають:
1. Високу професійну підготовку в самому широкому
сенсі цього слова, включаючи глибокі оперативно-тактичні та військово-
технічні знання.
2. Глибоке знання рідної та іноземної мов і вміння
правильно, грамотно і швидко передавати цими мовами необхідну інформацію.
3. Вільне володіння військовою статутною мовою.
4. Бездоганне володіння в повному обсязі навичками всіх
видів письмового та усного перекладу.
Характерні особливості перекладу американських і британьських
військових матеріалів.
До військових матеріалів у широкому розумінні відносять військово-
художні матеріали, військово-публіцистичні матеріали, військово-наукові та
військово-технічні матеріали, акти військового управління. До власне
військових матеріалів прийнято відносити науково-технічні матеріали та акти
управління, пов'язані з життям і діяльністю військ та військових установ
збройних сил. Військово-художня література, військова публіцистика та
військово-політичні матеріали є військовими лише за своєю цілеспрямованістю
і тематикою і в основному мають риси, які взагалі властиві всім суспільно-
політичним, публіцистичним та художнім текстам.
Військові матеріали відрізняються від будь-яких інших матеріалів
насиченістю спеціальною військовою лексикою, широким використанням
військової та науково-технічної термінології, наявністю певної кількості
змінно-стійких і стійких словосполучень, характерних тільки для військової
сфери спілкування, наявністю військової номенклатури і спеціальних
скорочень і умовних позначень, що використовуються тільки у військових
матеріалах, а з точки зору синтаксису - широким використанням еліптичних

(особливо у військовій документації) і клішованих конструкцій, бідністю

тимчасових дієслівних форм, стислою формою висловлювання, використанням
численних паралельних конструкцій, виражених інфінітивними зворотами. Усе
це пов'язано з певним функціональним навантаженням, що характеризує
військову сферу спілкування: стислість, чіткість і конкретність формулювань,
точність та ясність викладу.
Основні принципи, способи, прийоми та методи перекладу взагалі і
спеціального перекладу зокрема характерні і для військового перекладу. Однак
в силу іншої комунікативно-функнаціональної спрямованості цьому виду
перекладу властиві специфічні риси, пов'язані з особливостями стилю, лексики
і граматики мови військових матеріалів.
У військовому перекладі велике значення має точність перекладу,
оскільки переклад може служити основою для прийняття важливих рішень,
проведення військових операцій тощо. Тому адекватність перекладу військових
матеріалів передбачає не тільки точну передачу змісту матеріалу, але і
ретельнішу передачу його структурної форми, порядку розташування
матеріалу, послідовності викладу та низки інших факторів, які можуть бути
непотрібними, формальними, але мають велике значення для військового




Unit 1
national defense національна оборона
state policy державна політика
protection захист; прикриття; охорона
Armed Forces of the United States збройні сили США (включаючи
резервні формування)
Armed Forces збройні сили
ammunition (ammo) боєприпаси; патрони
technical equipment (tech equip) технічне обладнання
armament (armt) озброєння; бойова техніка та запаси
duty службові обов'язки; служба;
чергування, наряд
nutrition харчування; харчове забезпечення
military formation військова структура/формування;
бойовий порядок
means засіб; засоби бойові дії
combat operations (cbt opns) бойові завдання
defense missions (def msns) оборонні завдання
peacekeeping operations миротворчі операції
troops (trps) війська
to be on the alert бути напоготові
enemy (en) противник
security (scty) безпека; бойове забезпечення;
охорона; служба безпеки
serviceman військовослужбовець
structure структура
assignment призначення; завдання; обов'язок
to man branch (br) укомплектовувати особовим складом
service (svc) рід військ; служба
combat effectiveness бойова ефективність
strength (str) чисельність; чисельний склад
leader (ldr) командир (підрозділу)
squad (sqd) відділення
platoon (plat) взвод
company (co) рота
battery (btry) батарея
section (sec) секція


I. Find out the following abbreviations in the text. Decode and translate them:
def; ammo; tech equip; armt; mil; US; str; scty; mil fmn; psn; cbt ops; msn; en;
trps; br; svc.
II. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following word combinations. Find them
in the text:
essential part of the state policy; military infrastructure development; to operate as
a part of; to occupy the leading position; to gain results in; to accomplish national
defense missions; to carry out peacekeeping operations; to act in accord with
instructions; to interdict negative influencing factors; menace of terrorists' violence
use; US Armed Forces are involved in; peculiarities of different branches and
III. Find out equivalents for the following word combinations in the text:
забезпечувати боєприпасами, технічним обладнанням, озброєнням та
харчуванням; виконувати обов'язки; посідати провідне місце; виконувати
державні завдання з питань оборони; миротворчі операції; діяти згідно з;
особливості різних родів військ і служб.
National def is essential part of the state policy which aims at both territory and
people protection. Usually every state has a certain type of Armed Forces, that is why
a state provides them with ammo, tech equip, armt, nutrition and other necessities. In
return Armed Forces duly perform their duties as to the country protection, its
political, cultural, economic interests. It goes without saying that country's economic
development influences the level of its Armed Forces development greatly. It is
possible to guess that high level of the US economic development has resulted in mil
infrastructure development for the US Armed Forces. The Armed Forces constitute a
complex mil oriented socioeconomic system, operating as part of the national
economy. Occupying the leading position among the world richest countries the USA
provides above mentioned mil fmns with all necessary means for gaining the best
results in conducting the cbt ops and accomplishing national def msns. The whole
nation may be proud of its Armed Forces achievements.
World figures testify that the US Armed Forces are considered to be the most
powerful in the world. Naturally the US Armed Forces bear the main burden of
peacekeeping ops carried out. Another problem American society has faced is the
Iraq conflict resolution. That is why the trps are on the alert and they are ready to act
in accord with the US president and Congress instructions. On the other hand many
problems are connected with a menace of terrorists' violence use, it means that they
must interdict these negative influencing factors. As a result the government decided
to increase the US Armed Forces budget. Such increased funding must cover the cbt
ops on the Iraqi territory.
The main functions of the US Armed Forces are: to support and defend the
Constitution of the United States against all ens, foreign and domestic; to ensure, by
timely and effective mil action, the scty of the United States, its possessions, and

areas vital to its interest; to uphold and advance the national policies and interests of
the United States.
Speaking about the role played by the US Armed Forces in the society it is
impossible not to mention the fact that people feel they are protected, and their
interests are supposed to be taken care of. By the way it is rather prestigious to be
servicemen as they are socially protected and provided with accommodation, job,
high salary. Many films illustrate various aspects of mil fmns activities, msns and
environment. Whenever and wherever the US Armed Forces are involved, their
contribution is marked with glory and people respect.
So it is necessary to have a deeper look into the US Armed Forces, their structure,
assignments and missions, manning and other aspects.
The US Armed Forces as to the number and cbt effectiveness can be considered to
be the most powerful in the world, they go after only China which has six million
men. The US Armed Forces str is 2.5 million men, that is more than in Germany,
Great Britain, France and Italy altogether.
IV. Answer the following questions:
1. What is the main aim of National Defense in the USA?
2.What duties of the Armed Forces can be distinguished?
3.What was the main reason of increasing the US Armed Forces' budget?
4.What privileges can you think of being a serviceman?
5.How can you describe the position occupied by the US Armed Forces among
other countries of the world?
V. Prepare retelling of the text.
VI. Translate these words and word combinations rapidly:
бути націленим на; to provide with ammunition, technical equipment, armament,
nutrition and other necessities; виконувати свої обов'язки належним чином; to
influence the level of the Armed Forces development; розвиток військової
інфраструктури; to conduct combat operations; посідати провідне місце; US
Armed Forces strength is; укомплектування особовим складом; to be a
serviceman; бути напоготові; to be ready to act in accord with; збільшувати
бюджет Збройних Сил США; menace of terrorists' violence use.
VII. Translate the following text from English into Ukrainian:
In the Constitution of the United States, the Founding Fathers provided that
Congress shall have the power "To raise and support Armed Forces" and to "provide
for the common defense". The Armed Forces raised for the nation's defense
incorporate two uniquely American ideas: civilian control of the armed forces, and
reliance on the citizen soldier.
Over the years, the organization and structure of the Armed Forces have adapted
to each challenge the Nation has faced, but basic ideas have remained unchanged. As
the Nation grew, the Armed Forces defended the frontiers, protecting the nation's
growth. The Armed Forces served the domestic needs of the Republic quietly and
efficiently, often because it was the only organization with the training, discipline,
skills, and resources to do the work.

The Armed Forces' fundamental purpose is to fight and win the Nation's wars by
establishing conditions for lasting peace through land force dominance. This
dominance is established through integration of the complementary capabilities of all
the services. With this fundamental purpose in mind, the framers of the Constitution
intended that the Armed Forces were to be raised to "provide for the common defense
of the country" and "repel invasion".
VIII. Translate the following questions from Ukrainian into English:
1. Яке головне завдання національної оборони? 2. Які досягнення
національної оборони ви можете назвати? 3. Чи існують проблеми на
теперішній час, пов'язані з національною обороною США? 4. Чи не могли б ви
назвати основні функції збройних сил США? 5. У яких конфліктах беруть
участь ЗС США? 6. Для чого необхідно збільшити бюджет ЗС США? 7. Яку
роль відіграють ЗС США в суспільстві? 8. Які аспекти діяльності ЗС США
висвітлюються у кінематографії? 9. Чи престижно бути військовослужбовцем?
10. Як ви можете характеризувати ступінь укомплектованості ЗС США? 11. Які
оборонні завдання виконують ЗС США? 12. Чи вважаються ЗС США найбільш
ефективним військовим формуванням серед країн світу? 13. Яка чисельність ЗС
США? 14. Чим забезпечуються ЗС США? 15. Чому війська завжди готові брати
участь у збройних конфліктах? 16. Яка бойова техніка та озброєння
використовуються у ЗС США? 17. Чи забезпечуються харчуванням
військовослужбовці ЗС США? 18. Чи приділяє велику увагу державна політика
національній обороні?
IX. Explain the following terms and word combinations:
Armed Forces of the United States; national defense; armament; combat
operation; defense mission; peacekeeping operation; to be on the alert; enemy;
serviceman; branch; strength; combat effectiveness; service; troops; military
formation; technical equipment.
X. Make up and translate sentences with the following words and word
state policy; US Armed Forces strength; to perform the duties duly; to be involved
in; to be protected and provided with; to be on the alert; to increase the budget; in
accord with; to carry out operations; military infrastructure development; to
accomplish national defense missions; Armed Forces achievements; to provide
military formations with; to take care of; peculiarities of different branches and
XI. Give comparative characteristics of the US Armed Forces and
Ukrainian Armed Forces as to their role, significance, and prospectives.


Unit 2
armed service вид збройних сил
Army сухопутні війська, армія
Air Force (AF) військово-повітряні сили, ВПС
Navy військово-морські сили, ВМС; військово-
морський флот, ВМФ
National Guard національна гвардія
Marine Corps (MC) корпус морської піхоти
Coast Guard (CG) берегова охорона
military service (mil svc) військова служба
to be subordinate to підпорядковуватися комусь
military doctrine воєнна доктрина
warfare війна; бойові дії; прийоми ведення війни
Naval reserve воєнно-морський запас (резерв)
element (elm) підрозділ; частина; складова частина
reserve (res) резерв; запас; резервний; запасний
active duty (service) дійсна військова служба
Commander-in-Chief (CINC) головнокомандувач
reservist резервіст
unit одиниця виміру; блок; підрозділ, частина
large unit з'єднання, об'єднання
Regular Forces регулярні (кадрові) війська
Ready Reserve резерв першої черги
Standby Reserve резерв другої черги
Retired Reserve резерв третьої черги
to be called to active duty призиватися на дійсну службу
supply (sup) постачання; постачати
Department of Homeland Security міністерство національної (державної)
(DHS) безпеки
expeditionary force експедиційні війська
contingency випадковість, випадок; непередбачені
patrol (ptl) патруль; дозор; рухомий пост;
rescue operation рятувальна операція
personnel (pers) особовий склад
military affiliation військова приналежність
to perform training проходити підготовку
to assign призначати

to retire йти у відставку; звільнятися з дійсної

військової служби

I. Find out the following words and word combinations in the text. Encode
and translate them:
services; department; transportation; reserve components; Air Force; Department
of Defense; branch; reserve formations; combat; Navy Department; supply;
Commander-in-Chief; patrol; personnel; military support; missions; Marine Corps;
Coast Guard; operations.
II. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following word combinations. Find
them in the text:
to be organized into units and large units; elements; to prepare forces for combat
operations; to be called to active duty involuntary; to be subordinated
correspondingly to; to provide wartime military support; emerging missions; to
maintain ready expeditionary forces; to stabilize international disturbance; to perform
emergency rescue operations.
III. Find out equivalents for the following word combinations in the text:
відповідно до воєнної доктрини Сполучених Штатів; бути найбільш
адаптованим до виконання завдань; спеціально підготовлені війсь-
ковослужбовці; призивати на дійсну військову службу у випадку війни чи
надзвичайного стану; проходити підготовку; нести відповідальність за бойову
готовність; контроль за дотриманням безпеки мореплавання; захист морського
та навколишнього середовища; у воєнний час.
Traditionally the Armed Forces consist of the following main armed svcs: the
Army, the Air Force, the Navy, the National Guard and the Marine Corps. Coast
Guard is also a military service, but in peace-time it is subordinated to the Dept of
The basic functions of the US Armed Services are: the Army is responsible for
preparing forces for cbt ops on land; the Navy and the MC are responsible for
preparing forces for cbt ops at sea; the AF is responsible for preparing forces for cbt
ops in the air.
According to the US mil doctrine, warfare involving one arm of the service only is
ended. Future cbt will consist, if it occurs, of coordinated and unified direction of cbt
ops by the armed forces as a whole, or by selected elms of these forces considered
best adapted to the msn.
National Guard and Reserve are reserve components of the Army and the Air
Force. Naval reserve and Marine reserve are res comps of the Navy and the Marine
Res comps are divided into organized and individual reserves.
The Army and AF are referred to the organized reserve as well as other Armed
Forces brs' res's which are organized into units and large units and are similar to the

Regular Forces structure.

Individual res includes specially trained persons who served in the Regular Forces
or in the Organized Reserve.
According to the mobilization period res fmns are divided into 3 res categories:
The Ready Reserve - all organized reserve primarily the National Guard. It is
called to active duty in a case of war or emergency by the US President's order
without Congressional approval.
The Standby Reserve is the major part of reserve. It consists of personnel who
have completed all obligated or required service or have been removed from the
Ready Reserve because of civilian employment, temporary hardship, or disability.
Standby Reservists maintain their military affiliation, but are not required to perform
training or be assigned to a unit. It is called to active duty in a case of war or
emergency declared by the Congress (but not by the President).
The Retired Reserve consists of all service members who complete 20 years or
more of active federal service. Retired Reserve members draw retirement pay
immediately upon retiring if they completed 20 years or more in an Active Duty
Status. If their 20 years of service is a combination of active and/or reserve service
they begin to draw their retirement pay at age 60. It may be called to active duty
involuntary in case of war or national emergency declared by the Congress.
Each year DOD prepares an annual report of ready reservists, standby reservists,
and retired military members under age 60 in the Federal Government.
Reserves of Armed Forces svcs are subordinated correspondingly to the Army,
AF, ND which are responsible for their cbt readiness, sup etc.
The National Guard Troops are located in every state and are subordinated to a
state Governor and further to the US President, CINC of the Armed Forces. The
National Guard and Reserve forces provide wartime mil spt. They are essential to
humanitarian and peacekeeping operations, and are integral to the Homeland Security
National Guard and Reserve forces are taking on new and more important roles, at
home and abroad, as the national mil strategy is being transformed. Their personal
ties to local communities are the perfect fit for these emerging msns.
The USMC maintains ready expeditionary forces, sea-based and integrated air-
ground units for contingency and combat operations, and the means to stabilize or
contain international disturbance.
The USCG provides law and maritime safety enforcement, marine and
environmental protection, and mil naval spt.
The CG is part of DHS during peacetime, but becomes part of the Navy's force in
times of war. It provides unique, critical maritime spt, patrolling the shores of the
USA, performing emergency rescue ops, containing and cleaning up oil spills, and
keeping billions of dollars worth of illegal drugs from flooding American
IV. Answer the following questions:
1.Could you enumerate the main armed services of the Armed Forces?

2.What is specific about Coast Guard as a military service?

3. What categories of reserve can reserve components of the Armed Forces fall
into? Would you describe them?
4. How does the mobilization period influence dividing of reserve formations?
5. What are the cases of calling of each of the reserve categories to active duty?
6.What is the subordination of reserves of the Armed Forces services?
7. What missions can be distinguished of the National Guard and Reserve forces?
8. What is peculiar as to the organic structure of US Coast Guard in peacetime and
V. Find the situations which would describe the usage of the following word
combinations from the text:
to provide unique, critical maritime support; to maintain ready expeditionary
forces; personal ties to local communities; to be subordinated to a state Governor; to
prepare an annual report; to serve in the Armed Forces for 20 years or more; basic
functions of the US Armed Services; coordinated and unified direction of combat
operations; organized and individual reserves; to be organized into units and large
units; mobilization period; to be called to active duty without Congressional
approval; major part of reserve.
VI. Translate these words and word combinations rapidly:
організаційно поділятися на підрозділи та з'єднання; according to the US
military doctrine; підрозділ; to be adapted to the mission; готувати сили до
проведення бойових дій; to perform emergency rescue operations; призиватися на
дійсну військову службу; to maintain ready expeditionary forces; під-
порядковуватися комусь; specially trained persons; здійснювати рятувальні
операції; to be called to active duty in a case of war or emergency; забезпечувати
підтримку у воєнний час; to stabilize international disturbance; нести
відповідальність за бойову готовність; to perform training.
VII. Here are military abbreviations that you will often see. Decode and
translate them:
def; dept; ammo; trans; res comp; tech equip; AF; armt; en; DOD; mil; str; res
fmns; US; cbt; mil fmn; psn; ND; cbt ops; ptl; pers; sup; def; msn; CINC; trps; mil
spt; br; svc; MC; CG; op.
VIII. Translate the following textfrom English into Ukrainian:
Training is a high priority. Training is focused on achieving one standard for both
Active and Reserve Components. All Reserve service members complete the same
skill proficiency training alongside their Active counterparts by serving on "extended
active duty for training" status. At the conclusion of initial training, personnel return
to their Reserve units and train to the same standard as Regular forces on individual
tasks, but may train to a reduced number of specified unit level tasks. In addition,
Reserve personnel attend professional military education courses throughout their
career closely matched to their military skill and grade. Most members of the
Selected Reserve participate in military training for approximately 39 days per year,

although some members serve longer.

IX. Translate the following text from Ukrainian into English:
Згідно з існуючим законодавством резервісти збройних сил США
поділяються на три категорії чи черги. До резерву першої черги відносяться
частини та підрозділи національної гвардії сухопутних військ та військово-
повітряних сил, резерв сухопутних військ, військово-повітряних сил та
військово-морських сил, а також окремі резервісти, які проходять обов'язкову
бойову підготовку й підлягають негайному призову на дійсну військову службу
у випадку оголошення надзвичайного стану в країні.
Особи, які складають резерв другої черги, до бойової підготовки не
залучаються і можуть бути призвані на дійсну військову службу під час війни
чи при оголошенні надзвичайного стану в країні, але лише після призову
резервістів першої черги.
У резерв третьої черги зараховуються особи, які вийшли в запас. На дійсну
службу вони можуть бути призвані лише при повній мобілізації.
Командування США приділяє головну увагу посиленню резерву першої
черги, що складає основну базу для розгортання збройних сил на початковому
етапі війни.
X. Translate the following questions from Ukrainian into English:
1. Які види збройних сил США ви можете назвати? 2. Не могли б ви назвати
основні функції збройних сил США? 3. На які категорії поділяється резерв
збройних сил США? 4. Яке основне завдання резерву 1 -ї черги і чим він
відрізняється від резерву 2-ї черги? 5. Які функції виконують експедиційні
війська? 6. Яка категорія військовослужбовців може призиватися на дійсну
військову службу президентом США без погодження з Конгресом? 7. Кому
підпорядковується берегова охорона у мирний час? 8. Досягнувши якого віку
військовослужбовці можуть іти у відставку? 9. З кого складається резерв 3-ї
черги? 10. Де розташовуються війська національної гвардії США і кому вони
підпорядковуються? 11. Яку роль виконують національна гвардія і кадрові
XI. Make up and translate sentences with the following words and word
складатися з; підпорядковуватися комусь; відповідати за; бути адаптованим
до; резервні формування; підрозділи та з'єднання; спеціально підготовлені
військовослужбовці; розподілятися на; призиватися на дійсну військову
службу; служити у збройних силах; категорії резерву; головнокомандувач
збройних сил; завдання державної безпеки; у воєнний час; у випадку
надзвичайного стану; бойові дії; патрулювання узбережжя.
XII. Imagine that you have to give a briefing in English on the US Armed
Forces and reserve components. Write your script for the briefing in full.
Assume that you have the chart to display to your audience. The opening and
closing remarks have been written for you, together with some useful phrases
that you could employ. When writing a briefing remember the word KISS -

Keep It Short & Simple.

Good morning, everyone. This morning I am going to describe to you the US
Armed Forces.
(Here are some of the useful words and phrases you could use:) Sequencing:
Firstly/First of all (not: At first...)
Secondly/Next/Then/After that Lastly/Finally (not: At last...)
Describing how the unit is put together: divided into. / composed of....../
.........consists of....../............comprises............./ made up of...
Describing tasks:
The task to....../ The tasks ofare to........../
Their task is to.........../ Its task is to.............
That is the end of my briefing. Thank you for your attention. Do you have any


Unit 3

National Guard Bureau (NGB) головне управління національної

Adjutant General генеральний ад'ютант
volunteer доброволець
organization (org; orgn) організація; структура
Army National Guard (ARNG) національна гвардія сухопутних
Air National Guard (ANG) національна гвардія військово-
повітряних сил
Secretary of the Army (SA) міністр сухопутних військ
Secretary of the Air Force (SAF) міністр ВПС
component (comp) складова частина; формування
(збройних сил)
US Army регулярні (кадрові) сухопутні війська
(армія) США
combat capability боєготовність
mission (msn) завдання
fighter винищувач
tanker (K) літак-заправник
bomber (B; bmr) бомбардувальник
aircraft (acft) літак(и)
training (tng) підготовка
enrolment вербування; набір
combat techniques бойові прийоми; бойова підготовка;
правила (навички) ведення бою
enlistment добровільний вступ на військову
службу; зарахування на військову
Active Army особовий склад армії на дійсній
військовій службі
officer (off) офіцер
enlistee той, хто вступив на військову службу;
duty службові обов'язки; служба;
чергування, наряд регулярний;
regular (reg) регулярні (кадрові)


Regular Army (RA) сухопутні війська

base база; основа
station гарнізон; база; місце постійного
retirement звільнення в запас
recruiting набір; вербування; комплектування
in peacetime у мирний час
to be composed of flying squadrons as складатися як із льотних ескадрилей,
well as non-flying units так і нельотних підрозділів
to assess military threats оцінювати воєнну загрозу
to be responsible directly for бути безпосередньо відповідальним
to perform limited special operations здійснювати спеціальні операції
without reinforcement Без підтримки
to deploy a full regiment of up to 15,000 швидко використовувати повністю
Marines quickly укомплектований полк чисельністю
до 15.000 морських піхотинців

I. Find out the following abbreviations in the text. Decode and translate
NGB; ARNG; ANG; SA; SAF; mil; org; NG; USAF; res comp; RA; off; equip;
spt; ops; gnd; cbt; svc; acft; msn; tng; mbr; str; pers.
II.Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following word combinations. Find them
in the text:
to be under the jurisdiction of state governors; to be mobilized during natural
disasters or civil disorders; to be staffed, equipped, and trained; pay and funds for
equipment are included in; National Guard armories; combat service support units; to
place increased reliance on; fighter and air-transport assets; riots, tornadoes, and
forest fires; civil disturbances, chemical spills, radioactive incidents, medical
evacuations; to mesh with active duty and other federal reserve component forces;
nearby military training facility; to collect retired pay at age 60; to provide additional
funds to support state missions and funding for state-salaried employees; armory
III. Find out equivalents for the following word combinations in the text:
бути призваним на дійсну військову службу; під час війни або при
надзвичайному стані; боєготовність; використовуватися у надзвичайних
ситуаціях у країні та закордоном; захист життя та майна від стихійного лиха;
надання допомоги; діяти відповідно до стандартів для особового складу
регулярних сухопутних військ та ВПС; підготовка здійснюється на військовій
базі; відповідати тим же самим вимогам; як частина державної військової сили
включаючи національну гвардію, СВ та ВПС; часто у взаємодії з регулярними
сухопутними військами та іншими резервними формуваннями; управління
набором та підготовкою.

The NGB was formed to assist the states, territories and District of Columbia
procure funding for the Guard, administer policies and act as a liaison between the
Departments of the Army and AF and the states. The NGB is a joint bureau of the
Departments of the Army and Air Force, and functions in both a staff and an
operating capacity for each component. The NGB performs the federal functions of
the ARNG and the ANG. The senior leader at NGB is the Chief, National Guard
Bureau, usually a Lieutenant General.
National Guard of the United States, volunteer mil org is composed of the ARNG
and the ANG. The ARNG and the ANG are each led by their own director. The two
directors are selected by the SA (for the Director of the ARNG) and the SAF (for the
Director of the ANG). Both directors report to the Chief of the NGB. Full-time staffs
support the Chief of the NGB and the directors of the ARNG and the ANG.
When ARNG units are not mobilized under federal control, they report to the
Adjutant General of their state or territory, or in the case of the District of Columbia,
the Commanding General. Each Adjutant General is responsible to the Governor of
his state (or in the case of the District of Columbia, the mayor).
In peacetime, NG units, located in each state, are under the jurisdiction of state
governors and may be mobilized during natural disasters or civil disorders; they are
also res comps of the US Army and the USAF. As such, the units may be ordered to
active federal duty by the president in times of war or national emergency.
NG units are staffed, equipped, and trained similarly to RA and AF units. Pay and
funds for equip are included in the budget of the Defense Department. NG armories,
however, are maintained by the states. Defense Department policy has placed
increased reliance on res comps and has transformed the NG into one of the most
powerful mil forces.
The US Army's largest res force, the ARNG provides roughly 55 % of the army's
total cbt capability, and approximately 35 % of its cbt spt and 3 5 % of its cbt svc spt
units. Units are provided with modern mil equip including M-1 tanks, Bradley
Fighting Vehicles, and Blackhawk helicopters.
The ANG, established in 1947, is unique among the world's res mil forces. Its
msns are similar to those of the ARNG in that it is used in foreign and domestic
emergencies. Its str is about 117,600 people, and it is composed of flying squadrons
as well as non-flying units. The ANG has 89 flying units and 1,500 spt units at 177
locations. This represents approximately one-third of the USAF's fighter and air-
transport assets. ANG units fly F-16 fighters, KC-135 tankers, B-1B bombers, and C-
130 transports, among other acft.
Personnel and Training
The 3,600 ARNG units in 2,600 communities accounted for 43 percent of the
army's cbt units; enrolment was more than 410,000 people. Their tng is in cbt
techniques as well as in the protection of lives and property in disasters such as riots,

tornadoes, and forest fires. The guard has dealt, in past years, with such situations as
civil disturbances, chemical spills, radioactive incidents, medical evacuations, the
processing of Cuban refugees at Key West, Florida, and provision of aid during the
eruption of Mount Saint Helens volcano in Washington.
Enlistment in the guard is subject to the same standards as enlistment in the Active
Army and AF, and guard offs must meet the same qualifications as res offs of the
same grade. Under the terms of the Res Forces Act of 1955, enlistees must serve for
eight years, the first six months being spent on active duty tng with the RA. Guard
mbrs then train a minimum of 38 days a year, and must work to the same standards as
Active Army and AF pers.
As part of the nation's total mil force Army and ANG units are trained and
equipped to mesh with active duty and other Federal Res comp forces. Typically,
mbrs of the NG report for tng duty one weekend per month, along with a minimum of
15 days of continuous unit tng each year. Weekend tng usually is performed at the
unit's community armory or nearby mil tng facility. The annual tng usually is
performed at a large mil tng base, station or overseas location, frequently in
cooperation with active duty and other res units.
NG mbrs receive a full day's pay at their mil rank for each unit tng assembly they
attend, for the 15 days of annual tng, and for any mil school or special assignment
they may complete. All such tng counts toward retirement. A mbr who has 20 or
more years of qualifying mil svc begins to collect retired pay at age 60.
States and territories provide additional funds to spt state msns, recruiting and tng
administration, armory construction, and funding for state-salaried employees.
IV. Answer the following questions:
1. What is the organization of the National Guard of the United States?
2. What is the subordination of the US National Guard in times of peace and war?
3. What is the scheme of pay and funds for equipment of the US National Guard?
4.Could you give the general description of the Air National Guard?
5. What were the latest situations the Army National Guard dealt with?
6. Is there any coincidence in enlistment and qualifications required from the
guard men in the National Guard and the Active Army?
7. How is annual training in the Army and Air National Guard performed?
8. How is payment of the National Guard members organized?
V. Prepare retelling of the text.
VI. Translate these words and word combination rapidly:
національна гвардія сухопутних військ; combat units; регулярні сухопутні
війська США; nearby military training facility; складова частина; armory
construction; формування (збройних сил); to collect retired pay at age 60;
чисельність; to provide additional funds to support state missions; літаки; Air
National Guard; вербування; to assess military threats; резерв; to be responsible
directly for; добровільний вступ на військову службу; National Guard armories;
особовий склад; to perform limited special operations without reinforcement;

чергування; enlistment; бути призваним на дійсну військову службу; Active

Army; під час війни або при надзвичайному стані; combat capability; захист
життя та майна від стихійного лиха; mission; надання допомоги; base;
підготовка здійснюється на військовій базі; station; офіцер; assignment;
управління набором та підготовкою.
VII. Translate the following text from English into Ukrainian:
The National Guard is unique among the US reserve military forces, filling both
federal and state missions. In peacetime, the National Guard is commanded by the
governors of the states and territories and may be called to active state duty by the
governor in response to natural disasters, civil disturbances, or other state
emergencies. During a war or national emergency, the National Guard may be called
to active duty by the president or Congress, and serves as the primary source of
augmentation for the active Army and active Air Force.
As a reserve component of the US military, the National Guard makes up a
significant part of what is called the Total Force - active-duty service members, the
reserve components, and the civilians who are employed by the Department of
Defense. The other Federal Reserve components include the Army Reserve, Naval
Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve, Air Force Reserve, and Coast Guard Reserve.
Members in all of these organizations are trained and equipped in units that are
available for full-time duty in case of war or national emergency. However, the other
Federal Reserve components of the military services, unlike the National Guard, are
legally and operationally linked only to the active-duty services, not the states. This
distinction of having both federal and state missions makes the National Guard
VIII. Translate the following questions from Ukrainian into English:
1. Яка організаційно-штатна структура головного управління національної
гвардії США? 2. Які завдання покладаються на національну гвардію США в
мирний час? 3. З якими надзвичайними ситуаціями має справу національна
гвардія США? 4. Які критерії прийому військовослужбовців на військову
службу в національній гвардії? 5. Чи не могли б ви пояснити, що означає термін
"боєготовність"? 6. Які обов'язки військовослужбовців національної гвардії? 7.
Після якого терміну служби офіцери й уорент-офіцери США можуть
звільнятися в запас з пенсією і без пенсії? 8. Які вимоги висуваються до
добровольців, які мають бажання вступити на службу у національну гвардію? 9.
У якому випадку національна гвардія США виходить з підпорядкування
федерального управління? 10. Яке укомплектування національної гвардії
IX. Describe the US National Guard organization using the chart below:


X Make up and translate sentences with the following word combinations:

to be composed of; to be under the jurisdiction of; to be mobilized during natural
disasters or civil disorders; to be responsible directly for; to be staffed, equipped, and
trained; pay and funds for equipment are included in; to perform limited special
operations; to place increased reliance on; to deploy a full regiment of up to 15,000
Marines quickly; fighter and air-transport assets; riots, tornadoes, and forest fires;
civil disturbances, chemical spills, radioactive incidents, medical evacuations; to
mesh with active duty and other federal reserve component forces; nearby military
training facility; combat techniques; to collect retired pay; to provide additional
funds; to meet the same qualifications as; to work to the same standards as.
XI. Make two-way translation:
1. Відомо, що Oh, yes. The National Guard, the oldest component of
національна гвардія the Armed Forces of the United States and one of the
США має досить nation's longest enduring institutions, celebrated its 366th
довгу історію, чи не birthday in 2002. The National Guard traces its history back
так? to the earliest English colonies in North America. Respon-
sible for their own defense, the colonists drew on English
military tradition and organized their able-bodied male
citizens into militias.

The Guard doubled the size of the Regular Army when it

was mobilized in 1940, more than a year before Pearl
Harbor, and contributed 19 divisions to that war, as well as
numerous other units including Guard aviation squadrons.

2. Чи були залучені As far as I know more than 138,000 Guardsmen were

підрозділи mobilized for Korea, followed by numerous smaller
національної гвардії mobilizations for the Berlin Crisis, Vietnam, and numerous
США в таких strikes and riots. Approximately 63,000 Army Guardsmen
регіонах, як В'єтнам, were called to serve in Desert Storm, and in the decade
Корея, Сомалі та since then Guardsmen have seen a greater role than ever
інші? before - conducting peacekeeping in Somalia, Haiti, Saudi
Arabia and Kuwait.

3. А як щодо Боснії Oh, yes. Guard units were deployed to Bosnia and
та Косово? Kosovo for stabilization operations and units were deployed
to the Middle East and other locations in the war on

4. Чи призивалися Following the attacks of September 11, 2001, more than

підрозділи націо- 50,000 Guardsmen were called up by both their States and
нальної гвардії для the Federal government to provide security at US and
забезпечення наці- combat terrorism abroad.
ональної безпеки
США 11 вересня
2001 року?
5. Назвіть, будь The Army National Guard is composed primarily of
ласка, склад націо- traditional Guardsmen - civilians who serve their country,
нальної гвардії сухо- state and community on a part-time basis (usually one
путних військ США. weekend each month and two weeks during the summer).
Each state, territory and the District of Columbia has its
own National Guard, as provided for by the Constitution of
the United States.

6. Які ж її райони The Army National Guard exists in all 50 states, three
відповідальності territories and the District of Columbia. The Army National
(Area of Guard's state mission is perhaps the most visible and well
Responsibility) та known. Nearly everyone has seen or heard of Guard units
завдання? responding to battle fires or helping communities deal with
floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, snowstorms or other
emergency situations. In times of civil unrest, the citizens of
a state can rest assured that the Guard will be ready to
respond, if needed.

7. А як щодо наці- The Air National Guard, as we know it today, is a

ональної гвардії вій- separate reserve component of the USAF. The ANG has a
ськово-повітряних unique dual-mission that consists of both Federal and State
сил США? roles. This dual mission means not only being part of the
nation's entire military force, but also being responsible to
their respective states during times of state or community
emergencies. In peacetime, the governor of each state or
territory commands the ANG. The Air Guard has been there
to help their communities during such emergencies as:
hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, earthquakes and forest fires.
Whether guarding its borders to the north and south or
patrolling the waters of our coastline, the Air Guard ensures
the safety of all Americans. Today, the ANG provides 100
percent of the AF's continental US based air defense
interceptor force.

8. Ви щойно The National Guard has a unique dual mission that

згадували про consists of both Federal and State roles. For state missions,
унікальний the governor, through the state Adjutant General,
подвійний статус commands Guard forces. The governor can call the National
національної гвардії Guard into action during local or statewide emergencies,
США. У чому ж він such as
полягає? storms, fires, earthquakes or civil disturbances.
In addition, the President of the United States can
activate the National Guard for participation in federal
missions. Examples of federal activations include Guard
units deployed to Bosnia and Kosovo for stabilization
operations and units deployed to the Middle East and other
locations in the war on terrorism. When federalized, Guard
units are commanded by the Combatant Commander of the
theatre in which they are operating.


Supreme Command верховне командування
theatre of war театр війни; театр воєнних дій
military strategy воєнна стратегія
commander (comdr) командир; начальник
command (comd) команда, наказ; командування;
управління; командувати; управляти
National Security Council (NSC) рада національної безпеки
secretary (secy) міністр
department (dept) міністерство; відомство; управління
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) центральне розвідувальне управління,
intelligence (intel) інформація; розвідка; розвідувальні дані
Secretary of the State держсекретар
Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) міністр оборони
Department of Defense (DOD) міністерство оборони
Department of the Army (DA) міністерство сухопутних військ
Department of the Navy (DN) міністерство військово-морських сил
Department of the Air Force (DAF) міністерство військово-повітряних сил
control (con) управління
command and control (C2) командування та управління
Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) комітет начальників штабів
Unified Command об'єднане командування
Specified Command спеціальне командування
National Military Command Centre державний військовий командний центр
joint service спільна служба
Office of the Secretary of Defense офіс міністра оборони
Military Departments військові міністерства
Combatant Commands бойові командування
Inspectors General (IG) служба генерального інспектора
Defense (def) Agencies оборонні агентства
Chief of Staff, US Army (CSUSA) начальник штабу сухопутних військ
Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) начальник штабу ВМС
Chief of Staff, US Air Force начальник штабу ВПС
Commandant of the Marine Corps командувач корпусу морської піхоти
Joint Staff (JS) об'єднаний штаб
staff (stf) особовий склад штабу; штаб


I.Find out the following abbreviations in the text. Decode and translate them:
op; CINC; off; mil; comdr; trps; cbt; NSC; SECDEF; depts; C2; comp; IG;
CSUSA; JCS; CNO; CSUSAF; MC; JS; stf; svc; spt; mil ops; resp; str; AF.
II. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following word combinations. Find them
in the text:
to formulate and direct military strategy; to send troops into combat; to coordinate
the intelligence activities; integration of domestic, foreign and military policies; to
assign functions; President is assisted by several agencies; to provide operational
guidance; most important consultative organ; to constitute the immediate military
staff; authorized strength; to perform functions under the authority of; to be
established or designated by law; four-star heads of the four military services.
III. Find out equivalents for the following word combinations in the text:
бути відповідальним за державну безпеку та безпеку громадян; виконувати
свої обов'язки; забезпечувати командування та управління; головний
військовий радник; військові служби; планувати та координувати воєнні
операції; на певному театрі воєнних дій; у воєнний та мирний час; відповідно
до існуючого закону; вирішувати питання та координувати спільну службову
According to the US Constitution the CINC is a title of the off in Supreme
Command of the Armed Forces of a country or of the forces in a particular theatre of
war. As CINC of the Armed Forces, the President has the power to formulate and
direct mil strategy and actions in times of war and peace. As the country's principal
mil comdr, the President is responsible for the national security and safety of citizens.
Although the Constitution grants Congress the power to declare war, historically the
President has had nearly total freedom to send trps into cbt.
In the execution of his resps for national scty, the President is assisted by several
agencies, some described below.
The NSC is the most important consultative organ of executive power. Its function
is to advise the President with respect to the integration of domestic, foreign and mil
policies relating to national scty. The NSC consists of the President, Vice-President,
Secretary of the State and SECDEF. The secies and undersecies of other depts,
including the mil, may also serve for the NSC when appointed by the President with
the advice and consent of the Senate.
Under the direction of the NSC is the CIA which coordinates the intel activities of
the Government depts and agencies.
Department of Defense
DOD provides C2 of the Armed Forces. All functions in the DOD and its comp
agencies are performed under the authority, direction, and con of the SECDEF.
The DOD is composed of the OSD, the Military Departments, the Chairman of the
JCS, the Combatant Commands, the IG of the DOD, the Defense Agencies, the DOD

Field Activities, and such other offices, agencies, activities and comds, established or
designated by law, or by the President or by the SECDEF. The functions of the heads
of these offices shall be as assigned by the Secretary of Defense according to existing
law. SECDEF is a civilian appointed by the President and approved by Congress, for
the term of four years. JCS, and Unified and Specified Commands provide
operational guidance.
Joint Chiefs of Staff
The JCS, consisting of the Chairman, the CSUSA, the CNO, the CSUSAF, and
the Commandant of the MC, and supported by the JS, constitute the immediate mil
stf of the SECDEF.

An all-service, or "joint" svc office spts the Chairman of the JCS in his capacity as
the principal mil advisor to the President, the NSC, and the SECDEF.
Its "board of directors" consists of the Chairman, his deputy, the Vice Chairman,
and the four-star heads of the four mil svcs.
The Chairman plans and coordinates mil ops involving US forces and as such is
resp for the op of the National Military Command Centre, commonly referred to as
the "war room," from where all US mil ops are directed. He meets regularly with the
four Service chiefs to resolve issues and coordinate joint svc activities.
To assist the JCS there is a JS with an authorized str of more than 400 offs,
selected in approximately equal numbers from the Army, Navy, AF and MC.
IV. Answer the following questions:

1. Who is the CINC of the US Armed Forces according to the US Constitution?

2.What is the main responsibility of the President as the country's principal
military commander?
3.What is the function and composition of the NSC?
4.What agencies is the DOD composed of?
5.Who holds the position of the SECDEF and whom is he appointed and approved
6.What is the composition of the JCS?
7. What agency is the JCS supported by?
8.What is the main responsibility of the Chairman of the JCS?
9.What are the duties of the Chairman of "board of directors"?
10.What is the colloquial name for the National Military Command Centre?
11.What agency assists the JCS and what is its approximate strength?
V. Give the situation which would describe the usage of the following word
combinations out of the text:
to provide command and control of the Armed Forces; for the term of four years;
the principal military advisor to the President; referred to as the "war room"; an
authorized strength of more than 400 officers; a title of the officer in Supreme
Command of the Armed Forces; the Constitution grants Congress the power to
declare war; the most important consultative organ; to coordinate the intelligence
VI. Prepare retelling of the text.
VII. Translate these words and word combinations rapidly:
to send troops into combat; виконувати свої обов'язки; foreign and military
policies; нести відповідальність за безпеку громадян; to assign functions;
надавати допомогу; to provide operational guidance; встановлена чисельність;
organ of executive power; у воєнний та мирний час; with the advice and consent of
the Senate; вирішувати питання; to constitute the immediate military staff;
планувати та координувати воєнні операції.
VIII. Translate the following questions from Ukrainian into English:
1. Який склад збройних сил США? 2. Ким укомплектовуються регулярні
війська збройних сил США? 3. У чому полягає різниця між регулярними
військами збройних сил США та їх резервними формуваннями? 4. Який склад
резервних формувань збройних сил США? 5. Хто є головнокомандувачем
збройних сил США? 6. Як призначається міністр оборони? 7. Яка чисельність
об'єднаного штабу? 8. Хто має право оголошувати війну чи надзвичайний стан
в країні? 9. У чому різниця між родами військ та службами? 10. Яка структура
та основні завдання міністерства оборони США?
IX. Match the definitions in the right-hand column with the appropriate
terms given in the left-hand column:
Security The art and science of employing the armed forces of a nation to secure
the objectives of national policy by the application of force or the threat
of force.

Control The area of air, land, and water that is, or may become, directly
involved in the conduct of the war. Joint Staff The authority that a
commander in the Armed Forces law fully exercises over subordinates
by virtue of rank or as signment.
Command The staff under the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Theater of Authority that may be less than full command exercised by a
war commander over part of the activities of subordinate or other
Military Information and knowledge about an adversary obtained through
strategy observation, investigation, analysis, or understanding.
Intelligence Measures taken by a military unit, activity, or installation to protect
itself against all acts designed to, or which may, impair its

X.Translate the following questions from Ukrainian into English:

1. Хто такий головнокомандувач? 2. Які повноваження має президент як
головнокомандувач збройних сил США? 3. Які функції виконує рада
національної безпеки? 4. Центральне розвідувальне управління знаходиться під
юрисдикцією ради національної безпеки, чи не так? 5. Які складові частини та
підрозділи входять до складу міністерства оборони? 6. Що таке міністерство
оборони? 7. Який склад комітету начальників штабів? 8. Хто входить до
об'єднаного штабу? 9. Хто відповідає за національну безпеку та безпеку
XI. Translate the following text from English into Ukrainian:
The National Security Council was established by the National Security Act of
1947, amended by the National Security Act Amendments of 1949. Later in 1949, as
part of the Reorganization Plan, the Council was placed in the Executive Office of the
The National Security Council is chaired by the President. Its regular attendees
(both statutory and non-statutory) are the Vice President, the Secretary of State, the
Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Defense, and the Assistant to the President
for National Security Affairs. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is the
statutory military advisor to the Council, and the Director of Central Intelligence is
the intelligence advisor. The Chief of Staff to the President, Counsel to the President,
and the Assistant to the President for Economic Policy are invited to attend any NSC
meeting. The Attorney General and the Director of the Office of Management and
Budget are invited to attend meetings pertaining to their responsibilities. The heads of
other executive departments and agencies, as well as other senior officials, are invited
to attend meetings of the NSC when appropriate.
The National Security Council is the President's principal forum for considering
national security and foreign policy matters with his senior national security advisors
and cabinet officials. Since its inception under President Truman, the function of the
Council has been to advise and assist the President on national security and foreign

policies. The Council also serves as the President's principal arm for coordinating
these policies among various government agencies.
XII. Translate thefollowing textfrom Ukrainian into English:
Збройні сили США складаються з сухопутних військ, військово- морських
сил, військово-повітряних сил, корпуса морської піхоти та складових частин
резерву. Сухопутні війська, військово-морські сили та військово-повітряні сили
є основними видами збройних сил США. Відповідно до конституції США
верховним головнокомандувачем збройних сил є президент. Він здійснює
загальне керівництво країною та збройними силами через раду національної
безпеки та міністерство оборони. Міністр оборони, який є цивільною особою,
очолює міністерство оборони. Три основних види збройних сил США - СВ,
ВМС, ВПС - очолюються міністрами СВ, ВМС і ВПС. Фактичними
начальниками цих видів збройних сил є начальники штабів, які входять до
складу комітету начальників штабів - консультативний орган президента з
військових питань. Роботу комітету начальників штабів забезпечує об'єднаний
штаб, який складається з більше ніж 400 офіцерів, які в рівній пропорції
представляють три військові міністерства та корпус морської піхоти.
Командувач корпусу морської піхоти не є постійним членом комітету
начальників штабів, але бере участь у засіданнях комітету як рівноправний
член, коли розглядаються питання, що стосуються корпусу морської піхоти.


Unit 5

strategic forces стратегічні сили

task force оперативна (тактична) група;
оперативне з'єднання
maritime forces морські сили
transportation forces транспортні війська
intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) міжконтинентальна балістична
strategic aviation (strat avn) стратегічна авіація
atomic submarine (sub) атомний підводний човен
missile (msl) ракета (керована)
United States European Command командування (збройних сил) США
(USEUCOM) в Європі
area of responsibility (AOR) зона відповідальності
area of interest (AOI) зона зацікавленості
engagement бій; ведення вогню
United States Central Command центральне командування (збройних
United States Southern Command південне командування (збройних
United States Northern Command північне командування (збройних
North American Aerospace Defense командування повітряно-космічної
Command (NORAD) оборони Північної Америки
Continental United States (CONUS) континентальна частина США
United States Pacific командування (збройних сил) США
Command(USPACOM) в зоні Тихого океану
United States Joint Forces Command командування об'єднаних сил
(USJFCOM) (збройних сил) США
United States Special Operations Command командування спеціальними
(US SOCOM) операціями (збройних сил) США
United States Transportation Command транспортне командування
(USTRANSCOM) (збройних сил) США
United States Strategic Command стратегічне командування
(USSTRATCOM) (збройних сил) США
objective (obj) об'єкт (наступу); рубіж; завдання,
weapons of mass destruction (WMD) зброя масового ураження


I. Find out the following abbreviations in the text. Decode and translate them:
avn; ICBM; strat avn; comdrs; mil; SECDEF; resp; secy; JCS; USEUCOM; msn;
spt; NATO; cbt; AOR; AOI; USCENTCOM; scty; comd; CINC; SOUTHCOM;
II. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following word combinations. Find
them in the text:
offensive and defensive strategic forces; antimissile defense system; to be
organized under commands; to have geographical and worldwide responsibilities; to
deploy troops; to exercise military power; to provide combat-ready forces; to support
US commitments; Rapid Deployment Joint Task Force; peacetime engagement
planning; response to threats and aggression; joint warfighting training; within the
CONUS and its possessions; to provide air, land, and sea transportation; to deter
military attack; to achieve national objectives; land-based and sea-based nuclear
III. Find out equivalents for the following word combinations in the text:
міжконтинентальна балістична ракета; протиповітряна оборона; підрозділи
та з'єднання; безпосередня ланка між військовими силами та президентом;
використовувати свою владу; об'єднане командування; НАТО; брати на себе
відповідальність; виконання програм; головнокомандувач; регулярні військові
сили США; континентальна частина Сполучених Штатів; передавати свої
повноваження; надавати військову підтримку; у мирний та воєнний час;
управляти військовими космічними операціями; розповсюдження зброї
масового ураження.
Armed Forces according to their assignment are subdivided into strategic forces,
task forces, maritime and air transportation forces. Strategic forces are divided into
offensive and defensive ones: strategic offensive - ICBMs, strat avn, atomic subs
with msls; strategic defensive - antimissile defense systems, antispace and antiaircraft
defense, nuclear missiles strike warning systems.
Task forces - units and large units of the Army, tactical avn, the Navy without
atomic subs.
All Regular forces are organized under Unified and Specified Commands.
The unified comdrs are the direct link from the mil forces to the President and the
Five comdrs have geographical resps. Four comdrs have worldwide resps (Scheme
The SECDEF exercises his authority over how the mil is trained and equipped
through the service secies; but uses a totally different method to exercise his authority
to deploy troops and exercise military power. This latter authority is directed, with
the advice of the Chairman of the JCS, to the unified commands.
United States European Command (USEUCOM)

USEUCOM is now resp for all US mil activities in Europe, most of Africa and
Israel, Lebanon, and Syria, and the South Atlantic Ocean. USEUCOM primary msn
in spt of NATO is to provide cbt-ready forces to support US commitments to the
NATO alliance.
The AOR of the USEUCOM covers more than 13 million square miles and
includes 91 countries and territories. Several other countries and territories are
considered to be part of the USEUCOM AOI.
United States Central Command (USCENTCOM)
USCENTCOM is resp for US scty interests in 25 nations that stretch from the
Horn of Africa through the Arabian Gulf region, into Central Asia. The comd was
activated in January 1983 as the successor to the Rapid Deployment Joint Task Force.

USCENTCOM's AOR includes 25 nations, ranging from Egypt in the West to

Pakistan in the East, from Kazakhstan in the North to Kenya and the Horn of Africa
in the South. USCENTCOM assumed resp for all US mil engagement activities,
planning, and operations for the five Central Asian states. It is resp for peacetime
engagement planning and program execution for the five countries in the Central
Asian Region: Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan.
United States Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM)
The CINC of SOUTHCOM is resp for all US mil activities on the landmasses of
Central and South America, the island nations of the Caribbean, and the surrounding
waters south of Mexico.
United States Northern Command (NORTHCOM)

The NORTHCOM comdr is resp for homeland def and also serves as head of the
NORAD, US-Canada comd. The comd's AOR covers the CONUS, Alaska, Canada,
Mexico and surrounding water out to 500 miles. The new comd is tasked with def
planning and scty cooperation for other nations in its AOR.
The comd's msn is the preparation for, prevention of, deterrence of, preemption of,
def against, and response to threats and aggression directed towards US territory,
sovereignty, domestic population, and infrastructure; as well as crisis management,
consequence management, and other domestic civil spt.
United States Pacific Command (USPACOM)
The Pacific Command covers fifty percent of the Earth's surface including
Southwest Asia, Australia, and Alaska.
The US Pacific Command is unified comd which includes about 300,000 mil pers
from the Army, Navy, AF, and MC (about 20 percent of all active duty US military
forces). These forces are in three categories: Forward Deployed (about 100,000),
Forward Based and CONUS based which comprise the remainder.
US Space Command
US Space Command was disbanded on October 1, 2002 and its resps were handed
over to US STRATCOM.
United States Joint Forces Command (USJFCOM)
The USJFCOM now protects US interests in the North Atlantic Ocean, the Arctic
Ocean, and Greenland. It also has worldwide resps for joint warfighting tng, and
provides mil spt to WMD incidents within the CONUS, its territories, and
It is the only comd with both geographic region and functional resp to spt the
other four geographic comdrs. Among his duties, the CINC, USJFCOM, oversees mil
ops in the North Atlantic geographic area and spts the other CINC in their geographic
regions around the world.
United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM)
The USSOCOM provides counter-paramilitary, counter-narcotics, guerrilla,
psychological warfare, civil education, and insurgency capabilities in spt of US
national and international interests. USSOCOM is resp for special mil spt.
United States Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM)
The Transportation Command provides air, land, and sea transportation for the
DOD in times of peace and war. It moves people and property around the world.
United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM)
USSTRATCOM seeks to deter mil attack on the US and its allies, and should
deterrence fail, employs forces to achieve national objs. The comd also deters and
controls nuclear forces. Its forces include land-based and sea-based nuclear assets.
USSTRATCOM is the comd and con center for US strategic forces and controls
mil space ops, computer network ops, information ops, strategic warning and
intelligence assessments as well as global strategic planning.
The comd is resp for both early warning of and def against msl attack and long-
range conventional attacks. The comd is charged with deterring and defending

against the proliferation of WMD.

IV. Answer the following questions:
1. What is the subdivision of the Armed Forces according to their assignment?
2. What is the strategic forces classification? Could you give their characteristics?
3.What is excluded from the task forces of the US Armed Forces?
4.Regular forces are organized under Commands, aren't they? Could you name
5.What commands have geographical responsibilities?
6.Whom does the Secretary of Defense exercise his authority through in military
training and equipment?
7.What is the area of responsibility of the United States European Command?
8. What organization was a successor of the United States Central Command?
9.What activities is the United States Southern Command responsible for?
10. What main missions can you name of the United States Northern
11. What command covers the biggest territory?
12. What command has double functional responsibilities and how they can
be interpreted?
13. What US command is responsible for providing air, land, and sea
14. What responsibilities is United States Strategic Command charged with?
V. Match the definitions in the right-hand column with the appropriate terms given in the left-hand column:
Task force The area of concern to the commander extending into
territory to the objectives of current or planned operations.
This area also includes areas occupied by enemy forces
who could jeopardize the accomplishment of the mission
Area of Responsibility A tactical conflict, usually between opposing lower
echelons maneuver forces.
Area of Interest A temporary grouping of units, under one commander,
formed for the purpose of carrying out a specific operation
or mission.
Engagement Weapons that are capable of a high order of destruction
and/or of being used in such a manner as to destroy large
numbers of people.

Continental United The geographical area associated with a combatant

States command within which a combatant commander has
authority to plan
and conduct operations.
Objective United States territory, including the adjacent
territorial waters,
located within North America between Canada and

Weapons of mass The clearly defined, decisive, and attainable goals towards
destruction which every military operation should be directed

VI. Translate these words and word combinations rapidly:

збройні сили США; assignment; стратегічні сили; intercontinental ballistic
missile; з'єднання; Specified Command; об'єднане командування; Secretary of
Defense; використовувати владу; Joint Chiefs of Staff; бути відповідальним за;
area of responsibility; зона зацікавленості; to assume responsibility;
континентальна частина США; homeland defense; відповідь на погрозу та
агресію; to be tasked with; резерв сухопутних військ США; Chief of Naval
Operations; Центральне розвідувальне управління; Armed Forces.
VII. Here are military abbreviations that you will often see. Find full
words for them and translate them:
ammo; armt; eguip; cbt ops; br; str; pers; sup; DHS; CINC; MC; CG; AF; dept;
DOD; res fmns; comdr; NSC; SECDEF; CSUSA; JCS; CNO; CSUSAF; JS; stf; svc;
VIII. Translate the following text from Ukrainian into English:
Збройні сили Сполучених Штатів Америки на заморських територіях
(у воєнний час у зонах), а також стратегічна авіація та війська III10 країни
зведені в об'єднані та спеціальні командування.
До об'єднаних командувань належать: центральне командування, південне
командування, північне командування, командування об'єднаних сил США,
командування збройних сил США в Європі, командування збройних сил в зоні
Тихого океану, командування повітряно-космічної оборони Північної Америки,
командування спеціальними операціями, транспортне командування та
стратегічне командування США.
До спеціальних командувань належать: стратегічне авіаційне командування
та командування військово-морських сил США в зоні східної частини
Атлантичного океану та на Середземному морі.
Командування підпорядковуються безпосередньо міністру оборони через
комітет начальників штабів.
Головнокомандувачем об'єднаних командувань надається право повністю
вирішувати питання щодо використання виділених їм збройних сил, керуючись
при цьому лише вказівками міністра оборони та комітету начальників штабів.
IX. Make up and translate sentences with the following words and word
according to the assignment; to be organized under; to be the direct link from... to;
to have responsibility; to exercise authority; to deploy troops; to provide combat-
ready forces; area of responsibility; to assume responsibility; engagement activities;
program execution; defense planning and security cooperation; threats and

aggression; domestic civil support; military personnel; to hand over the

responsibility; to oversee military operations; special military support; to deter
military attack; land-based and sea-based nuclear assets; to control military space
operations; to be charged with.
X. Translate the following questions from Ukrainian into English:
1. Згідно зі своїм призначенням на які види поділяються збройні сили США?
2. Що таке стратегічні сили? 3. Що таке оперативна група? 4. Яке основне
завдання міністра оборони? 5. Яку площу та які країни займає район
відповідальності командування збройних сил США в Європі? 6. Які країни
входять до центру Азіатського регіону? 7. Що ви можете сказати про північне
командування збройних сил США? 8. Які особливості забезпечення щодо
командування об'єднаних сил збройних сил США? 9. Які воєнні дії проводять
спеціальні командування збройних сил США? 10. Якими видами транспорту
забезпечує транспортне командування збройних сил США? 11. Які операції
контролює стратегічне командування збройних сил США? 12. Чому зброя
масового ураження вважається найбільш небезпечним видом озброєння?
XI. Explain the following terms and word combinations:
transportation forces; atomic submarine; area of responsibility; area of interest;
engagement; weapons of mass destruction; to exercise authority; combat-ready
forces; threat; Continental United States.

Remember the following Military Map, Size & Weapons Symbols

Basic Military Map Symbols

Antiaircraft Artillery

Armored Command

Army Air Forces

Artillery, except Antiaircraft and Coast Artillery

Cavalry, Horse

Cavalry, Mechanized

Chemical Warfare Service

Coast Artillery




Medical Corps

Ordnance Department

Quartermaster Corps

Signal Corps

Tank Destroyer

Transportation Corps

Veterinary Corps

Airborne units are designated by combining a gull wing

symbol with the arm or service symbol:

Airborne Artillery

Airborne Infantry

Size Symbols
The following symbols placed either in boundary lines or above the rectangle, triangle, or
circle inclosing the identifying arm or service symbol indicate the size of military

Company, troop, battery, Air Force flight
Battalion, cavalry squadron, or Air Force squadron
Regiment or group; combat team (with abbreviation CT
following identifying numeral)


Brigade, Combat Command of Armored Division, or Air Force


Division or Command of an Air Force

Corps or Air Force
Group of Armies

Machine gun

Gun battery




recruitment набір; вербування; комплектування

draft набір в армію; призивати на військову
enlist вступати на військову службу
enlistment вступ на військову службу (добровільно)
soldier (sol) солдат
basic soldier training (boot camp) курс молодого бійця
military occupational speciality військова спеціальність
Regular Army (RA) регулярні (кадрові) сухопутні війська
to commission давати первинне офіцерське звання
Officer Candidate School (OCS) короткострокові курси підготовки
офіцерського складу
Reserve Officer Training Corps служба позавійськової підготовки
(ROTC) офіцерів резерву
US Military Academy at West Point військова академія США в Уест-Пойнті
rank військове звання; стрій; шеренга
grade (gr) звання
infantry (inf) піхота
armor бронетанкові війська
field artillery (FA) польова артилерія
aviation (avn) авіація
engineers інженерні війська
enlistee абітурієнт
position (psn) позиція; посада
specialist (sp) спеціаліст
physical training (PT) фізична підготовка
field training (fld tng) польові заняття (навчання)
battle (bat) бій; битва; вести бій
Command and General Staff College командно-штабний коледж
Army War College військовий коледж сухопутних військ
deployment розгортання; перегрупування;
vehicle (veh) транспортний засіб; засіб пересування
meals ready to eat (MRE) готова до вживання їжа
noncommissioned officer (noncom унтер-офіцер (в армії і ВПС)

off; NCO)
commissioned officer (ComO) офіцер
company officer (CoOff) молодший офіцер
field officer (FO) старший офіцер
general officer (GO) вищий офіцер; генерал
flag officer вищий офіцер; адмірал
enlisted men (EM) / enlisted військовослужбовці рядового та унтер-
personnel офіцерського складу
regular officer (reg off) кадровий офіцер
length of service вислуга років
length of service in grade вислуга років у званні
position vacancy on the grade вакантна посада за штатною категорією
to resign йти (подавати) у відставку без пенсії
court-martial (CM) військовий трибунал; військово-польовий
board of officers офіцерський суд честі, рада офіцерів

Grades in the US Armed Forces: US Army, Air Force and Marine Corps (and

Recruit (RCT) рекрут, новобранець

Private (PVT) рядовий
Private 1st class (PFC) рядовий 1-го класу
Airman, basic рядовий ненавчений ВПС
Airman 1st [2nd, 3d] class рядовий ВПС 1-го (2-го, 3-го) класу
Lance corporal (LCPL) молодший капрал
Corporal (CPL) капрал
Sergeant (SGT) сержант
Staff Sergeant (SSGT) штаб-сержант
Sergeant 1st class (SFC) сержант 1-го класу
Platoon Sergeant (Plat Sgt; PSGT) взводний сержант
First Sergeant (1SGT) перший сержант
Master Sergeant (MSGT) майстер-сержант
Sergeant Major (SMAJ) головний сержант, сержант-майор
Technical Sergeant (TSGT) технік-сержант
Senior Master Sergeant (SMSGT) старший майстер-сержант
Chief Master Sergeant (CMSGT) головний майстер-сержант
Gunnery Sergeant (GSGT) гарматний сержант
Master Gunnery Sergeant(MGSGT) майстер-гарматний сержант
Warrant Officer, grade I(WOI) уорент-офіцер 1 -го класу
Chief Warrant Officer, grade І, II, III, старший уорент-офіцер 1, 2, 3, 4-го класу

Second Lieutenant (2LT) другий лейтенант (лейтенант)

First Lieutenant (1LT) перший лейтенант (старший лейтенант)
Captain (CPT) капітан
Major (MAJ) майор
Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) підполковник
Colonel (COL) полковник
Brigadier General (BG) бригадний генерал
Major General (MG) генерал-майор
Lieutenant General (LTG) генерал-лейтенант
General (GEN) генерал
General of the Army (GA) генерал сухопутних військ,
General of the Air Force (GAF) генерал армії генерал ВПС
Commander (CDR) (in Navy) командер
Captain (CPT) (in Navy) кептен
Commodore (COMMO) (in Navy) комодор
Rear-Admiral (RADM) (in Navy) контр-адмірал
Vice-Admiral (VADM) (in Navy) віце-адмірал
Admiral (ADM) (in Navy) адмірал
Fleet Admiral (FADM) (in Navy) адмірал флоту

I.Find out the following abbreviations in the text. Decode and translate them:
mil svc; res; off; sol; RA; OCS; MOS; ROTC; USMA; mil tng; 2LT; br; cbt; spt;
inf; FA; avn; psn; PT; bat; msn; tng gnds; cbt equip; wpn; veh; noncom; fld tng;
MRE; PVT; KP; pers; NCO; sp; EM; comdr; PO; WO; SA; ComO; USAR; USAF;
MC; CoOff; FO; GO; USN; gr; CM; reg off.
II. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following word combinations. Find them
in the text:
forced military service; voluntary recruitment; to be assigned to a unit; to receive
commission; rigorous military training; women are excluded from combat
specialities; to train for wartime missions; training grounds and special sites with
combat equipment; to practice combat skills in different settings; stresses likely to be
encountered in battle; intensive four-year college-level program; to be sent to basic
soldier training; to receive formal commission; to receive appointment as; to be
recommended for promotion to a higher grade.
III. Find out equivalents for the following word combinations in the text:
укомплектовувати збройні сили особовим складом; вступати на дійсну
військову службу; приділяти постійну увагу фізичній підготовці; поводитися зі
зброєю; відразу після отримання первинного офіцерського звання; проходити
підготовчі курси; виконувати функції; відвідувати короткострокові курси
підготовки офіцерського складу; добровільний набір на військову службу;
обіймати посаду; тимчасові та постійні військові звання; користуватися
пільгами; йти у відставку без пенсії; відповідати певним вимогам.


Recruitment. The United States mil does not currently use conscription (forced
mil svc - the draft) to man the Armed Forces, so the Armed Forces manning is based
on voluntary recruitment and signing individual contracts for a period not less than
three years for Regular Forces and six years for Res. The US citizens or foreigners
who are allowed to have permanent residence in the USA, aged from 17 to 35, may
be enlisted in the active duty provided they are healthy and have secondary
education. In recent years over 95 percent of the new enlisted were high school
graduates. Some joined the Army to take advantage of college scholarships funded
partially by the Army after their term of svc, but many others joined to serve their
country for longer periods. Recruiting offs throughout the country help persuade
young people to consider a career in the mil. After enlistment, new sols are sent to
basic soldier training, which is called boot camp because new recruits were once
known as boots. After basic training, sols train in their MOS, and are assigned to a
unit. Enlistment generally lasts from between three to six years, after which sols can
reenlist or leave the Army. 14 percent of the enlisted sols in the Army were women.
Offs of the RA - the Army's permanent force - must have college education and
are appointed from one of three sources. Enlisted soldiers with college degrees may
become offs by attending OCS. Alternatively, some offs receive their commissions
(formal award of rank) through the ROTC programs at over 250 colleges and
universities around the country. Some young men and women attend the USMA,
New York, which offers an intensive four-year college-level program with rigorous
mil tng and traditional academic subjects. All newly commissioned offs receive the
rank of 2LT.
All sols, offs and enlisted, are assigned to one of 21 brs according to the functions
they will perform in cbt or in spt of cbt units. The main cbt brs are inf, armor, FA,
avn, and engineers. Enlistees can request assignments from over 200 mil occupational
specialities associated with the various brs. Women are excluded from cbt
specialities, and this limitation includes complete exclusion from inf and armor brs as
well as from most FA and cbt engineer specialities. Women have increasingly
demanded that the Army open all psns to women, and this pressure for change has
been controversial both within the Army and in the United States as a whole.
Homosexuals can serve in the Army, but they must conform to the US military's
"don't ask, don't tell" policy. Under this policy, homosexuals will not be sought out
for expulsion from the Army, but they may be forced to leave the svc if their sexual
orientation becomes known.
Training. When not at war sols spend most of their time preparing for war. From
the moment a sol enters the svc, constant attention is paid to physical fitness. PT is
the foundation for preparing sols for the stresses likely to be encountered in bat. PT
includes running, group exercises, and sports and other physical fitness events.
At their home mil bases, sols spend most days training for wartime msns. This
regime includes tng on cbt skills in classrooms, in nearby tng gnds, and at special
sites where cbt equip is stored. Tng exercises may last a few days or several weeks.

Units routinely go to other mil bases or the cbt tng centers in California, Louisiana, or
Germany to practice cbt skills in different settings. Sols concentrate on proficiency at
operating their wpns and on coordinating their efforts with the squad, platoon, and
In addition to fld tng, offs and enlisted sols spend considerable time in the
classroom. Enlisted solds attend a series of schools as they move up the ranks.
Immediately after their commission, offs attend a tng course in their br of the Army.
They take an advanced course in their br speciality five years later. Senior offs attend
the Command and General Staff College at Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas, and later the
Army War College at Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania. Continuing education is a
central part of the Army's leadership development program.
During deployments, whether for tng or actual fighting, sols usually live in tents
or in their vehs. In the fld they usually eat prepackaged rations called MRE. Most
units also have cooks who make one or two hot meals a day. To assist with meal
cleanup, some junior sols (PVTs or specialists) are usually assigned to pot scrubbing
and other time-consuming chores. Most sols dislike this assignment, which is
sometimes called the kitchen police, or KP duty. At permanent bases civilian
employees do most of this work.
Grade and Rank
The various activities of the Armed Forces demand the svcs of many different
categories of enlisted sols and offs.
Enlisted pers comprises NCOs (petty officers in the Navy), sps, and other grades
(men in the Navy). Noncoms are EM appointed by their unit comdrs, and placed in
charge of other NCOs (or POs) and men.
Ranking next above noncom's are WOs. They are normally selected from the
NCOs and appointed by the SA. Usually WOs hold positions as technical or
administrative supervisors.
ComOs are appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. They receive
formal commissions authorizing them to serve as offs of the Armed Forces. ComOs
of the USAR, USAF, and MC are subdivided into CoOffs, FOs, and GOs, and into
offs and flag offs in the USN.
All grs of offs are classed as permanent or temporary. This means that a reg off in
the permanent gr of CPT may become a temporary MAJ (or higher gr), wearing the
insignia of gr and enjoining the privileges of a MAJ. In due time he may receive his
appointment as a permanent MAJ.
Members of the Armed Forces on active duty may be recommended for promotion
to a higher gr if they meet certain requirements which are based primarily on age,
length of svc, length of svc in gr, and existing position vacancy on the gr.
At a specified age offs retire; however, in certain cases, some prefer to resign
rather than appear before a CM or board of officers.
IV. Answer the following questions:
1.Does the United States military use conscription to man the Armed Forces?
2.What category of the new enlisted predominated in recent years?

3. What privileges do the enlistees enjoy when joining the Army?

4. What is the enlistment period duration in the US Armed Forces?
5. What is the Army's permanent force?
6. How can the enlisted soldiers be commissioned?
7. What rank do the newly commissioned officers receive?
8. How many military occupational specialities can be associated with the various
9. What are the limitations for women?
10. To what aspect of training is constant attention paid from the moment a
soldier enters the service?
11. What is the training regime for wartime missions and how is it carried out?
12. What basic skills soldiers should acquire while receiving training at military
13. What training courses are to be attended by officers in their branch of the
14. What are the peculiarities during deployment?
15. How are the grades of officers classed?
16. What requirements are necessary for promotion to a higher grade?
V. Prepare retelling of the text.
VI. Translate these words and word combinations rapidly:
доброволець; to man the Armed Forces with; давати первинне офіцерське
звання; voluntary recruitment; тренувальні майданчики; to operate the weapons;
навички ведення бою; to attend Officer Candidate School; курс молодого бійця; to
hold the position of; отримувати призначення; permanent and temporary grades;
підвищення у військовому званні; to enjoy privileges; йти у відставку без пенсії;
to meet certain requirements; вислуга років у званні; company officer; кадровий
офіцер; meals ready to eat; військовослужбовець рядового та унтер-офіцерського
VII. Translate the following questions from Ukrainian into English:
1. Ваше звання? 2. Ваша посада? 3. Скільки років ви служили у збройних
силах США? 4. Вас призвали чи ви доброволець? 5. У якому році ви закінчили
військову академію? 6. Які категорії резерву ° у збройних силах США? 7. Які
посади обіймають уорент-офіцери у сухопутних військах США? 8. У чому
різниця між постійними та тимчасовими званнями? 9. З числа кого
відбираються уорент-офіцери? 10. Які курси повинні проходити
військовослужбовці після їх призначення на посаду? 11. Чи користуються
військовослужбовці збройних сил США будь-якими пільгами? 12. Чи існують
якісь обмеження для військовослужбовців-жінок у збройних силах США? 13.
Які існують вимоги для отримання вищого звання? 14. Яка категорія
військовослужбовців рядового та унтер-офіцерського складу може отримати
офіцерське звання після короткострокових курсів підготовки офіцерського
складу? 15. На чому базується укомплектування збройних сил США? 16. Що
таке фізична підготовка і що вона включає? 17. Які звання офіцерського складу

ви знаєте? 18. Деякі офіцери надають перевагу звільненню без пенсії, ніж
постати перед офіцерським судом честі, чи не так?
VIII. Make up and translate sentences with the following words and word
to resign; to recommend for promotion; to receive appointment; to be confirmed
by; formal commission; to hold position of; unit commander; to be placed in charge
of; categories of enlisted soldiers; deployment; actual fighting; prepackaged rations;
pot scrubbing; assignment; to move up the ranks; training on combat skills; combat
training centers; attention is paid to; main combat branches; newly commissioned
officers; the Army's permanent force; to receive commission; recruitment; a career in
the military.
IX. Translate the following text from Ukrainian into English:
Первинна підготовка офіцерського складу в збройних силах США
проводиться як у спеціальних військово-навчальних закладах, так і в цивільних
закладах. Офіцери можуть підвищувати свою освіту шляхом заочного
навчання. Військовослужбовці, які перебувають на дійсній військовій службі,
після певного терміну служби зараховуються у резерв. У випадку оголошення
війни чи надзвичайного стану особи, які перебувають у резерві, можуть бути
призвані на дійсну військову службу.
У збройних силах США всі офіцерські та генеральські звання поділяються
на постійні і тимчасові. Присвоєння постійних військових звань проводиться
президентом США два рази в рік - 1 липня та 31 грудня. Тимчасові військові
звання присвоюються протягом усього року наказами міністрів сухопутних
військ, військово-повітряних сил та військово-морських сил.
X Translate the text from English into Ukrainian:
Hand Salutes and Salutes with Arms
All personnel in uniform are required to salute when they meet and recognize
persons entitled to the salute. The practice of saluting officers in official vehicles
(recognized individually by rank or identifying vehicle plates/flags) is also
considered an appropriate courtesy. Salutes are not required to be rendered by or to
personnel who are driving or riding in privately-owned vehicles except by gate
guards who will render salutes to recognized officers in all vehicles unless duties are
of such a nature as to make the salute impractical. When military personnel are acting
as drivers of a moving vehicle they should not initiate a salute. Salutes are not
required in public areas such as theaters, outdoor athletic facilities, or other such
situations when the act would be manifestly inappropriate or impractical.
Accompanying the rendering of the hand salute with an appropriate greeting such as
"Good Morning, Sir," is encouraged. Personnel will not salute indoors except when
reporting to a superior officer.
Salutes will be exchanged between officers (commissioned and warrant) and
enlisted personnel. Salutes will be exchanged with personnel of the United States
Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the Marine Corps, and the Coast Guard entitled to the

Military personnel under arms will render the salute prescribed for the weapon
with which they are armed, whether or not that weapon ordinarily is prescribed as
part of their equipment.
Salutes are not required to be rendered or returned if either the senior or
subordinate or both are in civilian attire.
Civilian personnel, including civilian guards, will not be required to render the
hand salute to military personnel or other civilian personnel.
XI. Explain the following terms and word combinations:
recruitment; soldier; boot camp; Regular Army; Officer Candidate School;
Reserve Officer Training Corps; rank; enlistee; physical training; field training;
vehicle; meals ready to eat; noncommissioned officer; commissioned officer;
company officer; field officer; regular officer; to resign; board of officers.
XII. The US Army is divided into commissioned ranks and other ranks. The
commissioned ranks are officers such as Lieutenants, Captains, Majors, etc. The
other ranks are Warrant Officers (Sergeant Majors), noncommissioned officers
(corporals, sergeants, etc.) and private soldiers (privates). What is the rank
structure of the Ukrainian Army? How does it compare with the US Army?

XIII. Read and translate the following text into Ukrainian

Since its founding two centuries ago, the Military Academy has accomplished
its mission by developing cadets in four critical areas: intellectual, physical, military,
and moral-ethical - a four-year process called the "West Point Experience”.
A challenging Academic Program that consists of a core of 31 courses provides
a balanced education in the arts and sciences. All cadets receive a Bachelor of
Science degree, which is designed specifically to meet the intellectual requirements
of a commissioned officer in today's Army. The Physical Program at West Point
includes both physical education classes and competitive athletics. This rigorous
physical program contributes to the mental and physical fitness that is required for
service as an officer in the Army. Cadets learn basic military skills, including
leadership, through a demanding Military Program which begins on their first day at
West Point. Most military training takes place during the summer, with new cadets
undergoing Cadet Basic Training - the first year, followed by Cadet Field Training
the second year. Cadets spend their third and fourth summers serving in active Army
units around the world. Military training is combined with military science
instruction to provide a solid military foundation for officer ship.
Moral-ethical development occurs throughout the formal programs as well as a
host of activities and experiences available at the Military Academy. These include
formal instruction in the important values of the military profession, voluntary
religious programs, interaction with staff and faculty role models, and a vigorous
guest speaker program. Cadets also develop ethically by adhering to the Cadet Honor
Code, which states "A cadet will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do."


