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August 22-26, 2022

District Name: Talavera North

School ID: 105804
School Name: Sicsican Matanda Elementary School
Grade Level and Section: Grade VI- Earth, Grade 7- Narra
Adviser: Ronilo L. Marling Jr.

Date Time Activity Objective Materials Needed Direction

August 22, 2022 8:00- 9:00 AM FEELINGS CIRCLE Develop self-awareness, self- Paper 1. On a sheet of paper, ask learners to think
expression, Crayons of the different feelings they have at this
self-understanding Markers moment. Ask them to take a sheet of
paper and divide it in half. On the left side,
ask them to write down all the feelings
they feel in the moment and assign a color
for each.
2. On the right sheet of the same paper, ask
learners to create a circle. If learners have
not been introduced to circular charts, you
can introduce the activity by saying “Now
we are making a feelings wheel and we
will divide the wheel according to how
much you feel each feeling you’ve written
down today.” For Grades 5 to 6 learners,
the wheel can be referred to as a pie
3. Ask learners to divide the wheel according
to “percentages” or to the size of each
feeling they are experiencing at the
moment. When the learners are done, the
teacher can invite them to sit in a circle in
groups of 4, or to share their Feelings
Wheel in the larger group. Encourage
learners to elaborate on the feelings that
they have identified. Learners can explain
what the feelings mean for them, why they
feel that way, and what they do when they
feel that way. The teacher can invite
volunteers to start the sharing.

August 23, 2022 8:00-9:00 AM Body Mirror Gain awareness of the self and Indoors or outdoors with enough 1. Ask learners to get into pairs (groups of 2)
the space and stand anywhere in the room.
body, experience stress release, for participants to spread out in pairs Alternately, the teacher can have them line
and up in parallel lines with the partners facing
practice self-regulation and each other and a few feet of space
empathy between each neighboring person. The
pairs should face each other so that one
person is A and the other is B. They must
also have space to walk or run around.
2. Remind the learners that in the activity,
they are free to do any movement, as long
as it is safe.
3. Learner A begins as the leader by making
movements (in silence) and then Learner
B follows (mirrors back) the movements.
The teacher can provide instructions
during this process (such as do fast
movements or do slow movements). The
process goes on for about 2 minutes.
4. The learners switch roles (A & B) and the
process repeats.
5. The teacher may invite the learners to
move without assigning who the leader
and the follower is -- the learners are
encouraged to attune to each other

August 24, 2022 8:00-9:00 AM CAMERA Foster self-awareness and a Two sheets of paper for each of your 1. Divide the learners into groups of 4 or 5.
sense of selfefficacy in problem learner Boxes of various sizes for 2. As a group, ask the learners to create a
solving each group to choose from, depending camera using the boxes they have chosen
on how they want to design their or brought as the body of the camera.
camera; alternately, teachers may ask 3. With the coloring materials, recycled
learners to bring the boxes by group materials, art materials, ask learners to
Coloring materials, recycled materials, design their cameras. Encourage learners
glue, and other remaining materials to be creative and imaginative! With the
that can be used to decorate the assistance of the teachers, learners can
camera also create a hole on the box where the
learners can look through (i.e., camera’s
4. Give learners time to finish their work.
Afterwards, ask the learners to put their
camera at the center of the group;
5. give them time to look at their entire work
and appreciate it. 1 2 3 Tired 4 5 . . Ensure
that everyone in class is given a chance to
share within their groups. If there are
some learners that would rather not share,
do not force them NOTE:
6. On one sheet of paper, ask the learners to
imagine looking through the camera and to
draw a picture of a scene from the past in
which they were able to solve a problem
they encountered.
7. After they draw the scene, ask the
learners to add people or things that
helped them manage the problem or the
difficult situation.
8. Invite the learners to use their cameras to
view these scenes. They can use this time
to play with their cameras and view the
scenes of the other groups too.
9. Then, ask the group to have each member
share their picture and talk about it with
the rest of the group. Remind the class
that sharing is voluntary and that they
should create a safe space for each other.
10. After the round of sharing, ask the learners
that on their other sheet of paper, imagine
looking through the camera again and
draw a picture of a problem or challenging
situation they are currently facing. It may
be a challenge related to being back at
school or anything else they feel
comfortable enough representing in a
drawing. Then, invite the learners to use
their cameras to view these scenes.
11. Ask the group to share their pictures.

August 25, 2022 8:00-9:00 AM CONFIDENCE DRAWINGS Deepen self-awareness, Paper 1. Give your learners paper and the drawing
appreciation Drawing materials (e.g., crayons, materials.
for the self, and self-confidence oil pastels or markers) 2. Tell the learners that today, they will be
drawing something about themselves.
3. Ask the learners to divide their paper into
4. Ask the learners to write down these
statements on the following quadrants: 1 2
3 Tired 4 5 First or top left quadrant:
“Something I love” Second or top right
quadrant: “Something I love about myself”
Third or bottom left quadrant: “Someone
who loves me” Fourth or bottom right
quadrant: “Something I am good at”
5. After, ask the learners to draw what
corresponds to the statement in each
quadrant. For example, in the first
quadrant, learners will draw something
that they love. They may draw more than
one thing in each quadrant, if they feel like
doing so.
6. Give the learners ample time to finish
7. Divide the class into groups of five or six.
Ask your learners to share their drawings
with the group. Remind learners that they
may offer affirmations to each one who
shares in their group.

August 26, 2022 8:00-9:00 AM Tree of Life Cultivate self-compassion and ¼ sheet of manila paper per 1. Give your learners paper and the drawing
empathy, and enhance self- learner; alternatively, a sheet of 8” materials.
awareness x 11” paper is adequate as well 2. Read the prompts for each part of the tree
Coloring materials listed below, while allotting about 5
minutes of drawing time for each part. 1 2
Tired Roots: What (or who) keeps you
stable and strong? These can be activities
you do in daily life or people important to
you. Trunk: What do you love about
yourself? What are the qualities you feel
proud of? These can be special talents
and character traits such as being a good
friend or taking care of others. Branches:
What are your hopes, dreams, and wishes
for the future? Leaves: What are some of
the ways that people have given you gifts
in your life? This is not about material gifts
or things, but rather about kindness and
support. Who has helped and supported
you, and who have you supported?
3. Once the learners have finished drawing
the entire tree, give additional time for
them to add finishing touches or any other
decorations they would like to include.
4. The next step is to hang all of the trees
together, or place them side-by-side in a
large circle, creating a Forest of Life.
5. Proceed with the sharing through the
discussion guide. Ask the learners to
come up to their work while they answer
the questions and show their classmates
their work.

Prepared by: Noted by:


Subject Teacher School Principal I
NOTE: DAILY PSS for the 1st week of classes need not be conducted the whole day. Depending on the assessment of the class adviser, longer time may be devoted on the first day while 1-2hrs on the succeeding days
may be devoted for this, giving the learners time to adjust with the transition from modular or online modality to in-person classes. First week of in-person classes should be light only.

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