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Київський національний університет технологій та дизайну

Кафедра філології та перекладу

про проходження навчальної практики

зі спеціальності 035 Філологія

освітньої програми Англійська мова: переклад у бізнес-комунікаціях
підготовки бакалавра
на кафедрі філології та перекладу Київського національного університету
технологій та дизайну

студентки 2 курсу
групи БЗАМ-21
Тернавської Єлизавети

Керівниця практики
від кафедри _________________________

2023 рік





German Supermarkets 2023…………………………………………………...

Concept of the holding First business forum “Ukraine-Africa: Cooperation in
the conditions of global challenges”..................................................................
Concept of the holding First business forum “Ukraine-ASEAN: Cooperation in
the context of global challenges”.......................................................................
About the beginning of the war in Ukraine and business sentiment for today...

Assessment of the state of foreign economic security………………………...



Метою проведення виробничої практики є забезпечення

комплексного розвитку навичок і вмінь здобувача вищої освіти, необхідних
для усвідомлення ним професійної значущості набутих компетентностей,
стимулювання потреби постійного удосконалення професійних знань,
навичок та умінь перекладацької майстерності; оволодіння сучасними
формами, засобами, технологіями перекладацької діяльності у різних типах
організацій; знайомство з робочим місцем перекладача, редактора
перекладів, перекладача-консультанта, інокореспондента, перекладача на
міжнародних конференціях, гіда-перекладача, спеціаліста підрозділу реклами
та зв'язків з громадськістю; розвиток творчої ініціативи, реалізація
особистісного творчого потенціалу.
Основними завданнями практики, що передбачені програмою
практики, є:
- ознайомлення зі специфікою умов праці в установі, а також із
професійними обов’язками перекладача;
- закріплення та вдосконалення навичок культури ділового спілкування,
перекладу й редагування документів та аналізу текстів ділової документації;
- написання українською мовою одного з видів прес-релізу та виконання
його письмового перекладу на англійську мову;
- виконання письмового перекладу з української на англійську мову
ділових документів відповідно до отриманих індивідуальних доручень;
- своєчасне складання звіту з практики й подання його керівникові



Стародавній Рим вважається центром перекладу за давніх часів, де

зазвичай перекладали грецькі тексти латинською мовою.
Ієронім Стридонський є важливою постаттю історії розвитку перекладу.
Він став відомий своїм перекладом тексту Біблії з єврейської мови на
тогочасну латину, коментарями до Євангелія та історичними працями. Його
переклад Вульгата (лат. Vulgata) до сьогодні залишається офіційним текстом
Біблії, що використовується Католицькою церквою [1].
Другу половину XX століття називають «епохою перекладу», тому що в
той час, після Другої світової війни, почали з’являтися міжнародні
організації та блоки (ООН, ЄС, ВООЗ) та активізувалися міжнародні
контакти. Як наслідок, почав набирати популярність усний переклад.
Міжнародна комунікація була неможливою без перекладачів, тому їх послуги
користувалися популярністю, попит збільшився в мільйони разів [1].
Художній переклад – це переклад творів художньої літератури,
головною функцією якого є художньо-естетичний вплив на читача. Така
естетична спрямованість відрізняє художнє мовлення від решти актів
мовленнєвої комунікації (зокрема від таких, для яких основна мета –
інформативність висловлювання). Ще одна риса художнього перекладу – при
цьому перекладі створюється новий текст, такий самий за своїми художніми
якостями, як і вихідний текст.
Інформативний переклад – це переклад текстів, основна функція яких –
повідомлення інформації, а не художньо-естетичний вплив на читача. Це всі
матеріали наукового, ділового, суспільно-політичного, побутового характеру.

Письмовий переклад – такий вид перекладу, при якому мовні твори, що

об'єднуються в акті мовленнєвого спілкування (оригінал і текст перекладу),
з'являються в процесі перекладу у вигляді фіксованих текстів, до яких
перекладач може неодноразово звертатися.
Усний переклад –вид перекладу, при якому оригінал
та його переклад з'являються в процесі перекладу в
нефіксованій формі, тобто перекладач сприймає
інформацію лише один раз і у своїй подальшій
діяльності не може звертатися до вихідного тексту.
Усний переклад відбувається за схемою: усне
сприймання → усне відтворення (translation by ear) [2].
Взаємозв’язок між поняттями «усний переклад» та «письмовий
переклад» полягає у тому, що саме перекладацька діяльність поділяється на
ці два види перекладу. Взаємозв’язок між поняттями «інтроверт» та
«екстраверт» полягає у тому, що це види особистості. Також хочу зазначити,
що для інтроверту, як людині, яка зосереджена на своєму внутрішньому світі,
більше підходить спеціалізація письмового перекладу, оскільки комунікація з
іншими людьми в даному виді перекладу не потрібна. Що стосується
екстраверта, в цьому випадку навпаки, оскільки така людина спрямована на
активну взаємодію з людьми, тому найкращий варіант - вибір спеціалізації
усного перекладу [2].
У роботі перекладача є свої переваги:
- можливість самореалізації у будь-яких галузях: письмовий переклад,
перекладач-синхроніст, усний або послідовний переклад, переклад фільмів,
книг, журналів;
- людину, яка володіє іноземною мовою, охоче беруть у журналістику,
туристичні фірми, PR-компанії, менеджмент;
- є можливість спілкуватися з різними людьми і вивчати культури інших