Unit 7


daily routine розпорядок дня

reveille підйом
taps відбій
regulations (regs) постанови, інструкція, статут
field manual (FM) бойовий статут; польовий статут
technical manual (TM) статут з технічної служби
order наказ
instruction навчання; інструкція
drill and ceremonies стройова підготовка та урочисті марші
range practice вогнева підготовка
interior guard duty внутрішня вартова служба
duty roster графік нарядів
detail (dtl) наряд; команда; група
guard (gd) варта; вартовий
guardhouse (gdhse) вартове приміщення
guard mount розвід варти
installation (instal; instl) установка; об'єкт; частина, база
patrol (ptl) патруль; дозор; рухомий пост
combat zone (CZ) зона бойових дій (від лінії фронту до зони
fixed post нерухомий (стаціонарний) пост
officer of the day (OD) черговий частини; черговий офіцер
commander of the guard начальник варти
sergeant of the guard вартовий сержант; сержант-помічник
начальника варти
sentinel; sentry чатовий; вартовий на посту
relief зміна
relief commander командир зміни (розвідний)
commanding officer командир частини (підрозділу)
countersign пароль; умовний сигнал у відповідь
drill training стройова підготовка
element (elm) підрозділ; частина; складова частина
formation (fmn) стрій; бойовий порядок
line розгорнутий стрій
rank шеренга

file ряд
column (colm) колона
flank фланг
front фронт
interval інтервал
distance дистанція
dress рівняння в шерензі (з дотриманням інтервалу)
cover рівняння в колоні (з дотриманням дистанції)
preparatory command попередня команда
command of execution виконавча команда
Position of attention (command: Встати! СТРУНКО! (з будь-якого положення)
Tench HUT!)
LEFT FACE! (command: Left Ліво-РУЧ! (на місці)
RIGHT FACE! (command: Right Право-РУЧ! (на місці)
ABOUT FACE! (command: About Кру-ГОМ! (на місці)
FORWARD MARCH! (command: Кроком - РУШ!
Forward HARCH!)
HALF STEP, MARCH! (command: Півкроку, РУШ! (У русі)
Half Step, HARCH!)
MARK TIME, MARCH! (command: На місці, кроком - РУШ!
Mark Time, HARCH!)
(command: To the Rear, H ARCH!)
(command: Right/Left Step,

RIGHT/LEFT FLANK, MARCH! Праворуч/Ліворуч - РУШ!

(command: Right/Left Flank,


(command: Change Step, HARCH!)
MARCH! (command: Double Time
(Quick Time), HARCH!)
MARCH! (command: Route Step (At
Ease), HARCH!)
(command: Dress Right (Left),

I. Find out the following abbreviations in the text. Decode and translate them:
br; mil tng; regs; FM; TM; PT; gd; sol; comdr; resp; ptl; tng; elm; res; OD; SGT;
msn; scty; fmn; elm; colm; DCID; comd; gdhse; psn; equip.
II. Find out equivalents for the following word combinations in the text:
рід військ збройних сил; проходити військову підготовку; внутрішня вартова
служба; призначати в наряд відповідно до графіку нарядів; черговий частини;
охороняти парки, потяги, човни, літаки; бути озброєним та екіпірованим;
переходити з однієї зміни до іншої; дотримуватися загальних наказів;
керуватися наказами двох видів; зміна варти; основні обов'язки варти;
виконання обов'язків на певному посту; рівняння в строю; дотримуватися
певної дистанції; прийняти положення "струнко"; подавати попередню
команду; установлювати форму одягу, озброєння та екіпіровку.
III.Write out all word combinations with the following words from the text.
Translate them: guard, training, commander.
The day a man enters any br of the Armed Forces he begins to take mil tng. The
daily routine starts with "reveille" and ends with "taps". The mil tng, based on mil
regs, FMs, TMs and orders, includes instructions and classes, drill and ceremonies,
PT, range practice, field exercises, map reading, tactics, etc.
Interior gd duty routine is also a part of sol's life. Sols are detailed for duty
according to a duty roster. The gd may be one of two types, interior guard or exterior
An interior gd is detailed by comdrs of mil installations to protect property and
enforce specific mil regs. The installation comdr is resp for the interior gd of the
installation and he prescribes the composition of the gd.
Exterior gds are those gds whose duties and resps are different from those set

down for interior gds. Classified as exterior gds are lookouts, listening posts,
outposts, specifically designated ptls, and other gds in CZs, field tng areas, and gds
outside the limits of a mil installation.
The elms of an interior gd are classified according to their purpose. They include
the main gd and special gds. The main gd consists of ptls, fixed posts, and a res.
Either ptls or fixed posts, or a combination of the two, may be used. In any case, the
main gd maintains a res. The main gd consists of one OD; one or more comdrs of the
gd; one or more SGTs of the gd; a relief comdr for each relief; and the necessary
number of gds.
Special gds are used, to protect parks, trains, boats, aircraft, and for other special
The commanding officer prescribes uniform, arms, and equip for guard mounts.
Gds are armed and equipped according to their particular duty. Rifles, carbines,
pistols, shotguns, riot clubs, or other weapons are used. If armed, one must have
completed training with the weapon to be used on guard duty.
The SGT of the gd will organize the sols making up the gd into a fmn. The comdr
of the gd then prepares the gds for inspection. The OD inspects the gds and orders
those found unsatisfactory to fall out to the rear of the fmn and await further
instructions. The gds then move to the gdhse, and the comdr of the first relief
prepares the relief to be posted. At the appropriate time, the old gd will be relieved by
the new gd. The changing of the gd is accomplished through a ceremony conducted
by the two comdrs.
Gds (sentinels, sentries) cover their posts on foot, in motor vehicles, or by other
types of transportation; however, the exact method is prescribed by the commanding
Gds are assigned to reliefs by the SGT of the gd and to posts by the comdr of their
relief. Gds are not changed from one relief to another without authority. They must
memorize, understand, and comply with the general orders for gds. In addition, gds
must understand and comply with special orders applying to their particular posts,
including the use of the countersign and parole word, if they are in effect.
A gd on post is governed by two types of orders: general orders and special
orders. General orders outline the fundamental resps of a gd while special orders
instruct him in the actual performance of his duty while on a particular post. General
orders for both interior and exterior gds must be supplemented by realistic, detailed,
and msn-oriented special orders carefully tailored for the specific post and situation
from the viewpoint of scty and sentry effectiveness and protection. The special orders
for each post must be reviewed frequently to insure they do not become obsolete. A
special order may be added to a gd post for a specific length of time to cover a certain
situation and deleted at the end of a specified time, or on a certain data.
Drill and Ceremonies
Drill tng starts the day a man enters the Armed Forces. It consists of certain
movements by which a serviceman, squad, platoon, company or battalion is moved in
an orderly manner from one fmn to another or from one place to another.

Some of the drill terms are: elm, fmn, line, rank, file, colm, flank and front.
One of the basics of marching in a unit (flight, squadron, group, wing, etc.) is the
concept of Dress, Cover, Interval, and Distance, commonly referred to as DCID. The
proper use of DCID maintains the professional look in a marching unit.
Dress is the alignment of you and the person to your right while maintaining the
proper interval. If you are on the right, you are right.
Cover is the alignment of you and the person directly in front of you while
maintaining the proper distance. If you are in front, dress and cover off the person in
the front right.
Interval is the space between you and the person to your right. A normal interval
is an arm's length; close arm interval is 4 inches.
Distance is the space between you and the person in front of you. Proper distance
is 40 inches, or roughly an arm and a hand's length away from you.
There are two kinds of comds: the preparatory command and the command of
execution. For example, to take the psn of attention the leader is to give firstly the
preparatory comd "Tench", after which the comd of execution "Hut" should follow
IV. Answer the following questions:
1.When does a man who enters any branch of the Armed Forces begin to take
military training?
2.What does the daily routine start and end with?
3.What documents is military training based on?
4.What activities are recruitees involved into while taking military training?
5.What types of guard are there in the US Armed Forces?
6.What is the classification of the exterior guard?
7.What element of the interior guard do you know?
8.What is the general composition of the main guard?
9.What are the orders to be followed by the guard?
10. What does the drill training consist of?
11. What is DCID?
12. How are all the commands classified?
V. Prepare retelling of the text.
VI. Translate these words and word combinations rapidly: попередня
команда; command of execution; дотримуватися необхідного інтервалу; drill
training; виконувати обов'язки; to be assigned to relief; умовний сигнал у
відповідь; commanding officer; чатовий; to be armed and equipped with;
призначати в наряд; specifically designated patrols; зона бойових дій; field
training; склад варти; duty roster; військовий статут; range practice; фізична
підготовка; to take military training.
VII. Match the definitions in the right-hand
column with the appropriate terms given in the left-hand column:
Commanding Officer A field grade officer detailed as the personal
representative of the commanding officer.

Field Officer of the Day The senior noncommissioned officer of the guard. He
supervises the enlisted members of the guard and is
responsible to the commander of the guard.
Officer of the Day The next senior noncommissioned officer of the guard.
Commander of the The officer commanding an installation, organization, unit,
Guard garrison, or bivouac.
Sergeant of the Guard An officer, acting directly under the commanding
officer or field officer of the day, who is responsible on a
given day for the execution of all orders of the
commanding officer relating to guard duty and other duties
as may be assigned.
Relief Commander The senior officer or noncommissioned officer of the
guard, next junior to the officer of the day.
Fixed Post System An extra member of the guard who is used when needed to
replace a guard or perform duties prescribed by local
Guard A building, tent, or other location occupied by men
detailed for interior guard duty. It is the headquarters for
the guard.
Guard's Post Assigning sentinels to guard duty at fixed posts where they
remain until relieved.
Supernumerary An individual responsible to keep watch over, protect,
shield, defend, warn, or any duties prescribed by general
orders and/or special orders. Also referred to as a sentinel,
sentry, or lookout.
Guardhouse An area for which the guard is responsible. Within his post,
a guard performs the duties required by general and special
Challenge A secret word or distinctive sound used to reply to a
challenge. The second word or part of the countersign. It is
used in answer the challenge and is disseminated only to
friendly personnel.
Password The first word or part of the countersign, used to challenge
a person or party. It is disseminated only to friendly

VIII. Translate the following questions from Ukrainian into English:

1. З чого починається та закінчується звичайний день у військах? 2. На чому
'рунтується і що в себе включає військова підготовка? 3. Чи виконують солдати
свої обов'язки відповідно до розпорядку дня? 4. Які типи варт ви можете
назвати? 5. Які основні завдання внутрішньої вартової служби? 6. Чим
відрізняється внутрішня вартова служби від зовнішньої? 7. Яка класифікація
підрозділів внутрішньої вартової служби?

8.Чи входить до складу основної варти черговий військової частини?

9.Для виконання яких завдань призначаються спеціальні варти? 10. Чи
укомплектовується особовий склад варти зброєю? 11. Ким перевіряється
готовність варти до несення служби? 12. Як здійснюється зміна варти? 13. Чи
може особовий склад варти здійснювати патрулювання на мотоциклах? 14. Яка
різниця між основними наказами та спеціальними? 15. Яка особа відповідає за
встановлення форми одягу та озброєння для особового складу варти?
IX. Translate the following text from English into Ukrainian:
The patrol system is used in the main guard wherever practicable and is most
suitable when large areas are guarded. Motor transportation is used whenever
possible. The functioning of patrols is checked by timeclocks or periodic reporting by
telephone, in person, or by other means, and by frequent inspections. If practicable,
patrols are quartered together, generally at the guardhouse, and a system of wire or
radio communication is provided between patrols and the guardhouse.
Regulations for the duties, conduct, strength, and posting of the patrol elements of
the guard are published by the commanding officer to suit local conditions.
The commanding officer determines the size of patrols. Certain key men may
obtain guard duty permanently while the others may be detailed semipermanently.
Generally, each patrol consists of two guards.
The daily tour for each patrol is ordinarly from 6 to 8 hours, and each relief is
inspected before going on duty. The patrols move directly to their post, from the
guardhouse. One patrol relieves another by meeting at a particular point at a
prearranged time. The patrol relieved reports back to the guardhouse immediately.
A reserve large enough to meet any local emergency is maintained at the
guardhouse. The commanding officer prescribes the strength and conduct of the
X. Make up and translate sentences with the following words and word
daily routine; regulations; field manual; drill and ceremonies; guard; fixed post;
officer of the day; sentinel; commanding officer; preparatory command; command of
execution; to take military training; to be detailed for duty; to protect; to be
responsible for; to classify; to consist of; to be armed and equipped with; to
challenge; to comply with; to move in an orderly manner; to maintain the proper
distance; to give commands.
XI. Translate the following text from Ukrainian into English:
Зазвичай чергування в наряді триває протягом 24 годин. У кінці чергування
новий наряд змінює старий. До складу варти входять три зміни. Зміна
складається з унтер-офіцера, який призначається старшим зміни, і необхідної
кількості чатових з такого розрахунку, щоб зміна могла виставити чатових на
всі наявні пости. Пости нумеруються і кожен чатовий несе відповідальність за
свій пост. Кожна зміна несе службу протягом двох годин з 4-годинною

перервою. Кількість особового складу у варті, місця несення служби та

спеціальні накази встановлюються командиром частини. Він також встановлює
форму одягу, озброєння та спорядження всіх військовослужбовців варти. Варта
знаходиться під управлінням чергового частини. Особовий склад внутрішньої
вартової служби, як правило, складається з начальника варти, сержанта-
помічника начальника варти, розвідних та рядового складу варти.
XII. Translate the text from English into Ukrainian:
If a guard sees any person on or near his post during the time for challenging, he
positions himself so that he can control the situation. If possible, he should be out of
sight when challenging. When the person is approximately 30 steps, or at sufficient
distance to allow the guard time to react, the guard will assume the correct challenge
position and command "HALT!" When the person has halted, the guard asks, "WHO
IS THERE?" The guard may advance toward the person while challenging to put
himself in a better position. When the guard is in the best position to pass or
apprehend the person, he requires the person to advance towards him, remain in
position, or advance to a particular place, face toward the light, or to take any
position necessary to determine whether the person should be passed, denied, or
turned over to the commander of the relief.
The guard permits only one member of a group to approach him for identification.
If persons are in a vehicle, the guard proceeds as if they were on foot. If necessary
to carry out his duties, he may have one or all of the passengers dismount.
After halting a group and receiving an answer indicating that it is authorized to
cross, the guard says, "Advance one to be recognized". After he has recognized the
one advanced, the guard says, "Advance, Sergeant Smith", naming the person (or
group) allowed to advance. If the answer is "Friends," the guard says, "Advance one
to be recognized". After recognition he says, "Advance, friends".
The guard satisfies himself beyond a reasonable doubt that those challenged are
what they represent themselves to be and that they have a right to pass. If he is not
satisfied, he detains the person and calls the commander of the relief. Normally, the
guard will accept a reasonable answer for identification if the post is not a vital area
and the persons are not suspicious looking.
XIII. Explain the following terms and word combinations:
daily routine; reveille; field manual; drill and ceremonies; duty roster; combat
zone; officer of the day; sergeant of the guard; countersign; drill training; formation;
line; rank; file; column; interval; distance; preparatory command; command of
execution; position of attention; map reading; interior guard; special guard;
commanding officer; alignment; to be tailored for.
XIV. Compare the US Armed Forces guard duty and the Ukrainian
Armed Forces guard duty.


Unit 8


uniform (unif) форма; формений одяг; форма одягу.

insignia знаки розрізнення
nametag іменний жетон
service uniform (svc unif) повсякденна форма одягу
utility uniform допоміжна форма одягу
field uniform (fld unif) польова форма одягу
class A, B, C service uniform повсякденна форма одягу класу А, В, С
four-in-hand tie галстук-самов'яз
accessories фурнітура; приладдя; аксесуари
service coat повсякденний (відкритий) кітель
long-sleeved shirt сорочка з довгим рукавом
short-sleeved shirt сорочка з коротким рукавом
outer garment верхній одяг
skirt спідниця
slacks широкі штани
maternity uniform форма одягу для вагітних
tunic кітель; мундир
hospital duty uniform форма одягу для медпрацівників
food service uniform спеціальна форма одягу (для кухні)
major command (Army) (MA(J)COM) головне командування (сухопутних військ)
insignia of arm знаки розрізнення роду військ
insignia of service знаки розрізнення служби
wound chevron нашивка за поранення
service stripe нашивка за вислугу років
bar орденська планка
government issue clothing обмундирування казенного зразку
shoulder loop м'який вшивний погон
shoulder board жорсткий погон
headgear головний убір
decoration бойова нагорода (бойові ордени та медалі,
окрім пам'ятних та ювілейних)
order орден
medal медаль
service medal ювілейна (пам'ятна) медаль
service ribbon орденська стрічка
badge нагрудний знак

identification tag особистий знак

identification card (ID card) посвідчення особи
pay data card розрахункова книжка
ration card продовольчий атестат
liberty pass записка про звільнення
operator's permit посвідчення водія (права на керування
автомобілем, танком і под.)
sick slip листок хворого
blood type група крові
tetanus shot ін'єкція проти правця
casualty (cas) втрати; поранені; уражені; убиті;
підбиті; рі. поранені; уражені та вбиті
service number (SN) особистий номер
travel order (TO) відпускний квиток; розпорядження, наказ,
transportation request (TR) вимога на перевезення

I. Find out the following words and word combinations in the text. Encode
and translate them:
service; uniform; soldier; military; information; field uniform; Army green;
commander; Continental US; major command (Army); Army Regulation; personnel;
mission; grade; service personnel; identification number; World War II; service
number; casualty; travel order; transportation request.
II. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following word combinations. Find them
in the text:
to wear the uniform as prescribed; to identify the unit; authorized accessories; to
revoke privileges; to restrict the wear of civilian clothes; to conform to the
appearance standards in the regulation; government issue clothing; to wear
decorations; to stamp on a small piece of metal; to be used for the identification of
dead and wounded; signature of the issuing officer.
III. Find out equivalents for the following word combinations in the text:
охайний та доглянутий зовнішній вигляд; збирати інформацію щодо
власника; відображати особисті досягнення; бути встановленим для носіння;
континентальна частина Сполучених Штатів; під час виконання службових
обов'язків; вимоги спеціальних завдань; видавати посвідчення особи; вести
The Army is a uniformed svc where discipline is judged, in part, by the manner in
which the individual wears the unif as prescribed. Therefore, a neat and well-
groomed appearance by sols is fundamental to the Army and contributes to building
the pride and esprit de corps essential to an effective mil force.
The unif allows others to gather info about its wearer without the wearer having to

say anything. The unif represents the USA. The unif proclaims a serviceman as an
American sol:
the shoulder sleeve insignia identifies the unit that the wearer is a member of;
the nametag identifies the wearer of the unif;
badges identify the skills of the wearer;
ribbons display the individual's accomplishments.
Classification of svc and utility or fid unifs.
a. The male class A svc unif consists of the Army green (AG) coat and trousers, a
short- or long-sleeved AG shirt with a black four-in-hand tie, and other authorized
b.The male class B svc unif is the same as class A, except the svc coat is not worn.
The black four-in-hand tie is required with the long-sleeved AG shirt when the long-
sleeved shirt is worn without the class A coat, as an outer garment; the tie is optional
with the short-sleeved shirt.


c. The female class A svc unif consists of the AG coat and skirt or slacks, a short-
or long-sleeved AG shirt with a black neck tab, and other authorized accessories. The
AG maternity unif (slacks or skirt) is also classified as a class A svc unif when the
tunic is worn.
Place the bottom of the U.S. insignia disk approximately 1 inch above the notch,
centered on the right collar with the center line of the insignia parallel to the inside
edge of the lapel.
Center unit crests on the shoulder loops, an equal distance from the outside shoulder
seam and the outside edge of the button, with the baseof the insignia pointed toward
the outside shoulder seam

Center regimental crest 1/8 inch above the top of the pocket flap. Wearthe regimental
crest 1/4 inch above unit awards and foreign badges if worn.
Center unit awards 1/8 inch above the top of the pocket flap.
Center rank insignia between the shoulder seam and the elbow on both sleeves.
Centerthe nameplate on the flap of the right pocket between the top of the button and
the top ofthe pocket.
The sleeve will be 1 inch below the bottom of the wrist bone.
Class A Uniform
The Army green uniform is authorized for year-round wear. For a more detailed
discussion of proper wear of the uniform and accessories, consult Army Regulation
d.The female class B svc unif is the same as the class A, except that neither the
svc coat nor the maternity tunic are worn. The black neck tab is required only when
wearing the long-sleeved AG shirt or the long-sleeved maternity shirt without the
class A coat or tunic; the neck tab is optional with the short-sleeved version of both
e. Class C unifs are the utility, fld, hospital duty, food svc, and other
organizational unifs.

Civilian clothing is authorized for wear when off duty, unless the wear is
prohibited by the installation comdr in CONUS or by the MACOM comdr overseas.
Comdrs down to unit level may restrict the wear of civilian clothes by those sols who
have had their pass privileges revoked, under the provisions of corresponding Army
Regulation (AR).
When on duty in civilian clothes, Army pers will conform to the appearance
standards in the regulation, unless specifically exempted by the comdr for specific
msn requirements.
All insignia such as insignia of gr, insignia of arm or svc, wound chevrons, svc
stripes, bars are worn by all authorized servicemen on their government issue
clothing, i.e. on shoulder loops, shoulder boards, headgear, sleeves, collars, and
lapels. When awarded, members of the Armed Forces are to wear decorations (orders,
crosses, and medals), svc medals, svc ribbons, and badges.
Personal Papers
Svc pers are issued identification tags, identification cards, pay data cards, ration
cards, and such other papers as liberty passes, operator's permits, individual sick slips
and so on.
Identification tags. Stamped on a small piece of metal that is worn on a metal
chain around the neck are: the name, military ID number, blood type and religious
preference (during WWII, certain medical info such as the date of the sol's last
tetanus shot was also included on the tag). A dog tag is also the colloquial name for
the identification tags worn by mil pers. The tag is primarily used for the
identification of dead and wounded.
Wearing of the tag is required at all times by sols in the fld. It may contain two

copies of the info and be designed to break easily into two pieces. This allows half
the tag to be collected for notification while the other half remains with the body
when battle conditions do not allow the cas to be immediately recovered.
Identification cards are issued to all pers on duty. The following data is depicted
on the card: the name of the individual, his gr, arm or svc, SN, station where the card
was issued, birth date, height, weight, color of hair and eyes, race, sex, blood type,
holder's fingerprints, and signature of the issuing off.
Pay data card are issued with the purpose of keeping records of a serviceman pay
status. Liberty passes are issued to authorize a soldier to be absent for more than 72
hours. When members of the uniformed svcs are authorized to travel they are issued
TOs and TRs.
IV. Answer the following questions:
1. What is discipline in part judged in the Army and why?
2.What information can be gathered from a uniformed serviceman?
3.What are the main types of service uniform?
4.What is the difference between male service uniform and female one?
5. What military insignia do you know? Where is it worn?
6.What personal papers of an American soldier can you name?
7.What is an identification tag? What is it designated for?
8.What data is shown on the identification cards?
9.What other documents of a serviceman can you think of and what is their
V. Prepare retelling of the text.
VI. Translate these words and word combinations rapidly:
uniformed service; носити форму одягу; shoulder sleeve insignia; фурнітура;
outer garment; повсякденна форма одягу; when off duty; статут сухопутних
військ; when on duty; знаки розрізнення; government issue clothing;
розпізнавання вбитих та поранених; to be authorized to travel; іменний жетон;
preparatory command; виконавча команда; to accomplish one's duties; призначати
в наряд; range practice; проходити військову підготовку; to retire; користуватися
пільгами; to resign; військовослужбовець рядового та унтер-офіцерського
VII. Make up and translate sentences with the following words and word
to be issued with the purpose of; to authorize; to break into pieces; dog tag;
authorized servicemen; government issue clothing; to be on duty; to prohibit the
wear; maternity tunic; to be optional; authorized accessories; to be classified as; to be
required; outer garment; long-sleeved shirt; to identify the wearer; to display
accomplishments; to gather information about; uniformed service; to wear the
uniform as prescribed.
VIII. Match the definitions in the right-hand column with the appropriate
terms given in the left-hand column:


Uniformed services An all-inclusive term that consists of any decoration, medal,

badge, ribbon, or appurtenance bestowed on an individual or
Insignia Utility and organizational uniforms, excluding the hospital
duty and food service uniforms, that are worn in field, training,
or combat environments.
Awards V-shaped sleeve badge indicating military rank and service.

Accessories The Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard,
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and Public
Health Service.
Field uniforms An object or mark which officially shows either that a person
or object belongs to a particular organization or country, or
that a person has a particular rank.
Nametag An award issued to an individual for the performance of
certain duties, acts or services, consisting of a suspension
ribbon made in distinctive colors and from which hangs a
Chevron Something added to clothing which has a useful or decorative

Medal An award made to an operating unit, which is worn by

members of that unit who participated in the cited action.
Ribbon A tag showing the name of the person who wears it.
Unit award A portion of the suspension ribbon of a medal, worn in lieu of
the medal and made in the form of a bar, 138 inches long by %
inch wide.

IX. Translate the following text from Ukrainian into English:

В армії США, як і в будь-якій іншій армії світу, існують нагороди
військовослужбовців за бойові подвиги, успішно виконані бойові завдання,
старанну службу. Ці знаки розрізнення з часом утворили чітку систему нагород.
Документом, який визначає порядок розміщення нагород на військовій
формі одягу та встановлює, які саме нагороди військовослужбовець має право
носити, є армійський статут "Уніформа та знаки розрізнення. Носіння та
зовнішній вигляд армійської уніформи та знаків розрізнення" (Army Regulation.
Uniforms and Insignia. Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignia).
Система нагород армії США має свої певні особливості. Найбільш
помітними особливостями є такі.
У США не існує розподілення нагород за військові відзнаки на ордена та
медалі. Найменування нагороди за військову відзнаку визначається лише її
зовнішнім виглядом.

Військовослужбовці, окрім нагород за свої особисті бойові відзнаки, успіхи

у службовій діяльності та пам'ятних медалей, носять нагороди, які були
присвоєні даній військовій частині чи підрозділу. Окремі з таких колективних
нагород військовослужбовець має право носити лише якщо він брав
безпосередню участь у цих подіях.
У разі повторного нагородження військовослужбовця тією чи іншою
нагородою другий знак нагороди не носиться, а замість цього на стрічці
нагороди розміщується певний аксесуар (appurtenance): зірочка, літера,
лавровий листок, цифра і под., який вказує на те, що військовослужбовець був
нагороджений два чи більше разів.
Майже всі нагороди існують у двох варіантах - повнорозмірному та
мініатюрному. Носіння того чи іншого розміру нагороди визначається типом
Усі нагороди розподіляються по їх старшинству, тобто за рівнем пошани.
Від старшинства залежить місце розташування нагороди на уніформі.
Носіння нагород є обов'язковим на офіційних церемоніях, парадах, оглядах,
інспекціях, похоронах. У решті випадків носіння всіх чи окремих нагород
визначає сам військовослужбовець. Забороняється носіння нагород солдатам та
сержантам, які перебувають у тюрмі; офіцерам, які усунені з посади; на
цивільному одязі (за винятком нагород, носіння яких на цивільному одязі
обумовлено статутом).
X. Translate the textfrom English into Ukrainian:
This unif is issued as utility, fld, tng, or cbt unif and is not intended to be worn as
all-purpose unif when other unifs are more appropriate. Army combat uniform
(ACU) may only be worn on duty when prescribed by the comdr. ACUs are
authorized to be worn off post unless restricted by comdrs. They are not for travel,
nor for wearing off mil installations except in transit between the individual's quarters
and duty station.
Three different versions of the ACU have been developed, and more than 10,000
unifs have been produced and battle-tested in the sands of Iraq and at Army tng
This unif performs well in multiple environments. Its new pockets and color
designs are a result of sols in cbt. It's only fitting that the next generation of Army
unifs be designed to meet actual wartime requirements.
The ACU consists of a jacket, trousers, moisture wicking t-shirt and the brown cbt
boots. It will replace both versions of the battle dress uniform (BDU) and the desert
camoflauge unif. The black beret will be the normal headgear for the ACU, but there
is a matching patrol cap to be worn at the commander's discretion.
In addition to the overall pattern and color changes, the ACU changes include:
mandarin collar that can be worn up or down; rank insignia affixed above right chest
pocket; Velcro for wearing unit patch, skill tabs and recognition devices; zippered
front closure; elbow pouch for internal elbow pad inserts; knee pouch for internal

knee pad inserts; elastic leg cuff; tilted chest pockets with Velcro closure; three-slot
pen pocket on bottom of sleeve; Velcro sleeve cuff closure; shoulder pockets with
Velcro; forward tilted cargo pockets; integrated blouse bellows for increased upper
body mobility; integrated Friend or Foe Identification Square on both left and right
shoulder pocket flap; bellowed calf storage pocket on left and right leg; moisture-
wicking desert tan t-shirt; Patrol Cap with double thick bill and internal pocket;
improved hot-weather desert boot or temperate-weather desert boot.
XI. Translate the following questions from Ukrainian into English:
1. Що включає чоловіча повсякдення форма одягу класу А? 2. Що включає
жіноча повсякдення форма одягу класу А? 3. Коли військовослужбовцям
збройних сил США дозволяється носити цивільну форму одягу? 4. У якому
випадку командир військової частини може заборонити носіння цивільної
форми одягу? 5. На яких частинах форми одягу військовослужбовці повинні
носити знаки розрізнення роду військ? 6. Які документи видаються
військовослужбовцям збройних сил США? 7. Що вказується на особистому
знаку військовослужбовців? 8. Чи існує необхідність носити особистий знак у
польових умовах? 9. Для чого особисті знаки видаються військовослужбовцям
у двох екземплярах? 10. Які дані вказуються у посвідченнях особи? 11. Для
чого видається розрахункова книжка? 12. На який термін військовослужбовець
має право бути відсутнім, якщо в нього є записка про звільнення? 13. При
наявності яких документів військовослужбовцю дозволяється подорожувати?
XII. Explain the following terms and word combinations:
uniform; insignia; field uniform; service uniform; accessories; outer garment;
maternity uniform; food service uniform; insignia of arm; wound chevron; shoulder
loop; shoulder board; headgear; service medal; identification tag; identification card;
operator's permit; sick slip; service number.
XIII. Give comparative characteristics of the US Armed Forces uniform
and Ukrainian Armed Forces uniform.


Unit 9

United States Army сухопутні війська США

land combat (cbt) наземний бій
active-duty army регулярна (дійсна) армія
Army National Guard (ARNG) національна гвардія сухопутних військ
Army Reserve (ARes) резерв сухопутних військ
civilian employees цивільні працівники (службовці)
organic штатний, табельний
prosecution of war ведення війни
expansion нарощування, збільшення
component (comp) складова частина; контингент; формування
(збройних сил)
prompt operations швидкоплинні бойові дії
to defeat отримувати перемогу; завдавати поразки;
to seize захоплювати; оволодівати
to occupy the territory займати територію
combat ready troops боєготовні війська
air defense (AD) повітряна оборона
missile defense (msl def) ракетна оборона
military doctrine військова доктрина
amphibious operation (amph op) морська десантна операція
airborne operation повітряно-десантна операція
space operation космічна операція
deployment розгортання; перегрупування; передислокація
to reinforce (reinf) посилювати
standing force діючі сили
armed service вид збройних сил
reconnaissance (recon) розвідка; розвідувальний
bombardment бомбардування; бомбардувальний
amphibious landing висадка десанту
to embark проводити посадку; вантажити
to maintain обслуговувати в технічному відношенні
Command Post (CP) командний пункт
communications facilities (comm засоби зв'язку
supply lines мережі постачання
ground bases наземні бази
demilitarized zone (DMZ) демілітаризована зона
flexibility гнучкість

sets of combat equipment комплекти бойового спорядження

Maritime Prepositioning Ship (MPS) корабль швидкого реагування
transport plane транспортний літак
Special Operations Forces (SOF) сили спеціального призначення
weaponry зброя; озброєння
enemy lines розміщення противника

I.Find out the following abbreviations in the text. Decode and translate them:
military; responsibility; combat; Army Reserve; Department of the Army; service;
aviation; transport; military operation; component; enemy; missile defense; United
States; amphibious operations; Special Operations Forces; demilitarized zone;
training; troops; reinforce; soldier; attack; control; Army National Guard; Marine
Corps; Air Force; equipment; supplies; support; reconnaissance; ground combat
operations; transportation; Maritime Prepositioning Ship; communications facilities;
weapons; mission; command post.
II. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following word combinations. Find them
in the text:
chief responsibility for land combats; integrated joint mobilization plan;
expansion of the peacetime components of the Army; to defeat enemy land forces; in
accordance with joint doctrines; joint amphibious, airborne, and space operations; to
provide the forces stationed at permanent bases; to maintain combat-ready troops for
deployment anywhere in the world; to reinforce the Army; decisive force in warfare;
to attack and control large areas; to conduct amphibious landings and conventional
ground combat operations; to deter military aggression; to deploy troops; to maintain
the maximum flexibility; to keep combat equipment on ships; to be well-trained in
weaponry and unconventional warfare.
III. Find out equivalents for the following word combinations in the text:
регулярна армія; знаходитися під управлінням міністерства сухопутних
військ; нести відповідальність за підготовку наземних сил; ведення війни та
воєнних операцій; відповідати вимогам воєнного часу; ведення швидкоплинних
та тривалих бойових дій на землі; забезпечення військ; надавати допомогу у
випадку надзвичайних ситуацій; транспортувати сили сухопутних військ,
обладнання та запаси; підрозділи, що базуються поза континентальною
частиною США; демілітаризована зона; проводити підготовку та надавати
військову освіту; комплекти бойового спорядження; знищувати командні пости.
United States Army is a mil force of the United States with the chief resp for land
cbts. The US Army includes the active-duty army, the ARNG, ARes and civilian
employees, all under the direction of the DA.
The Army, within the DA, includes land cbt and svc forces and any organic avn,
space forces, and water trans assigned. The Army is resp for the preparation of land

forces necessary for the effective prosecution of war and mil ops, except as otherwise
assigned and, in accordance with integrated joint mobilization plans, for the
expansion of the peacetime comps of the Army to meet the needs of war.
The primary functions of the Army are:
to organize, train, and equip forces for the conduct of prompt and sustained cbt
ops on land - specifically, forces to defeat en land forces and to seize, occupy, and
defend land areas;
to organize, train, equip, and provide forces for appropriate air and msl def and
space op unique to the Army, including the provision of forces as required for the
strategic def of the US, in accordance with joint doctrines;
to organize, equip, and provide Army forces, in coordination with the other
Military Services, for joint amph, airborne, and space ops and to provide for the tng
of such forces, in accordance with joint doctrines.
The Army provides the forces stationed at permanent bases around the world and
maintains combat-ready trps for deployment anywhere in the world. The ARNG and
ARes train units to provide assistance in case of emergency and disaster, to serve on
active duty during wars, and to reinf the Army.
The Army protects American interests by maintaining its standing force of just
under 500,000 sols, backed by about 500,000 trps in the ARes and over 350,000 in
the ARNG. These trps are trained and equipped to destroy en armies and occupy
other countries if necessary. Because of the Army's ability to atk and con large areas,
it often becomes the decisive force in warfare.
The Army works in concert with the three other major armed svcs of the US
Armed Forces - the Navy, the MC, and the AF. Navy ships transport Army trps.
equip, and sups to bases overseas. The Navy also assists Army ops with air spt, recon,
and naval bombardments. Marine units conduct amph landings and conventional gnd
cbt ops. The AF provides airborne trans for Army units and offers other types of air
spt as necessary. The Army assists the other three branches by establishing and
defending ground bases, comm facs, and supply lines.
Strategic Role
United States Army units stationed overseas protect America's strategic interests,
offer spt for allied countries, and deter mil aggression. The Army stations about
65,000 sols in Germany, about 40,000 sols along the DMZ in South Korea, and about
5000 sols in Kuwait. The Army also deploys trps in about 100 countries at any given
time to provide tng and mil education.
To maintain the maximum flexibility to fight all over the world, the Army
maintains sets of cbt equip at strategic land bases around the world. The Army also
keeps cbt equip on ships, called Maritime Prepositioning Ships (MPS), stationed in
places such as Diego Garcia, a small island in the Indian Ocean. If fighting seems
likely, this equip can be rapidly sent to the contested area. Army sols, rushed in on
large transport planes, then unload the wpns and supplies from the ships and embark
on their msn.
In addition to the conventional cbt forces, the Army also maintains SOF for quick

deployment. Special Forces are exceptionally well-trained in weaponry,

unconventional warfare, foreign languages, cultures and ideology, comm and
electronics. The Army sends Special Forces on high-risk msns, such as atking bases
behind en lines, destroying en CPs, and long-range recon.
IV. Answer the following questions:
1.What is the chief responsibility of the US Army?
2. What components does the Army consist of?
3.What primary functions of the Army can you name?
4.Does the Army act separately or jointly with other armed services to accomplish
its missions?
5.What do the Army National Guard and Army Reserve train units for?
6.What is approximate strength of the Army?
7.What three major armed services of the US Armed Forces does the Army work
in concert with? What services are provided by these components?
VI. Here are military abbreviations that you will often see. Findfull words for
them and translate them:
CPs; atk; msn; comm; cbt; wpn; equip; tng; trps; fac; amph; spt; gnd; svc; Ares;
reinf; msl; ICBM; trans; avn; resp; DA; DN; sol; ROTC; 2LT; FA; PT; veh; noncom;
PVT; NCO; EM; comdr; WO; USAR; CoOff; USN; reg off; USAF; DOD; CPT; BG;
COL; CM; MRE; veh.
X.Translate the following questions from Ukrainian into English:
1. Що таке сухопутні війська США? 2. Які підрозділи входять до складу
сухопутних військ США? 3. Яка відповідальність покладається на сухопутні
війська США? 4. Які основні функції сухопутних військ США? 5. Чи є
сухопутні війська США вирішальною силою під час ведення бойових дій? 6. З
якою метою здійснюється підготовка підрозділів резерву сухопутних військ та
національної гвардії США? 7. З якими видами збройних сил сухопутні війська
підтримують тісну взаємодію? 8. У яких країнах сухопутні війська США
здійснюють захист інтересів своєї держави? 9. Чим забезпечується гнучкість
ведення бойових дій збройними силами у будь- якій країні світу? 10. Чи
існують підрозділи спеціального призначення у сухопутних військах США?

XI. Learn the active vocabulary list.

branch (br) рід військ; служба
basic branch основний рід військ; основний вид служб
special branch спеціальна служба
combat arm (cbt arm) бойовий рід військ
combat support arm (cbt spt рід військ бойової підтримки та
arm) безпосереднього забезпечення бойових дій
combat service support branch служба тилового забезпечення військ в бою
(CSS br)
Infantry (Inf) піхота
Adjutant General's Corps служба генерального ад'ютанта

Corps of Engineers (CE) інженерні війська
Finance Corps (FC) фінансова служба
Quartermaster Corps (QMC) квартирмейстерська служба
Air Defense Artillery (ADA) артилерія ППО
Field Artillery (FA) польова артилерія
Armor бронетанкові війська
Ordnance Corps (OrdC) артилерійсько-технічна служба
Signal Corps (SigC) війська зв'язку
Chemical Corps (CmlC) хімічні війська
Military Police Corps (MPC) корпус військової поліції
Transportation Corps (TC) транспортні війська
Military Intelligence (MI) військова розвідка
army aviation армійська авіація
Army Medical Department медичне управління сухопутних військ
Medical Corps (MC) військово-медична служба
Army Nurse Corps (ANC) служба медичних сестер сухопутних військ
Dental Corps (DC) зуболікувальна служба
Veterinary Corps (VC) ветеринарна служба
Medical Service Corps (MSC) корпус медичного обслуговування
Army Medical Specialist Corps служба медичних спеціалістів сухопутних
(AMSC) військ
Special Forces війська спеціального призначення
Judge Advocate General's військово-юридична служба
Corps (JAGC)
Chaplains Corps (CHC) служба військових священиків
administration (admin) управління; адміністрація; тил та забезпечення;
управління тилом; адміністративно-
господарське управління
fire вогонь; стріляти; вести вогонь; робити постріл
maneuver (mvr) маневр; здійснювати маневр
counterattack (catk) контрудар; контратака
combined arms team загальновійськове з'єднання; змішана група
rear (rr) area тиловий район; тил
firepower вогнева міць
shock action ударна сила
mobility мобільність
to close with the enemy by fire зближуватися з противником, використовуючи
and maneuver вогонь та маневр
to repel enemy's assault відбивати наступ противника
to destroy or capture the enemy знищити чи захопити противника,
by fire, close combat, and використовуючи вогонь, ближній бій та

counterattack контратаку
to provide health care забезпечувати медичне обслуговування
to be primarily concerned with займатися, головним чином, веденням бойових
combat and combat support дій та їх безпосереднім забезпеченням
to destroy, neutralize or знищувати, нейтралізувати та придушувати
suppress the enemy противника
to detect and deter the enemy in виявляти та утримувати противника в тилових
the rear area районах
to determine an enemy's plans, установлювати плани противника, його наміри
intentions, and capabilities та можливості

XII. Translate the textfrom English into Ukrainian:

The Branches of the Army are classified as basic and special brs, which are further
divided into arms and svcs based on the normal functions and roles performed by the
sols assigned to them.
The brs of the Army are classified as the basic brs and the special brs. The basic
brs are: Inf, AGC, CE, FC, QMC, ADA, FA, Armor, OrdC, SigC, CmlC, MPC, TC,
MI, Avn, MC and Special Forces.
The special brs are each corps of the Army Medical Department (specifically,
MC, ANC, DC, VC, MSC, and AMSC), the JAGC, and the Chaplains Branch.
The brs of the Army are grouped into arms and svcs. The arms are those brs
whose offs are primarily concerned with cbt and cbt spt. The svcs are those brs whose
offs are primarily concerned with CSS and/or admin of the Army as a whole. Certain
brs are both an arm and svc.
The arms are Inf, CE, ADA, FA, Armor, SigC, MPC, Avn, CmlC, Special Forces,
and MI.
The svs are AGC, CE, FC, QMC, Army Medical Department, Chaplains Branch,
JAGC, OrdC, SigC, CmlC, MPC, and TC.
Inf closes with the en by fire and mvr in order to destroy or capture him or repel
his assault by fire, close cbt, and catk. The Inf forms the nucleus of the Army's
fighting str.
Armor closes with and destroys the en through firepower, shock action, and
The FA is the Army's Fire Support branch - the "King of Battle". It destroys,
neutralizes or suppresses the en by cannon, rocket or missile fire. ADA protects the
force and selected geopolitical assets from aerial attack, missile attack, and
The msn of Army Aviation is to find, fix, and destroy the en through fire and mvr;
and to provide cbt, cbt svc and CSS in coordinated ops as an integral member of the
combined arms team.
MPC is trained to detect and deter the en in the rr area, protecting command posts,
communications centers, and vital resources.

Determining an en's plans, intentions, and capabilities before they're set into
motion is of critical value to mil leaders. This is the job of MI.
SigC operations range from tactical cbt signal units or as detachment comdrs in
signal units which operate strategic fixed station telecommunications switching
centers, satellite terminals, and radio relay stations. Other duties which involve the
research and development of new communications electronics equipment, missile
guidance systems, lasers, and computer hardware.
Insignia of Branch
CmlC is resp for battlefield nuclear, biological, chemical, smoke, and flame ops,
including cbt ops, logistics, tng, intelligence, personnel management, research,
development, and analysis.
AGC runs a series of personnel management systems. These systems impact on
unit readiness, morale, and soldier career satisfaction, and cover the lifecycle
management of all Army personnel. The AG Corps officer is responsible for both
peacetime and wartime personnel systems.
FC msn is to sustain the cbt sols and comdrs in the field with timely and accurate
finance and accounting spt.
JAGC provides legal svcs for the Army and its sols. Judge advocates serve as
prosecutors and defense attorneys for criminal trials under the Uniform Code of
Military Justice.
QMC plans and directs activities which provide sols with food, water, petroleum,
repair parts, weapon systems, and a multitude of field services.
OrdC is resp for keeping the Army's cbt forces moving and shooting. Ordnance
Corps is the largest Corps in the Army, with companies, battalions, arsenals, depots,
groups and division and corps support commands that develop, produce, acquire and
support the Army's weapons systems (from small arms to artillery), ammunition
(conventional and nuclear), missiles (guided and free rockets), and wheeled and
tracked vehicles (tanks and trucks).
MC offers the kind of professional challenges that prevents a doctor's career from
becoming a predictable daily routine. The Army Health Care Team represents one of
the largest comprehensive systems of health care in the world. ANC is resp for taking
care of patients, and is exposed to a range of cases which is almost impossible to
duplicate in civilian nursing. MSC is an integral part of the Army Health Care Team.
They work together with other members to provide health care svcs for sols, their
families, and retirees.
From the beginning of American national history, Chaplains, as sols of God, have
helped to shape the heritage of America. The United States Army
Chaplaincy was officially created by an act of Continental Congress in July of 1775
upon the urgent request of General George Washington. Today's Chaplains,
representing over 100 faith groups, provide comprehensive religious spt to sols and
their families in war and peace.
XIII. Translate these words and word combinations rapidly:
рід військ; service; контратака; assignment; вести бойові дії; active army;

інженерні війська; to provide health care; колісні та гусеничні транспортні

засоби; Chief of Staff, United States Army; начальник штабу BMC; to receive
military training; виконувати обов'язки; in war and peace; піклуватися про
пацієнтів; conventional ammunition; особовий склад сухопутних військ; missile
guidance systems; тиловий район; command post; служба тилового забезпечення
військ в бою; to provide combat support; ракетний удар; to repel assault by fire,
close combat and counterattack.
XIV. Name the terms which would suite the following explanations:
1. Branches that engage directly into combat. 2. Branch of the Army, trained,
equipped and organized to fight on foot. 3. The land military forces of a nation. 4.
The Regular Army and units and individuals ordered to active military service from
the National Guard of the United States and the Army Reserve. 5. Branches that exist
to supply or administer the Army. 6. A term used to denote collectively all
components of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and Coast Guard of the
USA. 7. Permanent army maintained in peace as well as in war.
XV.Translate the following questions from Ukrainian into English:
1. Як ви можете класифікувати роди військ сухопутних військ США і
як вони в подальшому поділяються? 2. Чи не могли б ви перерахувати основні
та спеціальні роди військ і служби сухопутних військ США? 3. Які служби
відносяться до спеціальних? 4. Які відмінності між бойовими родами військ та
службами вам відомі? 5. Яким чином і з якою метою піхота зближується з
противником? 6. Завдяки чому бронетанкові війська знищують сили
противника? 7. Які засоби та форми знищення противника мають у своєму
розпорядженні підрозділи польової артилерії? 8. Які основні завдання авіації
сухопутних військ США? 9. Що собою являє корпус військової поліції і яке
його основне призначення? 10. Який рід військ займається розгортанням
пунктів управління та станцій зв'язку?
11. Офіцер служби генерального ад'ютанта відповідальний за систему
управління особовим складом лише в мирний час чи у воєнний також?
12. У чому полягає основна різниця між службою військових медсестер та
жіночою допоміжною службою і які їх безпосередні завдання?
XVI. Translate the following text from Ukrainian into English:
Сухопутні війська США складаються з родів військ та служб. До родів
військ відносяться ті частини та підрозділи сухопутних військ, які безпосере-
дньо ведуть бойові дії: піхота, бронетанкові війська, артилерія ППО та польова
артилерія. Інженерні війська, війська зв'язку, а також служба розвідки
розглядаються американцями як роди військ і служби одночасно, оскільки вони
виконують завдання із забезпечення бойових дій інших родів військ, а також
можуть брати безпосередню участь у веденні бойових дій.
Служби поділяються на основні та спеціальні. До основних служб
відносяться: інженерна, зв'язку, хімічна, розвідки, квартирмейстерська,
фінансова, артилерійсько-технічна, транспортна, генерал-ад'ютантська та
військової поліції.

До спеціальних служби відносяться: військово-медична, зуболікувальна,

ветеринарна, медичного обслуговування, медичних сестер, медичних
спеціалістів, військових священиків, військово-юридична та генерального
Окрім того, служби поділяються на адміністративні та технічні. До
адміністративних служб відносяться: генерал-ад'ютантська, військово-юри-
дична, військових священиків, фінансова, військової поліції. До технічних
служб відносяться: інженерна, хімічна, зв'язку, квартирмейстерська, ар-
тилерійсько-технічна, транспортна та військово-медична.

XVII. Learn the active vocabulary list.

Table of Organization and організаційно-штатний розклад і табель
Equipment (TOE) майна
Base Table of Organization and основний організаційно-штатний розклад і
Equipment (BTOE) табель майна
Objective Table of Organization and перспективний організаційно-штатний
Equipment (OTOE) розклад і табель майна
subordinate element підпорядкований підрозділ
combat arms бойові роди військ
combat support (CS; cbt spt) бойова підтримка та безпосереднє
забезпечення бойових дій
combat service support (CSS; cbt тилове забезпечення військ в бою
svc spt)
tactical (tac) тактичний; бойовий
leader (ldr) командир (підрозділу)
second-in-command (2IC) заступник командира
squad (sqd) відділення
section (sec) секція (в артилерії)
crew екіпаж
tactical unit бойовий підрозділ (частина)
platoon (plat) взвод
detachment (det) загін
company (co) рота
battery (btry) батарея
troop (trp) ескадрон (у кавалерії); рота (у
розвідувальних підрозділах)
headquarters (HQ, hq) штаб; штабний
Headquarters Company штабна рота
battalion (bn) батальйон
squadron (sqdn) (розвідувальний) батальйон; ескадрилья;
ескадра (великих кораблів); загін
(маленьких суден)
administrative (admin) адміністративний; тиловий;

logistic(al) (log) тиловий; матеріально-технічний
echelon (ech) ланка; ешелон
firepower вогнева міць
maneuver (mvr) маневр; здійснювати маневр
shock effect удар; ударна сила
intelligence (intel) дані; інформація; розвідка; розвідувальні
group (gp) група; угрупування; авіаційна група
regiment (regt) полк
battle (bat) бій; битва; вести бій
Armored Cavalry Regiment (armd розвідувальний полк
cav regt)
brigade (bde) бригада
operations other than war (OOTW) спеціальні невоєнні операції
division (div) дивізія
army corps (AC) (армійський) корпус
unit of the combined arms загальновійськове з'єднання
army group група армій

XVIII. Translate the textfrom English into Ukrainian:

The TOE is a document that prescribes the wartime msn, capabilities,
organizational structure, and msn essential pers and equip requirements for mil units.
It portrays the doctrinal modernization path of a unit over time from the least
modernized configuration (base TOE) to the most modernized (objective TOE).
The BTOE is an organization design based on doctrine and equip currently
available. The OTOE is a fully modernized, doctrinally sound organizational design
that sets the goal for planning and programming of the Army's force structure and
spting acquisition systems development.
Msns are executed or carried out by different size elms or orgns within the Army.
The basic building block of all Army orgns is the individual sol. A small gp of sols
organized to conduct inf mvr and fires is called a sqd.
As elms of the Army's organizational structure become larger units (i.e. brigade
and higher), they contain more and more subordinate elms from cbt arms, CS, and
CSS units, (e.g., companies and battalions).
Sqds, secs, and crews generally are the smallest orgns in tactical units. While size
can vary greatly, most range from four, as in a tank crew, to ten or twelve sols, as in a
rifle sqd or mortar sec. Generally, SSGTs are the ldrs of sqds, secs, and crews.
Plats consist of two or more sqds, secs, or crews. In Armor a plat consists of five
tank crews, in Inf, a plat consists of three rifle sqds and a wpns sqd or sec. LTs lead
most plats, and the 2IC is generally a SFC. Platoon-sized units such as dets are

normally commanded by LTs. The Long Range Surveillance Detachment (LRSD) is

organized as a det organic to the mil intel battalion at division level.
Company-sized units (btries in FA and trps in Cavalry) are normally commanded
by CPTs. They consist of two or more plats, usually of the same type, a hq, and, in
some cases, a limited self-support capability. Cos are the basic elms of all bns. They
are also assigned as separate units of bdes and larger orgns (for example, the bde or
div Hq Co). All close cbt cos can fight massed or by separate plats.
Bns (sqdns in Cavalry) consist of two or more company-sized units and a hq.
Most bns are organized by br, arm, or svc and, in addition to a typical compliment of
three to five operational cos, contain a hq co that gives them the ability to perform
some admin and log svcs. All bns, regardless of type, have at least two things in
common: they are capable of at least limited, short-term self-defense and they are all
generally commanded by LTCs. The bn is the lowest ech at which firepower, mvr,
intel, and spt are combined under a single comdr.
A gp and regt is a brigade-sized unit normally commanded by a COL. Armd cav
regts, which have a fixed orgn, combine the efforts of their bns and cos to fight
engagements and to perform major tactical tasks in div bats. Their chief tactical resp
is synchronizing the plans and actions of their subordinate units to accomplish a
single task for the div or corps. The term "regiment" is historical and heraldic and
applies only to the few armd cav regts which have three cav recon sqdns.
Brigade-sized units, which are normally commanded by COLs but may, as in the
case of separate bdes, be commanded by BGs, con two or more bns. Their
capabilities for self-support and independent action vary considerably with the type
of bde. Mvr bdes are the major cbt units of all types of divs. They can also be
organized as separate units. The primary msn of the bde is to deploy on short notice
and destroy, capture, or repel en forces, using mvr and shock effect. Armd and
mechanized bdes are organized to fight successful engagements in conventional and
various OOTW activities.
Divs are normally commanded by MGs. They are fixed combined arms orgns of 8
to 11 mvr bns, 3 to 4 FA bns, and other cbt, CS, and CSS units. Capable of
performing any tactical msn and designed to be largely self-sustaining, divs are the
basic units of mvr at the tactical level.
Corps are the Army's largest tactical units, the instruments with which higher echs
of comd conduct mvr at the operational level. Corps are tailored for the theater and
msn for which they are deployed. Once tailored, however, they contain all the cbt,
CS, and CSS capabilities required to sustain ops for a considerable period. Corps are
commanded by LTGs.
Normally, the senior tactical hq of the Army in the field will be the Corps.
However, under certain circumstances, a tactical hq may be required above the corps.
Such circumstances might include the commitment of a sizable number of corps on a
large land mass, wide dispersion of forces, or instances where political or
geographical conditions dictate wide variation in the nature of operational functions

leaving resp for log, admin, and area con in the hands of the theater Army comdr.
The ACs are grouped into field armies and the field armies into army groups. A
field army consists of its hq, of all kind needed for sustained fld ops. An army group
consists of its hq, two or more field armies, plus spting cbt and log units of many
categories as supplied for sustained fld ops against an en. The div, the AC, the field
army, and the army group are all large units, and referred to collectively as units of
the combined arms and services.


Unit 10


Infantry (Inf) піхота
assault (aslt) атака; штурм
rifle company піхотна рота
infantryman піхотинець
marksmanship влучна стрільба; мистецтво стрільби
fieldcraft уміння вести бойові дії в польових умовах
bayonet багнет, штик
grenade граната
mine міна
land navigation орієнтація на місцевості
camouflage (cam) камуфляж; маскування; маскуватися
tracking стеження
stalking облава
infiltration проникнення (у тил противника)
teamwork взаємодія
cohesion зв'язок, згода; згуртованість
attack (atk) наступ
offensive actions наступальні дії
defensive (def) actions оборонні дії
hasty attack наступ з ходу
deliberate attack добре спланована атака
raid наліт, напад; облава; робити наліт, напад;
здійснювати облаву
withdrawal відхід, вихід з бою
ambush засідка; влаштовувати засідку; нападати з
defense (def) оборона
Battle Position (BP) бойове розташування військ; перша смуга
security operations розвідувальні операції
early warning попереднє оповіщення
ground observation (gnd obsn) наземне спостереження
direct fire вогонь прямою наводкою
indirect fire вогонь з закритих позицій; вогонь
непрямою наводкою
information (info) відомості; інформація
surveillance (surv; survl) спостереження; розвідка спостереженням
to close with the enemy зближуватися з противником


to destroy, capture the enemy or to знищувати, захопити противника (у

repel his assault (aslt) полон) чи відбити його атаку
to shatter enemy's will to resist підривати волю противника чинити опір
to confuse the enemy збивати противника з пантелику,
to defeat an attacker завдавати поразки атакуючій стороні
to gain and maintain contact with the увійти в контакт та підтримувати його з
enemy противником
to deceive, disorganize, and destroy ввести в оману, дезорганізувати та
enemy forces знищити сили противника

I. Find out the following abbreviations in the text. Decode and translate
inf; en; mvr; aslt; cbt; catk; co; inf regt; equip; sol; ldr; tng; wpn; bat; cam; recon;
op; str; sqd; plat; msn; orgn; gnd obsn; atk; elm; intel; def; info; instl; psn; obj; rr; BP;
scty op; survl; spt.
II.Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following word combinations. Find them
in the text:
to close with the enemy in order to kill him and destroy his equipment; close
personal fight; skilled soldiers and resourceful leaders; tough, thorough, and
demanding training program; to be proficient in marksmanship, close combat, and
fieldcraft; to be highly skilled in land navigation, camouflage, tracking and stalking
techniques; individual capabilities are enhanced by the teamwork and cohesion in the
squads and platoons; to take advantage of unexpected opportunities; to be prepared
for rapid deployment into combat; to gain initial ground contact with the enemy;
evaluation of all available intelligence and relative combat strength; fire from
concealed positions; to prevent the enemy from achieving his objectives.
III. Find out equivalents for the following word combinations in the text:
відбивати атаку вогнем у ближньому бою та контратакою; піхотна рота
організована та оснащена; боєздатні підрозділи; ефективне використання
піхотних сил; бути ознайомленим зі зброєю закордонного виробництва;
пересуватися непоміченим у безпосередній близькості до противника; досягати
ефекту раптовості; виконання завдання; виявляти ініціативу та швидко
приймати рішення; підтримувати ступінь готовності; відновити втрачений
контакт; спланована та добре скоординована атака; маломасштабна операція;
запланований відхід щодо виконання поставленого завдання; отримувати
інформацію шляхом візуального спостереження; забезпечувати попереднє
The Inf closes with the en by means of fire and mvr in order to destroy or capture
him or to repel his aslt by fire, close cbt, and catk.
Ten cos of riflemen were authorized by a resolution of the Continental Congress

on June 14, 1775. However, the oldest Regular Army inf regt, the 3d, was constituted
on June 3, 1784, as the First American Regiment.
The inf rifle co is organized and equipped to close with the en to kill him, destroy
his equip, and shatter his will to resist. This close personal fight requires combat-
ready units composed of skilled sols and resourceful ldrs. These units are the result of
a tough, thorough, and demanding tng program conducted by ldrs who understand the
effective employment of inf forces.
Infantrymen must be proficient in marksmanship, close cbt, and fieldcraft. They
should be proficient with other wpns in the unit as well as their own. They should
also be familiar with foreign-made wpns they are apt to meet in bat. In the close fight,
infantrymen must be skilled in the employment of all wpns (rifles, bayonets,
grenades, mines, and even their bare hands). They must be totally confident in their
ability to fight with these wpns. These infantrymen must be highly skilled in land
navigation, cam, and tracking and stalking techniques. Each sol must be capable of
moving undetected in close proximity to en sols for recon, for infiltration, and for
achieving surprise effect in all ops.
The str of inf units comes from the skill, courage, and discipline of the individual
sols. The individual capabilities of these men are enhanced by the teamwork and
cohesion in the sqds and plats. This cohesion is essential to the survival and success
of inf units in close cbt. It provides the infantryman's will and determination to
persevere, to accept the hardships, and to refuse to accept defeat. In the close fight
when the decision hangs in the balance, these are the factors that will decide the
victory. It is at the sqd- and plat-level that cohesion and teamwork provide the
greatest benefits to the cbt effectiveness of the unit.
This requires bold, aggression ldrs who are willing to accept known risks in
pursuit of msn accomplishment. Inf ldrs on the modern battlefield must be capable of
using their initiative and making rapid decisions to take advantage of unexpected
opportunities. Inf cos must be aggressive, physically fit, disciplined, and well-trained
orgns. The inherent strategic mobility of inf units dictates a need to be prepared for
rapid deployment into cbt. The potential locations and possible en threats that an inf
co faces require inf cos to maintain a state of readiness.
Movement to contact is an offensive op designed to gain initial gnd contact with
the en or to regain lost contact. Atk is an offensive action characterized by movement
supported by fire. Hasty attack is an offensive op for which a unit has not made
extensive preparations. It is conducted with the resources immediately available in
order to maintain momentum or to take advantage of the en situation. Deliberate
attack is an atk planned and carefully coordinated with all concerned elms based on
thorough recon, evaluation of all available intel and relative cbt str, analysis of
various courses of action, and other factors affecting the situation. It is generally
conducted against a well organized def when a hasty atk is not possible or has been
conducted and fails.
A raid is an op, usually small scale, involving a swift penetration of hostile
territory to secure info, to confuse the en, or to destroy his instls. It ends with a

planned withdrawal upon completion of the assigned msn. Ambush is a surprise atk
by fire from concealed psns on a moving or temporarily halted en. Recon is a msn
undertaken to obtain info by visual obsn, or other detection methods, about the
activities and resources of an en or potential en, or about the terrain characteristics of
a particular area.
Def is a coordinated effort by a force to defeat an attacker and prevent him from
achieving his objs. Defend in sector is a msn which requires a defending unit to
prevent en forces from passing beyond the rr boundary of the sector, while retaining
flank security, and ensuring integrity of effort within the scheme of mvr. Defend a BP
is a msn which places a unit in a BP to concentrate its fires, to limit its mvr, or to
place it in an advantageous psn to
catk. Defend a strong point is a msn which implies retention of the psn at all costs.
Repeated aslts must be expected and repelled.
Scty ops are those ops designed to obtain info about the en and provide reaction
time, mvr space, and protection to the main body. Scty ops are characterized by
aggressive recon to reduce terrain and en unknowns, gaining and maintaining contact
with the en to ensure continuous info, and providing early and accurate reporting of
info to the protected force. A screening force: maintains survl, provides early warning
to the main body, impedes and harasses the en with spting indirect fires, and destroys
en recon elms within it's capability. A guard force accomplishes all the tasks of the
screening force. Additionally, prevents en gnd obsn and direct fire against the main
body. A covering force accomplishes all the tasks of the guard force and screening
force. Additionally, operates apart from the main body to develop the situation early
and deceive, disorganize, and destroy en forces.
IV. Answer the following questions:
1. What is the mission of Infantry?
2. How many infantry rifle companies were authorized by a resolution of the
Continental Congress? When did it happen?
3. What is an infantry rifle company and what is it designated for?
4.What skills should an infantryman posess?
5. What is the role of teamwork and cohesion in close combat?
6.What are the demands to infantry leaders on the modern battlefield?
7.What does such notion as 'movement' denote?
8.What types of attack do you know?
9. What operation is characterized by a swift penetration of hostile territory?
10. What is reconnaissance conducted for?
11. What types of defensive operations can be distinguished?
12. What is the objective of security operations?
V. Prepare retelling of the text.
VI. Translate these words and word combinations rapidly:
знищувати сили противника; to accomplish the tasks; наземне спостереження;
to provide early warning; піхотна рота; marksmanship; орієнтація на місцевості;
hasty attack; вогонь прямою наводкою; to shatter enemy's will to resist;

зближуватися з противником; to concentrate fires; ворожа територія; to destroy

enemy installations; візуальне спостереження; to undertake a mission; наступальна
операція; evaluation of all available intelligence; добре організована оборона; to
regain lost contact; швидко приймати рішення; teamwork and cohesion; досягати
ефекту раптовості; to be highly skilled in land navigation; відбивати атаку
VII. Match the definitions in the right-hand column with the appropriate
terms given in the left-hand column:
Tracking The movement through or into an area or territory occupied by
enemy troops or organizations.
Infiltration Fully synchronized operations that employ the effects of every
available asset against the enemy's defense.
Hasty attack The use of natural or artificial material on personnel, objects, or
tactical positions with the aim of confusing, misleading, or evading
the enemy.
Camouflage An operation, usually small scale, involving a swift penetration of
hostile territory to secure information, confuse the enemy, or to
destroy installations.
Deliberate Precise and continuous position-finding of targets by radar, optical,
attack or other means.
Raid Result of a meeting engagement - launched with the forces at hand
and with minimum preparation to destroy the enemy before he is
able to concentrate or establish a defense.
Withdrawal Gunfire delivered on a target, using the target itself as a point of
aim for either the gun or the director.
Early warning Facts, data, or instructions in any medium or form.
Direct fire Fire delivered on a target that is not itself used as a point of aim for
the weapons or the director.
Indirect fire The action taken by a service to remove its resources (personnel
and funds) before the program is completed.
Information Early notification of the launch or approach of unknown
weapons or weapon carriers.

VIII. Translate thefollowing questionsfrom Ukrainian into English:

1. Якими способами піхота діє в бою? 2. Які завдання має піхотна рота в
бою? 3. Які основні навички піхотинця в бою ви можете перерахувати? 4. Чи
повинен піхотинець вправно володіти зразками зброї іноземних армій? 5. Від
чого залежить чисельний склад підрозділів? 6. Як повинні діяти командири під
час ведення бойових дій? 7. Що таке атака? 8. Яка різниця між заздалегідь
підготовленим наступом та наступом з ходу? 9. З якою метою проводиться
наступ з ходу? 10. Які етапи підготовки повинен розглянути командир під час
розробки заздалегідь спланованого наступу? 11. З якою метою здійснюється
такий вид операції, як наліт? 12. Для чого проводяться і чим характеризуються

розвідувальні операції? 13. Які основні навички піхотинця ви знаєте, що

можуть підвищити його здатність до виживання в бою? 14. Для чого планується
та підтримується взаємодія в бою?
IX. Here are military abbreviations that you will often see. Find full
words for them and translate them:
SOF; comm facs; trp; recon; mvr; reinf; amph op; bn; msl def; AD; det; ARes;
ARNG; cbt; br; CS; CE; ADA; FA; SigC; btry; CmlC; avn; admin; mvr; str; sqdn;
msn; comdr; TOE; BTOE; OTOE; CSS; tac; sqd; sec; log; plat; co; HQ; ech; intel;
regt; armd cav regt; OOTW; AC.
X. Translate the following questions from Ukrainian into English:
1. Якими засобами відбиває піхота наступ противника? 2. З якою метою
піхотні підрозділи зближуються з противником, використовуючи вогонь та
маневр? 3. У яких умовах піхотна рота може вести бойові дії? 4. Якими
засобами піхота може відбивати напад противника? 5. Якими якостями повинні
володіти солдати піхотних підрозділів для успішного виконання поставлених
завдань? 6. Чому піхотинцям необхідно бути ознайомленим зі зброєю
іноземних армій? 7. Від яких чинників залежить чисельність піхотного
підрозділу? 8. Від чого залежить успіх піхотних підрозділів у ближньому бою?
9. Які вимоги пред'являються до піхотної роти і в якій мірі залежить успіх
виконання поставлених завдань від командира роти? 10. Які види атак
проводяться піхотними підрозділами? 11. З якою метою проводиться наліт? 12.
З якою метою проводиться наземне спостереження? 13. Яким чином піхотні
підрозділи можуть отримувати інформацію про противника?
XI. Make up and translate sentences with the following words and word
to obtain information; to be characterized by; to maintain contact; early and
accurate reporting; indirect fires; to accomplish the tasks; to defeat; to achieve
objectives; the scheme of maneuver; to concentrate fire; small scale operation; terrain
characteristics; hostile territory; to take advantage of; strength; mission
accomplishment; well-trained organizations; inherent strategic mobility; rapid
deployment into combat; to maintain a state of readiness; to be enhanced by; close
fight; infantryman; marksmanship; employment of weapons; tracking and stalking
techniques; infiltration; resourceful leaders.
XII.Explain the following terms and word combinations:
infantryman; marksmanship; fieldcraft; land navigation; camouflage; teamwork;
deliberate attack; withdrawal; Battle Position; early warning; ground observation; to
repel assault; to confuse the enemy; maneuver; stalking techniques; infiltration; raid;
covering force; security operation.


Unit 11


small arms стрілецька зброя
hand grenade ручна граната
rocket launcher (RL) реактивний гранатомет
recoiless rifle безвідкатна гармата
firearm вогнепальна зброя
automatic pistol пістолет
semiautomatic напівавтоматичний
self-loading самозарядний
trigger спусковий гачок
trigger housing group спусковий гачок у зборі
sear group спусковий важіль у зборі
cartridge патрон
barrel ствол
spare barrel запасний ствол
slide кожух-затвор (пістолета)
handle рукоятка
receiver рамка пістолета, ствольна коробка
clip обойма
round (rd) патрон, постріл
bandoleer патронаж
cleaning rod шомпол для чистки
armor-piercing бронебійний
machine gun (mg) кулемет
light machine gun (lmg) ручний кулемет
medium machine gun (mmg) станковий кулемет
heavy machine gun (mg) важкий кулемет
submachine gun (smg) автомат, пістолет-кулемет
tracer трасуючий
duplex з двома забійними елементами
magazine магазин
trigger assembly спусковий механізм
stock ложа (гвинтівки)
bolt assembly затвор у зборі
burst черга
standard що перебуває на озброєнні
automatic rifle автоматична гвинтівка
muzzle velocity початкова швидкість
feet per second футів в секунду

range дальність
cyclic rate технічна швидкострільність, темп стрільби
rate of fire швидкострільність, швидкість стрільби
rounds per minute (rd) пострілів у хвилину
effective rate of fire бойова скорострільність
accuracy точність
sling ремінь
volume of fire щільність вогню
bipod сошка
bipod assembly двонога у зборі
illuminating grenade освітлювальна граната
fragmentation grenade осколочна граната
to press the trigger натискати спусковий гачок
to deliver automatic fire in short or вести автоматичний вогонь короткими або
long bursts довгими чергами
to feed ammunition (ammo) into the подавати патрони в приймач кулемета
machine gun
to fire from the shoulder вести вогонь з сошки
to drive the enemy from the bunker вибивати противника з ДОСА
army aviation армійська авіація
cavalry розвідувальний
caliber (cal) калібр
howitzer гаубиця
artillery piece артилерійське знаряддя
wire guided missile керована по проводах, ПТУР
radar радіолокаційна станція, РЛС, радар
warfare бойові дії
blast вибухова хвиля
Armor division бронетанкова дивiзiя
engagement бій
combat power бойова міць
guided missile керована ракета
air defence зенітний, ППО
payload корисне навантаження
pistol пістолет
rifle гвинтівка
carbine карабін
grenade launcher (lchr) гранатомет
mortar (mort) міномет
flame weapon (thrower) вогнемет
sidearm зброя, що носиться на портупеї (поясному

shoulder weapon зброя, вогонь з якої ведеться з плеча (з

упора в плече)
gas piston газовий поршень
gas plug газовий регулятор
explosive power сила вибуху
high-explosive (HE) бризантна вибухова речовина, фугасний,
guided missile (GM) керована ракета
fortified bunker оборонна споруда закритого типу
gun emplacement окоп (вогневого засобу)
fire support вогнева підтримка
point target точкова ціль
gunner кулеметник, навідник, оператор наведення
daysight приціл (оптичний)
nightsight приціл нічного бачення
tracker блок оптичного прицілу
casualty radius радіус ураження
riot control поліцейські дії з подавлення масових
smoke screening постановка димових завіс
signaling подача сигналів
incendiary запалювальний
body корпус гранати
filler бойовий заряд
fuse assembly детонатор
fragmentation (frag) grenade осколкова граната
delay detonating fuze детонатор з уповільнювачем
striker ударник
primer капсуль
booster ракетний прискорювач
safety pin (pull ring) запобіжне кільце (чека)
tear gas сльозогінний газ
lethal смертельний
non-lethal несмертельний

I. Find out the following abbreviations in the text. Decode and translate them:
inf wpn; smg; mg; lchr; mort; mil; cal; 15-rd; sol's; tgt; cbt; con; NATO; ammo;
std; sqd; spt; mvr; co; bn; HE; en; spting wpns; vehs and sups; WP rd; frd; aslt;
II. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following word combinations. Find them
in the text:

the primary sidearm of the US military; reversible magazine release button;

automatic shoulder weapon; to get hits on battlefield targets; accuracy is enhanced
by; to provide immediately available, responsive indirect fires; high angle-of-fire
weapon; to be light enough to be man-packed over long distances; to suppress or kill
enemy dismounted infantry; to blind enemy supporting weapons; to reveal the
location of enemy forces; friendly direct-fire weapons; to expose the enemy and to
kill or suppress him.
III. Find out equivalents for the following word combinations in the text:
напівавтоматичний пістолет; споряджати магазин; вести вогонь одиночними
пострілами; місткість магазина; ведення напівавтоматичного вогню;
підтримувати в робочому стані; загальна бойова ефективність; неповна
розборка (зброї); складові частини та механізми; основні тактико- технічні
характеристики; посилювати вогонь прямою наводкою під час ближнього бою;
розбирати на частини; ускладнювати пересування військовослужбовців у
передових районах противника; приховувати свої сили; відмічати цілі для
знищення іншими видами зброї.
US inf wpns are classified according to the following types: pistols, smgs, rifles and
arbines, mgs, grenades and grenade lchrs, morts, anti-armor and flame wpns
SA. i.e. firearms with cal below 60 inch, are divided into handguns and
shoulder arms. Handguns are intended for single-handed use at short ranges. There
are two basic kinds. The first is the automatic pistol. It has been misnamed, as it is
actually a semiautomatic or self loading pistol firing one shot each time the trigger is
pressed. Secondly, there is the revolver which is equipped with a revolving cylinder
carrying the cartridges in chambers. Shoulder guns are weapons intended to be fired
primarily from the shoulder. These include rifles, carbines, submachine guns and
machine guns.
The automatic rifle can be broken into the following parts and assembles:
magazine, trigger assembly, stock, hand guard, operating rod group, bolt assembly,
gas piston and gas plug. M-16 rifle can deliver automatic fire in short or long bursts
or semiautomatic fire by single shots. Cyclic rate is 800 r.p.m.; max effective rate is
150-200 at automatic, 45 to 65 at semiautomatic. Its combat weight (with sling and
20-round box magazine) is only 7, 5 rounds.
Machine guns are designed to spt the rifleman in both offensive and defensive
operations with a heavy volume of controlled, accurate fire that is far beyond the
capability of individual weapons. The general term “machine gun” is loosely applied
to a wide variety of automatic weapons.
When the infantryman meets the en in cbt a wpn is needed to drive the en from
the banker orposition. The hand grenade is just a wpn. Hand grenades are used for
casualty producing, screening, signaling, incendiary effect and riot control. They are
classified as illuminating, fragmentation, offensive, chemical, practice and training.

