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ANAPHY REVIEWER hormones, carbon dioxide, wastes, etc.

; the
heart pumps blood.
ANATOMY - Study of the structure and shape
of the body and its parts. Lymphatic - Picks up fluid leaked from blood
vessels and returns it to blood; disposes of
Gross - Large structures, observable.
debris in the lymphatic stream; houses white
Microscopic - Structures are too small to be blood cells involved in immunity.
seen with the naked eye.
Respiratory - Keeps blood constantly supplied
PHYSIOLOOGY - Study of how the body and with oxygen and removes carbon dioxide; the
its parts work or function gaseous exchange occur through the walls of
the air sacs of the lungs.

Digestive - Breaks food down into absorbable

LVL OF STRUCTURAL ORGANIZATION nutrients that enter the blood for distribution
Atoms, Cells, Tissues, Organs, Organ systems, to body cells; indigestible foodstuffs are
Organisms eliminated as feces.

Urinary - Eliminates nitrogen-containing

wastes from the body; regulates water,
ORGAN SYSTEM: electrolyte, and acid-base balance of the
Integumentary - Forms the external body blood.
covering; protects deeper tissue from injury; Reproductive - Overall function of the
synthesizes vitamin D; location of sensory reproductive system is production of
receptors (pain, pressure, etc.) and sweat and offspring. Testes produce sperm and male sex
oil glands. hormone; ducts and glands aid in delivery of
Skeletal - Protects and supports body organs; viable sperm to the female reproductive tract.
provides a framework the muscles use to Ovaries produce eggs and female sex
cause movement; blood cells are formed hormones; remaining structures serve as sites
within bones; stores minerals. for fertilization and development of the fetus.
Mammary glands of female breasts produce
Muscular - Allows manipulation of the milk to nourish the newborn.
environment, locomotion, and facial
expression; maintains posture; produces heat. NECESSARY LIFE FUNCTIONS:

Nervous - Fast-acting control system of the Maintaining boundaries - Boundaries

body; responds to internal and external separate the “inside” from the “outside”
changes by activating appropriate muscles Movements – Locomotion, Movement of
and glands. substances.
Endocrine - includes: Pituitary gland, Thyroid Responsiveness - Ability to sense changes and
and parathyroids, Adrenal glands, Thymus, react
Pancreas, Pineal gland, Ovaries (females) and
testes (males). Glands secrete hormones that Digestion - Breakdown and absorption of
regulate processes such as growth, nutrients.
reproduction, and nutrient use by body cells. Metabolism - chemical reactions within the
Cardiovascular - Blood vessels transport body.
blood, which carries oxygen, nutrients,
Excretion - Eliminates excreta (waste) from Anterior (ventral) - front of the body.
metabolic reactions; Wastes may be removed
Posterior (dorsal) - backside of the body.
in urine, feces, or sweat
Medial - toward or at the midline of the body.
Reproduction - Occurs on cellular level or
organismal level. Lateral - away from the midline of the body.
Growth - Increases cell size or body size Intermediate - between a more medial and a
(through increasing the number of cells) more lateral structure.

Proximal - close to the origin.

SURVIVAL NEEDS Distal - close to the origin.
Nutrients - Chemicals used for energy and cell Superficial - toward or at the body surface.
Deep - away from the body surface; more
Oxygen - Required for chemical reactions; internal.
respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Water - 60 to 80 percent of body weight.

Most abundant chemical in the human body. BODY PLANES - Sections are cuts along
imaginary lines known as planes.
Normal body temp. – 35 ºC - 37ºC (98.6ºF)
Sagittal section - Divides left and right parts.
Atmospheric pressure - appropriate for gas
exchange Median/Midsagittal section – divides equal
left and right parts.