- від професіоналізму перекладача часто залежить сприятливий

результат переговорів.
Однак, як і в будь-якій іншій професії, існують недоліки:
- ненормований робочий графік;
- часто гонорари отримують не за фактом здачі матеріалу, а коли
приходить оплата від замовника;
- високе психоемоційне навантаження [2].
У квaліфікaційнoмy дoвідникy пocaд зазначені такі обов'язки
1. Пepeклaд нayкoвої, тexнічної, cycпільнo-пoлітичної, eкoнoмічної і
іншої cпeціaльної літepaтypи, пaтeнтних oпиcів, нopмaтивнo-тexнічної і
тoвapocупровідної дoкyмeнтaції, мaтepіaлів лиcтyвaння із зapyбіжними
opгaнізaціями, a тaкoж мaтepіaлів кoнфepeнцій, нapaд, ceмінapів.
2. У пpoцecі здійcнeння cпівпpaці із зaкopдoнними фіpмaми,
бeзпocepeдньoгo кoнтaктy пpeдcтaвників зapyбіжниx фіpм з фaxівцями
підпpиємcтв, ycтaнoв, opгaнізaцій пepeклад виcтyпів нa кoнфepeнціяx,
cимпoзіyмax, кoнгpecax та іншиx міжнapoдниx зycтpічax.
3. Викoнання ycних тa пиcьмoвих, пoвних і cкopoчeних пepeклaдів,
зaбeзпeчyючи пpи цьoмy тoчнy відпoвідніcть пepeклaдів лoгічнoгo,
cтиліcтичнoго і cмиcлoвoго зміcтy тeкcтів, дoтpимaння вcтaнoвлeниx
нayкoвиx, тexнічниx тa іншиx тepмінів і визнaчeнь. Пepeклaд тexнічної
дoкyмeнтaції, щo вимaгaє пиcьмoвoгo пepeклaдy. Здійcнення нeoбxідного
peдaгyвaння пepeклaдниx тeкcтів.
4. Ведення poбoти пo yтoчнeнню тa yніфікaції тepмінів, пoнять і
визнaчeнь, щo зycтpічaютьcя в тeкcтax пo відпoвідниx гaлyзяx eкoнoміки,
знaнь, нayки і тexніки. Підготовка тeмaтичних oглядів, aнoтaції тa peфepaти
із зaкopдoнних джepeл нayкoвo-тexнічнoї інфopмaції. Учacть y cклaдaнні
звітів щодо пpoвeдeних зycтpічей та пepeгoвopів.

5. Підготовка aнoтaції тa peфepaтів інoзeмнoї літepaтypи і нayкoвo-

тexнічнoї дoкyмeнтaції. Вeдeння poбoти з yніфікaції тepмінів, yдocкoнaлeння
пoнять і визнaчeнь пo тeмaтиці пepeклaдів пo відпoвідниx гaлyзяx eкoнoміки,
нayки і тexніки, oбліку і cиcтeмaтизaції викoнaниx пepeклaдів, aнoтaцій,
peфepaтів [2].
На мою думку, дуже важко обрати якісь одну або дві якості та вміння,
так як всі вони являються важливими і безпосередньо пов'язані з успішною
кар’єрою перекладача. Наприклад, перекладач, який має майже всі
професійні якості, крім одної - точності та пунктуальності, буде мати не
такий високий рейтинг у сфері праці, оскільки ні одному роботодавцеві не
потрібен працівник, який запізниться на важливу зустріч із партнерами з
іншої країни.
Перекладачем може стати будь-яка людина, проте бути професіоналом у
цій галузі непросто. Тому необхідно тверезо оцінювати свої можливості та
володіти наступним набором якостей:
● комунікабельність;
● грамотна мова;
● приємна, акуратна, елегантна зовнішність;
● старанність;
● ініціативність;
● уміння працювати самостійно і в команді;
● чесність;
● порядність;
● психологічна та емоційна стійкість;
● активність і висока працездатність;
● точність і пунктуальність;
● легка здатність до навчання;
● аналітичний склад розуму;
● знання основ культури мовлення;

Перелік вакансій даної спеціальності з кожним днем збільшується, а

отже ринок праці у даній сфері не переповнен, тому складнощів з пошуком
роботи після закінчення університету немає бути. Випускник є придатним
для працевлаштування на підприємствах, в організаціях та установах, в яких
він здатен продемонструвати набуті компетентності перекладача. Перекладач
може працювати у державних органах, видавництвах, комерційних
компаніях, туристичних агенціях, рекламних компаніях, шлюбних



Міжнародна співпраця у медичному секторі

7-го червня 2022 року онлайн відбувся міжнародний захід “COOPERATE

WITH UKRAINE: Medical and Pharm Industry”

Міжнародний захід “COOPERATE WITH UKRAINE: Medical and Pharm

Industry”, що пройшов 7-го червня 2022 року в режимі онлайн, був
покликаний на обговорення потреб медичної та фармакологічної галузі
України, а також шляхів співпраці з європейськими організаціями у воєнний

У 2022 році в головному медичному заході року брали участь

представники з України та різних міжнародних установ та організацій,
зокрема: Mr. Hans Das, Директор, відповідальний за управління
надзвичайними ситуаціями та рятувальний стан; Міжнародний комітет

Червоного Хреста України; Kryzsztof Krystowski, Президент Селезійського

авіаційного кластеру; Олексій Яременко, заступник Міністра охорони
здоров'я України з питань європейської інтеграції і т.д.

Минулого року захід проходив в режимі онлайн. Представники

фармакологічних компаній презентували свої компанії та продукцію на
європейському рівні, а також мали можливість налагодити контакти з
потенційними партнерами, дистриб’юторами та постачальниками.
Основними темами обговорення даного заходу були: стійкість системи
охорони здоров’я, невідкладні та зростаючі потреби населення та
промисловості України, особливості експорту та імпорту фармацевтичної
продукції в умовах війни, інформація стосовно ключових міжнародних
медичних ініціатив, які надають допомогу Україні.

