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Đề tài:

Nhóm thực hiện: Nhóm 8

Lớp học phần:2386ENTH1411
Giáo viên hướng dẫn: Nguyễn Thị Thanh Hà

HÀ NỘI, 2023

Độc lập – Tự do – Hạnh phúc


Mã học phần: 2386ENTH1411_LMS

Thời gian: 7/3/2023

Nội dung: Phân chia nhiệm vụ
Thành viên tham gia: Đủ ( 6 thành viên)
Nhiệm vụ:
1. Powerpoint: Phạm Hoàng Khánh Trang
2. Nội dung: Mai Thị Trang, Trương Thị Huyền Trang, Bùi Mai
Trinh, Nguyễn Thị Hải Yến.
3. Tổng hợp word, soát chính tả, tóm tắt: Nguyễn Vũ Hải Vân
4. Đề cương, soát nội dung: Bùi Mai Trinh

Hà Nội, Ngày 8 tháng 3 năm 2023

Nhóm Trưởng
Bùi Mai Trinh

Độc lập – Tự do – Hạnh phúc


Mã học phần: 2386ENTH1411_LMS

Thời gian: 26/3/2023

Nội dung: Phân chia nội dung thuyết trình
Thành viên tham gia:

Hà Nội, ngày 26 tháng 3 năm 2023

Nhóm trưởng
Bùi Mai Trinh

Độc lập- Tự do- Hạnh phúc



Mã học phần: 2386ENTH1411_LMS



42 Mai Thị Trang Nội dung

43 Phạm Hoàng Powerpoint

Khánh Trang

44 Trương Thị Nội dung

Huyền Trang

45 Bùi Mai Trinh Đề cương, Nội dung,

soát nội dung

46 Nguyễn Vũ Hải Word. Sửa chính tả,

Vân tóm tắt

47 Nguyễn Thị Nội dung

Hải Yến


1. Difficulties of learning English
1.1. Vocabulary
1.2. Pronunciation
1.3. Listening
2. Solutions to overcome the difficulties of learning English
2.1. Ways to improve vocabulary skill
2.1.1. Write down new words
2.1.2. Revise new vocabulary regularly
2.1.3. Read in English
2.1.4. Learn from the context
2.1.5. Use new vocabulary before you forget it
2.2. Ways to improve pronunciation skill
2.2.1. Learn to listen

2.2.2. Learn with online English dictionary

2.2.3. Notice how your mouth and lips move

2.2.4. Pay attention to your tongue

2.2.5. Break words into sounds

2.3. Ways to improve listening skill

2.3.1. Communicate with native speakers
2.3.2. Listen to something that you are interested and enjoyed

2.3.3. Listen to dictation

Language is the main source of human information. It is the method through

which people can share their ideas and thoughts with others. Some people even say
that language is the most differentiated thing that makes up a civilized, modern
human life, which makes us being human.
Due to the rapid development of information technology, English has
become the official language. And people can learn many things thanks to English.
Beacause most educational resources, materials, and books are written in English.
Global education systems, including the world's top universities, require the
English language. So we can say that English is academic language.
The most important function of a language is communication. Therefore
English also plays a strong role in communication,, become an effective tool for
communicating with people around the world.
But learning English as the second-language is not simple for leaner from
non-English speaking countries so our team choose the topic: “Difficulties of
learning English and suggested solutions” . In this topic, we are talk about three
difficulties are that vocabulary, pronunciation, listening and propose some ways to
deal with it.

1. Difficulties of learning English

1.1. Difficulties of Vocabulary

Three common types of vocabulary difficulties that English learners often
meet when learning English are: lack of vocabulary, forget new words and confuse
with words with multiple meanings.
Lack of vocabulary is the biggest difficulty for most learners. It reduces the
flexibility of words and the creation of content to be spoken by learners. But the
vocabulary is too much to learn, so it makes learning English more difficult. The
reason of this problem is that learner do not have many opportunity to meet new
word. That is they only read the book, document,.. under their level or less
communicate by English. So in the learning process, learners need to improve their
vocabulary to be able to avoid problems while communicating.
Forgetting words is a common problem that occurs when learning English.
This is usually due to psychological factors. When communicating, if you feel
pressured, you will forgets the word that want to talk about. Or the word is
difficult to remember, less commonly used in life, it is also likely to be forgotten if
not preview frequently.
Words with multiple meanings: When learning new vocabulary, learners
will often be confused because sometimes a word has many different definitions
and it is also difficult to remember all the meanings. Remembering the meaning of
a word is difficult while the word has many meanings. This leads to learners
having difficulty distinguishing words.

