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How to Stay Healthy

Staying healthy is super important, and it's not that hard to do. There are some easy ways to keep
our body strong and happy.

First, it is about eating fruits and vegetables. They are full of vitamins and minerals that help us
grow, and they taste good too. So, we should eat them every day.

Second, we must not forget to drink water. Water is like magic for our body. It makes us feel
good and keeps us from getting thirsty. So, we should always have a glass of water, or a bottle of
water near us.

Third, get moving! Running, jumping, and playing games are super fun ways to stay active. It
makes our body strong and gives us lots of energy.

Fourth, we should sleep enough. Getting enough sleep can make our body strong and our mind
fresh. So, we should not stay up too late!

Last but not least, be happy! Laugh, have fun with friends, and talk to family. Being happy is a
fantastic way to stay healthy.

In conclusion, staying healthy is easy and fun. All we have to do is just eat fruits and veggies,
drink water, play outside, sleep well, and be happy. Our body will thank us for it, and we will
have lots of energy for life!

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