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Is Fast Food to Blame for The Obesity Problem?

Eating fast food regularly isn’t good for your health. However, eaten in
moderation, fast food is just fine and should not be blamed for the nation’s
obesity problem.

Our society is getting fatter, but I don’t think our eating habits are completely to
blame. We are lazy, plain and simple.

We live in a fast-paced world of technology where everything is available to us

without manual labor and we take full advantage of not having to work for
ourselves. Fast food offers us a quick and easy fix. But it shouldn’t be that way.

Fast food could easily be blamed for the nation’s obesity problem because of the
fattening menu choices. The real problem lies within people. Most people are too
caught up with their daily schedules or too lazy to make a real meal for
themselves. They would rather take the easy way out. Unfortunately, the easy
way isn’t healthy.

Technology is great thing, but it is also the number one factor in our laziness and
it leads to obesity. With each new advancement, people become too dependent
and more lazy.

So, if you truly want to enjoy fast food without the fattening consequences, some
lifestyle changes have to be made. Being lazy and relying on technology for
everything will only hurt your health.

Our society demands a fast pace. There is not enough time to sit down and enjoy
a real meal so, too often, people turn to fast food establishments for their meals.
But most don’t realize that eating fast food while continuing to live in a fast-paced
world or leading lazy lives will inevitably cause weight gain.
Everyone needs to quit relying on technology for everything and slow down. Take
time to exercise and eat something healthy.

We need to set a good example for the next generation, making sure that they
learn to balance eating healthy and living in a fast-paced, technological world.

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