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The visa officer,

Consular Section of the Republic of Korea
4 Madani Avenue, Baridhara, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh.
Date: 07 February, 2024
Subject: Cover letter for a student visa (D-2) in South Korea

Dear Sir,

My name is Riaz Uddin, a resident of Chittagong, Bangladesh, holding passport number A12157112. I
am writing to you today to express my enthusiasm and to apply for a student visa, as I have been
fortunate enough to be accepted into the undergraduate program in International Business at Daejin
University, South Korea, with a 40% scholarship.

My academic journey began at Mitha Nala Ram Dayal High School, Chittagong, where I completed
my Secondary School Certificate (SSC) in 2018, achieving a GPA of 4.83 out of 5.0. I continued my
studies at Professor Kamal Uddin Chowdhury College, Chittagong, where I completed my Higher
Secondary Certificate (HSC) in 2021 with a GPA of 4.92 out of 5.0. After my HSC result in 2021 I was
admitted at Noakhali Science and Technology University. During the COVID-19 pandemic situation, I
experienced a disruption in my study, resulting in a small study gap. At that time, I decided to boost my
practical skill development and completed some courses for analyzing the job market such as Social
Media Marketing & Advertising and Digital marketing. Besides this, I have worked on my English
communication skills and took preparation for the IELTS and scored 5.5, which has prepared me for
English-medium instruction at Daejin University.

Choosing International Business as my major was not a decision made on a whim; rather, it was a
carefully considered choice, shaped by both my personal interests and my aspirations for the future.
Growing up in Chittagong, a city bustling with trade and commerce, I was naturally drawn to the
dynamics of business and trade from a young age. The city's vibrant ports and the stories of international
traders sparked in me a curiosity about how businesses thrive across borders. The choice of International
Business as a major is, for me, a bridge between my passion and my career aspirations. It's not just
about learning the theories and models; it's about understanding the real-world applications of these
concepts. This field promises to equip me with the knowledge of international trade laws, cultural
nuances, global market trends, and the strategic management skills necessary to navigate and succeed
in a global marketplace.

Choosing Daejin University in South Korea for my studies in International Business is a decision that
resonates deeply with my personal and academic goals. The decision stems from a blend of admiration
for South Korea's economic achievements and the unique academic offerings of Daejin University.
Daejin University, with its esteemed faculty, cutting-edge research, and diverse student body, offers an
environment where I can immerse myself in learning and personal growth. The university's focus on
fostering global leaders is aligned with my aspirations. Its curriculum in International Business is
designed not just to impart knowledge but to equip students with practical skills and a global mindset,
essential for navigating the complexities of international trade and commerce.

Moreover, studying in South Korea offers the unique advantage of being at the heart of East Asia's
economic activity. It presents an opportunity to experience firsthand the cultural and business practices
that have propelled South Korea onto the global stage. This exposure is invaluable for someone like me,
who aspires to bridge cultures and economies in their professional life.

After my graduation from Daejin University, I’ll join a master’s combined PhD program in the same
field. The first step in my post-graduation plan is to return to Bangladesh and embark on a career that
bridges academia and industry. My dream is to join a university as a lecturer, where I can share the
insights and experiences gained from my studies and life in South Korea. Teaching and mentoring the
next generation of business leaders will be my way of paying forward the knowledge and opportunities
I was fortunate to receive. I aim to inspire my students to look beyond our borders for lessons in
innovation, resilience, and global citizenship. Parallel to my academic aspirations, I plan to engage with
local businesses and startups, applying my international business expertise to help them expand their
operations overseas. Bangladesh's economy is poised for global integration, and I see myself playing a
pivotal role in this transition, facilitating trade, and fostering partnerships that will benefit my country
economically and socially.

Here is the list of required documents I have attached with this cover letter:

1 Visa application form 10 Parent’s ID card

2 Photocopy of a valid passport 11 Letter of Guarantee to Leave after Studies
3 Valid air-ticket booking slip 12 Financial certificate
4 Cover letter of the applicant 13 Auditor’s reports
5 Forwarding letter of the applicant 14 Bank statement and solvency
6 Certificate of admission 15 Academic certificates & and transcript
7 University business registration certificate 16 Language proficiency certificate
8 Trade license 17 TB test and X-ray report
9 Family relationship certificate 18 Police clearance certificate
19 Parent’s no objection certificate (NOC)

I intend to fly on 20 February 2024 from Bangladesh to South Korea. I kindly request your favorable
consideration of my visa application. I am looking forward to the opportunity to study in Korea and am
eager to embark on this new chapter of my academic journey.

Thank you for considering my application. I am hopeful for a positive response.

Riaz Uddin

Passport number: A12157112


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