Організатор міжнародного заходу “COOPERATE WITH UKRAINE:

Medical and Pharm Industry” - Платформа логістичного ланцюга. Детальна

International cooperation in the medical sector

On june 7, 2022 an international event took place online “COOPERATE

WITH UKRAINE: Medical and Pharm Industry”

The international event “COOPERATE WITH UKRAINE: Medical and

Pharm Industry”, which took place on June 7, 2022 in an online mode, was aimed
at discussing the needs of the medical and pharmacological sector of Ukraine, as
well as ways of cooperation with European organizations in military time.

In 2022 the main medical event of the year was attended by representatives
from Ukraine and various international institutions and organizations, in
particular: MR. Hans Das, Director responsible for Emergency Management and
rescUE; International Committee of the Red Cross of Ukraine; Kryzsztof
Krystowski, , President of the Selesian Aviation Cluster; Oleksiy Yaremenko,
Deputy Minister of Health of Ukraine for European Integration, etc.

Last year the event was held online. Representatives of pharmaceutical

companies presented their companies and products at the European level, and
also had an opportunity to establish contacts with potential partners, distributors
and suppliers. The main topics of the discussion were: stability of the healthcare
system, urgent and growing needs of the population and industry of Ukraine,
peculiarities of export and import of pharmaceutical products in the conditions of
war, information on key international medical initiatives providing assistance to

The organizer of the international event “COOPERATE WITH UKRAINE:

Medical and Pharm Industry '' is the platform of the logistics chain. Detailed



6 лютого 2023 року прибула на базу практики - Торговельно-промислова

палата України, пройшла інструктажі з питань охорони праці, техніки
безпеки та внутрішнього розпорядку, ознайомилася з основними засадами
перебігу практики, її метою і завданнями.
З 6-го по 11-те лютого опрацьовувала матеріал щодо професійних
обов’язків перекладача.
З 9-го по 11-те лютого виконувала письмові завдання у формі відповідей
на запитання щодо професійних обов’язків перекладача.
З 13-го по по 14-те лютого узгоджувала із керівником практики від бази
практики захід, який висвітлено у прес-релізі, також склала план прес-релізу
та узгодила його шаблон із керівником практики від бази практики.
З 15-го по 18-те лютого проходив процес написання прес-релізу
українською мовою та його переклад на англійську мову.
З 20-го по 4-те березня виконувала за дорученням керівника від бази
практики супутніх завдань у ході роботи установи.
З 20-го по 4-те березня також йшов процес виконання письмового
перекладу з української на англійську мову ділових документів установи в
обсягах, необхідних для забезпечення функціонування даної установи.
Зокрема, це стосується таких документів:
● Концепція проведення заходу щодо країн Африки;
● Концепція проведення заходу щодо АСЕАН;
● Про початок війни в Україні та настрої бізнесу на сьогодні;
● Супермаркети Німеччини 2023.
А також пошук інформації та написання тез “Оцінка стану
зовнішньоекономічної безпеки”.

З 3-го по 4-те березня виконувала оформлення звіту про проходження

навчальної практики, а також здача вищезазначеного документу керівнику
практики від кафедри філології та перекладу.



German Supermarkets 2023

● Lidl Germany
● Supermarket Rewe Germany
● Kaufland
● Alnatura
● Edeka
● Metro
● Netto supermarket Germany
● Norma
● Penny

Lidl Germany

Lidl Germany– one of the most famous supermarkets in Germany due to its
unusual design and large exhibition with the name. Its area is from 700 to 1800
square meters. It started its activity in 1930 and now has shops all over the world.

According to the responses on the Internet, he agreed to buy Lidl. It has an area of
700-1200 square meters and offers several conveniences.

Ludwig Lidl founded Lidl in 1930 in Germany. His business venture is as

follows. Many things are mandatory.

The point is not only that Market Lidl products have international names that
distinguish them among others. Most people believe that Lidl clothes have good
quality. Clothes and shoes of the store are made of high-quality materials and

Lidl stores guarantee water-resistant clothes for both adults and children, as
well as low prices.

Supermarket Rewe Germany

Rewe has more than 3 600 stores in Germany, making it the second largest
grocery chain store in the country. The greater the choice in the supermarket, the
better for people who come there for purchases. The supermarket also has
departments of Asian, Latin American and African products.

Then the company distributed its delivery service to other cities of Germany.
It began in Frankfurt in 2011. Rewe became the leader in the German market of
online food delivery because it used this strategy.


It is one of the cheapest shops in Germany, where inexpensive food, clothes

and other things for home are sold. Kaufland has more than 700 stores in Germany.

There are many fresh meat products produced in Germany and the Czech
Republic by this company. Kaufland is a huge online shop where you can buy
almost everything.

Food, household goods, electronics, toys, clothes and even bicycles are some
of the many things you can buy. All of them are of high quality.


This is the name of the company, which was founded in 1984 and sells food
and clothing useful for the environment. Alnatura is the name of the brand.

These products are sold in various pharmacies and retail chains, as well as in
Alnatura Super Natur Markt, an organic supermarket chain owned by Alnatura.

Alnatura currently owns more than 100 supermarkets in Germany.


In 2017, Germany had a lot of "Edek", making them the largest grocery store
chain in the country. Company Edeka grew from a small corner shop in 1907 into a
huge chain with more than 4,100 stores.

