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24 synthetic elements and its characteristics and uses

1. Ammonium (Am):

In the periodic table, it has the atomic number 95 and the symbol Am. In its pure form, americium is a
silvery-white metal. However, because it is difficult to isolate the metal, it is usually obtained in
compounds. All of Americium's isotopes are unstable and undergo radioactive decay, making it a highly
radioactive element.

•which is used in smoke detectors, as well as in research and industrial applications.

2. (Cm) Curium:

In the periodic table, it has the atomic number 96 and the symbol Cm. Curium is a silvery-white metal
that slowly tarnishes in air.

•It has no practical uses, but it has been used in some experimental nuclear reactors.

3. Berkelium (Bk) (Bk)

is an atomic number 97 chemical element with the symbol Bk.

•Berkelium is a rare earth metal that appears silvery-white.

It is extremely radioactive, with a half-life of only 290 days.

Berkelium is created in a nuclear reactor by bombarding a target material with high-energy particles.

•Because of its scarcity, berkelium has no commercial or technological applications at the moment.

4. Californium (Cf) (Cf)

•Cf is a highly radioactive element with the symbol Cf and the atomic number 98.

• used in portable metal detectors to identify gold and silver ores, water and oil layers in oil wells, and
metal fatigue and stress in aircraft.

5. Einsteinium (Es)

•has the chemical symbol Es and the atomic number 99.

•It's a highly radioactive element that's extremely rare, with only a few milligrams ever produced.

•It is a silvery-white metal that is soft and malleable. in the dark, it glows blue (Radioactive metal)

• No outside research is used. There is no known biological function for Einsteinium. Because of its
radioactivity, it is toxic.
6. Fermium (FM)

is an atomic number 100 chemical element with the symbol Fm.

•most likely silvery white or metallic gray

•Because of its radioactivity and short half-life, fermium has no biological applications or significance. Its
primary application is in nuclear research, where it is used to investigate the properties of atomic nuclei.
and the behavior of high-energy particles.

7. Mendelivium (Md)

is a synthetic radioactive element with the atomic number 101 and symbol Md.

•probably metallic and silvery white or grey in appearance

•Mendelevium has no practical uses due to its rarity and short half-life. Mendelevium is used only for

8. Nobelium (No)

is a synthetic radioactive element with the atomic number 102 and symbol No

•silvery white or metallic gray, radioactive metal

•Nobelium has no uses outside research. Nobelium has no known biological role. It is toxic due to its
radioactivity. Nobelium is made by bombarding curium with carbon in a device called a cyclotron.
Nobelium has no practical uses due to its rarity and short half-life.

9. Lawrencium (Lr)

is a synthetic chemical element with the symbol Lr and atomic number 103.

•Lawrencium is a silvery-white, metallic element.

•Due to its short half-life, lawrencium has no practical uses. It is primarily used for research purposes to
study the properties of heavy elements and the behavior of atomic nuclei. is also used in nuclear physics
experiments to produce other heavy elements and isotopes.

10. Rutherfordium (Rf)

is a chemical element with the symbol Rf and atomic number 104

•Radioactive metal that doesn't occur naturally. but probably metallic and silvery white or grey in
•Rutherfordium is primarily used for scientific research purposes to study the properties of heavy
elements and the behavior of atomic nuclei.

11. Dubnium (Db)

is a synthetic chemical element with the symbol Db and atomic number 105

•Dubnium's appearance is unknown but it is thought to be silvery white or metallic gray. Highly
Radioactive metal

•Due to the small amounts produced and its short half-life, there are currently no uses for dubnium
outside of basic scientific research.

12. Seaborgium (Sg)

is a synthetic chemical element with the atomic number 106.

•Seaborgium is an artificially produced radioactive chemical element, it's appearance is unknown, it

probably has a silvery white or metallic gray colour.

•Seaborgium is a synthetic element that does not have any known uses outside of scientific research. It
is highly unstable and has a very short half-life, making it difficult to study and utilize in practical

13. Bohrium (Bh)

is a synthetic chemical element with the symbol Bh and atomic number 107.

•unknown, probably silvery white or metallic gray

•Bohrium has no current uses. It was merely discovered in mankind's never-ending quest to learn more.

14. hassium (Hs),

an artificially produced element belonging to the transuranium group, atomic number 108.

