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K: Hey guys! how is it going?

H: yeah, Is everything okay ?

S: yeah , it couldn't be better 😆

H: Did you hear the new last night? It talked about how is the Internet can do harm to

K: I've heard it before the news!

S: Do you ever think about how the Internet affects us?

H: yes, it's something we use every day, but we don't consider its impact.

K: That's true. I mean, the Internet is incredibly useful. It's like having the world's
information at our fingertips.

S: Absolutely! With just a few clicks, we can learn about anything from history to
cooking recipes.

H: And let's not forget how convenient it is. We can shop online, pay bills, and even
attend virtual classes without leaving our homes.

K: But there are disadvantage too, right? Like, it's so easy to get distracted and
waste hours on social media

S: Yeah, and that can affect our productivity and focus, especially when we have
important tasks to complete.
H: Besides, there's the issue of cyberbullying. People can hide behind screens and
say whatever they want, even words that hurt others without facing any

K: That's a right point. Especially for children, when using the internet without adult
supervision, they will access information without selection. That can negatively affect
their cognition

S: But despite these weakness, I still think the Internet has more benefits than harm.
I mean, look at how it take easier to connect and brought people closer together.

H: That's true. Thanks to social media and messaging apps, we can stay connected
with friends and family no matter where they are.

K: And let's remember about the endless opportunities for learning and self-
improvement. From online courses to educational videos, the Internet has made
knowledge more accessible than ever before.

S: Exactly! So, while we need to be aware of the negative aspects and use the
Internet responsibly, I believe its benefits far outweigh its drawbacks.

H: Agreed. It's all about making a balance and using this powerful tool to enrich our
lives without letting it control us.

K: Definitely. Let's make sure we make the most of the Internet while also being
mindful of its pitfalls.

S: Well said. This is the best way to use the internet without any consequences

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