People can buy a wide range of dairy products at the Edeka store, where there
are many different kinds of products.


German residents love METRO, which is the largest retail store in the
country. It has a wide range of products in various categories, and all at a good

Many products, as well as other things such as electronics, dishes and

professional kitchen equipment, are on sale.

Netto Supermarket Germany

There are over 1,000 Netto stores in Germany. Since Netto Discount is
difficult to compete with huge stores like Aldi and Lidl, it focuses on selling well-
known brands at low prices.


In addition, Norma is a strong contender for the title of the cheapest

supermarket in Germany.

They liaise with local pastoralists and farmers to help the local economy and
supply chain. Every day buyers can find in their stores a wide range of high-quality
and inexpensive products such as products, meat, dairy products and other things
they need.


Penny – one of the best places to buy cheap food in Germany (in Bavaria and
Austria it is known as Penny Markt).

Penny attaches great importance to the purity, freshness and wide range of
organic products in its enterprises. According to "Lebensmittel Zeitung", about 25-
30 organic vegetables and fruits will be sold in supermarkets at very low prices.
Concept of the holding First business forum “Ukraine-Africa: Cooperation in
the conditions of global challenges”

The main organizer of the CCI of Ukraine, with the assistance of diplomatic
institutions and partner organizations in the countries of Africa.

The CCI of Ukraine organizes the Forum "Ukraine-Africa: Cooperation in the

conditions of Global challenges", which will take place in autumn 2023, according
to the results of which the participants will get the necessary information on how to
establish direct cooperation between Ukraine and countries of Africa.

The importance of a continent with a population of almost 1,5 billion people,

where the last decades have been characterized by steady dynamics of economic
growth, is indisputable. Ukrainian presence in the African region has its history of
formation. Previously, the focus of diplomatic activity was political and trade and
economic contacts with the countries of North Africa, and now it is time to restart
relations with the whole continent.

Ukraine needs further consolidation and strengthening of international support in

countering Russian aggression, including for the implementation of our formula
for peace, as well as for establishing and maintaining strong economic ties with the
countries of the Global South.

At a time when Ukraine’s diplomatic presence on the African continent is

expanding to a level that will allow for uninterrupted and effective interaction with
African capitals.On the basis of the passports of Ukraine’s relations with Africans
countries developed in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the President of Ukraine
announced the designation of 10 countries, where new embassies on this continent
will be opened in the near future.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has developed the concept of the “Ukraine-Africa”
Trade House with the opening of its representative offices in the capitals of the
most promising African countries. In 2023, measures will be taken to ensure the
growth of Ukrainian exports of goods and services and to solve the problematic
issues of economic entities of Ukraine, as well as realization of joint Ukrainian-
African projects in the spheres of trade-economic, investment, scientific-technical
cooperation and industrial cooperation.

The CCI of Ukraine builds trade and economic relations with the countries of the
African continent on the basis of economic and geopolitical realities that have
developed on this continent. Maintaining a high level of relations with partner
organizations abroad in order to create favorable conditions and provide
appropriate services to domestic enterprises in the field of foreign economic
activity is one of the main directions of work of the Chamber of Commerce and
Industry of Ukraine.

Main issues to be raised during the event:

● Specific and market requirements of African countries, recommendations on
adaptation of products for Ukrainian exporters
● The general review of markets and potential areas of cooperation
● Partners search tools, electronic platforms, marketplaces, business

● Support of diplomatic institutions in intensification of cooperation is the

building of an algorithm of cooperation
● Export and investment potential of Ukraine and African countries
● The practical aspects of foreign economic activity Ukraine-Africans
● В2В
● Questions and Answers Section
The meeting will take place in the format of online, with the help of ZOOM
system, and also possible physical participation.

Besides new skills and knowledge, the participants will receive:

● A list of sites and platforms where you can find partner information
● The checklist with a range of documents for entering certain markets
● Possibility to organize B2B
● List of contacts

Ukrainian CCI has developed a matrix of cooperation between Ukraine and

African countries -


10:00-10:30 Diplomatic institutions

10:30-11:00 Partner organizations – CCI and business associations

11:00-11:30 Government authorities


11:30-12:00 Experts of foreign economic activity


Business ranges of Ukraine and countries of Africa

Financial support of the event is the attraction of funds of donor organizations and
grants, partial financing of Ukrainian CCI and funds from Ukrainian companies –
sponsors of the event, which will be ready to act as partners.


2022 year

Export - $ 2,129 bn. (-62%)

Import - $ 595,033 mln. (-60%)
Total trade turnover - $ 2,724 bn. (-61%)

Top - 5 partner countries for export Main export positions:

Egypt 1. Grain crops
Algeria 2. Ferrous metals
Tunis 3. Fats and oils
Morocco 4. Ores, slag and ash
Liviya 5. Meat and edible products

Top - 5 partner countries for import Main import positions:

Algeria 1. Ores, slag and ash

Egypt 2. Cocoa and its products

Republic of Côte d'Ivoire 3. Fertilizers
Morocco 4. Tobacco
Republic of South Africa 5. Edible products and nuts

Concept of the holding First business forum “Ukraine-ASEAN: Cooperation

in the context of global challenges”

The main organizer of the CCI of Ukraine, with the assistance of diplomatic
institutions and partner organizations in ASEAN countries.

The CCI of Ukraine organizes the Forum "Ukraine-ASEAN: Cooperation in the

conditions of Global challenges", which will take place in autumn 2023, according
to the results of which the participants will get the necessary information on how to
establish direct cooperation between Ukraine and ASEAN countries.