Frontal/coronal – divides anterior and

LANGUAGE OF ANATOMY posterior parts.
Terms are used for: Position, Direction, Transverse/cross – divides into superior and
Regions, Structures inferior parts
position used to avoid confusion
- Stand erect, feet parallel,
arms hanging at the sides Cranial - Houses the brain; Protected by the
with palms facing forward skull
and thumbs pointing Spinal - Houses the spinal cord; Protected by
away from the body. the vertebrae

Directional terms - Explain location of one VENTRAL BODY C AVITY

body structure in relation to another.
Thoracic - Cavity superior to the diaphragm.
Superior (cranial) - toward the head or upper Houses heart, lungs, and other organs.
part of a structure or the body; above. Protected by the rib cage.
Inferior (caudal) - Inferior (caudal): away from Abdominopelvic - Cavity inferior to the
the head or toward the lower part of a diaphragm. contains the stomach, liver, and
structure or the body; below. other organs.
“Abdominopelvic cavity subdivisions” Control center - Determines set point,
Analyzes information, Determines appropriate
Four quadrants

Effector - Provides a means for response to

the stimulus.

NEGATIVE FEEDBACK - Reserves stimulus

POSITIVE FEEDBACK - Reaching end point

9 regions


oral and digestive cavities

Nasal cavity

Orbital cavities

Middle ear cavities

HOMEOSTASIS - maintenance of relatively

stable internal conditions. A dynamic state of
equilibrium, or balance.

controlling systems: Nervous and Endocrine

Homeostatic imbalance - A disturbance in

homeostasis results in disease.


Receptors - Responds to changes in the

environment (stimuli); Sends information to
control center along an afferent pathway.


Mechanical damage (bumps and cuts)

Chemical damage (acids and bases)

Thermal damage (heat or cold)

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation (sunlight)

Microbes (bacteria)

Desiccation (drying out)

Structure of the Skin

SKIN Melanin - Melanin is a pigment produced by

Structure: melanocytes; Melanocytes are mostly in the
stratum basale of the epidermis.
EPIDERMIS - outer layer
Epidermal dendritic cell - Alert and activate
- Capable of being hard and tough immune cells to a threat (bacterial or viral
Stratified squamous epithelium invasion)
- Keratinocytes (the most common cell)
produce a fibrous protein called Merkel cell - Associated with sensory nerve
keratin. endings; Serve as touch receptors called
Merkel discs.

Stratum basale - Deepest layer of epidermis

Lies next to dermis. DERMIS - Connective tissue; Underlies the
Stratum spinosum - Cells become increasingly
flatter and more keratinized. 2 LAYERS:

Stratum granulosum Papillary layer - Papillary layer (upper dermal

region) contain projections called dermal
Stratum lucidum - Formed from dead cells of papillae.
the deeper strata; Occurs only in thick,
hairless skin of the palms of hands and soles Reticular layer (deepest skin layer) - Blood
of feet. vessels, Sweat and oil glands, Deep pressure
receptors (lamellar corpuscles)
Stratum cornuem - Outermost layer of
epidermis; Shingle-like dead cells are filled
with keratin (protective protein prevents
water loss from skin)
Redness (erythema)—due to embarrassment,
inflammation, hypertension, fever, or allergy

Pallor (blanching)—due to emotional stress

(such as fear), anemia, low blood pressure,
impaired blood flow to an area

Jaundice (yellow cast)—indicates a liver


Bruises (black and blue marks)—hematomas

Appendages of the Skin

Cutaneous glands are all exocrine glands:

A. Sebaceous glands - Located all over

the skin except for palms and soles,
Produce sebum (oil), Makes skin soft
and moist, Prevents hair from
becoming brittle, Kills bacteria
B. Sweat (sudoriferous) glands- Produce
sweat, Widely distributed in skin

Two types of sudoriferous glands:

Eccrine glands - Open via duct to sweat pores

on the skin’s surface; Produce acidic sweat:
Water, salts, vitamin C, traces of metabolic
Hypodermis (subcutaneous layer) - Anchors waste; Function in body temperature
the skin to underlying organs. regulation Apocrine glands - Ducts empty into
hair follicles in the armpit and genitals; Begin
Other dermal features: to function at puberty; Play a minimal role in
Cutaneous sensory receptors body temperature regulation

