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A favor for the King of Beasts can be repaid once they Elephants never Forget, they can tell

they can tell you, if the One head of the Ettin will lie to you about it, whilst The babbling of the Mad Nereid’s brook is a
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query their Kingdom Ivory Poachers don't get to them first the other will tell you the truth difficult cipher, but there's wisdom within
A Creation of approximate power must be Burnt in Exchanging lavish Surface-world Gifts, the One member of a Pride of Rakshasa uses their The Dreams you receive, sleeping in the
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Camphor-fueled fire: It's in the Smoke Triton have been known to be generous as well Second Sight for precisely this purpose Sarcophagus of a Mummy defeated
A miniscule copy of the much larger original, that can be Exhaust yourself Dancing with the Pixie inside a Over seven hundred sheds old, the Milky-scaled The Duergar will be happy to take it apart to see
3 28 53 78
found in Cloud Giant fortresses Toadstool Ring: Gifts next morning are related Matriarch of the Lizard Men knows much how it works, but can they put it back together?
A pair of Caryatid Columns will tell you unison for proof Expose to Brown Mold, covered in the hide of a Painstaking etched by Grey Ooze; it may just be a The feverish throes of Cobra Venom can help: Just
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of a Gargoyle's Defeat Horse ridden by a Paladin: Words appear matter of translating the Spidery Script make sure you have antivenom on hand
A Sea Hag's Gaze is only deadly because it forces things to Find the Doppelgänger who spent a decade in the Party Member's relative is rumored to have this The Greatest Thief in the land is said to be able to
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see Secret Truths: Can it see these Secrets? Maker's place, I'm certain she knows Gift, but long since moved away to parts unknown pilfer hidden Secrets from the very Ether
A special Mirror, currently owned by Nixies is said to aid Firmly secured to a Giant Salmon, it must follow Passing a Test of Honesty administered by the The Hobgoblin King is a rabid collector of
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in Divination of this nature them upstream to Spawn Druids is no easy feat Acraniana these days I hear
An Eavesdropping Brownie kept the Enchanter's Fishermen often pull up things with similar Placed alongside an Egg in a Cockatrice nest for a The one that would know was last seen up on
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Workshop tidy markings near a Reef inhabited by Locathah week: Cracking the Egg produces a tiny Scroll Harpy Ridge several months ago
Bake a Loaf of Bread using Flour ground by a Dead Miller, For the desperate, burning your Spellbook Prove your Mettle to the Blink Dogs by slaying The serpents within the tresses of certain Medusae
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feed this to Migratory Birds provides Auguries within the tendrils of Smoke their sworn Foe: They'll lead you to the Shrine hiss these Secrets
Barn-sized Elder Gargoyle has details of Magic Items For your True Name, Witch will weave a Blanket. Psychometry is sometimes granted to those dying The Skull of the Sorcerer who made it is very
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graven on Wings. Whatever's there can't hurt him Takes months, but sleep warm and dream of natural causes chatty with the proper application of Magic
Befriend the leader of the Dervishes and Pray with them: Getting lost in a Minotaur's Labyrinth for at least Retrieve Clan's Stolen Anvil (desperately needed The throes of Giant Centipede Venom are said to
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Their Holy Text contains what you seek a week sometimes grant Visions once free for Shoes) and the Centaur's Blacksmith will tell create Feverish Visions
Being scorched by Hellhound Flame, similar items have Ghosts have been known to leave behind bits of Ritual is risky, summoned sometimes unfriendly, They say the Homunculus that once served the
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shed their Secrets knowledge in the minds of those they Possess but everything has a Soul you can speak with Creator of this is still flitting about
Blinded by stray cinders, there's a Smith a few towns over Having surrendered Soul long ago to Lichdom, at Rumors of an Oracular Cat are preceded by its Three tomes concerning creation can be found in a
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that's said to still see such things least the one who made this still knows downright aloofness Chimera's hoard (bound in goat, lion, dragon hides)
Bury it at the foot of a Hero's Grave for 3 Full Moons: On Hiding out in a Pirate Haven from a vengeful Seek out the spot of the next Lightning Strike you Throw a pot of Clay, paint the item on the surface