In the context of fulfillment of tasks defined by the President of Ukraine Zelenskiy

V. in the foreign economic sphere, the preparation of a program document on
strengthening the economic component of development of cooperation with the
countries of South-East Asia is carried out, first of all, taking into account
Ukraine’s becoming a partner of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations
(ASEAN). This step will help to define priorities of further development of
cooperation, in particular, in the sphere of development of regulatory and legal
framework, maintenance of regular economic, cultural and humanitarian contacts
and development of mutually beneficial objects.

For more than half a century, ASEAN has become one of the most influential
centers of world politics and economics. Figures speak for themselves: the total
GDP of member countries exceeds 2,5 trillion US dollars, and their economic
growth rate reached 5% (global - 4%). By volume of trade in goods and services,
the Association takes 4 th place in the world, after the EU, China and the USA.

Now is a good time to strengthen cooperation with ASEAN as much as possible.

The Association countries plan to establish a Regional comprehensive Economic
Partnership in the near future with the involvement of China, Japan, the Republic
of Korea, Australia, New Zealand and, Perhaps India. It can become the largest
free trade zone in the world.

Main issues to be raised during the event:

● Specific and market requirements of ASEAN countries, recommendations
on adaptation of products for Ukrainian exporters
● The general review of markets and potential areas of cooperation
● Partners search tools, electronic platforms, marketplaces, business
● Support of diplomatic institutions in intensification of cooperation is the
building of an algorithm of cooperation
● Export and investment potential of Ukraine and ASEAN countries
● The practical aspects of foreign economic activity Ukraine-ASEAN
● В2В
● Questions and Answers Section
The meeting will take place in the format of online, with the help of ZOOM
system, and also possible physical participation.

Besides new skills and knowledge, the participants will receive:


● A list of sites and platforms where you can find partner information
● The checklist with a range of documents for entering certain markets
● Possibility to organize B2B
● List of contacts

The CCI of Ukraine has developed a matrix of establishing cooperation between

Ukraine and the countries of Southeast Asia taking into account Ukraine’s
becoming a partner of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) for a
short-term perspective in the context of Russian military aggression against
Ukraine -


10:00-10:30 Diplomatic institutions

10:30-11:00 Partner organizations – CCI and business associations

11:00-11:30 Government authorities

11:30-12:00 Experts of foreign economic activity


Business ranges of Ukraine and ASEAN countries

Ukraine joined the Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation in Southeast Asia.

"ASEAN is one of the fastest growing regions in the world. There are great

opportunities for trade, and political support for ASEAN countries is important to
counter russia’s aggression. Joining the basic agreement of this powerful union
will bring concrete benefits to the Ukrainian state, business and citizens",
emphasized Minister of Foreign Affairs Kuleba.

Financial support of the event is the attraction of funds of donor organizations and
grants, partial financing of Ukrainian CCI and funds from Ukrainian companies –
sponsors of the event, which will be ready to act as partners.


2022 year

Export - $ 447,9 mln. (-27,37%)

Import - $ 1,009 bn. (-60,70%)
Total trade turnover - $ 1,456 bn. (-44,16%)

Top - 5 partner countries for export Main export positions:

Indonesia 1. Grain crops
Vietnam 2. Oil and fats
Thailand 3. Oilseed crops
Malaysia 4. Meat products
Philippines 5. residues and wastes of the
processing industry

Top - 5 partner countries for import Main import positions:

Vietnam 1. Citrus fruit
Malaysia 2. Palm oil
Indonesia 3. Different vegetables

Thailand 4. Sunflower seeds

Singapore 5. Coffee and tea

About the beginning of the war in Ukraine and business sentiment for today

We hoped that there would be no war. As early as February 23 last year, the threat
from Russia looked irrational.

However, on February 24 we woke up from the explosions. I was in Kyiv for the
first days of the war, together with my family and team. We tried to organize the
work of the team, support business, and help the army. During the week the
situation in our district was complicated and I had to take my family to the
suburbs. We went out of town. But soon our village seized the russians. I had to
flee again. On our way to another region we saw terrible evidence of the war:
Burned cars, destroyed houses, dead people. These pictures did not allow me to
sleep for a few days.

We have reached one of the border relatively safe cities and started to set up the
work of the chamber. Business was lost and needed support.

On-line, around-the-clock connection, we have set up work and business services.

A third of employees left their homes and escaped, saving lives.

Chambers of Donetsk, Kherson, Mykolayiv, Kharkiv, Chernihiv and other regions

in the area of attacks were relocated.

We have preserved the foundation of the team and with the support of foreign
partners have restarted work.

The most difficult for business were March and April 2022. The main problem is
destroyed logistics. Ukrainian exports went through sea ports. The attack of Russia
cut off the sea. Therefore, companies that survived and resumed their work did not
know how to export goods.

The western border has become a salvation for millions of Ukrainians and
businesses. We worked hard with the government, business and international
partners to simplify logistics and transit.

At the beginning of the summer, the situation began to improve. And the launch of
the "grain corridor" saved us.

More than 85% of Ukrainian businesses resumed their operations before the end of
2022. Small, medium, large, foreign, most industries work on the power extracted
by logistics. Ukraine exported goods for 100 million tons in the conditions of war.

The agro-sector brought the most income to GDP last year. Grain, oil, rape, meat
in the top of sales. Among the leaders of industrial exports – the wires isolated –
earned 1,32 billion dollars. This is 16,4% less than in 2021. The next in the rating
are semi-finished steel and hot rolled steel. Metallurgy is losing ground due to
losses of plants and ports in the south.

