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Department of Education

Region VI- Western Visayas

Division of San Carlos City
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
1st Periodical Examination

Instructions: Read and Answer each question carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer inside the box.
A. Showcase Portfolio E. Preface L. Project Portfolio
B. Selection F. Feedback
C. Cover Page G. Academic Portfolio
D. Growth Portfolio H. Collection
E. Projection I. Evaluative Feedback
F. Self-assessment J. Descriptive Feedback
G. Artifacts K. Prescriptive Feedback

1. This type of portfolio is a collection of student’s best work in a given discipline or subject area.

2. A narrative that provides a brief background of yourself and why are you making a portfolio.

3. The student may creatively design the cover as long as it includes the following information: name of student,
grade level, section, school year, name of school and name of teacher.

4. This type of portfolio demonstrates how a student developed particular skill or knowledge over time.

5. The student’s best work may include actual student output within or outside class; photo of a school presentation
or performance, reflection paper, awards, commendations, etc.

6. This type of portfolio emphasizes how a student completed discipline-based procedures or processes.

7. This is the stage where students define the goal or purpose of the portfolio.

8. The student evaluates all of the artifacts gathered using criteria appropriate for the purpose of the portfolio.

9. The students collects and retrieves as many evidences or outputs from the course.

10. This type of portfolio is a collection of student work that represents achievement of the content and
performance standards for a given course.

11. It can be an information about quantity or quality of a group’s work, an assessment of effectiveness of the
group’s task or activity, or evaluation of members individual performance.

12. The feedback that goes beyond mere description and provides an evaluation or assessment of the person who

13. The feedback that merely identifies or describes how a group member communicates.

14. The feedback that provides group members with advice about how they should act or communicate.
15. In this stage of portfolio, students evaluates the completed output using the rubric or criteria provided by the


Instructions: Read and understand each question carefully. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and provide the
correct answer of the underlined words if the statement is wrong,

1. To have a good nonverbal communication during interview you must demonstrate ignorance such as standing
straight and making eye contact.

2. It is important to know what to wear to an interview and to be well-prepared.

3. Whether you wear a suit or something less formal depends on the company culture.

4. Good communication skills include listening and letting the person know you heard what was said.

5. From the beginning of your interview, your interviewer is giving you information, either directly or indirectly.

6. It’s a given that you should use unprofessional language during interview.

7. Attitude plays a key role in your interview success.

8. There is a fine balance between confidence, professionalism and boastfulness.

9. Overconfidence is bad, if not worse, as being too reserved.

10. Being ready to ask questions demonstrates an interest in what goes on in the company.

11. An application letter is also known as cover paper.

12. Analysing the job posting is to know what employers want.

13. The heading of an application letter is your polite greeting for example, “Dear Mr./Ms.” Followed by the person’s
last name.

14. In the first paragraph of your application letter will be your thank you to your employer and you can also offer
follow-up information.

15. When you’re sending or uploading a printed letter, end with your signature.

III. Create

Instructions: Make your own Portfolio Development Plan. Use the template below, write your answer on your
answer sheets.





Connection and Presentation

Instructions: Read and understand each question carefully. Explain your answers thoroughly.

1. What is the Purpose of your portfolio?


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