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1) Taxonomy

a. Cognitive – Intellectual skills

i. Remembering – recall of information
1. Defines
2. Recalls
3. Lists
4. States
5. Selects
ii. Understanding – Comprehending the meaning
1. Converts
2. Defends
3. Infers
4. Paraphrase
5. translate
iii. Applying – Use of Concept
1. Applies
2. Changes
3. Constructs
4. Solves
5. Uses
iv. Analyzing - deconstruction of concept
1. Analyze
2. Compares
3. Contrast
4. Relates
5. Selects
v. Evaluating - judgment of concept
1. Appraises
2. Compares
3. Concludes
4. Explains
5. Support
vi. Creating - combination of information to create meaning
1. Combines
2. Compiles
3. Creates
4. Plans
5. Organize
b. Affective
i. Receiving - passively paying attention
1. Ask
2. Choose
3. Describes
4. Follows
5. Gives
ii. Responding - actively learning and reacting
1. Answers
2. Assists
3. Aids
4. Complies
5. Conforms
iii. Valuing - attaching worth to information
1. Completes
2. Demonstrates
3. Differentiates
4. Follows
5. Justifies
iv. Organizing - arranging and elaborating on information
1. Adheres
2. Alters
3. Arranges
4. Combines
5. Relates
v. Characterizing - valuing belief that influences behavior
1. Acts
2. Displays
3. Influences
4. Listens
5. Modify
c. Psychomotor
i. Perception - sensory guiding of motor activity
1. Chooses
2. Describes
3. Detects
4. Relates
5. Selects
ii. Set - feeling ready to act
1. Begins
2. Display
3. Explains
4. States
5. Volunteers
iii. Guided response - beginning to learn complex skills
1. Copies
2. Traces
3. Follows
4. React
5. Reproduce
iv. Mechanism - developing basic proficiency
1. Assembles
2. Calibrates
3. Construct
4. Dismantle
5. Display
v. Complex overt Response - performing with advanced skill
1. Assemble
2. Builds
3. Calibrates
4. Constructs
5. Grinds
vi. Adaptation - modifying movement to meet special circumstances
1. Adopts
2. Alters
3. Changes
4. Rearranges
5. Recognize
vii. Origination - creating situation-specific movements
1. Arranges
2. Builds
3. Combines
4. Composes
5. Creates
2) Lesson Objectives
a. Cognitive Domain
i. Recall and recognize key concepts of Google Classroom
ii. Demonstrate comprehension and interpretation of Google Classroom
iii. Use Google Classroom to create and manage a class
b. Affective Domain
i. Students will actively listen to diverse viewpoints during class discussions
on Google Classroom
ii. Students will participate in group discussions on Google Classroom
iii. By the end of the course, students should be able to articulate the
significance of Google Classroom
c. Psychomotor
i. After observing a demonstration, students should be able to accurately
imitate the proper steps in performing CPR
ii. Students should be able to perform a complete set of CPR procedures
iii. Given a scenario, students should be able to adapt their CPR skills

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