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Term 64 of 199

What is negative feedback? Give an example.

All living species exhibit genetic change from generation to generation and therefore

Unlike the other characteristics of life, evolution is a characteristic seen only in the
population as a whole. No single individual evolves over the course of its life.

a process in which the body senses a change and activates mechanisms that negate or
reverse it.

Ex: If your body is too warm, the vessels will dilate in the skin and sweating will start. Sweat
brings body heat to the skins surface therefore cooling you down.
(Heat losing mechanism)

-To protect vital internal organs from accidental shock

-To allow for any possible change in shape and size of organs, while still maintaining the
organ system's integrity

hormone production, internal chemical communication and coordination

Regulates metabolism, growth and reproduction
Term 65 of 199
Which of the following statements accurately describes the relationship between form and
function? (NOTE: Select all that apply, as more than one answer may be correct)

A. Anatomy is to structure, as Physiology is to function​

B. Studying the Physiology of a body system can help predict the Anatomy of that system.​
C. Physiology is to structure, as Anatomy is to function​
D. Location, number, and orientation are associated with Anatomy.​
E. The function of a system has no correlation to how the system is built.​

A, B, and D.

Anatomy is to structure, as Physiology is to function​

Studying the Physiology of a body system can help predict the Anatomy of that system.​

Location, number, and orientation are associated with Anatomy.​

-Protects internal organs by acting as a barrier

-Acts as the body's first line of defense
-Regulates body temperature
-Synthesizes vitamin D
-Excretes various waste through perspiration
-Water retention
-Non verbal communication
-Cutaneous sensation

Male Urethra

E. Retention of fluid leading to retention of more fluid.

Term 66 of 199
The pelvic cavity holds which organ?

Female ovaries




Female ovaries

Term 67 of 199
Which of the following is an example of Anatomy?

A. The human heart is composed of four chambers.​

B. Autorhythmic cells of the heart are able to contract on their own.​
The bladder expands in order to temporarily store urine.​
C. The kidneys help regulate blood volume.​
D. Most nutrient absorption occurs in the small intestine.​

A. The human heart is composed of four chambers.

A slice that separates the superior and inferior body regions


Ovaries, uterine tubes, uterus, vagina, mammary glands (breasts)

Term 68 of 199
What are the functions of the urinary system?

Pituitary gland, pineal gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, thymus, adrenal gland,
pancreas, testes, ovaries, Hypothalamus

Lymph nodes, lymphatic vessels, thymus, spleen, tonsils, lymphatic nodules.

Elimination of wastes, regulation of blood volume and pressure, blood composition and
pH, stimulation of red blood cell formation, control of fluid, electrolyte and acid-base
balance, detoxification

Brain, spinal cord, nerves and ganglia.

Term 69 of 199
Which body system is responsible for transporting gases and nutrients?

Endocrine system

Integumentary system

Cardiovascular system

Respiratory system

Term 70 of 199
Which of the following is an example of Physiology?​

A. The valves of the human heart prevent any potential backflow of blood.​
B. The brain is composed of two hemispheres.​
C. The brachial artery gives rise to the ulnar and radial arteries.​
D. Each human kidney contains 6 to 10 renal pyramids.​
E. The optic nerve is connected to the brain​

rapid internal communication, coordination, motor control and sensation

The effector is the cell or organ that carries out the final corrective action.

A. The valves of the human heart prevent any potential backflow of the blood.

To protect internal organs

Term 71 of 199
What are the functions of the respiratory system?

Production of eggs, site of fertilization and fetal development, fetal nourishment, birth,
lactation, production of sex hormones and sex cells.

rapid internal communication, coordination, motor control and sensation

Production and delivery of sperm; secretion of sex hormones.

absorption of oxygen, discharge of carbon dioxide, acid-base balance, speech, Gas

exchange, sound production.

Term 72 of 199
Which body system is responsible for the production of egg and fetal nourishment?

Female reproductive system?

-Provides structural support

-Protects internal organs
-Provides movement
-Plays a major role in blood cell formation
-Stores Calcium
-Electrolyte and acid base balance

-Provides movement
-maintains posture
-Heat production
-Control of body openings

Epigastric region

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