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Grave marker in Lichen Queen, former Consort helped commission it see, Fulgurites or Scorched Trees have the answers and fire: Should it shatter, the shards will help
Campfire Songs of Local Bandits tell stories of how it Huge Hollow of a Great Tree in Orchard: Things Shadows are notorious gossips, with their kind Tricky to track down, but Invisible Stalkers
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helped their cause placed within for a fortnight affect the Fruit and all the others: They've likely seen something sometimes know such things
Catoblepa Cheese is not for the faint of heart or nose, vivid If granted a week of Study with it, Arenea's She would easily answer century ago, but the True rarity, a kind/thoughtful Manticore often
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visions if you break your fast with it Webs will spell it out for you Sphinx is now choosier about who she helps assists when not fending off his Evil Brethren
Centuries on, the fabricator of this Item now enjoys In the Barren Bog she haunts and wails: Survive Should be simple enough really: Serve a Djinni for Tucked in pages of a Halfling's Travelogue are
16 41 66 91
Undeath as a Vampire her Song and the Banshee will reveal a day surprising, if sometimes longwinded, details about this
Certain Magical Inchworm gnaws these secrets into the Islanders atop their Dragon Turtle home limit Sit for a portrait by an eye-less Painter while Under the glow of Fire Beetle Light, ancient and
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leaves of the Trees of helpless Dryads questions to one per Year, competition is steep holding item: Details revealed in the backgrounds Spidery Runes are sometimes revealed
Colorful Beetles that live only in the Swamp can be It is said that a Special Tea, boiled within a Snatch a weeks' worth of Worms from the beaks Used to use a Magic Loupe to read minute traces,
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crushed and consumed Water Fiend, leaves clues behind for reading of Spring Robins: they'll wriggle into the words but the Jewler lost it running from Troll sin the Fens
Contained within the rhymes of the fourteenth Toast of It must Overwinter in a Grizzly's Den as they Some Gnomes have knacks for prognostication: Very controlled doses of the Spores of Yellow
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their Powerful Wine, shared with a Cyclops sleep: Answer in snowmelt on Spring's first thaw Perhaps they can look into futures where you know it? Mould sometimes provide insight
Deep within the lake dwells a Giant Catfish. Said that it's It's listed in the Manifest of the Lead Ship of a Some Satyr libations produce helpful Washed in the Tears of a Medusa: Cryptic Clues in
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swallowed a great many Secret things in it's day famous Buccaneer's Fleet hallucinations her next Dream
Dive deep, place it within the Reef and wait a year for Join the pack, howl moonward, eschew fire: Songbirds Warbling in their Cage oversaw its Wax from the Hives of Killer Bee, melted for
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Barnacles to spell out words Gruesome details within the fourth Deer you take creation: Speak to them, perhaps via Couatl Carromancy and dripped into a Magic Potion
Divination through a Disenchanter with a set of Magic Living Statues have a gift for coaxing secrets out of the Spent some time in Dragon Hoard, so the former While terrible Dinner Companions, time in ancient
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Nullifying Cold Iron Rods Inanimate, but the different types only know parts owner probably knows, but may want it back Crypts makes Ghouls knowledgeable about such things
Do not be mislead by Dreams and Visions! Alchemy will Locals will tell you of a Font that provides insight, Telltale markings hint at Lamia Origin: There's Wise but Hungry, within the Swamp is a sleeping
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reveal with only a small chance of destroying it but only when drunk from after a weeks' fast one that sometimes appears with a Local Circus Giant Crocodile who must be woken carefully
Drink the ashes of Wood burnt by a Fire Elemental, in Map tunnels and burrows of a Diver Ant Mound, That Alchemist is rumored to sell a special type of With only 3 legs, a Black and Red spotted Hound
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Water from an Elemental of that kind the answers you seek are spelled in Minotaur Oracular Leech has been known to unearth all manner of Secrets
Drink the Dwarf Mead from Gorgon Horn quickly, as it Notes concerning its creation are among the The arrangement of Seeds within a Fig that grows Within the Stained Glass of a Rival Religion's
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thickens to mud, once you're flesh again, you'll know kindling in a Goblin Warren high on Mountain Peaks: One per tree, one tree left Church

Draft Version 03.25.2022 (RIP G+).

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