All present standard hand grenades share two common characteristics — short range
and small effective casualty radius. The main parts of a hand grenade are the body,
the filler and the fuse assembly. The body holds the filter and gives a grenade a
shape. The filler is the explosive or chemical contained within the body. It gives the
grenade its chars and determines its msn. The fuse assembly has a device which
causes the grenade to function.
1. Answer the questions on the text above:
2. How are the firearms divided into?
3. What are the two basic kinds of hand guns?
4. What are the shoulder guns intended for?
5. What are the basic parts and assembles of the automatic rifle?
6. What is the classification of hand grenades?
7. What types of weapons are there in the US Army?
8. What is the primary sidearm of American soldiers?
9. What are the main parts of a pistol?
10.In what groups and assemblies can submachine gun be broken down?
11.What are two basic inherent skills of a soldier speaking about his weapon?
12.What is the difference between two modifications of a squad automaticweapon M-
16A3 and M-16A2?
13. Into what parts and assemblies can the rifle be broken down in fieldstripping?
14. What are the principle characteristics of a mortar?
15. What is the primary role of a mortar and what parts does it consist of?
16. What is the classification of mortar fires?
17. What are high-explosive rounds used for?
18. 12. What is white phosphorus used in mortar rounds for?
19. 13. What is the main designation of illumination rounds' usage in
IV. Retell the text US INFANTRY WEAPONS.
V. Translate the following text from Ukrainian into English:
Особиста вогнепальна зброя призначається для ведення вогню однією рукою на
невеликі дальності. Основними частинами пістолета є рамка, кожух,
стовбур. Гвинтівка M-16 може вести автоматичний вогонь короткими або
довгими чергами, і напівавтоматичний вогонь окремими пострілами. Темп
стрільби гвинтівки М-16 становить 800 пострілів за хвилину, а
швидкострільність – 150 пострілів за хвилину при веденні автоматичного
вогню і 45 пострілів за хвилину при веденні напівавтоматичного вогню. Ручна
граната складається з корпусу, заряду і підривника.

VI.Text for additional reading and translating:

The M9 is the primary sidearm of the US mil, replacing the .45 cal model M1911A1.
It is a semi-automatic, single-action/double-action pistol. The M9 has a 15-rd
staggered magazine with a reversible magazine release button that can be positioned

for either right- or left-handed shooters. It has tree main parts: receiver, barrel, and
slide. The handle is hollow to permit insertion of the clip.
Submachine Guns
The M3 and M3A1 smgs are air-cooled, blowback-operated, magazine-fed,
automatic shoulder wpns. They are light, compact and rugged. The stock is one piece
of formed steel rod which can be telescoped for ease of handling and the ends are
drilled and tapped for usage as a cleaning rod. The stock can also be used as a
disassembly tool or wrench and is made so it can be utilized to load the magazine.
There is no provision for semi-automatic fire, however, because of the low cyclic
rate of fire the operator can fire single shots through trigger manipulation. Both smgs
are fed a magazine which has a capacity of 30 rds. For convenience of maintenance,
the wpns are divided into groups and assemblies which consist of magazine, barrel,
gun stock, bolt and guide rod group, trigger housing group, trigger and sear group,
and receiver assembly.
Rifles and Carbines
The rifle is the sol's basic wpn. The sol must develop two skills to an equal
degree: he must be able to fire his wpn well enough to get hits on battlefield tgts, and
he must know enough about its working parts to keep them operating.
A lightweight, air-cooled, gas-operated, magazine-fed rifle designed for either
semi-automatic or three-round burst fire through use of a selector lever. The M-16A2
incorporates improvements in iron sight, pistol grip, stock and overall cbt
effectiveness. Accuracy is enhanced by incorporating an improved muzzle
compensator, three-round burst con, and a heavier barrel; and by using the heavier
NATO-std ammo, which is also fired by the sqd automatic wpn. The M-16A3 is
identical to the M-16A2 but has a removable carrying handle that is mounted on a
Picatinny Rail (for better mounting of optics) and is without burst con. The M-16A4
is identical to the M-16A2 except for the removable carrying handle and Picatinny
In field stripping the rifle can be broken down into the following parts and
assemblies: magazine, trigger assembly, stock, hand guard, operating rod group, bolt
assembly, gas piston, and gas plug.
Simplicity, ruggedness, maneuverability, and effectiveness are the principle char
of morts. The primary role of morts is to provide immediately available, responsive
indirect fires that spt the mvr of the co or bn, and that reinforce direct fires during
close cbt. The M29A1 81mm mort is a smooth-bore, muzzle-loaded, high angle-of-
fire wpn. It consists of a cannon assembly, bipod assembly, and baseplate. The
M29A1 medium mort offers a compromise between the light and heavy morts. Its
range and explosive power is greater than the M224, yet it is still light enough to be
man-packed over long distances. The M29A1 weighs about 98 pounds and can be
broken down into several smaller loads for easier carrying. Rds for this mort weigh
about 15 pounds each.
The three primary types of mort fires are: High explosive. HE rds are used to

suppress or kill en dismounted inf, morts, and other spting wpns, and to interdict the
movement of men, vehs and sups in the battlefield. Bursting WP rds are often mixed
with HE rds to enhance their suppressive and destructive effects. Obscuration.
Obscuration rds are used to conceal frd forces as forces of mvr or aslt, and to blind en
spting wpns. Some mort rds use bursting WP to achieve this obscuration; others
employ more efficient technology. Bursting WP is also used to mark tgts for
engagement by other wpns, usually aircraft, and for signaling. Illumination.
Illumination rds are used to reveal the location of en forces hidden by darkness. They
allow the comdr to confirm or deny the presence of the en without revealing the
location of frd direct-fire wpns. Illumination fires are often coordinated with HE fires
to both expose the en and to kill or suppress him.
Machine Guns
Mgs are classified as light, medium, or heavy. Classifications are determined by a
combination of wpn cal, wpn sys weight, crew size, and the primary type of intended
The light machine gun (LMG) classification generally includes 22. to 250. cal
(5.45 mm to 6 mm) automatic wpns. An LMG typically weighs between 15 and 30
pounds, complete. A LMG is normally manned by a crew of one or two individuals
depending on the accessories being used. Neither a tripod nor a spare barrel is
normally used with a LMG when it is manned by a single individual. They are
optimally employed against exposed and lightly protected pers at ranges less than
1,000 meters. Example: 5.56 mm M249 sqd automatic wpn.
The medium machine gun (MMG) classification generally includes 26. to
33. cal (6.5 mm to 8 mm) automatic wpns. Typical MMG weights are 25 pounds or
more when loaded with 50 rds of ammo. Remaining ammo, gnd tripod, spare barrel,
and other accessories can add another 25 pounds or more to the overall weight of
MMG sys. The MMG is generally employed by a crew of three. Optimally, they are
employed against pers and light materiel (e.g., motor vehs) at ranges of 1 500 meters
or less. Examples: 7.62 mm M60, M240B, and M240G mgs.
The M60 is general purpose gas-operated, air-cooled, belt-fed, automatic mg that
fires from the open-bolt psn. The wpn features fixed head space, which permits rapid
changing of barrels. It has a maximum rate of fire of 550 rds per min. Ammo is fed
into the wpn from a 100-rd bandoleer containing a disintegrating metallic split-link
belt. It can be fired from the shoulder, hip psn; from the bipod-steadied psn; or from
the tripod-mounted psn. The primary use of the M60 is to spt the rifleman in both
offense and defense. It provides the heavy volume of close and continuous fire he
needs to accomplish the msn. It can engage tgts beyond the capability of individual
wpns with controlled, accurate bursts. The heavy machine gun (HMG) classification
generally includes 50. cal or larger (12.7 mm to 15 mm) automatic wpns. The sys
weight of a HMG is substantial. In a ready to fire configuration using a gnd tripod, a
HMG without ammo can weigh more than 125 pounds. A HMG is normally manned
by a crew of four or more pers (although a crew of three may be sufficient if motor
vehs are employed for trans over distance). HMGs are primarily employed against

field fortifications, vehs, and aircraft. They are generally effective against these types
of tgts at ranges of 1,000 meters or greater. Examples: 50. cal Browning M2HB mg
and the 40 mm MK 19 MOD 3 grenade mg.
Anti-Armor Weapons
Light anti-armor weapons (such as the M72 LAW and M136 AT4) are used to atk
en pers, field fortifications, and light armored vehs. They have limited capability
against MBTs, especially those equipped with reactive armor (except when attacking
from the top, flanks, or rr). Light wpns usually fire unguided (free-flight) rockets.
Medium anti-armor weapons (such as the M47 Dragon and Javelin) have greater
penetration and longer range than lighter wpns, but are heavier, bulkier, and less
portable. Medium wpns usually fire GMs. The M47 Dragon is a surface-attack, wire-
guided, man-portable, shoulder-fired, medium antitank wpn sys. It can defeat
armored vehs, fortified bunkers, concrete gun emplacements, and other hardened tgts.
The individual sol or a two-man team can operate this wpn.
The Dragon's primary role is to destroy en armored vehs. When there is no
armored veh, the Dragons can be employed in a secondary role of providing fire spt
against point tgts such as bunkers and crew-served wpns psns. Cbt and cbt spt units
normally use the Dragon in a self-defense role during rr ops.
The Dragon wpn sys consists of a daysight, a nightsight, and a rd of ammo.
Mechanized inf gunners can use the Dragon with the M175 GM lchr mount. This
mount provides a stable platform on either the M113 APC or on the M3 or M122 mg
The Dragon can engage tgts in daylight (with the daysight) and in limited
visibility conditions, such as smoke, fog, or darkness (with the nightsight). The
Dragon's ammo is an expendable component consisting of both the msl and the lchr
itself. The msl is installed in the lchr at the factory and is shipped ready to fire. The
lchr serves as a storage and carrying case for the msl before it is launched. The rd
consists of a smooth bore fiberglass launch tube with msl stored inside. The launch
tube has a tracker battery that provides power to the tracker and fires the msl. The
tracker bracket provides the electrical connections necessary for msl, trigger, and
tracker operation. The bipod is attached to the forward end of the launch tube and
spts the lchr during ops.
Recoilless weapons (like the M67 Recoilless Rifle) vent part of the propellant
gases to the rr of the wpn. The vented gases counteract the forward momentum of the
proj and propelling gases leaving the muzzle. Recoilless wpns are much lighter than
conventional guns, but produce a tremendous back blast.
Grenades and Grenade Launchers
Grenades are small bombs of a size and shape convenient for throwing by hand or
launching from a rifle or grenade launcher.
The hand grenade is thrown by hand; therefore, the range is short and the
casualty radius is small. Hand grenades are used to supplement SA against an en in
close cbt, as a riot con agent, for smoke screening and signaling, and for incendiary
purposes. Some hand grenades may be launched from a rifle grenade projection

adapter and by a special grenade cartridge.

There are six types of hand grenades:
Fragmentation. These grenades are used to produce casualties by high velocity
projection of fragments. Historically, the most important hand grenade has been the
fragmentation grenade, which is the sol's personal indirect wpn sys.
Fragmentation grenades are fused with either impact detonating or delay
detonating fuzes composed of a striker, primer and delay charge detonator. A booster
may be included. A safety lever, curved to conform to the shape of the grenade body,
is hooked to the top of the fuze. The lever is held in place by a safety pin (pull ring),
which protects the striker from action of the striker spring. Safety pin removal is
required immediately before the grenade is thrown.
Illuminating. This grenade is used to provide illumination of terrain and tgts.
Because the illuminant compound burns with a very hot flame, this type can also be
used for incendiary purposes against flammable tgts.
A typical illuminating grenade is similar in size and function to burning-type
chemical grenades. It consists of three basic comps: a thin, sheet-metal body, an
illuminating charge, and a special, igniter-type fuze. The igniter consists of a quick-
match contained in a bushing. The illuminating charge consists of a pyrotechnic
composition, a first-fire composition and an igniter charge.
Chemical. These grenades are used for incendiary, screening, signaling, training,
or riot con purposes.
Burning-type grenades are usually fitted with igniting fuzes which function with a
1.2 to 2-second delay. Functioning of the fuze ignites the first-fire (starting) mixture
which ignites the filler. The burning filler creates sufficient pressure to blow tape
covering the emission holes (gas ports) free and allow the chemical agent (riot control
gas, smoke) to escape.
Bursting-type grenades are fuzed with delay fuzes which contain HE detonators.
The detonators rupture the grenade body and disperse the filler (tear gas, WP).
Although this type of grenade functions by bursting, it creates the same effect as
burning grenades.
Offensive. This grenade is used for blast effect. Offensive grenades are much less
lethal than frag grenades on an en in the open, but they are very effective against an
en within a confined space.
The grenade launcher is one of the most versatile weapons in an
infantryman's arsenal. The history of the grenade launcher dates back to World War
two when means were sought to develop a method of delivering an infantry carried
explosive to a target. Heavier and heavier 'grenades' were needed to take out tanks.
As tank armor improved, more explosives were needed to defeat it. Eventually the
armor grew so tough that a hand held grenade couldn't take it out and so the launched
grenade was developed. The German Panzerfaust was one of the first types of
grenade launchers and from it sprang a variety of weapons. From grenade launchers
to recoilless rifles to rocket launchers.
There are a variety of different types of grenade launchers. The more common one

these days is the M-203 (40mm) seen attached to the M16-A2 rifle. The Soviets
developed a 30mm (and 40mm) variation which appears on some of their assault
rifles. The Chinese also have a version that is mounted under their new rifles.
New advances in technology will revolutionize this weapon system even more. The
US Army is testing a new weapon that has a 20mm grenade launcher built in. Unlike
regular grenade launchers that have only one shot and are breach loaded this new
weapon is magazine fed. The sight system of this new rifle can determine the range to
the target and program the grenade to explode at a certain distance. This will allow
the grenadier to aim at a fox hole and fire a grenade that will explode as it passes over
it, spraying the enemy below with lethal shrapnel.
This type of grenade has a non-metallic body (cardboard, fiberglass) loaded with a
HE filler. It employs a delay detonating fuze. Some metal fragments from the fuze
may be projected.
Non-lethal. Stun hand grenades are used as diversionary or distraction devices
during building and room clearing ops when the presence of noncombatants is likely
or expected and the aslting elm is attempting to achieve surprise.
Practice and training. A typical practice grenade contains a small spotting
charge of black powder and is fuzed with a 4 to 5-second delay igniting fuze. This
type of grenade is used to simulate op and functioning of svc grenades.Tng grenades
are unfuzed and completely inert. They resemble svc rds in size and shape, and are
used for tng in handling and throwing.
The hand grenade is made up of the following comps:
Body. The body contains filler and, in certain grenades, fragmentation.
Filler. The filler is composed of a chemical or explosive substance, which
determines the type of hand grenade for employment factors.
Fuze Assembly. The fuze causes the grenade to ignite or explode by detonating
the filler.
The rifle grenade is a fin-stabilized proj launched by a special grenade cartridge
from a rifle equipped with a grenade lchr attachment. Rifle grenades are used against
armored tgts, fortifications and pers, and for screening and signaling.The 40mm low-
velocity grenade cartridge contains a primer and an integral propellant charge. The rd
uses a high-low propulsion sys to propel the spin-stabilized grenade from a grenade
lchr. The M202A1 multishot rocket launcher (Flash) is a lightweight, reusable, four-
tube rocket launcher. The lightweight, shoulder-fired, four-tube launcher is equipped
with front and rear hinged protective covers. A folding sight and trigger handle
assembly provide compact carrying and storage capabilities. An adjustable sling is
used to carry the launcher over the shoulder. The launcher is loaded with a clip
(M74), which contains four 66mm rockets. It can fire one to four rockets semi-
automatically at a rate of one rocket per second and can be reloaded with a new clip.
The basic load for each launcher is three M74 rocket clips.
VII. Translate these words and word combinations rapidly:
semi-automatic pistol; автоматична зброя, вогонь з якої ведеться з плеча (з
упора в плече); to load the magazine; боєприпаси; trigger assembly; такгико-

технічні характеристики; explosive power; осколково-фугасний; to break down

into parts; викривати розташування сил противника; to conceal friendly forces;
основна зброя солдата; combat effectiveness; точність ведення вогню; muzzle
compensator; установлюватися на; field stripping; вогонь непрямою наводкою; to
reinforce; ближній бій; smooth-bore; відмічати цілі; forces of maneuver or assault;
зброя, вогонь з якої ведеться прямою наводкою; illumination fires; спусковий
VIII. Translate thefollowing questions from Ukrainian into English:
1. Якими зразками зброї озброєна піхота США? 2. Чи можете ви пере-
рахувати основні частини пістолета М9? 3. Які тактико-технічні характери-
стики має пістолет М29А1? 4. Які бойові властивості має автомат М3? 5. Яка
зброя, на вашу думку, притаманна піхоті взагалі? 6. Чим відрізняється
осколкова граната від освітлювальної? 7. З якої кількості осіб складається
мінометний розрахунок? 8. Гранатомет - це зброя великої уражаючої дії, чи не
так? 9. Як ви вважаєте, у яких видах бою використовується вогнемет? 10. Від
чого залежить темп та швидкострільність стрільби з будь-якого виду зброї? 11.
Скільки боєприпасів містить магазин гвинтівки М16? 12. Чим відрізняється
бронебійна зброя від інших видів зброї? 13. Для чого призначений дульний
компенсатор? 14. Чи використовується білий фосфор у зброї масового
IX. Translate the following text from English into Ukrainian:
The M1911A1 .45 caliber pistol is a magazine-fed, semi-automatic, recoil-
operated, single-action hand gun. It uses a .45 caliber rimless cartridge in a seven-
round magazine. It fires one round each time the trigger is squeezed, once the
hammer is cocked by prior action of the slide or thumb. This design is referred to as
"single-action". The thumb safety may only be activated once the pistol is cocked.
John M. Browning designed the M1911 in response to the Army's need for a pistol
with greater stopping-power following the Army's experience with close-in combat
during the Philippine Insurrection (1899-1901). The M1911A1 model recoil semi-
automatic adopted in 1926, was the standard personal defense weapon carried by
officers and team leaders of all services during World War I, World War II, and
Korean War. Production was ended in 1945.
The M1911 has a rich military heritage, was very reliable, and the weapon of
choice for use in close quarters. It was used up until 1984, when it began to be
replaced by the more modern M9 9mm pistol.
X. Translate the following text from Ukrainian into English:
Виробництво гвинтівки було розпочато у 1984 році. Вона являє собою
результат глибокої модифікації гвинтівки М16А1. Нова модель розрахована на
використання нового 5,56-мм патрона НАТО SS109. В результаті зміни
модифікації патрона змінилася і конструкція ствола. Ще більш міцнішими були
сконструйовані цівка, приклад та пістолетна рукоятка. Цівка тепер має

циліндричну форму і характеризується підвищеними теплоізоляційними

якостями. Конструкція дульного компенсатора та прицільних пристроїв також
зазнала суттєвих змін. Приклад став довшим на 16 мм. Ударно-спусковий
механізм (percussion type mechanism) цієї гвинтівки сприяє веденню вогню
фіксованими чергами по три постріли. Поряд з отвором викидування гільз
встановлюється гільзовідбиваючий щиток для запобігання попадання гільз в
обличчя під час ведення вогню з лівої руки. На думку спеціалістів, зміни, що
були внесені до конструкції гвинтівки, значно підвищили її бойові та
експлуатаційні характеристики.
Основними тактико-технічними характеристиками гвинтівки М16А2 є:
калібр, мм - 5,56; початкова швидкість кулі (muzzle velocity), м/с - 950; довжи-
на, мм -1 000; довжина ствола, мм - 510; вага без магазина, кг - 3,40; постачання
- прямий коробковий магазин ємністю 20 патронів чи ріжковий магазин
місткістю 3 0 патронів; темп стрільби, постр./хв - 800; ефективна дальність
вогню, м - 800.
XI. Make up and translate sentences with the following words and word
sidearm; ease of handling; to be utilized; low cyclic rate of fire; to fire single
shots; to be able to fire his weapon; to get hits on targets; magazine-fed rifle; to
incorporate improvements; to enhance accuracy; squad automatic weapon; to break
down into parts and assemblies; to support the maneuver; muzzle-loaded weapon; to
suppress or kill the enemy; enemy's forward area; HE rounds; suppressive and
destructive effects; to blind the enemy; to achieve obscuration effect; to mark targets;
to confirm or deny the presence of the enemy.
XII. Use thefollowing words and word combinations to name marked
parts and assemblies of the rifle. Make an oral description of the given weapon:


muzzle compensator; front sight; bolt assembly; barrel; carrying handle; bipod
assembly; upper receiver assembly; lower receiver assembly; butt; trigger; pistol grip;
magazine; optics.
XIII. Explain the following terms and word combinations:
submachine gun; mortar; flame weapon; magazine; barrel; shoulder weapon;
cyclic rate; selector lever; muzzle compensator; high-explosive; friendly forces; air-
cooled rifle; handle; indirect fire; obscuration round; illumination round; to suppress
enemy; destructive effects.


Unit 12


light armored vehicle легко броньований транспортний
main battle tank (MBT) основний танк
warfare війна; бойові дії
speed (spd) швидкість
mobile (mbl) рухливий, мобільний
dispersion розосередженість
combined arms force загальновійськове з'єднання
mounted combat бій на бойових машинах
communication system (comm sys) система зв'язку
assigned уключений у склад, доданий
economy of force економія сил і засобів
armored vehicle (armd veh) броньована машина
armor protection броньований захист
effects вражаючі фактори (ядерного вибуху)
blast ударна хвиля
radiation (radn) радіація; випромінювання
nuclear burst ядерний вибух
thermal effect світлове випромінювання; тепловий
deep penetration (глибокий) прорив
wide envelopment обхід
exploitation (xplt) розвиток успіху; використання
результатів удару
mobile defense (mbl def) мобільна оборона
counterguerrilla operations дії проти партизан
close support супроводження, пряма підтримка
objective (obj) об'єкт (наступу); завдання, мета
rear area кордон; тиловій район; тил
missile site вогнева [стартова] позиція; стартовий
nuclear weapon (s) (NUCWPN) ядерна зброя
Armor is the arm of spd and violence. It is fast, highly mbl, has great firepower
and produces shock effect. Armor has been resp in the past years for much of the

change toward more open warfare, faster movements, more dispersion, more elastic
def fmns, and the ability to concentrate great power at a decisive point.
Modern armor is a combined arms force designed to conduct decisive, highly
mbl, ground environment, mounted cbt, primary offensive in nature, employing
armor-protected vehs as a primary means of accomplishing a gnd cbt msn through the
use of both gnd and air vehs.
Armor operates normally within a force structure that may include tks, mech
inf, arty, engrs, armd cav, and Army Avn, spted on the battlefield by a flexible and
rapid comm sys, and a mbl logsys.
Armor Missions
Armor units fight normally as a combined arms force of two or more arms,
each complementing the other and aiding the forward movement of the force by
employing its own special capabilities.
Armor includes tk units, armd cav units, and mech inf units, their primary msns
being as fallows:
a. Tk units close with and destroy en forces, using fire, maneuver, and shock
effect in coord with other arms.
b. Armd cav units perform recon and provide scty for the unit to which
organic, assigned, or attached, and engage in offensive, defensive, and delaying
action as an economy of force unit.
c. Mech inf units close with the en by means of fire and maneuver to destroy or
capture him or to repel his assault by fire, close cbt, and counterattack.
Armor Capabilities
Armor is capable of operating throughout the spectrum of warfare, from cold
war to general war. Armd vehs are particularly suited to a nuc environment because
their armor protection reduces significantly the effects on pers of blast and radiation
from a nuc burst and, even at close ranges to such burst, shields pers from thermal
Armor's inherent characteristics of mbl firepower, mobility, armor protection,
shock effect, and responsiveness to command endow it with an optimum capability
for accomplishing the following actions: deep penetration and wide envelopment;
exploitation; mbl def; destruction of en armor firms; recon and scty; counter-guerrilla
ops; close spt of inf; economy of force; counterinsurgency ops.
Objectives appropriate for the armor units are those that are beyond reach of
other forces and that will insure success of the corps or field army msn. In the en rear
areas armor forces attain great freedom of action as they maneuver to seize terrain;
disrupt comm; destroy CPs; msl sites, arty, and trp res; and capture or destroy sups.
The armor unit's capability to move, live, and fight on the nuc battlefield permits its
employment in nuc war.
II. Texts for additional reading and translating:
A tank is a tracked, armoured fighting vehicle designed for front-line combat
which combines operational mobility and tactical offensive and defensive

capabilities. Firepower is normally provided by a large-calibre main gun in a rotating

turret and secondary machine guns, while heavy armour and all-terrain mobility
provide protection for the tank and its crew, allowing it to perform all primary tasks
of the armoured troops on the battlefield.
Tanks were first manufactured during World War I in an effort to break the
bloody deadlock of trench warfare. The British Army was the first to field a vehicle
that combined three key characteristics: mobility over barbed wire and rough terrain,
armour to withstand small arms fire and shrapnel and the firepower required to
suppress or destroy machine gun nests and pillboxes. Despite some success and a
significant psychological effect on the German infantry, "the tank in 1918 was not a
war-winning weapon."
Due to its formidable capabilities and versatility the battle tank is generally
considered a key component of modern armies, but recent thinking has challenged the
need for such powerful and expensive weaponry in a period characterized by
unconventional and asymmetric warfare. Ongoing research and development attempts
to equip the tank to meet the challenges of the 21st century.
III. Translate into English:
Танк — броньована бойова машина на гусеничному ході, як правило, з
гарматним озброєнням в якості основного.
На ранніх етапах розвитку танкового будівництва випускалися танки з
кулеметним озброєнням, а після Другої світової війни проводилися
експерименти по створенню танків з ракетним озброєнням.
Основною відмінністю танку від інших гусеничних машин з гарматним
озброєнням є можливість швидко переносити вогонь у широких межах кутів
підвищення і горизонтальних кутів. У більшості випадків така можливість
реалізовується за рахунок встановлення гармати у горизонтальній площині
башти, що може повертатись навколо своєї осі. Самохідна артилерійська
установка може мати схожу з танком конструкцію, але призначена для інших
задач: знищення танків противника з засад або вогневої підтримки військ з
закритої вогневої позиції, а тому має інший баланс броні й озброєння.
Танки вперше застосовані в битві над Соммою британськими військами у
1916 році.


Unit 13


antiaircraft (AA) зенітний
antiaircraft protection протиповітряна оборона, ППО
antiaircraft artillery (AAA) зенітна артилерія
fire support вогнева підтримка
cannon 1) гармата 2) артилерія
missile (rnsl) ракета
light cannon малокаліберна пушка,гармата
medium cannon середня
heavy cannon важка
very heavy cannon надважка
towed буксируємий
prime mover тягач
self propelled (SP) самохідний
artillery piece артилерійське знаряддя
propulsion unit рухова установка
truck-drawn на автомобільній тязі
tractor-drawn на механічній тязі
free rocket некерована ракета
guided missile (GM) керована ракета
short-range guided missile КР ближньої дії
medium-range guided missile КР середньої дальності
long-range guided missile КР далекої дії
helicopter transportable перевозимий на вертолітах
target acquisition виявлення цілі; розвідка цілі
fixed нерухомий, стаціонарний
fixed artillery артилерія на стаціонарних установках
portable переносний
The arty is a supporting arm. It acts by fire alone and is not capable of
independent action. The arty is prepared to fire under either nuc or nonnuclear
conditions. The primary msn of arty is to spt the ground-gaining arms by fire, give
depth to cbt by counterbattery fires, atk hostile res, restrict mvmt, and disrupt comm
sys and other installations. AA protection is another primary msn of arty.
The two general types of arty are FA and ADA.
FA is the principal agency of gnd fire spt. It is equipped with cannons, msls,
and equip required for fire con, mvmt, obsn and survl, and comm. It provides a

powerful means of influencing the course of cbt. The efficient exploitation of FA

capabilities depends on con, In, comm, obsn, location and evaluation of tgts, survl,
and log spt.
FA wpns are classified as cannons or missiles.
FA cannons are classified according to cal as light (120 mm and less), medium
(greater than 120 mm but not to exceed 160 mm), heavy (greater than 160 mm but
not to exceed 210 mm), vеry heavy (greater than 210 mm). Very heavy cannons are
not employed by active Army field artillery units.
FA cannons are further classified according to their method of organic
transport as towed (designed for mvmt by a separate veh generally termed a prime
mover), SP (installed on carriages which provide automotive power for the arty piece
and from which the wpn is fired) and aerial (carried on airmobile vehicles). A towed
wpn may be auxiliary propelled by a mounted propulsion unit. Depending on the
prime mover towed arty may be subdivided into truck-drawn and tractor-drawn. All
cannons are considered as short-range FA.
FA msls are classified as free rkts and GMs. GMs are further classified
according to their range capability as short-range GMs(max range less than 100 km),
medium-range GMs (max range at least 100 km but less than 500 km), and Jong-
range GMs (max range 500 km or more).
All FA wpns are also classified according to the method of transportation
which can be used to deliver a wpn to a cbt area. All arty wpns can be transported by
road, rail, or ship. Wpns that can be moved by aerial transportation are classified as
air-transportable, and helicopter transportable.
I. Translate the text into English in writing:
За думкою американських військових фахівців артилерія є основним
родом військ, що здійснюють вогневих підтримку наземних сил і боротьбу із
засобами повітряного нападу противника. У сухопутних військах США
артилерія поділяється на польову та зенітних та класифікується за калібром,
вагою і способом пересування. Польова та зенітних артилерія в залежності від
калібру та ваги знаряддя також поділяється на легку, середню і важку. В
залежності від способу руху артилерія поділяється на артилерію на механічній
тязі та самохідну. Зенітна артилеря забезпечує оборону найбільш важливих
об'єктів від нальотів авіації. Вона може також використовуватися для
безпосередньої підтримки (direct support) військ, та посилення (reinforcing)
вогню польової артилерії До польової і зенітної артилерії в армії США
належать також керовані та некеровані ракети.
II. Text for additional reading and translating:
While attempts to defeat the tank were made before WW2 and during WW2
though use of conventional high velocity artillery, this proved increasingly difficult in
the post-WW2 period due to increased armour protection and mobility of the tanks.

Another path taken toward defeating the tanks surprisingly came from the country
with the largest armoured fleet in the world at the time, the USSR. Soviet designers
strove to incorporate some measure of anti-tank capability into almost every infantry
weapon, and in the 1960s designed and deployed portable anti-tank wire guided
missiles that could be either carried by the infantry, or fired from the newly
developed BMP-1 infantry fighting vehicles.
During the Cold War, NATO assumed armoured warfare to be a dominant
aspect of conventional ground warfare in Europe. Although the use of light tanks was
largely discontinued, and heavy tanks were also mostly abandoned, the medium tank
design evolved into heavier models due to increase in armour and larger sized main
weapon resulting in the main battle tank (MBT) which came into existence,
combining most of the different types of tanks during World War II. For the most
part the NATO armored doctrine remained defensive, and dominated by use of
nuclear weapons as deterrent.
These weapons, mostly of Soviet design, are a versatile weapon. They are rocket
launched so they have a back blast. When the rocket ignites it expels gases out the
back with explosive force, like a space rocket taking off for orbit. Standing behind
someone who is firing an RPG can be fatal
depending on the range. Inside an enclosed
room shooting out the shooter can be in
danger because the explosive gases have
nowhere to go.
RPG's are usually deployed at the
squad level and are controlled by the squad
leader who the grenadier is never far from. When a mechanized squad is deployed the
RPG gunner is supposed to be to the left of, and beside the squad leader. The RPG is
used to destroy targets that pose the most threat to the squad, be the target a machine
gun or tank.
Although the RPG can be used against a tank, it is usually suicide to attack a
tank from the front because that is where the tank's armor is thickest. Older types of
RPG's frequently lack the power of newer ones. As the Soviets learned in Chechnya,
RPG's make excellent anti-tank weapons.
Chechnya Armor-kill teams were composed of three or four man teams. Each
team had an anti-tank gunner (with an RPG-7 or RPG-18) a machine gunner and a
sniper. Additional members served as ammo bearers and assistant gunners.
Five or six teams would attack the same tank from basement, second or third
floor buildings. Soviet tanks could not fire at these teams because their weapon
lacked the ability to aim so far up or down. While the machine gunner and sniper
pinned down enemy infantry and made the tank button up, the anti-tank gunner tried
to get in a shot at the rear, sides or top of the tank. The armor kill teams would 'mob'
the tanks preventing the armored vehicles from fighting back effectively.


Unit 14


electronic equipment (elct equip) електронне обладнання
combat surveillance (cbt survl) спостереження за полем бою
command communications system система зв'язку командування
(comd comm sys)
area communications system порайонна система зв'язку
field army signal brigade бригада зв'язку польової армії
Communications Electronics officer офіцер по зв'язку; начальник зв'язку
(CE off)
Command communications зв'язок командування
(comd comm)
multichannel communications багатоканальний зв'язок
sign'al center (SIGCEN) вузол зв'язку
communications electronics staff офіцери штабу по зв'язку
та електроніці
signal communications facilities засоби зв'язку
(sig comm facs)
command echelons of division HQ пункти управління дивізії
multichannel terminal кінцевий пункт багатоканального
to establish (install) communi cations розгортати мережі зв'язку
to maintain communications підтримувати мережі зв'язку в
експлуатаційному стані
networks мережі
to operate communications networks обслуговувати [експлуатувати]
(signal centers) мережі зв'язку [вузли зв'язку]
to staff services укомплектовуватися служби
особистим складом
to develop electronic equipment розробляти електронне обладнання
to provide communications забезпечувати зв'язок
to place under a combat brigade підпорядковувати бригаді
to furnish multichannel commu забезпечувати багатоканальний
nications service зв'язок
to provide signal communica tions виділяти майно зв'язку
to provide signal centers розгортати вузли зв'язку


Within the classification of cbt, cbt spt and svc spt, the Signal Corps is a cbt spt
br with the overall msn of planning, installing, operating and maintaining the Army's
worldwide comm sys.
The responsibilities of the Signal Corps include establishing, maintaining,
operating and refining comm networks for tac ops; operating the Army portion of the
global strat comm network; training sig specialists, officer and enlisted; carrying out
researchand development projects; handling the logistics of storage, distribution and
repair of communications-electronics materiel, staffing the Army photographic and
pictorial services; experimenting in the atmospheric sciences and training
meteorological specialists; developing highly specialized elct equip for use in the
space satellite program; and special research in the fields of avionics and cbt survl.
The complexities of today's Army require a flexible Signal Corps organization.
The Army depends upon the Signal Corps to provide the comm required by the army
commander for his operational needs.
A field army signal brigade is the sig orgn formed and employed to provide an
area comm sys and a command comm sys for a field army. The bde assigns servicing
elms including the various organic sig bns (i.e. communication and construction) to
plan, install, maintain and operate the integrated network of the command comm sys
serving from the field army HQ down to each cbt bde. Also, at each cbt bde there is a
Signal Corps officer who serves as the bde Communications-Electronics officer.
Every maneuver battalion placed under the cbt bde has its own C-E off in charge qf
organic communications and in command of the bn comm plat.
At corps level, there is a sig bn which provides comd comm from the corps CP
to the div CP's. This bn performs its msn by using five organic cos: a HHC, two
command operations companies for the corps main and alternate CPs, a command
radio relay and cable company, and command artillery radio relay company.

IV. Translate the sentences into English in writing using the word
combinations given below
1. Основним завданням військ зв'язку є розгортання та обслуговування
мереж зв'язку, необхідних для ведення бойових дій. 2. Розробка
вузькоспеціалізованого електронного устаткування і проведення науково-
дослідних робіт в галузі авіаційного електронного устаткування також
знаходиться у веденні військ зв'язку. 3. Війська зв'язку забезпечують
розгортання двох видів систем зв'язку - систем зв'язку командування та
порайонних систем зв'язку. 4. Батальйон зв'язку, що входить до складу дивізії,
складається зі штабу і штабній роти, роти забезпечення зв'язку командування,
передовий роти зв'язку і роти забезпечення зв'язку командування тилу. 5.
Передова рота зв'язку розгортає вузли зв'язку у передових районах смуги
бойових дій дивізії, встановлює кінцеві пункти багатоканальної зв'язку при

штабі кожної бригади.

to provide signal centers; establishing and operating communications
networks; radio teletypewriter station; tactical operations; multichannel terminals;
developing highly specialized electronic equipment; at each brigade headquarters;
carrying out research; organic to; to provide two types of communications systems;
forward communications company; area communications system; command
operations company; signal support operations company.

V. Translate the text into English orally:

Зв'язок є основним засобом управління військами в бою. Значення зв'язку
зростає з оснащенням військ новою бойовою технікою. Втрата зв'язку веде до
втрати управління військами. На зв'язок в бою покладаються наступні
- Забезпечити командиру постійне керівництво підпорядкованими
військами та отримання від них інформації;
- Узгодити бойові зусилля, взаємодіючих з'єднань, частин і підрозділів різних
родів військ і сусідів при виконанні поставлених ним бойових завдань;
- Своєчасно сповістити війська про повітряний, ядерний, бактеріологічний та
хімічний напад супротивника;
- Забезпечити керівництво матеріально-технічним забезпеченням військ.
Зв'язок командування-це зв'язок, організованих між старшим і
підлеглими командирами або штабами, який забезпечує командиру час та
управління підлеглими військами шляхом прямих переговорів (person-to-person
conversations), передачі їм бойових наказів (operation orders) та отримання від
них донесення (reports).
В армії США батальйон зв'язку розгортає в смузі дивізії порайонну
систему зв'язку, створюючи вузли зв'язку поблизу штабів бригад, штабу
дивізіонів артилерії, штабу командування тилу і при командних пунктах дивізії.
Батальйон зв'язку забезпечує також радіо і радіорелейний зв'язок з усіма
частинами дивізії.

VI.Translate into Ukrainian at sight:

1. The GPS is a satellite-based, radio navigational system. It consists of a
constellation with 24 active satellites that interfaces with a ground-, air-, or sea-based
receiver. Each satellite transmits data that enables the GPS receiver to provide precise
position and time to the user. The GPS receivers come in several configurations,
hand-held, vehicular-mounted, aircraft-mounted, and watercraft-mounted.
Most GPS receivers provide the user with the number of satellites that it is
tracking, and whether or not the signals are good. Some receivers can be manually
switched to track only three satellites if the user knows his altitude.
The GPS provides worldwide, 24-hour, all-weather, day or night coverage
when the satellite constellation is complete. The GPS can locate the position of the
user accurately to within 21 meters—95 percent of the time. However, the GPS has

been known to accurately locate the position of the user within 8 to 10 meters. It can
determine the distance and direction from the user to a programmed location or the
distance between two programmed locations called way points. It provides exact date
and time for the time zone in which the user is located. The data supplied by the GPS
is helpful in performing several techniques, procedures, and missions that require
soldiers to know their exact location.
VII. Additional texts for reading, translating & discussing on the topic:
The NATO phonetic alphabet, more formally the international radiotelephony
spelling alphabet, is the most widely used spelling alphabet. Though often called
"phonetic alphabets", spelling alphabets have no connection to phonetic
transcription systems like theInternational Phonetic Alphabet. Instead, the NATO
alphabet assigns code words to the letters of the English
alphabet acrophonically(Alfa for A, Bravo for B, etc.) so that critical combinations of
letters (and numbers) can be pronounced and understood by those who transmit and
receive voice messages by radio or telephone regardless of their native language,
especially when the safety of navigation or persons is essential. The paramount
reason is to ensure intelligibility of voice signals over radio links.
2. International Adoption
After the alphabet was developed by the International Civil Aviation
Organization (ICAO) (see history below) it was adopted by many other international
and national organizations, including the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization (NATO), the International Telecommunication Union (ITU),
the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), and
the American Radio Relay League (ARRL). It is a subset of the much
older International Code of Signals (INTERCO), which originally included visual
signals by flags or flashing light, sound signals by whistle, siren, foghorn, or bell, as
well as one, two, or three letter codes for many phrases. The same alphabetic code
words are used by all agencies, but each agency chooses one of two different sets of
numeric code words. NATO uses the regular English numeric words (Zero, One, with
some alternative pronunciations), whereas the IMO provides for compound numeric
words (Nadazero, Unaone, Bissotwo...). In practice these are very rarely used, as they
frequently lead to more confusion between speakers of different languages.
The alphabet's common name (NATO phonetic alphabet) arose because it
appears in Allied Tactical Publication ATP-1, Volume II: Allied Maritime Signal and
Maneuvering Book used by all allied navies in NATO, which adopted a modified
form of the International Code of Signals. Because the latter allows messages to be
spelled via flags or Morse code, it naturally called the code words used to spell out
messages by voice its "phonetic alphabet". The name NATO phonetic
alphabet became widespread because the signals used to facilitate the naval
communications and tactics of the United States and NATO have become

global. However, ATP-1 is marked NATO Confidential (or the lower NATO
Restricted) so it is not publicly available. Nevertheless, a NATO unclassified version
of the document is provided to foreign, even hostile, militaries, even though they are
not allowed to make it publicly available. The phonetic alphabet is now also defined
in other unclassified international military documents.


Most of the words are recognizable by native English speakers because English
must be used upon request for communication between an aircraft and a control tower
whenever two nations are involved, especially when they have different languages.
English is not required domestically, thus if both parties to a radio conversation are

from the same country, then another phonetic alphabet of that nation's choice may be
In most versions of the alphabet, the non-English spellings Alfa and Juliett are
found. Alfa is spelled with an f as it is in most European languages. The English and
French spelling alpha would not be properly pronounced by speakers of some other
languages whose native speakers may not know that ph should be pronounced
as f. Juliett is spelled with a tt for native French speakers because they may otherwise
treat a single final t as silent. In English versions of the alphabet, like that from ANSI
or the version used by the British armed forces and emergency services, one or both
may revert to their standard English spelling.
The first internationally recognized alphabet was adopted by the ITU in 1927.
The experience gained with that alphabet resulted in several changes being made in
1932 by the ITU. The resulting alphabet was adopted by the International
Commission for Air Navigation, the predecessor of the ICAO, and was used in civil
aviation until World War II. It continued to be used by the IMO until 1965:
Amsterdam Baltimore Casablanca Denmark Edison Florida Gallipoli Havana
Italia Jerusalem Kilogramme Liverpool Madagascar New_York Oslo Paris Quebec
Roma Santiago Tripoli Upsala Valencia Washington Xanthippe Yokohama Zurich
In military use British and American armed forces each developed their
phonetic alphabets prior to both forces adopting the NATO alphabet in 1956. British
forces adopted the RAF phonetic alphabet which is similar to the phonetic alphabet
used by the Royal Navy in World War I. The U.S. adopted the Joint Army/Navy
Phonetic Alphabet from 1941 to standardize systems amongst all branches of its
armed forces. The U.S. alphabet became known as Able Baker after the words for A
and B. The United Kingdom adapted its RAF alphabet in 1943 to be almost identical
to the American Joint-Army-Navy (JAN) one.
After World War II, with many aircraft and ground personnel drawn from the
allied armed forces, "Able Baker" continued to be used in civil aviation. But many
sounds were unique to English, so an alternative "Ana Brazil" alphabet was used
in Latin America. But the International Air Transport Association (IATA),
recognizing the need for a single universal alphabet, presented a draft alphabet to the
ICAO in 1947 which had sounds common to English, French, and Spanish. After
further study and modification by each approving body, the revised alphabet was
implemented on 1 November 1951 in civil aviation, (but it may not have been
adopted by any military):
Alfa Bravo Coca Delta Echo Foxtrot Golf Hotel India Juliett Kilo Lima Metro
Nectar Oscar Papa Quebec Romeo Sierra Tango Union Victor Whisky Extra Yankee
Immediately, problems were found with this list. Some users felt that they were
so severe that they reverted to the old "Able Baker" alphabet. To identify the
deficiencies of the new alphabet, testing was conducted among speakers from 31
nations, principally by the governments of the United Kingdom and the United

States. Confusion among words like Delta, Nectar, Victor, and Extra, or the
unintelligibility of other words under poor receiving conditions were the main
problems. After much study, only the five words representing the letters C, M, N, U,
and X were replaced. The final version given in the table above was implemented by
the ICAO on 1 March 1956, and was undoubtedly adopted shortly thereafter by the
ITU, because it appears in the 1959 Radio Regulations as an established phonetic
alphabet. Because the ITU governs all international radio communications, it was
also adopted by all radio operators, whether military, civilian, or amateur (ARRL). It
was finally adopted by the IMO in 1965. In 1947 the ITU adopted the compound
number words (Nadazero Unaone, etc.), later adopted by the IMO in 1965.
The alphabet is used to spell out parts of a message containing letters and
numbers to avoid confusion, because many letters sound similar, for instance "n" and
"m" or "b" and "d". For instance the message "proceed to map grid DH98" could be
transmitted as "proceed to map grid Delta-Hotel-Niner-Ait". Using "Delta" instead of
"D" avoids confusion between "BH98" and "DH98". The unusual pronunciation of
certain numbers was designed to reduce confusion, eg, "Fife" instead of "Five" to
avoid confusion with "Fire".
In addition to the traditional military usage, civilian industry uses the alphabet
to combat similar problems in the transmission of messages over telephone systems.
For example, it is often used in the retail industry where customer or site details are
spoken over the telephone (in order to authorize a credit agreement or confirming
stock codes), although ad hoc coding is often used in that instance. It has found heavy
usage in the information technology industry to accurately and quickly communicate
serial/reference codes (which can be and frequently are extremely long) or other
specialised information by voice. In addition, most major airlines use the alphabet to
communicate passenger name records (PNRs) internally, and in some cases, with
Several letter codes and abbreviations using the phonetic alphabet have
become well-known, such as Bravo Zulu (letter code BZ) for "well
done", Checkpoint Charlie (Checkpoint C) in Berlin, and Zulu Time for Greenwich
Mean Time or Coordinated Universal Time. During the Vietnam War, Viet
Cong guerrillas and the group itself were referred to as VC, or Victor Charlie; the
name "Charlie" became synonymous with this force. In recent years "Charlie" has
become viewed as a racist term when used in relation to the Vietnamese.

VII.Test Yourself
NATO phonetic alphabet
1.Which letter is an African warrior? — Z, P, R, D
2.Which letter weighs 1000 grams? — M, W, K, L
3.Which letter is an outdoor sport? — B, I, R, G
4. Which letter is a province of Canada? — S, L, M, Q
5.Which letter is the jazz saxophonist Parker’s first name? — C, Q, K, A

6. Which letter can you hear at the end of the opera? — B, N, S, D

7. Which letter is a kind of dance ? — L, G, F, K
8. Which letter means “ water of life”? — J, Y, O, W
9. Which letter is a photograph of bones? — F, X, M, I
10. Which letter is a Latin lover? — R, Y, E, N
11. Which letter is an Argentinean dance? — C, O, T, D
12. Which letter is an area of land where a river meets the sea? — D, I, N, C
13.Which letter is what all military personnel wear? — U, K, R, A
14. Which letter is the capital of Peru? — L, B, R, S
15.Which letter is married to mama? — B, E, L, P
16.Which letter is a sound that comes back? — E, I, A, W
17. Which letter is an award from Hollywood? — O, A, B, Y
18. Which letter has borders with Bangladesh, Burma, China, Napal and Pakistan?—
W, I, C, V
19. Which letter is a boy’s name that means ‘the winner’?— V, E, N, A


Unit 15


visualize an area чітко уявляти собі місцевість
pertinent features відповідні характерні риси
map's legend легенда карти
natural and man made features природні та антропогенні
to identity ідентифікувати
security precautions заходи безпеки
to facilitate the identification сприяти виявленню
military installations військові об'єкти
large-scale topographic map великомасштабні топографічні карти
surveyed spot elevations обслідувані височини
drainage дренаж
vegetation рослинність
orchards сади
cultivated land оброблювана земля
boundaries кордони
marginal information маргінальна інформація
provide conversion table представити таблицю перетворення
statute закон
nautica морський
linear measure лінійна мера
medium scale середніх розмірів
interpret інтерпретувати
representative fraction показова дріб
numerator чисельник
denominator знаменник
aerial photograph повітряна фотографія
drone безпілотний літак
map supplement карта доповнення
map substitute карта заміна
obsolete застарілий

I. Find the following word combinations in the text and translate them
into Ukrainian:
to permit one to visualize, most commonly used in, in addition to, are known
as military symbols, to facilitate the identification of features on a map, in accordance
with proper security precautions

II. Read the text and answer the questions.

The purpose of a map is to permit one to visualize an area of the earth's surface
with pertinent features properly positioned. The map's legend contains the symbols
most commonly used in a particular series or on that specific topographic map sheet.
Therefore, the legend should be referred to each time a new map is used.
In addition to the topographic symbols used to represent the natural and man-
made features of the earth, military personnel require some method for showing
identity, size, location, or movement of soldiers; and military activities and
installations. The symbols used to represent these military features are known as
military symbols. These symbols are not normally printed on maps because the
features and units that they represent are constantly moving or changing; military
security is also a consideration. They do appear in special maps and overlays. The
map user draws them in, in accordance with proper security precautions.
By the fifteenth century, most European maps were carefully colored. Profile
drawings of mountains and hills were shown in brown, rivers and lakes in blue,
vegetation in green, roads in yellow, and special information in red. A look at the
legend of a modern map confirms that the use of colors has not changed much over
the past several hundred years. To facilitate the identification of features on a map,
the topographical and cultural information is usually printed in different colors. These
colors may vary from map to map. On a standard large-scale topographic map, the
colors used and the features each represent are:
a. Black. Indicates cultural (man-made) features such as buildings and roads,
surveyed spot elevations, and all labels.
b. Red-Brown. The colors red and brown are combined to identify cultural
features, all relief features, non-surveyed spot elevations, and elevation, such as
contour lines on red-light readable maps.
c. Blue. Identifies hydrography or water features such as lakes, swamps, rivers,
and drainage.
d. Green. Identifies vegetation with military significance, such as woods,
orchards, and vineyards.
e. Brown. Identifies all relief features and elevation, such as contours on older
edition maps, and cultivated land on red-light readable maps.
f. Red. Classifies cultural features, such as populated areas, main roads, and
boundaries, on older maps.
g. Other. Occasionally other colors may be used to show special information.
These are indicated in the marginal information as a rule.

1. What are the basic colors of a map, and what does each color represent?
2. What are military symbols?

3. Where is the Legend of the map found?

4. What are contour lines?
5. What are 3 types of contour lines?
6. How many Mils are in one Degree?
7. How many Norths are there on a military map?
8. What are 5 major terrain features found on a map?
9. What are the 3 minor terrain features found on a military map?
10.What is an azimuth?
11.What is the distance between grid lines on a combat map?
12. How many mils are there in a circle?
13.Which north is used when using a military map?
14.What do topographic symbols represent?
15.What is the general rule for reading military grid coordinates?

III Translate the text into Ukrainian orally:

As an officer, you must be proficient in the art of military map reading. All
operations that are in liaison with active and reserve military units will always use
military maps in their execution and operations orders. You will be expected to have
the skills necessary to follow those instructions.
The first thing you should know about a map is that it is nothing more than a
drawing of a piece of the earth's surface as it would be seen from above looking
straight down.
Your map shows much more than just terrain. It shows physical symbols for
man-made objects such as roads, buildings, etc., and topographic symbols identifying
terrain features. All of these objects are represented on the map by a symbol, and
these symbols are explained in the lower left corner of every map in a section called
the LEGEND. Learn how to use the Legend.
The Legend also gives you information about the color codes used on the map.
Know what the colors are and what they represent. Finally, the map also gives you
crucial information in its margins, such as scale, date of printing, and in the bottom
margin the Grid/Magnetic angle (difference between magnetic north, map grid north,
and true north for your map.

IV. Translate the text into Ukrainian at sight:

There are no street addresses on your map, but you can still find your
LOCATION accurately. Your map has black lines running up and down (North and
South) and crosswise (East and West). Together they form squares called GRID
SQUARES. Their lines are numbered along the outside edges of the map. Each grid
Square has a different number. To get the correct number for a certain square, first
read from left to right along the bottom edge of the map and find the line that borders

the left side of your grid. Then read UP and find the East-West line that is the bottom
border of your grid square. In other words, read RIGHT then UP. Using your map
protractor, determine a six-digit grid coordinate to locate a point on the ground within
100 meters. Then determine an eight-digit grid coordinate to locate a point on the
ground to within 10 meters. Record the grid coordinates with the correct two-letter
grid square identifier. Refer to FM 21-26.
You can also use your map to measure distance between two places. Your map
has been drawn to scale, meaning that a certain distance on the map equals a certain
distance on the surface of the ground. The Map Scale is printed at the TOP and
BOTTOM of your map; Example: Scale 1:50,000. This means that 1 inch on your
map equals 50,000 inches on the ground. There are 36 inches per yard, 39.37 inches
per meter, 3,600 inches per 100 yards, and 63,360 inches per mile. Refer to FM 21-26
for detailed methods for using all three of the map scales used on every military map.

V. Additional texts for reading on the topic

When you have no compass, use the sun or stars to find your direction. You
probably remember the old rule that "the sun rises in the East and sets in the West."
It's not quite right. Unless you're on the equator, the sun doesn't rise due East and set
due West--and where it does rise varies depending on the time of the year. Here are
some methods for finding North.
A. Shadow-tip method
At a level spot, place a stick into the ground
vertically so it casts a distinct shadow. Mark the
shadow's tip with a stone see in figure). Wait 10
minutes or more and mark the new position with a
second stone, then draw a line through the centers of
the two stones. This drawn line is an EAST-WEST
line. The first stone that you put down is WEST and
the second is EAST.
Now draw a vertical line perpendicular to the EAST-WEST line to give you
the NORTH-SOUTH line (B). Do this by taking a stick, hold one end of it on the
West end of the line, and draw two arcs above and below the E-W line (see B in the
fig-ure). Then hold the stick on the East end of the line and draw two arcs above and
below the E-W line, intersecting the first two arcs. If you draw a straight line between
the two arc intersections, this will be the N-S line.
B. Direction with your watch

Direction with your watch: You can also find direction with
your watch, but not as accurately as the shadow-tip method.
Point the hour hand at the sun. South will be half way between
the hour hand and twelve o'clock.


C. North Star:
You can locate north at night by
finding the North Star. Find the Big
Dipper. The last two stars on the cup
point directly at Polaris the North Star
which is about five times as far out as
the distance between those two stars in
the cup. Facing the North Star, you are
looking north with East on your right
and West on your left.
Grid North, True North, and Magnetic North

The grid/magnetic angle in the lower margin of your map can be

important to you. In many parts of the world your compass does
not point due (grid) north, but varies some degrees right or left. The
North-South lines on your map point the direction to Grid North.
The needle of your compass always points to Magnetic North.
Neither one points straight at the North Pole. The Grid/Magnetic
angle in the map margin tells you how much they vary.


What if you want to locate your position but don't know exactly where you are?
Resection is computing your location by determining the back azimuth from
two or more known points that you can see. Orient the left edge of your map to point
North as closely as you can by using one of the methods listed above--then look
around you for some feature that you can identify on the ground and on the map, i.e.,
a water tower.
Take a bearing (azimuth) to the water tower, and calculate the reverse bearing,
or back azimuth. Place your protractor's center on the water tower symbol, and orient
its top edge parallel to the East-West lines on the map. Mark a spot on the map at the
protractor's edge where the reverse bearing is located. Draw a line from the tower
symbol to tnd through that spot. Do the same with a second object you can see which
is also on the map. Where the two lines cross is your location.


Alternately, GTA 5-2-13 has several methods of resection that you should be
familiar with--study them.
Modified resection:

Modified resection works well when you

know that you are already located on a
feature, such as a road or a trail. You only
need to take the back azimuth from a single
object, say a school. You are located where
the drawn back azimuth line crosses the
feature you are on.


Determine the type of terrain feature upon which you are located.
Determine what types of terrain features surround your location.
Orient your map by finding the group of terrain features on it.
Determine the 4 cardinal directions (North, South, East, and West) by one of
the methods above (i.e., using watcvh or sun shadow).
Determine your location.
The brown lines on your map are called contour lines. Each line shows the
height above sea level and is constant along its length. Contour lines never cross one
another. Tick marks on lines always point down-slope. Printed at the bottom of your
map is CONTOUR INTERVAL, which is the difference in height elevation between
one brown line and the one next to it). The distance is usually 20 feet.
Every fifth line is printed heavier than the rest and has a number that gives the
elevation of that line in feet. Find your position between the heavy brown contour
lines and simply read the value, adding the lines as you close in on your position.
GTA-5-2-13 has some good examples--study them.


Determine the elevation of a point by using a map.

Determine the contour interval for your map.
Determine the elevation of your location to within half the value of the contour
Determine your elevation at the spot marked with a red X. How high are you? (325
Be able to identify the key terrain features--hills, valleys, saddles, depressions, cliffs
and ridges as shown by contour lines on your map. Examples are shown in GTA-5-2-

VI. Learn and remember the map symbols:

Several kinds of general symbols appear on maps and are described in the map's legend.
Green symbols, which may be organized in rows to illustrate
an orchard or planted forest.
Roads Solid lines or red or black.
Double dashed lines.
Trails Dotted lines.
Elongate brackets with wings on either side of a road or
Railroads Solid lines with small cross-lines.

Large ones are shown in black shapes, small ones as small

Buildings squares. Churches have a small cross atop, and schools a
small flag.
Shown as a small black circle (small) or an outlined red circle
Cities Shown as a line-bounded area filled with pink or yellow.
Shown as a small or large circle with the contents as a label,
Storage tanks
i.e., Oil.
Radio, TV, electrical towers are shown as a small black circle
with a dot inside, and the word Tower alongside.
Power lines A series of spaced small circles connected by dashed lines.
Fences A series of spaced small Xes connected by straight lines.
Airports Shown with true runway shapes in black.
May be shown with the BM mark, or on smaller scale maps
as simple spot elevation numbers with no symbol.

Military symbols usually consist of basic and interservice symbol, the unit size,
the unit or installation role indicator, equipment indicator, aviation symbol and
location, and the content of the fields surrounding the basic symbol. Geometric
figures form the basic symbol used to represent units, installations and activities.
Rectangle- a unit; Flag- a HQ; Circle- a logistical, medical, or administrative unit or
depot. More information concerning symbols will be found in FM 101-5-1,
Operational Terms and Graphics, or at Some typical unit symbols
seen on a map:
Ideally, different colors are used to depict enemy and friendly symbols. Since
different colors may not always be available, procedures for one-color and multicolor
symbols are as follows: Friendly symbols are outlined by a single line; Enemy
symbols with double lines. Blue or black indicates friendly units, posts, etc. not
covered by other colors. Red indicates enemy elements. Yellow indicates chemical or
radiological areas. Green indicates friendly and or enemy manmade obstacles. If
other colors are used, they must be explained in a legend. (FM 101-5-1, Operational
Terms and Graphics)


VII Additional information

This appendix provides conversion tables for units of measure and conversion
factors that are used in military operations.

12 inches = 1 foot
36 inches = 1 yard
3 feet = 1 yard
1,760 yards = 1 mile statute
2,026.8 yards = 1 mile nautical
5,280 feet = 1 mile statute
6,080.4 feet = 1 mile nautical
63,360 inches = 1 mile statute
72,963 inches = 1 mile nautical

Table C-1. English system of linear measure.

1 millimeter = = inches
10 millimeters = = 0.3937
10 centimeters = = inches
10 decimeters = = 3.937 inches
10 meters = = 39.37 inches
10 decameters = = 32.81 feet
10 hectometers = = 328.1 feet
10 kilometers = = 0.62 mile
6.21 miles

Table C-2. Metric system of linear measure.

1 mil circle 0.05625° 0.0625 grad
= = =
1 grad 1/400 16.0 mils 0°54' = 0.9°
= = =
1 circle about 17.8 about 1.1
= = =
degree 1/360 mils grad

Table C-3. Equivalent units of angular measure.

Inch 1 0.0833 0.0277 - - 25.40
Foot 12 1 0.333 - - 304.8
Yard 36 3 1 0.00056 - 914.4
63,360 5,280 1,760 1 0.8684 -
72,963 6,080 2,026 1.1516 1 -
Millimeter 0.0394 0.0033 0.0011 - - 1
Centimeter 0.3937 0.0328 0.0109 - - 10
Decimeter 3.937 0.328 0.1093 - - 100
Meter 39.37 3.2808 1.0936 0.0006 0.0005 1,000
Decameter 393.7 32.81 10.94 0.0062 0.0054 10,000
Hectometer 3,937 328.1 109.4 0.0621 0.0539 100,000
Kilometer 39,370 3,281 1,094 0.6214 0.5396 1,000,000
Myriameter 393,700 32,808 10,936 6.2137 5.3959 10,000,000

ONE cm dm M dkm hm km mym

Inch 2.540 0.2540 0.0254 0.0025 0.0003 - -
Foot 30.48 3.048 0.3048 0.0305 0.0030 0.0003 -


Yard 91.44 9.144 0.9144 0.0914 0.0091 0.0009 -

160,930 16,093 1,609 160.9 16.09 1.6093 0.1609
185,325 18,532 1,853 185.3 18.53 1.8532 0.1853
Millimeter 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 - - -
Centimeter 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 - -
Decimeter 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 -
Meter 100 1 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001
Decameter 1,000 10 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001
Hectometer 10,000 100 100 10 1 0.1 0.01
Kilometer 100,000 1,000 1,000 100 10 1 0.1
Myriameter 1,000,000 10,000 10,000 1000 100 10 1

VIII Do the following problems

Problem1.: Reduce 76 centimeters to (?) inches.

76 cm x 0.3937 = 29 inches
Answer: There are 29 inches in 76 centimeters.
Problem 2: How many feet are there in 2.74 meters?
—— = 9 feet
Answer: There are approximately 9 feet in 2.74


416.67 feet 164.00 feet
127.00 meters 50.00 meters
833.33 feet 328.10 feet
254.00 meters 100.00 meters


1,041.66 feet 410.10 feet

317.00 meters 125.00 meters
1,666.70 feet 656.20 feet
508.00 meters 200.00 meters
2,083.30 feet 820.20 feet
635.00 meters 250.00 meters
4,166.70 feet 1,640.40 feet
1,270.00 meters 500.00 meters
5,280.00 feet 2,078.70 feet
1,609.30 meters 633.60 meters
8,333.30 feet 3,280.80 feet
2,540.00 meters 1,000.00 meters
20,833.00 feet 8,202.00 feet
6,350.00 meters 2,500.00 meters
41,667.00 feet 16,404.00 feet
12,700.00 meters 5,000.00 meters


Unit 16


intelligence (intel) відомості, повідомлення; інформація;
розвідка; розвідувальні дані
Military Intelligence (MI) військова розвідка; армійська розвідка
Intelligence and Electronic розвідувальна та радіоелектронна війна
Warfare (IEW)
application of force застосування сили
Strategic Intelligence стратегічна розвідка; дані стратегічної
analyst аналітик, спеціаліст з аналізу
Defense Intelligence Agency розвідувальне управління міністерства
(DIA) оборони
National Security Agency агентство національної безпеки
National Reconnaissance Agency агентство національних розслідувань
Biographic Intelligence біографічна розвідка
Economic Intelligence економічна розвідка
Scientific and Technical науково-технічна розвідка
Armed Forces Intelligence розвідка збройних сил (імовірного
Political Intelligence політична розвідка; політичний шпіонаж
Sociological Intelligence соціологічна розвідка; соціологічний
All-Source Intelligence загальна розвідка
OfficerBasic Course (OBC) основний курс підготовки офіцерів
Intelligence Preparation of the підготовка до бою на основі розвідувальних
Battlefield (IPB) даних
Imagery Intelligence (IMINT) фотоізорепродукційна розвідка
satellite супутник; штучний супутник
spy plane літак-шпигун
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) безпілотний літальний апарат
camera телевізійна камера, телекамера
National Imagery and Mapping національна асоціація графічних і
Association (NIMA) картографічних робіт
National Reconnaissance Office управління національних розслідувань
counterintelligence (CI) контррозвідка
to gain intelligence здобувати розвідувальні дані
source джерело (інформації)
Human Intelligence (HUMINT) агентурна розвідка

liaison (ln) зв'язок (взаємодії)

prisoner of war (POW; PW) військовополонений
detainee затриманий; особа, яка знаходиться під
open-source documents документи загального користування
media медіа (сукупність засобів аудіо-, теле- і
візуальної комунікації)
Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) радіотехнічна розвідка; дані радіотехнічної
intercept перехоплювати (сигнал); перехоплений
сигнал (повідомлення)
radio traffic радіообмін
to provide support to leaders at all надавати допомогу командирам усіх рівнів
commander's intelligence needs потреби командира у розвідувальних даних
to coordinate survaillance координувати розвідувальну діяльність
to determine enemy intent and визначати наміри противника та його
capability можливості
to defeat or degrade targeting ліквідовувати чи погіршувати можливості
capabilities щодо визначення цілей для удару
to develop and implement розробляти та впроваджувати плани
deception plans введення противника в оману
to confirm, refute, or augment підтверджувати, спростовувати чи
intelligence доповнювати розвідувальні дані
to answer intelligence відповідати вимогам розвідки
collecting, locating, processing, збір, класифікація, обробка, аналіз та
analyzing, and reporting надання інформації щодо перехоплених
intercepted communications радіо даних

I.Find out the following abbreviations in the text. Decode and translate them:
IEW; spt; ldrs; comdr; mil ops; US; intel; elm; pers; br; off; MI; EUCOM;
CENTCOM; equip; comp; CPT; co comd; OBC; survl; IPB; en; mvr; gnd; psn; atk;
IMINT; UAV; en fmns; NIMA; NRO; msn; CI; POW; ops scty; rr; frd; HUMINT;
info; tsk; ln; CIA; MAJ; SIGINT; comms.
II. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following word combinations. Find them
in the text:
to provide timely, relevant, accurate and synchronized support; to permit the
effective application of force; to encompass all intelligence collection activities; to do
both long-term and short-term analysis; to start off with All-Source Intelligence; to
analyze the enemy's capabilities and their impact on the maneuver commander's plan;
to order a decisive attack; to prevent the enemy from gaining intelligence on our own

forces; acquisition of first-hand, primary source intelligence; exploitation of

adversary and open-source documents; to provide near real time intelligence for the
III. Find out equivalents for the following word combinations in the text: у
воєнний час; підтримка миру; відповідати зростаючим вимогам сухопутних
військ; командування рівня театру воєнних дій; аналіз наукових та технічних
можливостей; досягти звання капітана; здійснювати підготовку до бою на
основі розвідувальних даних; успішно виконувати задум командира;
зосереджувати сили на слабозахищених ділянках оборони противника;
визначати наміри противника та його можливості; можливості з визначення
цілей для завдавання ударів; ускладнювати здатність противника визначати
курс дій своїх військ; допит військовополонених; проводити опитування
населення; перехоплювати та аналізувати радіодані.
Military Intelligence provides timely, relevant, accurate and synchronized IEW spt
to ldrs at all levels (tactical warfighting comdr to strategic policy makers and the
President) across the range of mil ops. In war, IEW ops spt the winning of battles and
campaigns. In Low Intensity Conflicts, IEW ops spt the promotion of peace, the
resolution of conflict, and the deterrence of war. These ops reduce uncertainty and
risk to US Forces and permit the effective application of force.
Intel has been an essential elm of Army ops during war as well as during periods
of peace. In the past, requirements were met by pers from the Army Intelligence and
Army Security Reserve brs, two-year obligated tour offs, one-tour levies on the
various brs, and Regular Army offs in the specialization programs. To meet the
Army's increased requirements for national and tactical intel, an Intelligence and
Security Branch was established in the Army effective July 1, 1962. On July 1, 1967,
the br was redesignated as MI.
Strategic Intelligence encompasses all intel collection activities conducted at
echelons above corps. Strategic Intelligence analysts work at places like the Defense
Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, the National Reconnaissance
Agency, and at theater level comds like EUCOM or CENTCOM. The Strategic
Intelligence analyst does both long-term and short-term analysis that can be in a
number of different areas: Biographic Intelligence (getting the scoop on mil ldrs
throughout the world); Economic Intelligence (analysis of the economic capabilities
of other countries); Scientific and Technical Intelligence (analysis of the scientific
and technical capabilities of other countries); Armed Forces Intelligences (analysis of
the capabilities, limitations, structure, equip, doctrine, tactics, future capabilities, etc.
of other mil forces); Political Intelligence (analysis of the political leadership, goals,
policies, etc. of other countries); Sociological Intelligence (analysis of the societies
and cultures of other countries). There are also other comps of Strategic Intelligence.
MI offs generally don't begin to work in Strategic Intelligence assignments until
they've reached the rank of CPT and have successfully completed co comd.

All-Source Intelligence is what every intel off starts off with. All graduates of
OBC get the title of an All-Source Intelligence off. OBC develops a strong
foundational knowledge of all the intel disciplines, what their capabilities and
limitations are, and how to use them to spt the comdr's intel needs. An All-Source
Intelligence off can be considered the "Jack of all trades", with a good working
knowledge of all the disciplines. An All-Source Intelligence off orchestrates multi-
discipline collection management of intel assets; coordinates survl activities;
conducts IPB; analyzes the en's capabilities and their impact on the mvr comdr's plan;
and ultimately understands the mvr comdr's intel requirements and knows how to get
the answers to the questions that need to be answered so that the comdr's plan can be
executed successfully. Many MI offs remain All-Source Intelligence offs, and don't
specialize in any one particular intel discipline. They have a solid understanding of
all of the disciplines, and understand how to use them in spt of the comdr's intel
Since the earliest wars, mil comdrs have always wanted to be able to "see over the
next hill". Those who held the high gnd, the commanding psn, could see with their
own eyes what the opposing army was doing and could concentrate forces at the en's
weak points and often order a decisive atk. IMINT is the intel discipline that lets
comdrs "see over the next hill". Satellites, spy planes, UAVs, and even cameras are
all tools of the trade in IMINT. IMINT allows to take "pictures" of en fmns, equip,
bases, people, etc., that can be then analyze to determine en intent and capability. The
NIMA is the head proponent for IMINT, and the NRO is another key player in the
IMINT arena.
The essence of the Army's Counterintelligence msn is to spt force protection. In
general, the CI msn is focused on preventing the en from gaining intel on our own
forces. CI does this in a number of ways. By its nature, CI is a multidiscipline
function designed to defeat or degrade threat intel and targeting capabilities. CI ops
spt force protection through spt to ops scty, deception, and rr area ops across the
range of mil ops. CI pers generally work in small teams, and play a key role in
helping the comdr successfully execute his msn. CI pers play an integral role in
developing and implementing deception plans that confuse and hinder the en's ability
to determine frd courses of action. CI pers also play an extremely critical role in the
acquisition of first-hand, primary source intel. CI pers do this through interrogation of
en prisoners, through survl ops, and through establishing and maintaining
relationships with various people (known as sources) who provide intel on en
capabilities and intent. Counterintelligence is one of the smaller intel disciplines, but
certainly an important one.
HUMINT is the oldest of the intel disciplines. HUMINT is particularly important
because it can confirm, refute, or augment intel derived through
other disciplines. HUMINT is a key contributor to the all-source picture of the
battlefield. HUMINT is the intel derived from info collected from people and related
documents, using passively and actively acquired human sources to gather info to
answer intel requirements. HUMINT tsks include but are not limited to: source ops

using tactical and other developed sources; ln with host nation officials and allied
counterparts; debriefing of civilian populace; interrogation of en POWs and
detainees; and exploitation of adversary and open-source documents, media, and
material. The CIA is the overall manager of the national HUMINT collection
program. Selection for HUMINT in MI is highly competitive, and only senior CPTs
and MAJs are considered.
SIGINT results from collecting, locating, processing, analyzing, and reporting
intercepted communications and noncommunications emitters. What does that mean?
Basically, SIGINT is the intel derived from intercepting and analyzing either voice
communications (like radio comms, phone comms, or any comms that involves the
voice transmission), or electronics communications. Electronic comms can be radar
transmissions or any type of communication that is non-voice. SIGINT is a powerful
intel discipline, because it can provide near real time intel for the comdr. Imagine if
you could listen in on en radio traffic and hear the en discuss his operational plan as
he's talking about it ... you would be able to develop a clear picture of the en's intent
pretty quickly, right? Well, that's what SIGINT can provide!
IV. Answer the following questions:
1.What kind of support does Military Intelligence provide to all leaders in the time
of war and peacetime?
2.When was Military Intelligence established?
3.What types of intelligence can you think of?
4.What is Strategic Intelligence and how is it subdivided?
5.What type of intelligence does every intelligence officer start off with?
6.What skills do intelligence officers aquire during Officer Basic Course?
7.What facilities are used by Imagery Intelligence to achieve its goals?
8.What objective is the Army's Counterintelligence mission focused on?
9. What role is played by the Counterintelligence personnel in helping the
commander successfully execute his mission?
10.What is the oldest of the intelligence disciplines and why is it so important?
11. What sources of information are used by Human Intelligence?
12. What main tasks of Human Intelligence can you enumerate?
13. How does Signals Intelligence accomplish its missions?
V. Translate the following questions from Ukrainian into English:
1. Які основні завдання військової розвідки? 2. Які основні види розвідки
проводяться американськими розвідувальними службами? 3. Яка робота
виконується аналітиками стратегічної розвідки? 4. Яких навичок та вмінь
набувають випускники після проходження основного курсу підготовки
офіцерів розвідувальних служб? 5. У яких дисциплінах спеціалізуються
офіцери військової розвідки? 6. Що в себе включає фотоізорепро- дукційна
розвідка? 7. Які можливості радіотехнічної розвідки? 8. Які основні завдання
виконує контррозвідка? 9. Що таке документи загального користування? 10.
Яку роботу виконує особовий склад контррозвідки? 11. Які ресурси інформації
використовує агентурна розвідка? 12. Які особи виконують завдання щодо

вербування шпигунів?