1.2. Difficulties of Pronunciation

In the current integration era, approaching and learning how to use English
proficiently is essential for every person, especially Vietnamese people. However,
in the process of discovering a new language like English, most people have many
difficulties in pronunciation.

Most of beginners have trouble with stress and intonation in pronunciation,

because our mother tongue-Vietnamese- is a monosyllabic and tonal language.
This feature of Vietnamese greatly hinders the process of learning English, a multi-
syllable language with complex characteristics of stress and intonation. So, the
stress plays an indispensable role in English pronunciation skills. In the process of
communication, if you do not press the right stress, the native speakers may not
understand what you mean. In addition to the stress in English words, there is also
the stress of the sentences. This means that some words in the speech sequence are
pronounced more strongly than others. Words stressed on the words that make
content such as: nouns (shirt, flower, people,etc); main verbs (do, eat, travel, etc);
adverbs (rapidly,never, correctly, etc); adjectives (lovely, nice, terrible, etc); words
to ask (What, Why, How, etc ). Words that are not stressed on the speech sequence
are functional words such as: prepositions (in, on, at,etc ); articles (a, an, the, etc),
auxiliary verbs (must, can, have, etc ); pronouns (he, she, it,etc ); linking words
(and, but, or,etc ); relational pronouns (which, what, when, etc ). With the
questions have verb-assisted , the speaker usually raises his voice at the end of the
sentence. Example: Can you swim? This voice is also done when the speaker uses
the narration to ask. With tail questions, which can be up or down at the end of a
sentence, this up and down determines the meaning of the sentence: Down the
voice at the end of the sentence when the speaker waits for the listener's consent or
raise your voice at the end of a sentence when the speaker wants to ask for

Learners also rarely pay attention to speaking the linking sounds, elision .
Because the linking sounds, elision does not appear in the Vietnamese language so
many Vietnamese people when speaking English have the habit of reading
discrete, rigid words, without using linking sounds, elision. Because of this, even
after extensive practice, speaking English still does not sound as natural and fluent
as it does when spoken by native speakers. 'Get out' is a good illustration.

One of the fundamental challenges for Vietnamese speakers of English is the

impact of their native tongue. To make vocabulary words simpler to recall when
speaking English, many people try to turn them into Vietnamese spelling. Even
though this method of learning is transitory, it makes English pronunciation
challenging. As a result, your speech is more likely to be incorrect because they are
used to speaking in Vietnamese tone.

The final and most noticeable thing for English learners is that we often forget
the last sounds when Speaking. This is also reasonably understandable because in
Vietnamese, we do not pronounce the final sounds as when doing it in English. But
you know, 'ignoring' or 'swallowing' the final sounds causes a lot of disastrous
misunderstandings. Because in English, removing the last sound or
mispronouncing the last sound makes it difficult for the listener to understand. For
example, we have life /laif/, light /lait/, line /lain/ and like /laik/ both have a
beginning sound of /l/ and a diphthong /ai/ but different final sounds lead to
different meanings. If you read these words without turning on the final consonant,
the listener may misunderstand the word "lie" /lai/.

1.3. Difficulties of listening

Along with the difficulty in pronouncing English, listening to English is also
a dilemma. Maybe you have a good vocabulary, temporary grammar, but you can't
talk to foreigners, your only reason is that you can't hear what they are saying.
There are many reasons why it is so difficult for Vietnamese to listen to and
contact in English.

The initial one is that you can't recognize English sounds. The main reason
you have trouble distinguishing between English sounds, homonyms, and
particular terms with identical pronunciations, is that you lack this ability. Many of
my peers are unaware that certain aspects of the sound of linked speech in English,
such as elision, the weak form of some words, assimilation, the contraction
phenomenon, and linking phenomena, what are make the primary information

An additional reason is that the pronunciation of native speakers is very

different from when you speak English, making you "lost" when listening, unable
to catch up to understand everything they say. In many cases, because you can't
hear the first sentences clearly, you'll be confused and unable to focus on the rest
of the conversation.

Another important reason you can't understand the main points of the
conversation is that you are unaware of the it's most crucial details or you are
unable to infer the main idea from the listening's essential words and sentences
(keywords), which prevents you from understanding the main idea as you listen.

One of the difficulties with listening practice is that you always transform
what you hear into Vietnamese before understanding why you can't keep up with
the speed of the speaker. Because hearing, interpreting what you just heard from
English into your native language, and comprehending the Vietnamese meaning of
the text all require a lot of time. When the speaker has already finished the second

and third statements, you hear and comprehend the first, so you can’t understand
what they are saying. Not to mention that foreigners also stick the tail sounds
together, you do not listen to English often, so it leads to unfamiliar listening, and
not keeping up with speakers is also understandable.

