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Who am I reflection

I believe that my dream of becoming a medical professional works with my personality type. ISTJ’s are
often responsible, disciplined, organized, and practical. These traits are what you want when studying
and working towards a medical profession like a doctor. These traits also help with my high school life, I
often have a to-do list when it comes to schoolwork and almost always makes sure that I have my work
done. These organizational skills help with my studies in high school, but I also believe that these skills
will also benefit me once I go into post-secondary. These skills also come in handy when it comes to my
extra curriculars. It helps me organize my schedules for schoolwork, my part-time job, volunteer work,
and plans for my social life. I believe that these practices of being organized and being disciplined will
train me for my future in post-secondary and with my future jobs. By doing this starting from high school
will benefit me in many ways, as and example, I was successful with finishing multiple online courses for
grade 9 during covid while balancing my part-time job of being a background actor. By planning ahead
and organizing my schedule I was successful with finishing grade 9 online along with making money from
my part-time job.

This personality matches me and shows who I am and what I stand for. Most of the traits that were listed
on the website were accurate and showed who I am and helped me learn who I am and what I stand for.
As an example, on the website it is depicted that ISTJ’s often don’t give their loyalty easily and that they
don’t “trust individuals” easily and that it takes time for them to create and establish new relationships.
This is very true. It takes me a lot of time for me to get close to a person and become a friend. Another
example was that ISTJ’s are prone to burnout. This example is somewhat true for me. While it is true that
I often put many responsibilities on myself I believe that I never gotten a burn out. While it is true that
sometimes I get very tired and need a short break, I never wanted to give up everything and take a long
break. Someday I may experience this, but as for now I have never gone through a “burn out.”

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