Unit 17


Air Defence (AD) протиповітряна оборона
Air Defence Command (ADC) командування протиповітряної оборони
Aerospace Defence Command (ADC) командування повітряно-космічної
Continental Air Defence Command континентальне командування ППО
Semi-Automatic Ground Environment наземна напівавтоматична система
(SAGE) system управління засобами ППО
Tactical Air Command (TAC) тактичне авіаційне командування
Strategic Air Command (SAC) стратегічне авіаційне командування
North American Aerospace Defense командування повітряно-космічної
Command (NORAD) оборони Північної Америки
aircraft detection виявлення літаків
identification розпізнавання
destruction знищення
defence acquisition radar РЛС виявлення цілей ППО
data storage unit блок зберігання даних
display board індикаторне табло
indicator console пульт індикації
intercept flight path траєкторія перехвату
appropriate weapon відповідна зброя
interrogator радіолокаційний запрошувач
height finder radar РЛС визначення висоти цілі;
identification friend-or-foe (IFF) система розпізнавання "свій - чужий"
pulse code імпульсний код
radar netting збір інформації, що надходить з мережі
identification operator оператор апаратур розпізнавання
relative times reading приблизні показники часу (приладу)
weapons allocation operator начальник ІППО району
SAM allocator начальник ракетних засобів ППО району

I. Find out the following abbreviations in the text. Decode and translate
ADC; comd; con; AD; atk; orgn; MAJCOM; AF; CONAD; sys; SAGE; equip;
strat; info; acft; def; msl atk; ANG; AF Res; msn; TAC; SAC; sup; wpn; resp; cbt;
CINC; elm; tng; gnd; comp; NORAD; comdr; tgt; SAM btry; bn op; chars; IFF; psn;

II.Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following word combinations. Find them

in the text:
to operate under the control of; threat of air attack seemed negligible; first of the
SAGE sectors was put into operation; with huge radar stations destined for Alaska,
Greenland and England; to supply and maintain the major portion of Air Force
weapons and real estate; to have the responsibility to organize, administer, equip,
train, and prepare combat units and combat crews; to control the Distant Early
Warning Line, and the Texas Towers - radar stations in the Atlantic Ocean; to start
with knowledge of the attacking forces; addition of radars specifically deployed for
the purpose of early warning or gap-filling; to ensure that the detection is adequately
reported and displayed; long chain of command; to recommend the tracks; to have the
target's position, course, speed, height and identity; to start the engagement; in order
to put the tracking radar on the target; to order the arming of the missile's proximity
III. Find out equivalents for the following word combinations in the text:
передавати керівництво командувачу континентального командування ППО
та командування повітряно-космічної оборони Північної Америки; бути
спроможним виявити ракету; надавати допомогу у домобіліза- ційній
підготовці та приймати на себе командування над; збільшувати зону виявлення
наземних РЛС на морських ділянках уздовж узбережжя США; виконувати
функцію стеження за літальними апаратами, які надають інформацію; знищити
наступальні сили; виявити літак; збирати та аналізувати необроблену
радіолокаційну інформацію; рекомендувати найкращу зброю для використання;
тактико-технічні характеристики винищувачів США різних класів; повертатися
на базу; інформація конвертується в імпульсний код; порівнювати дані цілі з
планами польотів; вносити необхідні поправки.
The War Department established an ADC on February 26, 1940. This comd,
operating under the con of the First Army Commander from March 2, 1940, to
September 9, 1941, engaged in planning for AD. Before the US entered World War
II, AD was divided among the four air districts (later, numbered air forces) based in
the US: First, Second, Third, and Fourth Air Forces. In mid 1944, when the threat of
air atk seemed negligible, this AD orgn was disbanded. Subsequently, no real AD
orgn existed until the second ADC (later Aerospace) was established in 1946 as a
MAJCOM of the Army AF.
In December 1948, it was placed under the CONAD and delegated supervision of the
build-up of the AD sys. The growth and development of the ADC AD sys has been
steady. In 1953, development of the SAGE sys began. It was destined to become the
nerve centre of AD. The first of the SAGE sectors was put into operation in July
1958, and was rapidly joined by others in the eastern and northern US during 1959
and 1960. This electronic network is based on the provision of digital computers and
ancillary data-transmitting equip at strat locations throughout the country. A major

purpose of this sys is to provide instantaneous info to interceptor acft in flight as well
as trigger other def measures.
To provide far distant early warning of msl atks, the Ballistic Missile Early
Warning System was begun in 1958, with huge radar stations destined for Alaska,
Greenland and England; these radars are capable of detecting msls in flight, deep in
the distant territory.
The ADC declined after the ANG and AF Res gradually assumed more and more
of the AD msn. In 1980 ADC resources were divided between TAC and SAC. Some
functions of the comd passed to the Aerospace Defence Centre, a direct reporting unit
which inactivated on October 1, 1986.
The ADC is organized primarily to discharge AF responsibilities for the AD of the
US. ADC sups and maintains the major portion of AF wpns and real estate for this
purpose. It has the resp to organize, administer, equip, train, and prepare cbt units and
cbt crews assigned to ADC, and to place under the operational con of the CINC of the
Continental and North American ADCs such elms when they are ready for cbt. ADC
recommends tng needs for the ANG, assists in its premobilization tng, and assumes
comd over ANG AD units upon mobilization. In addition, ADC cons the Distant
Early Warning Line, and the Texas Towers - radar stations in the Atlantic Ocean.
ADC units fly the Lockheed RC-121 Warning Stars which form the aerial seaward
extensions of gnd radar lines off both ocean coasts of the US. Basic AD functions of
ADC are: acft detection, identification, interception and destruction. ADC is the
major comp force of both the CONAD and the NORAD.
Method of Operation
All AD must start with knowledge of the atking forces. As a result, any AD sys
must perform an acft tracking function which yields info that comdrs can use to
engage the atking force. This tracking function can exist either as an integral feature
of the AD sys, such as the def acquisition radar, or by the addition of radars
specifically deployed for the purpose of early warning or gap-filling. The term, radar
netting describes the process by which track data derived from several additional or
remote radars are gathered at a single centre to produce an integrated set of
meaningful tgt info which can be distributed to all AD elms concerned. A radar
netting sys exchanges data among various radars, SAM btries, and comd centres by
advanced digital data transmission techniques. The standard operational sys consists
of the following subsystems: radar tracking station, radar netting unit, and btry
terminal equip.
The radar tracking station is a compact radar data processor which accepts track
info from its associated acquisition radar. This track info enters the computer and is
updated by manual tracking on the part of the console operator. Incoming track data
must be received by each radar tracking station at the bn ops central and relayed to
the msl btries as well as to the other radar tracking stations.
At the bn ops central, the radar netting unit acts as a sequencing and distribution
device, channelling data from each radar tracking station to the msl btries through
their terminal equip, to the bn ops central displays, and to other radar tracking

stations. It is one thing to detect an acft, but quite another to ensure that the detection
is adequately reported and displayed. In modern AD sys's all this is done by
computer. Computers, incorporating data storage units are designed to collect and sift
the raw radar info, and display reference and tabular data on display boards and
indicator consoles to various operators and to others in the long chain of comd.
The computers also work out certain other details. They can recommend the best
wpn to use, display the intercept flight path info for the benefit of the appropriate
wpn, hold the chars of the various types of fighters used in USAF and scramble them
on demand, recommend the tracks to be taken by acft to get back to base.
The principal advantages of this sys lay in the speed with which it could solve AD
problems and display the results. Immediately after a detection radar detects an acft,
the interrogator and height finder radar are switched on to see whether the acft is
displaying IFF or not, and to find out the tgt's height. All this info is converted into a
pulse code form and transmitted to the AD centers where it is automatically fed into
the computer which now has the tgt's psn, course, speed, height and identity. An
identification operator then compares the tgt's data with all known flight plans held in
the computer store; a process which only takes a matter of milliseconds to perform.
If the tgt's details do not correspond with any flight plan and it is not showing IFF,
the computer will display the relative times reading which would be taken by the
various wpns available to make an interception, and the wpns allocation operator then
decides which wpn to use. If he decides on msls, he passes the resp to the SAM
allocator who passes the necessary info to the selected btry which then starts the
At the firing unit the operator exercises a supervisory role but can if necessary fire
the msl himself. The firing unit's computer makes the necessary corrections to the tgt
data supplied by the survl radar in order to put the tracking radar on the tgt. It also
works out the possibility of an interception, generates guidance phase and then orders
the arming of the msl's proximity fuze and notifies the end of the engagement.
IV. Answer the following questions:
1. What do you know about the ADC development?
2. When did the development of the Semi-Automatic Ground Environment
system begin? What is this electronic network based on?
3. What is a major purpose of SAGE system?
4. Between what commands were ADC resources divided in 1980?
5. What radar stations does ADC control in the Atlantic Ocean?
6.What are the responsibilities and functions of ADC?
7.What does the term radar netting describe and exchange?
8.What subsystems does the standard operational system consist of?
9. What electronic equipment is used in ADC?
10. What are the duties of the identification operator?
11. What are the duties of the SAM allocator?
12. What does the firing unit's computer make in order to put the tracking radar

on the target?


Unit 18


US Navy військово-морські сили США

Department of the Navy міністерство ВМС США
operating forces (OF) бойові (діючі) сили ВМС США
United States Marine Corps (USMC) корпус морської піхоти США
Coast Guard берегова охорона США, морська
прикордонна охорона США
shore establishment берегові частини та установи тилу ВМС
United States Naval Academy військово-морська академія США
Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) міністр ВМС
Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) начальник штабу ВМС
Vice Chief of Naval Operations перший заступник начальника штабу
Deputy Chief of Naval Operations заступник начальника штабу ВМС
fleet флот
Fleet Commander командувач флоту
Type Commander командувач однорідним з'єднанням
(однорідними силами) флоту
Military Sealift Command командування морських перевезень
sea control контроль морських районів
power projection забезпечення проведення бойових дій у
морських районах та на суші
sealift виконання морських перевезень
strategic nuclear deterrence стратегічне ядерне стримування
carrier-based aircraft літак, призначений для запуску з
naval gunfire вогонь з морських зенітних
артилерійських установок
mine-laying operations мінування
Maritime Prepositioning Ship (MPS) корабель швидкого реагування
Midshipman гардемарин
warship бойовий корабель

I. Find out the following abbreviations in the text. Decode and translate
DN; comp; OF; USMC; res comps; USCG; DHS; msn; cbt; off; EM; SECNAV;


resp; secy; facs; scty; obj; SECDEF; svc; CNO; mil off; comd; JCS; VCNO; DCNO;
stf; op; comdr; con; AF; tng; AOR; spt; COMMCEN; acft; trans; USNS; dept; sup
ops; atk; tgt; wpns and pers; br; msl sub; en; aslt; MPS.
II.Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following word combinations. Find them
in the text:
to maintain, train and equip combat-ready Naval forces; to be capable of winning
wars, deterring aggression and maintaining freedom of the seas; to oversee the
construction, outfitting, and repair of naval ships, facilities; repair of machinery and
electronics; training areas and simulators; equipment and facilities; to gain results in
something; to accomplish national defense missions; intelligence and meteorological
support; menace of terrorists' violence use; US Armed Forces are involved in.
III. Find out equivalents for the following word combinations in the text:
бути відповідальним за; розробка та впровадження політики та програм;
порядок підпорядкування повинен узгоджуватися з; бути оперативно приданим;
складати велику частину; досягати результатів у чомусь; контролювати
морські, підводні та надводні райони; утримувати арсенал ядерної зброї; склади
для запчастин, палива та боєприпасів; використовувати у важливих районах по
всьому світу; медичне та стоматологічне забезпечення; успішно вести бойові дії
разом з іншими видами збройних сил.
The US Navy was founded on 13 October 1775, and the DN was established on
30 April 1798. The DN has three principal comps: The Navy Department, consisting
of executive offices mostly in Washington, D.C.; the OF, including the MC, the res
comps, and, in time of war, the USCG (in peace, a comp of the DHS); and the shore
establishment. The msn of the Navy is to maintain, train and equip cbt-ready naval
forces capable of winning wars, deterring aggression and maintaining freedom of the
seas. The Navy (excluding the USMC) had about 380,000 active-duty sailors,
including about 55,000 offs, about 322,000 EM, and about 4 200 midshipmen at the
United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland.
The SECNAV is resp for, and has the authority under Title 10 of the United States
Code, to conduct all the affairs of the DN, including: recruiting, organizing,
supplying, equipping, training, mobilizing, and demobilizing. The Secy also oversees
the construction, outfitting, and repair of naval ships, equip and facs. SECNAV is
resp for the formulation and implementation of policies and programs that are
consistent with the national scty policies and objs established by the President and the
SECDEF. The DN consists of two uniformed svcs: the United States Navy and the
The CNO is the senior mil off in the Navy. The CNO is a four-star admiral and is
resp to the Secy of the Navy for the comd, utilization of resources and operating
efficiency of the OF of the Navy and of the Navy shore activities assigned by the
A member of the JCS, the CNO is the principal naval advisor to the President and

to the SECNAV on the conduct of war, and is the principal advisor and naval
executive to the Secy on the conduct of naval activities of the DN. Assistants are the
VCNO, the DCNO and a number of other ranking offs. These offs and their stfs are
collectively known as the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations.
The US Navy is divided into two categories: administrative (providers) and
operational (combatant forces). The administrative chain of comd begins with the
resps of the SECNAV and the CNO to train, equip, and deploy naval forces to
conduct ops. Below this level the fleet comdrs in chief issue orders that flow down to
all naval units.
The Navy's operational forces must act as part of the US Armed Forces as a
whole. The mil maintains several unified comds that con all the US Army, Navy,
Marine, and AF units in a region. These Unified Commands report to the SECDEF
and usually issue naval orders through the Navy's Fleet Commanders. The Navy's
administrative chain of comd must interact with the armed svcs Unified Commands
in order to provide forces to fight successfully alongside the other svcs.
So, the OF comdrs and fleet comdrs have a dual chain of comd. Administratively,
they report to the CNO and provide, train, and equip naval forces. Operationally, they
provide naval forces and report to the appropriate Unified Combatant Commanders.
The Fleet Forces Commander - who has additional duty as Commander, US Atlantic
Fleet - controls Atlantic and Pacific fleet assets for interdeployment tng cycle
purposes. As units of the Navy enter the AOR for a particular Navy area comdr, they
are operationally assigned to the appropriate numbered fleet. All Navy units also have
an administrative chain of comd with the various ships reporting to the appropriate
Type Commander.

The shore establishment provides spt to the OF (known as "the fleet") in the form
of: facs for the repair of machinery and electronics; COMMCENs; tng areas and
simulators; ship and acft repair; intell and meteorological spt; storage areas for repair
parts, fuel, and munitions; medical and dental facs; and air bases.
The ships that provide trans for all mil svcs are operated under the con of the OF
as the Military Sealift Command. The Military Sealift Command operates an average
of 120 government-owned and commerical charter ships around the world. The
government-owned ships carry the designation "USNS" (United States Naval Ships)
and are not commissioned ships. All MSC ships are crewed by civilians. Some MSC
ships also have small mil depts assigned to carry out specialized mil functions such as
comm and sup ops.
The Navy also has the mil might to atk land tgts in many parts of the world, and to
transport wpns and pers for other brs of the US mil. Navy ballistic msl subs make up
a large part of American nuclear forces.
Strategic importance. Because it is nearly surrounded by water, the US uses the
oceans as defensive barriers, as broad avenues for commerce, and as a springboard
for projection of mil power abroad. The importance of the oceans to American scty
and economic interests makes the US Navy a critical comp in the country's mil.

The Navy performs four critical mil functions for the US: sea con, power
projection, sealift, and strategic nuclear deterrence. Sea con refers to the ability to con
areas in, over, and under the oceans. It ensures that the US and allied naval forces can
operate without en interference. Sea con also stops any en from using the seas to
launch atks against the US or its allies.
Power projection is the use of the Navy and Marine trps to atk en forces on the sea
or land. Power projection ops include atks by carrier-based acft, strikes by cruise
msls, aslts by the Marines, bombardment by naval gunfire, mine-laying ops, and
landing of sups and equip by transport vessels.
Sealift involves the use of ships to transport trps, equip, and sups to conflicts. The
Navy uses its sealift capability to deploy Army and Marine forces. The Navy also
stores cbt-ready equip and sups onboard MPS that are deployed in important areas
around the world to reduce the time needed to deploy US forces.
Strategic nuclear deterrence is the Navy's fourth function in America's def. Navy
subs, warships, and acft maintain the arsenal of nuclear wpns to be used against
adversaries. This arsenal helps ensure that the US can maintain a retaliatory
capability to fight in the event of an atk against the US or one of its important allies.
IV. Answer the following questions:
1. What is the organization of the Department of the Navy?
2.What is the main mission of the Navy?
3. What is SECNAV responsible for?
4.What is the Chief of Naval Operations responsible to and for?
5.What categories is the US Navy divided into?
6.What does shore establishment provide?
7. What does the Military Sealift Command provide?
8. What are the four critical military functions of the Navy?
9.What do sea control and power projection include?
10. What do sealift and strategic nuclear deterrence involve?
V. Make two-way translation:
1. Які, на вашу думку, As far as I know the responsibilities of the
обов'язки міністра ВМС та Secretary of the Navy are: policies and control of
начальника штабу ВМС DN organization, admin, ops and efficiency.
США? Chief of Naval Operations is Navy representative
of JCS, who keeps SECNAV informed of naval
activities and responsible to the President and
SECDEF for external DN duties.
2. Чи можете ви назвати Area of Responsibility:
райони відповідальності 2, a. 2nd Fleet - Atlantic ocean. Headquarters is in
3, 5, 6 та 7-го флотів? Norfolk, Virginia
b. 3rd and 7th Fleets - Pacific and Indian oceans.
3rd fleet headquarters is in San Diego, California
while 7th fleet is in Yokosuka, Japan.
c. 5th Fleet - Persian gulf. Headquarters is in

Manama, Bahrain.
d. 6th Fleet - Meditterenean. Headquarters is in
Gaeta, Italy.
3. А як щодо командування Oh, Yes. Military Sealift Command provides
морських перевезень? immediate sealift capability in the time of
emergency. And its AOR covers worldwide
territories. The headquarters is in Washington DC.
4. Які, на вашу думку, For all I know, the mission of the Navy is to
основні завдання ВМС maintain, train and equip combat-ready naval forces
США? capable of winning wars, deterring aggression and
maintaining freedom of the seas.
5. Відомо, що структура The Department of the Navy has three principal
ВМС США досить складна. components: The Navy Department, consisting of
Не могли б ви коротенько її executive offices mostly in Washington, D.C.; the
охарактеризувати? Operating Forces, including the Marine Corps, the
reserve components, and, in time of war, the US
Coast Guard (in peace, a component of the
Department of Homeland Security); and the shore
6. Чи можете ви назвати Principal functions of the US Navy are: to
основні функції ВМС organize, train, equip and provide Navy and Marine
США? Corps forces for the conduct of prompt and sustained
combat operations at sea; to seek out and destroy
enemy naval forces and to suppress enemy sea
commerce; to gain and maintain general naval
supremacy; to control vital sea areas and to protect
vital sea lines of communication; to establish and
maintain local superiority (including air) in an area
of naval operations; to seize and defend advanced
naval bases, and to conduct such land, air, and space
operations as may be essential to the prosecution of a
naval campaign.


Unit 19


Air Staff штаб ВПС

strategic aircraft and missile forces стратегічні авіаційні та ракетні сили
land-based tactical air forces тактичні повітряні сили наземного
bombardment бомбардування, бомбардувальний
air command (air comd) авіаційне командування
air division (air div) авіаційна дивізія
wing авіаційне крило
group (gp) авіаційна група
tactical group (tac gp) бойова авіаційна група
support group (spt gp) група матеріально-технічного
squadron (sqdn) ескадрилья, ескадра (великих кораблів),
(розвідувальний) батальйон
flying squadron льотна ескадрилья
non-flying squadron нельотна ескадрилья
flight (flt) ланка (літаків)
fighter (ftr, F) винищувач
bomber (bmr, B) бомбардувальник
tanker (K) літак-заправник
special-mission craft літальний апарат спеціального
Air Base Wing (ABW) нельотне авіаційне крило
Aerospace Expeditionary Task Force повітряна експедиційна оперативна
(ASETF) (тактична) група
Air Combat Command (ACC) бойове командування ВПС
Air Education and Training Command командування з підготовки кадрів ВПС
Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC) командування тилу ВПС
Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC) командування резерву ВПС
Air Force Space Command (AFSPC) космічне командування ВПС

I. Find out the following abbreviations in the text. Decode and translate
USAF; svc; resp; mil ops; con; DAF; secy; CSUSAF; comd; air div; msn; gnd;
def; CZ; en tgt; strat acft; msl; spt; sols and equip; bat; strat; nuc wpns; DOD; NASA;
MAJCOM; HQ; spt elms; sups; wpn sys; spt equip; cbt; maint; tng; orgn; HQ USAF;


stf; TofO; gp; sqdn; comdr; F; B; K; log spt; ABW; inf regt; flt; det; inf bn; COCOM;
II.Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following word combinations. Find them
in the text:
to be responsible for; to be formed from; to conduct military operations in air and
space; to be broken down into; to be supervised by; to control the skies over combat
zones; to have a vital role in transporting; to get soldiers and equipment into battle
quickly; to maintain bomb wings and missile wings; to assist the NASA in
conducting the US space program; to provide supplies, weapon systems, support
systems, operational support equipment, combat material, maintenance, education
and training; to provide operational leadership and supervision.
III. Find out equivalents for the following word combinations in the text:
виконувати завдання; як частина спільних воєнних дій; бомбардування цілей
противника; підтримувати бойові дії наземних військ; надавати допомогу у
проведенні науково-дослідних та конструкторських робіт з питань космічної
техніки; підрозділи бойової ескадрильї, що виконують одне і те ж завдання; на
тактичному рівні; бути в змозі вести повністю самостійні бойові дії;
використовуватися для повітряних операцій певного типу; безпосередньо
USAF, the armed svc of the United States Armed Forces is resp for conducting
mil ops in air and space. The USAF was formed from the Army Air Corps in 1947.
The USAF is under the con of the United States DAF, which is led by the secy of
the AF, a civilian and is supervised by the CSUSAF. To assist the Secy and the
CSUSAF, the Air Staff functions in the Pentagon at Washington. Within the AF there
are several major comds, most organised functionally or geographically. Each major
comd is led by a four-star GEN and is broken down into numbered AF or air divs.
The primary msn of the USAF is "to defend the United States through con and
exploitation of air and space" as part of the joint mil capabilities, which also include
the US Army, Navy, and Marines. To fulfil that msn, the AF operates sys's in the air,
in space, and on the gnd. The AF has modified its strategy of def through the years
and is evolving from an "air and space" force to one placing more emphasis on space-
based ops. In addition to its core role of coning the skies over CZs and bombing en
tgts, the AF has a vital role in transporting American forces to conflicts. The AF does
this by providing strat acft and msl forces to fight in general war, land-based tactical
air forces, to spt gnd forces in cbt. The other armed forces, particularly the Army,
depend on this airlift capability to get sols and equip into bat quickly, giving the
United States an edge over the fighting forces of many other countries.
Another key role for the AF is strat nuc deterrence. The AF maintains bomb wings
and msl wings that are capable of delivering nuc wpns anywhere in the world. The
AF cons about 60 percent of the nuc force, with the rest controlled by the Navy.

The USAF also provides the major space research and development spt for the
DOD and assists the NASA in conducting the US space program.
VI. Translate the following text from Ukrainian into English:
Військово-повітряні сили є одним з видів збройних сил, що посідають
значне місце в системі збройних сил США. Вони призначенні для ведення
бойових дій разом з іншими видами збройних сил, а також можуть самостійно
виконувати різні завдання. Відповідно до загальної структури збройних сил
країни ВПС можуть поділятися на види авіації, що призначені для спільних дій
з наземними військами, військово-морськими силами, повітряно-десантними
військами і для самостійного вирішення оперативних і стратегічних завдань.
Спектр завдань ВПС США досить різноманітний: від підтримки бойових дій
наземних військ до надання допомоги у проведенні науково-дослідних та
конструкторських робіт з питань космічної техніки. Організаційно ВПС
складаються з підрозділів, частин та з'єднань різних видів (родів) авіації.
VII. Translate the following questions from Ukrainian into English:
1. Коли було створено ВПС США? 2. Кому підпорядковані ВПС і де
знаходиться їх штаб-квартира? 3. Чи не могли б ви назвати основні завдання
ВПС? 4. Які основні складові частини штабу ВПС США? 5. Чим оснащені ВПС
США? 6. Що в себе включає оперативне командування? 7. Чи не могли б ви
охарактеризувати структуру командування ВПС США? 8. Що таке авіаційне
крило? Які завдання воно виконує? 9. Які основні завдання виконує оперативне
крило? 10. Які підрозділи включає в себе авіаційне крило? 11. Який найменший
підрозділ ВПС здатний діяти окремо? 12. Яке з'єднання у піхоті відповідає
авіаційній групі у ВПС? 13. Скільки авіаційних крил зазвичай нараховує
повітряна армія? 14. Від чого залежить кількість літаків в ескадрильї? 15.
Скажіть, будь ласка, чи існує проміжна командна інстанція між авіаційним
крилом та ескадрилью? 16. Які типи літаків використовуються в авіаційному
VIII. Make up and translate sentences with the following words and word
to be responsible for; to be supervised by; to control the skies over combat zones;
to conduct military operations in air and space; to have a vital role in transporting; to
maintain bomb wings and missile wings; to assist the NASA in conducting the US
space program; to be directly subordinate to; to support ground forces in combat; to
be capable of completely independent operations; to deliver nuclear weapons
anywhere in the world.




Unit 1


law enforcement agency правоохоронний орган
criminal justice system система кримінального правосуддя
courts суди
corrections виправні заклади (установи)
to maintain order підтримувати порядок
suspected criminal activity передбачувана злочинна дяльність
referral подання на розгляд
first response to emergencies реагування на надзвичайні ситуації,
ліквідація наслідків
public safety громадська безпека
protection of public facilities охорона державних об’єктів
maintenance of public order підтримання громадського порядку
protection of public officials охорона посадових осіб
operation of correctional facilities робота виправних установ
United States Code (U.S.C.) Кодекс Сполучених Штатів
to enforce a law забезпечувати дотримання закону
the Department of Justice (DOJ) Міністерство юстиції
the Federal Bureau of Федеральне бюро розслідувань
Investigation (FBI)
the Drug Enforcement Адміністрація по боротьбі з
Administration (DEA) наркотиками
the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Бюро алкоголю, тютюну,
Firearms, and Explosives(ATF) вогнепальної зброї і вибухових
the United States Marshals Service Служба маршалв Сполучених Штатів
State Department of Public Safety Державний департамент з питань
громадської безпеки
the Attorney General's office Генеральна прокуратура
Sheriffs' Department Департамент шерифів

I. Find out the following abbreviations in the text. Decode and translate
them: U.S.C., DEA, ATF, DOJ, FBI.

II. Give the Ukrainian equivalents to the following word combinations.

Find them in the text: maintaining order; the purpose of policing; the protection of
certain public facilities; the maintenance of public order; the protection of public
officials; the operation of some correctional facilities; Federal Law Enforcement
Officers; the largest and most pronounced law enforcement agency; state patrols;
Municipal police; the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI); threats to public safety;

authorized to enforce various laws; provide law enforcement duties.

III. Find out the equivalents to the following word combinations in the
text: система кримінального правосуддя; виправні заклади (установи);
підтримувати порядок; громадська безпека; охорона державних об’єктів;
підтримання громадського порядку; передбачувана злочинна дяльність;
реагування на надзвичайні ситуації; забезпечувати дотримання закону;
Міністерство юстиції; Адміністрація по боротьбі з наркотиками; Бюро
алкоголю, тютюну, вогнепальної зброї і вибухових речовин; робота виправних
установ; Кодекс Сполучених Штатів.

Law enforcement in the United States is one of three major components of
the criminal justice system, along with courts and corrections.
Apart from maintaining order and service functions, the purpose of policing is
the investigation of suspected criminal activity and the referral of the results of
investigations and of suspected criminals to the courts. Law enforcement agencies are
also involved in providing first response to emergencies and other threats to public
safety; the protection of certain public facilities; the maintenance of public order; the
protection of public officials; and the operation of some correctional facilities
(usually at the local level).
Types of Police
Policing in the United States is conducted by numerous types of agency at
many different levels. Every state has their own nomenclature for agencies, and their
powers, responsibilities and funding varies from state to state.
Federal police possess full federal authority as given to them under United
States Code (U.S.C.). Federal Law Enforcement Officers are authorized to enforce
various laws not only at the federal level, but also state, county, and local in many
The Department of Justice (DOJ) is the largest and most pronounced law
enforcement agency, and handles most law enforcement duties at the federal level.
It includes the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Drug Enforcement
Administration (DEA), the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and
Explosives(ATF), the United States Marshals Service, and others.
State Police
Most all states operate statewide government agencies that provide law enforcement
duties, including investigations and state patrols. They may be called State
Police, State Patrol or Highway Patrol, and are normally part of the
State Department of Public Safety. In addition, the Attorney General's office of each
state has their own state bureaus of investigation.


County Police
Also known as parishes and boroughs, county law enforcement is provided
by Sheriffs' Departments or Offices and County police.
Municipal Police
Municipal police range from one-officer agencies (sometimes still called the
town marshal) to the 40,000 men and women of the New York City Police
Department. Most municipal agencies take the form (Municipality Name) Police
Department. Many individual cities and towns will have their own police
department, with larger communities typically having larger departments with greater
budgets, resources, and responsibilities.

IV. Compose 10 questions of different types to the text above. Ask these
questions to your partner and answer his questions.

V. Make a two-way translation using the words given below: to prevent

crimes; to repress (terminate) a crime; to suppress riots; delinquency, offence; state
coercion (force in law); measures of public influence; to break the law; procecutor’s
office; tax police; militia (Ukrainian police); internal affairs agencies; customs
authorities; institution of justice; advocateship; preliminary hearing (proceeding); fire
control and prevention; the Interior Troops.

1. What are the law- Правоохоронні органи України – це такі

enforcement agencies of державні та громадські організації, які своєю
Ukraine according to their діяльністю поставлені забезпечувати
function? законність і правопорядок, захист прав та
інтересів громадян, трудових колективів,
суспільства і держави, попереджувати
присікати правопорушення та злочини,
застосовувати державний примус або заходи
громадського впливу до осіб, які порушили
закон та правопорядок.
2. What agencies are referred До правоохоронних органів належить
to law-enforcement? прокуратура, податкова міліція, органи
внутрішніх справ, СБУ, митні органи, органи
юстиції, адвокатура та інші.
3. Do the internal affairs Не зовсім так. До основних служб ОВС
agencies of Ukraine mean the належать: міліція; підрозділи попереднього
militia (Ukrainian police слідства; державна пожежна охорона;
forces)? забезпечуючі служби; внутрішні війська;
навчальні заклади системи МВС.

VI.Translate the following text from Ukrainian into English in writing:


Міліція в Україні - державний озброєний орган виконавчої влади, який

захищає життя, здоров'я, права і свободи громадян, власність, природне
середовище, інтереси суспільства і держави від протиправних посягань.
Міліція - це єдина система органів, яка входить до структури Міністерства
внутрішніх справ України.
Центральне місце в системі правових актів, що регулюють діяльність міліції,
посідає Закон України "Про міліцію" від 20 грудня 1990р.
Згідно з чинним законодавством основними завданнями міліції є:
забезпечення особистої безпеки громадян, захист їхніх прав і свобод, законних
інтересів; запобігання правопорушенням та їх припинення; охорона й
забезпечення громадського порядку; виявлення і розкриття злочинів, розшук
осіб, які їх вчинили; убезпечення дорожнього руху; захист, власності від
злочинних посягань; виконання кримінальних покарань і адміністративних
стягнень; участь у поданні соціальної та правової допомоги громадянам,
сприяння в межах її компетенції державним органам, підприємствам, установам
та організаціям у виконанні покладених на них законом обов'язків.
Отже, міліція виконує адміністративну, профілактичну, оперативно-
розшукову, кримінально-процесуальну, виконавчу та охоронну (на договірних
засадах) функції.

VII. Compare the Ukrainain and the US law-enforcement systems. Use

brainstorming techniques.

VIII. Give a 2-minute talk on the Law-enforcement agencies of Ukraine.


Unit 2


EUCIVPOL Цивільна поліція Європейського
intervention capability можливість втручання
military capabilities військові можливості
validated узаконений, легалізований;
ратифікований; затверджений;
визнаний чинним (або законним)
Standing Operations (Operating) Стандартні операційні процедури
Procedures (SOPs)
Standardization Agreements Угода із стандартизації
interoperability взаємодія, сумісність
exercises навчання
Partnership for Peace (PfP) Партнерство заради миру
the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council Рада Євро-Атлантичного партнерства
volatile непостійний, змінний
Rules of Engagement (ROE) Правила ведення бою (залучення
збройних сил)
military statute військовий статут
civilian statute цивільний статут
to enhance cooperation, synergy and розширювати співробітництво,
unity взаємодію та єдність
Military police (MPs) військова поліція
provost військово-поліцейський
gendarmeriе жандармерія
preventative police поліція запобігання
helmet шолом, каска
armband нарукавна пов’язка
Traffic Control регулювання руху
Military Security військова безпека
Law & Order закон і порядок
Mobility Support підтримування руху
Detention затримання, арешт
the Uniform Code of Military Justice Кодекс військової юстиції

I. Find out the following abbreviations in the text. Decode and translate


II. Give the Ukrainian equivalents to the following word combinations.

Find them in the text: the establishment of EUCIVPOL; European intervention
capability; the setting up of effective European military capabilities; in an exclusively
military sector; sufficiently validated mechanisms of cooperation; joint training
activities; a remarkably high degree of interoperability; accustomed to the
standardised procedures; calculating their needs and requirements; depend on
extremely volatile paradigms; engagement situations of the civilian police
component; complexity; represented in a balanced way.

III. Find out the equivalents to the following word combinations in the
text: угода із стандартизації; взаємодія, сумісність; навчання; Партнерство
заради миру; Рада Євро-Атлантичного партнерства; непостійний, змінний;
Правила ведення бою (залучення збройних сил); Цивільна поліція
Європейського Союзу; можливість втручання; військові можливості; цивільний
статут; розширювати співробітництво, взаємодію та єдність.

The establishment of EUCIVPOL according to the headline goals decided upon
in Helsinki and restated in Feira, Nice and Göteborg, and more generally the creation
of a European intervention capability in the civilian aspects of the Petersberg
missions is a more difficult task than the setting up of effective European military
capabilities, especially the full ones.
In an exclusively military sector, identifying operational and organisational
standards is easier, also because sufficiently validated mechanisms of cooperation,
Standing Operations Procedures (SOPs) and Standardization Agreements
(STANAGs) have been established at international level, and because joint training
activities have taken place for decades among the armed forces of those EU member
countries that are also NATO members. Thus, there is a remarkably high degree of
interoperability. Moreover, even non-NATO members have been involved in
common exercises through the Partnership for Peace (PfP) programme and are
accustomed to the standardised procedures agreed by the Euro-Atlantic Partnership
Council (EAPC).
As far as the use of police forces is concerned, the situation is quite different.
Suffice it to consider the difficulties in calculating their needs and requirements, from
both the quantitative and qualitative points of view. The standards employed in the
Balkans (one international police officer for every 30 local policemen or 400
inhabitants) have shown their limitations. They depend on extremely volatile
paradigms, which are greatly influenced by the local situation.
Engagement situations of the civilian police component are more diverse and
unpredictable and organisation in the field, ROE and command arrangements are

extremely variable. This is compounded by the need to closely cooperate with the
local police and authorities, which considerably increases complexity,
unpredictability and the peculiarities of each intervention.
The various European police forces have extremely different organisations and
cultures. Some states – such as Italy or France – also have “military-statute” general
police units, whose normal tasks totally overlap with those of the civilian police. This
civilian statute may cause some coordination difficulties even at national level, and
also makes it necessary to ensure that all different national police components are
represented in a balanced way in the European staff organisations. By the way, the
existence of military-statute police corps – as mentioned above – provides the Union
with useful “bridges” that can enhance cooperation, synergy and unity of the EU
intervention. This would be crucial especially in the early stages of an intervention.

IV. Translate the following questions and answer them:

1. На підставі яких угод було створено Цивільну поліцію Європейського
2. Що таке Угода про стандартизацію?
3. Яким є розрахунок кількості поліцейських до кількості мешканців?
4. Чим зумовлено культурні труднощі співпраці військових і цівільної
5. Для чого необхідно підтримувати баланс різних національних
поліцейських компонентів в Європі?

V. Translate the text below from English into Ukrainian in writing:

Military police (MPs) are normally the police of a military organization.
Military police may refer to:
a section of the military solely responsible for policing the armed forces
(referred to as provosts);
a section of the military responsible for policing in both the armed forces and
in the civilian population (most gendarmeries, such as the French Gendarmerie);
a section of the military solely responsible for policing the civilian population
(such as the Romanian Gendarmerie);
the civilian preventative police of a Brazilian state (Policia Militar).
The status of military police is usually prominently displayed on the helmet
and/or on an armband.
During the Cold War the approach of NATO to military policing was to
provide Military Police support to National Forces in terms of: Traffic Control,
Military Security, and Law & Order. After Post cold war years, this has evolved into:
Mobility Support, Security, Policing, and Detention.

VI. Translate the text from English into Ukrainian with a dictionary:
a) United States
Each branch of the United States military maintains its own military police

force. The Military Police Corps maintains discipline and enforces the law in the
United States Army. The Marine Corps version is referred to as the Provost Marshal's
Office. The United States Air Force is policed by the Air Force Security Forces,
formerly called the Security Police. Each service also maintains uniformed civilian
police departments. They are referred to as Department of Defense Police, or DoD
Police. These police fall under each directorate they work for within the United States
Department of Defense. The police officers' duties are similiar to those of local
civilian police officers. They enforce the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ),
Federal, State Laws and the regulations of their particular installation. The civilian
guards' duties are normally restricted to protection of priority resources. Military
Police are trained to provide area security, usually by vehicle patrol, which is the
mission of most Military Police stationed in Iraq. They are also trained in dealing
with prisoners of war and other detainees, with special training in restraining,
searching, and transporting prisoners to detainee camps. MPs can also be used as
prison guards.
b) The Royal Military Police (RMP) is the corps of the British Army responsible for
the policing of service personnel and providing a military police presence on service
property, operations and exercises. Its members are generally known
as Redcaps because they wear red-topped peaked caps or red berets. Like other
military police around the world, they continue to wear white webbing with barrack.
Principal duties of the RMP: the provision of garrison police facilities; law
enforcement and crime prevention; and liaison with Home Office police forces and
other police forces worldwide when Army interests are involved or suspected; tactical
military police support to the Army in all phases of military operations, the provision
of close protection worldwide of the Ministry of Defence objects.
c) Australia
In the Australian Army, the Royal Australian Corps of Military Police also
performs the role of a secondary communications network in the front battle zone. In
the Australian Navy, the Naval Police Coxswain Branch performs dual roles of
performing general police duties, investigation of criminal offences and a secondary
role of ships' coxswain staff responsible for administration of ships' personnel.

VII. Give a 50-word summaryof the text from ex. VI in English.


Unit 3


firearms вогнепальна зброя
offender правопорушник; злочинець
in extreme circumstances у крайніх екстремальних обставинах, умовах
non lethal несмертельний
baton кийок
shield щит
riot control agents засоби боротьби із заворушеннями
stun приголомшувати; оглушати
to resort to вдаватися до чогось
jurisdiction судочинство
fleeing felon біглий злочинець
handcuffs наручники
to restrain стримувати; утримувати; вгамовувати
to enhance збільшувати, посилювати; підвищувати
to dispatch посилати, надсилати, відправляти
citation виклик до суду
flashlight ліхтарик
whistle свисток
melee рукопашна
gas mask протигаз
holster кобура
12 gauge shotgun рушниця 12 калібру
tear gas сльозогінний газ
pepper spray перцевий аерозоль
plastic bullet пластикова куля
taser електрошокер
incapacitant інкапасітант (газ, який тимчасово выводить
людський організм з ладу)
sjambok батіг
lathi лахті
blunt metal tip тупий металевий наконечник
water cannon водомет
to augment збільшувати
dye барвник
to disperse розігнати
fire hose пожежний рукав
mounted police кінна поліція
SWAT (Special Weapons спецпідрозділ швидкого реагування

Assault Team)

I. Match the types of weapons from column A with their functions listed in column B:
Artillery are firearms capable of launching heavy projectiles over
long distances, which can explode on impact.
Biological weapons spread biological agents, causing disease or infection.
Chemical weapons rely on concentrating forms of energy to attack, such as
lasers or sonic attack.
Energy weapons are poisoning and causing reactions.
Explosive weapons use a chemical charge to launch projectiles.
Firearms use a physical explosion to create blast concussion or
spread shrapnel
Incendiary weapons are designed to subdue without killing.
Non-lethal weapons operate as physical extensions of the user's body and
directly impact their target.
Magnetic weapons cause damage by fire.
Mêlée weapons are rockets which are guided to their target after launch.
Missiles use magnetic fields to propel projectiles, or to focus
particle beams.
Nuclear weapons use chemical propellant to accelerate a projectile
Ranged weapons use radioactive materials to create nuclear
fission and/or nuclear fusion detonations.
Rockets target a distant object or person.

II. Give the Ukrainian equivalents to the following word combinations.

Find them in the text: offensive equipment; handling armed offenders; criminal
background checks; in extreme circumstances; vehicle-installed computers;
protective helmets; direct melee; non-lethal weapons; ballistic protection; the
perceived level of threat; wooden or rubber baton; disperse the crowds.

III. Find out the English equivalents to the following word combinations in
the text: біглий злочинець; ліхтарик; протигаз; сльозогінний газ; гарпун;
водомет; розігнати; несмертельний; кийок; вогнепальна зброя; збільшувати,
посилювати; вдаватися до чогось; перцевий аерозоль; наручники; стримувати;

In many jurisdictions, police officers carry firearms in the normal course of
their duties.
Police often have specialist units for handling armed offenders, and similar
dangerous situations, and can often, in extreme circumstances, call on the military,
sometimes including special forces. They can also be equipped with non-lethal

weaponry, particularly for riot control. Non-lethal weapons include batons, shields,
riot control agents, rubber bullets and stun guns. The use of firearms or deadly force
is typically a last resort only to be used when necessary to save human life, although
some jurisdictions allow its use against fleeing felons and escaped convicts. Police
officers often carry handcuffs to restrain suspects.
Modern police forces make extensive use of radio communications equipment,
carried both on the person and installed in vehicles, to coordinate their work, share
information, and get help quickly. In recent years, vehicle-installed computers have
enhanced the ability of police communications, enabling easier dispatching of calls,
criminal background checks on persons of interest to be completed in a matter of
seconds, and updating the officer's daily activity. Other common pieces of police
equipment include flashlights, whistles, and, most importantly, notebooks and
"ticketbooks" or citations.
Riot Control
For protection, officers performing riot control will often wear protective
helmets and carry riot shields. These are designed to protect the wearer from those
dangers that come from direct melee and hurled objects such as bottles and bricks. To
provide even greater protection, the protective equipment often provides ballistic
protection. If tear gas or other riot control agents are to be used, gas masks may also
be worn.
One of many additional concerns is to prevent people in the crowd from
snatching officers' side arms, which may be stolen or even used against the police. In
a very heavy crowd, the officer may not be able to see who is responsible for
snatching a weapon, and may not even notice that it has happened. For this reason,
riot police may have holsters with positive locking mechanisms or other extra means
of retention, if their agencies can afford such tools. However, this can be a trade-off
that increases the amount of time needed to draw the sidearm in an emergency.
Alternately, riot police may not carry sidearms at all.
The initial choice of tactics determines the type of offensive equipment used.
The base choice is between lethal (e.g. 12 gauge shotgun) and non-lethal
weaponry (e.g. tear gas, pepper spray, plastic bullets, tasers, batons, and
other incapacitants). The decision is based on the perceived level of threat and the
existing laws; in many countries it is illegal to use lethal force to control riots in all
but the most extreme circumstances.
Special riot hand weapons include the wooden or rubber baton; the
African sjambok, a heavy leather or plastic whip, and the Indian lathi, a 6 to 8-foot
(2.4 m) long cane with a blunt metal tip. Vehicle-mounted water cannons may serve
to augment personal weapons. Some water cannons let police add dye to mark rioters
or tear gas to help disperse the crowds.
In major unrest, police in armoured vehicles may be sent in following an initial
subduing with firepower. Occasionally, police dogs, fire hoses, or mounted police are


IV. Translate the text into Ukrainian in writing:

Police in the United States usually carry a pistol — Glocks, Smith & Wessons,
Sig-Sauers are among the most common — and an impact weapon -a baton, also
known as a "nightstick". The common night stick, usually a PR-24, has generally
been replaced in law enforcement by expandable batons such as the one seen here.
These batons are used because the wearer can comfortably sit in a patrol vehicle with
these types of batons still on their duty belt. The night stick usually has to be removed
before entering the vehicle. Most large police departments have elite SWAT units
which are called in to handle situations which require greater force, such as
barricaded suspects, hostage situations and high-risk warrant service. A few
departments have an armored vehicle for especially dangerous work. Many
departments also use nonlethal weapons like Mace, pepper spray, electroshock guns,
and beanbag rifles. Some police departments allow their officers to carry shotguns or
assault rifles in their vehicles for additional firepower.
To efficiently cover the sprawling layout of the typical American city and the
large distances of rural areas, nearly all American police departments use motorized
patrol as their first responder component, using specialized cars, such as the Ford
Crown Victoria Police Interceptor or Chevrolet Impala 9C1.In major urban areas,
officers often patrol in pairs for mutual support in high-risk situations. High-speed car
chases are common in certain areas of the United States, so police officers are usually
trained in high-speed driving techniques and the PIT maneuver. Horses are still used,
mainly in crowd control situations in major urban centers, but in remote areas
occasionally for patrol or search and rescue.
Most American police departments are dispatched from a centralized
communications center, using VHF or UHF radio transceivers mounted in their
vehicles, with individual officers carrying portable handsets for communication when
away from their vehicles.

V. Translate the text into English in writing:

Автома́т Кала́шникова — найпоширеніша у світі стрілецька зброя,
найбільш доступний автомат. Створений понад 60 років тому російським
конструктором старшим сержантом Михайлом Калашниковим. Може стріляти
як чергами, так і одиночними пострілами. Відрізняється високою надійністю і
простотою обслуговування.
Нові моделі АК серії 100 відрізняє низка нових елементів. АК серії 100
випускаються трьох калібрів: під патрон НАТО 5.56х45 мм і під традиційні
патрони 7.62х39 мм і 5.45х39 мм. Вага без магазина коливається від 2.9 3.0 кг
для короткоствольних варіантів до 3.3 3.4 кг для зразків зі стандартною
довжиною ствола. АК102 (під патрон НАТО 5.56х45 мм), АК104 (під патрон
7.62х39 мм) і АК105 (під патрон 5.45х39 мм) мають стволи довжиною 314
мм. Їх загальна довжина з відкинутим прикладом становить 824 мм, а зі
складеним прикладом 586 мм. Передбачається, що вони складуть конкуренцію
короткоствольним штурмовим гвинтівкам: таким, як карабін М16А2 М4,

південноафриканська R5, ізраїльська Галіл SAR, іспанська СЕТМЕ LC і

німецький карабін КЗЗ КЕ.
AK101 (під патрон НАТО 5.56х45 мм) і АК103 (під патрон 7.62х39 мм)
мають стволи довжиною 415мм. Їх загальна довжина становить 943 мм з
відкинутим прикладом і 700 мм зі складеним прикладом. Стовбури у всіх
зразків АК серії 100 мають 4 нарізи; канал ствола і патронник
хромовані. Напрямок нарізки праворуч, з кроком 180 мм для патрона
НАТО. Всі автомати АК серії 100 мають темп стрільби 600 пострілів на
хвилину, що дозволяє стрілкам стабільно стріляти чергами по два постріли при
мінімальному обсязі тренування. Така техніка стрільби забезпечує максимальну
ймовірність попадання в режимі автоматичної стрільби.

VI. Give an English summary of the following text:

The AK-74 is an assault rifle developed in the early 1970s in the Soviet Union.
It uses a smaller intermediate cartridge, the 5.45×39mm, replacing
the 7.62×39mm chambering of earlier Kalashnikov-pattern weapons.
The rifle’s operation during firing and reloading is identical to that of the
AKM.After ignition of the cartridge primer and propellant, rapidly expanding exhaust
gases are diverted into the gas cylinder above the barrel through a vent near the
muzzle. The build-up of gases inside the gas cylinder drives the long-stroke piston
and bolt carrier rearward and a cam guide machined into the underside of the bolt
carrier along with an ejector spur on the bolt carrier rail guide, rotates the bolt
approximately 35° and unlocks it from the barrel extension via a camming pin on the
bolt. The moving assembly has about 5.5 mm (0.2 in) of free travel which creates a
delay between the initial recoil impulse of the piston and the bolt unlocking sequence,
allowing gas pressures to drop to a safe level before the seal between the chamber
and the bolt is broken. Like previous Kalashnikov-pattern rifles, the AK-74 does not
have a gas valve; excess gases are ventilated through a series of radial ports in the gas
cylinder. Since the Kalashnikov operating system offers no primary extraction upon
bolt rotation, the AK-74 bolt has a larger extractor claw than the 7.62mm AKM for
increased extraction reliability.

VII. Give a Ukrainian summary of the following text:

Police vehicles are used for detaining, patrolling and transporting. The
common Police patrol vehicle is an improved four door sedan (saloon in British
English). Police vehicles are usually marked with appropriate logos and are equipped
with sirens and lightbars to aid in making others aware of police presence. Unmarked
vehicles are used primarily for sting operations or apprehending criminals without
alerting them to their presence. Some cities and counties have started using unmarked
cars, or cars with minimal markings for traffic law enforcement, since drivers slow
down at the sight of marked police vehicles and unmarked vehicles make it easier for
officers to catch speeders and traffic violators.

Motorcycles are also commonly used, particularly in locations that a car may
not be able to access, to control potential public order situations involving meetings
of motorcyclists and often in escort duties where the motorcycle policeman can
quickly clear a path for the escorted vehicle. Bicycle patrols are used in some areas
because they allow for more open interaction with the public. In addition, their
quieter operation can facilitate approaching suspects unawares and can help in
pursuing them attempting to escape on foot.
Police departments utilize an array of specialty vehicles such as helicopters,
watercraft, command post, vans, trucks, all terrain vehicles, motorcycles, and SWAT
armored vehicles.

VIII. Translate the following letter from UNPOL Deputy Operations

Coordinator into Ukrainian at sight:
Dear all Region Commanders!
This mail is an attempt to explain the difference between a shotgun and a rifle.
We often see that flash reports from team sites fail to explain what actually is the fact
about weapons and ammunition seized from criminals. Because of this I will try to
explain what an rifle is, compared to a shotgun and also something about
ammunition. The examples given are not exhaustive.
Almost without exceptions a rifle is single barreled (we can find examples of
double barreled rifles, but those weapons are very old and rare). There is also
combined weapons, where the manufacturers have included one rifle and one shotgun
in one weapon - This weapons is called COMBI WEAPON. Those weapon are used
for hunting grouse and other smaller animals. So far I have not seen this seized here
in Liberia. There are also combined military style weapons with more than one barrel
(a.ex. M4 with grenade launcher).
Most modern long guns are either rifles or shotguns . Historically, a long
smooth bore firearm was known as a musket . A rifle has a rifled barrel that fires
single bullets, while a shotgun fires packets of shot, a single slug , a sabot , or a
specialty round (such as tear gas , bolo shell , or a breaching round ). Rifles have a
very small impact area but a long range and high accuracy. Shotguns have a large
impact area with considerably less range and accuracy. However, the larger impact
area can compensate for reduced accuracy, since shot spreads during flight;
consequently, in hunting, shotguns are used for flying game.
Rifle: Comes in various styles.
1. Bolt-action, single shot or with magazine
2. Semi automatic (with magazine)
3. Automatic (most often Military style, a.ex. AK-47, M16, AG3 etc.)
The rifle has rifles inside the barrel (that's why its called RIFLE), and the
projectile is fired and exits the muzzle of the barrel rotating. Rifles comes in different
calibers (gauge) and the calibers is described either in mm. or cal. . As an example,
the caliber 7,62x51NATO (Military) is the exact same as cal 308 (Civil). Meaning,
7,62 is the diameter of the projectile inn mm and 51 is the length of the cartridge case

in mm.
The largest caliber in use in rifles is caliber 50, where the bullet is 12,7 mm in
Knowing this, it is easy to see that if you look inside the barrel of a rifle you will
see a whole no larger than 12, 7. The bore of a shotgun will be much larger, and it is
quit obvious what the difference is.
Shotgun: Comes in various styles.
1. Single Barrel
2. Double barrel
3. Semi-automatic
4. Full automatic
5. Pump action shotgun
The shotgun has a smooth surface inside the barrel (no rifles), and the projectile
is fired straight out from the barrel without any rotation. The most common
ammunition used in a shotgun is cartridges containing small pellets (several round
bullets-the number of bullets inside the cartridge varies according to a international
numbering system for different purpose of use ). Another ammunition is something
called "slug" which is one large round bullet inside a similar looking cartridge. If it is
"slug", it will be indicated on the cartridge. Shotgun are most used for hunting
purpose, and the variety of calibers and numbers of pellets/bullets inside the
cartridges serves for different types of hunting. Shotguns comes in different calibers
(gauge) from Caliber 10 to Caliber 20. Most common is caliber 12.
As mentioned before, there is more to weapons than this, but this could be an
guide to the difference between a shotgun and a rifle when it comes to long weapons.
I have also attached an description of the most common shotguns on the market
(opens in internet explorer).
Regards, Jens Berget
Deputy Operations Coordinator
off cell phone: XXXX-XXXX
int. calls:+XXXXXXXXXX

IX. Role play: Prepare and conduct a 5-minute briefing to your

subordinates explaining the difference between a shotgun and a rifle. Use
ex. VIII.


Unit 4


a military formation військове формування
to subordinate to підпорядковуватись
Ministry of Internal Affairs Міністерство Внутрішніх Справ
to execute missions виконувати завдання
public order protection охорона громадського порядку
facilities and sites protection захист об'єктів
to fight against crime боротись зі злочинністю
legitimacy законність
rear area security безпека тилових районів
state of emergency надзвичайний стан
condemned, convict засуджений
important state facilities важливі державні об'єкти
facilities of military maintenance об'єкти військового обслуговування
cargoes escorting супроводження вантажів
defendant відповідач, підсудний,
legal procedures судові процеси
emergency response ліквідація наслідків
to perform obligations виконувати зобов'язання
to provide a gendarmerie function забезпечити функції жандармерії
to deal with large-scale riots боротися з великомасштабними
Main Department of the Interior Troops Головне управління внутрішніх
Territorial Command Територіальне командування
Diplomatic Representations and Окрема бригада з охорони
Consulates Protection Brigade дипломатичних представництв і
консульських установ
Special purpose unit (SPU) підрозділ спецпризначення
Joint Signal Centre об’єднаний вузол зв’язку
Provision base база забезпечення
Weapons and Equipment base (weapons база озброєння
and ammunition base)
Fuel provision base база забезпечення ПММ

I. Find out the following abbreviations in the text. Decode and translate
them: NCO, SPU, ITU, HQ.

II. Give the Ukrainian equivalents to the following word combinations.

Find them in the text: public order protection; important facilities protection;
fighting against crime; human rights and freedoms; fall under the jurisdiction; local
defense; in case of a state of emergency; welfare facilities; special cargoes escorting;
convoy of convicts, condemned and arrested persons; emergency response; similar
foreign agencies.

III. Find out the equivalents to the following word combinations in the
text: виконувати завдання; охорона громадського порядку; захист об'єктів;
боротьба зі злочинністю; надзвичайний стан; об'єкти військового
обслуговування; супроводження вантажів; ліквідація наслідків; виконувати
зобов'язання; забезпечити функції жандармерії; боротися з великомасштабними
заворушеннями; територіальне командування; підрозділ спецпризначення;
об’єднаний вузол зв’язку; база забезпечення; база озброєння; база забезпечення

The Interior Troops of Ukraine is a military gendarmerie-like formation. It is
subordinated to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and executes missions and functional
responsibilities in the sphere of public order protection, important facilities
protection, fighting against crime. The ITU activities are based on principles of
legitimacy and humanism, respecting the person, human rights and freedoms.
In wartime, the ITU fall under the jurisdiction of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and
fulfill tasks of local defense and rear area security. In case of a state of emergency,
the ITU fulfill a special regime of emergency nation-wide or throughout the declared
zone of emergency.
The ITU have the military statute and structure, 33,300 personnel and consist
of the Main Department – the ITU main HQ, 6 territorial commands (HQs) and a
number of line and special units, an airbase, a signal (communication) unit, weapons
and equipment storage base and repair facilities.
The ITU separate subordinate units report directly to the main department
(HQ) and include: SPUs, the Diplomatic Representations and Consulates Protection
Brigade, 4 Key Sites and Facilities Protection Regiments, and 5 Separate Nuclear
Power Plants Security Battalions.
The ITU training facilities are the Academy of the Interior Troops of Ukraine
in Kharkiv, the Faculty of the Interior Troops at the National Academy of Internal
Affairs in Kyiv and the Training Centre for NCOs and Enlisted Personnel in
Zolochiv-town. The ITU enjoy diverse welfare facilities: from 5 medical centres to
the State Academic Song and Dance Ensamble.
The ITU missions are:
Protection and defense of the important state facilities and sites, facilities of

military maintenance of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine;

Special cargoes escorting;
Visiting control on the protected facilities (sites);
Convoy of convicts, condemned and arrested persons and protection of the
defendants during legal procedures;
Prosecution and detention of fleeing felons;
Public order protection, fighting against crime;
Participation in emergency response measures at the protected facilities (sites);
Foreign states diplomatic and consular missions protection (on the Ukrainian
The main purpose of the ITU international military cooperation is to achieve
close and friendly cooperation with similar foreign agencies, which execute similar
tasks and missions. The ITU have arranged close relations with similar structures of
Russia, Byelorus, France, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Romania, and Egypt.

IV. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the Interior Troops of Ukraine subordinated to?
2. What kind of missions does this agency execute?
3. What principles are the Interior Troops activities based on?
4. How many missions do the Interior Troops of Ukraine execute? Mention them.
5. What is the main purpose of the Interior troops international military cooperation?

V. Make a two-way translation:

Миротворча діяльність
Участь України у миротворчій діяльності є однією із вагомих складових її
зовнішньої політики та забезпечення національної безпеки.
On declaring its independence Ukraine began to take an active part in the
operations aimed at maintaining peace and security. However, the prospects of an
extended participation of the Interior Troops in peacekeeping operations require that
permanent peacekeeping units be set, the activity of some units and training programs
be reviewed.
Починаючи з 1994 року представники внутрішніх військ беруть участь у
міжнародних миротворчих операціях під егідою ООН.
Three MI-8 helicopter crews performed their mission aimed at providing
aviation support for operations of the UN peacekeeping mission in the Democratic
republic of Congo in 2003-2004. Ukrainian peacekeepers have gained a high
reputation among the commanders and of the UNMIK and their colleagues from
other countries. Their record of achievements contains hundreds of successful
missions, a countless number of detained criminals, confiscation of a lot of arms,
ammunition, drugs and saving human lives.
Протягом 2000 – 2009 років 276 офіцерів та прапорщиків внутрішніх
військ пройшли службу у складі Спеціальних миротворчих підрозділів. При
виконанні службових завдань військовослужбовці внутрішніх військ

проявляють відмінну професійну виучку, високий рівень виконавчої

дисципліни, впевненість та рішучість, за що неодноразово заохочувались
керівництвом Миротворчої місії ООН.
Крім того, 16 офіцерів внутрішніх військ проходять службу в якості
спостерігачів цивільної поліції в Кот-Д’Івуарі, Конго, Ліберії, Судані, Східному

VI. Prepare and deliver a presentation on the Interior Troops Structure

and Functions using the table below:


VII. Translate the following text from English into Ukrainian in writing:
Continue to improve the English language skills of all personnel liable to
cooperate with forces in NATO-led operations, exercises and training, UN
peacekeeping operations or with NATO and UN staffs. These personnel must be able
to communicate effectively in English, including the use of operational terminology
and procedures.
Ensure that all personnel liable to participate in NATO, UN and other

multinational headquarters staffs, and those national staff personnel who are routinely
involved with NATO and UN issues, have the following minimum English language
skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) according to STANAG 6001, Edition 3,
February 2009):
a. Officers or their civilian counterparts: SLP 3 - 3 - 3 - 3.
b. NCOs or their civilian counterparts: SLP 2= - 2+ - 2+ - 2+
Ensure that the following personnel subject to deployment on NATO-led
operations, exercises or training and UN peacekeeping operations have the
minimum English language skills as follows:
a. Officers in command and staff officers in key positions or their civilian
counterparts: SLP 2+ - 2+ - 2+ - 2+
b. All other officers or their civilian counterparts: SLP 2 - 2 - 2 - 2.
c. Appropriate NCOs OR-5 and above or their civilian counterparts who are
likely to have frequent contacts with personnel from other nations: SLP 2 - 2 - 2
- 2.
d. Personnel planned to operate tactical communications or operate on
NATO or UN communications networks: SLP 2 - 2 - 1 - 1.


Unit 5


to pose a threat становити загрозу
to monitor cease-fires контролювати припинення вогню
multi-dimentional багатовимірний
to facilitate полегшувати, сприяти
reconciliation примирення
combatant комбатант, учасник бойових дій
legitimacy законність
burden sharing розподіл відповідальності
to sustain підтримувати
mandate мандат
concent гармонія
impartiality неупередженість
conflict prevention запобігання кофліктам
peacemaking примирення
peace enforcement примус до миру
peacebuilding будівництво миру
peace support підтримка миру
tension escalating ескалація напруження
early warning раннє попередження
hostile parties ворогуючі сторони
Security Council Рада безпеки
General Assembly Генеральна Асамблея
Secretary-General Генеральний секретар
envoy посланець
Non-governmental organization неурядова організація
to halt зупинити
sustainable peace стійкий мир
coercive measures примусові заходи
breach of the peace порушення громадського порядку
lapsing перетікання
to lay the foundation закладати фундамент
linear, sequential way лінійний, послідовний шлях

I. Decode the UN PK abbreviations given in column A by matching them

with the definitions given in column B. Translate them.
DPKO Civil-Military Cooperation

OMA Children and Armed Conflict

PET Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration
CIMIC Special Representative of the Secretary-General
CAAC Troop Contributing Country
DDR Department of Peacekeeping Operations
HOM Office of Military Affairs
HOPC Policy Evaluation and Training
SRSG United Nations Country Team
TCC Rules of Engagement
UNCT Head of Mission
ROE Head of Police Component

II. Give the Ukrainian equivalents to the following word combinations.

Find them in the text: Security Council; coercive measures; breach of the peace;
General Assembly; reconciliation; combatant; peace enforcement; peacebuilding;
peace support; tension escalating; burden sharing; to sustain; mandate; concent;
impartiality; conflict prevention; peacemaking; early warning; hostile parties;
Secretary-General; envoy; NGO; sustainable peace; to lay the foundation.

III. Find out the equivalents to the following word combinations in the
text: неупередженість; ворогуючі сторони; становити загрозу; запобігання
конфліктам; ескалація напруження; раннє попередження; контролювати
припинення вогню; багатовимірний; полегшувати, сприяти; примирення;
комбатант; розподіл відповідальності; мандат; Рада безпеки; Генеральний
секретар ООН; примус до миру; підтримка миру; посланець.

Over the past sixty years, UN peacekeeping has evolved into one of the main
tools used by the international community to manage complex crises that pose a
threat to international peace and security. Since the beginning of the new millennium,
the number of military, police and civilian personnel deployed in UN peacekeeping
operations around the world has reached unprecedented levels. Not only has UN
peacekeeping grown in size but it has become increasingly complex. Beyond simply
monitoring cease-fires, today’s multi-dimensional peacekeeping operations are called
upon to facilitate the political process through the promotion of national dialogue and
reconciliation, protect civilians, assist in the disarmament, demobilization and
reintegration of combatants, support the organization of elections, protect and
promote human rights, and assist in restoring the rule of law.
Peacekeeping has proven to be one of the most effective tools available to the
UN to assist host countries navigate the difficult path from conflict to peace.


Peacekeeping has unique strengths, including legitimacy, burden sharing, and

an ability to deploy and sustain troops and police from around the globe, integrating
them with civilian peacekeepers to advance multidimensional mandates.
UN Peacekeeping is guided by three basic principles:
 Consent of the parties;
 Impartiality;
 Non-use of force except in self-defence and defence of the mandate.
Peacekeeping is flexible and over the past two decades has been deployed in many
configurations. There are currently 16 UN peace operations deployed on four

Peacekeeping is one among a range of activities undertaken by the United

Nations and other international actors to maintain international peace and security
throughout the world.
It is important for practitioners to understand how peacekeeping relates to and
differs from conflict prevention, peacemaking, peace enforcement and peacebuilding.
Conflict prevention involves the application of structural or diplomatic
measures to keep intra-state or inter-state tensions and disputes from escalating into
violent conflict. Ideally, it should build on structured early warning, information
gathering and a careful analysis of the factors driving the conflict.
Peacemaking generally includes measures to address conflicts in progress and
usually involves diplomatic action to bring hostile parties to a negotiated agreement.
The United Nations Secretary-General, upon the request of the Security Council or
the General Assembly or at his her own initiative to facilitate the resolution of the
conflict. Peacemakers may also be envoys, governments, groups of states, regional
organizations or the United Nations. Peacemaking efforts may also be undertaken by
unofficial and non-governmental groups, or by a prominent personality working
Peacekeeping is a technique designed to preserve the peace, however fragile,

where fighting has been halted, and to assist in implementing agreements achieved by
the peacemakers. Over the years, peacekeeping has evolved from a primarily military
model of observing cease-fires and the separation of forces after inter-state wars, to
incorporate a complex model of many elements – military, police and civilian –
working together to help lay the foundations for sustainable peace.
Peace enforcement involves the application, with the authorization of the
Security Council, of a range of coercive measures, including the use of military force.
Such actions are authorized to restore international peace and security in situations
where the Security Council has determined the existence of a threat to the peace,
breach of the peace or act of aggression. The Security Council may utilize, where
appropriate, regional organizations and agencies for enforcement action under its
Peacebuilding involves a range of measures targeted to reduce the risk of
lapsing or relapsing into conflict by strengthening national capacities at all levels for
conflict management, and to lay the foundation for sustainable peace and
development. Peacebuilding is a complex, long-term process of creating the
necessary conditions for sustainable peace. It works by addressing the deep-rooted,
structural causes of violent conflict in a comprehensive manner. Peacebuilding
measures address core issues that effect the functioning of society and the State, and
seek to enhance the capacity of the State to effectively and legitimately carry out its
core functions.
Conflict prevention, peacemaking, peacekeeping and peace enforcement rarely
occur in a linear or sequential way. Indeed, experience has shown that they should be
seen as mutually reinforcing. Used piecemeal or in isolation, they fail to provide the
comprehensive approach required to address the root causes of conflict that, thereby,
reduces the risk of conflict recurring.
The tasks assigned to traditional United Nations peacekeeping operations by
the Security Council are essentially military in character and may involve the
Observation, monitoring and reporting – using static posts, patrols, overflights
or other technical means, with the agreement of the parties;
Supervision of cease-fire and support to verification mechanisms;
Interposition as a buffer and confidence-building measure.

IV. Translate the following text into Ukrainian in writing:

The United Nations is an international organization
founded in 1945 after the Second World War by 51
countries committed to maintaining international
peace and security, developing friendly relations
among nations and promoting social progress, better
living standards and human rights.
The UN has 4 main purposes
 To keep peace throughout the world;

 To develop friendly relations among nations;

 To help nations work together to improve the lives of poor people, to
conquer hunger, disease and illiteracy, and to encourage respect for each other’s
rights and freedoms;
 To be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations to achieve these goals.
Due to its unique international character, and the powers vested in its founding
Charter, the Organization can take action on a wide range of issues, and provide a
forum for its 193 Member States to express their views, through the General
Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council and other bodies
and committees.
The work of the United Nations reaches every corner of the globe. Although
best known for peacekeeping, peacebuilding, conflict prevention and humanitarian
assistance, there are many other ways the United Nations and its System (specialized
agencies, funds and programmes) affect our lives and make the world a better place.
The Organization works on a broad range of fundamental issues, from sustainable
development, environment and refugees protection, disaster relief, counter terrorism,
disarmament and non-proliferation, to promoting democracy, human rights, gender
equality and the advancement of women, governance, economic and social
development and international health, clearing landmines, expanding food
production, and more, in order to achieve its goals and coordinate efforts for a safer
world for this and future generations.

V. Give an English summary of the following text:

Напрямки роботи України в системі ООН
Подолання викликів нового тисячоліття
Наша держава надає виключно важливого значення питанню зміцнення
ООН як центру багатосторонніх зусиль у подоланні складних та комплексних
викликів нового тисячоліття. Україна виходить з необхідності забезпечення
реалізації Декларації тисячоліття ООН (2000 р.). Настільки ж важливого
значення наша держава надає питанню реформування Ради Безпеки. Україна
виступає за розширення членського складу РБ, підтримуючи збільшення
кількості як постійних, так i непостійних членів. Неодмінною передумовою
підтримки нашою державою будь-якого варіанту реформування РБ ООН є
забезпечення адекватного рівня представленості в цьому органі країн
Східноєвропейської регіональної групи.
Боротьба із тероризмом
Виходячи з нагальної необхідності розробки світовою спільнотою
ефективних заходів боротьби з тероризмом, Україна приєдналася до глобальної
антитерористичної коаліції, підтвердила свою готовність докласти
максимальних зусиль для спільної боротьби з міжнародним тероризмом,
насамперед у рамках ООН.
Підтримання міжнародного миру та безпеки


Україна як одна з держав-фундаторів ООН надає особливого значення

діяльності ООН з підтримання міжнародного миру та безпеки, розглядаючи
участь у ній як важливий чинник своєї зовнішньої політики. Починаючи з
липня 1992 р., Україна виступає як значний контрибутор військових підрозділів
та персоналу до операцій ООН з підтримання миру (ОПМ). За період
незалежності України у понад 20 миротворчих операціях взяли участь близько
28 тисяч українських військових. У грудні 2002 р. на 57-й сесії Генеральної
Асамблеї ООН була одностайно схвалена внесена делегацією України
резолюція, якою 29 травня було проголошено Міжнародним днем миротворців
Економічний та гуманітарний напрями
Діяльність України на економічному та гуманітарному напрямку роботи
ООН, насамперед, відбувається в Другому комітеті Генеральної Асамблеї
(економічно-фінансові питання). Зусилля спрямовуються на розширення
міжнародної фінансової і технічної допомоги для вирішення завдань
економічного та соціального розвитку України. Результатом, зокрема, є
включення до низки важливих рішень Генеральної Асамблеї та інших органів
положень щодо надання міжнародним співтовариством фінансової, технічної та
консультативної допомоги країнам з перехідною економікою. Одним з
пріоритетних напрямків діяльності нашої держави в ООН є співробітництво з
метою пом’якшення та мінімізації довготермінових наслідків Чорнобильської
Захист прав людини
Україна є активним учасником діяльності органів системи ООН у сфері прав
людини. Наша держава є стороною всіх основних міжнародно-правових
документів ООН з прав людини, найважливішими з яких є Міжнародний пакт
про громадянські та політичні права, Міжнародний пакт про економічні,
соціальні та культурні права, Факультативні протоколи до них, Міжнародна
конвенція з ліквідації всіх форм расової дискримінації. Як учасниця цих
міжнародних договорів Україна подає періодичні доповіді про їх виконання на
розгляд відповідних конвенційних органів.
Охорона навколишнього середовища
На сьогодні Україна є стороною понад 40 міжнародних конвенцій та угод,
учасником багатьох програм та проектів ООН, спрямованих на охорону
навколишнього природного середовища.Прикладом визнання активності
України на екологічному напрямку стало успішне проведення в Києві у травні
2003 р. П’ятої конференції міністрів охорони навколишнього середовища в
рамках процесу „Довкілля для Європи”.
У лютому 2004 року Україна приєдналася до найважливішої міжнародної
екологічної угоди – Кіотського протоколу.

VI. Read the report of the Secretary-General. Be ready to act as an



Report of the Secretary-General, 19 August 2011
Countries emerging from conflict typically confront a wide range of urgent
demands to build and sustain peace, yet they often face a critical shortage of capacity
to meet priority needs quickly and effectively. The international community has
recognized this challenge, and many bilateral and multilateral actors have taken steps
to improve support to conflict-affected countries. These individual efforts, however,
have fallen short of a establishing a reliable and effective mechanism to provide
countries with the assistance that they seek. The United Nations still struggles to
recruit and deploy civilian expertise and to support national actors in expanding and
deepening their skills. In March 2010, I appointed a Senior Advisory Group, chaired
by former Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, Jean-Marie
Guéhenno, to undertake an independent review of civilian capacity in the aftermath
of conflict with a view to providing concrete and practical proposals to strengthen
civilian support for sustainable peace and development.
The report of the Senior Advisory Group (A/65/747-S/2011/85) was presented
to Member States in February 2011. It is a wide-ranging report that makes a number
of recommendations relevant to Member States, to regional and civil society
organizations and to the United Nations. Recognizing the scope of the report, I
established a Steering Committee, chaired by Susana Malcorra, Under-
SecretaryGeneral for Field Support, to lead a coordinated follow-up to the report.
The present report is the first response of the United Nations to the
independent review on civilian capacity in the aftermath of conflict. Its starting point
is the current United Nations system and the procedures and practices that fall within
my purview as Secretary-General to strengthen the support provided by the
Organization to countries emerging from conflict. Putting our own house in order is a
prerequisite for effective engagement with Member States, regional organizations,
civil society partners and, above all, the countries seeking our assistance. This alone,
however, is not enough to improve international civilian support. We all have an
obligation to review our respective individual efforts, as well as our partnerships, in
support of communities and people who have endured violence and deprivation. In
subsequent phases I shall focus on the role that others must play and the partnerships
that we must put in place to enable us to collectively strengthen the quality and
efficiency of civilian support after conflict.
The present report identifies a set of concrete priority actions and timelines for
the United Nations over the course of the next 12 months aimed at improving its
civilian response and becoming a better partner for others. These include:
(a) Developing guidelines for better use and development of national capacity,
as well as guidance to ensure that procurement practices do not exclude local
(b) Giving stronger strategic direction to new planning processes;
(c) Undertaking a review of how gender expertise is structured and deployed;

(d) Consulting Member States and regional organizations on developing

stronger partnerships, to ensure we make the best possible use of their capabilities;
(e) Establishing an online platform to broadcast civilian needs and available
capacities and better connect Governments, the United Nations and external capacity
(f) Exploring modalities to broaden the scope for deploying personnel
provided by Governments or other entities;
(g) Detailing critical capacity gap areas and ensuring that designated United
Nations focal points engage with external partners to address them;
(h) Pursuing a corporate emergency model in the United Nations Secretariat to
enable an effective response to situations where rapid deployment is required;
(i) Ensuring that United Nations leaders in the field exercise the operational
and financial agility entrusted to them to fulfil their mandates;
(j) Applying the principle of comparative advantage in discharging mandates;
(k) Piloting these approaches in the field, for example mobilizing national and
regional expertise and examining the scope for local procurement in South Sudan.
Above all, the present report makes clear that a sustainable peace is a national
peace. Externally imposed solutions or skills cannot replace ownership by, and
capacity of, national communities, their leaders and their institutions. That starting
point must be our end goal.


Unit 6


peacekeeping operations миротворчі операції
International Day of UN Peacekeepers Міжнародний день миротворців ООН
to pay tribute to віддати шану
unarmed UN military observers неозброєні військові спостерігачі ООН
to monitor the Armistice Agreement спостеригати Угоди про перемир'я
the Department of Peacekeeping Департамент операцій з підтримки миру
Operations (DPKO) (ДОПМ)
serving under the UN flag перебуваючи на службі під прапором
countries torn by conflict країни, що постраждали від конфліктів
to foster the conditions for lasting peace створити умови для тривалого миру
the United Nations Charter Хартія Організації Об'єднаних Націй
to define within the framework визначити в рамках чего-небудь
to meet the demands of для задоволення потреб
the Security Council Рада Безпеки
limited to maintaining ceasefires and обмежені підтримкою припинення
stabilizing situations on the ground вогню та стабілізації ситуації на місцях
to resolve the conflict by peaceful розв’язувати конфлікт мирними
means засобами
monitoring, reporting and confidence моніторинг, звітність та зміцнення
building довіри

I. Match the UN PK abbreviations for the current missions given in column

A with the decoded variants given in column B. Translate them.
UNMISS United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan
UNAMID United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei
UNOCI UN Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic
Republic of the Congo
UNFICYP African Union-UN Hybrid Operation in Darfur
UNMIK UN Operation in Côte d'Ivoire
UNMIL UN Mission in Liberia
UNISFA UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara
MONUSCO UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti
UNMIT UN Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste
UNMOGIP UN Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan
UNDOF UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan
UNIFIL UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus

UNTSO UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo

UNAMA UN Disengagement Observer Force
MINURSO United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon
MINUSTAH UN Truce Supervision Organization

II. Give the Ukrainian equivalents to the following word combinations.

Find them in the text: paying tribute; the deployment of unarmed UN military
observers; to monitor the Armistice Agreement; a rapid increase in the number of
peacekeeping operations; consensus; raised expectations; to authorize sufficiently
robust mandates; no peace to keep; high-profile peacekeeping operations; under
criticism; adequate resources; self-reflection; to prevent such failures.

III. Find out the equivalents to the following word combinations in the
text: щорічне святкування Міжнародного дня миротворців ООН; приділяючи
належне всім миротворцям; в пам'ять тих, хто загинув у справi миру;
розгортання неозброєних військових спостерігачів ООН на Близькому Сході;
спостереження угоди про перемир'я; військовий і цивільний персонал; операції
з підтримання миру були розгорнуті Організацією Об'єднаних Націй;
унікальний і динамічний інструмент; протягом багатьох років миротворчої
діяльності; суперництво холодної війни; забезпечуючи важливу політичну

The United Nations observed 60 years of peacekeeping operations on 29 May
2008, the annual observance of the International Day of UN Peacekeepers, by paying
tribute to all peacekeepers who have served since 1948 and commemorating those
who died in the cause of peace.
United Nations peacekeeping began in 1948 with the deployment of unarmed
UN military observers to the Middle East in a mission to monitor the Armistice
Agreement between Israel and its Arab neighbors.
After the Cold War ended, there was a rapid increase in the number of
peacekeeping operations. With a new consensus and a common sense of purpose, the
Security Council authorized a total of 20 new operations between 1989 and 1994,
raising the number of peacekeepers from 11,000 to 75,000.
The general success of earlier missions raised expectations for UN
Peacekeeping beyond its capacity to deliver. This was especially true in the mid
1990’s in situations when the Security Council was not able to authorize sufficiently
robust mandates or provide adequate resources.
Missions were established in situations where the guns had not yet fallen silent,
in areas such as the former Yugoslavia - UN Protection Force (UNPROFOR),
Rwanda - UN Assistance Mission for Rwanda (UNAMIR) and Somalia - UN
Operation in Somalia II (UNOSOM II), where there was no peace to keep.

