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TASK 2: Introduction to Human Anatomy & Physiology
Instructions: Search for the following terminologies about the Language of Anatomy
a. Directional Terms
Term Definition
1. Right Toward the body’s right side
2. Left Toward the body’s left side
3. Inferior Below
4. Superior Above
5. Anterior Toward the front of the body
6. Posterior Toward the back of the body
7. Dorsal Toward the back
8. Ventral Toward the front
9. Proximal Closer to a point of attachment
10. Distal Farther from a point of attachment
11. Lateral Away from the midline of the body
12. Medial Toward the midline of the body
13. Superficial Toward the surface
14. Deep Away from the surface

b. Body Parts and Regions

Term Definition
1. Frontal Forehead
2. Orbital Eye
3. Nasal Nose
4. Oral Mouth
5. Cervical Neck
6. Otic Ear
7. Buccal Buccal
8. Mental Chin
9. Clavicular Collarbone
10. Pectoral Chest
11. Sternal Breastbone
12. Mammary Breast
13. Axillary Armpit
14. Brachial Arm
15. Antecubital Front of elbow
16. Antebrachial Forearm
17. Abdominal Abdomen
18. Umbilical Navel
19. Pelvic Pelvis
20. Inguinal Groin
21. Pubic Genital
22. Carpal Wrist
23. Palmar Palmar
24. Digital Fingers and Toes
25. Coxal Hip
26. Femoral Thigh
27. Patellar Kneecap
28. Crural Leg
29. Talus Ankle
30. Dorsum Top of foot

c. Body Planes
A plane is an imaginary two-dimensional surface that passes through the body.
Term Definition
1. Sagittal divides the body into right and left sections.
2. Transversal divides the body into superior and inferior sections.
3. Coronal divides the body into dorsal and ventral sections.

d. Body Cavities
A body cavity is a fluid-filled space inside the body that holds and protects internal organs.
Term Definition
1. Cranial The anterior portion of the dorsal cavity consists of the
space inside the skull. The cranial cavity is the anterior
portion of the dorsal cavity consisting of the space inside
the skull. This cavity contains the brain, the meninges of
the brain, and cerebrospinal fluid.
2. Vertebral The vertebral cavity is the posterior portion of the dorsal
cavity and contains the structures within the vertebral
column. These include the spinal cord, the meninges of
the spinal cord, and the fluid-filled spaces between
3. Thoracic The thoracic cavity is the anterior ventral body cavity
found within the rib cage in the torso. It houses the
primary organs of the cardiovascular and respiratory
systems, such as the heart and lungs, but also includes
organs from other systems, such as the esophagus and
the thymus gland. The thoracic cavity is lined by two
types of mesothelium, a type of membrane tissue that
lines the ventral cavity: the pleura lining of the lungs,
and the pericardium lining of the heart.
4. Abdominal Its upper boundary is the diaphragm, a sheet of muscle
and connective tissue that separates it from the chest
cavity; its lower boundary is the upper plane of the pelvic
cavity. Vertically it is enclosed by the vertebral
column and the abdominal and other muscles. The
abdominal cavity contains the greater part of
the digestive tract, the liver and pancreas, the spleen,
the kidneys, and the adrenal glands located above the
5. Pelvic The pelvic cavity functions as a housing space for the
urinary bladder, the pelvic colon, internal reproductive
organs, and the rectum.
6. Ventral The ventral cavity, the interior space in the front of the
body, contains many different organ systems. The
organs within the ventral cavity are also called viscera.
The ventral cavity has anterior and posterior portions
divided by the diaphragm; a sheet of skeletal muscle
found beneath the lungs.

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