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Term 32 of 199

Which of the following is NOT an example of a negative feedback mechanism in the human

-Shivering when body temperature falls below normal

-Increasing heart rate and force of contraction when blood pressure falls
-When the body is deprived of food, metabolism slows down in order to conserve energy
-Secreting insulin after a meal to return blood glucose levels back toward normal
-Retention of fluid leading to retention of more fluid

Production and delivery of sperm; secretion of sex hormones.

MRI scans
PET scans
CT scans

A slice that separates the superior and inferior body regions

E. Retention of fluid leading to retention of more fluid.

Term 33 of 199
What is an organism?

A single, complete individual

EX: Human
Highest and most complex level of organization.

Portions of the ascending colon

Portions of the small intestine
Right kidney

the ability to maintain relatively stable internal conditions. EX: Temperature, blood
pressure, and body weight.

The receptor is a structure that senses a change in the body, such as the stretch receptors
that monitor blood pressure.
Term 34 of 199
What are the functions of the skeletal system?

-Provides structural support

-Protects internal organs
-Provides movement
-Plays a major role in blood cell formation
-Stores Calcium
-Electrolyte and acid base balance

absorption of oxygen, discharge of carbon dioxide, acid-base balance, speech, Gas

exchange, sound production.

-Provides movement
-maintains posture
-Heat production
-Control of body openings

rapid internal communication, coordination, motor control and sensation

Term 35 of 199
What organs or portions of would I find in the left lumbar region?

Ascending colon
Small intestine

Large and small intestines
Left kidney
Small portion of the liver

hormone production, internal chemical communication and coordination

Regulates metabolism, growth and reproduction

Portions of the descending colon

Portions of the small intestine
Left kidney

Term 36 of 199
How many tissue types are there? What are they?

0; Epithelial, Connective, Nervous, and Muscle tissue.

5; Epithelial, Connective, Nervous, and Muscle tissue.

4; Epithelial, Connective, Nervous, and Muscle tissue.

organ system
Term 37 of 199
Which region holds these organs, or portions of?

Portions of the sigmoid colon

Descending colon
Small intestines

Left inguinal (iliac) region

Epigastric region

Sagittal plane

Left and right

Term 38 of 199
What is development?

The ability to sense and react to stimuli (changes in the environment) is called
responsiveness or excitability. Most organisms should be capable of self propelled
movement from place to place.

All living organisms can produce copies of themselves, thus passing their genes on to new,
younger containers—their offspring.

A molecule is a particle composed of at least two atoms that work together to perform a

Development is any change in form or function over the lifetime of the organism.
There is 2 main processes in most organisms, differentiation and growth.

Term 39 of 199
What quadrant is the liver located?

Left Upper Quadrant (luq)

Right Upper Quadrant

Right Hypochondriac Region

Right Lumbar Region

Term 40 of 199
Which body system mechanically and chemically breaks down ingested nutrients?

Respiratory system

Nervous system

Digestive system

Endocrine system

Term 41 of 199
What are the components of the skeletal system?

Bones, cartilages, and ligaments.

Negative feedback and positive feedback.

D. the liver system

Brain, spinal cord, nerves and ganglia.

Term 42 of 199
Which body system supports body structures and stores calcium?

A. Integumentary system
B. Skeletal system
C. Muscular system

Hypogastric region

B. Skeletal system

C. Muscular system

Urinary system

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