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By: Chong & Lee

Family Bonding
In Modern

It is often said that in most areas nowadays

,lifestyle is altering rapidly and these
changes are impacting family interactions.

From my point of view ,I believe this could

have many benefits than downsides.

Firstly ,one of the main drawbacks is remoting families from each other.

For example one of the conspicuous changes in today modern world is

living alone. It means the population of the world is merging into this
model of lifestyle and they habitually decide to live without their family.

This could create multiple negative influences on our lives such as the
feeling of loneliness and conducting activities without helping.

Therefore ,this makes it clear why shifting in human lifestyles could

have harmful effects on their method of living.
Secondly ,apart from disadvantages ,this could have many benefits.

For instance ,when people accept this rule to live alone this could
create an opportunity to become self_suffuciant and commence
running our lives also ,conducting our operations.

In most European countries these days we can see the advantages

of this. This would probably be a positive advance for humans
,especially ,the young generations. Another upside would be for
parents. When their children leave home this would be a suitable
place to relax and conduct personal activities. We all know families
always are engaging their children’s' work.

As a result ,it becomes apparent there are many advantages behind

each drawback of particular content.
To summarise ,I personally believe shifting
lifestyle has not numerous harmful effects
on our family linkages.

It is predicted that to continue increasing

these kinds of changes in human lives we
will become more independent in our daily
lifestyles in the near future.

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