These three high-profile peacekeeping operations came under criticism as

peacekeepers faced situations where warring parties failed to adhere to peace
agreements, or where the peacekeepers themselves were not provided adequate
resources or political support. As civilian casualties rose and hostilities continued, the
reputation of UN Peacekeeping suffered.
The setbacks of the early and mid-1990s led the Security Council to limit the
number of new peacekeeping missions and begin a process of self-reflection to
prevent such failures from happening again.
Today, more than 110,000 uniformed and civilian personnel are serving in 20
peace operations managed by the Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO).
Since 1948, 63 peacekeeping operations have been deployed by the United Nations,
17 of them in the past decade alone. Over the years hundreds of thousands of military
personnel, as well as tens of thousands of UN police and other civilians, from more
than 120 countries have participated in UN operations.
More than 2,400 United Nations peacekeepers from some 118 countries died while
serving under the UN flag during the past 60 years.

IV. Compose 9 questions of different types to the text below. Ask these
questions to your partner and answer his questions.

V. Translate into English in writing:

Україна розглядає участь у міжнародній миротворчій діяльності як
важливу складову своєї зовнішньої політики, що давно стала для Збройних Сил
України тим показником, який визначає престиж українського війська на
міжнародній арені.
Між тим, миротворча діяльність на початку ХХІ століття залишається
складним багатогранним процесом, що невід’ємно пов’язаний з національними
інтересами багатьох держав світу та цілою низкою політичних, економічних,
соціальних та інших проблем. Вона стала універсальним інструментом
збереження миру і міжнародної безпеки. Доречно процитувати колишнього
Генерального секретаря ООН Дага Хаммершельда, який загинув при виконанні
службових обов’язків на службі миру та стабільності: “Миротворчість – це
робота не для військових, але лише військові здатні з нею впоратися”.
Збройні Сили України беруть участь у міжнародних миротворчих
операціях практично з моменту проголошення незалежності нашої держави.
Зокрема, 3 липня 1992 року український парламент затвердив Постанову №
2538-ХІІ "Про участь батальйонів Збройних Сил України в Миротворчих Силах
Організації Об’єднаних Націй у зонах конфліктів на території колишньої
Югославії". Така участь стала "бойовим хрещенням" українських військових
під прапором Об’єднаних Націй.
Участь України у миротворчій діяльності поєднує два основних
взаємопов’язаних процеси, вкрай важливих для українського війська: його
реформування та інтеграція в європейські структури безпеки.

Сучасна миротворча діяльність України не тільки активна, але й постійно

має тенденцію до розширення географічних рамок, зміцнюючи військово-
політичний авторитет держави. Миротворчі операції є одним із найбільш
вагомих елементів підтримки високого рейтингу українських військових. Крім
того, це можливість отримати бойовий досвід, а також, в деяких випадках,
продемонструвати потенціал української військової техніки.
Сучасна миротворча діяльність, за більш ніж 50 років з моменту початку
першої миротворчої операції, дозволила міжнародній спільноті набути
значного досвіду у питаннях урегулювання конфліктів з метою підтримки миру
та стабільності у різних куточках планети. І цей досвід є справді неоціненним.
Немалий досвід набутий і українськими миротворцями, особливо в процесі
безпосереднього виконання завдань в миротворчих операціях.

VI. Prepare and present a 5-minute talk on one of the suggested issues.
Use the materials from the UN official site:
 Gender and peacekeeping
 Field support
 Conduct and discipline
 Protection of civilians
 Environment and sustainability
 Disarmament, demobilization and reintegration
 Children in conflict
 Human rights


Unit 7


full law enforcement authority
to maintain the rule of law
to provide peace and security
war-torn area
abuse by police forces
paramilitary-style police forces
ethnic cleansing
marshal law
to protect civilians
to prevent criminal activities
to promote the rule of law and
administration of justice
to monitor local police services
to enforce human rights standards
to advise, train and help to re-establish
police services
full performance of law enforcement
duties, including arrest, detention, and
presumption of innocence
right to a fair trial
respect for the dignity, honour, and
privacy of all persons

I. Find out the following abbreviations in the text. Decode and translate

II. Give the Ukrainian equivalents to the following word combinations.

Find them in the text: Department of Peacekeeping Operations, the UN Civilian
Police Division, full law enforcement authority

III. Find out the equivalents to the following word combinations in the

text: неповнолітній, біженець, підтримувати правопорядок, воєнізовані сили

поліції, зловживання з боку поліцейських сил, етнічні чистки, геноцид, захист
цивільного населення, верховенство закону, право на справедливий судовий
розгляд, арешт, затримання, розслідування, утримування під вартою, права

The UN Civilian Police Division was established in October 2000, under the
Department of Peacekeeping Operations. But the United Nations has been using
special civilian police forces to assist in peacekeeping efforts for more than 40 years.
The first UNCIVPOL mission was in the 1960s, in support of a PKO in the Congo,
and a UNCIVPOL mission has been in Cyprus for more than 30 years.
It was not until Kosovo, however, that UNCIVPOL personnel were given full law
enforcement authority for the first time, with more than 4,700 UNCIVPOL officers
charged with maintaining the rule of law as well as providing peace and security.
Currently, there are more than 13 UNCIVPOL operations around the globe, involving
more than 7,000 police officers from more than 80 countries.
The primary goal with UNCIVPOL missions, as with all PKOs, is to create a
safer environment by promoting peace and security. But re-establishing security and
the rule of law can be difficult. Many of the war-torn areas where UN missions
operate have witnessed widespread abuses by police forces, especially by
paramilitary-style police forces, which in some cases have even played a part in
genocide or ethnic cleansings. But UN missions cannot rely upon military personnel
to fill this security role.
Military police generally only operate in civilian matters when there are special
situations, such as states of exception or marshal law.
One of the goals of UNCIVPOL missions is to return a sense of normalcy to
civilian society, giving people the confidence they need to begin to reconstruct their
community. Furthermore, it is important that local civilian police forces begin
participating as quickly as possible in law enforcement and the administration of
justice to avoid the sense of outsiders imposing a foreign law on the country. To this
end, UNCIVPOL missions work to train local police forces and carry out joint
The precise mandate of each UNCIVPOL mission will be different, depending
on the needs and the situation. But they may involve one or more of the following
• protecting civilians;
• preventing criminal activities;
• generally promoting the rule of law and administration of justice;
• monitoring local police services;

• enforcing human rights standards;

• advising, training and helping to re-establish police services;
• full performance of law enforcement duties, including arrest, detention, and
Training of local forces is a key aspect of UNCIVPOL operations. This training
programme covers the following areas:
• international human rights standards for law enforcement, including:
- presumption of innocence;
- right to a fair trial;
- respect for the dignity, honour, and privacy of all persons;
• codes for ethical police conduct;
• cultural awareness and non-discrimination policies;
• special treatment for juveniles, women, refugees, and victims;
• stress management;
• negotiation and mediation techniques;
• use of force and firearms (rules of engagement for civilian police);
• arrest and detention.

IV. Translate the rules of cultural awareness for PKO personnel. Discuss
the necessity of such rules with your partner.
Cultural Awareness
 DO NOT use derogatory terms in any language (even in friendly conversation)
 DO NOT slander host nation or coalition partners (even if only jokingly)
 DO NOT physically harm host nation or coalition partners (except in self
 DO NOT put down or slander any religion
 ALWAYS be courteous and thankful for host nation and coalition partner

V. Fill in the table of Active terms and expressions in Unit 7 with the
Ukrainian equivalents. Compose 10 sentences on UNCIVPOL in Ukrainian.
Translate the sentences composed by your partner.

VI. Translate the requirements for the UNCIVPOL personnel into English:
Цивільна поліція ООН
Загальні вимоги:
- вік - не менше 25 років, вислуга в органах внутрішніх справ - не менше 5
– знання англійської мови на високому рівні (тестування для перевірки знання
мови проводиться комісією Департаменту миротворчих операцій Секретаріату
ООН і складається з чотирьох етапів: читання, аудіювання, написання рапорту,
усна співбесіда на будь-яку обрану екзаменатором тему);


– навички практичного водіння повнопривідного автомобіля типу "Джип"

(наявність посвідчення водія категорії ,,В", мінімальний водійський стаж - 2
– володіння зброєю (здатність виконати практичні вправи стрільби з
пістолета ,,Форт-12", розібрати та зібрати його);
– навички роботи з комп'ютерною технікою на рівні користувача (складання
документів, Internet, e-mail).
Термін перебування в місії не менше 1 року. За час перебування в місії
працівник органів внутрішніх справ отримує в Україні грошове утримання в
розмірі окладу за посадою і званням та надбавки за вислугу років.

VII. Speak on the goals of UNCIVPOL.


Unit 8


use of military capabilities використання військового потенціалу
restraint стриманість
perseverance наполегливість
attainable objective досяжна мета
hostile factions ворожі фракції
take proactive steps вжити активних заходів
to reduce vulnerability to знизити вразливість до
counterinsurgency протиповстанський
to defuse a specific situation розрядити конкретну ситуацію
to close financial obligations закрити фінансові зобов'язання
transition to civil authority перехід до цивільної влади
termination of operation припинення операції


Military operations other than war ('MOOTW') is a concept in United States
military doctrine that refers to the use of military capabilities across a range of
operations that fall short of outright war. Military operations other than war focus on
deterring war, resolving conflict, promoting peace, and supporting civil authorities in
response to domestic crises. MOOTW may involve elements of both combat and non-
combat operations in peacetime, conflict, and war situations. MOOTW involving
combat, such as peace enforcement, may have many of the same characteristics of
war, including active combat operations and employment of most combat
capabilities.MOOTW purposes may include to deter potential aggressors, protect
national interests, support the United Nations (UN), or provide humanitarian
MOOTW provides the National Command Authorities with a wide range of
possible response options, from noncombat operations such as humanitarian
assistance to combat operations such as peace enforcement, strikes, and raids.
MOOTW not involving the use or threat of force include humanitarian assistance,
disaster relief, arms control, support to US civil authorities, and peacekeeping

II Translate into Ukrainian in writing:

Six Basic Principles
There are six MOOTW principles: objective, unity of effort, security, restraint,
perseverance, and legitimacy. The first three are derived from the principles of war,
and the remaining three are MOOTW-specific.
Objective: The aim of MOOTW is to direct every military operation toward a clearly
defined, decisive, and attainable objective.

Unity of Effort
Security: The goal here is to never permit hostile factions to acquire a military,
political, or informational advantage.
Restraint: Commanders at all levels must take proactive steps to ensure their
personnelare quickly informed of changes, otherwise it can result in mission failure.
Perseverance: Some MOOTW may require years to achieve the desired results.
Legitimacy: The goal here is to have committed forces sustain the legitimacy
of the operation and of the host government.

III Read, translate and discuss the text below:

Arms Control
Combatting Terrorism: This includes antiterrorism and counterterrorism.
Antiterrorism programs are defensive measures taken to reduce vulnerability to
terrorist acts. Counterterrorism is offensive measures taken to prevent, deter and
respond to terrorism.
DOD Support to Counterdrug Operations
Enforcement of Sanctions and/or Maritime Security Operations (MSO),
Maritime Intercept Operations.
Enforcing Exclusion Zones
Ensuring Freedom of Navigation and Overflight
Humanitarian Assistance: HA operations relieve or reduce the results of natural
or manmade disasters or other conditions such as human pain, disease, hunger, or
privation in countries or regions outside the United States.
Military Support to Civil Authorities (MSCANation Assistance and/or Support
to Counterinsurgency:
Security assistance refers to a group of programs by which the United States
provides defense articles, military training, and other defense-related services to
foreign nations by grant, loan, credit, or cash sales.
Noncombatant Evacuation Operations (NEO)
Peace Operations (PO): Military PO are categorized as peacekeeping
operations (PKO) and peace enforcement operations (PEO).
Protection of Shipping: Protection of shipping includes coastal sea control, harbor
defense, port security, and environmental defense.
Recovery Operations: Recovery operations are conducted to search for, locate,
identify, rescue, and return personnel or human remains, sensitive or items critical to
national security.
Show of Force Operations: These operations involve increased visibility of US
deployed forces in an attempt to defuse a specific situation.
Strikes and Raids: Strikes are offensive operations conducted to inflict damage on,
seize, or destroy an objective for political purposes.. A raid is usually a small-scale
operation involving swift penetration of hostile territory to secure information,
confuse the enemy, or destroy installations. It ends with a planned withdrawal upon
completion of the assigned mission.

Support to Insurgency: US forces may provide logistic and training support to

an insurgency, but normally do not themselves conduct combat operations.
Transition From Wartime Operations
A commander’s campaign plan should include a transition from wartime
operations to MOOTW. Commanders plan for this transition at the very outset of
hostilities. This ensures desired political objectives continue to be pursued after the
cessation of wartime operations.
Termination of Operations
These actions may include transition to civil authority, marking and clearing
minefields, closing financial obligations, pre-redeployment activities, and
redeploying forces. It is important to note that the manner in which US forces
terminate their involvement may influence the perception of the legitimacy of the
entire op.

IV.Read & translate the text into Ukrainian:

United Nations and Human Rights
Human rights - along with peace, justice and freedom - is one of the founding
principles of the United Nations. The UN Universal Declaration of Human
Rights (1948), which laid the groundwork for more than 80 conventions and
declarations on human rights, recognizes human rights as the foundation of freedom,
justice and peace.
The human rights principles are:
 Universality and inalienability: Human rights are universal and inalienable. All
people everywhere in the world are entitled to them. The human person in
whom they inhere cannot voluntarily give them up. Nor can others take them
away from him or her.
 Indivisibility: Human rights are indivisible. Whether of a civil, cultural,
economic, political or social nature, they are all inherent to the dignity of every
human person
 Inter-dependence and Inter-relatedness. The realization of one right often
depends, wholly or in part, upon the realization of others. For instance,
realization of the right to health may depend, in certain circumstances, on
realization of the right to education or of the right to information.
. Equality and Non-discrimination: All individuals are equal as human beings
and by virtue of the inherent dignity of each human person. All human beings
are entitled to their human rights without discrimination of any kind, such as
race, colour, sex, ethnicity, age, language, religion, political or other opinion,
national or social origin, disability, property, birth or other status as explained
by the human rights treaty bodies.
 Participation and Inclusion: Every person and all peoples are entitled to active,
free and meaningful participation in, contribution to, and enjoyment of civil,
economic, social, cultural and political development in which human rights and
fundamental freedoms can be realized.

 Accountability and Rule of Law: States and other duty-bearers are answerable
for the observance of human rights. In this regard, they have to comply with
the legal norms and standards enshrined in human rights instruments.
These guiding human rights principles can enable the UNCT in Ukraine to
determine the most vulnerable and deprived sections of Ukrainian population, get a
better understanding of the structural causes preventing the realization of their rights,
and thus - to concentrate and implement the development- and human rights-oriented
programs in a more informed, efficient and cost-effective manner.




Unit 1.

Documents concerning PKO, PK missions preparation and deployment, their

functioning etc. are PKO documents. According to their function the PK documents
can be:
 PK orders and directives (документи керівництва) – planning docs (плануючі)
and directives ( директивні);
 Reports (звітно-інформаційні):
 References (довідкові).

I. Translate the following info into English:

Вимоги до оформлення документів

миротворчих сил ООН

II. Give Стислість

an English summary of the following Ясність info: Вірогідність
При підготовці документів повинні суворо виконуватися правила
Досягається вживанням
оформлення документів. стиснених,
Основні але документи мають бути типовими за формою,
Досягається використанням Досягається
чітких і ясних формулювань, апробованих
але за і необхідності простих речень і зворотів мови, використанням
виразів воєнних термінів, слід застосовувати особливі форми і документи, які
застосуванням стійких ретельно
найбільш повно відповідають умовам
скорочень і умовних позначень, які включені обстановки,
словосполучень і характеруперевіреної
термінів, дій сил
до змісту бойового документа
миротворчого контингенту і вимогам забезпечення ефективного і стійкого
включенням у його зміст тільки інформації
вірогідної інформації
управління підрозділами.
У штабах миротворчих сил розробляються і широко використовуються
формалізовані документи. Вони призначені для передавання типових
розпоряджень, донесень тощо. Формалізовані
Наочність Відповідність документи повинніформи
Відповідність бути
документа змісту бойових до-
придатними для передавання з використанням засобів факсимільного
встановленої зв’язку і
кументів можливос-
Досягається правильним застосуван
автоматизованих систем управління військами
ням і чітким викреслюванням умовних знаків,
форми тям документування,
Таким чином, розмноження, пере-
виділенням положень військкожний
відносно до документ
різного повинен мати: давання, оброблення і
гриф правильним
таємності розміщенням
і номерслужбових
Досягається строгим відображення
пояснювальних надписів; чітким зображенням
службовий заголовок;
положення військ і дій, що
дотриманням правил
оформлення бойового
 підпис відповідної
плануються; правильнимпосадовоїпідйомом
особи документа
з вказівкою і посади,
логічним військового звання,
Досягається впрова-дженням
топографічної основи і основних елементів механізації і автоматизації
обстановки йнаініціалів;
карті; суворим дотриманням
викладенням його змісту
відповід-них процесів
 помітки з вказівкою
кольорів, які встановлені кількості
для умовних знаків виготовлених екземплярів, прізвища виконавця
і друкаря (кресляра), дати виконання і номера за журналом обліку.
Документ, який направляється у підрозділи або подається до вищестоящого
штабу, крім того, повинен мати: Своєчасність розроблення
і передавання документів
 категорію терміновості;
 найменування адресата; Досягається рівнем підготов-
 помітку про час (години, хвилини, дата) леності посадових осіб ійорга-
нізованості роботи штабу
документа адресатом.
За ступенем терміновості документи поділяються на категорії: “ звичайні

” і “термінові ”. Категорією терміновості документів визначається черговість їх

передавання (доставляння) і час залежно від обсягу інформації. Категорія
терміновості і гриф таємності документа визначаються виконавцем і остаточно
встановлюються особою, яка його підписує. У правому верхньому куті
документа вказується категорія терміновості, нижче – гриф таємності, потім –
номер екземпляра. Службовий заголовок тексту документа пишеться в одну або
декілька суцільних рядків.
У ньому послідовно вказується:
 назва документа;
 найменування з’єднання;
 його порядковий номер;
 місце розташування пункту управління (штабу), який виготовив документ;
 час і дата підпису (розроблення) документа;
 масштаб і рік видання карти, на якій документ розробляється.
Назва тексту документа миротворчих сил, пункт управління, адресат
пишуться прописними літерами. Час підписання проставляється посадовою
особою, яка підписує документ. Назва адресата пишеться у верхній частині над
службовим заголовком. Якщо документ направляється декільком адресатам, то
пишеться загальний заголовок, а нижче вказується адресат, якому
направляється даний екземпляр.
На телеграмах вказується позивний вузла зв’язку, на який вона повинна
бути передана, і посадова особа, якій адресовано. Перелік посадових осіб і
назва документів, які вони мають право підписувати, наведено в табл. 1.
Усі документи з управління, а також документи, що направляються в
вищестоящій штаб, повинні мати дійсні підписи посадових осіб із зазначенням
посади, військового звання і прізвища. Вони затверджуються гербовою
печаткою. У бойових документах, що видаються за підписом начальника штабу
від імені командира (начальника), бойове завдання або вказівки підрозділам,
частинам викладаються після слів: “Командир (начальник) наказав ”.
Кожний лист на бойових наказах і бойових розпорядженнях, а також
підпис командира (начальника) і начальника штабу скріплюються гербовою
печаткою з діючою назвою з’єднання, військової частини. Усі поправки в
документі повинні бути обговорені і завірені особою, яка підписує його.
Порядок і спосіб доставки документів адресатам залежно від важливості
й умов обстановки визначається в кожному конкретному випадку начальником
штабу. У будь-якій обстановці штаб повинен забезпечити доставку бойових
документів у строк, вказаний командиром (начальник) або вищестоящим
Бойові документи передаються з використанням технічних засобів зв’язку
і автоматизації управління, які оснащені апаратурою засекречування,
шифрування і кодування тимчасової і гарантованої стійкості, або
відправляється через підрозділи фельд’єгерського поштового зв’язку, або
доставляються офіцерами штабу (офіцерами зв’язку). Бойові документи, що

відправляються з застосуванням фельд’єгерського поштового зв’язку або

доставляються офіцерами штабу (офіцерами зв’язку) конвертуються і
опечатуються. При цьому бойові накази, бойові розпорядження, бойові і
розвідувальні повідомлення конвертуються в окремі пакети, доставляються
особисто командирам (начальникам) або начальникам штабів під розпис на
лицьовому боці конверта або за реєстром. Вкладати у ці пакети будь-які інші
документи забороняється.
При передаванні бойового наказу (розпорядження) усно текст
записується в таємний робочий зошит, підписується особою, яка його записала,
і особою, яка його передала.
Дата і час отримання документа проставляється особою, яка отримала
його, або особою, яка розпечатала конверт.
Особа, яка відправила документ, реєструє дату і час отримання документа
адресатом після підтвердження його отримання. При використанні засобів
автоматизованого управління військами час передавання і отримання
документа реєструється автоматично. Для підтвердження істинності бойового
документа на ньому проставляється умовний пізнавальний знак. Місце
розміщення його на документі, строк дії, сам знак встановлюються
вищестоящим штабом і вказується в розпорядженні по прихованому
управлінню військами.
Графічні документи мають бути наочними, усі елементи рішення повинні
наноситися чітко, не загромаджуючи географічної основи карти. У змісті
документів повинно відображатися тільки те, що необхідне для розуміння
питання без додаткових пояснень, виключаючи можливість різного тлумачення.
Повідомлення, які потребують перевірки й уточнення, необхідно обговорювати.
Особлива увага звертається на взаємну узгодженість усіх документів.
Для зображення графічної частини документа, як правило, для
розроблення карт, використовуються позамасштабні умовні знаки.
Використання умовних знаків є обов’язковим. З метою полегшення нанесення
на карту умовних знаків рекомендується користуватися офіцерською лінійкою
Форма, геометричні розміри, співвідношення графічних елементів
умовних знаків визначаються зразками умовних знаків, які будуть розглянуті на
груповому занятті. Використання вимог, що подаються у зразках до
накреслення умовних знаків, є обов’язковим при розробленні графічних
документів неавтоматизованим і автоматизованим способами.
При розробленні карт допускається використання таблиць. Таблиці на
карті розміщуються у вільній частині таким чином, щоб не затемняти елементи
обстановки, які належать відображенню таблиць.
З метою забезпечення достатньої наочності, однаковості та зручності
користування графічні документи розробляються у трьох варіантах:
демонстраційному, робочому і довідковому.
Таким чином, знання цих документів є необхідною умовою ефективної

службової діяльності офіцерів штабів усіх рівнів. Від знання порядку і вміння
швидко та вірогідно підготувати документ залежить не тільки якість і
відповідна швидкість прийняття рішення командиром (начальником) на дії,
оперативне застосування сил військ, а й виконання ними службово-бойових
завдань. Кожний офіцер штабу повинен уміти розробляти, читати і
користуватися усім переліком документів. А це можливо за умови об’єктивного
розуміння сутності та змісту службово-бойових завдань. Це дозволяє штабу
ефективно і своєчасно організувати їх підготовку. Така підготовка поділяється
на попередню і безпосередню. Кожний офіцер штабу повинен чітко
усвідомлювати свою персональну роль і місце при підготовці військ до
виконання службово-бойових завдань. Цьому можуть сприяти його глибокі
теоретичні знання і практичні навички, а також розроблена методика
оцінювання обстановки і своїх військ.

III. Translate the following text into Ukrainian. Pay attention to the
shortenings and abbreviations.
The official name of the Dayton Peace Accords is the General Framework
Agreement for Peace (GFAP). The Parties who signed the GFAP in Paris on 14
December 1995 were the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the Republic of Croatia,
and the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina (the U.S. is not a Party to the GFAP).
Bosnia-Herzegovina remains a single state, but comprised of two Entities. The
Entities are the Muslim and Croat Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina (FBiH), and the
Bosnian Serb Republika Srpska (RS).
The Parties forces ceased all hostilities and withdrew behind a 2-km zone of
separation (ZOS).
Bosnia-Herzegovina has a central government in Sarajevo. The Parties agreed
to a constitution for Bosnia-Herzegovina that creates a three-member presidency, a
two-house legislature, and a constitutional court. All of Bosnia-Herzegovina's people
have the right to move freely throughout the country without harassment or
discrimination. Displaced persons and refugees (DPREs) have the right to return
home or obtain compensation from civil authorities.
The Parties committed to cooperate fully with the prosecution of persons
indicted for war crimes (PlFWCs) and violations of international and humanitarian
law. The Parties reported to Implimentation Force (IFOR), and must continue to
provide updated reports to Stabilisation Force (SFOR), on the following:
– positions and descriptions of all known unexploded ordnance, explosive devices,
– minefields, booby traps, wire entanglements and other physical hazards to safe
– locations of lanes through the Agreed Zone of Separation (ZOS) that are free of
all such hazards;
– positions and descriptions of fortifications, barriers and other man-made
obstacles, ammunition dumps, command headquarters and communication networks;

– positions and descriptions of all surface-to-air missiles and launchers, including

mobile systems, supporting radars, and associated command and control systems;
– any other information of a military nature requested by SFOR.

IV. Translate at sight:

Дейтонські угоди; General Framework Agreement for Peace; двопалатний
законодавчий орган; entities; Президентська рада; displaced persons and refugees;
цивільна влада; persons indicted for war crimes; Сили стабілізації; Agreed Zone of
Separation; свобода переміщення; unexploded ordnance.

V. Give the full variants for the following English abbreviations, give their
Ukrainian translation: GFAP; FBiH; RS; DPREs; PIFWCs; IFOR; SFOR; ZOS.

VI. Translate at sight:

Я хотів би присвятити свій виступ одному з найважливіших завдань, що
стоять в цьому році перед СФОР, – сприяння міжнародним організаціям у
здійсненні процесу повернення біженців в БіГ.
Як ви знаєте, відповідно до Додатку 7 Дейтонських угод, ФБіГ і РС
погодилися з тим, що усі біженці і переміщені особи мають право на вільне
повернення до місць свого колишнього проживання. Вони мають так само
право на повернення своєї колишньої власності або на отримання компенсації
за її втрату. Сторони зобов'язуються не піддавати біженців і переміщених осіб
СФОР, виконуючи почесну миротворчу місію в БіГ, активно
підключається до забезпечення підтримки процесу переселення. На наш погляд,
перш за все, необхідно визначитися в пріоритетах, вирішити, що для нас
важливіше – встановлення міцного миру на Балканах або необгрунтоване
форсування процесу повернення біженців, що, в кінцевому рахунку, може
закласти нову етнічну бомбу в і так досить вибухонебезпечному регіоні.
Ще залишилася після війни взаємна неприязнь на етно-релігійному
грунті; економічна криза і надзвичайно високий рівень безробіття, відсутність
прийнятних умов для існування; сотні тисяч біженців, що живуть по 5-10 сімей
в одному будинку – ці та інші проблеми сплелися. Процес переселення
біженців не може протікати успішно без одночасного вирішення всього
комплексу соціальних проблем.
Ми це прекрасно розуміємо. Тому, відповідно до рекомендацій
командування, а також усвідомлюючи свою відповідальність за майбутнє
людей, які нам довіряють, приступили до проведення регулярних робочих
зустрічей, а також встановлення нових, більш тісних контактів з
представниками місцевих адміністрацій, правоохоронних органів, різних
політичних партій, лідерами біженців.
Особливо хотілося б підкреслити, що продуктивна співпраця з місцевою
владою, здійснення гуманітарних проектів, надання матеріально-фінансової

допомоги, будівництво та відновлення будинків для біженців та переміщених

осіб, які повертаються, надання нового житла сім'ям, які нині проживають в
покинутих біженцями будинках, має здійснюватися одночасно в рівних



Planning docs are staff docs dealing with estimation of the situation, planning staff's
functioning, troops service etc.

Planning Documents

Concept ofoperation
operation–– Estimateof
Estimate ofthe
Plans плани
задум бою(операції).
(операції). ––оцінка

staff estіmate––штабна
commander's estіmate––оцінка
оцінкаобстановки strategіc plans
обстановки strategіc plans –– стратегічні
командиром; плани;
personnel offіcer's
personnel offіcer's estіmate
estіmate –– оцінка compaіn plans
оцінка compaіn plans –– плани плани
обстановки командиром
обстановки командиром відділення кампанії;
відділення кампанії;
(відділу) особовогоскладу;
складу; operatіon plans
operatіon plans –– оперативні
іntellіgence offіcer's
іntellіgence offіcer's estіmate
estіmate –– оцінка плани;
оцінка плани;
обстановки начальником
обстановки начальником відділення admіnіstratіveplans
відділення admіnіstratіve plans––плани
планипо по
(відділу) розвідки; тиловомузабезпеченню;
тиловому забезпеченню;
operatіons offіcer's
operatіons offіcer's estіmate
estіmate –– оцінка communіcatіon plans
оцінка communіcatіon plans –– плани
обстановки начальником
обстановки начальником оперативного зв'язкупідрозділу
оперативного зв'язку підрозділу(частини);
відділення (відділу); sіgnal plans
sіgnal plans –– плани
плани зв'язку
logіstіcs offіcer's
logіstіcs offіcer's estіmate
estіmate –– оцінка (з'єднання);
оцінка (з'єднання);
обстановки начальником
обстановки начальником відділення contіngency plans
відділення contіngency plans –– плани
плани дії
(відділу) тилу; при
при різних
різних варіантах
tactіcal cover
tactіcal cover and
and deceptіon
deceptіon estіmate обстановки;
estіmate –– обстановки;
оцінка можливостей
оцінка можливостей забезпечення specіalcontіngency
забезпечення specіal contіngencyplans
скритності підготовки
скритності підготовки бою бою або спецзаходів (наприклад,
або спецзаходів (наприклад, aіr aіr
операції йй заходів
операції заходів щодощодо введення defenseplan
введення defense plan––план
супротивника оману.


I. Translate at sight:
Плани можуть бути повними (complete) та коротко відкладеними (outlіne).
У службі штабів армії ООН документи планування обробляються таким чином,
що вони можуть служити не тільки основою для вироблення відповідних
документів керування, але при необхідності використовуватися як документи
керування. Так, наприклад, в основі всякого оперативного плану лежить
відповідна оцінка обстановки, а оперативний план при відомих умовах може
одержати силу бойового наказу. У таких випадках по певних каналах зв'язку
просто вказується:
"Execute OPLAN 16. H-hour D-day іs 151700 July 1989. Діяти за
оперативним планом № 16. День "Д"-15 липня 1989, година "Ч"-17.00. Тому
майже всі складені елементи (реквізити) оперативного плану й оцінки
обстановки збігаються зі складеними елементами бойового наказу.

II. Translate in writing. Pay special attention to the abbreviations:

In December 1995, acting under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter, the
Security Council authorized member states to establish a multinational
Implementation Force (IFOR) to deter a resumption of hostilities in Bosnia-
Herzegovina by implementing the military aspects of the General Framework
Agreement for Peace. In December 1996, the Security Council created a
Stabilization Force (SFOR) as legal successor to IFOR. SFOR is led by NATO, but
includes 17 non-NATO countries. There are about 31,000 troops in SFOR. Essential
Tasks of SFOR are:
– ensure force protection and deter a resumption of hostilities or new threats to peace;
– control the airspace over Bosnia-Herzegovina and control military traffic over key
ground routes;
– monitor the movement and training of Entity Armed Forces (EAF);
– ensure safe conditions for the implementation of the non-military aspects of the
Dayton Peace Accords;
– assist the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and other
international organizations in their humanitarian missions;
– prevent serious crimes or interference with civilian freedom of movement;
– monitor and support the clearance of minefields by the Bosnians.

III. Translate at sight: UN Security Council; Сили стабілізації; Entity

Armed Forces; виконання мирних аспектів ДУ; UN High Commissioner for
Refugees; спостереження за повітряним простором БіГ і переміщенням військ;
non-NATO countries; Рада Безпеки ООН; force protection; спостереження за
розмінуванням місцевості; monitor the EAF movement and training.

IV. Give the full variants for the following English abbreviations, give
their Ukrainian translation: GFAP; FBiH; RS; DPREs; PIFWCs; IFOR; SFOR;



V. Translate the following hierarchy of plans within a UN Field Mission:

VI. Translate into Ukrainian:

Checklist on minimum content for component-level plans

… How to use this tool
The checklist should be followed by rule of law and security institutions
components of a UN Field Mission when no official template exists for the
production of a particular plan.
The checklist specifies categories of information that, at a minimum, must be
included in plans produced by police, justice, corrections, security sector reform
(SSR), disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) and mine action field
components. It also provides guidance on the content of optional, additional
categories that may be included in plans.
All the information in the checklist need not be included in every single plan
produced by a component.
However, the minimum content in this checklist should be evident if one were

to look at the entire range of plans produced by a component. For instance, if a justice
component produces a multi-year strategy and an annual workplan, these two
documents should, between the two of them, contain the minimum content in the
checklist. Templates and an example of an annual workplan are provided in “Tool 5.
Templates and samples of good practice of component-level plans.”

 Timeframe covered by the plan

 Objectives
 Expected accomplishments and related indicators
 Outputs* and related deadline for completion of each output
 Roles and responsibilities* (i.e., the division of labour: which
organization, unit or individual is responsible for implementing each
 Resource needs (i.e., inputs in terms of assessed and voluntary funds,
personnel, equipment, infrastructure etc.)
 Planning assumptions
 Risks and risk management measures
 Monitoring and evaluation system



Reports and reporting docs aim at informing the superiors, staff and neighbour staffs
about the enemy's actions, situation within the troops etc.
Reporting documents
reports повідомлення;
summarіes зведення;
surveys огляди;
staff studіes ––штабні
staff studіes штабнірозробки;
analysіs, orevaluatіons
journals, orrecord
worksheets робочізошити;
sіtuatіon maps – карти обстановки;
sіtuatіon maps – карти обстановки;
mornіng reports––добові
loss estіmates––оцінки
personnel requіsіtіons,
personnel requіsіtіons, or
or replacement
replacement requests
requests –– заявки
заявки на
на поповнення
поповнення особовим

I. Translate at sight:
Інформаційно-звітні документи можуть класифікуватися по
функціональній ознаці й по ступеню терміновості. По функціональній ознаці
інформаційно-звітні документи класифікуються як оперативні, стосовно до
бойової діяльності військ, і стройові, стосовно до їхнього повсякденного життя.
Оперативні інформаційно-звітні документи поділяються на бойові (operatіon
reports), розвідувальні (іntellіgence reports) і тилові (admіnіstratіve reports).

II. Translate in writing. Pay attention to the abbreviations:

SFOR commanders have the authority to confiscate any military or civilian
weapons carried without a valid permit or other proper authorization.
The senior ground commander always has the authority to confiscate a weapon,
even if the bearer has a permit, if: (1) The individual poses a potential or actual threat
to SFOR or its mission. (2) The validity of the permit is questionable. (3) The weapon
is used or carried in a threatening or negligent manner.
SFOR commanders may confiscate weapons from civilians, police, or Entity
Armed Forces, to protect forces or to compel compliance with the GFAP. After
confiscating weapons, MSCs must submit a Request for Destruction/Return to
MND(N) JMC within forty-eight hours.
All weapons, military vehicles, and military equipment found in an
unauthorized location will be confiscated and, subject to MND(N) approval,
destroyed. If SFOR erroneously confiscates authorized weapons or munitions, the
MSC Commander may return the weapons or munitions to their rightful owner.

Under General Order No. I, soldiers may not take war trophies. If an SFOR
unit wishes to keep, as historic artifacts, weapons or munitions that they confiscated
or received as a gift, they may request permission from COMSFOR. Any US unit
wishing to keep weapons or munitions as historic artifacts must also get approval
from the Army Center of Military History (CMH).
MSC commanders may return weapons confiscated in error. COMMANDER,
MND(N) decides whether to destroy or return properly confiscated weapons.
COMSFOR decides whether to destroy or return "Train and Equip" weapons.
Destruction must be deliberate, well coordinated and documented.

III. Translate at sight: мати зброю; unauthorized location; запит на

знищення (повернення) зброї; the authority to confiscate any military or civilian
weapons; автентичність дозволу під сумнівом; "Train and Equip" program;
представляти потенційну або реальну загрозу; General Order No.I; узгоджено й
задокументовано; to keep weapons or munitions as historic artifacts.

IV. Give the full variants for the following English abbreviations, give
their Ukrainian translation: GFAP; FBiH; RS; DPREs; PIFWCs; IFOR; SFOR;

V. Translate into Ukrainian at sight:

Civilian capacity in the aftermath of conflict: Independent report of the
Senior Advisory Group [A/65/747 - S/2011/85] of 22 February 2011
As communities emerge from conflict, they often face a critical shortage of
capacities needed to secure a sustainable peace — the core capacities to run a
government, to re-establish institutions of justice, to reintegrate demobilizing
fighters, to revitalize the economy, to restore basic health and education, and many
The United Nations has seen success in humanitarian operations and
peacekeeping, built on a strong partnership with Member States. But the international
community has had less success in supporting and enabling the national capacities
that are essential for an enduring peace. Faced with expanded civilian mandates in a
growing number of crises, the United Nations struggles both to rapidly deploy the
range of expertise required and to transfer skills and knowledge to national actors.
This has increased the risk of relapse into conflict.
In some cases, the needed capacities are just not available. It is difficult, for
example, to find people who can rebuild a judicial system. Conflict may have
weakened capacities at home and the international market has not been able to
provide enough talented people with the right skills, language and cultural fluency
who can deploy at short notice and will stay long enough to be effective.


Often, however, there is more national capacity than is at first apparent. Even
countries ravaged by conflict have latent capacities that must be protected and
nurtured. And despite some persistent gaps, there is more deployable capacity in the
international system than has been fully used. Diasporas offer one potential reservoir.
The emergence of confident new economies in Africa, Asia and Latin America
has also created an opportunity to deploy people who have the right professional
skills, backgrounds and experience. In addition, many donor countries have made
considerable investments in developing pools of highly specialized capacities that can
be difficult to find elsewhere.
The United Nations can do much by itself, but there is also much that it cannot
and should not do. Where national capacity does exist, the United Nations needs
better systems to identify and support it. Where there are real gaps in civilian
capacity, it must focus on how to develop needed capacities. The international
community needs a constant mapping of what the gaps are, long-term commitments
to filling those gaps and enough coherence to accomplish this without undue overlap
or confusion.
Where additional capacity is needed from the international community, better
ways must be found of finding and deploying that talent. To do so, the United
Nations needs to find a new way of working — future missions may have to be leaner
in terms of civilian staff and more flexible.
In discussing how the United Nations might accomplish this, the Senior
Advisory Group uses a framework it calls “OPEN”, which refers to four key
principles — ownership, partnership, expertise and nimbleness. For each of these
areas, the Group identifies approaches and makes specific recommendations, some of
which are highlighted below.


Unit 4.

ORDERS AND DIRECTIVES are the most important docs based on planning docs
and reports. They are used to deliver the leaders's decisions to the subordinates


Operations orders Routineorders
Routine orders Court-martialorders
Court-martial orders
оперативні документи стройовідокументи
стройові документи військово-юридичнідокументи
військово-юридичні документи

(OPORD) – бойові
(OPORD) – бойові накази накази
(ADMINO) – накази
(ADMINO) – накази по потилу
тилу адміністративно-стройові
procedures накази
(SOP) – постійно
(SOP) – постійно діючі діючі
інструкції ––special
інструкції стройовінакази
стройові наказиі і
(LOI)–– розпорядження
оперативні директиви
оперативні директиви ––letter
(WO)–– директиви, офіційні
директиви, офіційні листи листи
попередні розпорядження
попередні розпорядження ––daily
–– movement
movement orders
orders –– накази
накази на
на накази по частині
накази по частині
перевезення ––circulars
–– message
message operatіon
operatіon orders
– memorandum (memo) ––
– memorandum (memo)
(MSG OPORD) – екстрені – екстрені інструкції,службові,
накази; інструкції,
бойові записки
– fragmentary orders(FRAGO)
– fragmentary orders (FRAGO)––
бойові розпорядження
бойові розпорядження або або
приватні накази
приватні накази

I. Translate the following directive into Ukrainian:





II. Translate in writing:

The Parties may adjust the IEBL by mutual consent and mark the boundaries
under SFOR observation. The IEBL Sub-Commission, a working group of SFOR's
Joint Military Commission controls Changes to the Inter Entity Boundary Line
(IEBL) and Zone of Separation (ZOS). It was formed to meet the requirements of
Annex 2 of the GFAP. The Parties accept that the IEBL and ZOS lines on the WGS-
84, 1:50,000, are definitive and accurate to within 50 meters.
MND(N) Commander may approve IEBL change requests of up to 50 meters
(to bypass cemeteries, homes, buildings, etc.). MSCs will ensure both parties are
present when the IEBL is marked. Only the concerned party is required to be present
when marking the ZOS outer limit. Semi-permanent survey markers mark the IEBL.
Fluorescent orange-tipped pickets mark the ZOS (2 km on each side of the IEBL).
SFOR uses checkpoints (CP) to ensure force protection, to keep weapons out
of the ZOS, and to compel compliance with treaty provisions.
Purposes of SFOR checkpoints: (1)Securing approaches and entrances to
SFOR locations. (2) Securing the population and sensitive areas from infiltrated
weapons or armed groups. (3) Enforcing treaty provisions, including keeping
unauthorized weapons and soldiers out of the ZOS, and preventing interference with
civilian freedom of movement.

III. Translate at sight: позначення кордонів під спостереженням СФОР;

changes to the Inter Entity Boundary Line; робоча група Об’єднаної військової
комісії; to approve IEBL change requests of up to 50 meters; вимоги Додатку №2
до Загальнорамкової мирної угоди; semi-permanent survey markers;забезпечення
безпеки населення у випадку перехожу кордонів озброєними групами;
fluorescent orange-tipped pickets mark the ZOS.

IV. Translate into Ukrainian (group translation):


A. Purpose
B. Scope
C. Rationale
D. Policy
E. Monitoring and compliance
F. Terms and definitions
G. References
H. Dates
I. Contact
J. History

Annex A: List of basic information and additional resources.

1. This Policy Directive defines and describes requirements for ensuring the equal
participation of women, men, girls and boys in all peacekeeping activities. It
embraces gender mainstreaming as a strategy to advance the goal of gender equality
in post-conflict societies.
2. The policy applies existing United Nations system-wide mandates for advancing
gender equality, to the specific context of post-conflict transitions, to which all
peacekeeping personnel must adhere, with the goal of providing a more sustainable
and democratic basis for the subsequent peacebuilding agenda.
3. This policy is targeted to all categories of peacekeeping personnel, including
civilian, police and military personnel. Implementation of the policy directive should
be tailored to the specific mandate of different peacekeeping missions.
4. Member States should be informed of this policy and support its implementation,
including, but not limited to their responsibilities for budgetary oversight,
contribution of troops and police officers, and in the development of National Action
Plans for the Implementation of SCR 1325 (2000) on Women Peace and Security.
1 Refer to section F for the terms and definitions.
2 These primarily include traditional missions and multidimensional integrated
5. Peacekeeping personnel are mandated to safeguard the human rights of all those
whom they are called upon to protect and, in so doing, to integrate gender
perspectives into their work in compliance with the United Nations Charter,
international human rights instruments and Security Council Resolution mandates,
including resolution1325 on women, peace and security.
6. As a critical actor at the early stages of a post-conflict recovery process, DPKO has
a particular responsibility and an opportunity to influence the channeling of resources

and the shaping of laws, institutions and processes to advance gender equality and the
empowerment of women in countries hosting peacekeeping missions. This provides
the basis for more sustainable outcomes, as has been confirmed through lessons and
experiences to date.
D.1. Principles
7. The following principles underlie DPKO’s work for gender equality:
i. The principle of inclusiveness, which requires that peacekeepers consult with both
women and men in post-conflict countries in all decisions that affect them.
ii. The principle of non-discrimination, which requires that peacekeeping personnel
ensure support for policies and decisions that uphold the equal rights of women and
girls, and ensures their protection from harmful traditional practices.
iii. The principle of standard-setting, which requires that the staffing profile of DPKO
and United Nations peacekeeping missions role model our institutional commitments
to gender balance and the equal participation of women in decision-making.
iv. The principle of efficiency in peacekeeping activities, which requires that all
human resources capacity in post-conflict societies (women, men, boys and girls) are
effectively harnessed to build and sustain the peace process.
D.2. Mandate Implementation and Operational Support
8. All peacekeeping personnel (civilian, police and military) shall ensure that their
work in policy development, planning, implementation and monitoring of
peacekeeping mission mandates, and all related and supporting activities
acknowledges the equal rights of women and men and takes appropriate account of
their different experiences, priorities and contributions during all stages of the
transitional process.
9. Where mandated, peacekeeping personnel shall support specific actions to
eliminate discriminatory laws, policies and practices that prevent women and girls
from accessing and enjoying their full and equal rights in post-conflict societies.
10. Policy and operational plans for Headquarters and mission personnel shall
elaborate and promote a set of minimum standards for ensuring effective integration
of gender perspectives in all areas of peacekeeping relevant to the specific mandate of
the mission. Some or all of the following
activities may form part of a mission’s mandate:
Restoration of Stability and Order
i. An effective security presence that incorporates protection for women, including
from gender-based violence; ensures that women are consulted in all information-
gathering and priority-setting and decision-making processes; promotes a progressive
increase in the number of uniformed female peacekeepers, including military
observers and UN police officers; and ensures adherence to the highest standards of
professional conduct and discipline.
ii. Law enforcement that facilitates full application of women’s equality before the
law and promotes the equal rights of women in all areas of law enforcement
activities; supports measures to address sexual and other forms of gender-based

violence; facilitates the development of gender-sensitive policies and training tools

for restructured police services, and the increased recruitment of women to law
enforcement agencies in post-conflict countries.
iii. HIV/AIDS Programmes that ensure that a gender perspective is reflected in the
planning and implementation of awareness and peer education training, voluntary
counseling and testing, and monitoring and evaluation processes; and ensure the
integration of a gender perspective in all outreach activities, including a recognition
of the particular risks of women and girls to HIV infection.
iv. Extension of state authority that builds the capacity of national administrators to
analyse and respond to women’s needs and interests, protects their rights, and
consults with women regarding their public service needs; supports capacity-building
of women’s groups; and facilitates the development of gender policies as part of the
reform of national military and police structures in peacekeeping host countries.
v. Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration that addresses the specific
needs of women, men, girls and boys in DDR processes, in accordance with the
policies, guidelines and procedures outlined in the Integrated Disarmament,
Demobilisation and Reintegration Standards (IDDRS); includes a recognition of the
category of women associated with fighting forces; ensures sustainable reintegration
support to male and female ex-combatants and their dependants; and promotes the
recruitment of a critical mass of women ex-combatants to restructured security
vi. Mine Action services that seek to advance gender equality in all policy, strategic
and operational planning, monitoring and evaluation activities; ensure the collection
of sexdisaggregated data; and prioritize and deliver mine risk education, mine
clearance, survey and tasking, victim assistance and advocacy efforts in accordance
with the provisions of the Gender Guidelines for Mine Action Programmes.
Early Establishment of the Pre-conditions for Long-term Peace – the rule of law
and democratic political institutions.
vii. Constitutional processes that support legal acknowledgment of the equal rights
of women and girls and guarantee their civil, economic, political and social rights and
viii. Human rights protection and promotion mechanisms that support the
empowerment of civil society; the establishment of laws, policies, institutions and
practices which safeguard the equal rights of women and girls, and facilitate the
implementation of legally binding human rights treaties; incorporate an integrated
approach to securing the economic, social and cultural rights
Page 5
of those affected by conflict; and ensure remedies for past violations of women’s and
girls human rights.
ix. Rule of law and reform of state security services that support explicit
recognition in law and practice of women’s and girls’ economic, social and cultural
rights and protections; the amendment of laws which impede protection of women
and girls’ rights; the development of family law; the prevention of all forms of

violence against women; the incorporation of mechanisms to ensure an end to

impunity for all forms of gender-based violence; the creation of strong, unbiased and
transparent judicial systems; the recruitment of a critical mass of women to the justice
and security sectors; the promotion of gender sensitive reforms of Correctional
Systems, including the provision of separate facilities for male and female prisoners,
and the adoption of measures that respond to the specific needs of female prisoners,
including pregnant and lactating mothers.
x. Electoral processes that ensure equal access and opportunities for women in
registration and voting processes; ensure recruitment and appointment of women as
elections officials; encourage capacity-building support to women candidates running
for public office and those elected to office; facilitate the adoption of gender-sensitive
electoral laws; and ensure partnerships with women’s groups in community outreach
xi. Public administration and governance policies and institutions that facilitate
attention to the specific priorities of women and upholds their equal rights in the
reconstruction and reform of national and local governance structures.
xii. Trust Funds and Quick Impact Projects (QIPS) that ensure application of
gender analysis and attention to gender dimensions in all project selection,
monitoring and evaluation processes, and that also ensure the targeting of specific
projects to support women’s empowerment.
xiii. Procurement activities that take gender considerations into account in the
identification of vendors, guided by the principle of best value in accordance with FR
xiv. Promotion of national and regional dialogue that is planned explicitly to
include and actively encourage the full and equal participation of women and girls
and that facilitates the participation of women in peace negotiations through formal
and informal dialogue processes.
Partnerships and consensus-building
xv. Internal partnership processes that ensure the inclusion of gender expertise in
all integrated planning teams, and ensure that all task forces and multi-functional
teams consult with headquarters and/or mission Gender Advisors regarding the
implications and potential of their work for advancing the issues reflected in this
Policy Directive.
xvi. UN System partnership strategies that draw upon existing gender expertise
within DPKO and peacekeeping missions and from system-wide partners (namely the
Office of the Special Adviser for Gender Issues and the Advancement of Women
(OSAGI), the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), the United
Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Office of the High Commissioner for
Human Rights (OHCHR) and gender components in other sister agencies including
the United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF) and the United Nations Population
Fund (UNFPA), the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/ AIDS (UNAIDS) and
regional organizations), in the planning and implementation of Integrated mission
concepts; and that ensure that the contributions of peacekeeping missions to the work

of the United Nations Country Team advance coherent and harmonized action on
each of the areas outlined in this Policy Directive under the leadership of the Head of
xvii. External partnerships and consensus-building efforts with member states,
host governments, regional and international organizations, other peacekeeping or
military structures and civil society that are based on the institutional commitment to
promote gender equality and the empowerment of women.
D.3. Recruitment and retention of high quality personnel
11. Collaboration and dialogue with TCC/PCCs shall advocate for the adoption of
gendersensitive policies which support the increased recruitment and deployment of
uniformed women to peacekeeping, as part of the overall commitment to ensure
maximum operational effectiveness of peacekeeping operations in line with the
commitments made by Member States in recent policy discussions with DPKO.
12. Civilian personnel recruitment, retention and promotion procedures shall be
planned to advance gender balance among DPKO headquarters and mission staff,
including at senior management levels; shall adopt active steps to improve hiring
procedures, including selection and interview processes; ensure the inclusion of
language which underlines commitment to gender equality principles in all vacancy
announcements; ensure the inclusion of qualified female candidates on all shortlists
particularly for senior level appointments; and ensure dedicated resources to support
outreach activities to identify women candidates for senior level positions.
13. Retention of female personnel shall be pursued through improved Human
Resources Management Reforms, in accordance with the Secretary-General’s Report
on Human Resources Reform, so as to reduce the high staff turnover and to foster
greater gender balance.
14. Training and capacity building: All induction and training activities for
peacekeeping personnel (civilian, military and police), including training modules
developed for different substantive areas, shall include appropriate gender
components. Sessions on gender issues shall be delivered by trainers with relevant
levels of expertise as part of ongoing capacitydevelopment of peacekeeping
personnel. All materials prepared for pre-deployment training for uniformed
personnel, shall cover the role and rationale of work for gender equality and the
empowerment of women in peacekeeping contexts and a review of this Policy
Directive. Troop and Police Contributing Countries shall be encouraged and
supported to employ local gender expertise for the delivery of such training.
D.4. Development of a policy and doctrinal environment that reflects UN system
commitments to gender equality and the empowerment of women.
15. All headquarters and mission-based policy development, planning and analysis
processes shall employ gender analysis and ensure the collection and use of data
disaggregated by sex and age in all reporting procedures and at all levels of planning.
16. Gender equality considerations shall be included in all policy guidance
development procedures, policy dialogue and policy guidance activities, in
accordance with relevant guidelines and SOPs.

3 Report of Policy Dialogue convened by DPKO on Strategies for Enhancing Gender

Balance Among Uniformed Personnel in Peacekeeping (March 2006)
D.5. Information sharing
17. Disaggregated information: All demographic and statistical data and
information, including mission reporting, internal mission analysis, information
presented in reports to the Security Council and information posted on the DPKO
website, shall be disaggregated by sex and age in absolute and percentage terms
wherever possible. Where joint reporting is undertaken with the host government or
parties (for example in Joint Monitoring Commissions), UN personnel should seek to
promote the use of sex-disaggregated data and information in reporting.
18. Reports of the Secretary General to the Security Council shall reflect progress
inpromoting gender equality and the empowerment of women and especially the
attainment of the standards set out in Section D. of this policy. These reports shall
incorporate gender-specific information as appropriate in each thematic section, and
also include a specific section on gender equality issues that addresses overall
19. Documentation and evaluation of peacekeeping practice, including through
such instruments as End of Assignment Reports, After-Action Reviews, Audit and
Inspection Reports, and Lessons Learned Reports, shall incorporate an assessment of
progress in the implementation of the standards and benchmarks outlined in this
policy directive.
20. Information sharing mechanisms with UN system partners shall be enhanced
at the country level, to ensure that all partners engaged in joint or collaborative
activities with peacekeeping missions are informed of progress relating to
implementation of this directive.
21. Media and outreach activities shall communicate the provisions of resolution
1325 and the standards outlined in this Policy Directive to the host populations as
part of efforts to promote awareness of women’s rights and gender equality.
D.6. Secure the Essential Resources
22. In the preparation of results-based budgeting processes, all divisions and units
shall ensure that provisions are made for the allocation of adequate resources to
facilitate implementation of the standards outlined in this policy directive and report
on the impact of such investments.
23. Gender components in peacekeeping missions shall be strengthened with the
requisite human, financial and technical resources to enable them to guide the
effective implementation of this Policy Directive.
24. The Senior Management Teams at DPKO Headquarters and within missions
shall review and monitor progress on the implementation of this Policy Directive,
including through periodic meetings to be convened for this purpose.
25. Managers shall ensure accountability by requiring peacekeeping personnel to
include within their work plan objectives, specific actions and indicators to measure
compliance with the standards outlined in this Policy Directive.

26. Regular reporting and briefings to the Security Council by senior managers of
DPKO and peacekeeping missions shall report on progress in the implementation of
this Policy Directive as relevant.
7. The DPKO Gender Advisory Team comprising gender advisers at headquarters
and in peacekeeping missions shall monitor and support overall implementation of
this policy, and advise senior management on issues and trends that should inform
periodic policy reviews.
Gender: refers to the social attributes and opportunities associated with being male
and female These attributes, opportunities and relationships are socially constructed
and are learned through socialization. They are context/ time-specific and
changeable. Gender defines power relations in society and determines what is
expected, allowed and valued in a women or a man in a given context. (adapted from
OSAGI website)
Gender mainstreaming: “Mainstreaming a gender perspective is the process of
assessing the implications for women and men of any planned action, including
legislation, policies or programmes, in all areas and at all levels. It is a strategy for
making women's as well as men's concerns and experiences an integral dimension of
the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies and programmes in
all political, economic and societal spheres so that women and men benefit equally
and inequality is not perpetuated. The ultimate goal is to achieve gender equality.”
Agreed Conclusions of ECOSOC Coordination Segment on Gender
Mainstreaming 1997.
Gender equality (Equality between women and men): refers to the equal rights,
responsibilities and opportunities of women and men and girls and boys. Equality
does not mean that women and men will become the same but that women’s and
men’s rights, responsibilities and opportunities will not depend on whether they are
born male or female. Gender equality implies that the interests, needs and priorities of
both women and men are taken into consideration, recognizing the diversity of
different groups of women and men. Gender equality is not a women’s issue, but
should concern and fully engage men as well as women. Equality between women
and men is seen both as a human rights issue and as a precondition for, and indicator
of, sustainable people-centered development. (OSAGI website)
Gender-based Violence: “The term gender-based violence (GBV) is used to
distinguish common violence from violence that is directed against individuals or
groups of individuals on the basis of their gender or sex. It includes acts that inflict
physical, mental or sexual harm or suffering, threats of such acts, coercion and other
deprivations of liberty. While women, menand boys and girls can be victims of
gender-based violence, women and girls are the main victims”. (Declaration on the
Elimination of Violence against Women, Convention on the Elimination of All
Forms of Discrimination Against Women and CEDAW General Recommendation


Gender Analysis: refers to the variety of methods used to understand the

relationships between men and women, their access to resources, their activities, and
the constraints they face relative to each other.
Gender Impact Assessment: Gender Impact Assessment refers to the differential
impactintentional or unintentional- of various policy decisions on men and women,
boys and girls. It enables policy-makers to picture the effects of a given policy more
accurately and to compare and assess the current situation and trends with the
expected results of the proposed policy.
Normative or Superior References
International Covenant for Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) 1966.
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) 1966.
Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women,
(CEDAW) 1979.
Agreed Conclusions of ECOSOC Coordination Segment on Gender Mainstreaming
Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security 2000.
Security Council Presidential Statement on Women, Peace and Security 2001
(S/PRST/2001/31), 2002 (S/PRST/2002/32), 2004 (S/PRST/2004/40) 2005
(S/PRST/2005/52), and (S/PRST/2006/42).
Security Council Resolutions 1379 (2001), 1460 (2003), 1539 (2004), and 1612
(2005) on Children and Armed Conflict.
Security Council Resolutions 1265 (1999), 1296 (2000), and 1674 (2006) on
Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict).
This policy will be applicable from November 2006 and shall be reviewed no later
than two years
from the date of signature.
Gender Adviser, DPKO, New York
Gender Advisers or Gender Focal Points in peacekeeping missions.
The Windhoek Declaration and Namibia Plan of Action on Mainstreaming a Gender
Perspective in Multidimensional Peace Support Operations (May 2000)
The present document supersedes and replaces the DPKO Under Secretary General’s
Policy Statement on Gender Mainstreaming March 2005

V. Give an English summary of the following abstract:

Бойовий наказ є основним засобом керування підрозділами, основним
актом військового керування. Тому він буде розглянутий докладніше, тим
більше що всі лінгвістичні особливості, притаманні бойовому наказу,

характерні й для інших бойових документів. У радянській енциклопедичній

літературі вказується, що наказ – це письмове або усне розпорядження
начальника, обов'язкове для виконання підлеглими, що є для них законом і яке
належить беззаперечному виконанню. Наказ може віддаватися усно або
письмово на місцевості або по карті, він повинен бути коротким й ясним.
Наказами доводять бойові завдання до підрозділів, регламентується життя й
повсякденна діяльність підрозділів, установ, військово-навчальних закладів.
Наказ відданий у бойовій обстановці для здійснення прийнятого командиром
рішення й з постановкою бойових завдань підлеглим військам, називається
бойовим наказом. Бойовий наказ – одна з форм доведення бойових завдань до
У бойовому наказі керування вказуються:
― короткі висновки оцінки супротивника;
― завдання свого підрозділу (частини, з'єднання);
― задум дій;
― завдання й порядок застосування засобів поразки старшим начальником у
смузі (на ділянці, у районі) майбутніх дій;
― завдання сусідів і розмежувальні лінії з ними.
Потім викладаються:
― бойові завдання підлеглим підрозділам (частинам, з'єднанням), та
підтримуючим силам і засобам, резервам;
― вказується час готовності до виконання завдання, місця й час розгортання
пунктів керування, заступники.
Командири частин, з'єднань й об'єднань видають, як правило, письмові
бойові накази, які підписуються ними й начальниками штабів, а бойові накази,
віддані усно, потім оформляються штабом у письмовому вигляді. Командири
підрозділів віддають лише усні бойові накази. У всіх випадках виконання
наказу перевіряється. Про виконання кожного наказу повинно бути
повідомлено особі, що віддала цей наказ.
Формуляр бойового наказу ділиться на три частини: заголовок, або штамп
наказу (headіng), текст або загальну частину (body), і заключну частину
Розглянемо кожну частину окремо.
Основні п'ять пунктів загальної частини бойового наказу позначаються
відповідними заголовками й підзаголовками:
1. Sіtuatіon (Обстановка). Цей пункт ділиться на три підпункти (а), (b),
(с), яким може передувати коротка ввідна, наприклад, підстава віддачі наказу.
(a) Enemy forces (Супротивник). У цьому підпункті надаються
відомості про супротивника.
(b) Frіendly forces (Свої війська). У цьому підпункті надаються дані про
дії вищестоящої частини (з'єднання, об'єднання), сусідів і підтримуючих
(с) Attachments and detachments (Засоби підсилення й

перепідпорядкування). У цьому підпункті надається перелік доданих,

виведених з підпорядкування й підтримуючих засобів, а також вказуються
строки перепідпорядкування.
При наявності відповідних документів, що містять дані про
супротивника, свої війська, доданих і виведених з підпорядкування частин і
підрозділів, у перерахованих підпунктах робляться посилання на ці документи.
Якщо інформація в якому-небудь підпункті відсутня, то ставиться слово NONE
або NIL.
2. Mіssіon (Завдання з'єднання або частини). У цьому пункті
викладається коротко сформульоване загальне завдання з'єднання або частини,
поставлене старшим начальником. Пункт не ділиться на підпункти. У наказах
ВМС інформація в цьому пункті функціонально складається із двох частин: що
робити й ціль дій. Ці частини завжди з'єднуються словами іn order to, тобто "із
3. Executіon (Завдання підлеглим частинам і підрозділам). Цей пункт
включає кілька підпунктів залежно від кількості наявних сил і засобів. У
наказах ВМС цей пункт завжди починається словами thіs force wіll, які на
українську мову передаються повинністю.
(a) Concept of operatіon (Задум бою або операції).
У цьому підпункті викладається рішення командира на проведення
бою (операції) із вказівкою:
― General (загальних відомостей);
― Maneuver (етапів бою);
― Fіre support, or Support fіres, or Fіres (вогневої підтримки);
― Aіr support (повітряної підтримки);
― Naval (підтримки ВМС);Tactіcal aіr (підтримки тактичною
― Nuclear (мов застосування ядерної зброї).
Крім того, у цьому підпункті робляться відповідні посилання на наявні
додатки й інші документи.

VI. Translate in writing:


Headquarters, MND(N)
Task Force Eagle Tuzia, Bosnia-Herzegovina
DTG Signed:091800AFEB99
a. FRAGO 4987b, Change 2 to MND(N) FORCE PROTECTION
THE FRY, dtd 041120Z Feb99.

Headquarters MND (N) Task Force Eagle Tuzia, Bosnia-Herzegovina DTG

Signed: 242335A Feb 99

a. Deputy High Representative-North for BRCKO 15 point paper, subject;
Procedure for Return to BRCKO.
b. SFOR CONPLAN GRIFFIN (draft) did 12 Sep 98. c. BRCKO
Intelligence Estimate dtd Dee 99. d. I CD OPORD 98-04 (PEGASUS FORGE). e.

1. (S/SFOR) SITUATION. This FRAGO initiates actions necessary to enhance

force protection in MND(N) in preparation for possible threats against SFOR.
Updates to FRAGO 4987b are in bold.
a. (S/SFOR) Threat Forces.
(1) (S/SFOR) General Threat Situation. Based on last Fall's NATO warnings,
the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) is on notice to abide by the requirements
of the OCT 98 cease-fire. Despite this fact, the FRY continues to hold its advantage
and position along LOCs to support operations in Kosovo against the Kosovo
Liberation Army (UCK). To prevent additional escalation of fighting, NATO is
prepared to take action to halt FRY counter insurgency operations in Kosovo. As a
result of direct NATO intervention in Kosovo, the Republic of Srpska (RS) or the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) may act against the Stabilization Forces
(SFOR) in Bosnia-Herzegovina, with particular efforts at targeting US and NATO
personnel. RS rhetoric concerning NATO intervention in Kosovo is currently limited
to senior RS leadership. Critical of the threat of military intervention, RS leadership,
in the past, has insinuated that events in Kosovo may have implications within the
RS. Any level of NATO intervention into Kosovo, Albania, or the FRY could
stimulate a hostile reaction from the either Bosnian-Serb population or Serbians in
the FRY. NATO activities could lead to repercussions against NATO member
nations in MND (N) area of responsibility.
I. (S/SFOR) FRY. Milosevic's center of gravity is his ability to incite Serbian
nationalism to a fever pitch based on events in Kosovo. As a result, Milosevic will
focus an allout propaganda effort against the SFOR and NATO in the world media.
The FRY will attempt to stop the attack or prevent future attacks by portraying the
FRY as the apparent victim ofUCK violence and influencing Bosnian Serbs to
organize riots and protests in the RS. The FRY maymobilize 1st Army assets around
Belgrade to show force, protect its borders, and reassure its citizens.
2. (S/SFOR) RS. Bosnian-Serb political hard-liners and other influential
leaders may try to organize rallies, demonstrations, and protests throughout the AOR
in attempts to show support for the FRY. Demonstrators and the media may spread
anti-SFOR rhetoric against the US and SFOR, directly linking SFOR with NATO's
actions. Demonstrations and riots could disrupt SFOR freedom of movement, and

possibly threaten base camps and PDSS, SOCCE teams, and NGOs/IOs from NATO
member countries in RS cities.
(b) (S/SFOR) Most Dangerous. The most dangerous enemy course of action
against MND (N) is RS or FRY retaliatory air strike or indirect fire against MND (N)
base camps. US base camps and assets are the most probable targets. The FRY could
attempt air strikes originating from military bases around Belgrade, or other locations
in Serbia. Additionally, an individual or group may target Americans, SFOR soldiers
and civilians, or other "soft targets" with a hostile act or acts designed to injure or kill
and break the resolve of the Multinational coalition. Anticipate the initial threat from
air attacks to diminish after 36 hours of action in Kosovo.
b. (C) Friendly. SFOR forces in BH must be capable of providing minimal self-
defense against possible air threats. NATO Air Forces will maintain strategic air
defense throughout operations in BiH; however, these air forces may not maintain
absolute protection from all air threats.

III. Translate at sight: інспекції складів озброєння; Government-Declared

Ordnance Sites; доповідати про будь-які інвентарні зміни; to take enforcement
action; направляти донесення про проведену інспекцію протягом 48 годин;
inspection checklist; порушити директиви СФОР; signed current copy of the
inventory; передінспекційне відвідування за 7 днів зо інспекції.

IV. Translate at sight:

Наразі міжнародні організації висунули ідею "поступових повернень",
щоб уникнути ситуацій, які можуть призвести до насильства. Основним
принципом цього плану є, насамперед, організація відвідувань біженцями своїх
будинків і могил родичів. Лише після таких візитів, може ставитися питання
про переселення на переговорах з місцевим населенням і керівництвом.
Останнім часом в нашій зоні відповідальності ми спостерігаємо практику
використання запланованих візитів з метою провокування невдоволення
місцевого населення. Дозвольте навести кілька прикладів.
Щодня під приводом відновлення своїх зруйнованих будинків Кліс
відвідує від 8 до 13 босняків. Роботи ведуться дуже повільно. Розчищення
будинків не має сенсу, тому що будинки сильно зруйновані і відновленню не
підлягають. І навіть якщо буде прийнято рішення про відновлення будинків у
Кліс, то більшість з них доведеться знести. Місцеве населення вже зробило
висновок - ці відвідування носять чисто демонстративний характер.
За інформацією місцевих правоохоронних органів, мали місце випадки,
коли під виглядом біженців-босняків приходять люди, нібито для огляду своїх
покинутих будинків. Однак, насправді, раніше вони ніколи в даному
населеному пункті не проживали. Серби відзначають, що огляд босняк своїх
будинків головною метою відвідувань не є.



I. Give a Ukrainian summary of the following abstract:

These new writing guidelines mandate two critical changes that leaders must
demand. The first change alters the structure of all Army writing; the second change
transforms the style.
a. Structure—main idea first.
(1) Require all staff writing to begin with the main idea. The greatest weakness
in ineffective writing is that it doesn’t quickly transmit a focused message. Too much
Army writing hides the main point. Insist, as business writers do, on the “bottom
line” first. Have subordinates start with the information they would keep if they had
to get rid of all the rest.
(2) Require specific packaging of all writing. Focusing first on the main point
changes the overall construction of Army writing. This restructuring, called
packaging, is the framework of the new writing style. Packaging is not format.
Formatting begins after packaging to tailor the writing to a specific purpose. To
(a) Open with a short, clear purpose sentence.
(b) Put the recommendation, conclusion, or most important information (the
main point) next. (Some writing combines the purpose and the main point.)
(c) Clearly separate each major section. Use paragraphs, headings, or section
(d) Use a specific format if one is appropriate.
b. Style – the active voice.
(1) The major style change that makes Army writing clear, direct
communication is using the active voice rather than passive voice. Many Army
writers overuse the passive voice and create sentences that are indirect and
unfocused, and that slow communication. The passive voice hides the doer of the
action, blocking communication. Active example: Army beat Navy. Passive example:
The Navy has been beaten by Army.
(2) The active voice is direct, natural, and forceful.
(3) The active voice does more than make sentences clearer – it shortens
sentences. Eliminating the passive voice reduces a piece of writing by about 20
(4) The passive voice is actually very easy to recognize: it uses one of the
eight forms of to be plus a verb usually ending in –en or –ed. Example: am, is, are,
was, were, be, being, been plus the –en, –ed word (is requested, were eaten).
(5) When you see verb constructions like the examples in (4) above, you know
the writing is passive. Although sometimes the passive is appropriate, most of the
time it is not. Examples: The passive voice is abused in Army writing. When
vagueness is wanted, the passive voice is selected by many writers. A direct style, on
the other hand, is created by the active voice.

(6) When you see writing in the passive voice, have the writers change it to
active voice. Tell your subordinates to put the subject first in sentences and they will
become active writers. Example: Army writing abuses the passive voice. Army
writers select the passive voice when they want to be vague. The active voice, on the
other hand, creates a direct style.

Plain Language. Prepare all correspondence using plain language. Plain

language saves time, effort, and money. Plain language means using logical
organization and common, everyday words, except for necessary technical terms.
Prepare correspondence using the active voice and short sentences.
1.1. Organize your material to help the reader. Identify your audience for the
document; write to get their attention and anticipate their questions. Consider any
additional readers. Always start by putting your main message up front. Present
information in the succeeding paragraphs in a logical order.
1.2. Avoid words and phrases that your readers might not understand. Define
each abbreviation or acronym the first time you use it. Use the same term consistently
to identify a specific thought or object. Use words in a way that does not conflict with
ordinary or accepted usage. Avoid ambiguous phrasing, confusing legal terms, and
technical jargon that can mislead your reader.
1.3. Use “you” and other pronouns to speak directly to readers (active voice).
Do not refer to people as if they were inanimate objects. Address the reader as “you.”
“You” reinforces the message intended for your reader. Use “we” in place of your
organization’s name. Be careful using “you” if it sounds accusatory or insulting.
Instead, put the emphasis on the organization by using “we.”
1.4. Active voice is the best way to identify who is responsible for what action.
To communicate effectively, write the strong majority (around 75%) of your
sentences in the active voice.
1.5. Short sentences deliver a clear message. Your sentences should average 15
to 20 words—never make them longer than 40 words. Complex sentences loaded
with dependent clauses and exceptions confuse the reader by losing the main point in
a forest of words. Resist the temptation to put everything in one sentence. Break up
your idea into its logical parts and make each one the subject of its own sentence. Cut
out words that are not really necessary.

Standard Letterhead. DoD Instruction (DoDI) 5330.2, Specifications for

DoD Letterheads, establishes the standards for letterheads. There are only two types
of letterhead authorized for use: standard (pre-printed) and computer-generated.
Chief master sergeants (CMSgt) and command chief master sergeants use standard
letterhead/stationary. They must use personal stationary if the CMSgt insignia or
symbols are used. Submit any exceptions to the specified standards through your
MAJCOM to SAF/XC for final determination. ANG exceptions are approved by
individual ANG State Headquarters or the Director,Air National Guard.







II. Translate into Ukrainian in writing

1. General Rules.
1.1. Memorandums are used to communicate with all DoD agencies to include
Joint Chiefs of Staff, unified and specified commands, and other Federal agencies.
They are also used to conduct official business outside the Government with vendors
or contractors when the personalized letter is inappropriate.
1.2. Use printed letterhead, computer-generated letterhead, or plain bond paper.
The writer decides which stationery is appropriate. Type or print on both sides of the
paper using black or blue-black ink.
1.3. Signature Element. Type or stamp the signature element five lines below
the last line of text
and 4.5 inches from the left edge of the page or three spaces to the right of page
center. If the authority line is used, type the signature element five lines below the
authority line. The signature element may be added after you are sure who will sign
the correspondence. Do not place the signature element on a continuation page by
itself. Consider correspondence received via E-mail, copied, or stamped //SIGNED//
as authoritative as long as the signed copy is kept on file at the originating office.
First Line. Type the name in uppercase the way the person signs it. Include
grade and service
if military; civilians may include their grade. Avoid using legal, educational, or
degrees or titles. Second Line. Type the duty title as identified in the “From”
element. Use the term “Acting” before the duty title of a staff position if the
incumbent is absent or the position is vacant. Do not sign “for” or “in the absence
of.” Third Line. Type the name of the office or organization level if it is not printed
on the letterhead or included in the heading. Limit the signature element to three lines
if possible; however, if a line of the signature element is too long, indent two spaces
on the next line.
For an officer: Lt, USAF


Chief of Personnel


Chief, Visual Information and
Publishing Branch
Directorate of Communications


Chief, Staff Communications
and Analysis Division
Directorate of Curriculum


Base Dental Surgeon

For a noncommissioned officer:

Chief, Publishing Branch
3400th Training Group

For a civilian:
Chief, Quality Assurance Branch
Air Staff Systems Directorate


Chief, Information Communications
Directorate of Communications

III. Study carefully the given memorandum format. Compose a
memorandum of your own a) from the Chief of the Academy to the department
staff how to organize cadets' self preparation sessions; b) from the Chief of the
Faculty to cadets how to get ready for classes.

“IN TURN” Memorandum. Use an “IN TURN” memorandum to distribute

the official memorandum to several individuals or offices in sequence.

Originators. Prepare an “IN TURN” memorandum when the final addressee or

OPR) must see the coordination or action of all addressees. Use the official
memorandum format.
Type “IN TURN” in uppercase, one line below the last address of the
Recipients. When you receive an “IN TURN” memorandum, strike through
your organization abbreviation and office symbol, sign or initial, and date. Write
“Concur,” “Nonconcur,” “Comments attached,” or “Comments sent by separate
correspondence to” next to the date. Prepare a separate memorandum for a lengthy
comment. Attach comments to the “IN TURN” memorandum if the remaining
addressees need them; otherwise, send comments directly to the final addressee. Send
the “IN TURN” memorandum to the next address.

IV. Tranlsate into Ukrainian. Pay attention to the memorandum writing style.


SUBJECT: Reserve Component Mobilization Exercises
1. Purpose. To answer this question: Can we conduct mobilization exercise for NG
and USAR units this year?
2. Recommendation. Yes, we can, but with these constraints:
a. That FORSCOM sees the results of the last such exercise before planning
b. That FORSCOM, together with NGB and OCAR, choose participating units.
c. That we use this year’s training and testing money.
d. that the exercise is well–timed.
3. Discussion.
a. FORSCOM wants to help develop exercise objectives.
b. FORSCOM, NGB, and OCAR should—
(1) Select priority units first.
(2) Select units whose mobilization stations and equipment pools are close
(3) Not disrupt scheduled training and testing.
c. The budget does not include enough money to—
(1) Open new support facilities.
(2) Expand existing support facilities.
(3) Not disrupt scheduled training and testing.
d. Timing of the exercise should—
(1) Not change soldier’s summer training periods
(2) Follow the actual mobilization time sequence.
(3) Permit as many units as possible to participate in the planning phase, even
though they may not execute their plans.

V. Translate into Ukrainian the following letter.

VI. Study carefully the personalized letter format given below. Compose a
letter of your own a) from the Chief of the Academy to the twinning partners in
the USA; b) from the Commander of the Interior Troops of Ukraine to express
gratitude after a working visit to the police forces of Great Britain.