Phagocytes Hair - Produced by hair follicle; Consists of

hard keratinized epithelial cells; Melanocytes
Collagen and elastic fibers provide pigment for hair color
Blood vessels

Skin Color – 3 pigments contribute to skin


Melanin - Yellow, reddish brown, or black


Carotene - Orange-yellow pigment from some


Hemoglobin - Red coloring from blood cells in

dermal capillaries; Oxygen content
determines the extent of red coloring
Hair anatomy: - Nail folds are skin folds that overlap
the edges of the nail; the cuticle is the
proximal edge
- Root of nail is embedded in skin
- Growth of the nail occurs from nail

Infections and allergies

Athlete’s foot - Caused by fungal infection

(Tinea pedis); Itchy, red peeling skin
between the toes

Boils (furuncles) and carbuncles - Caused by

Hair follicles - Dermal region provides a blood inflammation of hair follicles; Carbuncles are
supply to the hair bulb (deepest part of the clusters of boils caused by bacteria
follicle); Arrector pili muscle connects to the
hair follicle to pull hairs upright when we are Cold sores (fever blisters) - Caused by human
cold or frightened. herpesvirus 1; Blisters itch and sting

Contact dermatitis - Caused by exposure to

chemicals that provoke allergic responses;
Itching, redness, and swelling of the skin

Impetigo - Caused by bacterial infection; Pink,

fluid-filled raised lesions around mouth/nose

Psoriasis - Triggered by trauma, infection,

hormonal changes, or stress; Red, epidermal
lesions covered with dry, silvery scales that
itch, burn, crack, or sometimes bleed

Burns - Tissue damage and cell death caused

by heat, electricity, UV radiation, or
Nails - Heavily keratinized, scalelike
modifications of the epidermis. Extent of a burn is estimated using the rule of
nines: Body is divided into 11 areas for quick
Parts of a nail estimation; Each area represents about 9
- Free edge percent of total body surface area
- Body is the visible attached portion

First-degree burn (superficial burn) - Only

epidermis is damaged; Skin is red and

Second-degree burn (partial-thickness

burn) - Epidermis and superficial part of
dermis are damaged; Skin is red, painful,
and blistered; Regrowth of the epithelium
can occur
Third-degree burn (full-thickness burn) Developmental Aspects of Skin and Body
Destroys epidermis and dermis; burned area
is painless; Burned area is blanched (gray- Vernix caseosa - an oily covering, is apparent
white) or black at birth

Fourth-degree burn (full-thickness burn) Milia - small white spots, are common at birth
and disappear by the third week
Extends into deeper tissues (bone, muscle,
tendons); Requires surgery and grafting; May Acne - may appear during adolescence
require amputation
In youth, skin is thick, resilient, and well

Skin cancer - Most common form of cancer in With aging, skin loses elasticity and thins
humans; Most important risk factor is
Skin cancer is a major threat to skin exposed
overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation in
to excessive sunlight
sunlight and tanning beds
Balding and/or graying occurs with aging;
classified two ways:
both are genetically determined; other factors
Benign means the neoplasm (tumor) has not that may contribute include drugs and
spread emotional stress.

Malignant means the neoplasm has invaded

other body areas

Most common types of skin cancer

Basal cell carcinoma - Least malignant and

most common type of skin cancer

Squamous cell carcinoma - be induced by UV

exposure; stratum spinosum; appear as scaly,
reddened papules that gradually form shallow

Malignant melanoma - Most deadly of skin

cancers, but accounts for only 5 percent of
skin cancers; Arises from melanocytes