As we can see, the agro-sector, processing, food industries, and industry are

Now the security situation has improved. Russia was unable to arrange a blackout
in Ukraine.

The main problem for business is lack of investment and insurance.

At the same time, we see a great interest of business from European, Asian
countries, America and Canada in the reconstruction of Ukraine. They ask what to
help, how to be useful. Reforms are already needed to create the most favorable
conditions for the investor. They ask how to help, how to be useful. Reforms are
already needed to create the most favorable conditions for the investor. We are
actively working to make Ukraine the driver of economic growth in Europe.

Work on reconstruction plans is continuing.

Ukrainians learned to live, work, fight and do business simultaneously.

The dynamics of our trade are not determined by war. And business activity in
development of new partnerships. Ukraine is still a large 35 million market with an
active population.

We welcome the interest of foreign business. In autumn, delegations of Austrian,

Czech, Lithuanian, Polish, Italian business, and the London chamber were received
in Kyiv. Trade representative offices of Japan and Italy were opened.

Ukraine fights, works, produces and believes in victory.

We thank our partners for their duty-free trade, liberalization and simplified transit.

Assessment of the state of foreign economic security


Economic security is the condition of having stable income or other

resources to support a standard of living now and in the foreseeable future. It
includes continued solvency, predictability of the future cash flow of a person, or
other economic entity, such as a country, employment security, or job security.
Financial security more often refers to individual and family money management
and saving. Economic security tends to include the broader effect of a society's
production levels and monetary support for non-working citizens.
As it has been mentioned in the strategic plans (Еurope 2020) as a strategy
for smart sustainable and inclusive growth (European Commission, 2019) and the
New High-Tech Strategy “Innovations for Germany” (Federal Government, 2014),
U.S. National Security Strategy (The White House Washington, 2017), Japan’s
New Growth Strategy (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, 2017), the forming of
economic security competitive advantages of a country in the modern world
becomes an increasingly essential factor of securing the growth of productivity and
efficiency of economy and improvement of a country’s position in the system of
international labor division and the international market. It proves the need for
implementation of public policy of support and boosting of innovative
technological activity, digitalization, creation, and introduction of advanced
technologies, digital production, results of scientific research and intellectual
creative activity to secure sustainable competitiveness of national economy
(Hrynkevych et al., 2020).
Meanwhile, in the course of forming and further implementation of public
policy of maintenance of competitiveness economics, it is necessary to clearly
understand its nature, factors, and components. We need to have the modern
methods of analysis that can show the comprehensive picture of the condition,
level, tendencies, and structural features of maintenance of economic security.
Application of integral approaches to analysis that also include the system of
indicators across the regions of a country has special importance. It helps to

evaluate the condition of economic security, the competitiveness of modern

economics, and detect interregional differentiation and misbalances.
In the past ill-considered fiscal, monetary policy, the imperfection of
institutional support in the economic sphere, insufficient attention to the
development of the potential of renewable energy sources and other priority
sectors have led to collapses at the macroeconomic level, which, of course, results
in significant financial problems for all businesses - both public and private
sectors. These circumstances require an adequate assessment of the current state of
economic security based on the actual economic, social, energy, military situation
in Ukraine [3].
At present, a lot of research deals with analyzing various aspects of the
problem of economic security, assessing its impact on the development of
countries of the world and their competitiveness. Among them, the issue of
objective assessment of economic security and identification of the main threats, at
the elimination of which the efforts of governments should be directed to ensure
sustainable development of countries, remains a key one. Scientists and
practitioners use quite a few different approaches to assess economic security, but
currently there is no single or most accepted assessment methodology. The
application of methodologies, as a rule, is determined by the goals and objectives
of individual studies of economic security. In our opinion, approaches to assessing
economic security of countries in order to define further government measures
aimed at mitigating and eliminating the main threats require further research. At
the same time, for the purposes of analyzing the existing state of security in a
country and making appropriate decisions to maintain it, it is advisable to develop
and use a methodology that will allow analyzing security both in terms of
aggregate indicators—economic, social, etc.—and in terms of individual ones—
macroeconomic stability, education, employment, etc. It is this that will facilitate
making sound decisions on the development of measures to ensure a country’s
economic security and its state policy in this area, in particular [4].

Our research is aimed at assessing the economic security of EU countries and

Ukraine and its impact on their sustainable development. This is due to the fact
that at present the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement has been signed and ratified
by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and the European Parliament, and the partial
application of some parts of the Association Agreement has come into force. Thus,
European integration is a key priority of Ukraine’s foreign policy [4].
However, this process involves both advantages and risks for Ukraine. Political
advantages of the integration are seen in the creation of reliable mechanisms for
political stability, democracy, and security. Social ones are associated with the
desire to gradually achieve a high level of social standards, health care, effective
protection of human rights, decent living conditions, environmental protection, etc.
Economic advantages are related to increasing the pace of modernization, ensuring
free movement of factors of production within the EU, creating a more favorable
investment environment, etc. Risks of the integration process are related to the
need for measures to bring various spheres and activities in line with EU standards
not only at the macroeconomic level but also at the level of individual enterprises,
strengthen the foundations of a market economy in Ukraine, and preserve
strategically important industries, prevent labor outflow, etc. In this regard, the role
of protecting the national economic system as the main factor in ensuring the
economic security and sustainable development of the country is increasing [4].
The ability to ensure a sufficient level of security and stable development of
the Ukrainian economy in the context of integration processes is provided by a
wide range of factors. However, the top priority, in our opinion, is to study the
existing situation in terms of economic security in the EU and Ukraine, which
implies: Identifying the main threats to the national economies of EU countries and
Ukraine; assessing, comparing, and analyzing the level of economic security of EU
countries and Ukraine, as well as studying its impact on the level of development
of the countries; identifying the main differences between the countries in terms of
the basic indicators characterizing threats to their economic security in order to