Use a personalized letter when your communication needs a personal touch or when
warmth or sincerity is essential. You may use it to write to an individual on a private
matter for praise, condolence, sponsorship, etc. Keep it brief, preferably no longer

than one page. Avoid using acronyms.


VII. Tranlsate into Ukrainian paying attention to the writing style.


HHB, 3/13th Field Artillery
Schofield Barracks, HI 96857

MACC–D–XO 12 March 1986

SUBJECT: Request for JTX “Frostbite” Assignment

3d Battalion
13th Field Artillery
Schofield Barracks, HI 96857

1. I request to represent the Battalion on JTX “Frostbite” in Alaska this summer.

2. I feel qualified for this assignment since I have some expertise in cold–weather
operations. I was an evaluator during JTX “Team Spirit” in Korea last winter, and
am a distinguished graduate of the Northern Warfare School.
3. I have attached a copy of my latest physical examination.


FIST Chief

VIII. Translate at sight

Short-Note Reply.
If you have enough space, write or type your comments on the incoming
(see AFH 33-337).

Meeting Minutes. Prepare meeting minutes using the official memorandum

format. Minutes are a clear summary of the participants’ comments. They document
planned or completed
action. Date the minutes the day they are distributed. To save space, use two
columns to list names of members present. Place information regarding a future
meeting in the last paragraph. When a person signs a paper as a member of a board or
committee, the signature element indicates that person’s status on that board or
committee, not any other position the person may hold. Type “Approved as written”
two line spaces below the recorder’s signature block, followed by the approving

authority’s signature block.

Point, Talking, Bullet Background, and Position Papers.

Point and talking papers are concise, factual, written outlines for oral
presentations, memory
ticklers, or quick reference outlines. They use fragments to present key points,
positions, and facts in a brief, orderly fashion when the user has knowledge of the
Background papers are multipurpose written briefs used to provide
information, forward items
of interest, or to summarize current or potential problems. They include an
introductory paragraph, a basic discussion, and a conclusion.
Position papers are used to advocate or to convince the reader on an argument
or position.

Information Mapping. You may use the information mapping method for
staff study reports and for point, talking, bullet background, and position papers. The
Information Mapping methodology helps writers analyze, organize, and present
information in a concise, user-friendly manner. Information Mapping principles can
improve a wide variety of communications.

VII. Translate in writing:

Encouraging the EAF to lift mines is a high priority for SFOR. MND(N)
approves or disapproves EAF movement and training requests based on their progress
in counter mine operations.
Counter mine operations (CM ops) are operations planned and executed by
EAF, endorsed in advance by the MSC, monitored by SFOR troops, and followed by
a formal report to MND(N).CM Ops components include (1) Identification and
confirmation; (2) Reporting; (3) Marking; (4) Lifting of mines/unexploded devices;
(5) Clearing of mines/unexploded devices; and, (6) Destruction of mines/unexploded
MND responsibilities include (1) Interpretation and application of policy; (2)
Local variations to CM priorities; (3) Liaison; (4) Monitoring of CM ops; (5)
Assessment; and, (6) Reporting.
General priorities for CM ops: Priority I. Mine lifting. Priority 2. Identification,
recording and reporting of all mined areas. Priority 3. Marking of mined areas.
For EAF to receive demining credits, the work must be monitored by SFOR.
When CM Ops are undertaken within the ZOS, specific authority must be
obtained by EAF from the local SFOR HQ. A minimum of 7 days notice must be
given to ensure that all Parties are informed of the locations, dates and timings of the
CM Ops.
The local SFOR HQ will ensure that all Parties are informed of the CM Ops to
be undertaken within the ZOS. All CM Ops undertaken within the ZOS must be

physically monitored by local SFOR HQ personnel at all times.

VIII. Translate at sight: to lift mines is a high priority for SFOR; операції з
розміновування; to endorse in advance by the MSC; позначення меж мінних
полей; local variations to CM priorities; спостереження за діями БКС з
розмінування місцевості; specific authority must be obtained by EAF from the local

IX. Give the full variants for the following English abbreviations, give
their Ukrainian translation: GFAP; FBiH; RS; DPREs; PIFWCs; IFOR; SFOR;

X. Translate at sight:
За подібним сценарієм проходять відвідування босняк кладовища в
Козлук. На територію самого кладовища практично жодна людина не заходить.
На забезпечення безпеки подібних заходів даремно витрачаються значні сили і
засоби СФОР. Я не виключаю можливості, що подібні дії відзначаються також і
з боку сербського населення. Тому не варто звинувачувати мене в
У цьому році керівництво РС планує закрити колективні центри,
переселивши біженців в нові будинки. Гроші на будівництво житла
передбачено бюджетом республіки.
Голова громади м. БІЕЛІНА звернувся до пана Вестендорп з проханням
про допомогу у фінансуванні будівництва житла для сербських біженців, які
проживають нині в будинках босняків (в районі ВЕЛИКА ОБАРСКА). Місцева
влада вважає, що цей проект більш реальний, ніж взаємне повернення біженців,
на якому наполягає міжнародне співтовариство. На їхню думку, треба
стимулювати не взаємне переселення, а продаж або обмін майном. Однак, у
відповіді пана Вестендорп було сказано, що це буде суперечити принципу
повернення біженців на двосторонній основі. Сербам було запропоновано
повернутися назад в свої будинки в САРАЄВО та інших регіонах ФБіГ. Як
результат - реалізація проекту в районі ВЕЛИКА ОБРСКА здійснюється дуже
повільно. Немає коштів. Однак, з'явилася інформація про те, що в районі н.п.
Челіче в червні планується відкрити новий колективний центр для біженців з
Косово на 1000 чоловік. Наші офіцери по взаємодії достовірність цієї
інформації побічно підтверджують. Останнім часом мер Челіче Мухамед
ШАДІЧ щотижня проводить зустрічі з представниками косовських біженців,
які приїжджають з САРАЄВО.

Unit 6.

I. Give an English Summary:

Лексичні особливості. Лексика, яка використовується в текстах
документів миротворчих сил ООН традиційно поділяється на дві основні
частини: військову термінологію, у яку входять науково-технічні терміни, які
вживаються у зв'язку з військовими поняттями, і емоційно забарвлені елементи
лексики, що є в переважній більшості випадків стилістичними синонімами
відповідних термінів. Емоційно забарвлені елементи військової лексики,
широко розповсюджені в різних типах текстів, але не зустрічаються в наказах.
Для мови документів миротворчих сил ООН характерне використання
дуже обмеженого шару спеціальної лексики, причому лексичні одиниці
вживаються, як правило, у своїх основних, предметно-логічних значеннях.
Іноді вони вживаються не в тих значеннях, у яких вживаються звичайно.
Наприклад, дієслово to protect у бойових документах може вживатися в
значенні "забезпечувати", а не в значенні "охороняти", to attack - у значенні
"наступати", а не "атакувати" або "нападати", to seіze - "оволодіти", а не
Найбільш характерною рисою документів миротворчих сил ООН на
лексичному рівні є їх спеціальна військова й військово-технічна термінологія,
широке використання в них усякого роду скорочень й умовних позначок.
У лінгвістичній літературі існує досить багато визначень терміна,
сутність більшості з яких можна звести до того, що термін – це слово або
словосполучення, прийняте для точного вираження спеціального поняття або
позначення спеціального предмета в тій або іншій області знань. Терміни
відрізняються від слів повсякденної мови чіткою семантичною окресленістю
границь і специфічністю понять, що виражають. Таким чином, термін не тільки
закріплює поняття назвою, але й уточнює його, відокремлюючи від суміжної
області знань. Звідси випливають основні вимоги, пропоновані до терміна, -
однозначність і стислість.
Ретельний аналіз термінології, яка використовується в текстах документів
миротворчих сил ООН, показує її крайню неоднорідність. Поряд з
однозначними термінами, що мають точні й чіткі семантичні границі, є й
багатозначні терміни. Наприклад, термін securіty означає "охорона",
"забезпечення", "бойове забезпечення", "забезпеченість", "безпека",
"засекреченість", "контррозвідка". Тому багатозначність навіть
однокомпонентних термінів утруднює їхнє правильне розуміння й переклад,
адекватність якого повністю залежить від контексту й ситуації.
У документах миротворчих сил ООН терміни, як правило
використаються тільки в одному, специфічному для даної інформаційної
області значенні, і саме у тому, що не викликає двоякого тлумачення.

Можливість неправильного вживання терміна виключається його семантичною

чіткістю й стислістю, які обумовлюються вимогою стислості вираження думки.
Склад сучасної термінології не є постійним. Він безупинно змінюється за
рахунок випадання ряду слів, зміни значень, безперервного поповнення новими
термінами, наприклад, у зв'язку з реорганізацією миротворчих сил, появою й
розробкою нових зразків озброєння й бойової техніки й нових методів ведення
операцій й т.д. утворення термінів відбувається характерними для англійської
мови способами словотвору морфологічними, що включають афіксацію
(maneuverabіlіty, mіssіleer, rocketeer, rotary), словоскладання (warhead,
countdown, target-seekіng, nuclearpowered), конверсію (to mortar, to offіcer),
абревіацію (AMMO, AOI,COO); лексико-семантичний, тобто переніс значення
(Dіese – прізвище винахідника й назва типу двигуна внутрішнього згоряння,
Bren прізвище винахідника й найменування виду стрілецької зброї – ручний
кулемет), зміна значення (acquіsіtіon мало значення "придбання", а зараз
означає "виявлення" й "виявлення цілей"), розширення значення (to land
означало "висаджуватися на берег", "приземлятися", а зараз "здійснювати
посадку на будь-яку поверхню", включаючи воду й небесне тіло), звуження
значення (cruіser раніше означало будь-який "корабель", що перебуває в
плаванні, а зараз "крейсер"); шляхом запозичення як з інших галузей науки й
техніки (pіn, strut), так і з інших мов (bunker, to strafe, Blіtzkrіeg – з німецької
мови, aіde de camp – із французької мови, mechanіzed rіfle dіvіsіon, іnhabіted
poіnt – калька з російської мови й т.д.).
Насиченість мови документів спеціальною термінологією місій ООН
жадає від перекладача не тільки відмінного знання іноземної термінології місій
ООН, але й знання адекватної української термінології. Тому однієї із
труднощів при перекладі текстів документів миротворчих сил ООН є
відшукання відповідних українських еквівалентів, тому що до аналогів,
синонімічним замінам й описовому перекладу можна прибігати тільки у
виняткових випадках – коли в українській мові немає відповідного еквівалента.

II. Translate in writing:

The Geneva Conventions comprise four treaties, and three
additional protocols, that establish the standards of international law for
the humanitariantreatment of the victims of war. The singular term Geneva
Convention denotes the agreements of 1949, negotiated in the aftermath of
the Second World War(1939–45), which updated the terms of the first three treaties
(1864, 1906, 1929), and added a fourth treaty. The articles of the Fourth Geneva
Convention(1949) extensively defined the basic rights of prisoners (civil and
military) during war; established protections for the wounded; and established
protections for the civilians in and around a war zone. The treaties of 1949 were
ratified, in whole or with reservations, by 194 countries. The Geneva Convention also
defines the rights and protections of non-combatants.
Moreover, because the Geneva Conventions are about people in war, the

articles do not address warfare proper — the use of weapons of war — which is the
subject of the Hague Conventions (First Hague Conference, 1899; Second Hague
Conference 1907), and the bio–chemical warfare Geneva Protocol (Protocol for the
Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous or other Gases, and of
Bacteriological Methods of Warfare, 1929).
The Geneva Conventions are rules that apply in times of armed conflict and
seek to protect people who are not or are no longer taking part in hostilities, these
include the sick and wounded of armed forces on the field, wounded,sick and
shipwrecked members of armed forces at sea, prisoners of war,and civilians.The first
convention dealt with the treatment of wounded and sick and occurred largely
because of the motivations of Henri Dunant, after he saw and published a book about
the inadequete treatment of wounded and sick men at the battlefield of Solferino. The
second convention was proposed to add aid to sick, wounded, and shipwrecked
members of armed forces at sea. The Third convention dealt with the treatment of
prisoners of war during times of conflict, the conflict in Vietnam highly contributed
to this revision of the Geneva Convention. The fourth Geneva convention dealt with
the treatment of civilians and their protection during wartime.
n diplomacy, the term convention does not have its common meaning as an
assembly of people. Rather, it is used in diplomacy to mean an international
agreement, or treaty. The first three Geneva Conventions were revised and expanded
in 1949, and the fourth was added at that time.
 First Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded
and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field, 1864
 Second Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of Wounded,
Sick and Shipwrecked Members of Armed Forces at Sea, 1906
 Third Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War, 1929
 Fourth Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of
War, 1949
The whole set is referred to as the "Geneva Conventions of 1949" or simply the
"Geneva Convention".
The 1949 conventions have been modified with three amendment protocols:
 Protocol I (1977) relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed
 Protocol II (1977) relating to the Protection of Victims of Non-International
Armed Conflicts
 Protocol III (2005) relating to the Adoption of an Additional Distinctive Emblem.
The Geneva Conventions apply at times of war and armed conflict to
governments who have ratified its terms. The details of applicability are spelled out
in Common Articles 2 and 3. The topic of applicability has generated some
controversy. When the Geneva Conventions apply, governments have surrendered
some of their national sovereignty by signing these treaties.
Common Article 2 relating to International Armed Conflicts
This article states that the Geneva Conventions apply to all cases

of international conflict, where at least one of the warring nations have ratified the
Conventions. Primarily:
 The Conventions apply to all cases of declared war between
signatory nations. This is the original sense of applicability, which predates the
1949 version.
 The Conventions apply to all cases of armed conflict between two
or more signatory nations, even in the absence of a declaration of war. This
language was added in 1949 to accommodate situations that have all the
characteristics of war without the existence of a formal declaration of war,
such as a police action.
 The Conventions apply to a signatory nation even if the opposing
nation is not a signatory, but only if the opposing nation "accepts and applies
the provisions" of the Conventions.
Article 1 of Protocol I further clarifies that armed conflict against colonial
domination and foreign occupation also qualifies as an international conflict.
When the criteria of international conflict have been met, the full protections of
the Conventions are considered to apply.
Common Article 3 relating to Non-International Armed Conflict
This article states that the certain minimum rules of war apply to armed
conflicts that are not of an international character, but that are contained within the
boundaries of a single country. The applicability of this article rests on the
interpretation of the term armed conflict. For example it would apply to conflicts
between the Government and rebel forces, or between two rebel forces, or to other
conflicts that have all the characteristics of war but that are carried out within the
confines of a single country. A handful of individuals attacking a police station would
not be considered an armed conflict subject to this article, but only subject to the laws
of the country in question.
The other Geneva Conventions are not applicable in this situation but only the
provisions contained within Article 3, and additionally within the language
of Protocol II. The rationale for the limitation is to avoid conflict with the rights
of Sovereign States that were not part of the treaties. When the provisions of this
article apply, it states that:
 Persons taking no active part in hostilities, including military persons who have
ceased to be active as a result of sickness, injury, or detention, should be treated
humanely and that the following acts are prohibited:
 violence to life and person, in particular murder of all kinds, mutilation, cruel
treatment and torture;
 taking of hostages;
 outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment;
 the passing of sentences and the carrying out of executions without previous
judgment pronounced by a regularly constituted court, affording all the judicial
guarantees which are recognized as indispensable by civilized peoples.
 The wounded and sick shall be collected and cared for.

III. Translate at sight:

атримання осіб, обвинувачених у військових злочинах;to conduct
manhunts; забезпечувати безпеку роботи представників Міжнародного
Трибуналу; to identifie mass gravesites; у готовності виставити пости
спостереження або блокпости; a low profile security team; група взаємодії.

IV. Give the full variants for the following English abbreviations, give
their Ukrainian translation: GFAP; FBiH; RS; DPREs; PIFWCs; IFOR; SFOR;

V. Translate in writing:
Як бачите, проблем на шляху повернення біженців ще досить багато. Але
хочеться відзначити, що тісна взаємодія з нашими колегами з МНД (С)
дозволило зрушити вирішення цих проблем з мертвої точки і перейти від
розмов на цю тему до конкретних справ. Особливо хотілося б відзначити
роботу майора Деніела Дейл - начальника команди тактичного планування
цивільних операцій російської бригади (САТРТ).
Дозвольте перелічити основні моменти, на які, на наш погляд, слід
звернути увагу в ході підтримки процесу переселення біженців:
Кожному біженцю необхідно роз'яснити, що він має право:
• Повернутися на колишнє місце проживання.
• Продати або обміняти залишену на території колишнього проживання
власність (якщо не хоче повертатися).
• Ніхто не може якимось чином впливати на його особисте рішення.
Даний пункт Дейтонських угод слід постійно пам'ятати і нам, на той випадок,
якщо хтось захоче насильно змусити біженців (і сербів, і босняків, і хорватів)
повернутися в місця колишнього проживання.
• Кожен має право на повернення залишеної ним під час війни власності.
• Якщо біженець вирішив не повертатися, то він зобов'язаний звільнити
зайняту після війни чужу власність, а місцева влада повинна допомогти йому
знайти інше місце проживання.
• Сербам, виселюваним з будинків повертаються босняків, повинні
виділятися ділянки і гроші на будівництво будинків. Важливо простежити, щоб
ділянки не виділялися на колишніх боснякскіх землях. Порядок виділення
ділянок повинен бути визначений в місцевих законах. Те ж саме необхідно
забезпечити і на території ФБіГ.
• Біженців, які бажають оглянути і відновлювати свої будинки, слід
спрямовувати дрібними групами по різних маршрутах.


I. Give a summary in English:

Морфологічні особливості. В області морфології документи
миротворчих сил ООН також мають певні особливості. У першу чергу
звернемося до граматичних форм слів.
Так, у вживанні іменника відзначається наступне:
1. Порівняно рідко використається присвійний відмінок;
2. Іменники, що мають збірне значення уживаються в однині,
тобто сприймаються в мові документів як одне ціле, на що вказує форма
3. Артиклі й інші “визначники” при іменнику, як правило,
4. Форма множини в скороченнях не завжди виражена, іноді
вона буває навіть оформлена по-різному. Наприклад, можна зустріти
форми множини із закінченням -s, без нього й навіть із закінченням -s,
приєднаним апострофом.
Минулий час зовсім не використається в оперативних документах
миротворчих сил ООН, він характерний тільки для інформаційно-звітних
документів, тому що в документах оперативного характеру ставляться
завдання, які повинні вирішуватися в майбутньому, і визначається положення в
даний момент, а в інформаційно-звітних документах позначаються дії, що
ставляться до минулого (повідомляється про результати спостережень або дій
свого підрозділу і сил супротивника).
Дуже рідко в складних реченнях може вживатися перфект теперішнього
часу. Уживання перфекта теперішнього часу повністю пов'язане з конструкцією
складнопідрядних речень.

II. Translate in writing:

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is a declaration
adopted by the United Nations General Assembly (10 December 1948 at Palais de
Chaillot, Paris). The Declaration arose directly from the experience of the Second
World War and represents the first global expression of rights to which all human
beings are inherently entitled. It consists of 3d0 articles which have been elaborated
in subsequent international treaties, regional human rights instruments, national
constitutions and laws. The International Bill of Human Rights consists of the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Economic,
Social and Cultural Rights, and the International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights and its two Optional Protocols. In 1966 the General Assembly adopted the two
detailed Covenants, which complete the International Bill of Human Rights; and in

1976, after the Covenants had been ratified by a sufficient number of individual
nations, the Bill took on the force of international law.
Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable
rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and
peace in the world,
Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous
acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in
which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear
and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people,
Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last
resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be
protected by the rule of law,
Whereas it is essential to promote the development of friendly relations
between nations,
Whereas the peoples of the United Nations have in the Charter reaffirmed their
faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person and
in the equal rights of men and women and have determined to promote social
progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,
Whereas Member States have pledged themselves to achieve, in co-operation
with the United Nations, the promotion of universal respect for and observance of
human rights and fundamental freedoms,
Whereas a common understanding of these rights and freedoms is of the
greatest importance for the full realization of this pledge,
Now, Therefore THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY proclaims THIS
achievement for all peoples and all nations, to the end that every individual and every
organ of society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching
and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive
measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective
recognition and observance, both among the peoples of Member States themselves
and among the peoples of territories under their jurisdiction
Article 1
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are
endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of
Article 2
Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration,
without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political
or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore,
no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or
international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it
be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of

Article 3
Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.
Article 4
No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be
prohibited in all their forms.
Article 5
No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading
treatment or punishment.
Article 6
Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law.
Article 7
All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to
equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any
discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such
Article 8
Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national
tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or
by law.
Article 9
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.
Article 10
Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an
independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations
and of any criminal charge against him.
Article 11
(1) Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed
innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all
the guarantees necessary for his defence. (2) No one shall be held guilty of any penal
offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offence,
under national or international law, at the time when it was committed. Nor shall a
heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the penal
offence was committed.
Article 12
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family,
home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has
the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.
Article 13
(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the
borders of each state. (2) Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his
own, and to return to his country.
Article 14

(1) Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from
persecution. (2) This right may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions genuinely
arising from non-political crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and principles
of the United Nations.
Article 15
(1) Everyone has the right to a nationality. (2) No one shall be arbitrarily
deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality.
Article 16
(1) Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality
or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal
rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution. (2) Marriage shall be
entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses. (3) The
family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to
protection by society and the State.
Article 17
(1) Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with
(2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.
Article 18
Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this
right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in
community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in
teaching, practice, worship and observance only with the permission of the person
and not by force.
Article 19
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right
includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and
impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
Article 20
(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association. (2)
No one may be compelled to belong to an association.
Article 21
(1) Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country,
directly or through freely chosen representatives. (2) Everyone has the right of equal
access to public service in his country. (3) The will of the people shall be the basis of
the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine
elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret
vote or by equivalent free voting procedures.
Article 22
Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled
to realization, through national effort and international co-operation and in
accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social
and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his

Article 23
(1) Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and
favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment. (2)
Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work. (3)
Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for
himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if
necessary, by other means of social protection. (4) Everyone has the right to form and
to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.
Article 24
Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of
working hours and periodic holidays with pay.
Article 25
(1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and
well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and
medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of
unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in
circumstances beyond his control. (2) Motherhood and childhood are entitled to
special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall
enjoy the same social protection.
Article 26
(1) Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the
elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory.
Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher
education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit. (2) Education shall
be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening
of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote
understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups,
and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace. (3)
Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their
Article 27
(1) Everyone has the right to freely participate in the cultural life of the
community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits.
(2) Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests
resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author.
Article 28
Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and
freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized.
Article 29
(1) Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full
development of his personality is possible. (2) In the exercise of his rights and
freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law

solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and
freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and
the general welfare in a democratic society. (3) These rights and freedoms may in no
case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.
Article 30
Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group
or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the
destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.

III. Translate at sight:

передислокація військ та військової техніки; to request approval from
MND(N) HQ; мобілізація резервістів; re-training and re-equipping the Bosnian
forces; спостереження за виконанням програми “Тренування й оснащення”; to
deter further aggression between the EAF; поставки озброєння та боєприпасів у
БіГ; all ammo will be separated from weapons and weapon systems.

IV. Give the full variants for the following English abbreviations, give
their Ukrainian translation: GFAP; FBiH; RS; DPREs; PIFWCs; IFOR; SFOR;

V. Translate in writing:
1. На наш погляд, повинна скластися наступна система взаємодії
Міжнародних Організацій, СФОР і місцевих органів влади. Місцеві органи
влади, працюючи в тісному контакті з представниками Міжнародних
Організацій і СФОР, своєчасно подають всю необхідну інформацію по процесу
переселення біженців. Міжнародні Організації забезпечують фінансування і
переселення. СФОР надає всіляку допомогу цьому процесу.
2. Всі ми ясно розуміємо, що процес повернення біженців незворотній,
тому що знаходиться під контролем Міжнародного Співтовариства. Російська
бригада робить все можливе для якнайшвидшого втілення в життя цієї
благородної миротворчої місії.
3. Ще залишилася після війни взаємна ворожість на етно-релігійному
грунті; економічна криза і надзвичайно високий рівень безробіття, відсутність
прийнятних умов для існування; сотні тисяч біженців, що живуть по 5-10 сімей
в одному будинку - ці та інші проблеми сплелися в один клубок. Процес
переселення біженців не може протікати успішно без одночасного вирішення
всього комплексу соціальних проблем.
4. Особливо хотілося б підкреслити, що продуктивне співробітництво з
місцевими властями, здійснення гуманітарних проектів, надання матеріально-
фінансової допомоги, будівництво та відновлення будинків для повертаються
біженців та переміщених осіб, надання нового житла сім'ям, нині проживають в

покинутих біженцями будинках повинно здійснюватися одночасно в рівних

пропорціях як на території ФБіГ, так і на території РС.


I. Give a summary in English:

Синтаксичні особливості. Для мови документів місій ООН характерно
чітке розмежування всіх синтаксичних структур відповідно до трьох основних
частин документа – інформаційної, виконавчої і забезпечувальної, кожна з яких
несе певне комунікативно-функціональне навантаження.
Дані комунікативно-функціональні частини документа не збігаються з
його структурним розподілом. Так, в оперативних документах в інформаційну
частину входять реквізити, що містять відомості, необхідні підлеглим для
виконання поставленого завдання (відомості про свої сили і сили
супротивника), завдання свого підрозділу, поставлену старшим начальником, і
прийняте командиром рішення.
Виконавча частина є основною частиною всього оперативного документа.
Вона містить приватні бойові завдання миротворчих одиниць у майбутній
операції, керуючись якими кожний з командирів підпорядкованих, доданих і
підтримуючих підрозділів приймає відповідне рішення.
У частину, що забезпечує, входять вказівки командира по керуванню,
зв'язку, взаємодії, забезпеченню й тилу.
Для інформаційної частини документів миротворчих сил ООН характерні
оповідальні речення, для виконавчої – спонукальні, а для забезпечувальної – як
оповідальні, так і спонукальні. При перекладі обов'язково варто враховувати цю
комунікативно-функціональну спрямованість різних частин бойового
документа. Наприклад, конструкція will + Infinitive переводиться на українську
мову по-різному залежно від того, у якій частині бойового документа вона
використається. Так в інформаційній частині бойового наказу вона
переводиться теперішнім часом.
Синтаксичні явища, характерні для дій керування підрозділами, можуть
створювати деякі труднощі при перекладі. Відомо, що зв'язок слів у реченні
оформляється граматично. Граматичні форми й конструкції виражають певне
граматичне значення, пов'язане з лексичним значенням слів. Тому при
перекладі необхідно враховувати як граматичні зв'язки слів, так і граматичне
значення переданих форм і конструкцій.
Вибір граматичних засобів у перекладі повинен відбуватися з
урахуванням їх значення й при зіставленні близьких граматичних явищ двох
мов. У граматичних системах обох мов є як співвідносні граматичні явища
(наприклад, категорії частин мови, категорії числа й ін.), так й явища, що не
мають відповідностей в іншій мові (наприклад, герундій, артикль, абсолютні
конструкції). Перекладач повинен знати особливості граматичних
відповідностей і невідповідностей, способи їхньої передачі засобами іншої

мови, добре розбиратися в системі лексико-граматичних значень обох мов,

ураховувати весь комплекс складної взаємодії їх лексичних і граматичних
засобів. При цьому завжди потрібно пам'ятати, що вибір граматичної форми в
перекладі залежить не тільки від граматичної форми оригіналу, але й від її
лексичного наповнення.
Основні труднощі передачі граматичних явищ англійських текстів взагалі
характерні й для матеріалів місій ООН. Однак найбільші труднощі звичайно
виникають при перекладі конструкцій з дієсловом-присудком у інфінітивних,
дієприкметникових зворотів, а також неповнозмістовних і клішированих

II. Translate in writing:

The Charter of the United Nations is the foundational treaty of
the international organization called the United Nations. It was signed at the San
Francisco War Memorial and Performing Arts Center in San Francisco, United
States, on 26 June 1945, by 50 of the 51 original member countries (Poland, the other
original member, which was not represented at the conference, signed it 2 months
later). It entered into force on 24 October 1945, after being ratified by the five
permanent members of the Security Council—the Republic of China (later replaced
by the People's Republic of China), France, the Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics (later replaced by the Russian Federation), the United Kingdom, and
the United States—and a majority of the other signatories. Today, 193 countries are
the members of the United Nations.
As a charter, it is a constituent treaty, and all members are bound by its articles.
Furthermore, the Charter states that obligations to the United Nations prevail over all
other treaty obligations. Most countries in the world have now ratified the Charter.
One notable exception is the Vatican City State, which has chosen to remain a
permanent observer state and therefore is not a full signatory to the Charter.
the Charter consists of a preamble and a series of articles grouped into
The preamble consists of two principal parts. The first part containing a
general call for the maintenance of peace and international security and respect for
human rights. The second part of the preamble is a declaration in a contractual style
that the governments of the peoples of the United Nations have agreed to the Charter.
 Chapter I sets forth the purposes of the United Nations, including the important
provisions of the maintenance of international peace and security.
 Chapter II defines the criteria for membership in the United Nations.
 Chapters III-XV, the bulk of the document, describe the organs and institutions of
the UN and their respective powers.
 Chapters XVI and Chapter XVII describe arrangements for integrating the UN
with established international law.
 Chapters XVIII and Chapter XIX provide for amendment and ratification of

the Charter.
The following chapters deal with the enforcement powers of UN bodies:
 Chapter VI describes the Security Council's power to investigate and
mediate disputes;
 Chapter VII describes the Security Council's power to authorize
economic, diplomatic, and military sanctions, as well as the use of military force,
to resolve disputes;
 Chapter VIII makes it possible for regional arrangements to maintain peace and
security within their own region;
 Chapters IX and Chapter X describe the UN's powers for economic and social
cooperation, and the Economic and Social Council that oversees these powers;
 Chapters XII and Chapter XIII describe the Trusteeship Council, which
oversaw decolonization;
 Chapters XIV and Chapter XV establish the powers of, respectively,
the International Court of Justice and the United Nations Secretariat.
 Chapters XVI through Chapter XIX deal respectively with XVI: miscellaneous
provisions, XVII: transitional security arrangements related to World War
II, XVIII: the charter amendment process, and XIX: ratification of the charter.

III. Translate at sight:

міжнародні організації, діючі в ЗВ МНД(С); SFOR is responsible for
providing a secure and stable environment; Офіс Високого представника ООН
координує роботу всіх організацій; to support the implementation of human rights,
fundamental freedoms and democracy; Меморандум про взаєморозуміння між
ВГК НАТО и Міжнародним трибуналом в Гаазі.

IV. Translate into Ukrainian:

Article 1
The Purposes of the United Nations are:
1. To maintain international peace and security, to take effective collective measures
for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of
acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace, and to bring about by peaceful
means, and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law,
adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations which might lead
to a breach of the peace;
2. To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle
of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate
measures to strengthen universal peace;
3. To achieve international co-operation in solving international problems of an
economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian character, and in promoting and
encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all
without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion;
4. To be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations in the attainment of these

common ends.


I. Give a summary in English:

Стилістичні особливості. Однієї з важливих проблем досягнення
адекватності перекладу є передача стилю оригіналу. Стилістичний аспект
перекладу полягає в правильному підборі лексико-граматичних засобів
відповідно до загальної функціонально-комунікативної спрямованості
оригіналу й з обліком існуючих літературних норм мови, на який робиться
Стиль матеріалів місій ООН не є однорідним. В миротворчих актах
керування існують дві тенденції викладу матеріалу: або сухим офіційно-
канцелярським стилем з використанням громіздких, найчастіше архаїчних
зворотів і конструкцій, або простою, розмовною, часом фамільярною мовою.
Остання тенденція відзначається в основному у текстах документів
миротворчих сил ООН, розрахованих на рядовий й офіцерський склад. Ця
тенденція зв'язана в першу чергу з низьким рівнем загальної й технічної
підготовки контингенту, а отже, і із прагненням зробити нудні офіційні уставні
матеріали й важкі технічні наставляння більше популярними й доступними для
основної маси військовослужбовців. У силу цього багато документів буяють
ілюстраціями, що пояснюють, таблицями, схемами й діаграмами, що
допомагають як можна ширше, глибше й простіше довести до читача суть
питання, що викладає.
У всіх випадках перекладач повинен прагнути передати текст оригіналу,
використовуючи військовий стиль викладу відповідних документів,
нейтралізуючи українською мовою наявні найчастіше в оригіналі зайві
образність і фамільярно-розмовні й жаргонні елементи, тому що вони не
характерні для українських військових документів. Стиль викладу українською
мовою повинен відповідати нормам української мови, прийнятим для
відповідного виду документів.

II. Translate into Ukrainian:

U.N. Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials
Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials Adopted by General
Assembly resolution 34/169 of 17 December 1979 Article 1 Law enforcement
officials shall at all times fulfil the duty imposed upon them by law, by serving the
community and by protecting all persons against illegal acts, consistent with the high
degree of responsibility required by their profession. Commentary:
(a) The term "law enforcement officials', includes all officers of the law,
whether appointed or elected, who exercise police powers, especially the powers of
arrest or detention.
(b) In countries where police powers are exercised by military authorities,

whether uniformed or not, or by State security forces, the definition of law

enforcement officials shall be regarded as including officers of such services.
(c) Service to the community is intended to include particularly the rendition of
services of assistance to those members of the community who by reason of personal,
economic, social or other emergencies are in need of immediate aid.
(d) This provision is intended to cover not only all violent, predatory and
harmful acts, but extends to the full range of prohibitions under penal statutes. It
extends to conduct by persons not capable of incurring criminal liability. Article 2 In
the performance of their duty, law enforcement officials shall respect and protect
human dignity and maintain and uphold the human rights of all persons.
(a) The human rights in question are identified and protected by national and
international law. Among the relevant international instruments are the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights, the Declaration on the Protection of All Persons from Being Subjected to
Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, the United
Nations Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, the
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination,
the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of
Apartheid, the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of
Genocide, the Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners and the
Vienna Convention on Consular Relations.
(b) National commentaries to this provision should indicate regional or national
provisions identifying and protecting these rights. Article 3 Law enforcement
officials may use force only when strictly necessary and to the extent required for the
performance of their duty.
(a) This provision emphasizes that the use of force by law enforcement
officials should be exceptional; while it implies that law enforcement officials may be
authorized to use force as is reasonably necessary under the circumstances for the
prevention of crime or in effecting or assisting in the lawful arrest of offenders or
suspected offenders, no force going beyond that may be used.
(b) National law ordinarily restricts the use of force by law enforcement
officials in accordance with a principle of proportionality. It is to be understood that
such national principles of proportionality are to be respected in the interpretation of
this provision. In no case should this provision be interpreted to authorize the use of
force which is disproportionate to the legitimate objective to be achieved.
(c) The use of firearms is considered an extreme measure. Every effort should
be made to exclude the use of firearms, especially against children. In general,
firearms should not be used except when a suspected offender offers armed resistance
or otherwise jeopardizes the lives of others and less extreme measures are not
sufficient to restrain or apprehend the suspected offender. In every instance in which
a firearm is discharged, a report should be made promptly to the competent

authorities. Article 4 Matters of a confidential nature in the possession of law

enforcement officials shall be kept confidential , unless the performance of duty or
the needs of justice strictly require otherwise.
By the nature of their duties, law enforcement officials obtain information
which may relate to private lives or be potentially harmful to the interests, and
especially the reputation, of others. Great care should be exercised in safeguarding
and using such information, which should be disclosed only in the performance of
duty or to serve the needs of justice. Any disclosure of such information for other
purposes is wholly improper. Article 5 No law enforcement official may inflict,
instigate or tolerate any act of torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment
or punishment, nor may any law enforcement official invoke superior orders or
exceptional circumstances such as a state of war or a threat of war, a threat to national
security, internal political instability or any other public emergency as a justification
of torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment .
(a) This prohibition derives from the Declaration on the Protection of All
Persons from Being Subjected to Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, adopted by the General Assembly, according to which:
"[Such an act is] an offence to human dignity and shall be condemned as a denial of
the purposes of the Charter of the United Nations and as a violation of the human
rights and fundamental freedoms proclaimed in the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights [and other international human rights instruments]."
(b) The Declaration defines torture as follows:
". . . torture means any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical
or mental, is intentionally inflicted by or at the instigation of a public official on a
person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person information or
confession, punishing him for an act he has committed or is suspected of having
committed, or intimidating him or other persons. It does not include pain or suffering
arising only from, inherent in or incidental to, lawful sanctions to the extent
consistent with the Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners."
(c) The term "cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment" has not
been defined by the General Assembly but should be interpreted so as to extend the
widest possible protection against abuses, whether physical or mental. Article 6 Law
enforcement officials shall ensure the full protection of the health of persons in their
custody and, in particular, shall take immediate action to secure medical attention
whenever required.
(a) "Medical attention", which refers to services rendered by any medical
personnel, including certified medical practitioners and paramedics, shall be secured
when needed or requested.
(b) While the medical personnel are likely to be attached to the law
enforcement operation, law enforcement officials must take into account the

judgement of such personnel when they recommend providing the person in custody
with appropriate treatment through, or in consultation with, medical personnel from
outside the law enforcement operation.
(c) It is understood that law enforcement officials shall also secure medical
attention for victims of violations of law or of accidents occurring in the course of
violations of law. Article 7 Law enforcement officials shall not commit any act of
corruption. They shall also rigorously oppose and combat all such acts.
(a) Any act of corruption, in the same way as any other abuse of authority, is
incompatible with the profession of law enforcement officials. The law must be
enforced fully with respect to any law enforcement official who commits an act of
corruption, as Governments cannot expect to enforce the law among their citizens if
they cannot, or will not, enforce the law against their own agents and within their
(b) While the definition of corruption must be subject to national law, it should
be understood to encompass the commission or omission of an act in the performance
of or in connection with one's duties, in response to gifts, promises or incentives
demanded or accepted, or the wrongful receipt of these once the act has been
committed or omitted.
(c) The expression "act of corruption" referred to above should be understood
to encompass attempted corruption. Article 8 Law enforcement officials shall respect
the law and the present Code. They shall also, to the best of their capability, prevent
and rigorously oppose any violations of them.
Law enforcement officials who have reason to believe that a violation of the
present Code has occurred or is about to occur shall report the matter to their superior
authorities and, where necessary, to other appropriate authorities or organs vested
with reviewing or remedial power.
(a) This Code shall be observed whenever it has been incorporated into
national legislation or practice. If legislation or practice contains stricter provisions
than those of the present Code, those stricter provisions shall be observed.
(b) The article seeks to preserve the balance between the need for internal
discipline of the agency on which public safety is largely dependent, on the one hand,
and the need for dealing with violations of basic human rights, on the other. Law
enforcement officials shall report violations within the chain of command and take
other lawful action outside the chain of command only when no other remedies are
available or effective. It is understood that law enforcement officials shall not suffer
administrative or other penalties because they have reported that a violation of this
Code has occurred or is about to occur.
(c) The term "appropriate authorities or organs vested with reviewing or
remedial power" refers to any authority or organ existing under national law, whether
internal to the law enforcement agency or independent thereof, with statutory,
customary or other power to review grievances and complaints arising out of

violations within the purview of this Code.

(d) In some countries, the mass media may be regarded as performing
complaint review functions similar to those described in subparagraph (c) above. Law
enforcement officials may, therefore, be justified if, as a last resort and in accordance
with the laws and customs of their own countries and with the provisions of article 4
of the present Code, they bring violations to the attention of public opinion through
the mass media.
(e) Law enforcement officials who comply with the provisions of this Code
deserve the respect, the full support and the co-operation of the community and of the
law enforcement agency in which they serve, as well as the law enforcement
Read more:

III. Translate into Ukrainian:

The clarity index
Some writing problems do not lend themselves to a quick–screen edit. A
second tool, the clarity index, pinpoints tow other major reasons why writing that
arrives on the desk is often confusing and difficult to read.
a. Long words and long sentences make writing difficult to read. Such writing
does not meet the new standards of Army writing. The clarity index provides a
yardstick to measure how readable writing is. If you suspect that writing is not
effective, this yardstick is helpful to quantify the problem.
b. The clarity index is based on word and sentence length. Selecting a sample
of 200 words or less, use the formula below.
(1) Count the number of sentences.
(2) Count the number of words.
(3) Divide the number of words by the number of sentences to get the average
sentence length. (The target average is 15 words per sentence.
(4) Count the number of words that have three syllables or more.
(5) Divide the number of long words by the total of words to determine the
percentage of long words. (The target is 15 percent.)
(6) Add the average sentence length to the percentage of long words.
(7) The sum is the clarity index. (The target is 30.)
c. If a writer eliminates long words and long sentences without changing
meaning, writing becomes clearer. The writer is not producing simplistic papers or
insulting the reader’s intelligence. Instead, time–savings and understanding increase.
d. Use the clarity index once to quantify the density of a piece of writing for
subordinates. Then have them periodically monitor their own writing. See figures 4–4
and 4–5 for examples of how to compute a clarity index.
e. Use the following Rules of thumb for the clarity index:
(1) Below 20, writing is too abrupt.
(2) Over 40, writing is difficult to understand.

(3) Aim for an index of 30.


UNIT 10.

I. Give a summary in English:

Переклад текстів документів миротворчих сил ООН являється одним з
видів спеціального перекладу з яскраво вираженою військовою
комунікативною функцією. До матеріалів миротворчих сил ООН з якими
доводиться мати справу перекладачеві, звичайно відносять військово-художні,
віськово-публіцистичні й військово-політичні, військово-наукові й військово-
технічні матеріали та акти військового керування (різні військові документи).
До матеріалів миротворчих місій ООН прийнято відносити всі науково-технічні
матеріали й акти керування підрозділами миротворчих сил ООН, пов'язані з
життям і діяльністю підрозділів і миротворчих установ.
Переклад офіційних документів миротворчих сил ООН відноситься до
області військового або, точніше, військово-технічного перекладу, що
представляє собою один із видів спеціального перекладу.
Відміною рисою спеціального перекладу є гранично точний і чіткий
виклад матеріалу при майже повній відсутності виразно-емоційних засобів,
властивим художнім і суспільно-політичним текстам. При перекладі необхідно
постійно пам'ятати про цю особливість і використовувати відповідні засоби,
характерні лише для офіційного, ділового, канцелярського стилю мовлення.
Практична діяльність військового перекладача винятково різноманітна. Тому
вимоги, які ставляться військовому перекладачеві, обумовлені специфікою його
роботи, особливо великі. Вони включають: високу морально-політичну
свідомість і витримку; глибоке розуміння свого патріотичного боргу; пильність
і непримиренність до противника і його ідеології; глибоке знання рідної й
іноземної мов, уміння правильно, грамотно й швидко передавати на цих мовах
необхідну інформацію; вільне володіння термінологією миротворчих установ,
що передбачає міцне знання рідної й іноземної термінології миротворчих сил
ООН, військової справи й особливостей організації підрозділів відповідних
іноземних держав, їхньої стратегії, оперативного мистецтва й тактики,
озброєння й бойової техніки.
Переклад офіційних документів миротворчих місій ООН накладає на
перекладача особливу відповідальність, тому що від правильності перекладу
іноді може залежати успіх всієї операції.
При перекладі миротворчих документів необхідна найдокладніша й
найточніша передача не тільки змісту, але й форми документу. У документах
миротворчих місій ООН важливе все, тому обов'язковим являється передача
грифа таємності й ступеня терміновості, автора документа, адресатів і
виконавців, всіх посилань на додатки й інші документи, обов'язкове
перерахування розрахунку розсилання, точна передача окремих частин
документу (з усіма заголовками й підзаголовками) географічних назв й інших
власних імен, координат, часового поясу й т.д.

Поряд зі спеціальною військовою й військово-технічною термінологією у

матеріалах миротворчих сил ООН певне місце займають географічні назви
(топоніми) і імена й прізвища людей (антропоніми), у передачі яких часто
допускаються помилки.
Наприклад, назви типу Deep Valіley передаються як Глибока долина або
Глибока балка. Варто пам'ятати, що український переклад топонімів й
антропонімів повинен відповідати загальноприйнятим принципам їхньої
передачі. У першу чергу вони повинні відповідати варіантам, зареєстрованим у
довідниках й словниках.
У цей час прийнято передавати топоніми й антропоніми шляхом
транскрибування, наприклад: Smіth Смит, Brown Враун, Brіghton Брайтон,
Georgіa Джорджия, Woolwіch Вулідж, Faіrbanks Фербенкс. Однак у деяких
випадках при передачі багатокомпонентних сполучень використовуються
наступні способи:
1. Усі компоненти перекладаються.
Наприклад: Blue Mountaіns - Блакитні гори, Red Sea - Червоне море, Black
Sea - Чорне море, Unіted States - Сполучені штати.
2. Усі компоненти транскрибуються.
Наприклад: Fort Leavenworth - Форт-Левенуерт, Fort Knox - Форт-Нокс.
3. Одночасно перекладаються (загальний компонент) і транскрибуються
(власний компонент).
Наприклад: Route Blue - маршрут Блу, Bonіn Іsls - острова Бонин,
Majorca Іsl - острів Майорка.
Усі компоненти транскрибуються (загальний компонент додається).
Наприклад: Fountaіn Valley - долина Фаунтин-Веллі, Deep Valley - долина
Дип-Веллі, Atlantіc Cіty - місто Атлантік-Сіті.
Подібними способами роблять і передачу назв фірм, компаній,
корпорацій (іноді із введенням слова, що пояснює його).
Наприклад: Іngalls Shіpbuіldіng Corporatіon - суднобудівна корпорація
"Інголс шіпбілдінг корпорейшн", General Dynamіcs - корпорація "Дженерал
Варто звернути увагу на передачу назв й індексних позначень, що
входять до складу багатокомпонентних термінів, які служать для найменування
різних зразків озброєння й бойової техніки. У українській мові
використовується зворотній порядок проходження компонентів: назва або
індексне позначення, як правило, ставиться на останнє місце; при наявності у
американському варіанті того й іншого в українському перекладі назва передує
індексному позначенню; калібр і національна приналежність виносяться на
перше місце; при необхідності вводиться відповідне слово, що пояснює.
М60А1 tank Танк М60А1
Sergeant mіssіle Керована ракета „Сержант”
ХС-142А VSTOL Літак вертикального або укороченого
зльоту й посадки X-142А

А UH-1H HueyCobra helіcopter Вертоліт загального призначення

"Хьюі-Кобра" UH-1H
М109 SP howіtzer, calіber 155mm 155-мм самохідна гаубиця M109
М56 SP 90mm AT gun 90-мм самохідна протитанкова пушка
Ub Pershіng mіssіle Американська керована ракета
5-іnch, 54 caliber gun 127-мм знаряддя з довжиною стволу
54 калібру (690 см)
У тих випадках, коли в оригіналі дається тільки назва або індексне позначення без назви виду
озброєння, при перекладі ця назва додається:
the Falcon Керована ракета "Фолкон"
the XM551 General Sherіdan Броньована розвідувальна машина
"Генерал „Шерідан" ХМ551
the AN/TRC-20 Радіостанція AN/TRC-20

При передачі українською мовою номенклатурних позначень різних видів

озброєння й бойової техніки, як правило, дається розгорнутий переклад:

rіfle, automatіc, cal. .30, Brownіng. Другий варіант модернізованої моделі

M1918A2 ручного кулемета системи "Браунінг"
зразка 1918 року, калібру 7,62 мм

II. Translate into Ukrainian:

Rules of Engagement (ROE) refers to those responses that are permitted in
the employment of military personnel during operations or in the course of their
duties. These rules of engagement are determined by the legal framework within
which these duties are being carried out. Such rules may be general or specific, and
there have been large variations between cultures throughout history. Rules of
Engagement would frequently be classified in order to reduce the risk to the military
to whom they apply however some elements may be made known in some
Rules of Engagement may be derived from domestic law determined to apply
during military operations, the Law of Armed Conflict and laws determined to apply
by a host nation.
Rules of Engagement provide those who give political direction to military
operations with a degree of confidence that the actions of military personnel are
conducted within a legally defensible framework. It provides commanders and
personnel with a clearly delineated set of responsibilities and operational constraints.
Within this the RoE dictates where, when and against whom military force may
be used what forms of military activity are appropriate and acceptable and what
evidence is required to support an action decision. RoE would not normally dictate
how a result is to be achieved but will indicate what measures may be unacceptable.

An abbreviated description of how the RoE can be applied may be issued to all
personnel to provide a reference during the performance of their duties.

UNIT 11.

I. Give a summary in English:

Роботу перекладачеві також ускладнюють скорочення, які трапляються в
документах миротворчих сил ООН. Труднощі перекладу скорочень
обумовлюються й тим, що абревіації піддаються майже всі частини мови,
наприклад: іменники (technician - TECH - технік), прикметники (anti-tank – AT-
протитанковий), дієслова (attach - atch - надавати), прислівника (SW -
southwest), а також і тим, що в написанні скорочень спостерігається великий
різнобій: вони пишуться прописними й малими літерами, із крапками й без
крапок, разом і порізно, зі знаком дробу або з лігатурою (&) і без них.
Написання скорочень, щоправда, регламентується відповідними інструкціями й
настановами, однак у документах, опубліковані видання нижчими інстанціями
але, як правило "офіційні" правила суцільно й поруч не дотримуються.
Істотно ускладнює переклад і те, що скорочення можуть виступати в
реченні в різних синтаксичних функціях, одержуючи при цьому відповідне
морфологічне оформлення, тобто приймають закінчення множини (Bns),
форму присвійного відмінку (Co's), форми дійсного й минулого часу (atks,
atked), оформляються артиклем (the Cdr - командир) і т.д.
Особливо важливим є й те, що значення скорочень часто не збігаються зі
значеннями їхніх повних форм перетерплюючи певні семантичні зрушення
наприклад, терміни Mіlіtary Polіce - військова поліція, Women's Army Corps -
жіноча допоміжна служба сухопутних військ є назвами певних організацій, а
скорочення від цих термінів позначають члена цієї організації: МР – військовий
поліцейський, а WAC – військовослужбовець жіночої допоміжної служби
сухопутних військ; терміни radіo detectіon and rangіng – виявлення й
визначення відстаней за допомогою радіосигналів, lіght amplіfіcatіon by
stіmulated emіssіon of radіatіon – посилення світла індукованим
випромінюванням позначають процес, а їхнє скорочення – прилад, у якому
використовується цей процес: radar – радіолокаційна установка, laser – лазер,
оптичний генератор.
Ще деякі труднощі перекладу скорочень полягають у тому, що деякі з них
можуть мати по декілька десятків зареєстрованих значень. Наприклад,
скорочення А в англійській мові має більше 60 різних значень, В – більше 40, С
– більше 20 і т.д. Крім того, існують незареєстрованні й неофіційні значення
цих скорочень. Як правило, при перекладі скорочень найчастіше звертаються
до словників. Але не всі скорочення, що зустрічаються в документах
миротворчих місій ООН, можна знайти в словниках, тому необхідно нагадати
про основні загальні прийоми перекладу скорочень. У цьому випадку можуть
бути корисні наступні прийоми розшифровки складних скорочень:
1) компоненти скорочення пишуться окремо: (Arty – artіllery, Bn –
battalіon) – артилерійський дивізіон; Іnf Co (Іnf- іnfantry, Co – company) –

піхотна рота;
2) компоненти скорочення пишуться разом: BATRECON (ВАТ – battle,
RECON – reconnaіssancе) – розвідка спостереженням у ході бою; NUCWPN
(NUC – nuclear WPN – weapon) – ядерна зброя; OPORD (OP – opera ORD –
order) – бойовий наказ;
3) компоненти скорочення пишуться разом, але виділяються
прописними літерами: WpnTraCen (Wpn – weapon, Tra – traіnіng, Cen – center) –
навчальний центр по озброєнню; PhotoRon (Photo – photographіc, Ron –
squadron) – фоторозвідувальна ескадрилія; MoGas (Mo – motor, Gas – gasolіne) –
автомобільний бензин; MoPhotoU (Mo – mobіle, Photo – photographіc, U – unіt) –
розвідувальна ескадрилья повітряного фотографування;
4) скорочення розпадається на стандартні стійкі компоненти, що
вживаються як самостійні одиниці: US (Unіted States) – Сполучені Штати,
США; CІNC (commander-іn-chіef) – головнокомандуючий, командуючий і т.д;
5) до складу складного скорочення входить топонім: KSCOMAZORES
(Island Commander, Azores) – командуючий обороною Азорських островів;
ISCOMKOSOVO (Іsland Commander, Kosovo) – командуючий обороною Косово.
Знання основних стійких компонентів значно полегшує розшифровку
складних скорочень. У ході аналізу перекладу скорочень було встановлено, що
передача скорочень на українську мову може також бути здійснена такими
а) повне запозичення англійського скорочення латинськими буквами.
Цей прийом звичайно використається для умовних позначок.
Наприклад, UT (Underwater, Traіnіng – підводний для навчальних цілей);
б) транслітерація.
Наприклад, скорочення SEATO (South-East Asіa Treaty Organіzatіon –
організація країн Південно-Східної Азії) передається українською мовою як
в) транскрибування.
Наприклад, ВАТ (Battalіon Antіtank) на українську перекладається як
г) звуко-літерне транскрибування.
Наприклад абревіатура CІС (Counterіntellіgence Center -
контррозвідувальна служба) передається на українську як Си-Ай-Си.
д) переклад повного терміна, що лежить в основі скорочення.
Наприклад, DPKO (Department of Peace-keeping operations) – відділ
миротворчих операцій ООН.
е) переклад і транскрибування.
Наприклад, CAGE (Canada Automatіc Ground Envіronment) передається на
українську як "Канадська напівавтоматична система керування ППО "Кейдж".
ж) переклад повного терміна, що лежить в основі скорочення, і
створення українського скорочення.
Наприклад, CІА (Central Іntellіgence Agency) передається як "Центральне

розвідувальне управління" і має скорочення – ЦРУ.

Звичайно, труднощі перекладу як повних, так і скорочених термінів
сполучені ще й з тим, що в тексті вони виступають на тлі еліптичних і
клішованих конструкцій.

II. Translate into Ukrainian the following report:

DA Form 4697 (Report of Survey), block 26:

I have investigated the evidence and find PVT John T. Thomas as negligent. PVT
Thomas damaged his M16 by carelessly leaving it on an M113 ramp. Private
Thomas admits that he laid his M16 on the tailgate of the M113 to put on his
protective mask. By doing so, he violated two specific directives. Private Thomas
neither followed proper masking procedure (Exhibit F, “Soldier’s Manual of
Common Tasks,” p.37) nor obeyed his field SOP that “at not time will equipment be
placed on the ramp of personnel carriers” (Exhibit G). His squad leader, SSG Young,
attests (Exhibit C) that Private Thomas knew the SOP.
Direct support maintenance confirms that the M16 (total cost–$433.40) is damaged
beyond repair (Exhibit D).

III. Translate into Ukrainian the following UN mission report:

Incident Report
At 2325 hours on Sunday 14 April 2000, the UNMIK Police control received a
telephone call, reporting the sound of gunshots from the area of the Bus Garage (Grid
reference 125 185). An UNMIK police patrol and a KFOR patrol responded to the
scene. On arrival, the police patrol found a large number of people gathered outside
an apartment building, the patrol was directed to Apartment Number 4. Inside the
apartment, a male person was found lying on the hallway floor, dead from gunshot
wounds to the body and head. Investigations revealed that the body was that of a 46
years old Goran male who lived in the apartment with his wife. The wife stated that at
2325 hours there was a knock at the door of the apartment and when her husband
answered the door he was shot twice, the gunman then kicked him and ran off down
the stairs. She described the gunman as being very tall, approximately 2 meters,
wearing a red cap, blue jeans and white trainers. The police secured the scene and
informed the Murder Squad. KFOR remained in the area to control the large crowd
Follow up Report
Investigations by the Murder Squad confirmed that (he deceased was a 46 years
old Goran male, who received two fatal gunshot wounds to the chest and head. One
of these bullets passing through the body and lodging in the dining room table, this
was recovered for forensic examination. Also recovered from the apartment hallway

were three 10mm empty cartridges. The building landlord identified himself as
making the initial call to Police control and had been in his apartment, number 1, at
the time of the shooting. When interviewed he stated that at 2325 hours he heard
five gunshots and when he looked out of his door he saw a tall male person run pass
him out of the building door. He described this person as wearing a bluejacket, a
dark ski mask and white trainers. A further search of the deceased's apartment
produced a further two empty 10mm cartridge, found in the pocket of a coat hanging
in the hallway.
Follow up Report
A search of the whole area was carried out by the Police and KFOR, at the rear
of the apartment building a military police dog found a red cap and a blue Jacket in
a rubbish skip. These items were •seized for further examination. Further interviews
revealed (hat, earlier in the day of the I 1 April 2000, (he deceased had been seen
arguing with a young Albanian male, who wanted to buy his apartment. In the main
those people interviewed were very uncooperative and no other witnesses came
forward or were identified. The building landlord will be re-interviewed to obtain
any information of persons wanting to buy the apartment. The investigation is

Unit 12.

I. Translate in writing:
United Nations military personnel are the Blue Helmets on the ground. They
are contributed by national armies from across the globe.
Every day, UN military personnel are on patrol, providing vital security and
stability in our missions around the world.
We work alongside UN Police and civilian colleagues to protect personnel and
property; maintain close cooperation with other military entities in the mission area;
and work to promote stability and security.
We work with the local community and the local military personnel to bring
about greater mutual understanding and work together towards a lasting
peace. Protection of civilians is very often at the heart of our mandate and it is the
Blue Helmets that are key to providing this security.
Global contribution for global peace
All military personnel working under the Blue Helmet are first and foremost
members of their own national armies and are then seconded to work with the UN.
We have more than 95,000 UN uniformed personnel (Military and
Police) coming from over 110 countries. They come from nations large and small,
rich and poor. They bring different cultures and experience to the job, but they are
united in their determination to foster peace.
What UN military personnel do
The UN has been deploying military personnel for service in peace operations
since 1948 when the Security Council authorized the deployment of UN military
observers to the Middle East to monitor the Armistice Agreement between Israel and
its Arab neighbours.
UN military personnel can be called upon to:
 Monitor a disputed border
 Monitor and observe peace processes in post-conflict areas
 Provide security across a conflict zone
 Protect civilians
 Assist in-country military personnel with training and support
 Assist ex-combatants in implementing the peace agreements they may have signed
Getting involved
The United Nations Office of Military Affairs seeks highly qualified military
officers from UN Member States for service in our peace missions around the world,
either as individual Staff Officers, as Military Observers, or as part of a formed unit
from an individual Troop-Contributing Country.
All military personnel working under the Blue Helmet are first and foremost
members of their own national armies and are then seconded to work with the UN for

periods normally of up to one year in the field, or two years in the UN

headquarters. Any queries about working for the UN in a military capacity should be
addressed within an applicants own country first.
By the end of 2010, 2.4% of UN military personnel were female. A top priority
for UN military personnel is to increase the number of female military personnel in
peacekeeping operations.
What kind of Blue Helmets are needed?
The most common sort of UN peacekeeper is the infantry soldier. However,
increasingly we need specialized personnel who we refer to as ‘enablers’. These
skilled soldiers include engineers, who for example were able to help with the post-
earthquake reconstruction in Haiti, or the building of new roads in South Sudan. We
also need helicopters and their crews, as they enable us to extend our area of
influence and be much more visible. Other specialist enablers include transport
companies, communicators and medical personnel.
Modern peacekeeping operations are often very complex, and place high
demands on the personnel we deploy. High levels of training are required before
deployment, and the UN works closely with Troop-Contributing Countries to provide
the best help and advice possible. Troops must know what to do if they find
themselves in an ambush, for example, and must be capable of responding
appropriately, even robustly, if necessary.
Why does the UN not have a standing reserve?
It takes considerable time to deploy troops and we are often asked why we do
not have a standing reserve.
The UN can only deploy military personnel when there is a UN Security
Council resolution authorizing them to do so. The Security Council will say how
many military personnel are required, and then UN Headquarters will liaise with the
Member States to identify personnel and deploy them. This can take time – perhaps
more than six months from the date of the resolution.
As former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan said, the UN is “the only fire
brigade in the world that has to wait for the fire to break out before it can acquire a
fire engine.” A standing reserve sounds logical, but it would be immensely costly to
have a force of several thousand people on permanent standby. It would require
training, accommodating, feeding, etc. and then might not even be used. Although it
takes time, it is much more practical to generate the military personnel once the go-
ahead has been given. This also ensures we recruit personnel with the appropriate
background, training and language skills.
UN Police
United Nations Police have an important role in promoting peace and security.
Every day UN policemen and women reinforce and re-establish security by
patrolling communities, advising domestic police services, ensuring compliance with
international human rights standards and restoring and promoting public safety and
the rule of law.

The UN has been deploying police officers for service in peace operations
since the 1960s. Traditionally, the mandate of police components in peace operations
was limited to monitoring, observing and reporting. From the early 1990s, advisory,
mentoring and training functions were integrated into the monitoring activities. This
was to allow peacekeeping operations to act as a corrective mechanism with domestic
police and other law enforcement agencies.
The need for police to help implement Security Council mandates has
increased enormously. The number of UN police officers authorized for deployment
in peacekeeping operations and special political missions has risen from 5,840 in
1995 to over 17,500 in 2010.
Global contribution for global peace
All police personnel working under the Blue Beret are first and foremost
members of their own national police services and are then seconded to work with the
We have more than 95,000 UN uniformed personnel (police and
military) coming from over 110 countries. They come from nations large and small,
rich and poor. They bring different cultures and experience to the job, but they are
united in their determination to foster peace.
What the police do
UN police are called upon to:
 provide expert assistance
 conduct operational assessments
 train and develop host-state policing capacity
 develop and review technical guidance
 assist domestic police services with strategic planning and provide technical
Getting involved
The United Nations Police Division seeks highly qualified police officers from
United Nations Member States for service in UN peace missions around the world.
A top priority for UN Police is to increase the number of female police
officers in peacekeeping operations and encourage the recruitment of women in
domestic police services. In 2010 10% of UN Police were female. Our goal is to
increase this to 20% by 2014.
United Nations International Network of Female Police Peacekeepers
The UN International Network of Female Police Peacekeepers unites women in
policing, who work in peacekeeping operations, to show that women have a role to
play in global peace and security. By actively engaging and utilising the network, we
aim for female peacekeepers to be empowered and in turn empower others.
Environment and sustainability
We recognize the potential damage that our camps and operations can have on
the environment, as well as on the local economy and on relations with host

The urgent deployment of thousands of civilian, police and military personnel

requires a very large amount of logistical support. Often the countries in which
peacekeeping personnel operate have very little infrastructure. All these UN people
produce liquid and solid waste which, if not treated and disposed properly, can have
an impact on the local environment.
Peacekeeping missions that are temporary and deployed in remote areas often
generate their own power and use aircraft that consume a lot of fuel, emit greenhouse
gases and possibly cause some soil pollution.
In some areas like Darfur or Chad, where water is a scarce resource, the local
community may see the UN mission as a resource competitor.

UNIT 13.

I. Translate into Ukrainian:

Minutes Writing
Writing minutes these days is not left to the secretary alone. With the
availability of portable computers you may attend a meeting without your secretary
and you are required to produce minutes. Many people do not know how to write
minutes and when called upon to do so will not be able to write minutes.
Writing minutes requires an individual to put what people were discussing
verbally into writing, the minutes has to be flowing from the opening to the closing of
the meeting. Below is how one should write any minutes arising from a meeting
without a problem
Start with the Title: What was the meeting all about, venue of the meeting
and what Time and date did the meeting start. How your title would look like, as you
can see the title below suggest that this was a monthly meeting held at the Office and
the date spelled out well

Keep It Short and Simple

Now you are done with the Title, the second part of minute writing is to list
members present and absent or absent with apologies and this is done as illustrated
George – Commander - Chairing
James – Finance Chief
Grace – Security Office
Mary – Secretary
N.B Here list all members who were available during the meeting, indicate
the person who was chairing the meeting and the Secretary who was taking minutes
MEMBERS ABSENT – indicate all members that were suppose to attend the
meeting but failed to turn up i.e. Veronica – 1st lieutenant
were notified for the meeting but failed to turn up without any apologies from
them; John Smith
AGENDA - Here is the summary of discussion or what the meeting was all
1. Matters arising from the previous meeting’s minutes
2. Procurements Policies
3. Human Resource Policies
4. Any other business

Move to the minutes writing, here is where you will be writing all the
discussion and resolution that were passed during the meeting
Minute 1/6-8-20XX: Matters arising from the previous meeting’s minutes
Here write about the discussion of the previous meeting, actually members
will go through the previous meeting minutes briefly and noting any changes or
addition to be added. Put down what members have said concerning the previous
meeting minutes
Minute 2/6-8-20XX: Procurements Policies
After the discussion of the matters arising you now moves to the minutes of
the day, write them as the meeting goes. Write suggestion made on the procurement
policies etc
Minute 3/6-8-20XX: Human Resource Policies
Move to the next minute as in this case is Human Resource Policies, write all
discussions and resolution about Human Resource Policies
Minute 4/6-8-20XX: A.O.B
Here write down any other issues which were not in the meeting agenda, date
of the next meeting should be written here, i.e. the next meeting will be on 22 nd July
20XX. There being no other business, the meeting ended at 17:15 pm
Chairperson ……………………………… Date …………………………
Secretary …………………………………. Date …………………………

After the completion of minutes writing you are expected to send the out to
members present to get their concurrence with the same after which you the Secretary
and Chairman will sign and will be kept for your future records

II. Give a summary in Ukrainian:

 Briefings are the most efficient and common means to present
information to commanders, staffers, Soldiers, or other specified audiences. You
conduct briefings when your listeners need information quickly, when they can get
together conveniently, and when they need to decide how to act on that information.
Briefings are often preferred to written or even electronic communication because
they are direct, immediate, and interpersonal. When lives may be at stake and units
must carry out the right decisions, most decision makers prefer the immediate
physical setting of the military briefing.
The ability to construct and deliver an effective briefing is a fundamental
leadership action. As a Cadet with the immediate goal of building effective
communication skills, you will begin with the information briefing. The goal of
military information briefings is to enable sound decisions and problem solving.
Therefore, the information must be current, accurate, clear, and credible. It must also
meet the needs and expectations of your audience. Your analysis of facts and
opinions must be convincing and thorough.

The ability to deliver information clearly and confidently is as much a leader

skill as making a motivational speech to Soldiers who are about to depart on a
dangerous mission. One of the best ways to become an effective briefer is to study
military leaders who are noted for their ability to assess the needs of the audience,
adapt information and communication style, and present ideas clearly.
The Four Types of Army Briefings
There are four types of Army briefings: the information briefing, the decision
briefing, the mission briefing, and the staff briefing. They are briefly described below.
1. Information Briefing. The information briefing delivers information in a
form the audience can understand and use. It does not include conclusions or
recommendations. It does not require decisions.
2. Decision Briefing. A decision briefing obtains an answer to a question or
results in a decision on a course of action. It presents the recommended solution
resulting from analysis or study of a problem or problem area. Decision briefings
vary in formality and detail, depending on the level of command and the decision
makers’ knowledge of the subject.
3. Mission Briefing. A mission briefing’s goal is to secure a coordinated or
unified effort toward accomplishing the mission. It often involves the exchange of
information, the announcement of decisions within a command, the issuance of
directives, or the presentation of guidance.
4. Staff Briefing. The staff briefing may have characteristics of information
briefings, decision briefings, and mission briefings. The purpose of a staff briefing is
to coordinate unit efforts by informing the commander and staff of the current
situation. The person who convenes the staff briefing sets the agenda. Staff
representatives each present relevant information from their functional areas. Staff
briefings may involve exchange of information, announcement of decisions, issuance
of directives, or presentation of guidance.
The Information Briefing
The information briefing focuses on the clear and useful communication of
facts and information. The information will always have a background: how current it
is, how reliable it is, and why you are communicating it—including how it meets the
needs and expectations of those you are briefing. Examples of information
appropriate for an information briefing include:
• high-priority or time-sensitive information requiring immediate attention
• complex information, including complicated plans, procedures, systems,
situations, statistics, and charts requiring detailed explanation
• controversial information requiring elaboration and explanation.
Since the information briefing’s intent is to inform the audience as efficiently
as possible,you will use a standard format.
The Format for an Information Briefing
1. Introduction
• Greeting. Address the person(s) you are briefing. Identify yourself and your

organization. “Good morning, Colonel Jones. I’m Lieutenant Kelly, the

Assistant S3 of the 1st Battalion 502d Infantry.”
• Type and Classification. Explain the briefing’s classification. “This is a
SECRET information briefing,” or “This is an UNCLASSIFIED information
• Purpose and Scope. State the purpose first: Explain your briefing’s purpose
and scope. “The purpose of this briefing is to bring you up to date on the company
perimeter defense plan,” or “I will cover the operations plan for FTX Team Spirit.”
• Outline or Procedure. Briefly summarize the main point, key supporting
points, and your general approach. Explain any special procedures (demonstrations,
displays, or tours). Example: “During my briefing, I’ll discuss the four phases
of our plan. I’ll refer to maps of our sector, and then my assistant will bring out a
sand table to show you the expected sequence of the movement to contact.”
2. Body
Arrange the main points in a logical sequence. Use visual aids correctly to
emphasize your main and supporting ideas. Plan effective transitions from one main
point to the next. Be prepared to answer questions at any time.
3. Closing
Ask for questions. Briefly restate your main ideas and make a concluding
Four Steps to Effective Briefings
Careful preparation is the key to effective briefings, whatever the purpose.
Once you’ve been tasked to present a briefing, you should begin to prepare
immediately by analyzing the situation—including your intent—and your audience’s
needs and expectations.
1. Analyze the Situation
Without an analysis of the briefing situation and a resulting plan for
constructing and delivering the briefing, you will waste time and risk failure. Unlike a
document, a briefing happens at a specific place and time. If all aspects of the
briefing, including the content and the delivery, are not carefully coordinated, you
may not effectively communicate. You begin to analyze the situation by focusing on
the purpose, audience, and the occasion by asking:
• What is my intent or purpose for briefing?
• Whom am I briefing?
• How well does the audience know the subject?
• What does the audience expect from me?
• What information does it need?
Before briefing an audience, you must learn about its needs and expectations.
Will your audience be relaxed or impatient? Are you a credible presenter or do you
need to establish credibility? Are you there to present facts or to make a
recommendation? You must understand how your audience’s traits relate to the intent
and purpose of the briefing. The purpose determines what kind of briefing you
present. The time allocated, audience, and location will help you determine the

amount of effort and time needed to prepare. Always check on the availability of
physical facilities, visual aids, and other support as early as possible.
Once you have analyzed your intent, purpose, and audience, you should
prepare a detailed presentation plan. You should also carefully schedule your
preparation milestones and formulate a briefing outline, which you will fully develop
during the construction phase. Finally, you initially estimate the deadlines for each
task, schedule facilities for rehearsal, and request critiques from others.
2. Construct the Briefing
When constructing a briefing, it is useful to follow a systematic process of
researching, organizing, drafting, revising, and proofing. Here are the major steps in
constructing an effective briefing:
Researching for a military briefing is frequently “capturing what you know” by
bringing together the information you have gathered from various sources. Use
brainstormingand mind-mapping to help you collect information focused on your
purpose and audience.
When researching, you:
• collect material
• ensure you know the subject thoroughly
• ensure you have enough (but not too much) information.
In organizing, you sort all the information gained during your research. You
then arrange the information to best suit your purpose. You should also answer these
questions: Which parts of the information are of major concern? Which are minor?
What should come first? Last? What are the logical connections?
When you organize, your objective is to create your main point—your
controlling idea—as a simple statement summarizing the key information from your
research. Then you should create two to five statements that directly support the
controlling idea and effectively cover the key information. These are your “bottom
line” and main supporting points, and they should always be stated at the beginning
of the briefing.
Test and revise both your substance and organization. Eventually you’ll find
the information that’s needed to properly focus your ideas for the audience and
answer all potential questions and objections. While organizing, you should also
choose your visual aids to suit the situation and begin to consider how you will
deliver your information in the time available. In other words, when organizing, you:
• isolate key points
• arrange key points in logical order
• ensure you have supporting data to validate the key points
• select visual aids.
The goal of all this labor is an outline that is easy to transform into a draft.

In the draft you put your ideas into words (and onto visuals)—this is your first
effort at full expression. Write out whatever you’ve outlined during organizing, but—
unless the situation requires it—avoid writing a script. A script tends to make your
delivery inflexible.
Concentrate on how you will communicate your controlling idea, your main
points, and your supporting evidence. Focus on the substance you’ve created and its
organization and choose the wording that will best communicate with your audience.
Coordinate the text of your draft with your visuals, demonstrations, or other
Revising, Proofing, and Rehearsing
After letting your draft “cool,” it’s useful to revise your briefing to make sure
the vocabulary is suitable for the audience. In this regard, you should replace any
jargon that listeners may not understand with terms that are familiar to them. After
revising, you should proofread (“proof”) for both the oral and written components of
the briefing. Check and confirm pronunciation of words, including individuals’
names and place names, and carefully proof all handouts and visuals. To confirm
pronunciation and spelling, use standard references such as a current collegiate
dictionary and a collegiate grammar handbook.
To ensure the effective delivery of an information or other type of briefing,
there is simply no substitute for rehearsing with colleagues who can act the part of the
audience and provide you with useful feedback. You should time your rehearsals,
and, if possible, rehearse in the location in which you will deliver the briefing. The
closer your rehearsal can be to the real thing, the greater will be your confidence and
the better your performance under pressure.
3. Deliver the Briefing
When delivering the information briefing, a key is to understand whether you
are getting through to your audience. Therefore, it is critical to maintain eye contact
throughout the audience, throughout the entire briefing. A second key is to be
perceived as a credible briefer.
Recognize that as a junior leader, no one is going to expect you to speak like a
seasoned senior officer, nor is it appropriate for you to do so. Be confident, but never
try to come across as infallible, which others will often see as arrogance. Effective
briefers typically combine these traits—they are:
• confident
• relaxed
• articulate
• knowledgeable
• considerate.
While you are delivering the briefing, you must:
• present the subject as intended and ensure that the audience understands it
• be brief
• speak to express your points and information, not impress the audience
• use visuals and other aids to clarify, not entertain

• be ready for interruptions and questions at any point.

4. Follow Up
When the briefing is over, it is important to prepare a memorandum for
record (MFR) to record the subject, date, time, and place of the briefing and the
ranks, names, and positions of those present. For an information briefing, concisely
provide the content of the briefing. For other types of briefings, you include
recommendations and their approval, disapproval, or approval with modification, as
well as any instruction or directed action, as appropriate. You should distribute the
MFR to those who must act on the information and to those whose operations or
plans the briefing’s contents may influence.

A briefing assignment has four steps that correspond to the

four activities of the operations process:
Plan: Analyze the situation and prepare a briefing outline
Prepare: Construct the briefing
Execute: Deliver the briefing
Assess: Follow up.
Always check on the availability of physical facilities, visual aids,
and other support as early as possible

III. Divide a sheet of paper into two columns. Label one column
“Characteristics of an Effective Briefer.” Label the other “Characteristics of an
Ineffective Briefer.” In the two columns, list and briefly explain what you believe
to be five or more important characteristics of successful and unsuccessful
briefings. Then analyze your own strengths and weaknesses as a speaker, and
think about how to improve.


Unit 1.

