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organ system's integrity

Production of eggs, site of fertilization and fetal development, fetal nourishment, birth,
lactation, production of sex hormones and sex cells.

Term 176 of 199

Regulated Variable

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A mass of similar cells and cell products that forms a discrete region of an organ and
performs a specific function.

-A variable that must be kept within a certain acceptable range

-A variable that is sensed (or detected) via sensors that is already embedded into
the system

A molecule is a particle composed of at least two atoms that work together to perform
a function.

Matter and energy tend to flow down gradients such as differences in chemical
concentration, pressure, temperature, and electrical charge. This accounts for much of
their movement in human physiology.

Term 177 of 199

What organs or portions of, are found in the hypogastric region?

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Urinary bladder
Portions of the sigmoid colon
Small intestines
Reproductive organs

hormone production, internal chemical communication and coordination

Regulates metabolism, growth and reproduction

protective membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord, or the cranial or vertebral

Right kidney
Portions of small and large intestines

Term 178 of 199

Which of the following is the highest and most complex level of


Organ System

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D. Organism


Lymphatic System

Respiratory System

Term 179 of 199

What are the subdivisions of the thoracic cavity?

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Two Pleural cavities, each of which surrounds a lung

Each lung sits on either side of the mediastinum, which is an area in the middle of
the thorax that contains the heart, portions of the trachea, the esophagus, and
several important vessels.
Pericardial cavity, which encloses the heart
hormone production, internal chemical communication and coordination
Regulates metabolism, growth and reproduction

-Hair, -Nails, -Cutaneous Glands

Elimination of wastes, regulation of blood volume and pressure, blood composition and
pH, stimulation of red blood cell formation, control of fluid, electrolyte and acid-base
balance, detoxification

Term 180 of 199

Which body is responsible for hormone production?

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Digestive system

Endocrine system

Nervous system

Respiratory system
Term 181 of 199

What is the parasagittal plane?

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A smaller lesser omentum extends from the superomedial margin of the

stomach to the liver.
Basically between the liver and stomach.

Divides body into unequal right and left sides,

Ex: dividing midclavicular in l and r

carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, nucleic acids

Transports gases, nutrients, hormones, and waste

Distribution of body heat

Term 182 of 199

What organs or portions of, would I find in the left Inguinal (iliac) region?

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