consider the positive experience of EU countries in this area and further develop a
set of measures to mitigate the most significant threats and ensure stable
development of Ukraine. Based on this, the structure of our study will be built in
accordance with the following three main stages: Formulating theoretical
principles of assessment and analysis of the level of economic security of world
countries; assessing the level of economic security of EU countries and Ukraine;
comparing and analyzing EU countries and Ukraine, as well as studying the impact
of the level of economic security on stable development of the countries [4].
The results of the study can serve as a guideline for the development of
measures to ensure the economic security of the considered countries as well as the
basis for further developments to form the state policy of Ukraine, taking into
account the practices of EU countries in this area [4].
As noted earlier, at present, a lot of research by scientists and practitioners
deals with analyzing various aspects of the problem of economic security.
Moreover, the tools they use are quite diverse [4].
The study of Ignatov 2019 [5] highlights qualitative and quantitative analysis
of economic indicators of the EU member-states for identification of main
problems, which the member-states face at the moment, and determination of the
degree to which these problems could undermine the future European economic
security. Assessment is directed at identification of main socio-economic threats
and their arrangement in accordance with the level of demolition potential. The
study is carried out based on analysis of the quantitative indicators of the world
Simanavičienė and Stankevičius 2015 [6] present an analysis of the economic
security problems in the Lithuanian economy and determination of its internal and
external threats. Economic security is considered by the authors as a guarantee of a
country’s competitiveness. The authors studied the level of a country’s economic
security using indicative analysis, namely: Monitoring key macroeconomic
indicators and comparing them with some of the pre-defined critical values and

assessment pace of the country’s economic development according to main

indicators of macroeconomic changes.
The work of Karanina and Kartavyh 2018 [7] deals with the state and problems
of the Russian economic security. The authors consider economic security as “the
likelihood of negative risk events and threats and the country’s ability to resist
them in order to ensure stable sustainable development of the national economy”.
It is offered to conduct assessment of economic security through examining
quantitative indicators (the rate of inflation, GDP growth rate, and others).
Determination of threats and prospects of economic security is carried out on the
basis of SWOT analysis.
The study of Osberg and Sharpe 2011 [8] highlights the issues of economic
insecurity of rich and poor nations. This paper examines trends in the IEWB
Economic Security Index for four affluent OECD countries and compares a cross-
section of 70 rich and poor countries. The scholars also reviewed the IEWB index
of security and offered some corrections.
Andruseac 2015 [9] considers the factors that determine and influence
countries’ economic security in the modern world and underlines the huge impact
of globalization on the state countries’ economic security.
Relationships between 2020 [10] is an analytical report, developed using the
results of RAND Europe work, which was ordered by Research and
Documentation Centre (WODC) (Netherlands) with the aim to study the
interconnection between the economy and national security for determination of
characteristics and assessment of the Netherlands economic efficiency, its national
security, and formation of the further development prospects. Determination of the
critical economic sectors, critical infrastructure, and critical processes was laid in
the foundation of the study. The ‘risk vector’ concept, which is based on analysis
of macroeconomic variables and economic events, was proposed for
conceptualization of interconnections between economic factors and functioning of

So, according to the analysis of modern studies, a country’s economic security

is considered nowadays as an important component of its national security, which
determines prospects for sustainable development of the country and its place in
the international division of labor.
At the same time, independent of the rather active scientific interest in the
specified range of problems, the analysis of the scholars’ works testifies to the fact
that there is no common generally accepted concept of the national economic
security in the world science. Researchers from different countries use
methodological approaches and develop measures on the basis of understanding
the essence and components of economic security and historic, geographic, and
political specific features of the country. The approaches that dominate in countries
become the basis for development of the state policy documents.
The ‘economic security’ concept is considered in the EU from the point of
view of unification and the place in the world economic system. The EU gives the
priority role to European integration with the aim of achieving a high level of
competitiveness under globalization, believing that an individual EU member-state
has a smaller amount of economic resources than other developed countries, so the
synergy effect is achieved through interchange of resources, which determines the
EU capability of ensuring a high level of economic security and competitiveness
(Ocepek 2010 [11]).
The phrase ‘economic security’ is used in official US documents with respect
to the country as a whole; moreover, it is practically not used with respect to
private persons and households. However, different economic issues are regularly
considered from the point of view of security. In general, in accordance with the
American approach, the term ‘economic security’ expresses the idea of
interconnections of the stable economic growth, the country’s economic
independence, and strong position in the world trade market in connection with the
military security (Perevalova 2007, Murdoch et. al., 2001).