I. Read the following text and give the summary in Ukrainian.


The issue of whether to deploy military forces in domestic missions is hotly
debated. Those who believe the military should be utilized in an increasing number of
domestic missions make several powerful arguments. According to one view, nations
make a significant investment in their armed forces over time, and the employment of
the military domestically is a way to obtain a return on that investment (1). Others point
out that in the post-Cold War world, issues like terrorism, illicit drugs or poverty
represent as immediate a danger to national survival as foreign aggression, and therefore
warrant troop deployments (2). There is also the more utilitarian argument that devoting
troops to domestic missions will block further attempts at downsizing the military (3).
Those who believe the military should remain exclusively focused on external
missions make equally compelling arguments. A quarter century ago, Alfred Stepan
argued that when military professionals focus on a domestic role they become politicized
and may be tempted to stage a coup d'etat. More recently this view was echoed by
Charles Dunlap and Michael Desch. Describing a fictional coup in the United States in
the year 2012, Dunlap contended that the decision to divert military resources away from
warfighting missions and into domestic activities in the 1990s had politicized the officer
corps and weakened the legitimacy of democratic institutions and civilian officials.
Without positing the danger of a coup, Desch argues that civilian control is more
effective when the military maintain an external orientation (4). Another point frequently
made by civilians and soldiers alike is that domestic missions have long term
implications for combat readiness and troop morale (5).
This paper does not attempt to settle this debate or to tackle the broad spectrum of
domestic missions that the military are invited to undertake. Not all domestic missions
are created equal. It is possible to classify the military's domestic missions according to
two criteria: a) the duration of a mission; and b) the nature of the activity to be
performed. Time considerations are important to arguments about the impact of these
missions on readiness. In this case, there are important distinctions to be made between
military involvement in earthquake relief, and military participation in youth or school
programs that will require a lengthier commitment. But it is also important to consider
the nature of the different activities that are being proposed. Broadly speaking, there are
three types of domestic missions:
1. Disaster Relief
This includes responses to natural disasters (hurricanes, floods, fires, earthquakes)
and man-made disasters (explosions, environmental damage, weapons of mass
2. Law Enforcement

This involves a military role in countering riots, civil disturbances, and terrorism,
as well as military involvement in drug control policies.
3. Community Service
This involves a variety of activities, from military involvement in construction
projects, to participation in education or health programs. It also involves any number of
cooperative ventures between military bases and the civilian communities around them
The first and third types of missions pose interesting challenges for civil-military
cooperation. But they do not provoke the same controversy as the second type of mission
- law enforcement. When soldiers are deployed in domestic law enforcement, they might
be placed in the position of having to shoot their fellow citizens, or of having to collect
intelligence. What are the legal implications of these actions? What, if any, is the impact
on democratic practices? This paper will analyze some of the difficulties that emerge
when the military is employed in domestic law enforcement. It discusses the American
military's involvement in riot control in Los Angeles in 1992, the British military's
thirty-year experience of counter-terrorism in Northern Ireland, and some lessons we
derive from these two cases. The argument made here is that public officials deploy the
military in law enforcement missions as an act of desperation, without giving much
thought to the impact that these decisions might have on military organizations, on
democratic practices, and on the orderly functioning of civilian law enforcement
agencies. In this respect, one weakness of the democratization literature and discourse is
that it emphasizes civilian empowerment vis a vis defense policy, but not public order

The paper does not address the issue of military participation in drug control
policy. "Drug control" is an umbrella term that encompasses a variety of activities such
as drug abuse prevention, drug rehabilitation, source country programs, money
laundering, and interdiction. In consumer countries, there is disagreement among
analysts as to which of these activities should be emphasized. In addition, the military
are involved in some of these activities but not others. An analysis of military
participation in drug control must take into account the wider debate about national drug
control policies. This issue is too complex to be addressed adequately here (7).

II. Translate into Ukrainian at sight.


Each science is known to have more or less strongly marked specificity of its
proof, i.e., of establishing the validity of knowledge implicated in its laws, categories,
principles, etc. For instance, the decisive role of experiment presents itself as
distinctive feature of the proof in physics. Mathematical knowledge qualifies for its
validity primarily due to the use of logical tools. A number of characteristic features
appertain to the proof in military knowledge: concerning war (causes of wars, their
essence, character, role, regularities of their course and their outcome, background of

warlike preparations and preparation methods of states, their coalitions), and the army
(its essence, functions, genesis, principles of personnel education and training, etc.).
The most important feature of the proof in military science is its ideologized
nature, determined by the essence of war as the continuation of political relations by
strong-arm methods, its causes, character, role in societal life, the essence and
functions of the army, the substance and distinctive features of military science.
All concepts, categories, laws and principles of the theory of war, the army and
military science are related, in some or other way, to human interests and to the
direction of their actions. Military science accumulates ambitions of definite social
forces in the most taxing periods of societal development. The character of military
science is defined by the fact that its core substance is composed of regularities,
principles, methods and forms of realizing political tasks by employing warfare
Ideas and aims of just war, proved, brought home to people at large and
embodied under certain conditions, always emerged as powerful military force,
which assured victory in wars to defend fatherland. At the present time, defined and
proved essential ways of defending peace and progress, the perfection of the
collective activity of peace-minded states, of joint efforts of leading democratic
forces, of the multifaceted proactive work of the United Nations Organization present
themselves as powerful mobilizing force to strengthen the positions of those, who
support the settlement of emerging problems by negotiations.
Necessity for realizing the principle of ideologized nature of military
philosophic proof also stems from needs for stepping-up struggle against views of
military theoreticians, who distort problems of war, peace and the army. The proof in
military science is of importance in forming logical and methodological basis for the
opposition of scientific theory of war and peace and non-scientific concepts, in
identifying the polarity of such views about war and peace at epistemological, social
political and moral ethical levels.
The strongly marked concreteness of the proof in military science is inherent in
the military philosophic rationale and proof, continuing to be relevant, of the
defensive nature of Russia's military doctrine, of the importance of military strategic
balance of the multipolar world. (1) Concreteness requires that military cadres
convincingly prove knowledge about the need for subordinating the entire activity of
the military personnel of Russia's Armed Forces to interests of the state, fidelity to
their principles and uncompromising attitude to defects.
Important peculiarities of military proof stem from extraordinary complexity
of military knowledge. Many sciences look into war. War and army doctrine, military
science proper, which represents the unified system of knowledge about
preparing and conducting armed struggle for the defense of the country from
aggression, are major fields of military scientific knowledge. Military art theory,
which examines consistent patterns, character, principles and methods of conducting
armed struggle on strategic, operational and tactical scale, constitute the core of
military science.

III. Translate into English at sight.

FORT 500
Гладкоствольнa рушниця Форт-500 булa розробленa в НВО "Форт" МВС
України в кінці 1990х років, і призначалася для озброєння співробітників
МВС та служби безпеки України. В даний час рушниця ФОРТ-500 в обмежених
кількостях стoїть на озброєнні спецпідрозділів МВС України, а також продається
громадянам . В конструкції рушниці за наявною інформацією використані деякі
рішення, запозичені з американського рушниці Remington 870. В даний час
поряд з базовим варіантом рушниці Форт-500 випускаються і спеціальні "бойові"
- Форт-500 M(А)(Т), що мають вкорочений ствол, телескопічний регульований
приклад і комплект направляючих типу Picatinny rail для встановлення
додаткових аксесуарів. Нa цівку передбачене встановлення пістолетного
руків'я та ліхтаря. На ствoлі можливе приєднання спеціальних пристосувань ( для
стрільби гранатою зі сльозогінним газом).
Гладкоствольнi рушниці Форт-500 використовують ручне перезаряджання.
Подача набоїв здійснюється з підствольного трубчатого магазину, що
заряджається через вікно в нижній частині ствольноi коробки. Стволи
комплектуються змінними чоками, замість яких в "бойовому" варіанті може
встановлюватися насадка для метання гранат зі сльозогінним газом. Рушниця
може комплектуватися фіксованим або складаним прикладом, випускається
також і варіант без прикладу, лише з пістолетним руків'ям.
Основні тактико-технічні характеристики Форт-500(M)
Калібр: 12/70мм, 12/76 мм
Довжина (приклад складeний / розкладений):
Форт-500: 1015мм
Форт-500М: 775 / 877мм
Довжина стволу:
Форт-500: 510мм
Форт-500М: 345 мм
Вага без набоїв:
Форт-500: 3,8кг
Форт-500М: 4,12кг
Канал ствола: циліндричний
Кількість набоїв у магазині: 6+1
Середня швидкість: для дробу 300м/с , для кулі 380 м/с

IV. Translate into Ukrainian in writing.

a) Military science incorporates knowledge of different levels. That is why, in

proving military knowledge, it is expedient to reckon with its specificity (its level, its
sphere) and with the capacity for using already proved military knowledge, which is
"contiguous" to it by level and domain, or the knowledge of other sciences. It is

essential to obey corrective transition from one military knowledge level to another,
from one of its domains to another. It is in the nature of things that the criteria and
essentials of proof, also make themselves manifest in a different way. The abstractness
of architecture of much of fundamental military knowledge considerably enhances the
role of logical tools of proof. Provisions of military science, field manuals function as
applied logic. But, military praxis continues to be the criterion of truth, the basis of
proof of military knowledge in peacetime as well.

b) Close linkage of war and army doctrine, of military science with other
sciences favorably affects the capacity for using provisions of other sciences for the
proof of categories and laws of military knowledge. Thus, social science data provide
material to validate the scientific treatment of laws of war and armed struggle,
decisions about troop command and control and the formation of high moral fighting
qualities of military personnel. Military theoreticians and practitioners use materials of
natural and engineering sciences to prove knowledge, which makes it possible to
improve effectively the material and technical base of military art. Social sciences and
sciences examining human bioorganic qualities furnish with arguments for the proof of
military knowledge, which most adequately determines man's potentialities in war.
Conclusions of economic science help examine the economic aspect of war. Provisions
of civil history are widely used to prove findings of the cognitive activity of military
historians. Mathematical knowledge provides means for conducting mental,
mathematical experiments pertaining to indirect kinds of the validation of military
scientific knowledge. Naturally, military science data can also serve for the vindication
of provisions of other sciences.

c) The wide use of scientific philosophy to ensure the integrity of knowledge of

military art is the important peculiarity of the proof of military knowledge, since
philosophic knowledge represents universal knowledge, which is the result of the
apprehension of entire human activity. Most often, military science has recourse to
philosophy for ascertaining the validity of its theoretical arsenal in the time of
sweeping transformations of military art, when decisive stocktaking is under way. The
use of laws, categories and principles of scientific philosophy, of laws and rules of
formal logic provides the justification and proof of military scientific knowledge about
causes, essence, character, role of wars, regularities of their course and outcome, the
essence, and functions of modern armies. In using philosophic provisions in the proof
of military knowledge, one should take into consideration the specificity of military
knowledge: where scientific philosophy provisions directly prove military philosophic
knowledge, the validity of data of special military knowledge data shall be established
by means of some indirect linkages.

d) Since much of military knowledge is directed towards the future, as its subject
and object, above all, involve war, preparation for wars, this fact leaves its imprint on
the nature of proof of military knowledge. However, as you know, wars are not waged

on the constant basis. In addition, no war is the exact replica of another one. That is
why perceptions about possible future military operations have the tinge of hypothetic
knowledge. Besides, the activity of the military chief takes place in conditions, when
aims of contending sides are diametrically opposed. This fact inevitably leads to the
occurrence of formerly unforeseen situation, to the need for surveying it and for
uncovering enemy design. The outcome of battle (operation) depends, to a considerable
extent, on the degree of disclosure of enemy intentions, especially when the enemy
appears to seize the initiative.

e) Military strategy is in many ways the centerpiece of military science. It

studies the specifics of combat, and attempts to reduce the many factors to a set of
principles that govern all interactions of the field of battle. As such, it directs the
planning and execution of battles, operations, and wars as a whole. Two major systems
prevail on the planet today. Broadly speaking, these may be described as the "Western"
system, and the "Russian" system. Each system reflects and supports strengths and
weakness in the underlying society. Generally, "Western" societies have higher levels
of education and technology. In contrast, third-world (based on the Russian system)
societies have lower levels of education and technology, but have much more raw
manpower in their military than Western societies are willing (or able) to devote.

f) Modern Western military art is composed primarily of an amalgam of French,

German, British, and American systems. The Russian system borrows from these
systems as well, either through study, or personal observation in the form of invasion
(Napoleon's War of 1812, and The Great Patriotic War), and form a unique product
suited for the conditions practitioners of this system will encounter. The system that is
produced by the analysis provided by Military Art is known as doctrine.

g) Western military doctrine relies heavily on technology, the use of a well-

trained and empowered NCO cadre, and superior information processing and
dissemination to provide a level of battlefield awareness that opponents cannot match.
Its advantages are extreme flexibility, extreme lethality, and a focus on removing an
opponent's C3I (command, communications, control, and intelligence) to paralyze and
incapacitate rather than destroying their combat power directly (hopefully saving lives
in the process). Its drawbacks are high expense, a reliance on difficult to replace
personnel, an enormous logistic train, and a difficulty in operating without high
technology assets if depleted or destroyed.

h) Soviet military doctrine (and its descendants, in CIS countries) relies heavily
on masses of machinery and troops, a highly educated (albeit very small) officer corps,
and pre-planned missions. Its advantages are that it does not require well educated
troops, does not require a large logistic train, is under tight central control, and does not
rely on a sophisticated C3I system after the initiation of a course of action. Its
disadvantages are inflexibility, a reliance on the shock effect of mass (with a resulting

high cost in lives and material), and overall inability to exploit unexpected success or
respond to unexpected loss.

i) Chinese military doctrine is currently in a state of flux as the People's

Liberation Army is evaluating military trends of relevance to China. Chinese military
doctrine is influenced by a number of sources including an indigenous classical
military tradition characterized by strategists such as Sun Tzu, Western and Soviet
influences, as well as indigenous modern strategists such as Mao Zedong. One
distinctive characteristic of Chinese military science is that it places emphasis on the
relationship between the military and society as well as views military force as merely
one part of an overarching grand strategy.

V. Read the following text, find out military terms and give their Ukrainian
Each system trains its officer corps in its philosophy regarding military art. The
differences in content and emphasis are illustrative.
United States of America
The United States Army principles of war/military science are as follows
(derived from U.S. Army Field Manual FM 100-5):
Objective – Direct every military operation toward a clearly defined, decisive
and attainable objective. The ultimate military purpose of war is the destruction of the
enemy's ability to fight and will to fight.
Offensive – Seize, retain, and exploit the initiative. Offensive action is the most
effective and decisive way to attain a clearly defined common objective. Offensive
operations are the means by which a military force seizes and holds the initiative while
maintaining freedom of action and achieving decisive results. This is fundamentally
true across all levels of war.
Mass – Mass the effects of overwhelming combat power at the decisive place
and time. Synchronizing all the elements of combat power where they will have
decisive effect on an enemy force in a short period of time is to achieve mass. Massing
effects, rather than concentrating forces, can enable numerically inferior forces to
achieve decisive results, while limiting exposure to enemy fire.
Economy of Force – Employ all combat power available in the most effective
way possible; allocate minimum essential combat power to secondary efforts.
Economy of force is the judicious employment and distribution of forces. No part of
the force should ever be left without purpose. The allocation of available combat power
to such tasks as limited attacks, defense, delays, deception, or even retrograde
operations is measured in order to achieve mass elsewhere at the decisive point and
time on the battlefield. ...
Maneuver – Place the enemy in a position of disadvantage through the flexible
application of combat power. Maneuver is the movement of forces in relation to the
enemy to gain positional advantage. Effective maneuver keeps the enemy off balance
and protects the force. It is used to exploit successes, to preserve freedom of action,

and to reduce vulnerability. It continually poses new problems for the enemy by
rendering his actions ineffective, eventually leading to defeat. ...
Unity of Command – For every objective, seek unity of command and unity of
effort. At all levels of war, employment of military forces in a manner that masses
combat power toward a common objective requires unity of command and unity of
effort. Unity of command means that all the forces are under one responsible
commander. It requires a single commander with the requisite authority to direct all
forces in pursuit of a unified purpose.
Security – Never permit the enemy to acquire unexpected advantage. Security
enhances freedom of action by reducing vulnerability to hostile acts, influence, or
surprise. Security results from the measures taken by a commander to protect his
forces. Knowledge and understanding of enemy strategy, tactics, doctrine, and staff
planning improve the detailed planning of adequate security measures.

VI. Translate into Ukrainian at sight, pay attention to the abbreviations used
and give their Ukrainian equivalents.

Technological development has been exponential in recent years. Ground
control radar, the laser, electro-optical and infrared (IR) seekers on precision guided
munitions, night-vision goggles, and terrain-following radar (TFR) are all
technological steps upon which US night air combat capability depends.
Radar advances have been impressive. The arrival of airborne early warning (AEW)
long-range air search radars was the main improvement to the air combat tool box.
The US Navy and Air Force efforts started to pay off in the Vietnam War and lead to
the E-3 Sentry (AWACS).
The APY-1 'flying saucer' radar was fitted to the back of a Boeing 707. It was
no longer an airborne radar; it was a battle management command and control post in
its own right. AWACS can control entire missions by vectoring aircraft to air-to-air
tankers, providing warning of enemy aircraft and coordinate SAR.
"Combat aircraft are now more agile, presenting a more difficult target in a
'dog fight', and shaking off attackers."
Users include the USAF (33 E-3A/B/C), RAF (seven E-3D), France (four E-
3F), NATO (18 E-3A) and Saudi Arabia (four E-3A). Patrol height is 30,000ft
(9,144m). This is the type of capability used by the Israelis for their attack.
In contrast, the Swedish $50m S100B Argus is also in use. Turkey also has its
own AWACS aircraft to support its air strikes. It has four Boeing 737 AEW&C
aircraft undergoing system tests. This is an iteration of the Russian A-50 Mainstay
AWACS aircraft without the technology.
India also has such a capability, with the recent delivery of three Beriev A-50El
aircraft; these are based on the Ilyushin Il-76 airframe and integration is being
undertaken by Israeli Aircraft Industries Elta division. Ground-based radar now has a

range against a low-level aircraft of 60km-90km.

VII. Translate into Ukrainian in writing, pay attention to the abbreviations.

Communications have now been significantly upgraded. The problem is all
about getting information to the pilot. Voice radio can be jammed easier than
datalink. Datalinks only require short durations to transmit information.
Russian MiG-25 and US F-106 were fitted with datalinks and literally
controlled from ground as far back as the 1960s. Little information was available to
the pilot, but the ground controllers had the full picture. Soviet fighters were actually
fitted with datalinks on a more widespread basis than NATO. They, in most cases,
lacked the training and user friendly technology to take advantage of the increased
NATO thought Warsaw Pact depended too much on GCI; the Warsaw Pact
thought NATO depended too much on AWACS. Both were right, fighter pilots
require some form of outside guidance.
Most fighter aircraft are fitted with two voice radios. One is set to GCI / AEW
frequency, the other to the fighter flight frequency. This is subject to 'own flight
jamming' as up to 40 aircraft try and talk to an AEW aircraft at the same time.
"Stealth and counter-stealth is important, as this directly deprives SA to the
During the early days of 1991 Gulf War, AWACS was overwhelmed and
requests for target vectors went unanswered. The one US air-to-air loss of the war
was a direct result of poor SA, as an Iraq MiG-25P used its superior speed to get in
behind an USN F-18 and shoot it down. A similar situation occurred during the 1999
Allied Force action over Kosovo. During an AWACS changeover, USAF
F-15 radio calls went unanswered.
However, there are always limitations. The USN F-14 Tomcat could track 24
targets, but the TID (tactical information display), with a maximum range of 740km
only allows six targets to remain readable. Other F-14, E-2 Hawkeye AEW or aircraft
carriers could datalink other targets.
In 1987 the Swedish Air Force added a datalink from GCI to its JA 37
Jaktviggen. With this the ground-based air-defence system is able to provide target
detection. The JA 37 can share information with other JA 37 such as which target
each aircraft is attacking, fuel and weapons state and so on. In 1995 the ability to
transmit simple text messages was added.
The JAS 39 Gripen has increased capability with information shared between
fighters, S100B Argus AEW, GCI radars, naval warships and SAM positions. Four to
six fighters would be spread over a distance of 120km-150km and share the same
view. Soviet fighters such as the MiG-29 Fulcrum and Su-27 Flanker require
datalinks as they lack advanced radar features.
The US / NATO now has the JTIDS (joint tactical information display system)

datalink and fighter displays. This is fitted to AWACS, some USAF F-15C, USN F-
14D and RAF Tornado F3 AWACS use their radar and ESM to detect targets, pass
the information over JTIDS. The Tornado F3 stays passive (radars off) and gets into
AMRAAM launch parameters without activating radars. This then leaves certain
enemy aircraft with little warning of the situation, i.e. a loss of situational awareness.
USAF and NATO F-16s are fitted with IDM (improved data modem) to share
information between four aircraft. MIDS (multiple information distribution system)
now allows eight aircraft to share information. A typical MIDS installation will be
eight French Mirage 2000-5F linked to an E-3F AWACS.
"A typical MIDS installation will be eight French Mirage 2000-5F linked to an

VIII. Translate the text into Ukrainian in writing:

Non-Lethal Capability Sets (NLCS) and Escalation of Force-Mission

Modules (EoF-MM)
Non-Lethal Enhancement Devices
Individual Protective Equipment
Counter-Personnel Equipment
Training Devices

NLCS and EoF-MM are packages of Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) and

Government Off-The-Shelf (GOTS) equipment that can be tailored for specific
mission requirements. Each kit contains items, such as protective equipment (e.g.,
face shields), mission enhancers (e.g., spotlights), non-lethal munitions and devices
(e.g., stingball grenade, vehicle stopping devices), and training devices (e.g., inert
pepper spray), vehicle inspection items (e.g., mirrors), checkpoint
equipment (e.g., signs). The weapons and munitions can engage targets up to 100
meters. The equipment and munitions vary in each kit based on Service-unique
mission requirements and unit organizations.
Protection Items Non-Lethal Munitions
• Ballistic & Non-Ballistic Bod & Face • 12 Gauge Point & Area Rounds
Shields and Shin Guards • 40 mm Point & Area Rounds
• Riot Batons • Stun Grenade
• Portable Bullhorns • Stingball Grenade
• High Intensity Search Lights • Modular Crowd Control Munitions
• Disposable Forearm/Ankle Cuffs • 66 mm Smoke & RCA Grenades
• Individual Pepper Spray • M26/X26 TASER®

Training Items Other Items

• Riot Baton Training Suit • Mid-Size OC Riot Control Dispenser
• Inert Oleoresin Capsicum (OC) • Large OC Riot Control Dispenser

Training Dispensers • Caltrops/Stinger Spike Strips

• Training Stingball Grenades • Vehicle Lightweight Arresting Device
• 12 Gauge Training Round • 12 Gauge/40 mm Ammunition Pouches
• 12 Gauge Stingball Grenade
Launching Cup

Unit 1
Basic approaches to translation and interpretation
Translation is a process of transforming speech
messages in the source language (SL) into the speech
messages in the target language (TL) under condition that
their sense and communicative intention remain

Interpreting as interlingual and cross-cultural communication

The process of translation (interpreting) is often described for practical reasons
as a three-stage pattern:

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3

Communication between transformations and communication between
the original sender of finding equivalents, the translator (S2) and the
information (source performed by a translator final addressee (target
language sender or S,) and language recipient or R2
a translator (recipient of
information or R)

Interpreting (as a kind of translation) is a two-stage

process of interlingual and cross-cultural communication,
during which an interpreter, on the basis of an analysed and
transformed text in L1, creates another text in L2 which
substitutes the source text in the target language and culture.
Interpreting (as well as all other kinds of translation) is a
process aimed at rendering of the communicative intent of the
source text modified by the difference between two languages,
two cultures and two communicative situations.

Types (modes) of translation and interpretation


Specific skills required for interpreting

Professional interpreting requires certain specific skills, which interpreters
must have and constantly improve. The most important of these skills are as follows:

Basic rules of behaviour of interpreters

They are compiled into the "moral code" of interpreters. The basic framework
of this "moral code" is suggested by a Russian author I.S.Alekseeva:
1. An interpreter is a "translator" (транслятор), who rearranges
(transforms) the oral text in the source language into the text in the target language.

1. An interpreter has no right to change the source text at his own will, to
compress or to expand it, unless such compression or expansion is conditioned by the
context, or requested by the client.
2. An interpreter by using professional techniques and tools of interpreting
always seeks to render the invariant of the source message as exactly as possible and
bears professional, moral and even legal responsibility for the equivalence of
interpretation. However, the interpreter bears no responsibility for what is being said
by the source speaker.
3. An interpreter must always be impartial and neutral in terms of political,
cultural, ethnic, religious or gender views of all parties to the negotiations (talks,
conferences, round tables, etc) even if the interpreter does not share or support these
4. An interpreter has no right to intervene into the relationships of the
parties to negotiations, to express his or her attitude towards the contents of what is
being interpreted or "prompt" anything to the speakers.
5. An interpreter shall comply with the confidentiality and professional in-
tegrity requirements and has no right to publicly disclose the contents of what is
being interpreted. However, if the conference is of an open character, is widely
covered by the mass media or if its materials have been declassified, the interpreter
may use the materials of the conference for teaching or other non-profit making
purposes after two years have passed since the date the conference was held.
6. An interpreter shall by all means provide for high professional compe-
tence in the sphere of the source and target languages, techniques and skills of
interpreting and competence in the relevant subject fields.
8. An interpreter shall have the right to demand appropriate conditions for
his or her work - provision of the background subject field materials (glossaries of
terminology, printed texts of speeches, agendas of events, lists of participants, etc),
reliability of sound equipment, acceptable speed of speech of participants, breaks to
have some rest, water to be delivered to the booth, etc.
8. An interpreter is bound by responsibility for the quality of interpretation.
In case of written translation of the mass media or fictional texts, a translator is
entitled to the copyright as it is envisaged by the legislation of Ukraine and the name
of the translator should be mentioned in the relevant publications.
1. Translate the following word-combinations at sight:
бути націленим на; to provide with ammunition, technical equipment, armament,
nutrition and other necessities; виконувати свої обов'язки належним чином; to
influence the level of the Armed Forces development; розвиток військової
інфраструктури; to conduct combat operations; посідати провідне місце; US
Armed Forces strength is; укомплектування особовим складом; to be a
serviceman; бути напоготові; to be ready to act in accord with; збільшувати
бюджет Збройних Сил США; menace of terrorists' violence use.

2. Translate the following texts at sight:


First Lieutenant Rob Conner is with the 267th Military Police Company, 93rd
MP Battalion, 8th MP Brigade, deployed to Iraq in 2009. He helped train Iraqi
police at the Al Furat Iraqi Police Training Center.
Aug. 10, 2009 — Well, things are slowing down since 30 June and the
implementation of the SOFA (Status-of-Forces Agreement) and “out of the cities.”
We continue to partner with the Iraqi Police and Ministry of Interior, but it is on a
much less frequent basis, almost like we are on call. These days we might invite our
Iraqi counterparts to meetings on our base—they really enjoy the ice cream—or find
other creative ways to engage them. Our support is the same, but they are in the lead
now, as it should be. Though we all hate to be needed less frequently, we are still
here to help, and the Iraqi police are going at it on their own. I almost equate the
stage of development they are in to a teenager: He doesn’t know if he can do it, but
he is certainly going to try. I have mixed feelings about letting them go, but I can say
with certainty that what we have done over here has been a success, mission
accomplished. But as always, our battle continues—this time within ourselves.
In the military, there is no free time. If we’re not working for a current operation, we
are preparing for future operations. So what does that mean for the Soldiers in my
platoon? Training! Which means classroom and physical training on a continuous
basis, but it’s not always your run-of-the mill classroom instruction. This time is a
chance for us to give responsibility to our junior Soldiers and promote their
development into leaders. For example, I might assign them a class to teach or give
them a task to accomplish. It’s an important time for leadership to evaluate Soldiers
in anticipation of those future operations. Our jobs never take a back seat. Being in
the Army National Guard will probably be one of the most important times of our
life; even though we might not be conducting combat operations, our success still
hinges on how prepared we are for that chance, since it only takes one.
That’s what’s going on for now, but since change is the only certainty in the Army,
I’m certain next week will bring a whole new mission set.
June 2, 2009 — I decided to join the National Guard soon after graduating
college. For me it was an opportunity for me to serve my country, state and people
that have given me so much. Now for the selfish reasons ... I wanted the opportunity
to work for and receive training from the greatest organization in the world. I was,
and still am, of the opinion that my time in the Army National Guard would provide
for me and pay dividends for whatever endeavor I chose to tackle. We talk of
perishable skills, but experience in the Army National Guard is a non-perishable skill
and one that translates to any civilian career.
For me, I decided on Military Police for several reasons. One, it provided
experience in a civilian career field (law enforcement) that I could see myself in.
Also, I like the fact that MPs are really "multi-purpose" and that I would get the
opportunity to perform many different missions.

It is a great honor to be given the responsibilities and trust of those above and
under me. For me, it’s a duty of service: I serve the Soldiers in my platoon. Without
them I’m just another individual. And to know that I'm doing everything I can to keep
my country and people safe, there is no greater satisfaction. There may be rough
days, but I know at the end of the tour, I’ll be able to look back and be proud and
understanding of what we did.
I’m currently serving as Police Transition Team Chief at the Provincial level
with the 8th MP Brigade. I partner with the Furat Police Training Academy,
Baghdad's Police Centralized Maintenance Facility and Iraqi Highway Patrol
"Leadership is one of the greatest honors of all, probably because it is one of the
greatest challenges any person can face." It’s the reason I decided to commission—I
wanted the opportunity to lead and inspire Soldiers. They really do become your
Family. They can frustrate you at times, but in the end they will always be a direct
reflection of you.


By the CNN Wire Staff
August 30, 2010 -- Updated 1712 GMT (0112 HKT)
Additional National Guard troops assigned to the Mexican border under
President Barack Obama's border security initiative have started reporting to their
posts, officials said Monday.
More than 30 National Guard members have begun their deployment as part of
the administration's border protection plan, according to Special Agent Mario
Escalante with U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
Troops will continue to arrive over the next two months, with an expected force
of 532 members by the end of October, said Lt. Valentine Castillo of the Arizona
National Guard.
Top Republicans -- including Arizona Sen. John McCain and Arizona Gov. Jan
Brewer -- have repeatedly accused Obama of failing to provide sufficient security
along the U.S.-Mexico border.
The president signed a bill on August 13 providing $600 million in emergency
funding to help secure the border.
Among other things, the bill provides for roughly 1,500 new law enforcement
agents, new unmanned aerial vehicles, new forwarding operating bases, and $14
million in new communications equipment.
Predator Unmanned Aerial System flights will begin Wednesday out of Corpus
Christi, Texas, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano announced Monday.
Those flights will give the department unmanned aerial capabilities from California
to the Gulf of Mexico in Texas.
Castillo said the troops participating in the operation will be assisting Customs
and Border Protection with criminal intelligence and entry identifications. They will
not have law enforcement powers, he said.

3. Practise consecutive two-way interpreting:

– What is the smallest element of the US Army?
– Найменшим елементом командної структури армії США є відділення. Його
чисельність залежить від завдань, які воно виконує. Як правило, у відділенні
є 9-12 солдатів, якими командує сержант.
– What is a bigger tactical unit of the US Army than a squad? What is its strength?
– Більшим за відділення тактичним підрозділом є взвод. До його складу
входить від 16 до 44 солдатів. Взводом командує офіцер у званні лейтенанта
чи старшого лейтенанта. До складу взводу входять 2-4 відділення.
– How can you characterize such unit of the US Army as company and equal
components of other arms and services?
– Рота складається з 62-190 солдатів. Роту створюють 3-5 взводів. Рота
знаходиться під командуванням капітана. Аналогічний підрозділ в
артилерійських частинах називається батареєю. У вертолітних чи танкових
частинах рота носить назву "загін" (troop).
– Under whose command such unit as battalion is placed?
– Як правило, батальйон знаходиться під командуванням підполковника і
складається з 300-1,000 солдатів. Організаційно батальйон складається з 4-6
рот. У вертолітних чи танкових частинах батальйон називається ескадроном.
– What is specific about such unit as a brigade? What is its strength and
– Командування бригади може проводити самостійні тактичні операції за
участю 2-5 штатних чи приданих батальйонів. Вона складається з 3-3,5 тисяч
солдатів під командуванням полковника. Розвідувальні та спеціальні частини
можуть носити назву "полк" чи "група".
– I know that the following larger unit after brigade is a division which is
commanded by Major General. What are the following units of the US Army?
– Черговими, більш чисельними підрозділами є корпус та армія. Корпус
складається з 20-45 тисяч солдатів і до його складу входять від двох до п'яти
дивізій, які очолює генерал-лейтенант. Що стосується армії, то вона налічує
більше ніж 50 тисяч солдатів та офіцерів і складається з двох та більше корпу-
сів. Армію очолює офіцер у званні генерал- лейтенанта і вище. Під час другої
світової війни армії об'єднувалися в армійські групи, що теоретично є
можливим і на сьогодні.

4. Interprete the suggested recording: Campaign 3, 1(1)


Unit 2


Perception and understanding of the sense of oral messages

"Understanding" is the mental

"Perception" is recognition of grasp or comprehension of the
language signs using interpreter's source language sign, which
sensations, such as "hearing" the presumes that interpreter has some
phonic substance of the source knowledge of what the sign means,
language (SL) sign and ability to what the nature of the notion or
find a substitute for it in the target process denoted by the sign is, what
language (TL). its "sense" is, i.e. what actually
stands behind this sign.

Consecutive and simultaneous interpreting (in the "ideal" situation) is a process

of continuous perceiving and comprehending the semantic structure of messages,
of "unpacking" their sense.
Interpreters do not render the "dictionary meanings" of language signs, but
select from a variety of these meanings the sense which is appropriate for the
particular utterance and which is generated in speech in a particular discourse, in the
communicative situation of the interpretation session.

Is interpreting possible without "understanding" the sense?

"Understanding" of the sense of the message, as described above, presumes that
that the interpreter has some knowledge of what the sign means, i.e. associates the
sense with some denotatum (object or event of the real world) and also knows
(maybe in pretty general terms) what stands behind this denotatum.
However practical experience shows that successful interpretation is possible even
if the interpreter has no understanding of the nature of the denotatum, i.e. does not
exactly know what stands behind a certain "technical" word or phrase. Naturally,
such translation can be achieved under three conditions: 1) correct perception of the
language sign by the interpreter, first of all at the phonetic level; 2) having the
meaning (not obligatory the sense!) of the TL language sign and its SL equivalent in
the operational memory (personal "metal glossary") of the interpreter; 3) if the SL
text is not overloaded with professional slang and jargon, which is understood only
by a limited group of specialists.
1. Translate the following word-combinations at sight:

організаційно поділятися на підрозділи та з'єднання; according to the US military

doctrine; підрозділ; to be adapted to the mission; готувати сили до проведення
бойових дій; to perform emergency rescue operations; призиватися на дійсну
військову службу; to maintain ready expeditionary forces; підпорядковуватися
комусь; specially trained persons; здійснювати рятувальні операції; to be called to
active duty in a case of war or emergency; забезпечувати підтримку у воєнний
час; to stabilize international disturbance; нести відповідальність за бойову
готовність; to perform training.

2. Translate the following text at sight:


In a blockbuster legal decision, a California judge last night declared the "Don't
Ask, Don't Tell" policy that bars gay and lesbian soldiers from serving in the US
military to be unconstitutional, saying the ban violated the first and fifth amendment
rights of homosexuals and harmed the effectiveness of the armed forces.

"The Don't Ask Don't Tell Act, on its face, violates the constitutional rights" of
homosexual troops, US District Court Judge Virginia Phillips said in her ruling.
The decision puts the White House in a quandary, since it comes as the Obama
administration is in the middle of a cautious and drawn-out attempt to lift the ban on
homosexuals serving openly in the US military.
But those carefully calibrated plans may now be thrown out the window, after
Judge Phillips granted a request for an injunction halting "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
from operating, saying evidence showed that it had a "direct and deleterious effect''
on the military.
Phillips said she would issue an injunction barring the government from
enforcing the policy. The Department of Justice, which defended "Don't Ask, Don't
Tell" during the trial held in Riverside, California, can appeal the ruling.
The case was brought by Log Cabin Republicans, a political organization for
gays in the Republican party which claims 19,000 members, in 2004.
Clarke Cooper, executive director of the Log Cabin Republicans, said: "As an
American, a veteran and an Army reserve officer, I am proud the court ruled that the
arcane Don't Ask, Don't Tell statute violates the constitution. Today, the ruling is not
just a win for Log Cabin Republican service members, but all American service
The ruling comes just a month after another federal judge in California threw
out the state's constitutional amendment banning gay marriage, the Proposition 8
amendment passed by voters in 2008.
The two decisions could together reignite familiar complaints from the right

over so-called "activist judges", but more likely growing social tolerance towards
homosexuality means that any remaining public hostility towards the the issue will
fade quickly.
In her ruling, Judge Phillips mentioned a decline in morale of troops who saw
qualified gay and lesbian colleagues forced out of the military because of their sexual
She also noted that troops suspected of being gay were allowed to serve out their
deployments abroad, with investigations and discharges not occurring until their
return, demonstrating "that the policy is not necessary."
Posted by Richard Adams Friday 10 September 2010 03.12 BST


Imagine you’re a soldier in Afghanistan and you see an insurgent in the act of
laying a roadside bomb. You may have lost a buddy to an IED. You capture the
perp, but then your commander tells you to release him because there is no
“immediate threat to life.”
Sounds insane doesn’t it? If you came home and told your family and friends,
they’d think you were crazy. Who could blame them? But it’s not a joke.
It’s happening in Afghanistan right now, and has been for a while.
On April 16, 2011, I wrote about how American soldiers in Afghanistan are
being ordered to release insurgents they capture in the act of planting IED’s, because
there isn’t enough ‘evidence’ to make a legal case stick in court. Who’s talking about
court? We’re at war, but lawyers are running the show in combat now as much as
senior officers.
An article in The Telegraph on July 10, 2011 tells a similar story of how this
insanity has permeated into the other allied armies, in this case the UK’s. This policy
takes political correctness to new levels. (Every time I think I’ve seen it all, PC
throws a curveball and surprises me again!) Based on empirical evidence, political
correctness leads to actions and decisions that are contrary to rational thought and
behavior, such as this stupid policy not to blow to pieces the scum who’s planting an
IED intended to kill our soldiers. It stands to reason, therefore, that political
correctness is insane. The really sad part is that policies like this are executed
by officers whose primary concern should be the safety of their soldiers, but
who don’t have the courage to tell their bosses to pound sand.
If the story of modern day rules of engagement linked above isn’t bad enough,
another story in the MailOnline on July 5, 2001 tells of a British soldier who was
captured and then shot in the back of the head by the Taliban, the same guys who
plant IED’s and are then released to kill another day. Hey, he’s just a soldier. He’s
not important. Who cares about his family and those who loved him and waved

goodbye as he left to fight this ten year old war? Politics and profits are more
important, and the marching drumbeat of political correctness.
David Petraeus proved to everyone that his counter-insurgency doctrine was a
complete failure in Afghanistan. (More American soldiers in Afghanistan have died
since Barack Hussein Obama became president than all the years prior.) As his
reward, David Petraeus has been promoted to head the CIA, where he can spend all
the money he wants without any accountability like he did in Iraq. Instead of
destroying the Taliban we are now going to hold hands with them, the same guys
who are killing allied soldiers. We’re now inviting them to the peace table, just like
we did the North Vietnamese when we asked them to join us in Paris. But it
appears the Taliban don’t like talking peace. They like killing people, like those they
killed last week at the hotel in Kabul.
When will we learn that in war there is only victor and vanquished, winner and a
loser? (Obama doesn’t like the word “victory.” It’s too strong, too harsh, too warlike
for his immense intellect and sensitivities.) Only after the conflict is over can there
be reconciliation and rebuilding, but not while the conflict is engaged, not while it’s
in progress. It must be fought to a conclusion one way or the other, and then
negotiations can begin after the fighting is over.
This occurred after the Civil War, as well as the First and Second World Wars.
The fighting stopped and then the rebuilding of nations began. However, whenever
we talk peace while we and our enemies are trying to kill each other on the battlefield
the results are disastrous. Look at Korea and Vietnam. In both cases we put the cart
before the horse, and the enemy made fools of us because of their will to
win against our stupidity and naiveté.
The way things are going in Afghanistan it looks like we might be at it again.

3. Practise consecutive two-way interpreting:

– На які основні групи поділяються військові літаки у ВПС США?
– As far as I know the modern military aircraft of the US Air Force can be divided
into bombers, fighters, attack and observation planes, reconnaissance and
special-duty craft, transport aircraft and tankers, trainers, and helicopters.
– Яке ж основне завдання виконують бомбардувальники?
– Bombers are the "big guns" of the Air Force. They are generally the most visible
and the largest of the USAF planes. Their function is to drop explosives on enemy
– Розкрийте, будь ласка, їхні льотні характеристики.
– The main characteristics and performance of bombers include a great max
takeoff weight, heavy bomb load, large max range or fuel endurance, long safe
takeoff and landing distances and a rather high cruising speed. The Air Force's
bombers can carry nuclear or conventional air-launched cruise missiles and a
wide variety of other weapons.
– А який же склад екіпажу бомбардувальника?

– The crew members of a bomber are pilot, copilot, navigator, aerial engineer, radio
operator, bombardier, and gunner.
– Які винищувачі є на озброєнні у ВПС США? Чи можете ви назвати їх
– For all I know, Two fighters - the F-15 Eagle and F-16 Fighting Falcon - make up
the backbone of the US Air Force's attack force. The Air Force uses modified
versions of these planes to both destroy enemy fighters and maintain control of
the air, and for ground attack duties. The Air Force also has a much smaller
number of the F-117 Nighthawk stealth fighters, designed to elude enemy radar
and air defences. The Air Force assigns its top pilots to fly its fighters.The Air
Force has approximately 2,500 fighters, more than any other type of plane. The
needle-nose F-15 Eagle, for example, is a single seater that flies at more than
twice the speed of sound. The F-16 Fighting Falcon has one and two-seat
models. The pilot sits in a bubble canopy for greater vision.
– Чи не могли б ви назвати основні льотні характеристики винищувачів та їх
– Oh, Yes. Fighters are used for the protection of friendly bombers (escort
fighters), for attack on enemy bombers (interceptors), or for combat with enemy
fighters. They possess high absolute and service ceilings, great maximum and
cruising speeds (of the order of Mach number 3), and a very high rate of climb.
Their safe takeoff distance is usually relatively small due to both powerful
turbojets giving a tremendous thrust and boosters jettisoned after takeoff. The
landing speed and takeoff speed of a jet fighter is also very high.
– Які дані тактичного характеру можна здобути за допомогою літаків
ближньої роз відки?
– Observation aircraft are designed to observe (through visual and other means)
and report tactical information concerning composition and disposition оf enemy
forces, troops, and supplies in an active combat area.
– Відомо, що характеристики вантажних літаків ВПС США дуже вражаючі, чи
не так?
– Oh, Yes. That's because the Air Force alsomaintains a fleet of about 100 C-5
Galaxies,which can carry about 118,000 kg (about 260,000 lb) or 374 troops, and
about 135 C-141Starlifters, which can carry about 30,900 kg (about 68,100 lb) or
200 passengers. The Starlifter can also be reconfigured to carry more than 100
wounded soldiers. For carrying cargo and troops at shorter distances, the Air
Force relies primarily on the C-130 Hercules, which can carry cargo of about
20,000 kg (about 44,000 lb) over the distance of more than 3 600 km (more than
2 200 mi).

4. Interprete the suggested recordings: Campaign 3, 1(3, 4-5)


Unit 3
Text, context and discourse
Oral communication, in the same way as written, always takes place in a
certain context or communicative situation. This situation in its turn is embedded in
the macro-context of communication, which includes extra-linguistic factors of the
"world" such as cultural, social, economic political, historical, religious, etc.

shared knowledge
communicative goals
participants’ cognitive systems

participants’ cultural competence


Text is any verbalised communicative event performed via human language,

no matter whether this communication is performed in written or in oral mode. It
means that we will consider all complete units of oral verbal communication to be
Discourse is a complex communicative phenomenon, which includes, besides
the text itself, other factors of interaction (such as shared knowledge, communicative
goals, cognitive systems of participants, their cultural competence, etc), i.e. all that is
necessary for successful production and adequate interpretation (comprehension and
translating/interpreting) of the text.
Therefore text is embedded in discourse and both of them are
"materialised" in a communicative situation, which, in its turn, is embedded in
the macro context of interaction, i.e. cultural, social, economic political,
historical, religious and other contexts of the world.
Types of contexts
The above-mentioned observations allow us to distinguish between the macro
context (global context), communicative context and micro context (local context),
i.e. the context of a particular utterance. In practice, interpreters deal with these three
types of overlapping contexts every time they have to perceive, understand and
interpret messages of the SL speaker.

Recommendations for interpreters

Contextual relationships of the meaningful elements in oral discourse
play a key role in successful interpretation of messages. Thus, anaphoric and
cataphoric relationships provide for lexical coherence of discourse, while
exophoric relationships ensure links with the macro context. Therefore,
interpreters have to be aware of the following:
a) anaphoric relationships often help to reconstruct the units of discourse
that have been misheard or misunderstood, i.e. they help interpreter fill in the "gaps"
in his/her perception of oral discourse (incoming messages) and play an important
part in ensuring self-control and self-correction in interpreting;
a) cataphoric relationships play a key role in ensuring efficiency of the so-
called "anticipation" (імовірнісне прогнозування) which is one of the key
instruments of simultaneous interpreting;
b) exophoric relationships are part and parcel of the interpreter's knowledge
of the subject field of interpreting, his/her knowledge about "the world" and personal
cultural competence in the broadest sense of this word.
1. Translate the following word-combinations at sight:
національна гвардія сухопутних військ; combat units; регулярні сухопутні
війська США; nearby military training facility; складова частина; armory
construction; формування (збройних сил); to collect retired pay at age 60;
чисельність; to provide additional funds to support state missions; літаки; Air
National Guard; вербування; to assess military threats; резерв; to be responsible
directly for; добровільний вступ на військову службу; National Guard armories;
особовий склад; to perform limited special operations without reinforcement;
чергування; enlistment; бути призваним на дійсну військову службу; Active
Army; під час війни або при надзвичайному стані; combat capability; захист
життя та майна від стихійного лиха; mission; надання допомоги; base;
підготовка здійснюється на військовій базі; station; офіцер; assignment;

управління набором та підготовкою.

2. Translate the following text at sight:


Armed Forces Code of Social Conduct: Policy Statement and the Service
1. This Code of Social Conduct explains the Armed Forces’ revised policy on
personal relationships involving Service personnel. It applies to all members of the
Armed Forces regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, rank or status. The
provisions apply equally to members of the Regular and the Reserve Forces.
2. In the area of personal relationships, the overriding operational imperative to
sustain team cohesion and to maintain trust and loyalty between commanders and
those they command imposes a need for standards of social behaviour which are
more demanding than those required by society at large. Such demands are equally
necessary during peacetime and on operations. Examples of behaviour which can
undermine such trust and cohesion, and therefore damage the morale or discipline of
a unit (and hence its operational effectiveness) include: unwelcome sexual attention
in the form of physical or verbal conduct; over-familiarity with the spouses or
partners of other Service personnel; displays of affection which might cause offence
to others; behaviour which damages or hazards the marriage or personal relationships
of Service personnel or civilian colleagues within the wider defence community; and
taking sexual advantage of subordinates. It is important to acknowledge in the tightly
knit military community a need for mutual respect and a requirement to avoid
conduct which offends others. Each case will be judged on its merits.
3. It is not practicable to list every type of conduct that may constitute social
misbehaviour. The seriousness with which misconduct will be regarded will depend
on the individual circumstances and the potential for adversely affecting operational
effectiveness. Nevertheless, misconduct involving abuse of position, trust or rank, or
taking advantage of an individual’s separation, will be viewed as being particularly
4. Unacceptable social conduct requires prompt and positive action to prevent
damage. Timely advice and informal action can often prevent a situation developing
to the point where it could impair the effectiveness of a Service unit. However, if the
misconduct is particularly serious, it may be appropriate to proceed directly to formal
administrative or to disciplinary action. Such action is always to be proportionate to
the seriousness of the misconduct. It may constitute a formal warning, official
censure, the posting of one or more of the parties involved or disciplinary action. In
particularly serious cases, or where an individual persists with, or has a history of acts
of social misconduct, formal disciplinary or administrative action may be taken,
which might lead to termination of service.
5. The Service Test. When considering possible cases of social misconduct, and
in determining whether the Service has a duty to intervene in the personal lives of its

personnel, Commanding Officers at every level must consider each case against the
following Service Test:
"Have the actions or behaviour of an individual adversely impacted or are they
likely to impact on the efficiency or operational effectiveness of the Service?"
In assessing whether to take action, Commanding Officers will consider a series
of key criteria. This will establish the seriousness of the misconduct and its impact on
operational effectiveness and thus the appropriate and proportionate level of sanction.

3. Practise consecutive two-way interpreting:

– Відомо, що морська піхота США багато разів брала участь в ролі ударної сили
під час першої та другої світових війн і висаджувалася у таких регіонах, як
Близький схід. Південно-Східна Азія. Що ви скажете на рахунок бойових дій
під час холодної війни?
– Oh, yes. The Marines took a leading role in the Cold War, in which the United
States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) vied for global
dominance. The Marines did not place heavy reliance on nuclear weapons as
other branches of the military did during the Cold War. Instead, the Marines
continued to emphasize basic infantry techniques and the ability to respond
rapidly to emerging conflicts. During the 1950s and early 1960s Marines were
deployed in Korea, Taiwan, Laos, Thailand, and South Vietnam to support anti-
Communist forces.
– Чи можете ви охарактеризувати воєнний конфлікт у Кореї? Яка кількість
морських піхотинців брала участь у цій війні?
– When Communist North Korea attacked South Korea on June 24, 1950, the Marine
Corps stood at strength of only about 75,000 troops. The United Nations (UN)
condemned the invasion, and President Harry Truman sent the US forces to
lead a UN operation against North Korea. In early August the First Marine Brigade
was sent to defend part of the perimeter around the city of Pusan into which
South Korean and United States-led forces had retreated. Marines flew
helicopters in combat for the first time in history in support of the operation.
– Як закінчилася Корейська війна?
– The North Korean Army retreated in disarray with the US Army and Marine
Corps in hot pursuit. Passing the 38th parallel, which had been the prewar
boundary between North and South, the United States-led UN troops and South
Korean forces approached North Korea's border with China at the Yalu River,
despite Chinese warnings to stay away from the border. On November25, 1950,
the Chinese army attacked, sending eight divisions against the 1st Marine
Division. The 1st Division retreated in an orderly manner and withdrew by sea.
– Чи брав участь корпус у таких відомих воєнно-політичних конфліктах у Єгипті,
Лівані, Кубі та Домініканській Республіці?-

– For all I know, Marines evacuated US citizens from Egypt during the Suez Crisis in
1956, and in 1958 about 14,000 Marines were sent to Beirut to support the
government of Lebanon during a period of regional turmoil. Marines participated
in the 1962 embargo of Cuba that ended the Cuban Missile Crisis. President
Lyndon Johnson sent Marines and other US forces to the Dominican Republic late
in April 1965 to put down a rebellion against a pro-US government, an act that
angered many countries throughout the hemisphere.
– Який з вищеназваних воєнних конфліктів найбільш значущий для корпусу?
– The US Marines' most important conflict of the Cold War began in 1962 when
Marine aviators began flying support missions for the South Vietnamese military.
These missions brought the Marines into the Vietnam War, a conflict in which the
United States ultimately failed to meet its objective of preserving the government
of South Vietnam.
– Невже збройні сили всіх країн світу мають підрозділи морської піхоти?
– Although every major country in the world has an army, and most also have a navy
only about 30 maintain a Marine Corps.

4. Interprete the suggested recordings: Campaign 3 U2, 1 (9, 10)


Unit 4

Semantic structure of the oral message and its main components

Messages, both written and oral, have certain semantic structure, the main
element of which is the proposition, i.e. a "picture" of the world, a "statement" about
the world, which may be true or false, which has the subject and the predicate
(elements of the predicative group), e.g. "It is cold outside"; "Frosts are expected for
tonight"; "Kyiv is the capital city of Ukraine", etc.
However messages, to acquire sense and become "workable" acts of speech,
must also contain the following components, which may be verbally expressed
(explicit) or "hidden" (implicit):

It is quite obvious that for interpretation to be successful it is not enough to

translate only the "prepositional element" of the message but also to render all other
components of its semantic structure, thus ensuring that it "makes sense" for the
listener and produces desired (by the original speaker) effect upon him/her.

The role of the rhematic components in comprehending and

interpreting oral messages

Semantics of oral discourse has also to do with the notions of the

theme and the rheme.
The theme is treated as the "subject" (the "known" part) of the
the rheme describes "what happens to the theme" and thus ensures
that "new information" is constantly being "fed" into the discourse.
Any word (phrase) in the utterance may make up either the theme or the rheme.
Usually the thematic or rhematic nature of words (phrases) is determined by the word
order, definite or indefinite articles, adjectives or intonation, e.g.:
A girl (the rheme) waved at us (the theme) asking for a lift.
The girl (the theme) was rather pretty (the rheme), so our driver agreed.

Normally rhematic elements are placed at the end of utterances, however if

they occupy unusual front position as a result of the speaker's desire to make greater
emphasis upon them, they may become a serious problem for simultaneous
interpreters who will have to wait until the utterance is completed before they may
start interpreting it. This often happens in the consecutive and simultaneous
interpreting from Ukrainian and Russian into English, e.g. Другим після цього
закону у нас був прийнятий Трудовий кодекс; Автобазу має він свою, проте не
дають йому роботи.

Practice shows that having understood the theme of the message, the inter-
preter starts to look for the new, rhematic information in the message, which has to
do with processes, actions and their evaluation as well as for the information about
intents of the speaker. It being so, the rhematic part of the utterance, which is also
called the "informational focus", becomes essential for interpreting.

1. Translate the following word-combinations at sight:

to send troops into combat; виконувати свої обов'язки; foreign and military
policies; нести відповідальність за безпеку громадян; to assign functions;
надавати допомогу; to provide operational guidance; встановлена чисельність;
organ of executive power; у воєнний та мирний час; with the advice and consent of
the Senate; вирішувати питання; to constitute the immediate military staff;
планувати та координувати воєнні операції; збройні сили США; assignment;
стратегічні сили; intercontinental ballistic missile; з'єднання; Specified Command;
об'єднане командування; Secretary of Defense; використовувати владу; Joint
Chiefs of Staff; бути відповідальним за; area of responsibility; зона
зацікавленості; to assume responsibility; континентальна частина США;
homeland defense; відповідь на погрозу та агресію; to be tasked with; резерв
сухопутних військ США; Chief of Naval Operations; Центральне розвідувальне
управління; Armed Forces.

2. Translate the following text at sight:

Most coalition troops have withdrawn from Iraq. The last US combat brigade
pulled out in mid-August, leaving fewer than 50,000 US Army personnel in the
country. Under a US-Iraq deal, all American troops will leave the country by the end
of 2011.
The number of deaths, military and civilian, is continuing to fall. Iraq Body
Count (IBC) says 4,645 civilians were reported killed in violence in Iraq in 2009,
which was about half the level in 2008 and the lowest annual total since the invasion
in 2003.
At the end of April 2010, IBC said 1,010 civilians had been reported killed so
far this year. The IBC counts reported deaths and then cross references them with
official figures from Iraqi hospitals and ministries.
The US government and others estimate that 1.5 million Iraqis fled their homes
to other parts of Iraq or other countries to escape the sectarian conflict sparked by the
2006 Samarra mosque bombing. It is believed that another 200,000 had already been
displaced following the US-led invasion, while approximately one million people left
Iraq during the rule of Saddam Hussein.
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) estimates that
364,000 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and 62,000 refugees returned to their
areas of origin during 2008 and 2009. However, there are still approximately one
million Iraqi refugees abroad and 1.55 million IDPs, a third of whom are living in
settlements or camp-like situations in extremely poor conditions, it says.
The UNHCR registered nearly 35,000 refugees inside Iraq at the end of 2009,
mostly Palestinians, Syrians and Iranians. They are primarily located in the areas
administered by the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and Baghdad. In

addition there are 3,800 asylum-seekers from Iran, Syria and Turkey.
A refugee camp for Palestinians in the desert near the Syrian border was
recently closed and the occupants moved over the border into Syria, but a further
10,000 remain - mostly in Baghdad.

3. Analyze the semantic structure of the utterances in the suggested texts.

Translate them at sight:
Washington at Newburgh
During the winter of 1782-1783 the Continental Army was on the verge of
insurrection. Soldiers and officers had not been paid by Congress, creditors and
supportive politicians encouraged them to forcefully demand that all back-pay be
provided immediately or “drastic measures” would be taken. It appeared that a
military coup was in the offing. The conspirators assembled at Newburgh, NY (the
town for which the conspiracy was named) and invited George Washington to
address their assembly—many with the intention of offering him the position of
“emperor” or even king. Washington saw the peril to the new Republic for what it
was, a direct threat to the nation’s newly founded liberties. He diffused the situation
in typical dramatic fashion.
In the process of addressing the assembled officers and promising to appeal to
Congress for all that was owed, he slowly pulled a pair of spectacles from his pocket.
The room fell deadly silent, for no one knew the great general required eye glasses.
Even such a simple device to aid the aging Washington was treated with disbelief.
As he fumbled to adjust his glasses he stated apologetically, “Gentlemen, you will
permit me to put on my spectacles, for I have not only grown gray but nearly blind in
the service of my country.” The Army’s differences with their civilian masters were
resolved immediately. Many in the room welled up with tears. A clear, important
message had been sent by the nation’s greatest soldier—the Army was the servant
protector of the people, and the people were directly represented by their elected
officials. The precedent and message set by Washington assured that the country
would never again come so perilously close to a military coup. American
representative democracy was ensured; civilization, as we know it, was preserved.
Lee at Richmond
Fast forward 82 years to St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Richmond, Virginia.
The nation had been recently and nearly completely destroyed by the cataclysm of
civil war. The social fabric, particularly of the South, had been torn. People resented
change and the agents of change. A recently-freed African American man observed
the service from the rear of the church. When it was time for communion, he walked
to the rail to receive alongside the church’s white parishioners. The congregation
was aghast. This seemingly small matter ran completely counter to anything almost
anyone in that church had experienced—or would even tolerate. The minister and
other communicants were stunned and didn’t move.
Just then, a grandfatherly yet ramrod straight gentleman rose from a pew near
the front. Robert E. Lee, the man called “the greatest soldier in the history of the

English-speaking peoples” by Winston Churchill understood the situation

immediately. He knelt beside the man and both received communion. In an instant a
situation was diffused, and more importantly, a message was sent to the congregation,
the community, and entire region that change, positive change, was inevitable.
While Lee’s actions on that Sunday morning did not themselves end the
struggle for the civil rights of African Americans, for that struggle continues today,
but that message and the message of rapprochement with the laws and ideals of
former enemies became the starting point for healing a nation. Lee would continue to
urge his former soldiers to put away their arms and ill will toward the United States.
He was, in many regards, singularly responsible for thousands of former Confederate
soldiers’ (and the generations that followed) willingness to reintegrate fully into
American life.
Marshall at Cambridge
Fast forward another 82 years to a podium on the campus of Harvard
University, where America’s senior and arguably, most distinguished soldier was
addressing an audience on America’s “proper course” at the conclusion of the
bloodiest war the world had ever seen. GEN George C. Marshall, former Army Chief
of Staff and current Secretary of State, did not rally the nation behind punitive
measures for its recently defeated enemies. He instinctively realized that punishing
and exacting revenge on Germany and Japan would only deepen political rifts and
worsen human suffering. Marshall recognized an opportunity to lift former enemies
and allies alike from poverty, and by so doing preserve democratic principles and
free-market economies that would stand together with the United States against the
dreaded rise of yet another form of despotism and subjugation—communism.
Marshall’s ideas were not unprecedented, but to succeed in a world poisoned
by such a great cataclysm would demand every persuasive skill that could be
mustered by the widely admired soldier-statesman. Marshall remained above the
partisan political fray and appealed to a Congress hostile to the idea of further
spending in Europe or Asia and to an American people weary of “foreign
entanglements.” George Marshall beseeched his countrymen to moral world
leadership. He believed that by helping others, we would better guarantee our own
security and well-being. His prescient ideas laid the groundwork for not just the
policy of containment, but reinforced the American predilection for helping those in
The product of these actions was nothing less than the salvaging of democracy,
free-market capitalism, and universal respect for human rights as the bedrock of
Western Civilization. Bold, timely action, deftly taken, preserved a way of life for
millions. Marshall, like his predecessors Lee and Washington, had left an invaluable
legacy well beyond narrow military service. The moral ambition of military leaders
can have an impact well beyond the immediate.
These great leaders, and many others among the generations who followed them
in the service of the nation all seized opportunities. They were able to do so only
through an advanced understanding of the morality underlying their duty. This moral

ambition was the product of their development as leaders from a stage of simple
compliance to one of moral understanding and moral maturity. Not all leaders have
the opportunity or even ability to exercise moral ambition, but all military officers
should be afforded a thorough education in the moral aspect of leadership. The quest
for moral development should be undertaken by those cognizant of its stages, aware
of its implications, and respectful of our collective inherited legacy .

4. Practise consecutive two-way interpreting:

– Що представляють собою аеромобільні операції?
– As far as I know, airmobile operations are operations in which ground combat
forces and their equipment move about the battlefield in aerial vehicles under
the control of a ground force commander.
– Яка відмінність між повітряно-десантною та аеромобільною операціями?
– Well, the airborne operation may be either tactical or strategic. The airmobile
operation is usually tactical, limited in mission, range, and duration.
– Чим відрізняються аеромобільні операції від інших наземних операцій?
– Airmobile operations are similar to other ground combat operations, but
differ in that they are usually executed in lightly defended areas or after a
preassault nuclear or nonnuclear preparation with the advantage of initial
tactical surprise.
– Коли аеромобільні війська є найбільш уразливими?
– Airmobile forces are particularly vulnerable during landing and assembly,
especially to enemy armor due to their limited ground mobility and firepower
in the objective area.
– Які основні труднощі в проведені аеромобільних операцій?
– Airmobile operations require air superiority in the objective area and
suppression of enemy fire. Adverse weather restricts airmobile operations
more than it restricts ground mobile operations.
– Назвіть основні етапи повітряно-десантних операцій.
– Airborne operations are conducted in four phases: planning, marshaling,
movement, and occupation of positions. It is done through the following three
phases: mounting phase, air movement phase and assault phase.
– Що включає в себе етап зосередження та підготовки військ (для десантної
– ounting phase, known as that period of time from receipt of the planning
directive until acft are loaded and ready for takeoff. During this period, tac
and admin planning is accomplished, and trps, equip, and sup are assembled
and readied for the op. Marshaling takes place during the last part of the
mounting phase. The mounting camps located near departure airfields where
the div units complete the final preparation for the abn aslt, and prepare for

loading into the acft for mvmt to the obj area, are referred to as marshaling
– А як щодо етапу перекидання (десанту) повітрям?
– Air movement phase is that period of the abn op beginning with the takeoff of
loaded acft from the loading sites and ending with the delivery of units to
their DZs or LZs in the air mvmt phase. Air mvmt includes acft enroute phase
and acft over the obj area phase.
– Схарактеризуйте, будь ласка, етап висадки повітряного десанту.
– Aslt phase is that period of the abn op beginning with the initial aslt landing of
units on their DZs or LZs and extending through the seizure of aslt objs and
the consolidation of the initial ahd. The aslt phase normally is executed
employing prcht and multiple ahds on hostile territory. Direct aslt landing
against occupied obj s are not attempted by acft unless en resistance has
been reduced in the obj area. An abn aslt normally involves a combination of
prcht and aslt acft landings.
– При десантуванні частин та підрозділів ПДВ використовується один
плацдарм чи декілька?
– The airborne force can be employed in single or multiple airheads. It can use a
single airhead with all its combat elements withinsupporting distance of each
other, or it candeploy its subordinate combat elements in multiple airheads or
missions independent of the action of the remainder of the force, or only
partially dependent on it.

5. Interprete the suggested recordings: Campaign 3 1(16, 17)


Unit 5

Semantic redundancy as one of the main properties of oral discourse

Semantic redundancy (семантична надмірність) is an important property of
any discourse, and especially of the oral one. It provides safeguards for successful
transmission of information, i.e. ensures that the listener better understands the
speaker and that the communicative intent of the speaker is achieved.

Semantic redundancy of messages is based upon:

1) repetition of components of the message and
2) interrelation of components of the message which are
manifested through contextual relationships.

In oral discourse these relationships are ensured by means of lexical cohesion

(or rather lexical and semantic cohesion), which is so important for successful
comprehension and translation of oral messages.
Repetition is treated as occurrence of one or more items (words or word
combinations) in a sentence that by themselves tell the reader or listener nothing new
but reinstate some elements from earlier sentences.
With these assumptions in mind, we will break up linguistic means, which
ensure redundancy of oral discourse, into two groups: repetition links and
interrelation links. These links are established between meaningful components of
oral discourse through anaphoric, cataphoric and exophoric contextual relationships.

Ways of ensuring semantic redundancy of oral messages

Semantic redundancy of oral discourse is ensured by the following linguistic
a) simple lexical repetition which occurs when a lexical unit that has ready
occurred in the text is repeated with no grater alteration than can be explained in
terms of a grammatical paradigm (e.g. singular vs plural forms, present vs past, first
person singular vs third person plural, etc), e.g. country — countries; eat — ate; go —
goes; he — him; I — we; вікно — вікна; пишу — писав; вона — її, etc).
Only lexical (повнозначні слова) words can enter into such a link. Connections
between such grammatical or function words (службові слова) as articles,
prepositions, conjunctions, auxiliaries, negatives and particles are not treated as
repetition links;
b) complex lexical repetition which occurs when two lexical items share a
lexical morpheme, but are not formally identical, or when they are formally identical,
but belong to different parts of speech (or, rather, have different grammatical
functions), e.g. computer — computing; human — humanity; politics —political; книга —
книжковий; сіль — солоний; їсти — їжа, etc).
Interrelation links

Semantic redundancy of oral discourse provides not only for successful

transmission of maximum of information in the process of communication but also
for filling in the "informational gaps" in oral consecutive and simultaneous
1. Translate the following word-combinations at sight:
доброволець; to man the Armed Forces with; давати первинне офіцерське звання;
voluntary recruitment; тренувальні майданчики; to operate the weapons; навички
ведення бою; to attend Officer Candidate School; курс молодого бійця; to hold the
position of; отримувати призначення; permanent and temporary grades;
підвищення у військовому званні; to enjoy privileges; йти у відставку без пенсії;
to meet certain requirements; вислуга років у званні; company officer; кадровий
офіцер; meals ready to eat; військовослужбовець рядового та унтер-офіцерського

складу; попередня команда; command of execution; дотримуватися необхідного

інтервалу; drill training; виконувати обов'язки; to be assigned to relief; умовний
сигнал у відповідь; commanding officer; чатовий; to be armed and equipped with;
призначати в наряд; specifically designated patrols; зона бойових дій; field
training; склад варти; duty roster; військовий статут; range practice; фізична
підготовка; to take military training.

2. Translate the following text at sight:


By Jessy Elmurr BBC News, Fort Lewis, Washington

"I am just happy my daddy's coming home," said six-year-old Alyssa Evershed.
It is past 0100, and Alyssa's father is on his way home from Iraq along with
about 300 members of the 4th Stryker Brigade - some of the last US combat troops to
leave the country.
Hundreds of family members gathered in a gymnasium room in Joint Base
Lewis-McChord, and several mothers balanced a child with one arm and a handmade
welcome sign with the other.
The room soon filled with hugs and tears, and in some cases, fathers watching
their children walk for the first time.
As he embraced his wife and two children, Sgt Jason Evershed was just glad to
be home. "It's been a long year. It's been a really long year," he said.
His wife, Courtney, could not fight back her tears.
"I am just relieved I don't have to worry about him anymore and that he'll be
coming home every night," she said.
This brigade were part of the 2007 troop surge, but on their return they were not
talking about the war in Iraq or who could declare victory.
Joseph Ramsey told the BBC how the effect of serving in Iraq had driven his
son to shoot himself. They were talking about going to Disneyland, hosting barbecues
and looking for new apartments. Alyssa had asked for "daddy and a puppy" for her
birthday. "She got one of two wishes," joked her mother.
Honeymoon period
As troops return home from 12 months of deployment, experts warn of what
many refer to as "the invisible wounds".
Depression, isolation, stress, anger, divorce and suicide are just part of the
emotional challenges facing some of the troops.
Scott Swaim, a Gulf War veteran and a therapist at Spring Valleys in
Washington DC, says when troops first come home they initially go through "the
honeymoon period"
But the images of horror many of them have seen are not memories they can

easily leave behind.

"The depression is huge and suicide rates are off the charts," says Mr Swaim.
Families of combat troops have been gathering around the US to welcome home
their loved ones
"Because there's a lot of stigma with mental illness. A lot of people never
understand it and in the military there's a double stigma - we're soldiers, not victims,"
he adds.
Just this month a US Department of Defense task force reported that between
2005 and 2009, more than 1,100 members of the Armed Forces committed suicide.
Mr Swaim says troops may find it very hard to speak about their experiences.
"How do you describe the aftermath of an IED explosion?"
"I used to sleep next to a generator during the war so when I came back home, I
had to sleep near a fan because I was used to the white noise - that drove my wife
crazy!" he says.
And though Mr Swaim says many troops exhibit clear behavioural changes such
as anger and irritation, he admits "with suicide you don't always know".
"It's hard to recognize those signs. They're there, but how much? You don't
know what's going on in their mind and that's the scary thing," says Mr Swaim.
Troops returning home from Iraq may face depression, isolation, anger, divorce
and suicide
Unexpected tragedy
Just a few miles away from the emotional reunion of the military families at Fort
Lewis, Washington, veteran Joseph Ramsey was wishing he was there to hug his own
son David.
Instead, Mr Ramsey recalls that day on 7 September 2006 when his now former
daughter-in-law called him at work to say, "David shot himself."
Army Specialist David Ramsey had been medevaced to Fort Lewis two weeks
earlier after serving ten months as a hospital nurse in Mosul, Iraq.
While in Iraq, his medical records show he had pointed an unloaded gun at his
chest and pulled the trigger. He abandoned his suicide attempt, sought help and was
admitted to hospital for counselling.
“Start Quote

I don't think it would have happened had he received the help from the army”
End Quote Joseph Ramsey Father of deceased soldier
As a result, his tour of duty ended a few weeks ahead of schedule. His father
was not told of the suicide attempt.
Mr Ramsey says nobody from the military checked up on his son upon his
Spc Ramsey was staying with his parents while going through a divorce.
"At first, I didn't believe it," says his father with a voice choked with emotion.
"I left work and came home. Then I saw his car in the driveway - I start calling
him, no answer. I ran upstairs, and he's laying on the bed. He's shot himself," he says.
"He was still alive when I found him. The only thing he could say was, 'I'm

sorry, Dad. I didn't mean to hurt nobody.' But I tried to get help, and I just wasn't
getting it. Within minutes, he passed away."
The military had given Spc Ramsey a drug to treat sleep problems and did not
inform the family of his suicide attempt, his father said.
While in Iraq, Spc Ramsey told his father about his concern for seeing Iraqi
children being hurt. He spoke of headless bodies and missing limbs.
Mr Ramsey thinks the Iraq war was worth it and that his son volunteered to help
people through his medical skills.
But he adds, "I don't think it would have happened had he received the help
from the army."
"I hope our country does a better job at serving our troops as each troop served
our army. They deserve to be served just like generals. They need good medical care
and good treatment," Mr Ramsey says.
30 August 2010 Last updated at 21:01 GMT

3. Practise consecutive two-way interpreting:

– Коли та з якою метою було створено командування повітряно-космічної
оборони Північної Америки?
– As far as I know the North American Air Defense Command was founded on May
12, 1958. It is a bi-national command of the US and Canada that provides
aerospace surveillance, warning and assessment of aerospace attack, and
maintains the sovereignty of US and Canadian airspace.
– Кому підпорядковується командувач цього командування?
– The organization is headed by a commander appointed by President of the US
Prime Minister of Canada. The commanding officer of NORAD is also the comdr
of the NORTHCOM. NORAD and NORTHCOM have no direct comd and control
links with the US Department of Homeland Security, but both organizations
coordinate tng and planning NORTHCOM msns.
– Чи змінилось завдання командування повітряно-космічної оборони
Північної Америки після терористичних дій 11 вересня 2001 року?
– Oh, Yes. When Americans and Canadians awoke on Sept. 11, 2001, NORAD was
a word that was associated predominantly with the Cold War. The eyes and ears
of NORAD were focused on aerospace threats from sources far away from the
shores of Canada and the United States. The focal point was not terrorism in US
airspace.The barbaric terrorist attack on the United States that fateful morning
instantly brought NORAD out of the shadow of the Cold War. The highly skilled
men and women of this bi-national military organization use ground- based
radar, airborne radar, satellites, fighter aircraft, proven command structures and
intelligence capabilities to enforce control in the skies over the United States.
– Які артилерійські системи використовуються для забезпечення ППО США?

– At present, many weapon systems began to use advanced types of computing

sights and radar. Improved Nike Hercules, successor to the first-generation Nike
Ajar ADA wpn sys and the second-generation basic Nike Hercules system, has
dramatically demonstrated the dynamic growth potential of the Nike family of
msl systems. This system increases many of the capabilities of the basic Nike
Hercules system while incorporating the most advanced and sophisticated ECCM
equip available.
– Які основні ТТХ цієї системи?
– Improved Nike Hercules, with its ability to engage high-performance acft at both
high and low altitudes, its long ranges, and its nuclear capability, can engage and
destroy an entire formation of hostile acft. Reliable, extremely accurate, and
possessing a large kill radius, the system has demonstrated its effectiveness
against airborne tgts travelling at speeds in excess of 2, 100 miles per hour
(mach 3), at ranges greater than 75 miles, and at altitudes up to 150,000 feet.
– Що ви можете сказати ще на додаток?
– In addition, the system can effectively engage surface tgts at ranges greater
than its surface-to-air range capability. Length - 41 feet. Diameter - 31.5 inches.
Wingspan - 6 feet, 2 inches. Weight - 10.710 pounds. Guidance Command - by
electronic computer and radar. Warhead - High-Explosive fragmentation or

4. Interprete the suggested recordings: Campaign 3, 1 (19, 20)


Unit 6

The main purpose of interpreter's note-taking (IN) is to create focuses

of information for further subsequent "extraction" or "unpacking" of this
information by the interpreter.

Main principles of the interpreter's note-taking may be summarised as

1. Each interpreter makes a choice according to his/her preference on how
to apply IN;
1. IN creates safeguards for keeping in memory "precision" lexicon
(dates, numerals, proper names, abbreviations, etc).
2. IN usually does not record separate words, but rather registers ideas,
logical links, evaluation and modality.
3. Notes in IN are made in "a diagonal staircase" format either in the
source or in the target languages, or in a "mixed " way in the following sequence:

5. IN is based on a system of symbols and abbreviations, easy to

remember, write down and decipher from the context. This system may be briefly
described as follows:
a) extensive use of commonly accepted abbreviations, acronyms and
symbols, like: UN, UNESCO, WHO, WTO, GATT, NATO, OSCE, CoE (for the
Council of Europe), MP (for member of parliament), PM (for prime minister) VAT, GDP,

GB, US, FR, UA (for Ukraine), EU, CIS, IMF, VIP (for a very important person), HQ
(for headquarters), HIV, AIDS, TB (for tuberculosis), CEO (for Chief Executive Officer),
EDT (for Eastern Daylight Time, USA); ПДВ, ОВДП, ВІЛ, СНІД, МЗС, MBC, НБУ,
СБУ, BP (for Верховна Рада), $, f, UAH, грн, etc;
a) occasional individual interpreter's shortenings, like: K (for Kyiv); Kmin
(for the Cabinet of Ministers); E (for employment) ;} £ for unemployment, dr for draft, bdg
for budget, прзд for президент, сгдн for сьогодні, крв for керівник, чит for читання,
b) logical and modal links are marked by symbols, like:: - to say; OK - to
approve, to support; jOST- to condemn, to disapprove, to reject; J - past, before; і -
today, at present; > - more; < - less; ^ - improve, increase; \ -decline, deteriorate^
(must, to be to, to have to, should) - obligation; n (need) - neccessity; m (may), m?
(might), c (can), c? (could) - possibility; if, б, би -the conditional mood; ? -
something doubtful, questionable, a problem;
c) the plural form is indicated by "2";
d) other commonly used symbols: і—obtain, receive, attract; -> - send,
give, arrive; <- E - export; » - approximately;! - danger, threat or emphasis on
something, also: decision, resolution; M - peace; ДМ - democracy; Ж -life; П - party;
Eco - environment, ecology; X - war; P - policy, political; (b+) - budget surplus; (b-)
- budget deficit; R - rights, law, liberty; О -congress, conference, forum, meeting,
round table; Д - representative, delegate, member, ambassador; Q - nuclear tests; ~ -
something indefinite, uncertainty; □ - country, state; (:)- speech, statement, press-
conference; -split, separation; X - to prohibit, to ban, to liquidate;
e) numerals are marked like: t - thousand; m - million; b - billion; tr -
f) dates are indicated as follows: 17.10.07 - 17 October 2007; days of the
week may be either commonly abbreviated: mon - Monday; tue - Tuesday, wed -
Wednesday; thu - Thursday, fri - Friday, sat - Saturday; sun - Sunday, or marked by a
corresponding encircled number of the day;
g) blocks of utterances which make up a complete thought and are to be
interpreted are usually separated by horizontal lines, or encircled;
h) interpreters may use other combinations of arrows, lines, circles,
parenthesis or abbreviations at their own discretion, provided there is a guarantee
that they remember the "encoded" meaning of these symbols and do not overload
their memory with the "third" metalanguage of interpreter's note-taking (for more IN
signs see the books mentioned above, for commonly used abbreviations and
acronyms of today go to the site

1. Translate the following word-combinations at sight:
uniformed service; носити форму одягу; shoulder sleeve insignia; фурнітура;
outer garment; повсякденна форма одягу; when off duty; статут сухопутних
військ; when on duty; знаки розрізнення; government issue clothing;

розпізнавання вбитих та поранених; to be authorized to travel; іменний жетон;

preparatory command; виконавча команда; to accomplish one's duties; призначати
в наряд; range practice; проходити військову підготовку; to retire; користуватися
пільгами; to resign; військовослужбовець рядового та унтер-офіцерського
складу; chief responsibility for land combat; to be under direction of; organic units;
effective prosecution of war; prompt and sustained combat operations; air and missile
defense; to provide forces; to reinforce the Army; to work in concert with; overseas
bases; to conduct amphibious landing; to establish ground bases; demilitarized zone;
to deploy troops; the maximum flexibility; contested area; high-risk missions; long-
range reconnaissance.

