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The objective of this project is to utilize Bezier Curves in constructing a profile

intended for integration into a product. The assigned tasks encompass sketching the
designated object in line with provided specifications, determining coordinate points
for selected curves in the design, creating a 3D modelling CAD file of the chosen
sketch using Nx, elucidating the mathematical principles underpinning Bezier curves
by pinpointing Control Points for specific curve segments, and employing laser
cutting techniques for the fabrication of the component.

A group of connected points helps to draw a line or curve. We use a special set of
points called Control Points to shape a Bezier curve. These curves are named after
Pierre Bezier, who first used them in the 1960s for designing Renault cars. Bezier
curves are widely used in computer graphics and animations because they're easy to
work with. Laser cutting is a method that uses a powerful, focused beam of light to
cut through materials like metal and plastic. Unlike other cutting methods, lasers
don't put a lot of stress on the material, so it stays intact. Laser cutting is great
because it can handle different materials and make very detailed cuts quickly.
Students are tasked with making a souvenir product using Bezier curves. These
curves are handy because they're easy to use and allow for precise shapes. Plus,
they're flexible and can be moved around easily. Overall, laser cutting and Bezier
curves make it possible to create cool products with intricate designs.

Figure 1 different design of the badges

We assign for each student to choose a badge make research about it then sketch it , later we
did decision matrix to decide which badge it the best to start CAD model in nX .
Police Badge :
The police badge is a symbol of authority and trust within law enforcement. It
represents the sworn duty to uphold the law, protect the community, and serve with
integrity. Beyond its practical function as identification, the badge embodies the
principles of honor, courage, and dedication that guide
officers in their daily duties. It fosters public confidence and
reassurance, acting as a visible reminder of the commitment to
safeguarding the safety and well-being of society.
Additionally, the badge serves as a source of pride and
camaraderie among law enforcement professionals, uniting
them in a shared mission to uphold justice and maintain
order. In essence, the police badge is an emblem of service,
responsibility, and respect, essential for maintaining law and
order in our communities.

school badge :
A school badge serves as a symbol of identity and pride for students, faculty, and the
institution as a whole. It typically features the school's emblem, motto, or crest,
reflecting its values and ethos. The badge fosters a sense of belonging and unity
among students, instilling a sense of pride in their school
community. Additionally, it promotes discipline and
responsibility, as wearing the badge is often associated with
adhering to school rules and representing the institution
positively. Moreover, the badge may serve practical
purposes, such as granting access to certain facilities or
events. Overall, the school badge plays a crucial role in
fostering school spirit, promoting a sense of belonging, and
upholding the values of the educational institution.
sports club :
The sports club badge is a symbol of team unity, pride, and identity. It typically
features the club's emblem, colors, or motto, reflecting its values and spirit. The
badge serves as a rallying point for players and fans alike, fostering a sense of
belonging and camaraderie within the club community. It
represents the dedication, passion, and competitive spirit of
the athletes who proudly wear it. Beyond its symbolic
significance, the badge may also hold practical importance,
such as granting access to facilities or events. Overall, the
sports club badge plays a crucial role in uniting players and
supporters, motivating them to strive for excellence and
represent their club with honor on and off the field.

Winner’s shield
The winner's shield is a prestigious symbol of achievement and excellence in
competition. Crafted with care, it embodies the spirit of victory, honor, and
perseverance. Adorned with intricate designs and engravings, the shield represents
the hard-fought battles and triumphs of the champions who
earn it. Beyond its material value, the shield holds deep
sentimental significance, serving as a tangible reminder of the
dedication and skill required to emerge victorious. Presented
with pride, the winner's shield inspires admiration and respect
among peers and spectators alike, symbolizing the highest
pinnacle of success in the sporting arena. It serves as a
timeless memento of glory, cherished by winners and
celebrated by all who witness their triumphs.

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