A = Asymmetry - Two sides of pigmented mole The Muscular System - responsible for
do not match all types of body movement.
B = Border irregularity - Borders of mole are - Skeletal and smooth muscle cells are
not smooth elongated (muscle cell = muscle fiber)
C = Color - Different colors in pigmented area - Contraction and shortening of
muscles are due to the movement of
D = Diameter - Spot is larger than 6 mm in microfilaments
diameter - Prefixes myo- and mys- refer to
E = Evolution - One or more of the ABCD “muscle”
characteristics is evolving - Prefix sarco- refers to “flesh”
Three basic muscle types are found in the Perimysium—wraps around a fascicle
body (bundle) of

Skeletal Cardiac Smooth muscle fibers

muscle muscle muscle
Epimysium—covers the entire skeletal
LOCA- Attach to Walls of Walls of muscle; blends into a connective tissue
TION: bones; heart. hallow attachment
facial visceral
Tendons—cordlike structures
muscles; organs
skin Aponeuroses—sheetlike structures

CELL Single, Branching Single, Fascia—on the outside of the epimysium

SHAPE: very long, chains, fusiform
cylindrical UNI- UNI-









Smooth muscle
– Attached by tendons to bones.
– Large, cigar-shaped, and - No striations
multinucleate. - Involuntary—no conscious control
– Known as straited muscle. - Found mainly in the walls of hollow
– Voluntary visceral organs (such as stomach,
– Surrounded by connective tissue. urinary bladder, respiratory passages)
- Spindle-shaped fibers that are
Endomysium—encloses a single muscle
- Contractions are slow and sustained
Cardiac muscle
- Striations
- Involuntary
- Found only in the walls of the heart
- Uninucleate
- Branching cells joined by gap
junctions called
- intercalated discs
- Contracts at a steady rate set by
skeletal muscle has three
- contractile unit of a muscle fiber
other important roles: - Structural and functional unit of
- Maintain posture and body position skeletal muscle
- Stabilize joints - Organization of the sarcomere
- Generate heat
a. Thick filaments = myosin filaments
Microscopic Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle - Composed of the protein myosin
Sarcolemma—specialized plasma membrane - Contain ATPase enzymes to release
energy for muscle
Myofibrils—long organelles inside muscle cell - Projections known as myosin head
(cross bridges – when link thick and
a) Light (I) bands
thin filaments during contraction)
- Contains only thin filaments
b. Thin filaments = actin filaments
- Z disc is a midline interruption
- Composed of the contractile protein
b) Dark (A) bands
- give the muscle its striated (banded)
- Actin is anchored to the Z disc
- Contains the entire length of the thick
- H zone is a lighter central area
- M line is in center of H zone

Sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)

- Specialized smooth endoplasmic

- Surrounds the myofibril
- Stores and releases calcium

Stimulation and Contraction of Single

Skeletal Muscle Cells

Functional properties of skeletal muscles

Irritability (also called responsiveness)—
ability to receive and respond to a stimulus
Neuromuscular junction
Contractility—ability to forcibly shorten when
- Association site of axon terminal of
an adequate stimulus is received
the motor neuron and sarcolemma of
Extensibility—ability of muscle cells to be a muscle
Elasticity—ability to recoil and resume resting
- Chemical released by nerve upon
length after stretching
arrival of nerve impulse in the axon
The Nerve Stimulus and Action Potential terminal
- Acetylcholine (ACh) is the
- Skeletal muscles must be stimulated
neurotransmitter that stimulates
by a motor neuron (nerve cell) to
skeletal muscle
Synaptic cleft
Motor unit—one motor neuron and all
the skeletal muscle cells stimulated by - Gap between nerve and muscle filled
that neuron with interstitial fluid
- Although very close, the nerve and
muscle do not make contact


When a nerve impulse reaches the axon

terminal of the motor neuron,

Step 1: Calcium channels open, and calcium

ions enter the axon terminal

Step 2: Calcium ion entry causes some


vesicles to release acetylcholine (ACh)

Step 3: ACh diffuses across the synaptic cleft

and attaches to receptors on the sarcolemma
of the muscle cell

Step 4: If enough ACh is released, the

sarcolemma becomes temporarily more
permeable to sodium ions (Na+)

