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Santos, Carl David I.



1.What is communication?

- The process of communicating, an exchanging of thoughts, ideas, or information whether by speech or in

writing form.

2.What is Purposive Communication?

- It is a form of communication used to write, speak, and present to different audiences for various purposes. It
is used to develop students’ communicative competence.

3.What are the Process of Communication?

- Process of communication begins with a speaker or the sender of the message or information. SPEAKER
initiates the process of communication with a particular purpose. The speaker ENCODES by converting
messages into actions or words or other forms wherein the speaker and the listener understand. The MESSAGE
is simply the thoughts or ideas that is being conveyed into words. Then, the message is being transported
through a CHANNEL; it is used as medium in transmitting messages (includes face-to-face, video conference,
telephone, written, mass media, and so on). Next is the RECEIVER; it decodes the message. DECODING
means understanding and interpreting the encoded message given. When decoding is done, the receiver can now
give a FEEDBACKS–are responses. Lastly, misunderstanding happens because of the noise, also known as
BARRIERS. Barriers are the factors that affect the flow of the communication.

4.What are the Characteristics of Communication?

- Clear—main ideas easily identified and understood.

Concise—gets to the point without using unneeded words or images.

Concrete—includes specific examples or explanations.

Correct—in information, word choice, and grammar.

Coherent—information presented in a logical sequence.

Complete—enough information so the audience can understand.

Courteous—polite, professional tone.


5.What is Verbal-non-Verbal communication? (give 5 example each)

a.) Verbal communication – everything we express in words. Can be spoken or written.

Examples: Ordering food at a restaurant, gossiping with friends, teaching in class, asking for directions, and

b.) Non-verbal – everything we able to express through gestures and body language. Can be expressed through
signal, facial expression, posture, etc.
Examples: Making eye contact which shows interest in the conversation, confident posture which shows of
having a graceful and elegant bearing, the tone of voice which indicates the way a person speaks to someone, an
angry face expression which mean a disapproving to one’s message or thought, and smiling which expresses

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