And sometimes your attention wanders when you are taking part in the
listening lessons, possibly because the lack of experience in listening makes it
increasingly difficult for the listener to focus. Or, you've chosen a topic when your
listening exceeds your limits, leaving you feeling depressed and unable to focus on
the listening session. Furthermore, your relevant health situation pushes you into
sleepiness and not being sober to pay any attention to the classes, so make sure to
have enough sleep before doing a listening task.

2. Solution

2.1. Ways to improve vocabulary

With hundreds of thousands of words in the English language, learning

vocabulary can seem like a very daunting prospect. Remember though that the
average native speaker uses only five thousand words in everyday speech.
Moreover, the English language often lacks both rhyme and reason. It’s full of
synonyms, homophones, homonyms, and other confusing words that seem to make
it especially difficult to learn. Besides, there are many ways to improve our
vocabulary. Luckily, we commonly used ways such as reading, writing or
listening. However, we found new ways to improve it. Here are five tips for better
vocabulary learning.

2.1.1. Write down new words
It's a really good idea to write down useful new vocabulary. The act of writing
the words helps you remember them better. Plus, lots of people learn better when
they see things written on paper, rather than just hearing them.
You can add a translation in your language, a definition in English, a note on
pronunciation or even a drawing. The more different links you make between the
word and its meaning, the better.

2.1.2. Revise new vocabulary regularly

You've got an English notebook full of useful vocabulary to remember. But
did you know that if you don't look again at the new words and phrases you've
studied, you only remember on average 20–25 percent of them? That's a shocking
waste of time and effort.
The good news is that if you look at your notes again after an hour, again the
next day and once more after a few days, you can make sure that 100 percent of
what you learn goes into your long-term memory.

2.1.3. Read in English

They say the best way to learn a language is by immersion – spending time
surrounded by that language. Reading is like immersion through your imagination.
Reading is amazing for your English in general. But it's particularly good for
learning new vocabulary. That's because understanding a new word as part of a
story makes it much more memorable than trying to learn a list of words out of

2.1.4. Learn from the context

Speaking of context, let's talk more about that. Literally, 'context' means the
text that comes before and after a particular word. It also refers to the situation in
which a word is used.
Context is your friend when you're learning new vocabulary. It helps you
guess the meaning of words you don't know, it shows you how a word is used in a
sentence, and it helps you remember the word for longer.
This means learning vocabulary by reading and listening is more effective than
trying to study word lists. It also means that it's better to make a note of how a
word is used in a sentence, rather than just the word on its own. For example,
instead of 'to make up, replace by to invent', try learning, 'He'd made the story
up'. You've got useful information there – about the meaning, the types of things
people 'make up' and the word order.

2.1.5. Use new vocabulary before you forget it

Following the 'use it or lose it' principle, using words is the best way to make
sure you don't forget it. So try using new vocabulary as soon as you can when
you're speaking or writing in English.
Have you noticed that you often need to use the same words and phrases when
you're communicating in English? It's worth the effort to practice the most
common and the most useful words for you.
Researchers have found that you need to see or hear a word on average ten times to
remember it. But when you're actively making an effort with a word – for example,
you ask the person you're talking to how to say something – you learn it much

2.2. Ways to improve pronunciation

Learning to pronounce English words correctly can be one of the hardest parts
of learning English, especially if there are sounds that your native language doesn't
have or that you tend to stumble upon. pronunciation of complex vowels.
2.2.1. Learn to listen

Before you learn how to speak, you need to learn how to listen. Some sounds
can be difficult to distinguish while you are listening. Did the speaker sleep or slip?
Did he hurt his chin or shin? If you can hear the difference, it will be easier for you
to tell the difference.

There are many tutorials to get you started with listening to movies, songs,
music and podcasts. You can also find listening exercises online.

2.2.2. Learn with the online English dictionary

You probably already use a dictionary to translate English words, but online or
digital dictionaries can offer many additional benefits, including pronunciation
guidance. These types of dictionaries can be some of the most useful tools you can
have for practicing English pronunciation—best of all, they're available online for

2.2.3. Notice how your mouth and lips move

When you speak, you move your mouth. The way you move your mouth affects
how you pronounce a word. The first step to correcting the shape of your mouth is
to notice and pay attention. There are several ways you can check that your mouth
and lips are forming the correct shape. Watching others and paying attention to the
shape of their mouth and lips as they talk is also a great idea. Try following along
with your favorite TV show or movie. You can also find great videos on how to
properly shape your mouth and lips when speaking.