- Potassium ions (K+) diffuse out of the

- More sodium ions enter than
potassium ions leave
- Establishes an imbalance in which
interior has more positive ions
(depolarization), thereby opening
more Na+ channels
Step 5: Depolarization opens more sodium
channels that allow sodium ions to enter the

- An action potential is created

- Once begun, the action potential is
- Conducts the electrical impulse from
one end of the cell to the other

Step 6: Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) breaks

down acetylcholine into acetic acid and

- AChE ends muscle contraction

- A single nerve impulse produces only
one contraction
Cell returns to its resting state when:
1. Potassium ions (K+) diffuse out of the
2. Sodium-potassium pump moves
sodium and potassium ions back to
their original positions

Events at the Neuromuscular Junction

Mechanism of Muscle Contraction: The
Sliding Filament Theory

What causes filaments to slide?

- Calcium ions (Ca2+) bind regulatory

proteins on thin filaments and expose
myosin-binding sites, allowing the
myosin heads on the thick filaments
to attach
- Each cross bridge pivots, causing the
thin filaments to slide toward the
center of the sarcomere
- Contraction occurs, and the cell
- During a contraction, a cross bridge
attaches and detaches several times
- ATP provides the energy for the
sliding process, which continues as
long as calcium ions are present
- In most types of muscle activity, nerve
impulses are delivered at a rapid rate
- As a result, contractions are
“summed” (added) together, and one
contraction is immediately followed
by another
- When stimulations become more
frequent, muscle contractions get
stronger and smoother
- The muscle now exhibits unfused
(incomplete) tetanus
- Fused (complete) tetanus is achieved
when the muscle is stimulated so
rapidly that no evidence of relaxation
is seen
- Contractions are smooth and

Contraction of a Skeletal Muscle as a Whole Muscle response to stronger stimuli

Graded responses - Muscle force depends upon the
number of fibers stimulated
- Muscle fiber contraction is “all-or-
- Contraction of more fibers results in
none,” meaning it will contract to its
greater muscle tension
fullest when stimulated adequately
- When all motor units are active and
- Within a whole skeletal muscle, not all
stimulated, the muscle contraction is
fibers may be stimulated during the
as strong as it can get
same interval
- Different combinations of muscle Providing Energy for Muscle Contraction
fiber contractions may give differing
responses ATP
- Graded responses—different degrees - Only energy source that can be used
of skeletal muscle shortening to directly power muscle contraction
Graded responses can be produced in two - Stored in muscle fibers in small
ways amounts that are quickly used up
- After this initial time, other pathways
- By changing the frequency of muscle
stimulation Three pathways to regenerate ATP
- By changing the number of muscle 1. Direct phosphorylation of ADP by creatine
cells being stimulated at one time phosphate
Muscle response to increasingly rapid 2. Aerobic pathway
3. Anaerobic glycolysis and lactic acid
- Muscle twitch formation must be utilized to produce ATP
- Single, brief, jerky contraction
- Not a normal muscle function
Direct phosphorylation of ADP by creatine - Huge amounts of glucose are needed
phosphate (CP)—fastest

- Muscle cells store CP, a high-energy

- After ATP is depleted, ADP remains
- CP transfers a phosphate group to
ADP to regenerate ATP
- CP supplies are exhausted in less than
15 seconds
- 1 ATP is produced per CP molecule

Aerobic respiration

- Supplies ATP at rest and during

light/moderate exercise
- A series of metabolic pathways, called
oxidative phosphorylation, use oxygen
and occur in the mitochondria
- Glucose is broken down to carbon
dioxide and water, releasing energy
(about 32 ATP)
Muscle Fatigue and Oxygen Deficit
- This is a slower reaction that requires
continuous 1delivery of oxygen and - If muscle activity is strenuous and
nutrients prolonged, muscle fatigue occurs
- Suspected factors that contribute to
muscle fatigue include:
o Ion imbalances (Ca2+, K+)
o Oxygen deficit and lactic acid
o Decrease in energy (ATP)
- After exercise, the oxygen deficit is
repaid by rapid, deep breathing

