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Хүн өдөрт 2 кг хог бий болгодог.

Тэгэж тооцвол 20 нас хүрэхдээ 2 давхар байшинг

бүхлээр нь дүүргэж болохоор хаягдал цуглуулсан байх болно.
‘Хог хаягдлын талаар мэдээ’
Бид юу хийж чадах вэ? Бид байгалаа бохирдуулахын оронд шим тэжээл болгох
боломжтой. Бидний шийдэл бол хүнсний хаягдлын дахин боловсруулалт юм.
Хүнсний био хог хаягдлын дахин боловсруулалт гэдэг нь хүнсний хог хаягдлын
ихэнх хэсгийг био задаргаанд оруулан компост (бордоо) бэлтгэх буюу дахин
боловсруулан ашиглахыг хэлнэ.
Тэгвэл манай төслийн хүрээнд хүмүүст хог хаягдалаа ангилахын ач холбогдол, хэрхэн
яаж үүнийг ангилах, бордоо болгох талаар мэдээлэл түгээх, хүмүүсийг уриалан дуудах


● Introduce the topic of garbage and how it affects our environment

● Highlight the impact of people's bad behavior on the amount of garbage that ends up in our

Section 1: Understanding Garbage

● Define what garbage is and how it is generated

● Explain the different types of garbage and their impact on the environment
● Discuss the challenges of dealing with garbage, including disposal and recycling

Section 2: The Role of People's Bad Behavior

● Highlight the ways in which people's bad behavior contributes to the problem of garbage
● Discuss how littering, improper disposal, and other bad behaviors affect the environment
● Provide examples of the impact of people's bad behavior on garbage, such as the Great
Pacific Garbage Patch

Section 3: Filtering Garbage

● Discuss the different ways in which garbage can be filtered and disposed of
● Highlight the importance of recycling and composting in reducing the amount of garbage in
our environment
● Provide examples of successful recycling and composting programs
Section 4: Changing Bad Behavior

● Discuss the importance of changing people's bad behavior in reducing the amount of
garbage in our environment
● Highlight the role that education and awareness campaigns can play in changing behavior
● Provide examples of successful behavior change campaigns


● Summarize the impact of garbage on the environment and the role of people's bad behavior
in contributing to the problem
● Emphasize the importance of filtering garbage and changing bad behavior to create a
cleaner and healthier environment

[Opening music plays]

Voiceover: Welcome to "Garbage and Its Filtering: The Impact of People's Bad Behavior". In this

video, we will discuss the impact of garbage on our environment and the role that people's bad

behavior plays in contributing to this problem.

[Cut to footage of overflowing trash cans and litter on streets]

Voiceover: Garbage is a growing problem in our society, and it has a significant impact on our

environment. Garbage refers to any waste material that is unwanted and discarded, such as food

waste, plastic, paper, and metal.

[Cut to footage of landfills and garbage trucks]

Voiceover: The amount of garbage that we produce is growing at an alarming rate. According to the

World Bank, we generate 2.01 billion tons of municipal solid waste every year, and this is expected to

increase to 3.40 billion tons by 2050.

[Cut to footage of plastic pollution in oceans]

Voiceover: One of the biggest challenges of dealing with garbage is its impact on the environment.

Garbage can pollute our oceans, rivers, and lakes, harm wildlife, and contribute to climate change.

[Cut to footage of littering]

Voiceover: Unfortunately, people's bad behavior contributes significantly to the problem of garbage.

Littering, improper disposal, and other bad behaviors result in more garbage ending up in our


[Cut to footage of Great Pacific Garbage Patch]

Voiceover: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a prime example of the impact of people's bad

behavior on the environment. This is a massive collection of garbage that has accumulated in the

Pacific Ocean, and it is estimated to be larger than the size of Texas.

[Cut to footage of recycling and composting]

Voiceover: However, there are ways to filter garbage and reduce its impact on the environment.

Recycling and composting are effective ways to filter garbage and reuse it in a useful way.

[Cut to footage of behavior change campaigns]

Voiceover: To reduce the amount of garbage that ends up in our environment, we need to change

people's bad behavior. Education and awareness campaigns can help raise awareness of the impact

of garbage and encourage people to take action.

[Cut to footage of clean streets and parks]

Voiceover: By filtering garbage and changing bad behavior, we can create a cleaner and healthier

environment for ourselves and future generations.

[Closing music plays]

Voiceover: Thank you for watching "Garbage and Its Filtering: The Impact of People's Bad Behavior".

Remember to take action to filter garbage and reduce your impact on the environment.

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