2. Translate the following text at sight:

By Joseph J. Thomas
Of the three dimensions of leadership—moral, physical and intellectual—the
most difficult to harvest is moral development. The physical attributes of leadership
—courage, bearing, endurance, and even appearance, can be cultivated through
disciplined training. The intellectual aspect of leadership can be cultivated through
intensive study of human nature, crisis management, leadership and managerial
technique, philosophy, logic, and so on.
The moral aspect of leadership—personally understanding, embracing, and
inculcating ethical conduct in others is far more difficult to develop in leaders and
can be far more time consuming. In spite of decades of highly publicized
moral/ethical failures on the part of its military members, the DoD has not achieved a
satisfactory method for addressing the moral development of service men and
Pronouncements from DoD leadership have been common. Then-Secretary of
the Navy, Gordon England, published an “All Navy/All Marine Corps” message
entitled “Expectation of Ethical Conduct,” in which he stated that “it is essential that
all Department of the Navy personnel adhere to the highest standards of integrity and
ethical conduct. The American people put their trust in us and none of us can betray
that trust. The standards of conduct are designed to ensure that we retain the trust of
the American people.” Secretary England limited the scope of his comments to
matters of personal monetary gain, such as use of government resources, the
acceptance of gifts, financial interests, and the seeking of future employment.
However, ethics regarding personal financial gain are but one issue in the far broader
category of military ethics.
If ethics is a system of moral values and morals are principles of right and
wrong in behavior, then moral development is the quest to learn right from wrong.
This quest is not simple, yet there are some who grasp its lessons intuitively. This
quest is not brief, yet there are those who negotiate it quickly. This quest can be
broken down into four discernable “stages.”

The four stages of moral development in leaders are compliance, moral

understanding, moral maturity, and moral ambition. These stages are not new. The
Roman Centurian moved along a similar path from obsequium (obedience to orders,
compliance with directives) to fides (faith in the organizations and institutions that
generate those orders and directives) to integritas (wholeness, completeness,
integrity). To accomplish this they worked hard to develop their leaders through a
variety of means designed to create prudentia (knowledge gleaned from experience)
and sapientia (knowledge gleaned from focused, scientific study).
Compliance is more about simple behavior modification than it is about some
deeper, existential understanding of the role of the leader and the meaning of life.
Every moral development program, whether it is associated with acculturating an
individual to the military service, a religious order, or a new family, begins with an
expectation that behavior may indeed have to be modified. Because the regimented
demands of military life are so drastically different from life in the civilian world, this
first step—fashioning a soldier, sailor or Marine capable of complying with critical
orders quickly and unfailingly—is typically quite harsh. The more demanding and
exacting the organization, the more demanding and exacting this introduction.
Thucydides words of 404 BCE apply equally today, "We must remember that one
man is much the same as another, and that he is best who is trained in the severest
For those with a background and preparation suited to the new calling, achieving
compliance may be a minimally intrusive process. For those requiring serious
behavior modification, the paradigm shift may be long and painful. Some willingly
comply with a new set of rules, standards, and beliefs. Some fight the process and
are incapable of ever living “within the system.” Some avoid complete compliance
and still manage to succeed within the organization—with both negative and positive
Certain military cultures such as that of the Spartans prized compliance above
nearly every other attribute. The Spartan child was reared with extreme measures to
ensure his compliance to standards of martial expectations. In fact the life of a male
Spartan, with few exceptions, revolved around the spoken and unspoken beliefs of his
military culture.
Obedience at its pinnacle guarantees order, function, and accomplishment, but
as an end-state it is dangerous. Those who stop developing at the obedience level run
a risk of becoming unthinking, blind followers. The next level, moral understanding,
is a healthy outgrowth from compliance in that it is assertive rather than passive. It
requires the individual to think and reason.
Moral Understanding
The leap between compliance and understanding is never made by some
individuals. For reasons of attitude or intellect, some are incapable of reflection on
the purpose of rules, standards, and beliefs. Others simply reject the concepts
underlying those organizational rules and standards. The most important transitory

step from the role of follower to that of leader is the step from compliance to moral
America’s cultural pluralism compounds this challenge. The contemporary
popularity of relativism—the belief there is no right or wrong, only a variety of ways
to “look at” things—has created a generation unwilling to make value judgments, a
process demanded of military leaders. Moral understanding implies that we make
numerous and complex value judgments about the foundational principles that
underlie established rules and standards. These judgments precede ethical decisions
which in turn precede ethical conduct, which itself precedes ethical leadership.
Moral understanding at its pinnacle ensures cohesion and clarity. The greatest
challenge to leaders is clarifying their expectations to their subordinates. The second
challenge is to ensure that those expectations are in constant agreement with the
mission and overall organizational principles. Thus, moral leadership is the unending
quest to establish understanding—on the part of the leader and his or her
subordinates. This understanding is revisited and refreshed regularly and through this
process matures into a thorough and more complete understanding.
Moral Maturity
Prussian soldiers distinguished between loyalty, compliance, and faith in
superiors and loyalty to and faith in their country. Soldiers who failed their loyalty or
compliance with the directives of their immediate superiors were guilty of hochverrat
—a form of treasonous disobedience punished with a beating. While soldiers who
failed the very concepts and principles their country was based upon were guilty of
Landesverrat—a very serious form of treason punishable by death. Their moral
development demanded not only a disciplined response to immediate superiors, but
also their implicit belief in, and conformity to, the expectations of their nation.
Compliance was simply assumed in the highly disciplined world of the military
class. Understanding was guaranteed in the militaristic culture of Prussia and
reinforced by the rigorous training of the kriegsacademie. Moral maturity was
pursued by leaders who discussed, revised, debated, and revisited their own moral
beliefs. They weighed these beliefs against the needs and beliefs of their country at
large. It was only when the morality of the Prussian officer corps began to diverge
from the needs and beliefs of their nation that problems emerged. The militaristic
culture that became an end in itself, rather than a tool to serve the Prussian, later
German, people failed to mature.
Moral maturity assumes that officers remain grounded in a paradigm that
regularly returns them to the source of their duty. In the American context it’s the
Constitutional Paradigm beginning with the US Constitution and moving through the
mission, the service, the unit (or ship), the fellow-serviceman (or shipmate) and
finally self. Moral maturity is not an end-state, rather, it is the product of continuous
evaluation. A moral leader assesses his own beliefs, how those beliefs are manifest
in his actions and the actions of his unit, and how closely aligned those actions are
with the expectations of his nation, service, and mission.
Moral Ambition

Moral ambition is the final and ultimate stage of moral development. It

represents the pinnacle of self-actualization. Moral ambition is the active rather than
passive pursuit of virtuous behavior not only in self, but in all members within the
individual’s sphere of influence. It is a quality that few are capable of achieving, for
it demands reflection, willingness, courage, and constancy of purpose. In matters of
day-to-day life, moral ambition may cause an individual to impact situations that are
little known to others (returning a lost wallet, aiding a stranded motorist, etc.). In
certain situations, moral ambition, on the part of influential people, can change the
world. In the military context, morally ambitious officers have not only determined
outcomes on the battlefield, but they have changed civilization.
From the day-to-day moral stands that many take without being recognized or
given credit to a Warrant Officer placing his helicopter between innocent civilians
and soldiers gone out of control, to military members who have truly shaped Western
Civilization, moral ambition makes day-to-day leadership an agent of profound
change. Examples of moral ambition in a leader as commander-in-chief can be found
in Themistocles, Cincinatus, Churchill, or Lincoln. Biography may be the most
effective method for introducing the concept of moral ambition. Examples of
morally ambitious American military leaders who have changed civilization can be
found in Washington, Lee, and Marshall.

3. Practise consecutive two-way interpreting:

– Скажіть, будь-ласка, як проходить підготовка новобранців у Береговій
Охороні США?
– As far as I know newly enlisted pers are sent to eight weeks of basic training at
CG Training Center Cape May in Cape May, NJ.. The tng schedule includes:
physical fitness, water survival and swimming qualifications, wellness and
nutrition, self discipline, mil skills, and mil bearing.
– А як щодо поповнення унтер-офіцерського та офіцерського складу
Берегової Охорони США?
– For all I know, petty offs follow career development paths similar to those of
the Navy. As for commissioned officers the CG maintains an academy at New
London, Connecticut, from which it draws the bulk of its career officers. It is
the only mil academy, apart from the specialized Uniformed Services
University of the Health Sciences, with no congressional appointments or
geographical quotas. ComOs join the CG also by entering the CG through a 17-
week OCS at New London, Connecticut.
– Які вимоги до кандидатів щодо вступу в академію Берегової Охорони
– In selecting students for admission, the Academy prohibits discrimination
based on gender, race, color, national origin, or religion. Factors considered in
the competition include American College Testing (ACT) or Scholastic
Assessment Test (SAT) scores, high-school standing, and leadership potential

as demonstrated by participation in high-school extra-curricular activities,

community affairs, or part-time employment. All candidates must pass a strict
medical and physical fitness examination.
– Що включає в себе забезпечення курсантів Академії Берегової Охорони
– Well, cadets receive a full scholarship including room and board. In addition,
they receive a monthly allowance. Following graduation, newly commissioned
ensigns are obligated to serve five years.
– Які основні катери та човни є на озброєнні Берегової Охорони США?
– The USCG uses cutters and small boats on the water, larger cutters (over 180
feet (55 m) in length) are controlled by Area Commands (Atlantic Area or
Pacific Area). Smaller cutters come under control of District Commands.
Cutters usually carry a motor surf boat and/or a rigid hull inflatable boat.
Polar-class icebreakers carry an Arctic Survey Boat and Landing Craft. The CG
operates about 1,400boats, defined as vessels.
– А які можливості використання штатного пошуково-рятувального човна
швидкого реагування класу Defender?
– The CG recently introduced a standard search-and-rescue and response boat,
25-foot Defender-class boat, to replace nonstandard boats and platforms at
CG stations. The Defender class can go faster than 40 knots (75 km/h), mount
an M-60 or M-240 mg in the bow, and be transported by a C-130 Hercules acft
(or, more prosaically, a boat trailer). The Defender class is also a rigid hull
inflatable boat, with twin outboard motors.
– Які основні завдання виконують літаки та вертольоти Берегової Охорони
– It takes more than one type of acft to effectively accomplish the varied msns
of CG aviation. Fixed-wing acft, such as (HC-130 Hercules turboprops and HU-
25 Guardian jets) operate from Air Stations on long-duration msns.
Helicopters operate from Air Stations, Air Facilities, and flight-deck equipped
Cutters, and can rescue people or intercept smuggling vessels. In addition to
regular CG acft, privately-owned general aviation acft are used by CG
Auxiliarists for patrols and search- and-rescue msns.

4. Interprete the suggested recording: Campaign 3, 1 (27, 28, 31). Use

interpreter’s note-taking.

Units 7-8


The notion of the "focus of meaning"

Selection of translation units is determined by the conditions in which
interpretation/translation is performed, by the subject field of the SL text and
by the level of professional skills of the interpreter/translator. However,
whatever units of translation are chosen, it is obvious that interpreters, while
interpreting, memorise the SL text by the so-called "focuses of meaning".
A system of interpreter's note-taking is also based on recording
"focuses of meaning" by using special symbols and abbreviations. As a rule
focuses of meaning are formed around the "keywords" of oral discourse,
which include, first of all, specific subject field words, i.e. terms belonging to
the subject field of interpreting. Among other focus-forming elements of oral
discourse are set phrases (cliches) and idioms; numerals, proper names,
abbreviations, acronyms (the so-called "precision lexicon"); non-equivalent
lexical items and "misleading words"

Subject field words (terms): ways of interpreting them

Terms are usually defined as monosemantic words, deprived of any

expressive meaning, or even as a special quality, which words may acquire
or lose in discourse.
Many lexical items acquire different terminological meanings in the
context of different sectors or subject fields of human activity.

Recommendations for interpreters and translators

 Keep maximum number of the subject field words relevant for the
subject of interpreting in his/her "operational memory", constantly keep
records of the new terms, compile personal glossaries and request
glossaries (especially of the professional jargon) from the client.

 practical transcription
 transliteration
 loan translation
 descriptive translation

Set phrases (cliches) and phraseological units (idioms): ways of

interpreting them

Set phrases (cliches) and phraseological units (idioms) are "structurally,

lexically and semantically fixed phrases or sentences having the meaning, which is
not made up by the sum of meanings of their component parts".

Set phrases due to their frequent occurrence are easier to keep in memory
comparing to phraseological units, some of which are quite rare, outdated or
extremely culturally specific.

Recommendations for interpreters


Special care should be taken of the cases, when speakers distort the
meaning of an idiom or misuse it. If the interpreter feels that such distortion is
unintentional and there is no "hidden connotation" behind it, then interpreter
has the right to "correct" the speaker and find the proper variant of translating,
which may be prompted by the context, e.g.: ми змушені будемо *запобігти
до використання сили — we will have to use force; не слід намагатися
*підставити під нього слона всі його чотири ноги — it is not worth trying
to settle all problems artificially; ми *приносимо вам таку велику вдячність
— we are very grateful to you; тут ми можемо *поставити фіфті на фіфті
— we can count fifty-fifty here, etc.

Other "troublemaking" lexical units: numerals, proper names, specific

items of the national lexicon, nationally coloured idioms, culture-bound terms,
abbreviations, acronyms, "misleading words": ways of interpreting them
"Troublemaking" lexical items mentioned below require taking instant
interpreter's decision to render them and the success of interpreting depends upon the
ability of the interpreter to react quickly to fragments of information, which are either
meaningless, or culturally (professionally) specific.
Successful rendering of numerals depends upon personal ability of the
interpreter to keep digits in the short-term memory or to take quick notes of them
either in a traditional way or by using interpreter's note-taking (УПС) techniques.
Proper names
Proper names make up one of the most "troublemaking" groups of lexical
items, which require both extensive "operational memory" and ability to "decode"

proper names, which are often pronounced quickly, indistinctly or even wrongly by
the speaker.
There is also a growing tendency in the English-speaking world to write
(especially on maps and on road signs) and sometimes to pronounce foreign
geographical names in the "source language way", e.g. Beijing for Peking; Lisboa
for Lisbon, etc.
The best safeguard for the interpreter is to have at hand a list of names of
people and organisations, which have to be interpreted. If such list is not available
then the usual practice is to make quick notes in whatever language (SL or TL) is
convenient for the interpreter because in interpreting it is the sounding and not the
spelling of proper names that matters first of all.
The next step is to use one of the accepted ways of translating/interpreting
proper names:
practical transcription (from English into Ukrainian): Anthony Blair —
Ентоні Блер; Lord Judd — лорд Джадд; Mr Goodenough — пан Гуденаф;
Sunningdale Road — Саннінгдейл роуд; Bournemouth — Борнмут;
transliteration (from English into Ukrainian and from Ukrainian into
English): President Clinton — президент Клинтон; Donald — Дональд; Robin —
Робін; Alvaro Robles —Альваро Роблес; Hastings —Ґастінгс; Ірина Білик —
Iryna Bilyk; Сергій — Sergii; Рівне — Rivne; Ходосівка — Khodosivka;
"traditional" (historical) rendering (of certain geographical names, names of
kings, queens, popes, saints, etc): Texas —Texac; Vienna — Відень; Pope John Paul
the Second — nana Іоанн (Іван) Павло другий; King George — король Георг;
Queen Elizabeth — королева Єлизавета (however, Prince Charles — принц Чарльз
but not Карл); St. Andrew — святий Андрій; Ярослав Мудрий — Yaroslav the
"ordinary" translation (for the names of organisations): Amnesty Interna-
tional — Міжнародна амністія; World Bank — Світовий банк; Civil Service
College — Коледж державної служби; The House of Commons — палата громад;
Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe — Парламентська Асамблея
Ради Європи; Фонд державного майна — State Property Fund.
However, there is a tendency to use practical transcription or transliteration if
the name of the organisation contains certain connotation or "national colouring":
Greenpeace — Грінпіс; Human Rights Watch — міжнародна правозахисна
організація Хьюмен райтc вотч (уотч); University College, London University —
Юниверсіті Коледж Лондонського університету; Верховна Рада — Verkhovna
Rada; Державна Дума Російської Федерації — the State Duma of the Russian
Federation, etc.
For translating/interpreting names of newspapers, magazines, journals,
hotels, shops, private homes, ships, trademarks and so on mainly practical
transcription and transliteration are used: Financial Times — Файненшл Тайме
(газета, Великобританія); EuroNews— Євроньюз (європейськийтелеканал,
Франція); Moat House hotel — готель Моут Хаус; Wet-Stone Close — Вет(Ует)

Стоун клоуз (назва будинку); HMS "Invincible "—корабель ВМФ

Великобританії "Інвінсібл"; "Malvern Hills" mineral water — мінеральна вода
"Малверн Хілз"; Microsoft Corp. — корпорація "Майкрософт"; Seiko - Сейко
(японська компанія по виробництву годинників); Selfridges — Селфріджес
(відомий лондонський універмаг); газета "День "— the Den' newspaper; готель
"Національний " — the Natsionalnyi hotel, etc.
Specific items of the national lexicon
Specific items of the national lexicon (realia words — реалії) and ways of
their translating are well described in the corresponding literature. Their successful
interpreting, however, depends upon the level of the cultural competence of the
interpreter and proper application of one of the following methods (or their
combinations) which are similar to the ways of translating/interpreting subject field
terms (in fact, many of such words may be indeed treated as terms) and proper
names: practical transcription or transliteration: ombudsman — омбудсмен; lager -
лагер (сорт світлого пива); область (як адміністративна одиниця України) —
oblast; прокуратура —prokuratura; (державний) апарат — the apparat; translation
by means of an analogy: roundabout — транспортна "розв'язка", "клумба"; loan
and word-for-word translation: skyscaper — хмарочос; a system of checks and bal-
ances — система перевірок та противаг; місто-герой — hero city; descriptive or
explanatory translation: Brummy — мешканець м. Бірмінгему, бірмінгемський
діалект (Великобританія).
Abbreviations and acronyms
Abbreviations and acronyms of a "general nature" make up a part of
interpreter's active stock of lexical items, e.g. CD - compact disc; EU - European
Union; GDP — gross domestic product; IMF — International Monetary Fund; UNDP
— United Nations Development Programme; OHP - overhead projector; VCR —
videocassette recorder; CAT— computer-assisted translation; ВПК— військово-
промисловий комплекс; ЗМІ—засоби масової інформації. Lists of abbreviations
of a "specific nature" have to be requested or collected from the background sources
(see, e.g. a comprehensive on-line resource:') before the
interpretation session, e.g. PIU— Project Implementation Unit; NAV— net asset
value; PAL — programmatic adjustment loan (World Bank); SACEUR - Supreme
Allied Commander Europe (NATO); SWOT —strengths, weaknesses, opportunities
and threats (спосібекономічного аналізу); TOR — terms of reference (технічне
завдання); ОВДП — облігації внутрішньої державної позики; УДКР —
Українська державна корпорація по реструктуризації; ДДІВ України —
Державний департамент України з інтелектуальної власності, etc.
Selection of the way of translating/interpreting abbreviations largely depends
upon the established tradition and may range from transliteration (e.g. BBC - БіБіСі,
БІБІСІ; UNESCO - ЮНЕСКО; TACIS - TACIC) and "ordinary" translation (e.g.:
PACE for Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe — ПАРЄ for
Парламентська Асамблея Ради Європи; PFP for Partnership for Peace — ПЗМ for
програма "Партнерство заради миру"; ДНА for Державна податкова

адміністрація — STA for State Tax Administration) to descriptive and loan

translation (e.g. EFFTor Extended Fund Facility — програма розширеного
кредитування; NGO for non-governmental organisation — неурядова організація;
FATE for Financial Action Task Force — група ФАТФ, Трупа з розробки
фінансових заходів боротьби з відмиванням грошей; FIU for Financial
Intelligence Unit — департамент фінансового контролю; СІЗО for слідчий
ізолятор — pre-trial detention centre or SIZO).
The so-called "misleading words"
The so-called "misleading words" (they include paronyms, "false friends", etc)
and other lexical items which may be confusing because of certain semantic or
phonetic similarity require special attention of interpreters. Here belong such words
as: centrifugal (відцентровий); centripetal (доцентровий); concave (опуклий);
convex (увігнутий); fission (розщеплення ядра атома); fusion (ядерний синтез);
Swiss (швейцарський); Swedish (шведський); Dutch (голландський;
нідерландська мова); Danish (датський; датська мова); accounts receivable
(дебіторська заборгованість); accounts payable (кредиторська заборгованість);
вересень (September); березень (March); схід (East); захід (West), etc. Some
interpreters even prefer to carry a list of their personal "misleading words", which
may be helpful in the "extreme" conditions of oral interpreting.
1. Translate the following word-combinations at sight:
рід військ; service; контратака; assignment; вести бойові дії; active army;
інженерні війська; to provide health care; колісні та гусеничні транспортні
засоби; Chief of Staff, United States Army; начальник штабу BMC; to receive
military training; виконувати обов'язки; in war and peace; піклуватися про
пацієнтів; conventional ammunition; особовий склад сухопутних військ; missile
guidance systems; тиловий район; command post; служба тилового забезпечення
військ в бою; to provide combat support; ракетний удар; to repel assault by fire,
close combat and counterattack; subordinate element; бойові роди військ; combat
service support; заступник командира; Headquarters Company; ударна сила;
wartime mission; загальновійськове з'єднання; to execute missions; здійснювати
маневр; combat support unit; командир відділення; organic unit; ближній бій;
short-term self-defense; вогнева міць; armored cavalry regiment; виконувати
основні тактичні завдання; maneuver brigade; відбивати сили противника;
conventional activities; бути пристосованим до виконання завдань; field army;
тривалі бойові дії в польових умовах.

2. Translate the following text at sight:


October 07, 2010
Associated Press

LEPOSAVIC, Kosovo - NATO deployed over 100 troops in Kosovo's north in a

response to violent incidents that have plagued the ethnically tense region, in a move
that a top Serbian official called a provocation.
Serbia's top official for Kosovo Goran Bogdanovic said the force, which was
deployed late Wednesday, is "trying to provoke the Serbs into reacting." He blamed
NATO for waging "a propaganda war."
NATO troops backed by a local police force manned checkpoints on the main
road linking Kosovo and Serbia to search for weapons. They searched passengers and
car trunks for hidden weapons. Armored vehicles rattled on the sides as floodlights lit
the potholed asphalt road.
NATO has some 10,000 peacekeepers stationed in Kosovo. The force moved
into Kosovo in 1999 after bombing Serbia for 78 days to stop a brutal crackdown on
ethnic Albanian separatists. The former Serbian province declared its independence
in 2008. Serbia maintains that Kosovo is part of its territory. Kosovo's north is
nominally controlled by Pristina, but all decision are made by the region's Serb
minority, with support from Belgrade.
Late on Wednesday, Bogdanovic stepped out of his car at NATO's checkpoint in
Kosovo's northernmost tip, bordering Serbia and said he was on his way back from
meeting local Serb leaders and stopped to see what the troops were doing.
"What is going on here," Bogdanovic asked the soldiers manning a checkpoint.
"It's obvious that you want to provoke the Serb people."
The altercation between Bogdanovic and NATO troops, known as KFOR, points
to the difficulties local and international authorities face in regaining control over the
country's north where they are opposed by minority Serbs.
"This is a psychological propaganda war against the Serbs in the north of
Kosovo," Bogdanovic told The Associated Press at the site, flanked by bodyguards
and a local Serb leader. "This is the execution of orders of the so-called state of
He said local Serbs were "very upset, very worried" and complained they were
not informed of NATO's plans.
The increase in security comes after a series of violent incidents between the
majority ethnic Albanians and minority Serbs.
"There are too many weapons here in the region," said the spokesman for
KFOR, Cpt. Hans Wichter. "We have to seize them, if we find them."
Wichter brushed aside Bogdanovic's comments saying the force had a mission to
help people feel safe and move freely.
"We are here not to agitate people, but to provide security and people accept
that," he said.
Kosovo and Serbia are smarting over EU-backed talks aimed at resolving
Kosovo's contested status.
Kosovo authorities reject any talks that question its declaration of independence,
while Serbia says it is after a compromise solution, keeping some sort of control over
Serb-dominated areas.


by christian on October 1, 2010 ·
So the Army recently posted a solicitation for a new body armor concept that
allows the Soldier to specifically tailor his armor protection to the mission and
Four companies responded, including BAE Systems, Point Blank, Armor Works
and Protective Products and the concepts were tested down at Fort Benning over the
Carl Fulmore, who used to work at PEO Soldier and now runs the Biz Dev
department for BAE’s armor and security division, walked through the innovative
armor solution BAE came up with. You all know how much of an armor nerd I am
and I have to say, the BAE Soldier Scalable Protection System was one of the most
amazing concepts I’ve seen since the Crye armor chassis.
Basically it uses a concealable armor core (that can be retrofitted with Level IV
plates) and builds on a plate carrier, shoulder and arm protection and throat and groin
shrapnel blockers to form a full-up turret gunner suit all the way down to an under
blouse vest for CID or a stripped down plate carrier for mountaintop door kicking.
A couple things you won’t see in the video include a sort of movable belly band
that attaches to the bottom part of the core concealable vest. The band moves up
when you sit down and drops into place when you get up, alleviating that dreaded
plate crush when you’re sitting in a Humvee or MATV. Also, the company has
developed a belt system like the Crye solution that helps support the weight of the
plate carrier or IOTV configuration, taking the strain off a Soldier’s shoulder.
This is yet another cool piece of kit coming out of the Eclipse Performance
Gear division of BAE.

3. Practise consecutive two-way interpreting:

Military History: Я розумію, що Ваша військова кар’єра почалася зі служби
в Національній Гвардії Масачусетса в 1938.
Millett: Yes, I was in the National Guard for 12 years before I went into the
Regular Army. When I got the Medal of Honor, I was a Guardsman on extended
active duty.
MH: Потім ви перейшли до армійської авіації. Чому?
Millett: I was vice president of my high school senior class and was invited to
make a speech on Memorial Day, 1940. I put on my National Guard uniform for
the occasion. Adolf Hitler had overrun Europe, and I warned my classmates that
we would soon be in a war. I told them that it was better to go prepared. So I
joined the Army Air Corps. I was sent to Lowry Field near Denver, where I
learned about machine guns.
MH: І Ви пішли з армії?

Millett: Yes. President Franklin D. Roosevelt said in a speech that we were not
going to war against Hitler, so I deserted and joined the Canadian army.
MH: Що Ви робили в Канаді?
Millett: I joined the Royal Canadian Artillery Regiment. But another American
and myself were sent to Ottawa for top-secret training in something called radio
location; we [Americans] called it radar. I have to laugh now when I think about
it. Two Americans, one a deserter from the U.S. Army and the other with a bad
conduct discharge from the Marine Corps, selected for top-secret training.
MH: Отже, Ви стали оператором радару?
Millett: No. By the time we arrived in England, the United States was in the war
and I was allowed to transfer to the U.S. Army. In August 1942, I went to Ireland
and was assigned to the 27th Armored Field Artillery, 1st Armored Division.
MH: Коли відбулася Ваша перша операція?
Millett: On November 8, we invaded North Africa. We landed at a place called
St. Leu, north of Oran. The outfit that was going into Oran, the 6th Armored
Infantry, I believe, had a battalion aboard a destroyer that was sunk by French
naval gunfire. The French fired a few rounds at us. In fact, they killed a couple of
our guys. A 75mm shell hit one of our halftracks and killed two or three of our
people. But otherwise we didn't run into much. [The British cutter Hartland was
crippled by the French destroyer Typhon before Typhon was hit by cruiser fire.
Both ships were scuttled in Oran Harbor.]
MH: І куди Ви потрапили?
Millett: About a week later, they sent a combat command of the 1st Armored to
try and take Tunis. They didn't have enough gas and so forth to send the whole
division. So we went piecemeal and we got defeated piecemeal. We made our first
contact near a place called Medjez-el-Bab in Tunisia. I was an anti-tank gunner at
that time, on the 37mm, which was worthless. Twenty tanks went through our
position to attack the Germans. Every single one of them was left burning. They
were Lees [called Grants by the British], the two-deckers, with a gun on top and
another on the side. It was a good indoctrination in how good we weren't. Our
37mm was mounted on the back of a three-quarter-ton truck, and we fired six
rounds at the German tanks as they rolled through our position. The shells just
bounced off and the Germans didn't even notice them!

4. Interprete the suggested recording: Campaign 3 1 (37, 38), 2 (1)


Unit 9

The notion of "gaps" in perception of oral discourse

"Gaps" or lacunas (lacunae; лакуни; пропуски) are blank

spaces or missing parts in perception of oral and written
discourse by the addressee, which may occur both in
monolingual and bilingual (multilingual) communication.

Potential gaps in perception of fictional texts caused by psychological, national

and behavioural specificity of a particular "culture", may be serious challenges
("cognitive constraints") for translators of prose, drama and poetry.
Interpreting practice shows that there may be two major groups of factors,
which result in failure to perceive oral messages by the interpreter:

There seems to be only one way to minimise "gaps" caused by subjective

factors - constant development of interpreter's professional skills which requires
improvement of both SL and TL cultural competence, in-depth insight into the
subject field of interpretation, keeping personal records, glossaries, vocabularies,
training memory, etc.
Gaps caused by objective factors are often beyond interpreter's control, except
cases, when the interpreter, working in a consecutive mode, has an opportunity to ask

the speaker to kindly repeat what has been said (which often annoys the speaker).
However, some recommendations on how to "fill in" the gaps are suggested below.

Ways of filling in the "gaps" in interpreting

As it was mentioned above, "gaps" caused by objective factors are beyond
interpreter's control. However, certain recommendations can be made on how to
minimise the negative impact of such gaps upon the result of interpreting:
a) always write down numerals longer than 12; make use of interpreter's
note-taking techniques, such as special symbols and abbreviations;
a) always try to write down proper names of people and geographical
names in whatever language you prefer (either the source or the target language);
b) if you hear something like Як щойно сказала Галина Іванівна та
підкреслив Юрій Федорович ... and you don't know the surnames of the persons
mentioned, say in English something like As the previous speaker (our colleague)
has just mentioned... because patronymics usually mean nothing to the speakers of
c) always request lists of participants of the conference (seminar, meeting)
and lists (glossaries) of basic subject field terms, abbreviations, acronyms, pro-
fessional jargon, etc from your employer. You may also get this information from the
agenda of the conference and from background materials (dictionaries, booklets,
reports, protocols, transparencies, Microsoft Power Point presentation slides,
diagrams, charts, business cards or from the Internet);
d) try to talk to the presenters (speakers) before the conference starts and
discuss peculiar words, abbreviations and notions with them;
e) take your personal subject field glossaries - you may need them in some
"critical" situations;
f) in extreme cases don't hesitate to ask the speaker to repeat what has just
been said - it's better to apologise and clarify the matter than to mislead your
audience by wrong translation (however, this recommendation is good only for
consecutive interpreting);
g) if the SL oral messages lack coherence and are syntactically
disorganised, try to render the essence by giving the main idea in your translation
(however, this recommendation is good only for consecutive interpreting);
i) if you perform simultaneous interpreting try to help your partner by writing
down numerals, names and other difficult (precision lexicon) words for him/her to
j) always be "tuned into" the context because, even if you miss, mishear or
misunderstand something, it is the cohesion of the utterance that will help you.
1. Translate the following word-combinations at sight:
знищувати сили противника; to accomplish the tasks; наземне спостереження; to
provide early warning; піхотна рота; marksmanship; орієнтація на місцевості;
hasty attack; вогонь прямою наводкою; to shatter enemy's will to resist;

зближуватися з противником; to concentrate fires; ворожа територія; to destroy

enemy installations; візуальне спостереження; to undertake a mission; наступальна
операція; evaluation of all available intelligence; добре організована оборона; to
regain lost contact; швидко приймати рішення; teamwork and cohesion; досягати
ефекту раптовості; to be highly skilled in land navigation; відбивати атаку
противника; semi-automatic pistol; автоматична зброя, вогонь з якої ведеться з
плеча (з упора в плече); to load the magazine; боєприпаси; trigger assembly;
такгико-технічні характеристики; explosive power; осколково-фугасний; to break
down into parts; викривати розташування сил противника; to conceal friendly
forces; основна зброя солдата; combat effectiveness; точність ведення вогню;
muzzle compensator; установлюватися на; field stripping; вогонь непрямою
наводкою; to reinforce; ближній бій; smooth-bore; відмічати цілі; forces of
maneuver or assault; зброя, вогонь з якої ведеться прямою наводкою; illumination
fires; спусковий гачок.
2. Translate the following text at sight:


August 19, 2011
Army News Service|by Caroline N Keyser
A food dish, a warm home and a pat on the head -- dogs don't usually ask for
much more than that from their owners. But when one Fort Irwin dog needed some
extra help, the community didn't hesitate to come to his aid.
Jake is a two-year-old Akita who spent much of the past 12 months battling the
harsh elements of the Mojave Desert. Alone, without a family to care for him, Jake
eked out an existence in an environment where winds regularly exceed 50mph, water
is a luxury and temperatures can plunge below freezing. No one is entirely sure how
Jake came to be alone on Fort Irwin, but Ramiro Gonzales, installation game warden,
and others suspect his previous owners abandoned him.
Fort Irwin residents first noticed the mellow dog wandering the installation in
December 2010. Jane S.* and her husband Dan, who lived in the Bitter Springs
housing area, saw Jake approach their backyard one day in mid- December, and soon
began receiving regular visits. Jake had no tags or collar and they quickly discovered
no one was looking for a lost Akita. Concerned, they began feeding him and giving
him water.
"He had such loving eyes and a gentle nature," Jane said. "He would arrive on
cue and watch me put his food bowl out and often ate while I watched."
Weeks went by and a bond formed between the two dog lovers and the
wandering Akita. Jake continued visiting Jane and Dan's backyard every day, but he
never stayed and never came close enough for them to pet him. Jane and Dan grew
increasingly worried about Jake's well-being, and they came to a decision " in spite of
already owning several dogs, all of whom had been rescued from shelters or

abandonment, they owed it to Jake to try to bring him into their home and become his
permanent family.
"We felt it was our obligation to try and save this beautiful dog," Jane said. "We
couldn't bear the thought of him trying to survive out there alone and scared."
But bringing Jake home proved easier said than done. The dog was skittish
around humans and thwarted every capture attempt and safe trap Dan set for him.
Jake showed a very keen awareness of people, Jane said. She and Dan once watched
as he picked up his food bowl, looked both ways before crossing a street and then
settled in a shaded, secluded area to eat.
"He's most definitely smart," Jane said.
Then in March, Jake's situation became more complicated. As he wandered Fort
Irwin's RV park with several other dogs, his leg was injured by MPs who were
investigating the death of an Army-owned goat. Jake fled, and the next time Jane saw
him, he was limping.
With Jake's injury making him even more vulnerable to the elements, Jane and
Dan knew it was time to step up their efforts to catch him. They enlisted Gonzales to
help their cause, and installed four infrared game cameras to track the dog's
movements. Then, they asked for help from the Fort Irwin community. Jane posted
fliers on Facebook, asking people to contact her or Gonzales if they saw Jake and
requesting they not try to catch him themselves. Jake had become even more wary of
humans after his injury, and Jane and Dan didn't want him to be frightened by well-
intentioned capture attempts.
It wasn't long before Jane was inundated with daily updates on Jake. Students at
Tiefort View Intermediate School, where Jane taught, eagerly reported their latest
Jake sightings. Complete strangers posted observations of his activity on Facebook.
Employees at Clark Construction Group, whose office is near the Sandy Basin and
Bitter Springs housing areas Jake often visited, provided Jane with daily updates and
were instrumental in tracking Jake, Jane said. With the community's efforts, Gonzales
was able to piece together the dog's daily movements and eating patterns, which let
Jane and Dan monitor his safety and better attempt to capture him.
"Thanks to social media and the small-town nature of Fort Irwin, Jake became
quite the local celebrity," Jane said. "It's a great example of the Fort Irwin community
working together for the greater good."
Months passed and the dog continued to elude capture, but still visited Jane and
Dan every day. Finally, in late June, with a PCS move imminent, Jake's adopted
owners succeeded in bringing him home. They had contacted their civilian
veterinarian to obtain a safe prescription sedative, which they placed in a meatball in
an area Jake frequented. As Jane watched, Jake ate the meatball and fell into a sleep-
like state.
Accompanied by several friends and armed with nets, Jane and Dan approached
Jake, who managed to rouse himself and nearly escape capture before finally being
caught and brought home. Lt. Col. Roy Brown, Sharon Brown and their son Roy

Brown III were among the rescue party, as well as Command Sgt. Maj. Phillip
Simpao and his wife Rose.
"You could see the relief on his face when he was caught," said Lt. Col. Roy
Brown, who helped with Jake's capture. "He really enjoys being back in a family, and
the other dogs look out for him."
At Jane and Dan's new home in Virginia, Jake is thriving and has fit right in,
Jane said.
"He's just a happy, friendly, normal dog now," said Sharon Brown, Roy's wife,
who also helped.
"It's such a happy story, and I'm glad I got to be a part of it. I don't think the
smile left Jane's face for days. They were the most dedicated people I've ever seen,
and it paid off."
Gonzales said he was glad Jake finally made it home safely.
"There's a misconception that just because a dog is loose, it's aggressive," he
said. "If you can't take care of a dog, try to take it to an animal shelter somewhere.
Don't leave it in the desert.

3. Practise consecutive two-way interpreting:

Press TV: Чому Леон Панетта випереджає події, оголошуючи про ще не
погоджену угоду? Це така пропаганда?
Michael Maloof: I think it is a form of pressure and that the US appears to be very
anxious to extend beyond the December 31 deadline. The reasons for that is not
that because they want to do training and they fear the Iraqi security forces need
more training.
I think the reason the pressure is there is because of what they see is Iran's influence
emerging more and more into Iraq and that's becoming a real problem for the US -
Especially in light of what the US believes they have accomplished with the Syrians
and causing so much disruption there given the relationship of Iran to Syria.
And I think what the US is fearful of is a Shiite crescent actually emerging from all
this given that Prime Minister Maliki is Shiite and is close to Iran and that bothers
the US tremendously.
Press TV: Чому Обама так хоче залишитися в Іраку?
Michael Maloof: I think it's because of the changing circumstances; and you're only
talking 10,000 troops; it's supposed to be a token amount, or they might agree to
the extension of the 40,000 that are there.
But it's not going to really matter in terms of what effectiveness they can
accomplish. I think the US is also under increasing pressure from the Saudis. It's my
understanding that the Saudis have decided to go on their own - they no longer

trust the US - to basically create their own army; a rapid reaction force if you will
and they're very much concerned about the plight of the Sunnis in Iraq.
And so they're going to put pressure on the US to at least maintain some kind of
presence there in order to in effect try to disrupt the forward motion of Iranian
influence in what is an Arab world in that region and also because of the concern
the Saudis have over the plight of the Sunnis there.
So I think the US has seen, and everything in the Middle East has shown, the
ineffectiveness of US policy. And I think they're groping and grasping at straws.
Even in terms of Syria they just don't have the influence they once had and that's
bothering policy makers a great deal in terms of trying to maintain that influence in
the Middle East and try to cope with probable pressure from the Saudis to try to
restrict Iranian influence from the Arab world.

4. Interprete the suggested recording: Campaign 3, 2(2, 4, 5, 6, 7)


Unit 10


The definition of simultaneous interpretation

Simultaneous interpretation, as a kind of oral translation, is widely used today
due to breakthrough in technology and rapid growths of translators' skills. First
attempts to use simultaneous interpretation at international conferences date back to
the late twenties but its first extensive professional application is usually associated
with the Nuremberg (Nurnberg) Trial of the Nazi war criminals (November 1945 -
October 1946) where several dozens of interpreters from different countries worked
together as one team.
Broadly speaking, there may be the following four kinds of simultaneous

However, only the fourth of all these kinds is a "real", professional

simultaneous interpretation, which meets certain organisational, technical, and
employment requirements set out by the corresponding rules, regulations and
agreements of The International Association of Conference Interpreters.
These requirements are recognised by the majority of international
organisations such as the United Nations (UN), European Space Agency (ESA),
Council of Europe (CoE), Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe
(OSCE), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), North
Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), Western European Union (WEU),
International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank (WB) and many other international

and national organisations, institutions and agencies throughout the world which hold
international conferences, congresses, meetings, seminars, workshops and other
Professional simultaneous (conference) interpretation maybe, therefore,
defined as a kind of oral translation at an international forum, which is performed
simultaneously with receiving the source language (SL) oral messages with the help
of special equipment. The interval between the source message and the start of
simultaneous interpreting ranges from 3 to 7 seconds with professional interpreters,
recruited by AIIC.

The difference between professional simultaneous interpretation and

other kinds of interpretation
Features, which differ professional simultaneous interpretation from the
consecutive one, are as follows:
1. Professional simultaneous interpretation is performed in an isolated
booth with the help of special equipment.
2. Simultaneous interpreting starts before the speaker completes separate
utterances, i.e. before the speaker completes to express his/her thoughts.
3. Simultaneous interpreter less relies on his/her memory but either listens
("What was said?"), or processes the information ("How this should be
understood?"), or constructs and checks up his/her interpretation option ("How
should I say this?").

"Anticipation" (імовірнісне прогнозування) is an important

technique, which ensures successful simultaneous interpretation. This is
an ability (or, rather, skills) of an interpreter to predict further utterances of
the speaker using the context of oral discourse.
These skills allow the interpreter to save efforts and to focus either
on listening, or on processing information, or on constructing the target

Another tool of ensuring high level of simultaneous interpretation is the ability

of an interpreter to render "automatically" standard expressions, set phrases and
combinations of words, which belong to a particular subject field of human activity.
Examples are: to accede to; to give the floor to; to open the floor for discussion; to
take census; to pay attention to; to take part in; to underscore the importance of; on
behalf of; with regard to; приєднатися до договору; вступити в організацію;
надати слово; відкрити дискусію; проводити перепис населення; приділяти
увагу; брати участь; підкреслювати важливість чогось, etc).
1. Translate the following word-combinations at sight:

станковий кулемет; armored personnel carier; бойова техніка; spare barrel;

польова оборонна споруда; lightly protected personnel; боєприпаси; rate of fire;
подавати патрони в прийомник зброї; bandoleer; знищувати цілі; to fire from the
bipod-steadied position; щільний вогонь; individual weapon; точність ведення
вогню; to weigh; транспортний засіб; aircraft; некеровані ракети; light armored
vehicles; керовані ракети; man-portable weapon system; надавати вогневу
підтримку; gunner; пусковий пристрій; propellant gases; запускати ракету; радіус
ураження; smoke screening; осколкова граната; to launch from a rifle; корпус
гранати; indirect weapon system; освітлення місцевості; caliber;
бронетранспортер; recoilless weapon; вогнева підтримка; point target; некерована
ракета; guided missile; зброя, вогонь з якої ведеться з плеча; trigger assembly;
вибухова речовина; fuse assembly; наступальна граната; non-lethal; бойова
граната; to be equipped with.
2. Translate the following text at sight:


August 21, 2011
Associated Press|by Dario Lopez and Karin Laub
BRUSSELS -- NATO says the situation in Libya is changing quickly and it's
becoming more difficult to identify and engage targets for airstrikes as the uprising
against Moammar Gadhafi gains momentum.
Libyan rebels said Sunday they were closing in on Gadhafi's main stronghold of
Tripoli and a 600-strong unit is within 20 miles (30 kilometers) of the capital.
NATO spokesman Col. Roland Lavoie says he can't confirm that because the
situation on the ground had become so fluid in recent days that it's difficult to track
all developments.
He says much of the fighting now is concentrated in towns and villages,
complicating the identification of targets. He says "there is no longer a traditional
front line as we had in other phases of the conflict."
Meanwhile, Libyan rebels said they launched their first attack on Tripoli in
coordination with NATO late Saturday, and Associated Press reporters heard
unusually heavy gunfire and explosions in the capital. The fighting erupted just hours
after opposition fighters captured the key city of Zawiya nearby.
Gunbattles and mortar rounds were heard clearly at the hotel where foreign
correspondents stay in Tripoli. NATO aircraft made heavy bombing runs after
nightfall, with loud explosions booming across the city.
"We planned this operation with NATO, our Arab associates and our rebel
fighters in Tripoli with commanders in Benghazi," Mustafa Abdel-Jalil, the head of
the rebel leadership council, told the Arab satellite channel Al-Jazeera. Benghazi,
hundreds of miles east of Tripoli, is the rebels' de facto capital.
Abdel-Jalil they said chose to start the attack on Tripoli on the 20th day of the
Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which fell on Saturday. The date marks the ancient

Islamic Battle of Badr, when Muslims first fought for the holy city of Mecca in A.D.
A couple hours after the rebels said they had attacked Tripoli, state television
ran what appeared to be a live audio message by Gadhafi. He did not appear on
television but sounded like he was calling the message in on a poor phone line which
crackled at times. He announced the time and date twice to prove that he was
speaking live.
Gadhafi condemned the rebels as traitors and "vermin" who are tearing Libya
apart and said they were being chased from city to city - a mirror image of reality.
"Libyans wanted to enjoy a peaceful Ramadan," he said. "Instead they have been
made into refugees. What are we? Palestinians?"
Government spokesman Moussa Ibrahim appeared on Libyan television to deny
there was an uprising in Tripoli. But he acknowledged that there was some kind of
unusual activity.
"Sure there were some armed militants who escaped into some neighborhoods
and there were some scuffles, but we dealt with it within a half hour and it is now
calm," he said.
The claims from both sides could not immediately be independently verified.
If the rebel did indeed attack Tripoli, it would be the first time in the 6-month-
old uprising. The rebels made early gains in the revolt, capturing most of the east of
the country and rising up in a few other major cities such as Zawiya and Misrata. But
Gadhafi's forces fought back and until a week ago, the civil war had been mired in a
Last weekend, rebels from the western mountains near the border with Tunisia
made a dramatic advance into Zawiya, just 30 miles west of Tripoli, and captured
parts of the city.
Gadhafi appeared increasingly isolated as the fighters advanced closer to
Tripoli, a metropolis of 2 million people, from the west, south and east and gained
control of major supply roads into the capital.
After hard-fought battles for a week in Zawiya, the rebels finally wrested the
city's oil refinery, central square and hospital from Gadhafi's forces and drove them
out in a major victory on Saturday that clearly swung momentum in their favor.
Hours later, the attack on Tripoli was claimed.
Col. Fadlallah Haroun, a military commander in Benghazi, said the battles
marked the beginning of Operation Mermaid - a nickname for Tripoli. He also said
the assault was coordinated with NATO. Haroun told the AP that weapons were
assembled and sent by tugboats to Tripoli on Friday night.
"The fighters in Tripoli are rising up in two places at the moment - some are in
the Tajoura neighborhood and the other is near the Matiga (international) airport," he
told the Arabic satellite channel Al-Jazeera. Tajoura has been known since the
beginning of the uprising in February as the Tripoli neighborhood most strongly
opposed to Gadhafi's regime.

Earlier Saturday, the government organized a trip for reporters to the airport to
show them it was still in government hands.
A representative for Tripoli on the rebel leadership council told the AP that
rebels were surrounding almost every neighborhood in the capital, and there was
especially heavy fighting in Fashloum, Tajoura and Souq al-Jomaa.
Those three neighborhoods have been bubbling with discontent ever since the
beginning of the Libya uprising. They paid the highest price in deaths when
protesters took the streets in anti-Gadhafi protests, only to be met with live
ammunition by government militiamen.
"We don't have exact numbers yet, but we are hearing that many fighters have
fallen - very likely over 100," said Mohammed al-Harizi.
U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Jeffrey Feltman visited Benghazi on Saturday.
"Gadhafi's days are numbered," he said. "The best case scenario is for Gadhafi
to step down now ... that's the best protection for civilians."
In Benghazi, there were thousands celebrating in the main city square, shooting
fireworks and guns into the air, and waving the rebel tricolor flag.
They got support from Abdel-Salam Jalloud, a close Gadhafi associate who
defected Friday. Speaking on Al-Jazeera TV from Italy, he told the people of Tripoli,
"You must rise up all together, at once," and called on Gadhafi's forces to joint the
opposition. "The decisive moment is approaching," he said. "You are protecting a
clinically dead regime."
The taking of Zawiya, a city of 200,000, cleared the last major hurdle to a rebel
march on Tripoli from the west. Rebels said Gadhafi's troops put up little resistance
before fleeing their posts in Zawiya's hospital and multistory buildings around the
main square - another sign suggesting that the Libyan dictator's 42-year-old regime is
Trucks and cars packed with rebels as well as civilians drove around Zawiya's
central square, honking horns, flashing V-for-victory signs and yelling "Allahu
akbar" or "God is great!" An ambulance crew posed for photos on the sidewalk while
a rebel called through a loudspeaker on his truck, "Zawiya is liberated!"
Still, regime troops kept firing rockets and mortars at the city from positions in
the east even after rebels said they drove them out, and thunderous booms echoed
across the city. The central hospital was hit by mortar rounds early Saturday, several
hours after it was taken by rebels. The attack badly damaged the operating rooms,
punching a hole into one of the outer walls. Metal slats from the ceiling were strewn
across the floor, and soot-covered the operating tables.
Rebels also claimed that they captured the city of Zlitan, 90 miles (140
kilometers) southeast of Tripoli, after more than two months of fighting.
"Zlitan is now completely liberated after a severe fight, and for the first time I
can say we have control over it," Bani told reporters Saturday.
In Zawiya, fighters were bogged down around the central square for much of the
week, held back by mortar, rocket and anti-aircraft fire from Gadhafi's troops.
However, on Friday afternoon, rebel reinforcements arrived and pushed toward the

square and the hospital, driving out regime forces before nightfall, said 21-year-old
rebel fighter Mohammed Abu Daya.
The rebels said Saturday that they were now driving Gadhafi's forces even
farther east, toward the village of Jedaim on the outskirts of Zawiya.
Gadhafi's forces fired rockets and mortars at the city, killing a doctor his wife
and their 9-month-old baby when a mortar hit their home, medics said.
Zawiya's main square was covered with traces of the recent fighting. Nearly
every window in the surrounding hotel, banks and government office buildings was
shattered, and bullet and shrapnel holes marred every wall. Shelling had collapsed
two floors of one of the five buildings near the square that had been used as Gadhafi
sniper positions.
The dead bodies of two government fighters lay in the square's central plaza,
covered by blankets. Rebels held their breath as they passed the bodies, which some
said had been there for days.
Zawiya native Faiz Ibrahim, 42, took great pleasure in walking safely through
his hometown's central square. Ibrahim, trained as an engineer, had taken up arms to
defend the city early in the uprising, but went underground when Gadhafi's forces
retook the town. He came out of hiding as soon as rebels from the south entered the
"We praise God that we can come here now that we have liberated the square,"
he said, his Kalashnikov rifle over his shoulder. "We have to see all the destruction
that it took to get them out."

3. Practise simultaneous interpreting of the recorded text 10A.

4. Interprete the suggested recording: Campaign 3, 2(16, 22, 24, 28)





Functional system of simultaneous interpretation

The functional system of simultaneous interpretation may be in the most general terms described as having the following
Stage 1. Comprehension of the SL message and anticipation of the possible development of the sense of the message,
which consists of the following steps:
a) Perception of the phonic substance (sounds and intonation) of the SL message or its elements. If the
interpreter fails to complete this step, further interpreting becomes totally impossible. That is why the skills of "hear ing" the
speaker are so important for interpreting and should be developed at early stages of training professional interpreters.
b) Comprehension of the sense of the S L message (or its elements) on the basis of the general linguistic,
professional and cultural knowledge of the interpreter and conversion this sense into the "inner speech"of the
interpreter. In practice this step is confined to "browsing" through all possible synonyms of what the interpreter has perceived
at step "a", which, in the ideal case, leads to step "c" - "understanding". However to understand in full scope what stands behind
certain "senses", the interpreter has to be "a little bit of an expert" in the subject field of interpretation, which is not always the
case. Nevertheless, even if only steps "a" and "b" have been successfully completed, it is quite possible to proceed with
interpreting (i.e. to go on to stage 2, without the in-depth understanding of the nature of things orprocesses denoted by certain
words, of course under condition that the interpreter knows (or, rather has in his/her active thesaurus) the TL equivalents of those
words (usually these are subject field terms or pat phrases)
a) Understanding of the sense of the SL message on the basis of steps "a" and "b", which, of course, is the
best possible scenario of interpreting.
b) Anticipation, which is the basis for further perception, comprehension and understanding (see more on
this below in this Unit).
Stage 2. "Taking decision" (a subconscious act) to interpret the message. It is kind ofa "red line" or turning point, after
which і interpreters" start speaking" in the TL. The natural interval between the source and target language signals usually ranges
from 3 to 7 seconds with professional simultaneous interpreters.
Stage 3. Constructing the message in the TL, which consists of the following steps:
a) Constructing the semantic structure of the TL message (constructing sense).
a) Constructing the grammatical and syntactic structure of the TL message
(constructing grammar patterns and arranging words in a certain order).
b) Constructing the prosodic structure of the TL message (constructing the phonic
substance and intonation).
Stage 4. Self-correction (if necessary). Self-correction is a rare case in simultaneous interpreting due to obvious
technical reasons, however, if the interpreter feels that he/she has made a mistake, it is better to try to correct it in further interpreting.
This may be done very quickly in a parenthetical way without interrupting the "flow" of interpreting or in a short pause that may
occur in oral discourse but, obviously, correction should be made within the shortest possible time after a mistake has been made and
not when the conference is over.
All these stages (except, probably, self-correction) are performed at a subconscious level and have to do with professional
skills of simultaneous interpreters, which they develop throughout their everyday practice. These stages may look pretty good on
Well, I have perceived and understood
paper but they are not the kind of saying to yourself: "
what the message is all about and now I start interpret-ing' There is no vocal"
Ta-da! Here I start with my TL option' in real time. All these subconscious processes haven't yet been
in full scope studied either by linguistics, or by psychology and are acquired with practice and experience of work.

Anticipation in simultaneous interpretation

Anticipation is an important technique of simultaneous interpreting, which becomes possible due to the natural redundancy
of speech and its patterned character. Human mind records certain patterns of the past experience, which are "acti vated" each time a
person appears to be in a similar situation. Having been once bitten by a dog, which had suddenly jumped out of the bushes in the
park, a jogger would anticipate this unpleasant situation each time he jogs for pleasure and stay on alert running by the bushes with

the pattern " beware of dogs.' Valentine cards on 14

in his mind. Similarly, knowing the tradition to send
February, it is easy to anticipate that, if a young man says to his girlfriend:" There will be St. Valentine's
Day soon and I will send you the most probable word to appear is a card. Naturally, one may send
roses, a bottle of wine or a computer virus, but the probability of a card in the given "patterned
context" is much higher. Therefore, anticipations in oral discourse may rank from the most probable to the least probable ones. The
situation may, though, turn the other way round: a person anticipates certain things to happen or to be said, but instead gets
something unexpected or totally different.
(ефект обманеного очікування) is often used in films and in
This frustrated expectancy effect
the popular TV shows to make participants' hearts sank: " Так ви вважаєте свою відповідь
вірною ? Ви гарно подумали? Все ж таки хочете відповісти саме
так? Ну, тоді я маю вам сказати, що ваша відповідь... (pause)... є
абсолютно вірною!"
The frustrated expectancy factor may be used by speakers in telling jokes and anecdotes, e.g. " He плюй у
криницю ... - * вилетить, не спіймаєш!"-. " Чим далі в ліс... - *тим
товстіше партизани". In such "sensitive" cases interpreters should not rely upon their anticipation and never
translate a joke until the speaker finishes telling it.
To anticipate further information the interpreter must correctly understand the communicative intent of the speaker (i.e. the
effect the speaker might want to achieve by saying something) and also have profound background knowledge and good
understanding of the subject field of interpretation.
Anticipation in interpreting may be achieved at the levels of a syllable, word, phrase, syntagma (a group of words with a
common meaning and melody of pronunciation) or a complete message, thus leading to possible anticipation at the level of the
whole communicative situation. Most syllables and words are meaningless without the context. However, initial syllables may help
to comprehend certain words especially names of people, geographical names, non-equivalent lexical units, brands, trademarks, etc
Tony Blair, Microsoft Windows, the Netherlands,
used in a particular discourse (e.g.
Panasonic. Internet, OSCE, GDP, VAT. Дніпропетровськ. Закарпаття. ВВП,
ПДВ, etc).
Still, interpreters should be very careful with their anticipation at the syl labic level and never pronounce their TL option
before the speaker pronounces the full word, phrase or even syntagma. Syllables may only "tune in" the interpreter's brain to a set of
possible options (the set is limited by the probability of occurrence in the context) of the on-going part of the linguistic unit, thus
making the final "hearing" and perception of what is being said by the speaker easier. But, obviously, hearing Tony does not
Blair will appear next (in may be any other name), as well as Microsoft may be followed not by
guarantee that
Windows, but by Office or Encarta, Pana- not by -sonic but by -vision and Дніпро - not by -
петровськ but by -дзержинськ, etc.
Most often anticipation starts at the level of a syntagma and develops when the speaker goes on with the message,
becoming more reliable when set (patterned) expressions (pat phrases) or standard combinations or words (describing standard
situations) are used, e.g.
The game is not worth the ... (candle);
Protection of human ... (rights):
Election of the Secretary... (General) - in the discourse of the Council of Europe, NATO or the
United Nations;
Terrorist attacks in Baghdad and situation in ... (Iraq); Баба
з воза — ... (коням легше); Побудова правової... (держави);
Функціонування у правовому... (полі);
Відмова від використання сили у розв 'язанні... (конфліктів);
Наприкінці січня наша делегація вирушає на сесію Парламентської
Асамблеї Ради Європи у... (Страсбург).
Graphically the process of anticipation in interpreting may be presented as follows These observations make it possible to
assert that anticipation in interpreting is a kind of a cataphoric (forward) semantic link, which the interpreter establishes with the
future context adjusting his mind and his thesaurus to the semantic patterns that are most likely to appear. It is rather a semantic
pattern with a certain sense, but not exact words in this pattern, that is anticipated by the interpreter, because one and the same sense
may be rendered in speech by various words (contextual synonyms). Let us consider the following example:



Compression and its types in simultaneous interpretation

Compression (компресія змісту повідомлення) is understood as the
economy of speech signals that are required to render the same amount of
information (the same sense). Compression becomes possible due to the
natural redundancy of speech and is widely used in simultaneous interpreting,
especially when the speaker speaks fast. However, if the speaker speaks
slowly, excessive compression may result in the unnatural pauses in
translation, which make listeners believe that interpreter does not translate
everything. In such cases it is even better to use a little bit of contextually
grounded expansion (e.g. instead of складні умови праці interpreter may say:
умови, які значно ускладнюють працю), or to use a pause to compensate
previous losses or for self-correction.
However, interpreters are highly recommended not to abuse the so-
called "hedges" to fill in the gaps in interpretation. The abuse of hedges
makes interpretation too lengthy and, in fact, may be perceived as a lack of
interpreter's knowledge or as the use of the "powerless" or "female" talk as it
is described by many scholars (e.g. J.Coats; R.Lakoff; W.M. O'Barr,
B.K.Atkins, R.Wardhaugh and others) writing on the gender issues in
language and speech. Typical examples of hedges are as follows: well; you
know; that is to say; somehow; kind of; you see; etcetera; ну; так вимовити; мовляв;
типу, etc.
Most authors distinguish between the following kinds of compression in
simultaneous interpreting, which may be illustrated by the examples from one
and the same language or from the contrasted languages:
Syllabic compression
Syllabic compression, which is the reduction of the number of syllables
in the TL message, as compared to the S L message. It may be achieved by
choosing shorter TL words, which leads to the lower speed of speech in the
TL, e.g. kit for набір; state for держава, etc. Syllabic compression is usually
achieved at the subconscious level and is often the case in interpreting from
Ukrainian into English simply because there are more shorter words in
English comparing to the Slavonic languages. However, the opposite also
occurs from time to time, e.g. складний for sophisticated; погіршання for
deterioration, etc.
Syntactic compression
Syntactic compression, which is the use in the TL of a shorter and less
complicated syntactical construction than the one used in the SL. Here the
following cases may be mentioned:

a) a complex sentence with several subordinate clauses is replaced

by several simple sentences, e.g. When I entered the room, I saw that he was
standing there — Я увійшов у кімнату. Він стояв там:
b ) a subordinate clause is replaced by a predicative construction with
the participle, gerund or infinitive in English and by дієприкметниковий або
дієприслівниковий зворот in Ukrainian, e.g. I saw that he was standing there —
I saw him standing there:
c) a predicative construction or a phrase with the participle, gerund
or infinitive in English (or, accordingly, their Ukrainian counterparts) is
replaced by a phrase without the participle, gerund or infinitive or by a noun
in the indirect (oblique) case, e.g. I saw him standing there — I saw him there:
to give greater practical reality to the principles contained in the Charter... — ...
повніше втілювати у життя приниипи Уставу:
d) a phrase is replaced by one word or a full name of a country
(organisation, etc) is replaced by the corresponding abbreviation, e.g. the
United States of America — the US; Organisation for Security and Co-operation in
Europe — OSCE, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic
Cooperation - PABSEC.
Lexical and semantic compression
Lexical and semantic compression, which is the use of more general
notions instead of more concrete ones, or simply expressing the same idea
with less number of words carrying the same sense in the given
communicative situation. Lexical and semantic compression has much in
common with a transformation called "generalisation" in written translation.
Examples are: nuclear tests in the atmosphere, in the outer space and under water
— ядерні випробування у трьох середовищах: And now the floor is given to the
representative of Ukraine — Зараз представник України. The extreme case of
lexical and semantic compression is replacement of notional words
(повнозначні слова) by deictic pronouns, which is also called substitution [Hoey
1991],e.g. The issue o f illegal immigration was raised many times by the
Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe — Це питання неодноразово
піднімалося ОБСЄ.
Compression, however, should not be mixed up with omission of those
words, which carry important information in the message, which often occurs
with inexperienced interpreters. Only redundant elements of the message
may be omitted or replaced by shorter elements without substantial losses.
Thus, omissions of numerals, proper names, as well as other items of the
"precision lexicon", are regarded as gaps (лакуни, пропуски) in interpreting
and should be avoided by all means. Most items of the precision lexicon
(except dates) have no redundancy and have to be rendered immediately
before they slip out of the interpreter's memory. Compression in rendering of
dates may, for instance, be as follows: in the year "zero seven " instead of in the

year two thousand and seven: events o f 9/11 instead of events o f the 1 Yk o f
September, etc.

Expansion in simultaneous interpretation

Expansion (розширення, розгортання змісту повідомлення) is a technique
of simultaneous interpreting opposite to compression and leads to increasing
redundancy of the message which is sometimes necessary to provide
clarification or explanation, e.g.... це відбулося у Донбасі... —... this happened in
Donbas — a coal mining industrial region in the East o f Ukraine: Тараса Шевченка
було поховано у Каневі — Taras Shevchenko, a great Ukrainian poet, was buried in
Kaniv, a town to the South ofKviv down the Dnipro river: this was the Resolution of
the Council of Europe, which is a consultative body, promoting democracy, the rule
of law and respect for human rights and, o f course, it should not be mixed up with
the European Union or European Parliament (the underlined words may be added
by the interpreter if he/she knows that there may be people in the target
audience, who do not know the difference between these Institutions).
In most cases expansion is technically possible when the speed of the
speech is low and the interpreter can make use of the pauses between the
SL messages.
Expansion is unlikely to be applied if the speaker reads out the text of the
speech because written texts are less redundant than spontaneous speech
and the speed of reading out printed texts is usually high.
The general approach to expansion in interpreting (as stipulated by AIIC
standards) is that interpreters may use expansion only in cases where it is
necessary to clarify certain specific matters for the target audience (for
instance, to distinguish between Шевченко as a famous Ukrainian poet and
Шевченко as a famous Ukrainian football forward or to explain what Донбас
is, etc).
Interpreting practice shows that it is highly advisable to use expansion
only in the "extreme" cases, where the interpreter really knows that without
certain expansion the source message will not be brought to the target
audience and, if translated "as it is", would not be properly understood by it.
However, most people, who listen to interpreting, are unlikely to admit that
they might not know certain things and usually hate to be "taught" of
"instructed" by the interpreter. This may result in accusations of interpreters,
whom the highly respected audience might perceive to be "more clever" or
"better informed" than the target listeners are. Thus, expansion is a sort of the
ultimate remedy of interpreting and interpreters should be well aware of the
moods, psychological atmosphere of the audience for themselves to be on
the safe side. However, whatever circumstances may be - the main purpose
of interpreting is to bring the message to the source listener so that it is
correctly understood. Thus, perhaps, the key to the "diplomacy" of
interpreting lies in finding a balance between correctness and completeness

of interpreted messages and the "art" of doing this in such a way that nobody
gets offended or insulted. Such art of interpreter's diplomacy is acquired with
years of practical work and it is a life-long process.
In principle interpreters have no right to add anything "extra" to what
was said by the source speaker because legislation provides that, as
interpreters, they bear responsibility for the equivalence of translation and not
for the contents of messages. Thus, interpreters have to comply with the code
of interpreters' ethics, which requires that they must be impartial and
unbiased in terms of political, religious, ethnic, gender and other sensitive


Grammatical difficulties in understanding oral texts

Grammatical forms and syntactical constructions cannot be isolated
from the lexical items they consist of. Therefore, in real life most
translation/interpretation transformations (such as addition, omission,
transposition, replacement, antonymic translation, compensation,
compression, expansion, etc) are complex techniques and include both
lexical and grammatical components.
In practice interpreting begins only after the interpreter has perceived
meanings of the words (so that they make sense) and "unpacked"
grammatical structures of the SL message. Researchers in the field of written
translation and consecutive interpretation have observed that failures to
translate messages correctly are seldom caused by grammatical factors,
especially if the languages involved belong to the European family. However
in simultaneous interpreting certain problems may be caused by the
difference in the SL and TL syntactic structures, first of all, in the word order,
which in Ukrainian and Russian is often reversed so that focus is made on the
rheme of the utterance, whilst the Standard English declarative sentences
have a fixed 6rder of words. Interpreters, especially beginners, may also have
problems with "hearing" and, therefore, rendering of the English articles,
Perfect tense forms of the verb and forms expressing unreality (oblique
moods), affirmative and negative constructions. Although grammatical factors
cause fewer problems than the lexical ones, still interpreters have to be
aware of certain potential threats listed below.



1. The principles of war represent fundamental truths in the practice of military
art that have stood the test of time. Students who have reviewed and researched
warfare over the years still have not reached consensus on a single list of principles
of war; but they all will attest that such principles are a good starting point for
evaluating military strategy and tactics, and these principles form the foundation for
the application of operation planning.
2. The principles of war guide warfighting at the strategic, operational, and
tactical levels. Several principles can be involved in any particular application
concerned. The following lists the purposes of each:
- Objective: To direct every military operation toward a clearly defined,
decisive, and attainable objective.
- Offensive: To seize, retain, and exploit the initiative.
- Mass: To concentrate the effects of combat power at the place and time to
achieve decisive results.
- Economy of Force: To allocate minimum essential combat power to
secondary efforts.
- Maneuver: To place the enemy in a position of disadvantage through the
flexible application of combat power.
- Unity of Command: To ensure unity of effort under one responsible
commander for every objective.
- Security: To never permit the enemy to acquire unexpected advantage.
- Surprise: To strike the enemy at a time or place or Ina manner for which it is
- Simplicity: To prepare clear, uncomplicated plans and concise orders to
ensure thorough understanding.


Military operations other than war encompass a wide range of activities where
the military instrument of national power is used for purposes other than the large-
scale combat operations usually associated with war. These operations are often
conducted outside the United States and they include military support to U.S. civil
authorities. Military operations other than war involve the traditional military
elements such as air, land, sea, space and special operations forces as well as other
governmental agencies and nongovernmental organizations.

a. Many U.S. Government agencies other than DOD can be involved in

operations other than war, including the Department of State; Department of
Agriculture; Department of Commerce; Department of Justice; Department of
Transportation; the Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART) within the Office of
Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA); and the Federal Emergency Management
b. The American Red Cross and the Save the Children Fund are examples of
non-governmental organizations. Examples of international organizations are the
United Nations (UN), the International Committee of the Red Cross, and the UN
High Commissioner for refugees. Military planners should establish contacts with
these agencies to ensure success.
Political objectives drive MOOTW at every level, from strategic to tactical. A
distinguishing characteristic of MOOTW is the degree to which political objectives
influence operations and tactics. Two important factors about political primacy stand
First, all military personnel should understand the political objective and the
potential impact of inappropriate actions. It is not uncommon in some MOOTW –,
for example, peacekeeping –, for junior leaders to make decisions that have
significant political implications.
Secondly, commanders should remain aware of changes not only in the
operational situation, but also in political objectives that may warrant a change in
military operations.
These changes may not always be obvious, but it is imperative that they be
recognized, because failure to do so early on may lead to ineffective or
counterproductive military operations.

a. The military must work together with other agencies of the U.S.
Government as well as other nations’ governments. Consensus building is essential
to understanding each other’s capabilities, limitations as well as constraints that may
preclude the use of a capability. It is essential to establish an atmosphere of trust and
cooperation between all agencies involved in order to accomplish a specific mission.
b. Command and Control. Each operation other than war can be unique.
There is no single C2 structure that works best. JFCs should be flexible in modifying
standard arrangements to meet specific requirements.
c. Intelligence and Information Gathering. Force Protection can be
significantly improved with the proper mix of intelligence and information gathering.
In some MOOTW (such as peacekeeping), the term information gathering is used
rather than the term intelligence because of the sensitivity of the operation.
d. Constraints and Restraints. JFC commanders may face numerous
restrictions associated with ROE. As a consequence, legal rights, ROE, and funding
of the MOOTW should be considered by the combatant commander’s staff.

e. Training and education. The Armed Forces of the United States may be
directed to conduct MOOTW with very little notice. Therefore, training and
education programs focusing on joint, multinational, and interagency operations
should be developed and implemented for individuals and units. Personnel from
other U.S. Government agencies, and nongovernmental and international
organizations should be invited to participate in these programs.
f. Post Conflict Operations. Planning for post conflict operations should begin
as early as possible. As combat operations are nearing termination, military forces
should prepare to transition to operations other than war. Typical post conflict
activities include: Transition to Civil Authorities, Support Truce Negotiations, SOF
Activities (civil affairs), Public Affairs Operations, and Redeployment.
g. Arms Control. The main purpose of arms control is to enhance national
security. U.S. military personnel may be involved an arms control treaty, or escorting
authorized deliveries of weapons and other materials to preclude loss or unauthorized
use of these assets.
h. Combating Terrorism. These measures are both offensive
(counterterrorisim) and defensive (antiterrorism) in nature. The former typically
occurs outside the territory of the United States, while the latter may occur anywhere
in the world.
i. DOD Support to Counterdrug Operations. The national drug control
strategy (NDCS) is issued by the President pursuant to the antidrug plans and
programs of the Department of Defense. The plans and programs activities include
detection and monitoring; support to cooperative foreign governments; support for
interdiction; support to drug enforcement agencies; internal drug prevention and
treatment programs; research and development; and C4I support.
j. Nation Assistance. The main objective of nation assistance is to assist a host
nation with internal programs to promote stability, develop sustainability, and
establish institutions responsive to the needs of the people. The primary means of
providing nation assistance is through Security Assistance and Foreign Internal
k. Security Assistance refers to a group of programs that provides defense
articles and services, including training, to foreign countries that further U.S. national
security objectives.
l. Foreign Internal Defense supports a host nation’s fight against lawlessness,
subversion, and insurgency.
m. Noncombatant Evacuation Operations (NEO). The purpose of a NEO is to
safely and quickly remove civilian noncombatants from an area outside the United
States where they are, or may be, threatened.
n. Other Civil Support Operations. These operations encompass worldwide
humanitarian assistance, military support to civil authorities and military assistance
for civil disturbances.
o. Peace Operations. This term encompasses three general areas: diplomatic

(peacemaking), traditional peacekeeping (noncombat military operations) and

forceful military actions (peace enforcement).
p. Support to Insurgencies. U.S. support to insurgencies can be overt, low
visibility, clandestine, or covert.



a. Rules of engagement. JFC’s should give early attention to developing ROE

that are appropriate to the situation and can be employed by all member forces. JFCs
should strive to develop and implement simple ROE that can be tailored by member
forces to their particular situation.
b. The Media. JFCs should seek to facilitate the activities of national and
international press organizations, consistent with operational security requirements.
This task is complicated in a multinational situation where press corps from each
member nation may have their own standards and requirements.
c. Local Law Enforcement. U.S. forces will often not have the authority or
capability to enforce local laws in the operational area. JFCs should seek clear
guidance from the alliance or coalition political leadership during the planning phase
of multinational operations.
d. Command and Control. Multinational Force commanders and staffs
exercise their authority to unify the efforts of the multinational force toward common
objectives. Such authority, however, is seldom absolute. Consensus and compromise
are important aspects of decision making in multinational organizations. Establishing
command relationships and operating procedures within the multinational force is
often challenging. It involves complex issues that require willingness to compromise
in order to achieve the common objectives.
e. Intelligence. The collection, production, and dissemination of intelligence
can be a major challenge. Alliance or coalition members normally operate separate
intelligence systems in support of their own policy and military forces. JFCs need to
determine what intelligence may be shared with the forces of other nations early in
the planning process.
f. Logistics. Multinational logistics is a major challenge. Multinational forces
will have different logistics doctrine, stockage levels, logistics mobility assets, and
interoperability issues. Nonetheless, JFCs need to coordinate the use of facilities, rail
lines, ports and airfields in a manner that supports mission accomplishment. JFCs
typically form multinational logistic staff sections early to facilitate logistics
coordination and support multinational operations.
g. Protection measures. JFCs must consider the same protection measures that
apply to joint operations during multinational operations. JFCs must consider, air
defense, defensive air, counterair, reconnaissance and surveillance and security
measures for the multinational force.


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9. Mellor-Clark S., Baker de Altamirano Y. Campaign -1. English for military.
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10.Mellor-Clark S., Baker de Altamirano Y. Campaign -2. English for military.
Work book. – Macmillan, 2005.
11.Mellor-Clark S., Baker de Altamirano Y. Campaign -2. English for military.
Student’s book. – Macmillan, 2005.
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