Types of Muscle Contractions

Isotonic contractions

- Myofilaments are able to slide past

each other during contractions
- Reaction that breaks down glucose - The muscle shortens, and movement
without oxygen occurs
- Glucose is broken down to pyruvic - Example: bending the knee; lifting
acid to produce about 2 ATP weights, smiling
- Pyruvic acid is converted to lactic acid, Isometric contractions
which causes muscle soreness
- This reaction is not as efficient, but it
is fast
- Muscle filaments are trying to slide, - Muscles are attached to no fewer
but the muscle is pitted against an than two points
immovable object o Origin: attachment to an
- Tension increases, but muscles do not immovable or less movable
shorten bone
- Example: pushing your palms together o Insertion: attachment to a
in front of you movable bone
- When the muscle contracts, the
Muscle Tone
insertion moves toward the origin
- State of continuous partial - Body movement occurs when muscles
contractions contract across joints
- Result of different motor units being
stimulated in a systematic way
- Muscle remains firm, healthy, and
constantly ready for action

Effect of Exercise on Muscles

Exercise increases muscle size, strength, and

- Aerobic (endurance) exercise (biking,

jogging) results in stronger, more
flexible muscles with greater -
resistance to fatigue
Types of Body Movements
o Makes body metabolism
more efficient Flexion - Decreases the angle of the joint
o Improves digestion,
Extension - Opposite of flexion
- Resistance (isometric) exercise Rotation - Movement of a bone around its
(weight lifting) increases muscle size longitudinal axis
and strength
o Individual muscle fibers Abduction - Movement of a limb away from
the midline
Adduction - Opposite of abduction;
Muscle Movements, Roles, and Names
Movement of a limb toward the midline

Circumduction - Combination of flexion,

extension, abduction, and adduction

Dorsiflexion - Lifting the foot so that the

superior surface approaches the shin (toward
the dorsum)

Plantar flexion - Pointing the toes away from

the head

Inversion - Turning sole of foot medially

Eversion - Turning sole of foot laterally

Types of Body Movements

Supination - Forearm rotates laterally so palm o Example: sterno (on the
faces anteriorly; Radius and ulna are parallel sternum)
- By shape of the muscle
Pronation - Forearm rotates medially so palm
o Example: deltoid (triangular)
faces posteriorly; Radius and ulna cross each
- By action of the muscle
other like an X
o Example: flexor and extensor
Opposition - Moving the thumb to touch the (flexes or extends a bone)
tips of other fingers on the same hand

Interactions of Skeletal Muscles in the Body

- Muscles can only pull as they contract

—not push
- In general, groups of muscles that
produce opposite actions lie on
opposite sides of a joint

Prime mover—muscle with the major

responsibility for a certain movement

Antagonist—muscle that opposes or reverses

a prime mover

Synergist—muscle that aids a prime mover in Developmental Aspects of the Muscular

a movement or reduces undesirable System
- Increasing muscular control reflects
Fixator—specialized synergists that hold a the maturation of the nervous system
bone still or stabilize the origin of a prime - Muscle control is achieved in a
mover superior/inferior and proximal/distal
- To remain healthy, muscles must be
Naming Skeletal Muscles exercised regularly
- Without exercise, muscles atrophy
Muscles are named on the basis of several
- With extremely vigorous exercise,
muscles hypertrophy
- By direction of muscle fibers - As we age, muscle mass decreases,
o Example: rectus (straight) and muscles become more sinewy
- By relative size of the muscle - Exercise helps retain muscle mass and
o Example: maximus (largest) strength.
- By location of the muscle
o Example: temporalis
(temporal bone)
- By number of origins
o Example: triceps (three
- By location of the muscle’s origin and

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