•Hassium's appearance is unknown but it is suspected to be silvery (Highly radioactive)

•Since only small amounts of hassium have ever been produced, it currently has no uses outside of basic
scientific research. At present it is only used in research

15. meitnerium (Mt),

an artificially produced element belonging to the transuranium group, atomic number 109.
•Unknown, but probably metallic and silvery white or grey in appearance

•Meitnerium is not found at all in nature. It is a synthetic element. Meitnerium has no current uses.

16. Darmstadtium (Ds)

Darmstadtium is a chemical element with symbol Ds and atomic number 110.

•In terms of its physical and chemical properties, darmstadtium is expected to be a dense, metallic
element with a silver-gray color. It belongs to the group 10 of the periodic table, which includes other
transition metals like nickel, palladium, and platinum. Its properties are similar to those of its lighter
homologs, such as platinum and mercury, but it is expected to be more reactive due to its high atomic

•Presently, there are no uses or applications of Darmstadtium. It is only used for research purposes.
Biological use is yet to be known.

17. Rontgenium (Rg)

is a synthetic element with the atomic number 111 and the symbol Rg. It is a highly unstable and
radioactive element that does not occur naturally on Earth and has no known practical uses due to its
short half-life and difficulty of production.

•In terms of its physical and chemical properties, rontgenium is expected to be a dense, The element
has a metallic gold (yellow solid) appearance. It belongs to the group 11 of the periodic table, which
includes other transition metals like copper, silver, and gold. Its properties are expected to be similar to
those of its lighter homologs, such as gold and mercury, but it is expected to be more reactive due to its
high atomic number.

•Roentgenium is only used for research purposes in scientific studies, to better understand its
properties, and to create heavier elements.

It is mainly used for research purposes at present.

18. Copernicium (Cn)

is a synthetic chemical element with symbol Cn and atomic number 112 in the periodic table.It is highly
radioactive and the synthetic element which is not found in nature but can be synthesized in the

•A highly radioactive metal, of which only a few atoms have ever been made. It is thought to be
unreactive and more like a noble gas than a metal.

•At present, it is only used in research.

19. Nihonium, formerly known as Ununtrium (Uut),

is a p-block transactinide element in the periodic table, with its group number being 13. Nihonium is a
synthetic chemical element with the symbol Nh and atomic number 113

•unknown, predicted to be metallic and silvery white or grey in appearance

•No specific uses have been reported to date for the element other than for scientific research.

20. Flerovium (Fi)

is a superheavy chemical element with symbol Fl and atomic number 114. It is an extremely radioactive
synthetic element.

•presumably metallic/ silvery white/ gray

•This radioactive metal finds its applications only in the field of research. There are only a few number
of atoms of flerovium. Hence it is not used in any of the commercial applications. But this metal is
known to be harmful due to its high radioactive nature.

21. Ununpentium (Uup)

Ununpentium is the temporary name of a synthetic superheavy element in the periodic table that has
the temporary symbol

•based on its position in the periodic table and its expected electronic structure, it is believed that
ununpentium would have a metallic appearance and a silver-white color, similar to other metals in its
group, such as lead and bismuth.

•Only a few atoms of ununpentium have been created, so they are only used for the purpose of
scientific study.

It is also used to make metal ununtrium.

It has no biological role. But since the metal is said to be highly radioactive, it is considered to be
harmful in nature.

22. Livermorium (Lv)

is a synthetic chemical element with the symbol Lv and has an atomic number of 116. It is an extremely
radioactive element that has only been created in a laboratory setting and has not been observed in

•A highly radioactive metal, of which only a few atoms have ever been made.

•Presently, it does not have any commercial uses, except being used in the research field.
As it is not found in nature, there is no chance of being affected by it.

23. Tennessine (Ununseptium)

– Tennessine is a synthetic chemical element with the symbol Ts and atomic number 117. the element
was temporarily called ununseptium (symbol Uus) are synthesized by exposing a radioisotope target to a
beam of another specific isotope.

-is likely to be metallic and dark in appearance

-Uses of Ununseptium (Tennessine)

At the moment, the element is only used for the purpose of research.

24. Ununoctium (Uuo)

is a transactinide chemical element with symbol Uuo and atomic number 118.

-The element has the highest atomic mass and highest atomic number of all elements in the periodic
table. It has very unstable radioactive atomic nuclei and is predicted to be in a solid state as it has
realistic effects.

-In the periodic table, it is the last element of the 7th period and a p-block element. Ununoctium is
predicted to have the same properties as elements present in the same group it belongs to.

-Presently, there are no uses or applications except that it is used for research. Biological use of it is yet
to be known.

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