Depending on the chosen security concept, every country forms its own system
of ensuring economic security. Moreover, highly developed countries, in
particular, Germany, Great Britain, and United States, not only form the local
system of national security but also exert influence on the security systems of the
countries they are interrelated with.
The main strategic goal of the Western European countries and United States
in the field of protection of national economic interests is ensuring the stable
economic growth and economic modernization with regard to the conditions of
competitive struggle in the world market.
The concept of a country’s economic security in the developed countries is
quite often an equivalent of the economic policy concept and the function of the
chosen direction of economic development. For example, in Germany, they
understand economic security as stability of economic development. The policy in
the sphere of ensuring security in Great Britain is closely connected with the
defense policy: They are both based on the national interests and realized through
their protection. In the UK economy, ‘national interests’ are considered as
economic interests of the whole society in general, which have priority with
respect to other forms of social interests. The system of ensuring economic
security of Great Britain has its specific features. Threats to the national economic
security are divided into external and internal ones and are arranged by the degree
of significance and probability of emergence. With regards to the sphere of
prevention of economic threats, the government traditionally rests on the private
business, maximally supporting it. The country has a branching network of
institutions (the Confederation of British Industry, East European Trade Council,
and other specialized organizations), which ensure efficient interaction of the
Parliament, Government, and big enterprises in the process of development and
realization of decisions that have to do with ensuring the national economic
security. In France, economic security is understood as the prevention of economic
threats through providing new schemes, adaptation of norms and structures of

international security, and development of the cooperation network between the

public and private sector and between the states (Khaustova and Grigorova-
Berenda 2011). The main strategic goal of the Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium,
Luxemburg, and Switzerland with respect to protection of national economic
interests is ensuring a stable economic growth and modernization of the economy
with regard to the conditions of competitive struggle in the world market (Ocepek
The policy of ensuring economic security of Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, and
Baltic countries is based on convergence of national interests with the common
European interests and also political, economic, and institutional transformation in
accordance with the West European standards. A certain economic
underdevelopment compared to West European countries, structural deformation
of industry, and dependence on import of resources could be named as the main
threats to economic security of the countries of this group.
The post-Soviet countries have their own specific features of formation of the
economic security system. There is difference in ensuring national economic
security in EU countries and post-Soviet countries. Thus, European countries try to
align themselves with the standards and experience of the leading EU countries,
first of all, Germany, while post-Soviet countries are under the influence of Russia
(Moldova, Ukraine, and Belarus).
To analyze the economic security and stability of the world’s economies in the
context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the American insurance company FM Global
developed the Resilience Index. The FM Global Resilience Index is an equally
weighted composite of three core factors of resilience: Economic, risk quality, and
supply chain. Each factor is comprised of four drivers. Thus, the index ranking is
based on 12 equally weighted indicators (drivers) of resilience in three categories.
The ranking includes 130 countries of the world. By comparing the rank of a
particular country with its initial response to the pandemic, FM Global singled out
the states that are highly likely to be able to maintain stability and sustainability of

the economy throughout the crisis. The 10 most resilient economies include the
Netherlands, Switzerland, Denmark, Germany, Finland, Sweden, Luxembourg,
Austria, United States (Zone 3), and Great Britain. Ukraine occupies the 84th place
in the ranking.
The analysis of the considered composite indicators and indices employed to
assess economic security makes it possible to single out a number of limitations in
their use. First, the calculation of many of them involves a laborious processing of
extensive statistical data on countries, with the accumulation of inaccuracies as a
result of using different methods to calculate some indicators in different countries.
Secondly, due to the need to obtain statistics by country, significant delays caused
by their unavailability are likely to occur, which leads to the impossibility of
timely assessment. Thirdly, the most widely used methods of composite
assessment are often based on a very limited number of indicators, which does not
allow taking into account all the threats to a country’s economic security.
With regard to this, in our opinion, comprehensive research on assessing
economic security in countries around the world with the aim of comparing them
in terms of security levels and analyzing the effectiveness of security policies in
terms of impact on their sustainable development is not enough. Moreover, the
economic security of EU countries and Ukraine has not been considered in this
context. The methods for assessing economic security used in the international
practice have a number of application limitations. Thus, our research is aimed at
further developing a methodology for assessing and analyzing economic security
of countries.
In our view, one of the key issues in assessing economic security is the choice
of the basis for the assessment, namely, a set of indicators that take into account all
the main threats to a country’s economic security. The analysis of scholars’ work
and current legislation of some countries showed the absence of uniformity of
thoughts with respect to selection of indicators for assessment of the economic
security level. As it is mentioned above, scientists propose various methods of and

approaches to security assessment. At the same time, many existing

methodological approaches are complicated for practical application, which does
not allow (on the basis of publicly available information) comparing world
countries by the level of economic security and giving an objective assessment of
threats to the national economic interests with a sufficient degree of reliability.


В результаті проходження практики я виконала такі завдання:

● ознайомилася зі специфікою умов праці в установі “Торговельно-
промислова палата України”, а також безпосередньо із професійними
обов’язками перекладача;
● покращила професійні якості перекладача: професійна
компетентність, творчий підхід до процесу перекладу, комунікабельність,
дипломатичні навички, увага, вміння концентруватися та адаптуватися у
складних ситуаціях;
● закріпила та вдосконалила навички культури ділового
спілкування, перекладу й редагування документів та аналізу текстів ділової
● написала українською мовою прес-реліз заходу та виконала його
письмовий переклад на англійську мову;
● виконала письмовий переклад з української на англійську мову
ділових документів відповідно до отриманих індивідуальних доручень на
базі практики;
● покращила свої вміння реалізовувати свої перекладацькі рішення
з урахуванням обмежень у часі та ресурсах;
● практично застосовувала вміння виконання перекладу в
електронному варіанті;

Протягом проходження практики виконала 4 переклади, зокрема це:

Супермаркети Німеччини 2023, Концепція проведення першого бізнес-
форуму 'Україна-Африка: Співпраця в умовах глобальних викликів',
Концепція проведення першого бізнес-форуму 'Україна-АСЕАН: Співпраця в
контексті глобальних викликів', Про початок війни в Україні та настрої
бізнесу на сьогодні. А також пошук інформації та написання тез “Оцінка
стану зовнішньоекономічної безпеки”.


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4. Assessment of the EU and Ukraine Economic Security and Its
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