2.2.4. Pay attention to your tongue

The main difference between rice and lice is in your tongue. When you speak,
you move your tongue to make a sound. You may not even notice it, because you
do it without thinking. To improve your English pronunciation, you should check
what your tongue is doing. Some sounds that are difficult to pronounce for non-
native speakers are the letters “L” and “R” and the sound “TH”. Pronouncing them
correctly is all in the tongue.

2.2.5. Break words into sounds

Words are made up of syllables, or parts. For example, the word "syllable" has
three syllables: syllable. Turning words into parts can make them easier to
pronounce. To check how many syllables a word has, place your hand just below
your chin. Speak slowly. Every time your chin touches your hand, it's a syllable.
How-to-improve-pronounce English, you can even write the word out in parts.
Leave a space or draw a line between each syllable (each syllable should have at
least one vowel: a, e, i, o, u, y).

2.3. Ways to improve listening

2.3.1. Communicate with native speakers

With global integration, learners can easily communicate with native speakers .
This method brings many benefits to learners. Learners can practice all 3 skills of
listening, speaking, and reading, especially listening skills, and at the same time
practice their own reflexes and better understand foreign customs and cultures.
To search for foreigners, you can go to pedestrian streets, and famous tourist sites
such as Sword Lake, Ta Hien Walking Street, and Hoi An, ...

Currently, there are also many applications and websites to help learners chat and
get acquainted with foreigners from all over the world: Facebook, Omegle,
2.3.2. Listen to something that you are interested and enjoyed
Everything helps, but you are more likely to be motivated when you are
listening to something that interests you, something you enjoy. There are a lot of
good listening practice resources like films, podcasts, radio stations (online), and
US/UK songs,...
Some movies are recommended for listening practice such as:
· Friends.
· How I met your mother.
· Extra.
Podcasts are also a good source of listening because of the diversity of topics from
lifestyle, interests, education, and economy, ... and available on all social
networking platforms from Youtube, Google, Spotify, and SoundCloud, ...
Therefore, you should base your interests and habits on finding the right
information channel. The British Council has listed some podcasts to help you
learn English:
· Elementary Podcasts: This is a podcast built by the British Council in the US
to help learners practice listening to English for 25 minutes a day. Each podcast
developed by the British Council takes you to different situations in life.
· Podcast in English: A series of podcasts containing English learning programs
from basic to advanced, supporting English listening practice for beginners to
those who have an intermediate level or higher.
· Better @ English: this is a free online English learning channel that is quite
diverse with many real conversations with native speakers. Topics build from basic
to advanced with moderate speaking speed, making it easy for listeners to catch up
on the story, and each podcast will be accompanied by subtitles and vocabulary
· Business English Pod: The podcast is all about business with many audios for
all English levels. After each audio has a transcript and quick questions to motivate
the learner.
To practice listening to English while updating news: BBC news, CNN, and
However, if you just listen, you can't increase your skills, but you need to
understand the content you have heard by practicing listening with English
subtitles, then listening with vocabulary subtitles and gradually switching to
listening without subtitles.
2.3.3. Listen to dictation
A study conducted by Kiany & Shiramiry, 2002 on the effects of dictation on a
group of 35 Iranian students also showed positive results. “There was a significant
difference between the listening comprehension of students who took regular
dictation and the listening comprehension of students who did not take dictation.”
Because the method helps learners increase their ability to remember information
and distinguish sounds better.
Method of listening to dictation
Step 1: Learners find a video or an audio recording with a native speaker's voice
according to their favorite topic.
Step 2: Learners listen to each short clip and pause the video to write down the
information they hear, and can rewind the video or recording if needed.
Step 3: After the learner has finished writing down the whole lesson, will check the
translation (transcript) to know which parts they wrote down wrong and learn from

Step 4: Learners do not look at the subtitles or what they have written down, but
only focus on listening to understand the video/recording without pauses to
practice listening reflexes and processing information in their heads.
With the two methods without the above communication, learners need to
understand their own listening level to choose the appropriate listening source to
help achieve the best learning effect.

English is now considered a universal language, used worldwide: more than 60
countries use English as the official language of communication and is a common
language used all over the world. Therefore, learning English is extremely
important to exchange, integrate and expand career opportunities for each
individual. However, the process of learning English as a second language always
has certain difficulties and to overcome it, learners need to understand their own
level, set goals, choose appropriate methods, and it takes perseverance and effort to

achieve that goal. And with the development of the internet, learners can easily
access learning materials and meet foreigners to improve their English skills. With
that advantage, the number of people fluent in English is increasing, creating an
advantage for globalization.


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